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SEMESTER OKT 2021 - FEB 2022


PROGRAMME : DPA NAME : Nur Farah Afiqah BT Awang@

Awang Nordin

NO MATRIK: DPA202110PI(22)001

COURSE : Bahasa Inggeris Komunikasi SEMESTER : 1

CODE : DTK2023


TASK 2 : 4.12.2022 TASK 2 : 13.1.2022


1. Communicate effectively in writing to a variety of audiences and for a variety of

2. Develop the ability to write clear, well organized academic prose.


To enable students to:

1. Apply the correct and appropriate rules of grammar in speech and writing.
2. Use the mechanics of writing such as spelling, punctuation and grammar appropriately.
3. Write a range of texts using appropriate language, style and form through a variety of


Below is a sample of an Argumentative essay.

Read carefully and identify the following aspects specified below:
Introduction General statement
Technological advances have progressively crept into various aspects
of our day-to-day existence. Many people would put technology at a
high pedestal as it has made their lives more convenient and

Thesis Statement
However, there is a sinister side to the effects of modern technology,
namely increase in global unemployment, plagiarism and impersonal
Body Topic sentence 1
Paragraph 1 Most types of technological change in factories may ultimately result
in an increase in global unemployment. A technology revolution is
rapidly replacing human beings with machines in virtually every sector
and industry.

Supporting Details
For example, the introduction of assembly line production methods
and automated manufacturing process using robotics has resulted in
the disappearance of whole work categories and job assignments.
Millions of workers have been retrenched causing a spike in
unemployment rate. In short, modern technology seems to heighten
the problem of global unemployment.

Concluding sentence
In short, modern technology seems to heighten the problem of global

Body Topic sentence 1

Paragraph 2 The effects of technological advances on education are not all rosy as
the internet seems to indirectly promote a noticeable increase in
plagiarism. Nowadays, students might resort to taking the easy way
out of producing an original assignment by digitally copying
information from web-based sources and passing them as their own

Supporting Details
The availability of free essay websites might increase the tendency to
copy and paste online works leading to cyber-plagiarism.
Concluding sentence
Therefore, modern technology in the form of the Internet makes it
easier for students to plagiarise blatantly.
Body Topic sentence 1
Paragraph 3 Furthermore, the effect of modern technology has reared its ugly
head in escalating impersonal communication among people. The
rampant usage of mobile phones decreases face-to-face talk time.

Supporting Details
Besides, the good old practice of having a family dinner with
opportunities to interact with each other has practically disappeared
with children playing games and adults checking for constant
massages or social networking on their mobile phones. The
emergence of e-mails spells the loss of personal touch via handwritten

Concluding sentence
In a nutshell, modern technology seems to deprive mankind of the
warmth of personal contact.

Conclusion Conclusion (restatement of thesis statement/ summary of main

In summary, modern technology may bring adverse effects on our
lives such as leading to an increase in global unemployment,
plagiarism and impersonal communication.

Concluding statements
However, we need to continually tap on modern technology to reap
the fullest benefits in improving our quality of life and, at the same
time, understand and mitigate its harmful implications.

Choose one of the topics below and write an essay about 350-500 words about it.

Follow the structure of the essay given in Task 1. Write about 7-10 sentences in a paragraph.

1. Discuss the Advantages of shopping online

2. Advantages of travelling locally.

General statement In this modern era, everything is related to

technology because it is designed to help people
living better. One of the most benefiting
technologies is online shopping through internet.
Online shopping has nowadays become a widely
spread way of shopping among people from all
countries in the world.

Narrower The popularity of online shopping is constantly on

statement the rise considering the spread of internet
technology and the growing role of online stores in
the retailing industry.

Thesis statement Therefore, online shopping activities are gaining

wide spreads far as far as they tend to consumers
with numerous benefit. The three benefits of online
shopping are cheapest price, save time, and also
have variety of products and choices.

Body/Content One of the major benefits of shopping online is that

Topic sentence 1 we can opt to purchase at the lowest possible price.
Customers that shop online can compare the prices
with various sellers before purchasing the item at
Supporting details the best price. Without a doubt, online purchases
are less expensive than those available on the open
market. For example, we may obtain international
branded handbags from brands like DIOR, GUCCI,
PRADA, and others for a price a fraction of the
Concluding amount market price. Finally, online buying enables
sentence us to obtain the best possible price.
Topic sentence 2 Furthermore, one of the advantages of online
buying is that it can help you save time. Customers
are no longer need to travel large distances from
one location to another in order to find the goods
Supporting details they desire. Customers may find the things they
desire from the comfort of their own homes,
without having to travel large distances in journeys
that take minutes or hours, and without having to
queue in supermarkets or shopping malls. A
flawlessly structured list of virtual places or
platforms will appear in front of us in a matter of
seconds, where we can access them with a few
Concluding clicks. To summarise, purchasing online can help
sentence you save time.
Topic sentence 3 Additionally, one of the benefits of internet shop is
the large selection of options available. Nowadays,
there are no limits to what you can do with the
internet. When it comes to buying, the internet's
expanse provides us with a diverse range of things
Supporting details at varying rates. Consumers may compare items
and have a wide range of options in terms of
quality and service. Consumers can also find a large
range of things that have never been seen before,
as well as brands that are unfamiliar. Consumers
benefit from online businesses because they have a
broader selection of products, lower pricing, and,
most crucially, easy access to information
Concluding (Khristianto et al.2012). Finally, online buying offers
sentence an extensive choice of products and possibilities.
In summary, online shopping has become a popular
Conclusion method of shopping among users from all around
(restatement of the world. The cheapest price, saving time, and
thesis statement/ having a large choice of alternatives and products
summary of main are three of the advantages of online shopping that
ideas we can explore. While there are numerous
advantages, we as consumers must exercise
caution when purchasing things online because
Concluding there are a few unscrupulous parties, such as
statements scammers, who exploit this opportunity. To avoid
being easily manipulated, consumers should choose
a secure shopping platform before making online

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