National Income and Its Aggregates

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Assignment – 2
(National Income and Its Aggregates)
1. All capital goods are producer goods, but all producer goods are not capital goods.
2. Apple iPhone 7 is a durable final good for Mr. Rohit.
3. Explain the problem of double counting.
4. What are the components of compensation of employees?
5. Differentiate between factor income and transfer income.
6. Explain ‘Operating Surplus’.
7. Distinguish old age pension and retirement pensions in the context of estimation of national
8. An economy has only two firms A and B. On the basis of the following information about
these firm, find out:
a) Value added by firms A and B b) GDP at market prices
S. No. Items (₹ in lakh)
1. Export by Firm A 20
2. Import by Firm A 50
3. Sales to households by Firm A 90
4. Sales to Firm B by Firm A 40
5. Sales to firm A by firm B 30
6. Sales to households by firm B 60

9. From the following, estimating the values of NDPFC and NNPFC

S. No. Items (₹ in crore)

1. GNP at Market Price 2500
2. Wages and Salaries in Cash 2000
3. Wages and Salaries in Kind 500
4. Rent 210
5. Royalties 300
6. Corporation tax 110
7. Mixed income of Self employed 450
8. Interest 140
9. Undistributed profits 120
10. Dividends 50
11. Net Indirect Tax 30
12. Depreciation 45

10. From the following information, calculate operating surplus:

S. No. Items (₹ in crore)
1. Value of gross output at market prices 1000
2. Net indirect Tax 50
3. Remuneration of workers 300
4. Interest and profits 75
5. Intermediate Consumption 375
6. Rent 125
7. Depreciation 75

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