Affiliate Marketing Secret

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How To Create A No Broke System That Rewards You

Financially With Little Effort


Table of content 1



I have studied all my successes in life and the first natural

principle that was responsible for any advancement especially
in business is the installation of a healthy mentality.

Those days when i usually see “HOW I MADE 1 MILLION IN

90days”. I usually thing it‟s just a taboo.

I will be like, this people have come again, and I always think
its scam.

You wouldn‟t blame me, at those times; i didn‟t even know

anyone that has 500k.

All my friends were average human beings that prides with 4-


I even used to think that any rich man was doing blood money
or cyber scam.

I can‟t even believe I thought that way, what a dumb thinking
but you‟ll not blame me.

Why do I keep saying, don‟t blame me?

Just as a baby with little knowledge and wisdom who can cry
so loud even in a place that requires total silence so I was.

I had little wisdom about how to make money, manage and

multiply money.

The shift in mindset about money started when a friend

introduced me to a network marketing scheme where they
usually had series of trainings from week to week.

In that group, there were people who already made millions,

everyday there different kinds of testimonies rolled out.

I was moved then I decided to believe that yes it is possible

to make millions, that was a mind shift.

Then I moved into stage two of installing a positive mindset

I decided to find out what these guys are doing that I didn‟t
know about. I paid more attention to the trainings and each
time I implement, I see results.

That was how I scaled my network marketing business.

I decided to apply this principles into other business and trust

me, the results has been mind blowing even till date.

In this chapter I‟m going to be telling you about how to install

a positive mentality so you can attain success in every area.

When we talk about mindset, what‟s really mindset?

Mindset is a set of belief systems that governs the way we

think and act sponsored by the realities we have been exposed

You can correlate this definition with my story about how my

mentality shifted from believing it is not possible to make
millions legally to believing it is possible to make millions

Your realities also have a participation in changing your
mindset, when I talk about realities I mean;


Imagine you sleep where goats sleep, over time; you‟ll begin to
smell like a goat and probably act like a goat too just to adapt
into their social environment.

What if you stay around billionaires, the truth is that over

time you‟ll grow into being a millionaire then a billionaire,
that‟s massive advancement, is that not good enough?

It‟s time to inspect your physical space because it will directly

influence your mentality and your mentality will trigger your

I was added to a whatsapp group where they normally talk

about success and my failure mentality was embarrassed to
give room for a new mentality.

So if you ask me if this has worked for me, I wouldn‟t hesitate

to give you a million instances both academically and business

2. THE PEOPLE YOU TALK TO: The people you talk to will
influence your thinking partners.

I had one course mate that hated a lecturer with his heart,
after every class, he would express his irritation to me. Over
time I grew into the person who started seeing reasons to
hate that same lecturer.

Imagine you had friends who love talking about success, do

you know what will happen to you?

You will contact that feeling of success too.

Unapologetically vet your association and evict some

personalities when necessary.

These two factors largely affect your mindset.

So if you are that person who wants to make millions from Any
business, don‟t joke with your Association and place of



When we talk about online business, what do we really mean?

In this chapter, I‟ll be telling you about some online business

you can do and make massive income.

Business can simply be defined as, the act of buying and

selling of goods and services. Without complexity, that‟s truly
the definition of business.

What is online?
Basically, online is anything that has to do with the
involvement of the internet.

Online business has become the order of the day; a lot of

young people across the world are now taking advantage of the
internet because it‟s where most people spend a greater
amount of their time.

Online business is the act of doing business online that means

the selling of goods and services online.

The offline business and online business are almost similar.

When I started craving for success financially, I decided to

search on google, I typed just like most people will do “How to
make money online”.

I saw all kinds of schemes and businesses, some looked real

while some looked fake, after diligent research, I‟ve found
some reliable online businesses anyone can do and start making
money almost immediately just be dedicating time and energy
to learning it, there are ;

1. Content marketing
2. Social media marketing
3. E-commerce
4. Online courses instructor
5. Online coach
6. Affiliate marketing

Let me explain this few online business;

1. CONTENT MARKETING: This kind of marketing is also

called information marketing because it has to do with giving
out information through text format articles, Ebooks, audio or

This book is an example of content marketing because I‟m

giving you information in the form of Text, this is an Ebook.

I can equally convert to audio or video and you will still get the
same information.

2. SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING: This online business is very

similar to the offline marketing only that it is done using
social media.

Social media marketing is the online business of the 21st

century that is thriving and will continue to thrive as long as
people use the internet. Marketing is the promotion of goods
and services for potential customers to see and take action.

3. ECOMMERCE: This is a goldmine in the 21 century because

you don‟t need a physical outlet to make sales; closing is done

online, probably through a Funnel or a website. One can sell
either physical product or digital products on an E-commerce


information is heavily craved for and anyone that can package
information and make it accessible will make massive impact,
build influence and also make so much money too depending on
the offering. Online course is the packaging of information in
audio, video or text format for people who need that

5. ONLINE COACHING: In this age, Technology has made it

possible to do many things online, one of them is person to
person or people interaction virtually.
The online coaching is really thriving and people on this train
are really making so much for themselves.

6. AFFILIATE MARKETING: In affiliate marketing, you

don‟t necessarily need to have the product; you just sell
someone‟s product by driving traffics to their stores using
your link. You get a commission after every sale.

This and many more are the online businesses of the
21century and many more.

Our focus is on affiliate marketing and in the next chapter we

shall explain all you need to know about affiliate marketing



So I went to the market to get a particular red and blue Nike

air Jordan and I was just going from one shop to another like
someone that don‟t even know where he was going.

People stopped calling me to buy from them because I was

considered as a wanderer in the market.

A young man finally approached me and spoke my language, he

asked “what kind of Nike shoe are you looking for”. Wow this
guy has been watching me walk around and he was just
studying my behavior just like Facebook algorithm.

He knew I was looking for a Nike, I felt helpless than to

relate my problems to him which was difficulty in getting that
particular Colour of Nike Air I was looking for.

I was so scared of relating to anyone because they will always

hike their prices but I had to give in.

Under a minute, he took me to a shop that had exactly what I
was looking for, I bought it immediately, even though I spent
above my budget, exactly what I was avoiding but shit happens

As I left the shop, the guy who brought me followed me and

asked for a tip, I gave him something and he said thank you, I
don‟t think he would spend time bringing me to that shop and
the owner would not give him his commission.

Even in my personal shop, I give commission for referring.

Are you still looking for the definition of affiliate marketing ?

Okay, Affiliate marketing is simply connecting a buyer to the

seller or vise visa, when the buyer buys; the connector gets a
commission for so doing.

In the 21st century affiliate marketing, your concern is to

help other people sell their products using the internet as a
vehicle to drive traffic to the offer.

A lot of people around the world are using this business model
to build their brands while making money. Personally, I‟ve

tasted affiliate marketing and the commissions have made me
some good figures.

If you are that person who is interested in making money

online, and you don‟t have enough capital, then you should
quickly consider affiliate marketing.

Find someone who has a product that is needed and useful to a

particular audience, negotiate with the owners or system, find
out what being an affiliate for that company entails, fulfill the
criteria and go all in.

Why I like this business model is because;

● You don‟t have to worry about the stress of creating the

product, whether physical or digital.

● You don‟t need to create the marketing system from

scratch, to an extent a lot would have been done for you;
your only job is to drive traffic using your affiliate link.

● You don‟t need to worry about customer support; the

company will worry about that and even more.

● You don‟t need to worry about inventory and stocking of

● You don‟t have to buy the product before you can market.

Affiliate marketing is capital friendly and highly fruitful

unlike other business model.

In the next chapter, I‟ll be telling you how you can make
money from affiliate marketing.



To make money from the 21st century Affiliate marketing

online is almost similar to making money with affiliate
marketing offline. It is still the same case of having a product
you sell and looking for the customers who need them and
after sale, you get your commission as simple and direct as
that but it will require strategy to approach the 21st century
affiliate marketing.

This is the things to take into consideration before starting

out your affiliate marketing business which are;

1. Choosing a niche: It‟s important to choose a category you

like or enthusiastic about. When you like something you‟ll
be flexible in it.

2. Understand the affiliate program so well: Before you sign

up for any affiliate program, do your due diligence to find
out about the method of payment, currencies, days of
payment and so on.

3. Always know your affiliate commission before promoting
a product: Different product offers different
commission, be careful to always find out how much is
attached to a particular product before promoting.

4. Affiliate link: When you sign up to an affiliate program,

there is a unique link for any product you wish to
promote. Be careful to copy your link correctly so that
you wouldn‟t end up promoting with someone‟s link. If you
do that, you‟ll get no commission.

5. Create your marketing strategy: Traffic is almost

everything you need to make a sale. Identify where your
potential customers are and run traffic that can enable
you make sales or collect great leads.

6. Follow up: It takes an average person to see something

more than once to make a purchase, so keep following up
with email messaging or direct messaging.

For you to make money in affiliate marketing, these are the

things to consider.



Before you can make so much money on affiliate marketing,

you need to acquire some basic skills that will help you in the
course of your journey as an Affiliate Marketer.

When I was starting out as an affiliate marketer, I knew for

me to be successful, I needed to learn some basic skill if not I
would not experience massive success.

Some of the skills that helped me were;

1. Social media marketing: Probably you came across this

book from Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp or YouTube.

It wouldn‟t have been possible for this book to get to you if I

did not know how to drive traffic to this book.

2. Copywriting: Copywriting is sales in print; you cannot
effectively sell online with zero knowledge on
copywriting. When you learn this skill and use it well,
you‟ll persuade people to buy the product you are

3. Email marketing: You probably got this book in your email

and you‟ll be receiving more emails from me informing you
about new trends in the industry. If I don‟t know how to
market through email then it‟s a limitation because you
probably may not be reading this book now.

4. Leadership skills: The 21st century affiliate marketing

will require your leadership for you to scale. You should
be ready to educate your audience about what your
company is offering through strategic means like
uploaded YouTube videos, blog post, social media post and
organized online seminars. People that do this make more
sales in affiliate marketing because as they educate more
people, they build their brand for people to know, like and
trust them.

5. Webtech savy: Another skill that gives you an edge in the

21st century affiliate marketing is your knowledge on web

especially funnel building. Sometimes you may be required
to build optin pages to collect leads, instead of always
paying a developer, it‟s wiser to learn it if you are really
serious about the long term success of affiliate

Those are the basic skills you need to learn to effectively

become a pro in affiliate marketing.




Selling the products you promote on affiliate marketing can

be challenging especially when you are a newbie‟s in the
industry, but I‟m sure this chapter will help you solve their

Waking up one morning and posting your affiliate link for

people to buy what you are promoting is not really a wise way
of selling in the affiliate marketing business.

In this chapter; I‟m going to be showing you wise ways of

driving traffics to your offer and possibly selling.

Will start with the whatsapp selling strategy

1. Whatsapp selling strategy: Whatsapp is a widely used

instant messaging app that a lot of people are using to
sell now.

Once you master the art of selling on whatsapp, you will
experience massive sales provided you have the right

Four basic ways you can get traffics sell through whatsapp

1. Whatsapp status
2. Direct messaging
3. Group meetings
4. Broadcast message

1. Whatsapp status: A lot of people will be able to see your

status as long as you have their numbers saved in your
phone and their number saved in your phone.

So imagine you have 5000 kinds of people‟s numbers saved on

your phone, that means over 3000 will definitely see your
status if not more and to make sales it‟s all about driving

The more people that see your offer, the likelihood of

conversion that will happen.

2. Direct messaging: This is an effective way to also close a
sale or promote your product. All you need to do is to
send a detailed text of what you are offering. Don‟t make
it voluminous, you can add emojis and also give spaces to
make it easy for people to read your offer to the end and
possibly take action

3. Group meetings: This is the housing of interested

audience in a whatsapp group that has the ability to
accommodate a maximum amount of 256 people. When
you send a message more than one people see it, everyone
in the group sees it. It can save you time rather than
chatting each person one by one

4. Broadcast message: This is the creation of list of a

certain type of audience on whatsapp, for example; you
can create a list for everyone you just added to your
contact list and send them a personalized message to a
maximum of 256 people with just one click.

All this whatsapp strategies are effective depending on how

you use them.

2. Instagram sales strategy: there are two effective ways to
sell on Instagram:

1. Using Insta stories

2. Using Insta bio

1. Using Insta stories: This feature is restricted to people

with 10k followers, they have the ability to share links on
their stories. It‟s a great way to drive traffic to offers

2. Insta bio: Anyone can use this feature just by placing a

link on their bio to drive traffic to their offers.

3. Instadirect messaging: Another way to sell your affiliate

product on Instagram is to promote the affiliate link via
people‟s DM. By your discretion you should know who
finds your offer appealing, don‟t just send your link to

3. YouTube selling strategy: I have personally bought some

product using this method I‟ll be telling you now. This strategy
entails giving value through video content on YouTube. You can
use your video to explain your offer then place the links on

the description and inform viewers to take advantage of your

4. Sales funnel: This method of selling has made me and so

many people a lot of money and it is proven to be trusted
provided you know your onions well. This is the act of taking
potential customers on a journey to explain what you are
offering. It could be in a form of sales page (Text , graphics
or video).

6. Facebook ads: Over 1 billion people use Facebook and it‟s a

great tool to drive traffics to your offer directly or to your
sales page just by running a paid advertisement with

7. Email building strategy: With this strategy, you can send

personalized email to people but you must first use persuade
people to willing give you their emails. One of the ways to get
peoples email is to give them a gift that they can only access
through their email. After which, you can send them
personalized messages about your offer. Let your lead magnet
correlate with your offer so you can get the best set of
people to talk to about your products.

These are sales strategies that have been tested and trusted,
you can use them to generate massive income with Affiliate



Marketing is the heart of affiliate marketing and that is why

one who desire success in one‟s affiliate business should learn

Copywriting is written content that convince the audience to

take action.

Almost everything you write within a business context could

be considered as copy. Words use on Webpages ads add email
newsletter promotional materials business cards, video
scripts, Instagram post, LinkedIn profile, YouTube
description, words on the back of a carton of orange juice,
flyers passed out at events houses/office and the list goes on.

Almost everywhere you come into contact with a business,

copy shows up in one form or another. Without copy,
businesses can hardly communicate anything to Customers at

Copywriting is a combine of creativity and science. They are
business objective to achieve our customers to connect with.


In this section, will cover the basics of copywriting

particularly for online content such as webpage, ads it‟s easy
as most people are on their smart phone with technology

Understand friends the people do not read an online material

in the same way that they would re-printed material.

It is important to remember that web users are active, not

passive. So if they cannot find a reason for staying on the
sides, then they will leave it. The attention span of average
adults is 7 to 8 seconds.

They will be focused on finding a particular products, services

or piece of information. They may have questions like what‟s in
for me? Well I find what I‟m looking for a page or sites?

Focus on your car audience. Remember, you will not be able to
reach out to everyone, so a show that you copy addresses to
your particular niche market.

Support your copy with facts; let a fox speak for themselves.
It is important that you make your descriptions compelling,
although not excessive. Many visitors to St. Louis keep a side
if they feel it is too full of hype.

Keep your copy simple. You should be able to convey one key
idea effectively in one or two lines of writing.

Is it better to have a short or long copy? There‟s no right or

wrong on the length of a copy as long as it is captivating,
audience may read to the end of a long copy. Your Audience
are made up of individuals who have different preference.
Some may like to read and analyze before they made a
purchase decision. Some like to read the Essentials make a
fast decision whether to buy or not.


To become a good copywriter, you must do the following;

1. Start with research

Research is the key for coming up with profitable ideas and
the right angle for your copy. All the copywriters in an
advertising expert know the value of research. David Ogilvy,
The father of advertising, used to always preach the
importance of conducting thorough research before writing a
single word of copy.

What do you research on?

Your target audience

✔ Your products

✔ Your competition

✔ Keyword research

✔ Current trend

2. Research: Primary focus on your research should be on

The point of customer research is to understand the

underlining feeling, behavior, pain points and desire.

Customer research helps you identify the elements of your

products the matters most to your best customers. Without
information, you can double down to improve on market those

3. Address your audience personally

Customers don‟t care about your company. At least, they don‟t
care about your company until you show that you care about
them first.

4. Make your copy memorable

Do you have to a new readers attention. How do you make
something stick in the mind of your reader? Do use words that
connect : Tell stories, use analogies, paint a picture, replace
Jargons with simple language.

5. Write simply
Make your message clear and concise saw your audience
understands your offer of benefits as quickly as possible.

6. Write your customer stage of awareness

The more you know your customer and your stage of
awareness. Do they Know you, The market?

7. Organize your writing with a formula

Using a copy writing formula we allow your rights effectively.
In the next chapter I‟ll be talking about copywriting formulas.

8. What will your readers miss out if they don’t choose

People don‟t like the feeling of missing out. Structure your
message in a way that they will see the consequence if they
don‟t get your product or service.

9. Credibility
Credibility is the trust of your audience on your products or
services. Credibility can include guarantees, Testimony„s,
years of experience, awards, Media rating, media coverage Etc

10. Trigger emotions
Your audience are human beings with emotions. Have you
heard people buy with emotions? I‟m sure you incorporate
strong emotions like fear, greed, anger, exclusivity in your



Which copywriting formula, you can write your copy faster and
with greater likelihood of success. Be aware that different
formula works for different groups, content types, and
writing styles.

Criteria for Biz copywriting formula;

1. Easy for you to remember and master

2. Able to help new and experienced copywriters to quickly

produce effective copy

3. Have successful track record —in some cases, decades-

long successful track records.

Below are the most common copywriting formulas used:

Copywriting formula 1: AIDA

This is one of the oldest formulae and it is still working

effective. It has been used in direct mails, televisions and
radio, sales pages, landing pages, blogspost, social media ads.

Attention: Shake the reader out of their ordinary lives;

Create a stand out attention grabbers in the middle of other
competitors messages.

Interest: Interesting and fresh information that appeals to

the reader

Desire: Engage their heart so they want what you are


Action: Call on them to take the next step

Copywriting formula 2: AIDCA

Very similar to the first formula but here there‟s an

introduction of a C and it stands for;

Conviction: Create a desire and conviction in your reader to

use your solution.

Copywriting formula 3: The 4Cs

Clear: Understand your audience and goals; make your writing

clearer by using small words, short sentences, header and
bullet points.

Concise: Have information conveyed in the fewest possible


Compelling: Copy must also be interesting enough for your

audience to actually read it. The key is focus on the readers
needs. Problems and desires.

Credible: Write with credibility that what you are promising

can be trusted to happen. Provide customer testimonials to
address your audience skepticism.

Copywriting formula 4: PAS
Dan Kennedy called PAS the most reliable sales formula ever

Problem: Present the problem your prospect feels

Agitation: Poke at that problem until it springs up a desire for

a solution

Solution: Present your solution to the agitated problem

Copywriting formula 5: Storytelling

These storytelling formulae will be a twist, attention grabbing

and engaging audience formula. It can be written using these
three elements;

Star: The main character of your story

Story: The story itself

Solution: How the star wins in the end

Copywriting formula 6: The objection handling
Your audience may be skeptical. Selling is about handling
objections. If your copy can solve these basic objections, you
have a high chance of getting your audience to take action at
the end.

1. I don‟t have enough money.

2. I don‟t have enough time.
3. It won‟t work for me
4. I don‟t believe you
5. I don‟t need it

These copywriting formulas provide a good guide especially to

get started with copywriting quickly. Once you write regularly,
you may not need to refer to these formulas. Don‟t just read
this; Take out your notebook and start practicing on using the

The Information in this book alone can get you started with your
affiliate marketing business but if you need my mentorship in
getting fast results like my students who are currently doing
millions in their affiliate marketing business, then Click HERE to
see what I have for you today.

Want to know more about me? Click HERE to check me out on Facebook


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