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Special Topics in Human Resource Management

Corporate Issues

Module 13 Corporate Issues

Strategic management results different, deep and broad spectrum. It may

come to the point wherein all components of the firm may or may not succeed.
This is where careful analysis and objective steps should be done.

At the end of this module, students should be able to:

1. Understand the contemporary corporate issues

2. Know and discuss the factors that brings these issues
3. Identify the common issues and solutions to the problem incurred

Contemporary Corporate Issues

Corporate issues characterized as the most noteworthy need issues that are
influencing a business, or the issues which are making negative effect. Recognizing the
key business issues of an association is a significant piece of executing measure to
determine or possibly limited the issue. The following are the corporate issues arises in
lieu to the effort of strategizing the firm:

• Issues on corporate governance

Jane Muir 2016 recommend common issues in corporate

administration. Corporate governance is the term used to depict the parity
among members in the corporate structure who have an enthusiasm for the
manner by which the enterprise is run. Corporate governance
straightforwardly impacts the benefits and notoriety of the organization, and
having helpless approaches can open the organization to claims, fines,
reputational harm, and loss of capital speculation. Here are five normal
entanglements your corporate governance policies ought to maintain a
strategic distance from.

1. Conflicts of Interest - An irreconcilable circumstance

inside the structure of corporate administration happens when
an official or other controlling individual from a partnership
has other budgetary interests that legitimately strife with the
targets of the organization.

2. Oversight Issues - Effective corporate administration

requires the top managerial staff to have considerable
oversight of the organization's strategies and practices.
Oversight is an expansive term that incorporates the official

Module 13
Special Topics in Human Resource Management
Corporate Issues

staff answering to the board and the board's attention to the

day by day activities of the organization and the manner by
which its destinations are being

3. Accountability Issues - Accountability is vital for viable

corporate administration. From the high level administrators
to bring down level workers, each level and division of the
organization should report and be responsible to another as an
arrangement of balanced governance. To the exclusion of
everything else, the activities of each degree of the
organization is responsible to the investors and the general
population. Without responsibility, one division of the
partnership may jeopardize the accomplishment of the whole
organization or cause investors to lose the longing to proceed
with their venture.

4. Transparency - To be straightforward, an enterprise

should precisely report their benefits and misfortunes and
make those figures accessible to the individuals who put
resources into their organization. Overinflating benefits or
limiting misfortunes can truly harm the organization's
relationship with investors in that they are tempted to
contribute under misrepresentations. An absence of
straightforwardness can likewise open the organization to
fines from administrative offices.

5. Ethics Violations - Members of the official board have a

moral obligation to settle on choices dependent on the
eventual benefits of the investors. Further, an enterprise has a
moral obligation to ensure the social government assistance of
others, remembering the more noteworthy network for which
they work.

• Risk and vulnerability

Usmani 2019 talks about hazard as a spontaneous occasion that

may influence one or a portion of the undertaking or business goals. The
hazard is sure in the event that it influences your undertaking or business
emphatically, as well as the positive in the event that it makes positive
effect. There are isolated hazard reaction procedures for negatives and
positives. The goal of a negative hazard reaction system is to limit their
effect or likelihood, while the target of a positive hazard reaction
methodology is to amplify the opportunity or effect. There are known and
obscure dangers. Realized dangers are recognized during the distinguish

Module 13
Special Topics in Human Resource Management
Corporate Issues

dangers procedure and obscure dangers are those you were unable to

An alternate course of action is made for known dangers, and you

will utilize the possibility save to oversee them. Then again, obscure
dangers are overseen through a workaround utilizing the set
administration's vital approaches.

• Struggling to make trends (Innovation)

Enormous firms, associations and explicitly organizations who are

into creation and assembling are battling with development and a superior
procedure of advancement "new" items and administrations is at the head of
the plan for most high level supervisors, yet the possibility of an increasingly
inventive and pattern pilgrim culture gives off an impression of being
excessively alarming to many. The issue to be settled is the way to turn out
to be increasingly imaginative while as yet keeping up a feeling of command
over the association.

• Technology

The pace of industrial improvement and development is running at

an exponentially expanding rate. The pace today makes firms battle to be
skillful that outcomes to huge capital interest in innovation on the grounds
that a contender may hang tight for the cutting edge innovation, which may
just be a year away, and afterward use it to accomplish a favorable position.
Obviously, holding on to be that contender can be similarly unsafe. What's a
high level supervisor to do? Thus, the capacity for even the best of
technologists to remain educated about developing innovation is in struggle
with the need to ace an organization's present innovation. The issue to be
explained is to build up a drawn out innovation methodology while staying
adaptable enough to exploit unanticipated innovation advancements.

• Complexity

The life and business have gotten increasingly complex, even as

specific assignments and practices have gotten simpler because of data
innovation. The pace of progress is quick pacing. The worldwide economy is
getting progressively associated, making an a lot bigger and increasingly
different populace of clients and providers. Assembling and administrations
are progressively focused at littler, specific markets because of the
adaptability that Information Technology gives. We know from our insight
into the examples of advancement that, as a general rule, frameworks will in
general become progressively perplexing as they develop, at that point
become disentangled once more. The issue is the manner by which to grow
better frameworks figuring ability so you can structure your plans of action,

Module 13
Special Topics in Human Resource Management
Corporate Issues

procedures, items and administrations in a way that limits pointless


• Information Overload

The capacity of organizations, significantly less people, to devour

and comprehend the data that is accessible (and important) to use sound
judgment is turning into an about difficult test. The issue to be illuminated is
to manage this heap of data with both innovation and human expertise, at
that point to change over this data into significant information.

• Diversity

Assorted variety brings numerous difficulties, as it makes it

undeniably almost certain that individuals don't concur, and the absence of
understanding makes maintaining a business extremely troublesome.
Simultaneously, the absence of assorted variety inside numerous huge
organization administration groups prompts a tight perspective on an ever-
changing and differing world—adding to mindless compliance, stale culture
and an inclination to live with business as usual for a really long time. The
issue to be understood is to initially characterize what decent variety truly
implies in other setting and discernment in your organization, at that point
cultivate the extension of contrasting thoughts and perspectives while
guaranteeing an adequately strong condition that effectively completes

• Government Policy and Regulation

A changing administrative condition is consistently of worry in

specific enterprises, however unsure vitality, natural and money related
strategy is muddling the dynamic for about all organizations of today. The
issues to be unraveled are to comprehend the importance of guideline and
government strategy in your industry, its suggestions for your business, and
to build up the abilities important to manage it.

Module 13
Special Topics in Human Resource Management
Corporate Issues


• David and David, “Strategic Management Concept”, 6th edition, Pearson 2017
• Noe, Holler, Hollenbeck, Gerhart and Wright, “Human Resource Management: Gaining a
Competitive Advantage”, 8th edition, McGraw-Hill
• Corpuz, “Human Resource Management”, 3rd edition, Rex Bookstore
• httpst//
• httpst//
• httpst//

Module 13
Special Topics in Human Resource Management 1
Labor Relations

MODULE 12 Labor Relations

The labor relations are more of a contract between an employee and an

employer. Means a sum of connections between skills, abilities, values and
opportunities at work. Employee role in organization has grown in importance
and variety over the time same as the responsibility of employee that an
employee is engaged.

At the end of this module, student should be able to:

1. define labor relations

2. know the importance of labor relations
3. know and understand the purpose of labor relations
4. identify the context of Philippine Labor Relations

Labor Relations

Labor relations are the term used to characterize the procedure among
employer and employees, the executives and associations so as to settle on choices in
organizations. The choices taken allude to compensation, working conditions, long
stretches of work, and wellbeing at work, security and complaints. (Vercu and Voda,

Vercu and Voda included that, pay and compensation are considered as
generally significant and troublesome aggregate haggling issue. In the employment
relationships, the aggregate haggling process has a few ramifications at singular levels,
for the businesses, as a determinant of creation and work costs, among managers on
the opposition advertise, among bosses and representatives as an appropriation of
included worth, for representatives, as a key factor for their pay and manageability on
a unique work showcase, among representatives, communicating the solidarity through
the 'wage floors' applying to various gathering of laborers at a given dealing level.

Beyond collective bargaining and agreement dealings, work relations likewise

envelop other vital HR procedures and arrangements that sway unions and non-union
representatives alike. At the point when progressed nicely, work relations can help
construct an agreeable and gainful connection among the board and work. A portion of
those other work relations capacities, includes:

• Labor policy development

• Union and non-union policy coordination and development
• Grievance procedures and policies

Module 12
Special Topics in Human Resource Management 2
Labor Relations

• Compliance oversight
• Training and advising staff for contract compliance
• Customized labor relations special projects

Labor relations also refers to that part of Labor law which regulates the
relations between employers and workers, Example: Book V of the Labor Code which
deals with labor organizations, collective bargaining, grievance machinery, voluntary
arbitration, conciliation and mediation, unfair labor practices, strikes, picketing and

Purpose of Labor Relations

Labor relations was considered as a connection among

employees and employers. Labor relations can allude
comprehensively to any dealings among the board and laborers
about employment conditions. Be that as it may, nowadays, this has
become a consuming issue comprising of the connection between
laborers, managers and social condition of the association.

The reason and strategy of the work connection are as per

the following:

• To recommend the legal privileges of the two workers

and managers in their relations concerning trade

• To give methodical and serene strategies for keeping

workers and managers from meddling with one another's authentic

• To ensure the privileges of individual workers in their

relations with work associations whose exercises influence business

• To characterize and recommend the work and the board

rehearses that influence business

• To secure the open's privileges regarding work questions

influencing trade

Module 12
Special Topics in Human Resource Management 3
Labor Relations

Work connection is the examination and practice of overseeing

unionized business circumstances. A concise depiction of reasons for work
connection is as per the following:

• Harmonious Relations

Work connection brings a proficient connection between

modern on-screen characters' representatives, bosses and the
administration/society. It expects to create and advance a decent
working relationship inside and outside the authoritative circle.

• Legal Representation

Work relations achieve a legitimate portrayal of the general

public or that state in authoritative issues. This implies work
connection gets all entertainers an exchange in regards to the
execution of work laws, rules, and guidelines.

• Industrial Peace

Through the systematization of authoritative guidelines and

guidelines, an effective connection between and among the
mechanical entertainers is acquired. This eventually brings about a
serious extent of mechanical harmony in the association.
Consequently, a viable upkeep of work relations guarantees
mechanical harmony and authoritative dependability.

• Physical Facility

A decent support of work relations in the association

presents a decent workplace in this manner expanding authoritative
offices in the workstation. In addition, the laborers get adequate
money related and non-budgetary advantages/motivating forces to
have a quality existence.

• Effective Communication

Another motivation behind work connection is to present a

successful correspondence framework in the association. The
correspondence framework will be viable when it permits two-route
stream of messages and data between all degrees of workers. For
powerful correspondence, the on-screen characters ought to
likewise be successfully associated with the framework.

Module 12
Special Topics in Human Resource Management 4
Labor Relations

• Change Management

A compelling usage of work laws, rules, and guidelines by

presenting an innovative workplace, participation and certainty
make the procedure of progress simple. This assists with starting
hierarchical and ecological changes in the present Topsy-
breathtaking condition.

• Productivity and Organizational Effectiveness

A decent work connection means to build the profitability of

the laborers just as the association. Because of warm work relations,
representatives check out their employments and work successfully
and productively. This prompts higher creation yield consequently
upgrading the current degree of profitability at a higher point. This
at last outcomes in the upgrade of authoritative viability.

• Reduce Industrial Actions

A proficient connection between mechanical entertainers

assists with lessening modern activities, for example, strikes, lock-
outs, sits-in, exhibit, and other defensive exercises.

• Organizational Stability

Work connection plans to build up a proficient and

benevolent workplace in the association. The presentation of
modern harmony gives a significant pre-condition to hierarchical
strength and objective accomplishment.

Labor Standards – refers to that part of labor law which prescribes the minimum
terms and conditions of employment which employer is required to grant to its

Labor Organization – means any un ion or association of employees which exist in

whole or in part for the purpose of collective bargaining or of dealing with employers
concerning terms and conditions of employment.

Legitimate labor organization – any labor organization duly registered with the
department of labor and employment (DOLE)

National Union or Federation – An alliance of a group of unions in one industry in

any area, region, or country.

Module 12
Special Topics in Human Resource Management 5
Labor Relations

Exclusive bargaining representative – any labor organization duly recognized or

certified as the sole and exclusive bargaining agent of all employees in the bargaining

Collective bargaining – refers to the decision-making process where the management

and the union set the terms and conditions of employment and the rules and
procedures in the employee-employer relationship.

Collective bargaining agreement (CBA) – the end result of collective bargaining. It

refers to the negotiated contract between a legitimate labor organization and the
employer concerning wages, hours of work, and all other terms and conditions of
employment in a bargaining unit, including mandatory provisions for grievances and
arbitration machineries.

Labor disputes – refers to questions or controversies regarding terms and conditions

of employment, including the ways which such terms and conditions are negotiated,
fixed, arranged, or modified over and above minimum standards.

Arbitration – represents the final stage in the dispute resolution process. The
grievance does not always result in an acceptable solution because when a deadlock
occurs, labor contracts call for arbitration.

Two kinds of arbitration:

1. Voluntary arbitration – is when the party voluntarily submit

himself in the arbitration
2. Compulsory arbitration – parties are compelled or ordered to
submit themselves to arbitration incase there is deadlock during
collective bargaining.

Types of labor disputes:

1. Rights disputes – involves alleged violation of a right recognized by

law, collective bargaining agreement (CBA), contracts, or company

2. Interest disputes – economic or bargaining dispute where the issues

involved are not mandated by law and could be negotiated.

3. Labor standards disputes – include non-payment or underpayment of

wages and wage-related benefits and violations of health and safety

4. Labor relations disputes – involves employee discipline, unfair labor

practice, deadlocks, strikes, etc.

Module 12
Special Topics in Human Resource Management 6
Labor Relations

5. Welfare and Social legislation disputes – it refers to claims arising from

the failure of employer to comply with the social and welfare
obligations under the law

National Policy on Labor Dispute Settlement

The present national policy on labor dispute settlement is enunciated in the

following instrument:

1. 1987 Constitution
2. Labor Code, as amended by R.A. 6715
Modes of Settling Labor Disputes

1. Negotiation
a. Parties control the process
b. Parties engaged un verbal interaction completely in their own terms
c. Decisions is made by the two conflicting parties
d. Outcome is whatever the parties agreed to
e. Applied to the nonunionized or unorganized group of workers in the
private and government sectors

2. Collective Bargaining
a. Decision-making process between union and management
b. Aims to set the terms and conditions of employment and procedures
in the employer-employee relationship.
c. Aims to ensure that the agreement is enforced through the grievance
machinery with voluntary arbitration as the last step in the process.

3. Grievance Machinery
a. Internal rules of procedure intended to resolve all issues arising
from the implementation and interpretation of the collective
bargaining agreement.
b. Part of the continuous process of the collective bargaining intended
to promote friendly dialogue between labor and management as a
means of maintaining industrial peace.

4. Mediation
a. Similar to conciliation although the mediator is expected to put
forward settlement proposals.
b. Parties fully participate in deciding issues and creating, evaluating,
and solving the conflict to come up with a win-win solution.

5. Conciliation
a. Occurs when a conciliator- mediator intervenes in the negotiation
b. Conciliator cannot decide upon the dispute.

Module 12
Special Topics in Human Resource Management 7
Labor Relations

c. Can only reconcile the dispute by facilitating the meeting of the

minds between the parties.
d. In the meeting, the disputing parties are given the chance to state
their demands and position with the aim of reaching a viable

Context of Philippine Labor Relations

The Labor policy in the Philippines is specified mainly by the country's

Labor Code of the Philippines and through other labor laws. They cover more
that 40 million Filipinos who belong to the labor force and to some extent, as
well as overseas workers. They aim to address Filipino workers’ legal rights
and their limitations with regard to the hiring process, working conditions,
benefits, policymaking on labor within the company, activities, and relations
with employees.

The Labor Code and other legislated labor laws are implemented
primarily by government agencies, namely, Department of Labor and
Employment and Philippine Overseas Employment Agency. Non-government
entities, such as the trade unions and employers, also play a role in the
country's labor.

The Labor Code of the Philippines stands as the law governing

employment practices and labor relations in the Philippines. It was enacted on
Labor Day of 1974 by President Ferdinand Marcos, in the exercise of his then
extant legislative powers. It prescribes the rules for hiring and termination of
private employees; the conditions of work including maximum work hours and
overtime; employee benefits such as holiday pay, thirteenth month pay and
retirement pay; and the guidelines in the organization and membership in labor
unions as well as in collective bargaining.

The Labor Code contains several provisions which are beneficial to

labor. It prohibits termination from employment of Private employees except
for just or authorized causes as prescribed in Article 282 to 284 of the Code.
The right to trade union is expressly recognized, as is the right of a union to
insist on a closed shop.

Strikes are also authorized for as long as they comply with the strict
requirements under the Code, and workers who organize or participate in
illegal strikes may be subject to dismissal. Moreover, Philippine jurisprudence
has long applied a rule that any doubts in the interpretation of law, especially
the Labor Code, will be resolved in favor of labor and against management.

Module 12
Special Topics in Human Resource Management 8
Labor Relations

Labor Code:

• Preliminary Title
• Book I – Pre-Employment
• Book II – Human Resources Development Program
• Book III – Conditions of Employment
• Book IV – Health, Safety and Social Welfare
• Book V – Labor Relations
• Book VI – Post Employment
• Book VII – Transitory Final Provisions


• Noe, Holler, Hollenbeck, Gerhart and Wright, “Human Resource Management: Gaining a Competitive
Advantage”, 8th edition, McGraw-Hill
• Corpuz, “Human Resource Management”, 3rd edition, Rex Bookstore

Module 12
Special Topics in Human Resource Management 1
Ethics and Social Responsibility

MODULE 11 Ethics and Social Responsibility

Ethics is concerned with what is good for individuals and society. It is

also described as moral philosophy. So as to organization as social organism
that is also expected to be good and do good to its people and community.

At the end of this module, student should be able to:

1. define ethics in organization

2. define social responsibility
3. know and understand benefits of ethics in workplace
4. know and understand the ethical principles

What is Business Ethics?

The idea has come to mean different things to different individuals, yet for the
most part, it characterizes what is correct or wrong in the working environment and
making the right decision - this is as to impacts of products/services and involved with
partners. Wallace and Pekel recommends that consideration regarding business morals
is basic during times of essential change - times a lot of like those confronted now by
organizations, both charitable or revenue driven associations. In the midst of progress,
values that were recently underestimated are unequivocally addressed and
misidentified. A considerable lot of these qualities are did not follow anymore. Along
these lines, there is no unmistakable good degree to control pioneers and
administrators through complex situations about what is correct or wrong.

Regard for morals in the working environment discloses pioneers and staff to
how they should act. Maybe generally significant, consideration regarding morals in
the working environments guarantees that when heads and administrators are battling
in the midst of emergencies and disarray, they hold a solid good compass. Be that as it
may, thoughtfulness regarding business morals gives various different advantages too.

Business ethics additionally characterized as the standards and guidelines that

decide worthy lead in business associations. Individual morals, then again, identifies
with a person's qualities, standards, and norms of direct. The worthiness of conduct in
business is controlled by the association as well as partners, for example, clients,
contenders, government controllers, intrigue gatherings, and people in general just as
every individual's very own standards and qualities.

Numerous specialists concur that moral leadership, moral qualities, and

consistence are significant in making great business morals. Numerous buyers and

Module 11
Special Topics in Human Resource Management 2
Ethics and Social Responsibility

social promoters accept that organizations ought cause a benefit as well as to think
about the social ramifications of their exercises.

Social Responsibility

We characterize social responsibility as a business' commitment to augment its

positive effect and limit its negative effect on society. Business morals identifies with
a person's or a work collective choices' that society assesses as right or wrong, while
social obligation is a more extensive idea that worries the effect of the whole business'
exercises on society. Further, social obligation implies that people and organizations
have an obligation to act to the greatest advantage of their condition and society in
general. Social duty, as it applies to business, is known as corporate social
responsibility (CSR).

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is an automatic plan of action

that enables an organization to be socially responsible—to itself (the
management), its partners, and general society. By rehearsing corporate social
duty, additionally called corporate citizenship, organizations can be aware of
the sort of effect they are having on all parts of society, including financial,
social, and ecological. To take part in CSR implies that, in the common course
of business, an organization is working in manners that upgrade society and the
earth, rather than contributing contrarily to them.

Corporate social responsibility types:

Perceiving how significant socially responsible endeavors are to

their clients, workers and partners, numerous organizations presently
center around a couple of expansive CSR classes:

1. Environmental endeavors: One essential focal point of

corporate social obligation is the earth. Organizations,
paying little mind to estimate, have huge carbon
impressions. Any means they can take to decrease those
impressions are viewed as useful for both the organization
and society.

2. Philanthropy: Businesses can practice social duty by

giving cash, items or service to social causes and
philanthropies. Bigger organizations will in general have a
ton of assets that can profit noble cause and nearby network
programs. It is ideal to talk with these associations about
their particular needs before giving.

Module 11
Special Topics in Human Resource Management 3
Ethics and Social Responsibility

3. Ethical work practices: By rewarding representatives

reasonably and morally, organizations can show their social
obligation. This is particularly valid for organizations that
work in global areas with work laws that contrast from those
in the United States.

4. Volunteering: Attending volunteer occasions says a ton

regarding an organization's genuineness. By carrying out
beneficial things without anticipating anything
consequently, organizations can communicate their anxiety
for explicit issues and pledge to specific associations.

Workplace Ethics

Workplace ethics are nothing but the rules and procedures that should be
carried out inside the organization by the employer and the employees to maintain a
professional company culture and to build a better relationship with their customers by
providing better services. Workplace ethics plays an important role in company
growth and development.

Workplace Ethics:

1. Loyalty
2. Comradery
3. Citizenship
4. Trustworthiness
5. Integrity
6. Respect
7. Caring
8. Fairness
9. Responsibility
10. Accountability

Important Ethical Terms and Principles

The 7 ethical principles which matter the most in an expert situation

and these ethics must be available in each individual with the goal that the
adjustment of these leads towards an effective and more advantageous
business, expert, and individual condition. Ethical conduct in the working
environment encourages us to stay solid. Sound it could be said that all
zones of business, expert and individual are working in understanding to
the standard of what is "correct".

Module 11
Special Topics in Human Resource Management 4
Ethics and Social Responsibility

• Values

The estimations of an individual can be characterized as the

demonstrations and activities which we make in our day by day life. The
genuine estimations of an individual are dedication, regard, difficult work
and love. These demonstrations of qualities make an individual
increasingly significant. These qualities inform all the more regarding an
individual's conduct and responsive characteristics which he can have
during work.

• Morals

Ethics are the sure obligations which he needs to accomplish for the
advancement of society. Also, these are sure obligations which make
society work in a synchronized way. These ethics apply to each and every
person of the general public and they can't be decided in a particular way,
on the grounds that the things in moral are either right or wrong.

• Integrity

Uprightness intends to be consistently legitimate and earnest under

any conditions. At the point when any individual shows uprightness in an
expert domain and his work, it implies that the individual can be trusted
just as he is a fair man to depend on. The individual who is straightforward
and true consistently continues for a more drawn out length in the
organization when contrasted with others.

• Character

The character is one of the most significant morals which in short

depicts an individual. It tells about your conduct towards others and your
responses towards the various circumstances. An awful reasoning brain can
devastate your character and an inspirational disposition and solid psyche
consistently keep you with a decent character.

• Laws

These are sure principles and guideline fixed by you yourself. These
standards characterize you and put a cutoff to occasions that are hazardous
for your way of life. A man with rules consistently gets down to business in
the laws of the organization and work as needs be in the most ideal manner
conceivable, and a man without any standards consistently arrives up in
inconveniences. These laws enable us to separate among good and bad.

Module 11
Special Topics in Human Resource Management 5
Ethics and Social Responsibility

• Dedication

This is additionally an individual characterizing ethic. The more

grounded devotion in work, the more prominent the yield and results.
Commitment in work makes a man more grounded for predicament and he
additionally turns into a key player in rousing the others during the difficult

• Accountability of obligation

The more an individual is mindful in nature, the more proficiently

and dependably he will do the given undertaking. Obligation towards
everything, for example, guardians, family, society, nature, works, office,
and so forth are sure things which not exclusively ought to be remembered
yet in addition these must be trailed by each individual for a more
advantageous condition.

Benefits of Ethics in the Workplace:

The following mentioned are few advantages of ethics in the workplace.

• Asset Protection and Assurance:

At the point when your workers have a moral workplace and moral
conduct in the work environment, your organization's upkeep cost
diminishes to an exceptional degree since they are very much aware of
their obligations and duties towards the organization.

• Increased Productivity:

At the point when the working staff and the laborers esteem the
work given to them and afterward they will do all the given work in time
and accomplish their set focuses on, this will incredibly influence the deals
and the efficiency of the organization.

• Development of Teamwork:

When all the laborers carry out their responsibilities in a dependable

manner, at that point a period comes when they have accomplished the
objective route before the given cutoff time, at that point an inquiry
emerges What Next? So the circumstance naturally bonds up all the people
into a group.

These people presently fill in as a group and work in the advantage

of the organization for which they will get or accomplishing their

Module 11
Special Topics in Human Resource Management 6
Ethics and Social Responsibility

motivating forces. This shared comprehension of the workers is a positive

sign that the organization will support for a significant stretch in the
variable economic situations.

• Increased Public Image and Brand Value:

On the off chance that all the individuals from the organization are
committed to fill in just as make sense of there qualities and duty towards
the variables like items, connections towards individuals and condition, at
that point it is without a doubt that this sort of procedure will be great in the
market, consequently bringing about drawing in a greater client base
because of the dependable and nature of the administrations or items.
Besides, an expansion in the open picture and an expansion in the client
base is legitimately relative to an expansion in brand esteem. At the end of
the day when you gain notoriety among your clients you begin to form your
organization into a brand.

• Adaptive to changes:

Laborers with proficient morals in the work environment are

unquestionably the ace key to the lock of progress. The group of
understanding, dependable, solid, persuade, concern and mindful
individuals will insubordinately adjust into any sort of position and work
they are loaded up with. Further, all in all, it has been seen worldwide that
in the digressive economic situations, if the organization requests any
adjustments in the creation or changes in the sort of work then the laborers

• Decision making and actualizing is in every case simple:

At whatever point there is a need to take an important choice then

the best one made is by the exhortation of the representatives of the
organization, and what will be better than each and every utilize regarding
the choice and supporting the organization to proceed with their choice.
This is the intensity of morals in the businesses who regard the choice of
the organization and let it oblige the stream. This is extremely uncommon
in the large organizations however where this scene occurs; the
organization turns huge brands throughout the night.

• Trouble-free working condition:

For the most part, where everybody is obscure and also nobody
needs to know each other there are higher odds of extraordinary difficulty
and where there is a well disposed, conscious and incredible working
environment or condition between the representatives there are less odds of
minimal difficulties from the representatives' end.

Module 11
Special Topics in Human Resource Management 7
Ethics and Social Responsibility

• Less Legal Issues:

When everything is efficient and practical and what's more your

laborers are helpful and seeing then you won't face any issues or legitimate
commitments from the representative's end, since all the laborers are dealt
with similarly and all are notable with their obligations which the activity
requires from them. When everything is overseen and precise then all the
desk work and the lawful conventions are the essential things which are
considered the most, so there is no doubt of any lawful issues.

• Increased level of achievement:

When everything is so overseen and methodical alongside the

comprehension of the workers as a result of their solid morals, the
organization will without a doubt contact new statures of accomplishment
and even the development of your business will be guaranteed. At the point
when your representatives become specialists in their separate works and
individual fields, at that point their commitment and will, to accomplish the
work will show genuine nature and give increasingly productive outcomes.

Workplace Ethical Laws in Business:

There are few Occupational Safety, Health Administration and anti-

discrimination laws mandated by the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE).
These laws and guidelines help the employees to make sure that certain things are
practiced completely unbiased, such as:

• Anti-discrimination policies
• Anti-harassment policies
• Policies for interactions with clients
• Safety policies

Examples of Workplace Ethics Violations

Usually, violations of workplace ethics in companies are not tolerated. Strict

actions are taken depending upon the level of violation done. It is better to know,
understand and follow ethics as it helps you build a professional value in you.

Ethical violations that can occur in the workplace include:

• Discrimination
• Not taking any safety measures
• Dishonesty
• Rumors

Module 11
Special Topics in Human Resource Management 8
Ethics and Social Responsibility

• Unreliable information
• Sexual and other physical harassment


• Noe, Holler, Hollenbeck, Gerhart and Wright, “Human Resource Management: Gaining a Competitive
Advantage”, 8th edition, McGraw-Hill
• Corpuz, “Human Resource Management”, 3rd edition, Rex Bookstore

Module 11
Special Topics in Human Resource Management 1
Total Rewards Management

MODULE 9 Total Rewards Management

The very basis of organizational performance is the proper and

appropriate reward and compensation package offered by the firm to its
workforce, hence this module highlights the fundamental elements that helps
organization in managing and rewarding their employees.

At the end of this module, student should be able to:

1. define total rewards and total rewards management

2. discuss the objectives of total rewards management
3. know and understand the classifications and determinants of total
4. identify and explain the model and composition of total rewards
5. identify and explain total reward strategies

Total Rewards

The specific total reward framework definition comprises of alternate

point of view and relies upon what you look like, fundamentally considering
the sort size of an organization. While every company may characterize it in an
unexpected way, understanding what it intends to the organization will assist
them with building up the most grounded framework to meet their particular
goals. As we investigate a couple of various meanings of all out total rewards
frameworks and causes us to make an interpretation of them into an important
depiction to fit on a particular organization. As indicated by Josh Bersin, total
reward is the basic incorporation of an organization's way to deal with
incentives and remunerating its workers. Which means, it's the integrated
framework through which you reward and boost performance. characterizes it as a model that comprises of dynamic

connection among managers and employees. While that is an expansive
method of clarifying all out remunerations, it catches the genuine pith of what
absolute total reward frameworks plan to accomplish, which means, a solid and
progressing association between your organization and its employees.

Total Rewards Management

Total reward management deals with the formulation and

implementation of strategies and policies that aim to reward people equitable
and fairly, consistently in accordance with their performance and value to the
organization. Reward management consists of analyzing and controlling

Module 9
Special Topics in Human Resource Management 2
Total Rewards Management

employee remuneration, compensation and all of the other benefits for the
employees. Reward management aims to create and efficiently operate a
reward structure for an organization. Reward structure usually consists of pay
policy and practices, salary, wage and payroll administration, incentives,
executive pay and team reward.

Objectives of Total Rewards Management

Reward management deals with processes, policies and strategies which are
required to guarantee that the contribution of employees to the business is recognized
by all means. Objective of reward management is to reward employees fairly,
equitably and consistently in correlation to the value of these individuals to the
organization. Reward system purposely exists in order to motivate employees to work
towards achieving strategic goals which are set by their departments and organization
on that matter. Reward management is not only concerned with monetary or pay and
employee benefits. It is equally concerned with non-financial rewards such as
recognition, training and development, and increased job responsibility.

The basic objectives of appropriate and sound compensation and reward

system in any organization are given here:

1. It aims to develop skills and personality of employees by which

they can earn better and attractive compensation;
2. It aims to pay fair and justify remuneration on the basis of their
efforts, skills and competencies;
3. To obtain able and efficient employees and retain high performing
4. It aims to improve the quality of services as rendered by employees;
5. To communicate the employees for their worthwhile and needful
role in organization;
6. It aims to increase the level of efficiency and productivity of
employees on the basis of motivational grounds;
7. It aims to develop and enhance cooperation and collaboration
among employees;
8. It aims to motivate employees towards higher work performance;
9. It aims to make better employer employee relations;
10. It aims to provide employees social recognition and status;
11. It aims to reinforce desirable and applicable employee behavior.

Classification of rewards:

Monetary or financial category

• Direct - The direct compensation methods refer to monetary payment to

employee on the basis of their tenure of job and its negotiations with

Module 9
Special Topics in Human Resource Management 3
Total Rewards Management

employers. The financial payment to employees may be in the form of

wages, salaries, allowances, commission, monetary incentives, bonus,
overtime payments and profit sharing

• Indirect – In an indirect method, the employees do not receive actual

cash or financial payment, rather, they receive the tangible value of the
reward which are based on financial grounds, but they provide indirect
benefits and opportunities to employees. These rewards are received by
employees on the basis of completion of their particular tenure of work.

Non-monetary or non-financial category

The non-financial components in the compensation package is

also an important aspect. The methods are integrated with some
motivational aspects by which the mental/psychological needs and
social needs can be satisfied. The methods constitute some intrinsic
rewards based on human nature, praise, morale, recognition, motives
and informal interactions. The methods develop the human and
psychological recognition that employees get when they feel that others
have recognized their skills and contribution.

The methods are:

• Preferred work and service conditions,

• job enlargement,
• promotions,
• rights and responsibilities,
• opportunities for advancement,
• recognition,
• health and maternity leave,
• gratuity and medical leave etc.


1. These may be fulfilled the self-actualization needs of

2. Employees can get better opportunities for personal and career
3. Organizations are making better efforts to retain employees;
4. They create and provide informal relations with employees;
5. They create and develop praise and recognition of employees;
6. They create and develop the morale and enthusiasm among

Module 9
Special Topics in Human Resource Management 4
Total Rewards Management

7. They may develop the feelings of reliability and loyalty among

8. They may be able to recognize the individual and group work

Determinants of Total Rewards Management

Internal determinants

1. Nature of Work – If the work is so hard, complicated and having

some risk factors, incentive level may be high as compared to

2. Compensation Policy – The HR policy on compensation determines

the reward receive by the employee. The organization’s bible in
rewards management specifically in non-complex organization.

3. Employee’s Relative Worth – As per the notions of merit and

performance of employee, the compensation and reward level may
be determined. Mostly, there are several cases to make a
worthwhile link of employee pay to their performance.

4. Promotional Policy – The level and composition and rewards are

also determined by the promotional policies. The experience
employee may get their promotion to a new job with new task and
then they may be recognized with new pay scale and incentive
systems etc.

5. Technical Knowledge – In any organization, the employees who

have the technical skill and knowledgeable experience can provide
a high level of compensation and rewards. As such, the technical
knowledge of employees is an important aspect in this regard.

6. Employer’s Ability to Pay – An employer’s ability to pay employee

and provide them benefits are also an important determinant of pay
levels. It is based and influenced by some factors as profitability,
budgetary situation, financial position and competition faced by
employers etc.

External determinants

1. Area Wage Rates - The wages, salary and other incentive levels are
influenced by the prevailing rates as provided by National Wage
and Productivity Commission (NWPC) and its regional divisions
under Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE).

Module 9
Special Topics in Human Resource Management 5
Total Rewards Management

2. Economic Conditions - The economic condition of any

organization, denoted the capacity to pay. It is a consequence of
better profitability and relative productivity of the organization may
determine the demand of skilled workforce, operational system,
new technology, better and more remunerative level as well as more
work facilities to employees.

3. Scope of Products’ Market - The scope and potentialities of the

product of organization are also a focus point to make a determinant
aspect towards remuneration plan and its procedures. The products
market may create and develop the profitability and wide range of
earning level of the organization. It duly effects to the determinants
of pay levels.

4. Government’s Laws and Policies - Different government laws and

policies also effect the level and structure of remuneration and
compensation by providing guidelines. Few legislations like
Minimum Wages Act 1948 & Payment of Wages Act 1936 that
determine minimum wage rates for certain categories of employees.
Different allowances and fringe benefits are also affected by the

5. Competition - The competitive environment within the enterprises

and industries also affect the level and pattern of pay rates. The
compensation may create the remuneration level with at par and
develops the strengthen part in determining the pay scales.

6. Role of Employees’ Organization - The role of employees’

organization effects the level and structure of payment. The
negotiations with employees’ unions tend to establish the wage
patterns for a specified region.

7. Labor Market Conditions - The forces of demand and supply for

qualified people within an area influence wage and salary rates.
When demand for human resources is high and supply is limited,
wages and salaries are higher in order to attract and retain qualified
employees. Employees with skills that are rare and valuable are in a
strong bargaining position and command high compensation.

Module 9
Special Topics in Human Resource Management 6
Total Rewards Management

Model and Composition of Total Rewards Management

Figure 1. Total Rewards Model


Total Rewards encompasses the elements – compensation, well-being,

well benefits,
recognition and development – that, in concert, lead to optimal organizational
performance. When designed strategically and executed in alignment with business
goals, Total Rewards programs fuel motivated and productive workforces that feel
appreciated and rewarded for their contributions, driving the organization to ever
greater success.

Total Rewards Strategy

Total Rewards Strategy

Compensation: Definition

• Base Pay Wage and salaries

Base-pay increase based on employee
• Merit Pay
• Incentives Cash bouses based on employee performance
Based-pay increase based on potential to perform
• Promotions
new job
• Pay increases Based-pay
pay increase based on length of services

Module 9
Special Topics in Human Resource Management 7
Total Rewards Management

Total Rewards Strategy

Benefits: Definition
Payment for injuries and illnesses both on
• Health and welfare
and off the job.
Payment for vacation time or excused days
• Paid time off
from work.
Payment for work no longer performed based
• Retirement
on length of employment
Personal Growth
Skills development through on or off-the-job
• Training
• Career Development On-the-job coaching to develop skills
• Performance On going goal setting and feedback to
Management develop skills


• Noe, Holler, Hollenbeck, Gerhart and Wright, “Human Resource Management: Gaining a Competitive
Advantage”, 8th edition, McGraw-Hill
• Corpuz, “Human Resource Management”, 3rd edition, Rex Bookstore

Module 9
Special Topics in Human Resource Management 1
Occupational Health and Safety

MODULE 8 Occupational Health and Safety

Occupational health and safety (OHS) relate to health, safety, and

welfare issues in the workplace. OHS includes the laws, standards, and
programs that are aimed at making the workplace better for workers, along
with co-workers, family members, customers, and other stakeholders.

At the end of this module, student should be able to:

1. define the occupational health and safety

2. discuss the objectives of occupational health and safety
3. identify the importance of health and safety in workplace

Occupational Health and Safety

Occupational health according to World health organization (WHO) deals with

all aspects of health and safety in the workplace and has a strong focus on primary
prevention of hazards. The health of the workers has several determinants, including:

 risk factors at the workplace leading to cancers,

 accidents,
 musculoskeletal diseases,
 respiratory diseases,
 hearing loss,
 circulatory diseases,
 stress related disorders and
 communicable diseases and others.

Employment and working conditions in the formal or informal economy

embrace other important determinants, including:

 working hours,
 salary,
 workplace policies concerning maternity leave,
 health promotion and
 protection provisions, etc.

Module 8
Special Topics in Human Resource Management 2
Occupational Health and Safety

Objective of Occupational Health and Safety

Occupational Health and Safety (OHS), likewise ordinarily alluded to as word

related security and wellbeing, is a multidisciplinary field concerning the wellbeing,
and government assistance of individuals at work. The objective of word related safety
and wellbeing projects of organization is to cultivate and keep up a protected and
sound workplace. OHS may likewise secure colleagues, relatives, businesses, clients,
and numerous other people who may be influenced by the work environment

In precedent-based law purviews, businesses have a typical strategy and

obligation to take sensible consideration of the security of their representatives. Statute
law may what's more force other general obligations, present explicit obligations, and
make government bodies with forces to manage work environment wellbeing issues
state the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) has a particular decision and
rules in executing security and wellbeing principles in an organization.

The joint ILO/WHO Committee on Occupational Health included the primary

spotlight in work related wellbeing is on three unique targets:

1. The support and advancement of laborers' wellbeing and working limit;

2. The improvement of workplace and work to get helpful for security and
wellbeing and
3. Development of work organizations and working societies toward a
path which bolsters wellbeing and safety at work and in doing so
likewise advances a positive social atmosphere and smooth activity and
may improve efficiency of the endeavors.

The idea of working culture is planned in this setting to mean an impression of

the basic worth frameworks embraced by the association concerned. Such hierarchical
culture is reflected practically speaking in the administrative frameworks, human asset
strategy, standards for cooperation, preparing and improvement strategies and quality

Those in the field of occupational safety originate from a wide scope of

controls and callings including medication, brain research, the study of disease
transmission, physiotherapy and restoration, word related treatment, word related
medication, human components and ergonomics, designing, and numerous others.
Experts and professionals are informed on a wide range concerning occupational
health matters. These includes:

1. how to avoid particular pre-existing conditions causing a problem in the

2. correct posture for the work,
3. frequency of rest breaks,
4. preventive action that can be undertaken, and so forth.

Module 8
Special Topics in Human Resource Management 3
Occupational Health and Safety

Occupational health should aim at:

1. the promotion and maintenance of the highest degree of physical,

mental and social well-being of workers in all occupations;
2. the prevention amongst workers of departures from health caused by
their working conditions;
3. the protection of workers in their employment from risks resulting from
factors adverse to health;
4. the placing and maintenance of the worker in an occupational
environment adapted to his physiological and psychological
capabilities; and,
5. to summarize, the adaptation of work to man and of each man to his

Workplace Hazards

Although work provides many economic and other benefits, a

wide array of workplace hazards also present risks to the health and
safety of people at work. These include but are not limited to:

 chemicals,
 biological agents,
 physical factors,
 adverse ergonomic conditions,
 allergens,
 a complex network of safety risks," and
 a broad range of psychosocial risk factors.

Personal protective equipment can help protect against many of

these hazards.

Specific occupational safety and health hazard factors differ contingent

upon the particular segment and industry. Development laborers may be
especially in danger of falls, for example, while anglers may be especially in
danger of suffocating. The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics
distinguishes the fishing, aeronautics, blunder, metalworking, farming, mining
and transportation enterprises as among a portion of the more risky for
laborers. Correspondingly, psychosocial dangers, for example, working
environment savagery are progressively articulated for certain word related
gatherings, for example, social insurance representatives, police, prison guards
and educators.

Module 8
Special Topics in Human Resource Management 4
Occupational Health and Safety

Importance of Occupational Health and Safety in workplace

In the working environment, health and safety guidelines are

central to the prosperity of the employees and the business. Numerous
dangers are available in the present workplaces, and it's organization's
job to protect their workers from these perils. It's a job that is critical to
such an extent that there are occupational safety guidelines and
guidelines set by the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE)
under Bureau of working conditions.

OSH law actualized to guarantee that all business and firms

especially engaged in enterprises whose workplace are basic to health
and safety of laborers ought to follow their rules. Notwithstanding, this
is only one motivation behind why working environment health and
safety measures are significant. The following are a couple of more that
will show you exactly how significant these measures are.

Prevent Illness and Injury

Health and safety systems in the working environment decrease

the worker ailments and wounds extraordinarily. These techniques can
support you and your workers comprehend the possible dangers in your
workplace. Preparing is significant and powerful, as it will instruct your
workers on legitimate work environment strategies, practices, and
conduct to forestall potential wounds and disease or pollution from
inappropriate cleanliness.

Decreases Health and Safety Hazards

Potential dangers are uncontrolled in pretty much every work

environment condition. Hardware, synthetic compounds, certain
practices and exercises, and even furniture can possibly make injury or
mischief you or your laborers. Safety risks can extend from defilement
of food because of dangerous taking care of or readiness practices to an
irresistible sickness flare-up brought about by inappropriate cleanliness
and individual hygiene.

On the off chance that you work with certain risky synthetic
substances or gases, there's consistently the danger of ill-advised taking
care of, support, or capacity, which could prompt perilous exposure for
you and your laborers. In these cases, you should follow explicit
perilous material dealing with rules set by OSH office, and you should
have emergency and departure designs set up.

Module 8
Special Topics in Human Resource Management 5
Occupational Health and Safety

Avoid Serious Consequences

OSH law is responsible for implementing health and safety

laws, which implies you should follow their rules while making your
health and safety strategies. On the off chance that the workplace isn't
alright for workers, the organization may get a notification or fine or
have the business briefly or forever close, contingent upon the greatness
of the infringement. This is something numerous organizations can't
bear. These gauges can be authorized by the authority under
DOLE/BWC numerous who will currently be getting a word related
wellbeing and security courses and preparing.


 Noe, Holler, Hollenbeck, Gerhart and Wright, “Human Resource Management: Gaining a Competitive
Advantage”, 8th edition, McGraw-Hill
 Corpuz, “Human Resource Management”, 3rd edition, Rex Bookstore

Module 8
Special Topics in Human Resource Management 1
Performance Management

MODULE 7 Performance Management

One of the most important activities of an HR manager is maintaining

and enhancing the workforce. With all the efforts and costs that recruitment
and selection entail, it is important to develop employees for them to use their
fullest capabilities, thus improving the effectiveness of the organization.

At the end of this module, student should be able to:

1. define the performance management

2. discuss the objectives of performance management
3. identify the criteria for effective performance management systems
4. discuss the approaches to performance management

Performance Management

Performance is the progressing procedure by which a person's work execution

is surveyed and assessed. It responds to the inquiries, "How well has the worker
performed during the timeframe question?" It likewise involves deciding and
conveying to a representative how he/she is performing at work and in a perfect world,
setting up an arrangement of progress. Execution is frequently mistaken for the
exertion that alludes to vitality used.

Performance is estimated regarding result. Performance might be characterized

as the achievement of a employee or director's appointed obligations and results
delivered on a predetermined activity capacity or movement during a predefined
timeframe. Performance review or assessment, then again alludes to a deliberate
depiction and survey of a person's activity execution. The significant commitment of
execution the executives is its emphasis on accomplishing results – valuable items and
administrations for clients inside and outside the association. Performance
management diverts endeavors from business towards viability. It is a HRM
movement where the individual specialist's productivity is watched and assessed
during the given time frame based on a fundamental uniform exhibition standard. It
helps distinguishing, gathering, sharing and utilizing data about the presentation of
individuals at work.

Performance management is a continuous communication process, embraced in

organization between a worker and his/her immediate superior. It includes building up
clear desires and comprehension about the accompanying:

 The basic occupation works the worker is relied upon to do

 How the representative's occupation adds to the objectives of the association

Module 7
Special Topics in Human Resource Management 2
Performance Management

 How the worker and boss will cooperate to support and improve and expand on
existing representative execution
 Identifying the boundaries to execution and evacuating them
 Refers to the complete arrangement of social occasion data, the audit and
criticism to the individual, and putting away data to improve hierarchical

Why Measure Performance?

1. Managers can't oversee and characterize what is normal and gives input and
acknowledgment without characterizing the premise or execution
measures. It permits the executives to indicate what must be done and to
join input with objective setting.

2. On the piece of the representative, he/she can't enhance what he/she should
manage without the essential information when to check whether execution
really improving.

3. Creating superior requires a meaning of clear objectives so you will know

it when you see it. What's more, all superior workers arrive on the grounds
that they have an away from of where they're going.

4. Pay for execution requires measurements. On the off chance that the
association will be giving compensation dependent on execution, there is a
need to have some method of knowing when the payout has been earned.

The goal of Performance management

The principle objective of performance management is to guarantee that

the organization as a framework and its subsystems cooperate in a coordinated
manner for achieving ideal outcomes or results.

The significant goals of performance management are talked about beneath:

 To empower the employees towards accomplishment of prevalent

guidelines of work execution.

 To help the workers in distinguishing the information and abilities

required for playing out the activity proficiently as this would drive
their concentration towards playing out the correct assignment in the
correct manner.

Module 7
Special Topics in Human Resource Management 3
Performance Management

 Boosting the presentation of the workers by empowering representative

strengthening, inspiration and execution of a successful prize
 Promoting a two-path arrangement of communication between the
bosses and the workers for explaining assumptions regarding the jobs
and accountabilities, imparting the useful and hierarchical objectives,
giving a standard and a straightforward input for improving
representative execution and nonstop training.
 Identifying the hindrances to viable exhibition and settling those
obstructions through steady checking, instructing and improvement
 Creating a reason for a few authoritative choices key arranging,
progression arranging, advancements and execution based installment.
 Promoting self-improvement and headway in the vocation of the
workers by helping them in gaining the ideal information and aptitudes.

Criteria for effective performance management systems

Deciding what to evaluate reflects the personal values of the individuals who
design the evaluation system. Three criteria are suggested to be in the construction of
performance evaluation:

1. Relevance – relevant performance dimensions are determined by the duties

and responsibilities contained in the job description.

2. Reliability – Produced consistent and repeatable evaluation

3. Freedom from contamination – should measure each employee’s

performance without being contaminated by factors that an employee
cannot control such as economic conditions, material shortage, or poor

Components of Performance Management System

Any effective performance management system includes the

following components:

1. Performance Planning

Performance planning is the primary essential part of

any performance management procedure which frames the
premise of execution examinations. Performance planning is
together done by the appraisee and furthermore the reviewee
in the start of a presentation meeting. During this period, the
workers settle on the objectives and the key execution zones

Module 7
Special Topics in Human Resource Management 4
Performance Management

which can be performed longer than a year inside the

exhibition financial plan., which is concluded after a shared
understanding between the revealing official and the

2. Performance Appraisal and Reviewing

The evaluations are typically performed occasionally in

an organization as mid surveys and yearly audits which is
held toward the finish of the financial year. In this
procedure, the appraisee first offers oneself topped off
evaluations in the self-examination structure and
furthermore depicts his/her accomplishments over some
undefined time frame in quantifiable terms. After the self-
examination, the last appraisals are given by the appraiser to
the quantifiable and quantifiable accomplishments of the
worker being assessed. The whole procedure of survey looks
for a functioning support of both the worker and the
appraiser for breaking down the reasons for provisos in the
presentation and how it very well may be survived. This has
been talked about in the exhibition input area.

3. Feedback on the Performance followed by personal

counseling and performance assistance

Input and guiding is given a ton of significance in the

presentation the executives procedure. This is the phase
wherein the representative gets mindfulness from the
appraiser about the regions of enhancements and
furthermore data on whether the worker is contributing the
normal degrees of execution or not. The representative gets
an open and a straightforward criticism and alongside this
the preparation and advancement needs of the worker is
additionally distinguished. The appraiser receives all the
potential strides to guarantee that the worker meets the
normal results for an association through successful
individual advising and direction, coaching and speaking to
the representative in preparing programs which build up the
skills and improve the general profitability.

4. Rewarding great performance

This is an imperative part as it will decide the work

inspiration of a worker. During this stage, a representative is
freely perceived for good execution and is compensated.
This stage is extremely touchy for a representative as this

Module 7
Special Topics in Human Resource Management 5
Performance Management

may impact the confidence and accomplishment direction.

Any commitments properly perceived by an association
helps a representative in adapting up to the disappointments
effectively and fulfills the requirement for love.

5. Performance Improvement Plans

In this stage, new arrangement of objectives are set up

for a worker and new cutoff time is accommodated
achieving those goals. The representative is plainly
conveyed about the regions where the worker is required to
improve and a specified cutoff time is likewise appointed
inside which the representative must show this
improvement. This arrangement is together evolved by the
appraisee and the appraiser and is commonly endorsed.

6. Potential Appraisal

Potential evaluation frames a reason for both parallel

and vertical development of workers. By actualizing
competency planning and different evaluation procedures,
potential examination is performed. Potential examination
gives urgent contributions to progression arranging and
occupation turn.

Performance Measures Criteria

1. Strategic Congruence – The degree to which the presentation the

board frameworks evokes work execution that is steady with the
association's technique, objectives and culture.

2. Validity – The degree to which a presentation measures evaluates

all the importance all the applicable parts of the activity execution.

3. Reliability – the consistency of a presentation measure, how much

the exhibition measure is liberated from irregular mistake.

4. Acceptability – The degree to which an exhibition is considered to

be agreeable or satisfactory.

5. Specificity – The degree to which execution measure gives point by

point direction to workers about what is anticipated from them and
how they can meet those desires.

Module 7
Special Topics in Human Resource Management 6
Performance Management

Approaches to Performance Management

Organizations can use different strategies and approaches for the purpose of
measuring performance of their employees. The five major approaches are:

1. Comparative approach of measuring performance

Comparative approach includes positioning a worker's

performance regarding that of others' in the team. People are
positioned based on most noteworthy to the least performer.
There are a few strategies for similar methodology, for example,
constrained dispersion procedure, combined correlation and
realistic rating scale (Noe 2008).

 Forced Distribution strategy includes positioning representatives

in gatherings.

 Paired Comparison Technique is the point at which the

appraiser contrasts one entertainer and the other and allots a
score of 1 for the better worker. The last execution score is the
summation of all the triumphant focuses.

 Graphic Rating Scale involves rating the representative on a size

of 1 to 5 (most reduced to most noteworthy). Blended rating
scale is an increasingly layered type of estimation. In the initial
step, the worker is evaluated as high, medium or low on a given
arrangement of boundaries. Every boundary is then separated
and scaled as above (+), equivalent (0) or underneath (- )
(Shaout and Yousif 2014).

2. Attribute approach of measuring performance

In this system, the employees are rated on the basis of a specific

set of parameters such as:

a. problem solving skills,

b. teamwork, communication,
c. judgment, creativity and
d. innovation.

The significant disadvantage with attribute methodology of

performance measurement is that of subjectivity. At the end of the day,
it might be intensely dependent on the idea of the evaluator. Another
restriction of this technique is that, it is exact at recognizing simply the
best and the most noticeably negative performer. In any case, the

Module 7
Special Topics in Human Resource Management 7
Performance Management

benefit of this strategy is its effortlessness, in view of which most

organizations embraced it (Landy and Conte 2007).

3. Behavioral approach of measuring performance

This is one of the most seasoned performance measurement

methods. The Behavioral methodology comprises of a progression of
vertical scales for various components of the activity. This should be
possible utilizing BARS strategy or BOS method. The Behaviorally
Anchored Rating Scale (BARS) procedure comprises of five to ten
vertical scales. These scales depend on boundaries (called "anchors")
which are chosen consensually from all workers. Employees are then
positioned on every one of the grapples as indicated by their

4. Result approach of measuring performance

This approach is a simple and straight-forward concept, wherein

organization rate employees on the basis of employee performance

 Balanced Scorecard technique. This technique focuses on four

perspectives namely:

a. financial,
b. customer,
c. internal & operations and
d. learning & growth.

 Productivity Measurement and Evaluation System

(ProMES). It is very effective in motivating employees for
enhanced productivity and measuring the feedback. It consists
of four steps.

o The first step is to identify the objectives which the

organization want to achieve.
o The second step measures how well these objectives are
o Third step involves how effective are they in evaluating
the employee performance.
o Finally, the last step gives feedback to the employees.
Organizations calculate an overall productivity score as
a summation of the performance scores of all these

Module 7
Special Topics in Human Resource Management 8
Performance Management

5. Quality approach of measuring performance

This methodology concentrate around improving consumer

loyalty by diminishing errors and accomplishing consistent
modification. This methodology thinks about both individual and
system factors. Additionally, businesses take customary criticism on the
individual and expert characteristics of the worker from supervisors,
friends and customers to determine performance issues. The Quality
Approach for the most part centers around the utilization of Kaizen
process so as to consistently improve the business forms.

The benefits of this methodology incorporates:

• assessment of both worker and framework,

• problem explaining through collaboration,

• use of various sources to assess execution and

• involvement of both interior and outside elements

Anyway professionals of this methodology accept that this

methodology doesn't relate with quality way of thinking of an
organization (Noe 2008).


 Noe, Holler, Hollenbeck, Gerhart and Wright, “Human Resource Management: Gaining a Competitive
Advantage”, 8th edition, McGraw-Hill
 Corpuz, “Human Resource Management”, 3rd edition, Rex Bookstore

Module 7
Special Topics in Human Resource Management 1
Manpower Outsourcing

MODULE 6 Manpower Outsourcing

Organizations particularly business generate huge budget and cost on

manpower. In this topic, it will discuss the outsourcing as alternative to more
efficient utilization of manpower and an alternative for cut cost in operations.

At the end of this module, student should be able to:

1. define the outsourcing

2. learn and understand the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing
3. learn and understand the impact and effects of outsourcing
4. discuss the challenges of outsourcing in the Philippines

What is Outsourcing?

HR resource outsourcing includes recruiting organizations to oversee

staff capacities, including the organization of explicit activities like archive
handling, producing, promoting, medical advantages, retirement plans, and
laborers' pay protection. It likewise incorporates recruiting, preparing, and
lawful mastery. Human asset re-appropriating (HRO) happens when a business
teaches an outside provider to assume liability (and hazard) for HR works and
play out these errands for the business. Finance redistributing is regularly re-
appropriated for two reasons: it's a tedious authoritative undertaking for bosses,
and there are numerous pro organizations with the innovation and information
to run it productively and consistently (

A few organizations will redistribute their whole HR office while

others will simply re-appropriate tedious authoritative tasks, which permit their
inside resource to concentrate on the vital level. Small organizations recruit
outside firms to direct finance, make good on business burdens, and oversee

Favorable circumstances of Outsourcing

HR outsourcing diminishes the fixed expense of overseeing

representatives. HR firms can be increasingly effective in light of the fact that
the ability and framework are now set up. Small businesses save money and
time by hiring HR firms and are better able to offer a wider range of benefits:

1. Health insurance plans, including health maintenance organizations

(HMOs), preferred provider organizations (PPOs), and health
savings accounts (HSAs)
2. Social security counterpart fees

Module 6
Special Topics in Human Resource Management 2
Manpower Outsourcing

3. Retirement plans and benefits, and credit unions

4. Voluntary benefits, such as sickness, travel, and long-term disability

Disadvantages of Outsourcing

The most noteworthy disadvantage to labor outsourcing is poor inner

correspondence in light of the fact that the outsourcing organization isn't
nearby and doesn't embrace and doesn't have a decent feeling of the
organization's way of life. employees can't simply drop into the HR office for
concerns. Thus, they may feel strange.

Manpower outsourcing could extraordinarily obstruct hierarchical

learning. Being off-site and disengaged implies they can't sufficiently
encourage hierarchical learning by giving a proceeding with string that
underpins corporate personality. Representatives may create doubt and begin to
question the board as different divisions may think about whether they, as well,
will be re-appropriated.

An inadequately run re-appropriating organization could make debacles

by unintentionally releasing delicate organization data, not conveying
sufficient administrations, or failing and leaving a customer with no HR
administrations, ordinarily occurring in little labor offices because of absence
of assets, errors and helpless correspondence from customer organization.

Impact and Effects of outsourcing

A developing number of business people and organizations overall are re-

appropriating their non-center assignments to seaward areas, especially the
Philippines. Named as the new call place capital of the world, this Southeast Asian
archipelago end up being a dependable supplier of world-class client care and other
particular expert administrations.

In return for the unrivaled nature of work, it gives to these organizations, a

developing change in the white collar class populace occurred. Also, the joblessness
rate in this creating nation likewise diminishes. For the business and nation doing the
re-appropriating, it implies less operational expenses and more control of assets.

Many fulfilled customers who received the rewards of redistributing

employments trust it is a vital move for any business. The accompanying constructive
outcomes of redistributing employments to the Philippines or somewhere else, have
been demonstrated by numerous individuals of these organizations:

Module 6
Special Topics in Human Resource Management 3
Manpower Outsourcing

1. More grounded organizations inferable from improved concentration

and effectiveness. Private company and huge global organizations all
focus on proficient business tasks, and redistributing occupations
encourages them achieve that objective. As an ever increasing number
of organizations are re-appropriating their undertaking to outsider
experts, they can concentrate on their center skills while their re-
appropriated staff expertly handles the non-center parts of their

2. Expertly-run organizations over all levels with lesser money related and
time venture. Redistributing permits labor to work with the specialists,
however for a small amount of the cost, it would take to recruit them
full-time. The re-appropriating supplier will be the one to deal with the
costly and repetitive procedures of employing and preparing the

The workplace gear, advantages, and remuneration of these

specialists will likewise be carried by the picked supplier. This critical
expense and time-reserve funds gives more noteworthy adaptability
over assets as well as encourages a business and industry update.

3. Extending organizations because of expanded consumer loyalty. In

light of the expanded operational effectiveness in addition to the
expansion of master information and abilities, organizations who
redistribute employments have higher opportunities to support their
clients' fulfillment levels. Thusly, this gives organizations a lot of
chances to develop and grow.

An improved client support coming about because of all the improved

business forms gets more clients and rehash business. From the business point
of view, business extensions add to more beneficial rivalry and fill in as
effective models for others to copy.

These three impacts of redistributing occupations are very useful for

entrepreneurs just as the clients they serve.

Additionally, Outsourcing is perceived as a 'vital help' to organizations

that need to expand effectiveness and decrease costs. From data innovation to
bookkeeping and promoting to HR, business elements of little and medium
organizations are being redistributed increasingly more to the top re-
appropriating goals, for example, India and the Philippines.

Likewise with any methodology, the more advantages you show signs
of improvement, and with re-appropriating, you clearly get a ton. Re-
appropriating is valuable to the point that a few specialists trust you could even
run a whole organization while never recruiting a solitary worker.

Module 6
Special Topics in Human Resource Management 4
Manpower Outsourcing

Additional 5 positive effects of outsourcing on your business:

1. Incur savings
2. Productivity Is Increased
3. Focus on core areas
4. Access to better technology
5. Flexibility in Staffing

Challenges of Outsourcing in the Philippines

Difficulties confronting the outsourcing industry are the equivalent looked by

some other medium-to-enormous business activity in the Philippines:

 HR strategy and rule of law. This permits "associated" organizations

to violate the strategy and the law to get business advantage without
results. For instance, not paying government disability commitments or
medical coverage, undermining charges (which results to workers

 Politics and wasteful initiative. Numerous conventional administrative

procedures either don't move, or move there is under the table
installments. "Padrino" framework is interminable and fundamental,
saying "its not what you know, it's whom you know".

 Education and employment confuse. Characterized as a specialist in

an occupation that doesn't compare with his/her degree of training,
experience, abilities or interests. One of the difficulties looked by work
gracefully, this could upset the work power just as the organizations
occupied with redistributing, exceptionally employments these days are
differing which requires wide assortments of abilities and aptitude.

 The nature of foundation and web availability. As far as

transportation, this causes a colossal delay the efficiency of the
employees who for the most part need to spending 3-4 hours every day
simply getting to and from work. For web network, web speeds in the
Philippines keep on falling behind most nations on the planet, as per
PhilStar, 2019 positioning eleventh slowest in transfer speed and
sixteenth slowest in download speed among 87 nations, as indicated by
the most recent report of portable investigation organization

 Expensive and shaky force sources. There are insufficient base-load

power plants that can give power day in and day out even in significant
islands like Luzon and Mindanao. This is a direct result of monetary
and policy driven issues concerning defilement.

Module 6
Special Topics in Human Resource Management 5
Manpower Outsourcing


 Noe, Holler, Hollenbeck, Gerhart and Wright, “Human Resource Management: Gaining a Competitive
Advantage”, 8th edition, McGraw-Hill
 Corpuz, “Human Resource Management”, 3rd edition, Rex Bookstore

Module 6
Special Topics in Human Resource Management 1
Talent Management

MODULE 4Talent Management

Talent management is an organizations duty to develop, train and

compensate the manpower component the firm thru hiring, recruiting and
retention. It’s part of organizations policy to enhance its manpower capability.
On this topic, we can see the significance of putting manpower in priority list
apart from profit and other benefit that an organization can acquire.

At the end of this module, student should be able to:

1. define the talent management

2. learn and understand the significance of talent management
3. learn and understand the talent management process and models.
4. discuss talent management as strategic component of the organization

What is Talent Management?

Talent Management is characterized as the deliberately composed, key

procedure of getting the correct ability and helping them develop to their ideal
capacities remembering authoritative destinations.

The procedure along these lines includes:

1. Identifying ability holes and empty positions,

2. Sourcing for and on-boarding the reliable candidate,

3. Growing them inside the framework and creating required aptitudes,

4. Training for mastery with a future-center and viably captivating,

5. Retaining and spurring them to accomplish long haul business objectives.

The definition uncovers the all-encompassing nature of ability the executives – how it
saturates all viewpoints relating to the HR at work while guaranteeing that the
association accomplishes its destinations. It is in this way the way toward getting the
opportune individuals in the association and empowering them to empower the
business on the loose.

Under the umbrella of ability the board, there are a series of components and sub-
forms that need to work as one to guarantee the accomplishment of the association.

 Analyzing the correct ability holes for the present and what's to come,

Module 4
Special Topics in Human Resource Management 2
Talent Management

 identifying the correct ability pools and best-fit up-and-comers,

 getting them to join and afterward enhancing their current aptitudes and
qualities while helping them develop are contact focuses that are for the
most part similarly significant.

Talent Management Process

Figure 1. Talent Management Process

Source: Business Jargons

Steps in the managing talent effectively:

1. Planning:

Like in any procedure with a set result, arranging is the initial phase
during the time spent ability the board. It includes the accompanying
distinguishing where the holes lie - the human capital prerequisite, planning
sets of responsibilities for the important key jobs to help direct sourcing and
determination and building up a workforce plan for enlistment activities.

2. Attracting:

In light of the planning, the regular subsequent stage is to choose

whether the ability prerequisites ought to be filled in from inside the
organization or from outside sources. In any case, the procedure would include
drawing in a sound progression of candidates. The standard outside sources
incorporate occupation entrances, interpersonal organization, and referrals. The

Module 4
Special Topics in Human Resource Management 3
Talent Management

ability pools that should be taken advantage of must be recognized ahead of

time to keep the procedure as smooth and proficient as could be expected under
the circumstances. This is the place the sort of boss brand that the association
has worked for itself, becomes an integral factor since that chooses the nature
of uses that come in.

3. Selecting:

This includes utilizing a series of tests and checks to locate the correct
counterpart for the job – the perfect individual association fit. Composed tests,
interviews, bunch conversations and psychometric testing alongside a top to
bottom investigation of all accessible data on the up-and-comer on community
stages help in checking an all-adjusted image of the individual. Today there are
programming and AI-empowered arrangements that selection representatives
can use to skim through an immense populace of CVs to concentrate on the
most appropriate choices and to locate the perfect match.

4. Developing:

Many organizations today work on recruiting for mentality and

preparing for abilities. This bodes well in light of the fact that while you would
need an inclination to certain ranges of abilities, the individual you are
recruiting and not the CV. Creating workers to assist them with developing
with the association and preparing them for the ability expected to add to
business achievement likewise assembles dedication and improves
representative commitment. This starts with a compelling association program
to enable the worker to subside into the new job, trailed by giving plentiful
chances to upgrading the abilities, inclination and capability while additionally
empowering development through directing, training, coaching and occupation
pivot plans.

5. Retaining:

For any organization to be really fruitful, reasonably, ability should be

held adequately. Most associations attempt to hold their best ability through
advancements and additions, offering open doors for development,
empowering inclusion in exceptional activities and dynamic, preparing for
more developed jobs and rewards and acknowledgment programs.

6. Transitioning:

Compelling talent management centers around an aggregate change and

advancement of the organization through the development of individual
workers. This includes causing every representative to feel that they are a piece
of a greater entirety. Giving retirement benefits, leading post employment
surveys and viable progression arranging may appear as though irrelevant

Module 4
Special Topics in Human Resource Management 4
Talent Management

profession focuses however they are all change devices that empower the
common journey.

Talent Management Models

The thing with talent management, however, is that it needs to morph to suit
the latest talent trends, digital disruptions, and employee expectations.

Figure 2. Talent Management Model

Source: Hudson Research and Consulting

The primary components of the model are:

 Acquire – Employer branding, recruitment, on-boarding

 Assess – Talent analytics, succession planning and assessments
 Develop – Workforce planning, culture at work, engagement and retention
 Deploy – Goal alignment, career-path planning, learning and development,
and performance management

This structure of components is cyclical and goes on in a sustained loop

while taking onto consideration the internal climate within the organization and
the external environment in which it operates.

The point to be kept in mind here is that no model of something as

dynamic as talent management is writ in stone. It needs to be able to adapt to

Module 4
Special Topics in Human Resource Management 5
Talent Management

the changing needs of the organization the evolving talent expectations and the
pace set by changes within the industry.

How can an organization ensure that this model is put to the best use?
The following graphic enumerates the facets that need to be kept in mind.

Figure 3. Talent Management Model Process

Source: Corvirtus

Talent Management Strategy

Talent Management is certainly not a negligible agenda of prerequisites

that should be done – it is a procedure that needs cautious execution,
customary checks, and persistent improvement. Coming up next are the six
essential ability the executives procedures that fill in as the mainstays of
individuals capacities.

1. Detailed Job description

An all around informed, itemized set of working responsibilities helps

the sourcer, the sourcing programming, and the competitor comprehend the
activity job better. Conventional sets of responsibilities just serve to befuddle
all gatherings associated with the ability securing procedure and lead to an
influx of superfluous applications. Data that must be a piece of the expected set
of responsibilities incorporates the accompanying:

Module 4
Special Topics in Human Resource Management 6
Talent Management

 Job title and area

 Overall obligations
 Skills required
 Reporting lines
 Tools and gear utilized
 Salary and advantages

With these, competitors can settle on an educated choice on whether to

apply or not and sourcers get CVs that fit the bill better.

2. Individual association fit

A representative that doesn't fit into the hierarchical culture can nor be
the most joyful worker nor the most economically gainful one. While the way
of life can be hard to characterize in words, it is predominant in activities and
very straightforward whether a competitor would be a solid match or not.
Individual and hierarchical qualities need to have a specific level of cover for
any representative to feel comfortable inside the association. Without an
agreeable individual association fit, the most measure of time, exertion and
vitality would go into endeavors at change. Recruiting up-and-comer with the
correct P-O fit (or PE fit) in this manner enormously improves the odds of
better worker commitment, higher representative fulfillment, and typically
better execution.

3. Work together mentor develop

A significant technique to make ability the board increasingly

compelling includes making a culture of training, coaching (even converse
tutoring) and joint effort. Productive criticism goes far with regards to helping
workers advance and build up their abilities and mastery. Overseeing ability is
in this way about setting them up for the eventual fate of the association – to be
prepared for changes down the way and to have the option to depend on one

4. Reward and perceive right

The procedure of remunerations and acknowledgment shapes a

significant piece of the methodology to rouse, draw in and oversee workers
better. This goes past monetary prizes and extra bundles. Studies point towards
the way that representatives frequently need R&R plans that propel them with
"prizes" that are generally pertinent to them as people. This is an extraordinary
open door for associations to show their workers the amount they care for them
as people and as indispensable parts of the authoritative apparatus.

Module 4
Special Topics in Human Resource Management 7
Talent Management

5. Open doors for persistent improvement

Overseeing ability should be placed with regards to the future that the
association has imagined for itself. Along these lines, representatives should be
outfitted with the correct devices to have the option to amplify their own latent
capacity. For the nonstop improvement of the association, there should be the
degree and open doors for the constant advancement of its workers. In
addition, this guarantees the combined aptitudes inside the association is
refreshed, updated and upscaled.

Talent Management includes deliberately planning career ways that

bode well for each representative. We as a whole will in general work better
we know where we are going and what the following stop is for our vocations.
This doesn't involve making void guarantees of advancements yet rather
making a lifelong guide in conversation with the representative, ensuring that
they identify with it and feel that it is reasonable while additionally furnishing
them with all the fundamental apparatuses to make the guide a reality. Having
a guide to follow additionally improves maintenance scores since
representatives at that point realize what they need to anticipate and move in
the direction of and would then be able to team up viably to accomplish it.


 Noe, Holler, Hollenbeck, Gerhart and Wright, “Human Resource Management: Gaining a Competitive
Advantage”, 8th edition, McGraw-Hill 2012
 Corpuz, “Human Resource Management”, 3rd edition, Rex Bookstore, 2013

Module 4
Special Topics in Human Resource Management 1
Acquisition and Preparation

MODULE 3 Acquisition and Preparation

HR acquisition is synonymous to recruitment and selection. It is the

process of acquiring and selecting talents that enables the organization achieve
its goals. This includes succession planning and career growth of the employees.

At the end of this module, student should be able to:

1. define the Human Resource Acquisition

2. learn and understand the process of acquisition and manpower development
3. discuss the issues and challenges of HR acquisition as well as the role of HR
manager in the success of the HR dept.

Human Resource Acquisition

Kusumanchi, 2019 characterize Human Resource Acquisition as the

fundamentals of occupation analysis and employment configuration, as indicated by
her, its uses comparative with other HR works, the substance of an expected set of
responsibilities and an occupation detail, the assortment of employment examination
information, key strategies of employment examination, the hugeness of competency
profiling, key ways to deal with work structure and the nature of work life,
representative association, utilization of value circles to advance worker work
fulfillment and work balance. HR securing is equivalent to the expression
"Recruitment" comparative with the setting of human resource planning, work
investigation, work plan, enlistment procedure and determination choices.

She included that, it has now become a financial essential that there should be
an appropriate linkage between worker capacities and work. An organization coming
up short on the guideline of having the ideal individuals at the opportune time in the
perfect spot will in general remain in danger. The term 'job analysis' demonstrates what
employees are relied upon to do, the procedure whereby occupations are separated to
such an extent that they portray the obligations and duties, any relationship with other
employment exercises, under what conditions the exercises are to be performed, and the
worker abilities required for viable execution. Employment investigation intends to
decide the reason for presence of a specific activity, undertakings required to play out
the activity, how, when, where and under what conditions the activity is performed, and
the capabilities required to play out the activity. (

Module 3
Special Topics in Human Resource Management 2
Acquisition and Preparation

Process of Acquisition

The process consists of forecasting, goal setting and strategic planning, and
program implementation and evaluation.

Forecast of labor Forecast of labor

demand supply

Forecast of labor
surplus or shortage

Goal setting and

strategic planning

Implementation and

Figure 1. Overview of Human Resource

Planning Process


The attempts to decide the flexibly of and interest for different

sorts of HR to anticipate regions inside the organization where there will
be future work deficiency or surpluses.

Deciding labor demand - Demand gauge are created around

explicit employment classes or ability regions applicable to the
association's current and future state. When the activity classes or
abilities are recognized, the organizer needs to look for data that will
help foresee whether the requirement for individuals with those aptitudes
or in that activity classification will increment or reduction later on.

Module 3
Special Topics in Human Resource Management 3
Acquisition and Preparation

Associations contrast in the advancement with which such figures are


Leading indicator – is a target measure that precisely predicts

future work request.

Present day organization now and then outfitted with refined office that
empower them to anticipate future work needs. They utilize measurably
based framework that permits them to recognize and make choices
concerning their labor needs.

Deciding work flexibly – Once an organization has anticipated work

request, it needs to get a pointer of the company's work gracefully.
Deciding the interior work gracefully requires a point by point
examination of what number of individuals are as of now in different
employment classifications inside the organization. This examination at
that point adjusted to reflect changes sooner rather than later brought
about by retirements, advancements, moves, willful turnovers, and

Deciding work overflow or deficiency – Once estimate for work

request and flexibly are known, the organizer can contrast the figures
with find out whether there will be a work lack or work surplus for the
individual employment classifications. At the point when this is
resolved, the association can figure out what will do with the issue.
Through this additionally, association can prepare of time to plan and
make arrangement whether to include or cut workforce.

Goal setting and Strategic Planning

The following stage in human resource planning is objective setting and

strategic arranging. The reason for defining quantitative objectives is to
concentrate consideration on the issue and give a benchmark to deciding the
general achievement of any projects planned for reviewing a pending work lack
or overflow. The objective should come legitimately from the examination of
work gracefully and request and ought to incorporate a particular figure for
what ought to occur with the activity classification or ability territory and a
particular plan for when results ought to be accomplished.

Downsizing – The planned elimination of large numbers of personnel

designed to enhance organizational effectiveness.

Module 3
Special Topics in Human Resource Management 4
Acquisition and Preparation

Recruitment Process

Human resource recruitment is the training or action carried on by the

association with the basic role of recognizing and pulling in possible representatives. It
accordingly makes a cushion among arranging and genuine choice of new workers. The
objective of enrolling isn't just to create enormous quantities of candidate. On the off
chance that it does, the association will bring about extraordinary costs in staff
determination, yet barely any opening will really be filled. Same as to finely separate
among sensibly qualified candidates either.

Recruitment and selection is a complex procedure of picking the best among the
best interested people to the job, consequently it requires careful evaluation and
insightful choice originating from the selection representative to pick who among the
candidates are best qualified.

Recruitment Process:
1. Formulating recruitment strategy
2. Searching for job applicants
3. Screening applicants
4. Maintaining pool of applicants

Sources of Applicants:
1. Internal and external sources
2. Referrals
3. Job fairs
4. Online/Internet-based recruitment portals

Manpower Development

Manpower Development is a procedure that looks to enhance an organization's

use of its HR. It requires a coordinated methodology that tends to multidimensional
parts of employees, extending from upgrading specialized and relational abilities to
inventive reasoning and initiative.

The goal of human resource manpower advancement is to give a system to

workers to build up their abilities essential for individual and hierarchical effectiveness
and efficiency just as career development. The business is liable for concocting
programs designed for an employee's vocation advancement and occupation abilities
obtaining after work through preparing, execution the executives and association
improvement. Labor improvement is normally a piece of the association's human asset
procedure and expects to expand human capital potential in order to accomplish vital
business destinations.

Module 3
Special Topics in Human Resource Management 5
Acquisition and Preparation

Training and Development of Manpower

Among labor advancement's capacities is to manage the improvement of

human aptitude in the organization to improve profitability and proficiency.
Through arranging and observing of worker work results, advancement
programs are intended to guarantee representatives secure appropriate abilities
and characteristics required for working at more significant levels. This inspires
the laborers and improves their vocation development. Efficient preparing
programs likewise place the association in a one of a kind situation to go up
against the developing and changing needs of labor, innovation and
enhancement of business exercises

Worker Training Programs

Preparing as a strategy in labor improvement is one of the HRD

procedures that works connected at the hip with execution examinations and
makes the advancement procedure increasingly like a cycle. While the
fundamental objective of representative preparing is to build skill in every
worker's job, it likewise fills in as an approach to build up your association all in
all as far as making workers increasingly connected with, gainful and propelled.
At the point when progressed admirably, your organization's preparation
projects can assist you with holding your ability, increment your benefits and
even give you an upper hand.

Instructor-Led Training:

This sort of preparing can extend from having your workers go to a

school class with face to face talks to acquiring an outside coach to your office
for a short course. It can likewise appear as having a supervisor give a
preparation introduction or in any event, utilizing a live online class. While this
technique offers the advantage of two-route association between the coach and
learners, it may not function admirably when representatives aren't at a similar
aptitude level, and it can cost a ton and be less advantageous as well.

Self-guided studies:

Regardless of whether you dole out self-managed online courses, have

representatives watch reproduction recordings or hand out understanding
materials, you can utilize independently directed examination as an option in
contrast to having a live educator. This strategy offers comfort and can set aside
your organization cash, yet it may not function admirably when your
representatives need to get familiar with a mind boggling expertise and have
somebody promptly accessible to deal with questions. The adaptability can
likewise make consistence issues with the preparation in the event that you don't
cautiously screen whether representatives really complete it.

Module 3
Special Topics in Human Resource Management 6
Acquisition and Preparation

Employee-to-employee training:

At the point when you have to permit workers to truly watch a

movement and get hands-on preparing so they can play out the undertaking
themselves, you should seriously think about having encountered
representatives lead the preparation. Notwithstanding work shadowing and
guided work, this classification additionally incorporates continuous mentorship
and training from chiefs and friends. Directors can dole out a tutor during
direction to control a worker during her time at the organization, and
administrators can offer exhortation during formal gatherings like execution
audits or even calmly all through the workday.

Challenges and Issues faced by present day HR managers

As indicated by different enlistment details, drawing in top quality up-

and-comers is the greatest test of enrollment specialists and HR directors today.
In this period of low joblessness rate combined with ever-changing necessities
of the activity advertise, gifted up-and-comers are the genuine lords and a
definitive force rests in their grasp. Today, up-and-comers have the advantage
of choosing the association they need to work for as they have different
proposals close by. This makes a climate of serious rivalry all around among
selection representatives to contribute the best possibility for their customers.

In this war of ability, associations are blameworthy of utilizing obsolete

enrollment techniques combined with their powerlessness to comprehend the
changing needs of the applicants making the enlistment procedure significantly
increasingly hard for them.

1. Inability to pull in capable competitors

In this up-and-comer driven market where up-and-comers are drawn

closer by numerous spotters it turns out to be extremely hard for selection
representatives to pull in capable applicants. The top up-and-comer that you
have been attempting to pitch probably won't associate with when you at long
last choose to broaden the proposal following a little while of meetings. Deferral
in the employing procedure is executing the enlistment procedure, along these
lines causing you to miss out on top ability. Lessening time-to-employ likewise
turns into a troublesome ask as you are shuffling with different applicants
simultaneously and the subsequent meetings set aside a great deal of effort to set

2. Absence of comprehension between the enrollment specialists and

recruiting administrator

Absence of correspondence and comprehension among enrollment

specialists and employing chiefs can cause parcel of issues in the selecting

Module 3
Special Topics in Human Resource Management 7
Acquisition and Preparation

procedure, including powerlessness to distinguish the correct ranges of abilities

in the forthcoming competitors or choosing the best channels for sourcing the
correct ability.

3. Holding Millennials in the workforce for a more drawn out


Twenty to thirty year olds are beginning to command the work circle as
the gen X-ers begin to resign. The exceptional thing about recent college grads
is that they love innovation and will in general kindness their own needs more
than that of the association they work for. They long for open correspondence
and ordinary criticism. The test for the scouts is that these Millennials tend to do
work bouncing that expands their outstanding task at hand as they need to scan
for contender for similar positions all the more every now and again.

4. Powerlessness in utilizing information adequately

A large portion of the enrollment specialists today are knowledgeable in

utilizing innovation apparatuses for their potential benefit, however they don't
be able to adequately utilize information. It is of principal significance for
enrollment specialists to have the option to utilize the information to settle on
better enlistment choices and upgrade their procedures. However, that is not
really occurring.

5. Trouble in adjusting the speed of recruit with nature of recruit

Spotters face perhaps the greatest test with regards to adjusting the speed
of recruit with nature of recruit. Despite the fact that you need to enroll an up-
and-comer at the earliest opportunity, there is consistently a desire to get the
most ideal ability which as a rule requires some serious energy. Speeding up is
maybe perhaps the hardest errand for the enrollment specialists.

6. Absence of productivity during the recruitment procedure

A large portion of the recruitment specialists burn through their

important time by chipping away at pointless and ineffectual managerial
undertakings which can bring about duplication of endeavors. Specifically,
errands like sourcing possibly gifted up-and-comers and looking into their
resumes should take hours and not days. Numerous scout invest energy in these
managerial errands can be used in sending a possibility for conclusive choice to
the customer. This has prompted the expanding utilization of candidate
following frameworks by enrollment specialists.

Module 3
Special Topics in Human Resource Management 8
Acquisition and Preparation

7. Inability to give standout competitor experience

On the off chance that enrollment specialists can't give standout

competitor experience during the employing procedure it can make an awful
effect on the general corporate marking of the association. Scouts need to end
the employing procedure appropriately with applicants, regardless of whether
they are dismissing them. In the event that you are not doing that it will
negatively affect making an ability pool for what's to come.

Jobs of Human Resource Professionals in Employee Development

Human asset experts assume a fundamental job in making a culture in

association where each representative pays attention to trainings and worker
improvement exercises. Welcoming all workers on a typical stage and feature
the significance of trainings and how such activities would assist representatives
with becoming both expertly just as by and by.

1. Involve all individuals from the association

Human asset proficient are the substance of the association. Their

obligation isn't simply to connect with the chiefs or directors, however with
every single person who is on moves of the association. Representatives would
possibly persuade and accept if HR faculty sit with them and talk about the
difficulties they face in their normal work.

2. In quest for lacking aptitudes

Discovering what all territories a representative is missing and what

every new expertise would assist him with being a proficient asset. Comprehend
that no two workers can have comparative needs and prerequisites. In a perfect
world present a defense document of every single representative. Take the
assistance of their bosses also.

3. Design applicable training programs for workers

Planning significant preparing programs for worker which would be

useful to them and set them up to confront unanticipated circumstances with
certainty. Gap representatives into gatherings (Employees with comparable
necessities can be placed in one gathering) as per their preparation needs and if
need be mastermind select preparing programs for them. Try not to spare a
moment on the off chance that you need to call somebody from outside for
representative advancement exercises. Trust me; your representatives are your
association's genuine resources.

Module 3
Special Topics in Human Resource Management 9
Acquisition and Preparation

4. Motivate to partake

It is the duty of a human resource expert to spur the representatives to

partake in worker improvement exercises. Cause them to accept that the fate of
the association lies in their shoulders as it were. Cause them to feel significant.
Urge them to update their current information now and again to become
essential assets for the association.

5. Acknowledge a vocation all around done

Representatives who get new learnings and upgrade their abilities now
and again would perform better than sluggish ones who come just to pick their
checks. Congratulate workers who perform well. Let others understand their
missteps of not going to preparing programs, WebEx meetings and some other
exercises you composed for their turn of events. Give declarations of interest to
representatives who go to the preparation programs.

6. Keen in the lead of preparing

Try not to lead trainings only for it. Be incredibly cautious about the
substance of the preparation program. There is definitely no utilization of
exhausting discourses and negligible introductions. Trust me, individuals may
go to such projects once, yet will never return. They will give you a large
number of reasons to stay away from the equivalent.

7. Communicate

Energize two path correspondence in worker improvement exercises.

Teach the coach to include the representatives well. Give them errands and
request that they present the reports inside two days. Do give them a cutoff

8. Make opportunity to mingle

Worker advancement exercises don't generally mean arranging preparing

projects, workshops or meetings. Do take your workers out for picnics, social
affairs on occasion. Such activities fortify the connection among workers and
their seniors.

9. Acknowledge the achievement

Compose grant capacities where workers who perform extraordinarily

well during the time are acknowledged before the whole association. Put their
names on their notification sheets, office diary, etc. Request that the honor
champs give select meetings and feature what all additional they did to
accomplish the position. Trust me; you won't just spur the honor champ yet in

Module 3
Special Topics in Human Resource Management 10
Acquisition and Preparation

addition a worker who didn't perform well this time. He would return, buckle
down, learn new aptitudes, redesign his insight and fantasy about winning the
honor next time.


Noe, Holler, Hollenbeck, Gerhart and Wright, “Human Resource Management: Gaining a Competitive
Advantage”, 8th edition, McGraw-Hill 2012
Corpuz, “Human Resource Management”, 3rd edition, Rex Bookstore, 2013

Module 3
Special Topics in Human Resource Management 1
HR Overview

MODULE 1 Overview of Human Resource Management

Organization’s function is to provide products and services relative to the

needs of the environment that surrounds it. But, organization is also tasks to serve not
only its outside environment but also the internal. Provide adequate workplace and
training to support and supply the basic needs of its workers. Human Resource
Department is establish to deal with issues related to people such as compensation,
hiring, performance management, organization development, safety, wellness
benefits, employee motivation, communication, administration and training.

At the end of this module, student should be able to:

1. define Human Resource Management as the foundation of

organizational success
2. understand and discuss the functions of Human Resource Management
3. discuss principles of Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management

The practice of HRM must be seen through the outlook of generally speaking vital
objectives for the organization rather than an independent color that takes a unit based or a
miniaturized scale approach. The thought is to embrace an all-encompassing viewpoint
towards HRM that guarantees that there are no piecemeal techniques and the HRM strategy
entangles itself completely with those of the hierarchical objectives. For example, if the
preparation needs of the workers are essentially met with spur of the moment trainings on
omnibus themes, the firm stands to lose not just from the time that the employees spend in
preparing yet in addition lost bearing. Henceforth, the organization that pays attention to its
HRM strategies will guarantee that preparation depends on engaged and effective techniques.

Human Resource Management is the incorporated use by an organization of

frameworks, approaches and the management practices to enlist create and hold employees
who will enable the association to meet its objectives. HRM assumes a significant job in
guaranteeing employees’ fulfillment, improving execution and efficiency.

One of the variables behind organizations concentrating on their people is the idea of
the organizations in the current business condition. Given the way that there has been a
consistent development towards an economy dependent on administrations, it gets significant
for firms occupied with the administration part to keep their workers persuaded and gainful.
Indeed, even in the assembling and the customary segments, the need to stay serious has
implied that organizations in these divisions send procedures that utilize their assets. This
changed business scene has come to fruition because of a change in outlook in the manner in
which organizations and firms see their employees as something other than assets and rather
receive a "people first" approach.

Module 1
Special Topics in Human Resource Management 2
HR Overview

In conclusion, the practice of HRM needs to be integrated with the overall strategy to
ensure effective use of people and provide better returns to the organizations in terms of ROI
(Return on Investment) for every rupee or dollar spent on them. Unless the HRM practice is
designed in this way, the firms stand to lose from not utilizing people fully. And this does not
bode well for the success of the organization.

The HRM’s basic function:

1. Human Resource Planning (Forecasting, Job Analysis and Design)

2. Recruitment and Selection
3. Training and Development
4. Performance Management
5. Compensation Management
6. Labor Relations Management

1. Human Resource Planning (Forecasting, Job Analysis and Design)

Human resources planning is a consistent procedure that distinguishes present

and future human asset needs. This guarantees the accessibility of labor fit for the
activity to keep away from lack or overflow. This is likewise an action of deciding
how well an association uses its labor as per the assignments, effectiveness and
effectivity of strategy, and number of individuals working.

Forecasting. The attempts to determine the supply and demand for various types
of human resources to predict areas within the organization where there will be
future labor shortages or surpluses.

Job Analysis. Is a process of continuous collection of information about

responsibilities, duties, skills, results and work environment relevant to the design
of tasks/jobs to be performed.

Job Design. Is the next step after job analysis. It deals with the organizing and
outlining of duties and responsibilities compress into one single unit for
achievement of the desired goal.

2. Recruitment and Selection

Human resource recruitment is the training or action carried on by the

organization with the basic role of recognizing and pulling in expected workers. It in this
manner makes a cushion among arranging and real choice of new workers. The objective
of recruiting isn't just to produce huge quantities of candidate. On the off chance that it
does, the organization will cause extraordinary costs in work force choice, yet hardly any
opportunities will really be filled. Same as to finely separate among sensibly qualified
candidates either.

Module 1
Special Topics in Human Resource Management 3
HR Overview

Recruitment and selection is an unpredictable procedure of picking the best

among the best intrigued people to the activity, in this way it requires careful evaluation
and shrewd choice originating from the selection representative to pick who among the
candidates are best qualified.

Recruitment Process:
1. Formulating recruitment strategy
2. Searching for job applicants
3. Screening applicants
4. Maintaining pool of applicants

3. Training and Development

Training and development is defined as an formal organizational effort and

activity that focus on continuous manpower development for increase productivity, and
employee’s self and professional improvement for the purposes of the attainment of
organizational goals.

Objectives of Training:

1. Improves productivity, the quality and quantity of employees output.

2. Effectiveness in the present job. This involves increasing an individual’s
motivation to perform his/her job well.
3. Create more favorable attitudes such as loyalty and cooperation.
4. Helps employees in their personal development and advancement.
5. Help organization respond to dynamic market conditions and changing
customer demands.
6. Satisfy human resource planning requirements.

Training Methods:

A. Cognitive methods
a. Lecture/Discussion approach
b. Demonstration or hands-on method
c. Computer-based training (CBT)
d. Virtual Reality

B. Behavioral methods
a. Game and simulation
b. Case studies and Role Playing
c. On-the-Job training (OJT)

Module 1
Special Topics in Human Resource Management 4
HR Overview

4. Performance Management

Performance Management is an ongoing communication process, undertaken in

partnership between an employee and his/her immediate supervisor. It involves
establishing clear expectations and understanding about the following:

1. The essential job functions the employee is expected to do.

2. How the employeescontribute to the goals of the organization
3. How the employee and supervisor will work together to sustain, improve, or build
existing employee performance
4. How job performance will be measured
5. Identify barriers to performance and removing them

5. Compensation Management

Compensation is the arrangement of remunerations that organization give to

people consequently to their ability to perform different occupations and undertakings
inside the firm. These incorporates all types of budgetary returns and unmistakable
administrations and advantages workers get as a feature of a business relationship. This
additionally incorporates different components, for example, base pay, motivators,
rewards, benefits and different prizes.

The goal of compensation management is to make an arrangement of

remuneration that is evenhanded to the employer and worker. It likewise covers the act of
organization, structure and execution of absolute total reward reasonable for workers.
Compensation should be:

a. Adequate to meet the needs of employees

b. Equitable
c. Balance
d. Cost-effective
e. Secure
f. Incentive-providing
g. Acceptable to the employee
h. Compliant with legal regulations

6. Labor Relations

As mentioned by Anne Trebilcock, work relations, otherwise called modern

relations, alludes to the framework wherein bosses, laborers and their agents and,
straightforwardly or in a roundabout way, the administration collaborate to set the
standard procedures for the administration of work connections. It additionally portrays a
field of study devoted to inspecting such connections (representative boss). The field is

Module 1
Special Topics in Human Resource Management 5
HR Overview

an outgrowth of the modern insurgency, whose abundances prompted the rise of worker's
guilds to speak to laborers and to the improvement of aggregate work relations.

A work or industrial relations framework mirrors the connection between the

principle in it: the state, the business (or bosses or a businesses' affiliation), worker's
guilds and employees (who may take an interest or not in associations and different
bodies managing laborers' portrayal). The expressions "work relations" and "mechanical
relations" are likewise utilized regarding different types of laborers' support; they can
likewise envelop singular business connections between a business and a specialist under
a composed or inferred agreement of work, despite the fact that these are normally
alluded to as "employment relations".(

Principles of Human Resource Management

The HR department has transformed significantly from the task-oriented nature of

administration it used to be in the 1980s. It is now viewed as a strategy-focused extension of
every firm. The HR department thrives on specific principles, as highlighted below:

1. Commitment

One perspective that the HR department is to managing is employer stability. To

ensure professional stability, numerous workers realize that they have to show promise to the
organization and their activity obligations. The HR the executives comes in to put gauges
that guarantee that staffing levels relate to the organization's needs, and all the while,
guarantee workers of their drawn out situations inside the association. On their part, the firm
shows its drawn out pledge to the laborers by giving customary preparing, execution
assessments, and objective setting exercises.

2. Competence

Competitiveness is one of the center rules that supports an organization's

development and advancement. It is additionally an angle that influences workers' activity
fulfillment and how the organization benefits the general public. The achievement of a firm
relies upon the competency of its workers. The HRM office attempts to support workforce
competency by giving supports. It additionally plans direction programs, which give roads to
edify new workers on an organization's crucial goals.

Preparing and direction are fundamental in improving the representatives' aptitudes,

information, and competency. The advantage of having a capable workforce is that it
prompts the creation of sheltered and solid items and administrations that purchasers can
depend on. Without a significant level of capability, an organization will be defenseless to
claims and legitimate cases coming about because of the items and administrations that it

Module 1
Special Topics in Human Resource Management 6
HR Overview


• Noe, Holler, Hollenbeck, Gerhart and Wright, “Human Resource Management: Gaining a Competitive Advantage”, 8 th
edition, McGraw-Hill
• Corpuz, “Human Resource Management”, 3rd edition, Rex Bookstore

Module 1
Special Topics in Human Resource Management 1
Legal and Political Environment

MODULE 2 Legal and Political Environment

The legal and political environment covers the impact of political

institutions on human resource department. All actions and activities of HR are
affected by these factors. Legal and political environment is the external
factors of organizational activities, hence, organizations specifically human
resource department should abide on all provisions made by them.

At the end of this module, student should be able to:

1. define the legal and political foundations of human resource management

2. understand the impact of legal and political factors in organizational
activities and human resource management
3. discuss the legal and political issues impacting human resource

Legal and Political foundations of Human Resource Management

The field of human resource management is extraordinarily impact and molded

by the state, government strategies, rules and laws administering business. All human
asset exercises ought to be adjust in the current arrangements and actualizing rules and
strategies and the law.

The key drivers of a political atmosphere incorporates both inside and outside.
Interior drivers, for example, aggregate bartering and the employee-employer
relationship arrangements demonstrate huge changes in the movement of human asset
division. Outside driver, for example, government guidelines, nature of work
agreements, and work enactments incredibly influences the administration of
workforce in light of the fact that the association's essential concerns are to get
consistent to these arrangements for employee's assistance.

The Philippine Labor Law

The Labor Code of the Philippines stands as the law governing employment
practices and labor relations in the Philippines. It was enacted on Labor day of 1974
by President Ferdinand Marcos, in the exercise of his then extant legislative powers. It
prescribes the rules for hiring and termination of private employees; the conditions of
work including maximum work hours and overtime; employee benefits such as
holiday pay, thirteenth month pay and retirement pay; and the guidelines in the
organization and membership in labor unions as well as in collective bargaining.

The Labor Code contains several provisions which are beneficial to labor. It
prohibits termination from employment of Private employees except for just or

Module 2
Special Topics in Human Resource Management 2
Legal and Political Environment

authorized causes as prescribed in Article 282 to 284 of the Code. The right to trade
union is expressly recognized, as is the right of a union to insist on a closed shop.

Strikes are also authorized for as long as they comply with the strict requirements
under the Code, and workers who organize or participate in illegal strikes may be subject
to dismissal. Moreover, Philippine jurisprudence has long applied a rule that any doubts in
the interpretation of law, especially the Labor Code, will be resolved in favor of labor and
against management.

 Preliminary Title
 Book I – Pre-Employment
 Book II – Human Resources Development Program
 Book III – Conditions of Employment
 Book IV – Health, Safety and Social Welfare
 Book V – Labor Relations
 Book VI – Post Employment
 Book VII – Transitory Final Provisions

In the human resource management context, such political change suggests the
market or economic conditions replacing the previously prevalent regulated welfare-
oriented approach as the major factor governing employer-employee relationships.

The changes brought about by the shift in political climate include:

1. Greater human resource mobility among firms, relative to the context of

organizational commitment, and enhancing the role of HR functions such as
recruitment as core strategic functions.

2. Shift from performance management to talent management to tap the employee’s

core skills for the betterment of the organization.

3. Importance of individualism over collectivism resulting in individual contracts and

negotiations opposed to collective bargaining and roles for trade unions.

4. Shift from performance related-pay to result-oriented pay as a reaction to both the

changed economic circumstances and new work methods such as telecommuting
and outsourcing.

Impact of Legal and Political Environment

Recruitment, placement and retirement, employee-employer relationship/labor

relations, working environment, compensation, and health and safety imposed legal

Module 2
Special Topics in Human Resource Management 3
Legal and Political Environment

implication to the organization. Hence, organizations have to be compliant with all the
labor law provisions enacted and made by the government.

 Recruitment, placement and retirement – Book I of The Philippine Labor Code

- Pre-Employment - deals with the recruitment and placement of workers to
promote and maintain a state full of employment through improved man
power training, allocation, and utilization including regulating the employment
of aliens, and the establishment of registration and/or work permit systems,
and to ensure careful selection of Filipino workers for overseas employment in
order to protect the good name of the Philippine abroad.

 Employee-employer relationship/labor relations – Book II Labor Relations –

covers the major labor laws, the role/frnctions of the National Labor Relations
Commission (NLRC), National Conciliation and Mediation Board (NCMB),
and Bureau of Labor Relations (BLR). It give comprehensive discussion on
labor organization, collective bargaining, agreements, grievance machinery
and voluntary arbitration.

 Working Environment – Book III – Conditions of Employment – includes the

provision on working conditions and rest periods that deals with hours of
work, weekly rest periods, holidays, service incentive leaves, and service
charges. Provisions about wages including prohibitions regarding wages and
working conditions for special groups of employees such as employment of
women, minors, house helpers, and home workers are also included.

 Health and Safety - Book IV - Health, Safety and Social Welfare benefits –
covers medical, dental, and occupational health and safety, employees’
compensation, and State Insurance Fund including the provision for medical
care as amended and adult education.

Legal and Political Issues Impacting Human Resource Development

From, they refered to that, HR is greater than simply recruiting

and finance – the fundamental obligations of HR incorporate ensuring the workers and
the business. Insurance happens in various manners, incorporating those that cross
with customary HR duties like overseeing benefits and rehearsing moral and lawful
recruiting and the executives rehearses. The legitimate issues in HR can traverse
numerous zones, in any case.

Here are the most significant human asset the executives laws and guidelines.

1. Classification: HR experts will frequently come into contact with sensitive

data, for example, government security numbers, places of residence, conjugal
status, and even once in a while clinical data. HR has an obligation, at that

Module 2
Special Topics in Human Resource Management 4
Legal and Political Environment

point, to guarantee classification and circumspection while dealing with all

desk work and records.

2. Individual verifications: Some organizations have a lawful necessity to run

historical verifications on individuals before recruiting to guarantee that they
don't have a criminal record or basically to affirm the data from their
application is authentic. Some organization's utilization historical verifications
to guarantee consistence. This is one way that HR attempts to secure the
organization's advantage – by attempting to decrease their hazard and risk.

3. Segregation and bias: HR bunches are legitimately committed to rehearse

certain screenings while selecting recently recruited employees – Some
worldwide laws especially the Philippines laws order certain work laws and
norms, including not rehearsing oppression individuals for age, sex, race,
veteran or incapacity status. It's significant that HR experts know about work
laws and are utilizing decision making ability when screening applications. It's
likewise significant that HR knows about unfair conduct at the administration
level after somebody is recruited. Up-and-comers can't be terminated for a
similar explanation they can't be disregarded as a recruit – somebody's sexual
orientation or wellbeing is certainly not a legitimate purpose behind firing
work, and it is HR's lawful obligation to guarantee that administration
rehearses are reasonable. HR should likewise offer administration preparing to
teach chiefs, particularly new administrators, in how to cooperate with
representatives as an administrative level. This can assist with diminishing
issues of bias and ensure the business' advantage.

4. Provocation: Another one of the significant legitimate issues in HR is

forestalling badgering. It's imperative to have a badgering strategy set up and
guarantee that it's promptly accessible to all employees, just as ensure it's a
piece of all new worker on-boarding training. Organizations ought to likewise
command normal training for directors. At long last, if a provocation grievance
comes up, it's HRs employment to deal with the procedure, so HR directors
should be prepared in how to lead a reasonable, unbiased, and intensive

5. Wellbeing: Employers are required to give employees a sheltered working

environment. HR's help of this ensures both the representative truly, and the
business lawfully. The Occupational Safety and Health Act necessitates that
businesses follow obligatory least wellbeing and security principles.

6. Equivalent compensation: One significant compensation related order is

that employees must be paid similarly for equivalent work. In the event that
there is a more young individual and a more established individual with a
similar activity title answerable for similar obligations, the pace of pay should
be the equivalent. In the event that a man and a lady are playing out that

Module 2
Special Topics in Human Resource Management 5
Legal and Political Environment

everyday work and have a similar activity title, the organization must
guarantee that their pay rates are the equivalent.

7. Other finance issues: Employers are lawfully committed to pay their

managers a lowest pay permitted by law according to gave by National Wage
and Productivity Commission (NWPC) and furthermore represent additional
time pay for a considerable length of time worked more than 40 hrs.. Keeping
precise exception representative records (to represent pay versus hourly
representatives, for example) is fundamental in consenting to pay laws.

The lawful parts of human asset the board can be intricate, and this rundown
isn't comprehensive. It does, whoever, feature the heap of ways that lawful
issues in HR can introduce themselves.


 Noe, Holler, Hollenbeck, Gerhart and Wright, “Human Resource Management: Gaining a Competitive
Advantage”, 8th edition, McGraw-Hill 2012
 Corpuz, “Human Resource Management”, 3rd edition, Rex Bookstore, 2013

Module 2

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