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Moving to a new City

1. Listen and complete.

I moved to a new city. I moved all of my things into my new____ yesterday. I rented
a large _____to help me move all my____. I brought my bed, my sofa, my chairs,
my rugs, and my tables. I brought my_____, my books, my bookshelves, and
my_____. My new house has a refrigerator and a dishwasher. On my street, there
are many ______houses. When I arrived at my new house, my _____said, "Hello!"
I met some of my neighbors. Jacob and Julie _____next door. They have
two______. Martha lives across the street. She is an _____woman. I am happy to
be in a new city, in a new house.

House things plants neighbors older truck clothes live other children


3. Select the correct answer.

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