Music and Musical Instruments

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Music and Musical Instruments

1. Listen and complete.

Do you like music? Music is very important to many people. People feel
_____when they listen to music. Music can make people laugh, _____and
remember the past. People love to _____to love songs. Love songs are probably
the _____popular songs. You _____listen to music on the radio or on the computer.
You can go to a concert to watch _____play music on a stage. You can make your
____music with musical instruments. The guitar is a musical _______ that you can
carry with you anywhere. The harmonica is small, too. The piano is a large musical
instrument that has to stay at home. The_____ are loud. The violin can make sad
music.____ can be difficult to learn to play a musical instrument, but when you do,
you can play all types of ____.

Emotions cry listen musicians instrument most drums can own It songs

2. Select the correct answer.

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