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Ruth Acheampong 7988519
Eugene Acheampong 7988419
Serwaa Agyeman Eugenia 8001119
Firempong Kwasi Anim 7994919
Fredua Agyemang Kenaz 7995019
Kabio Lawrencia Donlebo 7996019
Oppong Ofosuhene Kelvin 7999719
Boateng Andy Kakari 7993519


CHAPTER ONE..............................................................................................................................4
GENERAL INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................4
1.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................4
1.2 Objectives..........................................................................................................................5
1.3 Scope......................................................................................................................................5
1.3.1 Geographical...................................................................................................................5
1.3.2 Contextual.......................................................................................................................5
1.4 Methodology..........................................................................................................................5
1.5 Expected output.....................................................................................................................5
1.6 Organization of report............................................................................................................5
CHAPTER TWO.............................................................................................................................6
ANALYSIS OF DEVELOPMENT PROBLEMS...........................................................................6
2.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................6
2.2 Physical Problem Analysis....................................................................................................7
2.2.1 Poor Drainage System....................................................................................................7
Plate 2.1 Poor Drainage System..................................................................................................8
2.2.2 Soil Erosion....................................................................................................................8
Plate 2.2 Erosion..........................................................................................................................9
2.2.3 Poor Road Surface..........................................................................................................9
Plate 2.3 Poor Road Surface......................................................................................................10
Plate 2.4 Poor Road Surface......................................................................................................11
Plate 2.6 Indiscriminate Dumping.............................................................................................12
2.3 Non Physical Problems........................................................................................................12
2.3.1 High Incidence Of Malaria...........................................................................................12
2.3.2 Inadequate Health Facilities.........................................................................................13
2.3.3 Poor School Conditions................................................................................................13
CHAPTER THREE.......................................................................................................................14
FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS..............................................................................................14
3.1 Introduction..........................................................................................................................14
This chapter talks about the potentials and the recommendations of the problems we
identified at the Deduako Kodiekrom sub-sector 17.............................................................14
3.2 Potentials..............................................................................................................................14
Table3.1 Problems and their Potentials of Sector 5...................................................................14
3.3 Recommendations................................................................................................................15
Table 3.2 Problems and Recommendations in Deduako Kodiekrom........................................15
3.4 Conclusion...........................................................................................................................16



1.1 Introduction
In the preparation of future actions, planners have to create a moderate environment worth living
by trying to give solutions to present problems available in the society. In data analysis and
critique some problems were indicated in our study area. In this assignment, which is the
analysis of development problems and potentials, students are to analyze and give
recommendations to these problems.

1.2 Objectives
The following are the objectives of the assignment.
 Enable students acquire skills of critical assessment of existing situations.
 Introduce students to the rudiments of problem analysis.
 Enable students assess possible options for the resolution of identified problems.

1.3 Scope.

1.3.1 Geographical
The area under study is the Deduako Kodiekrom sub-sector 17 sector five (5).

1.3.2 Contextual
The assignment seeks to help students identify development problems in the study area, analyze
the problem and also give possible recommendations to the identified problems.

1.4 Methodology
A preliminary lecture was given to introduce students to the assignment and students visited their
study area to search the exact location of the problems for the purpose of this assignment. It was
followed by the drawing of problem map to indicate the locations of problems identified, writing
of technical reports on the problems identified and illustrations on power points for presentation,

1.5 Expected output

Below are the expected outputs of the assignment.
 A technical report indicating the specific problems and potentials identified in the area of
 A problem map indicating the physical problems identified during the field survey.
1.6 Organization of report
This technical report is divided into three chapters. The first chapter talks about the general
introduction. The second chapter talks about the analysis of the problems identified and the third
chapter talks about the findings and conclusion.

2.1 Introduction
Our area of study which is the Deduako Kodiekrom sub-sector 17, face certain problems which
are both physical and non physical which hinders the development of the area. This chapter
discusses about the analysis of these problems.

2.2 Physical Problem Analysis.

The physical problems can be identified by observing because they are visible to the eye. They
include the following.
2.2.1 Poor Drainage System.
Drainage is a very vital part of any human settlement, this is because, if there are no gutters or
poor drainage systems available in a settlement, that settlement is liable to flooding. This is
because the drains and gutters constructed are not large enough to ensure easy overflow of water
and because of that when it rains heavily, there is an overflow of water which floods the area.
Silting and chocked drains, resulting from poor drainage systems and improper disposal of waste
which leads to filth and stench in the area. This problem comes as a result of both natural and
human phenomenon. When refuse are been deposited by such open gutters, it finally ends up
chocking these gutters. Stagnation of water occurs when water passages are blocked. This makes
the people living in the area are easily to contract infections from mosquitoes and other insects.
They are exposed to numerous air and water borne diseases if they have their area polluted with
stagnant water. Due to the negligence on the part of institutions who are supposed to monitor and
control sanitation, people turn to live their pipes unattended and unchecked to when it is broken
and left in an open area.
Plate 2.1 Poor Drainage System.
Source Field Survey, March, 2019

2.2.2 Soil Erosion

This is the process of washing away or worn-out of the top soil either by wind or water or other
natural agents. The erosion the people of Deduako Kodiekrom faces are mostly Gully erosion
that is the removal of soil along drainage lines by surface water runoff. Due to the improper
drainage system of the community, it has led to a bad nature of the land, since there are no
proper gutters for the movement of running water, whenever it rains heavily, running water
through the gutters tends to over flow its bank since its choked thereby the overflowing water
carries away the top soil of the land. More so, during rainy season since the running water does
not get proper route way it gets stack and accumulate at a particular area, hence causing
leaching , thus it washes down nutrients of the soil. This problem discourages the growing of
crops by family or households (subsistent farming). On the other hand erosion on the road mostly
affects drivers since the bad nature Will not allow them to drive faster as they would have
wanted to, hence they will have to visit the mechanic stations often due damages or development
of faults on vehicles as long as they use the eroded roads.

Plate 2.2 Erosion

Source: Field Survey, March, 2019

2.2.3 Poor Road Surface

Transportation is a major means of linking people and goods and services in every community.
The major means of transportation in Ghana is by road which the Deduako Kodiekrom is not
One problem we identified at our area of study the Deduako Kodiekrom is poor road condition
which included potholes, broken concrete and road cracks. The problem has prevailed in the
community for a long time due to inability of the municipal to raise funds to tare the road. The
main road is full of pot holes and the roads in between the buildings are dusty roads. This
disturbs the communication and linkage of the residents. These potholes sometimes cause
accident due to their high level of deterioration and the roads which are not tarred, during rainy
seasons hinder the smooth movement of people and vehicles. Also dusty roads cause congenital
diseases such as, catarrh.
For the problem of poor road network to be solved, the various institutions such as the
Ghana road safety commission and Ghana roads and highway authority must take it upon
themselves to tare the roads. The municipal assembly in collaboration with the traditional leaders
of Deduako is so far working seriously to ensure the road conditions in the community gets
better. Drivers should also avoid overloading and drive well.

Plate 2.3 Poor Road Surface

Source: Field Survey, June 2019

2.2.5 Indiscriminate dumping

The state of sanitation in the Deduako Kodiekrom sub-sector 17 is very poor. Residents have
shown deep concerns about this situation but it seems the authorities have paid deaf ears to it.
This poor sanitation is due to indiscriminate dumping of people. This problem can be seen in
every part of Northern Kotei and this problem attributed to the fact that population is always
increasing and waste generated by residents also increases and this has led to indiscriminate
dumping. This can be associated with negative effects such as bad odour and outbreak of
diseases like, cholera and malaria. The most affected people of such this problem are children,
pregnant women and the entire residents as a whole. Monthly communal labor is being
conducted to tackle this problem, also waste management agencies like Zoom lion are been
tasked by the Government to take the refuse at the public dump site when the container is full.
Also the municipal assembly has been educating the residents of the Deduako Kodiekrom sub-
sector 17 on ways to keep the environment clean and the effects of poor sanitation but all these
efforts are not sufficient enough to tackle the problem. The institutions involved in finding
solutions to the problem include the municipal assembly and the Zoom lion Ghana limited.

Plate 2.6 Indiscriminate Dumping

Source: Field SurveyMarch, 2019

2.3 Non Physical Problems

These are forms of problems are associated with the well being of the citizens in a community.
Even though these problems can be physically seen but affects the emotions of the individual
.Among such social problems include;
2.3.1 High Incidence Of Malaria
Malaria is the most occurred disease in the Deduako Kodiekrom sub-sector 17 .This is even
evidential in the records of the health facility in the Deduako Kodiekrom sub-sector 17. Malaria
was ranked the highest disease. This comes about due to a number of causes which includes the
poor drainage system which can lead to the stagnation of water which serves as a breeding
grounds and favorable environment for mosquitoes. Also, bushy areas are also good environment
for mosquitoes to breed. The most vulnerable people are the children in the community
especially babies and lactating mothers. Most inhabitant have registered the National Health
insurance scheme, by this the people are encourage to report to any health facility any time the
symptoms of malaria shows up. In the cause to undertake measures to stop the spread of malaria
occasionally the people mobilized to undertake communal labor and by doing so gutters are
desilt and this ease the flow of liquid waste.

2.3.2 Inadequate Health Facilities

There are few health facilities at the Deduako Kodiekrom sub-sector 17. This problem cannot be
overlooked since it deals the lives of people. People have to travel long distances to access basic
health care. This fraction means one doctor is responsible for six patients. . This problem does
not only affect the Deduako Kodiekrom sub-sector 17 but Kotei community as a whole. The
main cause of this problem is due to inadequate financial resources to put up buildings which
serves the purpose of giving health care to the residents and also to employ doctors and nurses to
add up to the existing ones. This problem affects everybody in the community especially
children, babies, pregnant women, also lactating mothers and also people who are very ill
because they will have to be referred to another health center for their health needs to be met.
The Ghana health service and also the Oforikrom municipal assembly which Kotei falls under,
are the ones responsible the problem stated.

2.3.3 Poor School Conditions

Education is an essential part of man’s life that needs serious attention. To be educated you will
need educational facilities and other materials to make learning effective. These facilities and
materials include Class rooms, Library and also materials such as books pens etc. The Deduako
Kodiekrom sub-sector 17 faces the problem of inadequate educational facilities. Number of
school children does not get access to educational facilities such as library, laboratories and other
essential educational facility which will boost the learning habits. This problem affects the future
of the children who are of school going age and also the community as a whole. The institutions
involved in solving this problem are the Ghana education service and also the ministry of

3.1 Introduction
This chapter talks about the potentials and the recommendations of the problems we identified at
the Deduako Kodiekrom sub-sector 17.

3.2 Potentials
Potentials are the internal abilities that may be developed to lead to future success. This can also
be the favorable factors found internally to improve the socio-economic life of the people.
Below are some of the potentials found in the Deduako Kodiekrom sub-sector 17

Table3.1 Problems and their Potentials of Sector 5

Poor Drainage Systems  The unit committee should Construct a
Proper drainage system for the
 The people of the community should
Frequently desilt their surrounding
High incidence of Malaria  Drainage systems in the community
must be improved upon in order to
reduce stagnant waters.
 A clean up exercise can be organized to
Clear bushy areas in the community.
 People should be encouraged to sleep
under a treated mosquito net.
 Spilling of oil on stagnant waters to get
rid of the breeding grounds for
 There should be a public education to
enlighten people about the causes and
effects of Malaria
Encroachment of the buffer region  Authorities incharge should ensure the
demolishing of all buildings in the
buffer region.
 The right Institution must work to
ensure that buildings are at least 150ft
away from the river.
 Farming activities should be
encouraged along the banks of the river
in order to protect it.
Soil Erosion (Gully nature)  The use of stones to fill the gullies.

 The use of sand to fill mud

Poor Nature of Road Surface  The use of stones to fill potholes

 Availability of Land to build health

Inadequate Health Facilities facilities
 The Unit committee should help
provide a clinic in Kotei
 Availability of health personnel
Poor School Conditions  Building of educational facilities by the
Municipal Assembly
 Private school owners should ensure
the sustainability and maintenance of
the school
Indiscriminate Dumping  Recycling of some waste materials

Poor Street Lightening System  Provision of street lights on the streets

by the municipal assembly
 Repairing of faulty street lights by PDS
Source; Field Survey June, 2019

3.3 Recommendations
Below are recommendations we identified in the Deduako Kodiekrom sub-sector 17

Table 3.2 Problems and Recommendations in Deduako Kodiekrom.

Indiscriminate Dumping  Organizing of monthly communal
 Provision of more dustbins at vantage
 Collecting of tolls at public dump sites.
 Organizing mass spraying.
 Also organizing public education.
Poor Nature of Road Surface  Tarring of roads.
 Construction and maintenance of roads.
Soil Erosion  The community can develop the habit
of Planting to reduce the amount of soil
 Mulching can also be practiced by
individuals in the community.
 Terracing.
 The people can contol runoff before it
develops into an erosive force.
Choked Gutters  The community must ensure that there
is a free flow of water in every gutter in
the community.
 Private and Public owners must ensure
the maintenance of drainage channels.
 Public education on the causes and
effects of chocked gutters.
 All constructed gutters should be
covered with slabs.
 Authorities must ensure the proper
construction of gutters to avoid future
Encroachment of the Buffer Region  Authorities incharge should ensure the
demolishing of all buildings in the
buffer region.
 The right Institution must work to
ensure that buildings are at least 150ft
away from the river.
 Farming activities should be
encouraged along the banks of the river
in order to protect it.
Poor School Conditions  Building of schools with more
 Provision of more resources to existing
High Incidence of Malaria  Drainage systems in the community
must be improved upon in order to
reduce stagnant waters.
 A clean up exercise can be organized to
Clear bushy areas in the community.
 People should be encouraged to sleep
under a treated mosquito net.
 Spilling of oil on stagnant waters to get
rid of the breeding grounds for
 There should be a public education to
enlighten people about the causes and
effects of Malaria
 In difficult situations insecticides and
mosquito repelant could be used to
avoid malaria.
Poor Street Lightening System  Provision of street lights on the streets
by the municipal assembly
 Repairing of faulty street lights by PDS
Source: field Survey June, 2019

1. Poor educational facilities.
From the previous assignment it was seem that the educational facilities were lacking
some necessary facilities like desks for the school, enough classrooms, well equipped
2. Gambling
This was a major social problem of Bediako- Kode3krom.From our survey we got to
know that majority of the youth in this town engages in this activity. Most of the youth
refuses to work because they are addicted to gambling and this impedes the developmet
of the town.
3. No ready and effective market
From our survey from the previous assignment, it was concluded that there isn’t any
specific market for the people of Kode3-krom. This makes it difficult for the people of
the town to access their commodities easily.
4. Poor drainage system
5. Indiscriminate disposal of refuse
This picture was taking from our visit to our study area and this shows the indiscriminate
disposal of solid waste.

1. Ability to identify societal problem and find potential solution to them.

3.4 Conclusion.
This assignment has helped our group to identify problems that hinder development and also
give recommendations to such problems and also identify institutions which are responsible for
the solution of such problems.

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