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|NameYashpteet Singh
dlass10 H
Roll no 4O 2661
o Tndia ,
Political map maxh &oil c

********************"aXOLVNOIS S.HaHOVau*** Oas ******** CLS ******esne*sssnesnsens***r****aWVN

2 On a politicol map o Tndia , mark wnajo dams

Maost Dams c India

DomS Stare Rivens

1.Salal Project Tammu &Kashmi Rivex chenab
.Bhat a Nangol| Himachal Pxad eSatluj- Beas
3.Tekri Dam UtaxaMkand
.Rana Paut ap Rag oasthan ckamb al River
5. Sanden Sano vaGnuj aat
Rivex Nom ada
6. Himond Dam Odgba Makanadi
TuhgaShadoa| KaxnatRa Tug abhadna

Sogan Dam
Telon qona Rive Motisknq
03. On dhe political map Tdia, magK dhe kegon 'S
Hoing maipax Cxops d India and. Show he dale
ih a da bulat rom a welN.Example is given foour
oe enence

Name o the Majox Poducing Souihg Hauvestg

Caop Regicn Time 4ime
Punjab, Hot yen
Lheat UP, M.P Moy
Nonthenn Plain,
Rice Nothen &ao sale| June July Nov- Dec
u.P, Makonasta a Marck
SuAan Cane Kamalaka,HanyanDec
Tea AAn , ueyt Bey| June Sep-Oct
Coea Nihuo, ih Kan nalal

Mokany tna, h une ep-Dct

Coten MP, A.P, U.P
ulest Bengal-Bih JAne Sep-ocF
Majox (Op
Lrnpone dhe th ee 3ecto »ith oapki co
Teuti osu
Psimok Setonda9u
Sectot Sectot Seco to
T Anouwn ob T J Knoun G Tt Knawn a
the Gpicultuna te rnan uartuting the u i c e Jector
Ond Gied
settor eeto1.
The ectol paoviceT ectas aaakanm TKe e r i o y Becta
One good into ano tho Pnov used
40ods and by C300din g none benvices o the
Snvice Poy ma ako 3ecohd
ility rom it 0 3ectass
he pin ony Secton The secondauy ectan The zecto we
punogoze J nganf2e0 no gani2 n0
Onoe 41aditiond s e beien method modenn day lsgbhCA
echniay hoduchion Hechniqpe+D
Penfan mS.
Frvite in e } Aclusos maa Bun Hirg, inSUnaie
ptan o n ig unib 3mal 7ade and Com eUhi
Dtuune, c e unith a Lasion Come unde
i Ord
maoh SectoJus
naCon pout ioh

no devalo pisg Te employ ment ate h i >e ctan y

naio n boch a"Jb in eyuilibrium m ployme) hae
Toig, Pet03 0a spetidi zed ho incheabed ih
the OyuunQ PRs
9CiOn the vuin ed to ind
urnCe em ployeni in this
nployed n mp ectar).
07ublah o develepe
Untaph: GDP by Pu may
Selondasty and Textiay Bedas
4,O0 000
S,b00, 000

3000, 00o.
2,000, boo
1,500, ODo.
1,000, 00o

1913-74 2013-14

Poi many Secondaxy Texiay

g epohe projectJo give the innabative tdeas
a e mon emploume xd h ubah Rwal ecton

rnah Imnouofve
deab to LQate mon employn
n Waban swHal Sect os
The varioub was Jon net
oppotumutie qeneotinem
in ban aneab lou
. Mone industaiee slould be set up to pro v ide
1aia bcale employmerd do dhe people
2. Ecucodion tem uld be m ade job Ouenteo
loubm ay a indut ru sRold be pHO moted.

4 Healthcone sectat tan Caate Jargp employ Rt

in Unban aeob.

The Wouou oos on genenodi nq employm ent

OPpoTuni+10s in ural vea ane a
1.ConbtTucting wells, damb , lanats, Hoad etc. ih
Viloges and employing do cal people.
2. Cneoti ng storage aciti a and prov idi ng
moe onb pot denvices in villoe.

3. Seting up go boRd jndutyO whve targe

be employed un villa0e3
humben o people con
. Pnomoting una Cnat om d Sunal towuwm
lbo a pMoposol on employment
g1 Dstaw dhe umbs eleated Jo nationoib m
Euncpe Albo mention uka do they ym boluse

Atsibudte Signiican ce

1.Baxoken thains Being need

|2 5teastplate with Smbo) the lnoimar empl
eagle Stnength Haùm
. Cstown a OaK
deave Swogid
. Suoosd
RRadines to
5.aive botan d onooro wiJlhghes to make peate
he bwod
6. BlacK, Had and Flag the ubenal nadfonalista
gsld tucolow in 1848

3 Rays Ahe usihel Beginning oa neu erta.

g2. Pe pahe colowryu podconds (atleast ) giving
2penate do1mahioh abou the Jqura mo ac
and theui Condib udBon
Ma2zin &Bi maJu
inhe Uniicotion Ttay ond bwmanly.

klole o mo72imi in the unificaion of. Lty were:

Grius-eppe maani was an Jtalian tevolutiomas

boson dm Cienaa in 180.

He became member f Varuiouh seHeÍ sodietes

Such os youmg ltaly'o9 Yount eueoPe
He atreaktod seralution inwide
) He wanted unidicotion with alli ance o
5 He gKened cosenvatives Haouh op poait io n
mondeteky nd vision c democra.tic epubl
He lavourad waron Laiicadioh Italy.
The otro Von Bis marcH in Geman kniicanion
Nacdiohalst eau hga woN w id es ptead
Om Oh a m iddle claS GWT mans wko ih 184
toieo o unite he din Togiohs om4ny
hlo a hudion lade foveIhed by ah elected

The initative o Gotman uhiicodioh woy
wi mately ta Keh n by the Prws ian chei
Kinshn, oto von Bi moIcí, he anchitec
the poceh3j Canued it ou wth the
help ohe Pousiah m akd
bue auCatu
3. Poepa0 a posten On he (onlubution o
Wapoleon Benap arte Omò B vil lode.
Napoleon Bonapasde
1he yeas blodshed ún tanCe, Led fo the

gm gPnte Y a dictala-, uho made im3e

emperosn-Napoleon Bonapude, He io3e in e
anls ohe amy to the position b bt
pnbul, the kighest ical in the ount &y. lhiOu
his milu taHy nategiey he won many
ontance ond Re Sooh decloreð himsem
empen o01. in decembet LB04. Fsance beco me
poueyu noion dn euno pe unden napoleoh.
wab mone q a Costitudioral monan chy thah
am autocnotic ore. He was defeat ed at He
baiue oatenlco -by the dutch e
am GuLs
Wellingtoh nd Sent to exile. Napoleoh

Hstoned Onden in Fnahce. He ckangeo he

toot System Ond iitded meus lawS Cales
the Napoleohit Lode.
x Gvil (ode
e Civil (ode on the Napaleonic Code
l804 Bona pante
Loa kotado ced by Napokoh
Jo malhtalh i t
p a n d s a eunope
Cotael nd en Hhis
FedadFedudol suatem wal abloisheo.
2 Caualihy balone elad uas establikeð.
)gktto paoperh was gveh
Segooms and ma rOJual duus was abolisked
5) Abed oll privilegeh babed oh biJuth.
Poldirol SLence
DNa de Cohtept map Oh dijoevtons
govenhmhext in demoC1ac
ULOvethment of Jndia

Local/Sel Centoral gov.

goveh hme Union ast

udig a
Rutal Supreme Cowt
Function in illage Consists eeAie Jute
Zila Paxishad nd Othi suprene
Black SAmi th Court

Gnaam Pancka got

Consists o} Prasdest
FunctioD ih cities Ond Vice-Prusided, Prime
tohes Aiisten &md abine

Mumici pul Conpanodti oh Minisi@n

unicipoalities The PM
cRoo4es ka
fen Cabineh m u i s

loK an
najya Sabha


Jtajya solha
eleched by the stade
legus lat uOemb®7
lok olbka
Elected by the
92 Daas Quell Jabolled pie diagam -oh ethe

O paa tioh o bi lanfa & Blgium qiving

deailed inlahmatioh ditaibulioh af Pouw 8hauihg
Jh hese cowntyies.

tthnic Compasiti oh of Belgi

Flemings (Dattk ) :
allohb (Fsenck ): 40%
Othos(Genman) l
Su JLahKa
Ethnic omposition
Sinkalese: 13.8
Sni Jankan Moor: 7.2
Tamis: 18.5%
Tamilb +0%
Sni lan Ha
Indian Tami :30

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