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How can the government ensure economic recovery while maintaining the COVID

infection rate to a minimum level?

        Last year our life encountered a much unpredicted plot twist. We faced the year
2020 with the damage that was caused by the eruption of the Taal volcano, the tragedy that
happened to our all-time favorite Kobe Bryant. The violence in black people that causes death.
And the outbreak of the COVID virus nationwide. 2020 gives us a plot twist that changes our
perspective and lifestyle. But let’s focus on the issue that we’re still facing and fighting for the
economy to recover.

                      In March 2020, our country was forced to perform a lockdown so the rate of
infected people will not increase and spread viruses from one another. And to prevent social
gathering and getting viruses. Person that is infected will be fetched by the local government and
put into a quarantine facility so they can treat them and cure them. From the month of April to
July 2020 Covid cases were continually increasing.   So schooling and work has been advised to
be performed at home. And successfully because of the strict prohibitions the Covid cases
decrease in the month of September to November, Even Covid cases decrease the prohibitions
and rules are still strict and mandatory to follow.

                Now in the year of 2021, the rate of the active cases decreases. So rules and
prohibition loosen up a little bit and lifestyle has been better. Above 18 years old can go to the
mall and public places now, face shield is not mandatory anymore. But the social problem arises
too, mass gathering has been performed again, making the active cases blow like a balloon and
rapidly increase. How can the economy recover and maintain the low rate of active cases?

                        Rules and prohibitions should be back again. Yes I’m a teenager student and I
want to spend time with my friends, family and partner outside to eat, have leisure time and
relax. But I also want to get back to the good old days where we can go everywhere we want
without being afraid of the virus and without wearing masks. Curfew should be back again so
that no 18 years old and below can go outside. And 20 years old below without work or business
outside the community should not be allowed to leave. Vaccination cards should be mandatory to
present before entering any public establishment to ensure their safety and the safety of the place.
And as a caring citizen you should be aware and responsible for your actions. Bring extra masks,
alcohol or anything that can be used to sanitize so you can clean first the things that you will
touch or face outside.  In these reminders Covid cases can decrease its rate and the economy will
have the time to recover.

                       Local officials such as barangay officers, chairman should not allow any party, or
public gathering that will involve many people. People that go outside without a mask should be
given a fine to pay so they will be afraid to disobey the protocol. And the active cases chart
should be posted in public or social media so the people can see the rate and consider staying at
home to protect themselves. 

                        This comeback of the prohibitions and rules is not a selfish act. Always consider
the good of the many people rather than our own good. Your wants can be set aside and just find
alternatives like you can shop online, talk and have bonding with your friends through a call or
meeting etc. Be wise in your decision, let our economy heal and rise again. Start the change in
your actions.

Should we celebrate the holidays in a grand manner or try to control our spending in
preparation for the expected infection surge in January?

                     Celebrating holidays has been part of our lives and a tradition matter to us. We
gather, prepare food, share our thoughts and celebrate it. Just like in Bonifacio’s day, people
celebrate it by going to its monument and putting some flowers, ribbons, offerings and even
candles. And in pre pandemic time people honor this holiday by a parade while wearing red
shirts while holding a flag. Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday we celebrate it for the fruitful
year and for remembering the birth of Christ. But is it practical to celebrate it in a grand manner
in our state now?
                      Holidays should be honored and remembered but it’s not mandatory to celebrate.
Many people don’t celebrate it in a grand manner, they just prepare a little food, pray and honor
them. But some are making parties, reuniting with other people to celebrate and have fun. But in
the middle of a pandemic crisis is it advisable to set aside the problem we’re facing to celebrate it

                      Some may say yes because it’s once a year only. And celebrating it is just like
honoring what happened on that day too. But many departments in our country disapprove of
celebrating it in a grand manner while we're in this current situation. The Department of Health
(DOH) gives a statement that celebrating is not bad and harmful at all. It only becomes harmful
because of the extras and making it grand and forgetting the prohibitions and protocol that we are
performing now. But the religious part debunked it with the statement saying that it’s just one
day and no big deal. People should give respect to the honor that happened to us in those

                   In a fair preference and no side biased, holidays can be still celebrated and still be
aware and ready for the expected infection surge. Spending just needs to be controlled and
limited. And still consider the safety of the environment. We don’t need to spend all the holidays
in a grand manner, celebrating it in a simple and ordinary way is still considered celebrating, and
still shows honor. We don’t know what we will face next year, the next few years and the next 5
years in our life.  Being ready and prepared can be our first shield and protection. So we will not
be war shocked again on what may happen unexpectedly. So it’s not bad to celebrate holidays
just always be accountable and ready for what may happen and always prepare yourself.

Should you unfriend your friend on Facebook if they have contrasting or different
views on the upcoming presidential elections against yours?

                    Upcoming presidential election has been controversial. The people who

said that won’t run for presidency file a coc. The one that is loved by the society file an
back out, and those who have a family controversial past history issues file again in
comelec. It becomes more controversial because Facebook was the platform that is
used now in promoting, spreading facts and even in memes of making fun of the
candidates. This platform was also the biggest platform so any information about the
candidates easily spread. 

                     The question is: Should you unfriend your friend on Facebook if they have
contrasting or different views on the upcoming presidential elections against yours? I
believe that having different political views is not bad at all. It’s not an issue. It just
becomes bad when the different parties are being toxic. Many friendships, relatives and
even families fight over the social media because of their different stand and different
bet in presidential candidacies. As a smart and caring citizen of the Philippines you want
to vote for the candidate that has a title and truly fits for the position. So what should
you do when you see your friends or relatives post about their support for the other
parties? Should you base them or cut them off?

                      When you know to yourself that your winning candidate is suited for the
position and others are giving facts and arguing with you because of your opinion you
should not fight back.  Act as an educated person, don’t attack back on their winning
candidate and bet instead educate them. Educate them why do you choose that
candidate, what makes you sure that he/she is worth it for the position. What are your
facts, research and resources and make you statement factual. Fighting back and
arguing in social media is unethical act. Don’t let yourself argue and disrespect others'
opinions. When people are being toxic to your choice and feed and disrespect others
political views that’s the time you need to cut them off.

                      Toxic acts like, making fun of you, mocking your opinion and view,
disrespecting you as a person because your political views with them are different.
Feeling superior because they think they are smarter in making decisions and thinking
practical. If you truly care and want to open the eyes and mind of other people when
you see that they don’t have an idea of who they will vote for. Educate them instead,
open up in a private message and share your views in a very professional way so they
can understand you and consider your opinion too.

                 Having different views in a political presidency election is not bad, having

different bets is fine. You don’t need to be too sensitive and instantly cut them off,
blocking and unfriending them. But disrespecting other people is not helpful and morally
right at all. Toxic people should be cut off at all costs.

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