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Dear students

My name is Meenakshi Thakur and I am pursuing Masters in finance from

Dublin business school. I am at my dissertation phase and my dissertation topic is
‘Perspective of finance students towards socially responsible investments’. The objective of
my survey is to find out the understanding and the amount of knowledge finance students
hold on the socially responsible investments.

Socially responsible investments are those investments which are made by individuals or
institutions to improve the environmental and societal conditions of our world. In simple
terms socially responsible investments finances the corporate social responsibility activities.
Socially responsible investments have experienced tremendous growth in last few years and
have become one of the hot topics in the financial markets. Socially responsible investments
do not only contributes to the betterment of society and environment but also generates
higher financial returns.

I would be so grateful of you to help me with my dissertation.

Meenakshi Thakur

Q.1) How would you rate your knowledge of financial markets?

 Bad
 Not really good
 Good
 Excellent

Q.2) Did your core finance module covered the corporate social
responsibility topic?
 Yes
 No

Q.3) Are you familiar with the corporate social responsibility concept?
 Yes
 No

Q.4) How would you estimate your knowledge on corporate social


 Bad
 Not really good
 Good
 Excellent

Q.5) What do you understand by corporate social responsibility?

 Responsibility of an organization to protect the environment

 Responsibility of an organization towards the society

 Responsibility of an organization to work according to the laws set forth by the

government for a business
 Responsibility of an organization towards its employees and shareholders

 All of the above

Q.6) Do you think that if a company adopts corporate social responsibility

practices its overall financial performance is enhanced?
 Yes
 No
 To some extent

Q.7) What do you think is the main reason the organizations to get
involved in the corporate social responsibility practices?
 For better financial returns

 To boost brand image

 Just for marketing

 To do good for the society and environment

 All of the above

Q.8) Was the topic ‘socially responsible investments’ covered in your core
finance module?
 Yes
 No

Q.9) Are you familiar with the term ‘socially responsible investments’?
 Yes
 No
Q.10) If yes, then how do you know about socially responsible investments?
 Personal interest

 Word of mouth

 Advertisements

 Job, work experience

 I do not know about it

Q.11) How would you rate your knowledge on socially responsible


 Bad
 Not really good
 Good
 Excellent

Q.12) What do understand by socially responsible investments?

 Investments made for the improvement of environmental conditions

 Investments made for the improvement of the societal conditions

 Both

Q.13) How do you perceive socially responsible investments?

 New form of investing

 Significant in finance

 Marketing concept

 Temporary tendency
Q.14) Have you directly experienced any sort of socially responsible
 Yes, I am a socially responsible investor

 Yes, I have been benefited from individual social responsible investor

 Yes, I have been benefited from institutional social responsible investor

 No

Q.15) Do you think that personal values and morals can be integrated into
 Yes

 No

 To some extent

Q.16) What kind of investments would you prefer?

 The traditional investments which generate higher financial returns

 The investments which generate financial returns and do have a negative impact on
the society

 The socially responsible investments whose main concern is to bring a positive

change in the society and environment and also generates financial returns

Q.17) Do you think that shareholders and government laws can pressurize
the organizations to behave responsibly?
 Yes

 No
 To some extent

Q.18) Who should work to increase awareness about corporate social

responsibility and socially responsible investments?
 Government

 Organizations

 Both

Q.19) Do you think that corporate social responsibility is one of the hot
topic in today’s world and the investments related to this should be covered
in the core module of the finance course?
 Yes

 No

 To some extent

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