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Middle Magdalena Basin

Basin Summary Report

Bally Snelson Class: Foredeep/grabens

Kingston Class:
Klemme Class: Intracont complex

Young Age: Holocene

Old Age: Triassic

Number of Fields Recoverable Reserves


Oil Recoverable PP MMbbl

Gas Recoverable PP MMscf
Condensate Recoverable PP MMbbl

Total Recoverable PP MMboe


EDIN | Summary Report

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General Basin Data 2

Map Coverage 3
Map Location 4
Geological Overview 5
Exploration Overview 7
Development Overview 11
Field Reserves and Production 14
Geothermal Gradients 15
Genetic Unit(s) 15
Play(s) 15
Play Reservoirs(s) 16
Petroleum System(s) 17
Source Rock(s) 18
Reservoirs(s) 20
Seal(s) 22
Structure (remarks) 23
Generation - Migration (remarks) 26
Exploration Possibility (remarks) 27
Data Availability (remarks) 29
Images 40
Bibliography 55
Image References 64

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General Basin Data

Geography Colombia

Basin Onshore Sqkm 30,855.7

Bally Snelson Class Foredeep/grabens

Klemme Class Intracont complex

Basin Young Age Holocene

Basin Old Age Triassic

Gross Thickn Max Val Meter 12,000

Pet System Names La Luna - Chuspas/Chorro

Play Names Cretaceous Structural~Tertiary Compressional Structural~Tertiary Extensional Structural~Tertiary

Extensional Stratigraphic-Structural~Tertiary Extensional Structural-Unconformity~Tertiary
Compressional Stratigraphic-Structural-Unconformity~Tertiary Compressional Stratigraphic-
Structural~Tertiary Compressional Structural-Unconformity~La Luna Continuous-type~Umir Continuous-
type~Simiti Continuous-type~Cretaceous ~Tertiary Compressional ~Tertiary Extensional

Unique Basin Id 109600

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Basin Location and Limits

The Middle Magdalena Basin is located onshore Colombia between the Central and Eastern Cordilleras. The basin extends
in a north-south trend for more than 500 km with an average width of 60 km.

The basin is markedly asymmetric, thickening towards the Eastern Cordillera and Santander Massif. The thickness of the
basin sequence ranges from 0 to 3,000 m along the western margin of the basin to more than 12,000 m along the eastern

The eastern margin of the basin is marked by the La Salinas and Dos Hermanos thrusts, which bound the Eastern
Cordillera. The western margin established where Tertiary sedimentary fill onlaps pre-Cretaceous sequences. The
northeastern boundary of the basin is formed by thrusts along the margin of the Santander Massif. The Bituima Thrust
marks the southern margin at the town of Guataqui, separating it from the Upper Magdalena Basin. To the north, the Middle
Magdalena Basin is separated from the Lower Magdalena Basin by the Murrucucu Fault.

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Map Coverage

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Map Location

Source: EDIN © 2022 IHS Markit

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Geological Overview

The Middle Magdalena Basin of Colombia is located entirely onshore and lies between the Central and Eastern Cordilleras.
The basin is strongly elongate, parallel to the Andean mountain belt. The basin is asymmetrical with the main depocentre in
the east. The sedimentary succession thins to the west where locally it onlaps the Central Cordillera.

Basin Evolution
The basin developed as part of a chain of sub-Andean foreland basins, separated from the main foreland basin to the east
by the growth of the Eastern Cordillera during the Tertiary.

It is a polycyclic basin and had an early history as part of a Triassic-Lower Cretaceous rift basin on the northwest edge of the
South American continent.

Early Andean deformation began in the Late Cretaceous with collision of the Pinon (Amaime) Terrane to the west and uplift
of part of the Central Cordillera, which supplied clastic sediments from the west. During the Late Paleocene-Early Oligocene,
uplift and structural development of parts of the Eastern Cordillera took place to the east of the Middle Magdalena Basin.
This tectonism was associated with lithospheric flexure and the development of an Eocene-Oligocene foreland basin, whose
depocentre was on the eastern side of the basin and whose principal sediment supply was from the east.

In the Early Miocene, the main phase of Andean polyphase deformation began with further tectonic activity and uplift of the
Eastern Cordillera. Andean tectonism continues at the present time.

Source Rocks
The La Luna Formation shales and limestones are the main known oil and gas source rocks. Shales and coals of the Umir
Formation are also proven source rocks, but of secondary importance. Geochemical studies have shown that limestones
and shales of the Rosablanca Formation are oil-prone (Type I/II kerogen), thus having a good generation potential. Shales
of the Cumbre and Simiti formations are also considered potential source rocks, and well as mudstones and limestones of
the Tablazo Formation.

Source rocks are thermally mature throughout most of the eastern part of the basin. Oil generation may have begun during
the Early Tertiary in the deep Cretaceous Bogota Basin, within the Eastern Cordillera, prior to uplift. However, Cretaceous
source rocks are presently mature beneath many of the synclines in the eastern part of the basin and oil may still be
generated at the present time. Therefore, there were several phases of oil generation.

Upper Eocene-Lower Miocene fluvial sandstones and conglomerates of the Chuspas and Chorros groups are the principal
reservoirs in the basin. Porosities are variable, depending on the level of induration. Permeabilities also vary considerably
due to variable cement and clay content and to variations in sorting. Additional minor reservoirs are found throughout the
post-rift stratigraphic section. The Lower Cretaceous limestones of the Rosablanca and Tablazo formations are good
reservoirs when fractured as well as the Upper Cretaceous bituminous limestones of the La Luna Formation. Minor
reservoirs are also found in distributary channel deposits of the Paleocene terrestrial-transitional Lisama Formation and in
Miocene fluvial and alluvial sandstones of the Real Group. The organic-rich shales of the Simiti, La Luna, and Umir
formation are considered potential unconventional hydrocarbon reservoirs.


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Seals for the principal reservoirs of the Chorro and Chuspas groups are intraformational shales deposited in floodplain and
overbank environments.

The Simiti and Paja formations’ marine shales form regional seals for underlying limestone reservoirs, and intraformational
marine shales seal reservoirs in the La Luna and Lisama formations. Intraformational fluvial shales seal the Real Group

Upper Cretaceous crustal thickening in the Central Cordillera led to flexural subsidence and the growth of the Tertiary
foreland basin. This basin was first partially destroyed and uplifted by Lower Tertiary eastward-verging thrusts and then by
Upper Tertiary west-verging thrusts. The thrusts are stepped with ramp-flat geometry; flat detachments occur in the Upper
Cretaceous shales. The dominant structures are large hanging-wall fault-bend folds, cored by basement and their
associated underthrust structures. The west-verging backthrusts developed from ramps on the hanging-walls of east-verging
forethrusts. The west-verging thrusts along the eastern side of the basin branch from east-verging thrusts beneath the
Eastern Cordillera. Wrench faulting with large flower structures was formed during the Neogene.

There are three established groups of plays, Cretaceous, Tertiary Compressional and Tertiary Extensional in the Middle
Magdalena Basin. The Tertiary Compressional plays involve traps associated with compressional deformations; Tertiary
Extensional plays involve traps associated with extensional ones, with wrench movement component fault blocks. The
Tertiary Compressional group of plays is the largest and most important play in the basin. Reservoirs are mainly
sandstones, although there are some carbonate reservoirs present within Cretaceous Structural Play. The La Luna, Simiti
and Umir Shale Oil & Gas plays are considered prospective in the Middle Magdalena Basin. Even though the La Luna one
could be most prolific in the basin (e.g., Juliao et al., 2012; Torres et al., 2015), the Tablazo and Rosablanca shales are also
attractive targets for unconventional reservoirs (Aguja et al., 2010; Willis & Ganguly, 2014; Cespedes et al., 2015; Jimenez
et al., 2015).

Petroleum Systems
There is one known petroleum system in the basin, the La Luna/Umir - Chuspas/Chorro Petroleum System. It contains
Cretaceous source beds and Tertiary and Cretaceous reservoirs, although the Tertiary reservoirs are the only major ones.
Oil is still being generated from the La Luna source rock at the present time.

A hypothetical petroleum system known as the Basal Limestone - Basal Limestone system has been proposed as a new
exploration frontier. It includes both reservoirs and potential source rocks within the Lower Cretaceous sequence.

Exploration Potential
Future exploration potential exists in the lesser explored parts of the basin, particularly in the south. Exploration potential
also exists in sub-thrust structures in the east and in wrenching structures in the west. Potential is seen in understanding the
deeper structures, the stratigraphic variations for potential sub-thrust, stratigraphic plays and the Lower Cretaceous play.

The Middle Magdalena ranking second in oil volumes among Colombian basins (Bedregal et al., 2020). Recently
established substantial unconventional hydrocarbons potential in this basin, which amounts to 4.8 Bbl of oil in-place and 18
Tcf of gas in-place, is within Cretaceous shales (Cespedes et al., 2015, and reference therein).

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Exploration Overview

Exploration Introduction
The first discovery in the Middle Magdalena Basin was made in 1918 at the Infantas field. Since then, more than 500 new
field wildcats (NFWs) have been drilled and over 31,000 line-km of 2D and 5,300 sq km of 3D seismic have been shot. As a
result, further 103 discoveries have been made, with discovered reserves amounting to more than 3,300 MMbbl and 4,040
Bscfg (October 2016).

The new field wildcat density in the basin is 61 sq km/NFW and seismic density is about 1.2 sq km/line- km. This makes the
Middle Magdalena Basin a very mature province in terms of exploration. Although the average field size has decreased over
the years, continued discoveries mean that the interest in the area has been maintained.

NFW success ratio for the basin has an average of 20% for all-time, and grows to 26% in the last 10 years.

The approximate remaining recoverable (proven and probable) reserves of the basin are 776 MMbo and 729 Bscfg (as of
October 2016), which categorize the basin as highly prospective.

Exploration History

Petroleum exploration and production activities are governed by Law No. 20 of 1969 and Decree No. 2310 of 1974, as
amended by Decree No. 2782 of 1989 and Decree No. 1093 of 1990. The 1969 law provided for certain areas to be
reserved by the government for the national oil company, Empresa Colombiana de Petroleos (Ecopetrol), to carry out
exploration and production activities either on its own account or jointly with private oil companies under association
contracts. Until then, petroleum rights had been awarded under a concession system governed by Decree No. 1056 of 1953.
From 1974, concessions were no longer awarded to oil companies and Ecopetrol was vested with exclusive rights in respect
of all open areas. Ecopetrol developed a form of agreement, the "association contract", which was used as a basis for
carrying out exploration and production in association with foreign oil companies. Since the 1970s, Ecopetrol has modified
the association contract on a number of occasions to attract foreign investment. Its basic structure, however, remains

Colombian government maintains its positive foreign oil and gas investment policy attracting the market’s attention and
investment. While some of the South American countries are announcing policies that were not so welcoming, Colombia’s
policies seemed to be working in the 2010s.

The inauguration of the right-wing Ivan Duque government in August 2018 has enabled
continuity in Colombia’s investor-friendly hydrocarbon policies. The Duque
administration is seeking to better exploit remaining onshore hydrocarbon potential by
awarding new exploration blocks and promoting IOR/EOR projects.

In the wake of the March 2020 oil price collapse, the government’s near-term policy
priority will be to maintain investment levels on existing projects. The ANH has
approved important measures to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
These include allowing investment transfers between contracts; allowing extensions for
various project phases; granting greater flexibility regarding guaranty/insurance for
work programs; and enabling payment deferrals.

In July 2020, ANH approved a set of regulations to carry out pilot projects in
unconventional deposits. These regulations contain the areas where projects may be
carried out and the awarding criteria. The regulations also contain provisions regarding

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community economic participation—an effort aimed at mitigating the risk of social

conflict with local actors. Going forward, the government is expected to continue efforts
to facilitate unconventional investment through targeted fiscal incentives.

The pace of unconventional hydrocarbon exploration nonetheless will likely remain

slow owing to persistent local opposition and stricter environmental scrutiny of E&P
activity in general. Aboveground risks such as insurgent-led pipeline attacks, local
community blockades, delays in environmental permitting, and legal uncertainties
owing to unfavorable judicial decisions are expected to continue to deter new entrants (Bedregal et al., 2020).

The first awards in the basin were made at the beginning of the century to Senor de Mares and were operated by Tropical
Oil Company. From the 1920s, majors such as Mobil and Shell became active and more recent operators include smaller
Colombian and foreign independents. The state company Ecopetrol, however, is the largest acreage holder.

1980s: The only exploration/production contract covering 2,843 sq km over De Mare Block was awarded to Ecopetrol in

1990s: Petrosantander and Lagosur Petroleum were awarded with the El Pinar and Bolivar blocks for
exploration/production, covering 49 sq km and 82 sq km in 1990 and 1996, respectively.

2000s: 12 operators were awarded with 14 exploration/production and surface exploration/drilling licenses over 14 blocks
covering 5,280 sq km.

2010s: 14 blocks covering 8,381 sq km were awarded to nine operators for exploration & production purposes in 2010-2014.


1950s-1960s: No information is available about the total kilometres of seismic shot during this time, but in these two
decades there were 66 2D seismic and 14 gravity/magnetic surveys shot in a total of at least 412 party-months. Based on
the average kilometres/month for the succeeding decades, it is estimated that the total kilometres was between 21,000 and
30,000 for the 20 year period. If the estimate is correct, this is most seismic that has ever been shot in this basin. Cities
Service and Sinclair were the operators for most of the surveys during this time. 12 of the surveys run during the 1960s were
gravity/magnetic surveys, and most of these were operated by Ecopetrol.

1970s: 57 surveys were shot for a total of 2,721 line-km (incomplete data). Only one was a gravity survey, with the
remainder being 2D surveys. 11 operators ran these surveys with Ecopetrol being the operator for the largest number of
surveys (15) as well as the largest total line-kilometres (1,983).

1980s: During this decade, 73 2D and two 3D seismic surveys were run for a total of 8,734 line-km (incomplete data) and
108 sq km, respectively. Also, four gravity/magnetic surveys were carried out. By this time, 26 different operators were
involved. Again, Ecopetrol operated the most surveys (14) and ran the most line-kilometres (3,939). Petrobras ran the
largest single survey during this time period with a 515 km survey over their Sogamosa contract. This survey was also the
only survey the Petrobras operated in the Middle Magdalena Basin. The first reported 3D survey was run by Shell in 1985.

1990s: Exploration survey activity was about the same during the 1990s, with 67 2D, eight 3D and eight gravity/magnetic
surveys covering 6,458 line-km and 654 sq km in total. The total number of companies operating these surveys declined to
16 from 26 during the previous decade. Ecopetrol ran the largest number of surveys (31) as well as total line-kilometres
(2,751) and square kilometres (386).

2000s: The number of surveys slightly dropped to 76, including 48 2D, two 2D+3D, 23 3D and three gravity/magnetic
surveys, which were carried out by 33 operators (20 surveys by Ecopetrol). Seismic surveys acquired 4,556 line-km of 2D
and 1,831 sq km of 3D data (incomplete data), respectively.

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2010s: As of to date (October 2016), 18 operators completed 35 seismic surveys, including 13 2D and 22 3D surveys,
acquiring 2,352 line-km and 2,935 sq km of seismic data.


1900-1949: The first drilling activity in the basin took place at the beginning of the century, spurred by the reports of oil
seeps at Barrancabermeja. The first discovery was made in 1918 at the Infantas field by the Tropical Oil Company. The
Infantas field had 326 MMboe recoverable reserves and is still the fourth largest field to have been found in the basin. Over
the next three decades (1920s, 30s and 40s), 98 wildcats were drilled and completed, resulting in 11 economic discoveries.
Most of the wells were shallow (~1,500 m), although a few were as deep as 2,500-3,000m. The largest field, and the only
giant field in the basin (La Cira with 748 MMboe recoverable), was discovered in 1926. Three other large (>100 MMboe)
were also discovered during this time period but not until the 1940s, when there was more exploration drilling activity than
the previous three decades combined. Most of the discoveries in this period were in Oligocene reservoirs, either the
Mugrosa or the Colorado formations. Two of the discoveries were in the underlying Eocene formations (La Paz and

1950s: Exploratory activity stepped up again during the 1950s, when 81 NFWs were drilled and completed by 10 operators.
21 discoveries were made during this decade, although only nine resulted in any significant production. Only one large
discovery was made, the Palagua field. The significant development of this decade was a discovery in Cretaceous rocks,
proving up reserves in the Cretaceous Structural Play. The Olivo (Buturama) field produces from the Rosa Blanca Formation
and holds about 6 MMboe of reserves. Additional discoveries have since been made in the Rosa Blanca and other Basal
Limestone Group formations, but this field is the only one that has ever produced.

1960s: About the same number (80) of NFWs was drilled and completed by 10 operators during the sixties as in the
previous decade; the success rate was less, with 16 discoveries made. Of these, eleven were productive. However among
the successes, there were three large fields. The largest of these, Provincia, was drilled by the Texas Petroleum Co. and is
the third largest field in the basin, with 392 MMboe. Another significant aspect of this field is that it was the first field with
proven reserves in the Paleocene Lisama Formation. The Opon field, with 35 MMboe, is significant for being the first
gas/condensate field. It is still one of only four gas or gas/condensate fields in the basin.

1970s: Exploration activity declined significantly in the Middle Magdalena Basin during the 1970s. Only 35 NFWs wells were
drilled and completed by nine operators. Nine discoveries were made, and only three of these were commercial, though they
were small (1-10 MMboe) and very small (<1 MMboe).

1980s: 96 NFWs were drilled and completed during the 1980s by 27 operators, resulting in 21 discoveries. Only 12 of these
were developed. This is a higher success rate than from the previous decade. Additionally, among the discoveries were four
medium sized fields. The deepest well in the basin was drilled in 1982. The Lilia 2 well was drilled to a total depth of 4,778 m
by Webb de Colombia, however its Mugrosa Formation target was dry.

1990s: Exploration activity during the 1990s declined again back to the level of the 1970s. Only 37 NFWs were drilled and
completed by 10 operators. Five discoveries were made, and only one small field has been developed.

2000s: Number of drilled and completed NFWs increased to 59 by 22 operators, and 13 very small to small discoveries have
been made.

2010s: As of to date (October 2016), 40 NFWS were drilled and completed by 20 operators resulting in 12 discoveries. Only
one of them is of medium size (Mono Arena field), while all other are small (9) and very small (2).

Exploration Environment
The Middle Magdalena Basin is situated in the valley of the Magdalena River between the Eastern and Central Cordilleras.
The river's drainage area is fed by numerous torrential rivers from the adjacent mountains thus having a large hydroelectric

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power potential. The Magdalena River is generally navigable from the Caribbean Sea as far as the town of Neiva, at the
southern end of the basin, but is interrupted midway by rapids. The river has cut deep into the valley floor such that the
elevation is only about 300 m above sea level, whereas the adjacent mountains reach elevations of 2,700 m. The valley floor
is flat and low lying and becomes marshy, with numerous lakes, close to the river.

The climate is moderate to hot, with temperatures ranging between 24 and 38 deg C. There are alternating dry and wet
seasons corresponding to summer and winter. In the higher elevations, temperature varies between 19 and 24 deg C, and
there are two wet and two dry seasons each year; January through March and July through September. Annual rainfall
averages about 1,300 mm.

Although guerrilla activity may be prohibitive, successes continue to be made in the basin. Pay depths are moderate, but
problems with waterlogged and marshy ground close to the river are likely to impact on exploration costs.

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Development Overview
The Middle Magdalena Basin is now at a very mature stage, with about 77% of the known liquid reserves and 82% of the
gas reserves have been exploited, and both oil and gas productions are on decline with except for the last decade (October

A total of 5,784 development wells have been drilled in the basin from 1908 to date (October 2016).

From the total number of 104 fields discovered in the Middle Magdalena Basin, a total of 2,515 wells were actively producing
from 53 oil and two gas fields.

The Middle Magdalena Basin has had a long history of production, and a widespread pipeline network has been developed
to serve producing fields in this and adjacent basins. However, as depletion progresses at some of the larger fields in the
basin, it has become necessary to introduce improved recovery methods in an attempt to maintain production levels. Infill
drilling and opening up of previously by-passed reservoir intervals has helped in some fields. Well spacing in the older fields
is down to 15 acres (approximately 1 well/60,000 sq m).

Development and Production History


1980s: InterOil Colombia was awarded with development/production license over the Puli-Toqui-Toqui Block covering 61 sq
km in 1984.

1990s: Seven production licenses covering 3,066 sq km were granted to Ecopetrol (6) and Mansarovar Energy (1).

2000s: Ecopetrol received six development/production licenses covering 351 sq km.


1900-1910s: The first two development wells were drilled and completed for oil at the La Cira field by Standard Oil in 1908
and 1911.

1920s: Three operators drilled 461 development wells (70% by Tropical Oil) at the Infantas, La Cira and San Luis fields, and
459 of them were completed for oil.

1930s: The number of development wells increased to 573 at the same three fields by five operators, and 570 of them were
completed for oil. Standard Oil drilled 76% of the total number. More than 76% of all wells were drilled at the La Cira field.

1940s: The number of wells drilled by six operators has dropped to 394 at six fields. Most wells were drilled by Standard Oil
and Ecopetrol (352 wells) at the La Cira (219) and Casabe (133) fields.

1950s: Development drilling activity increased almost twice compared to 1940s, with 739 development wells being drilled by
13 operators (94% by Shell Condor, Texaco, Ecopetrol, Standard Oil and Tropical Oil) at 13 fields. Development and infill
drilling continued on fields that had been discovered in earlier decades (e.g., Casabe), although good portion of the
development drilling switched to new discoveries, particularly the larger ones such as Palagua (99 wells).

1960s: Nine operators drilled 324 and completed 310 wells (77% by Ecopetrol and Texaco), which was a lowest number in
basin’s development history.

1970s: The number of development wells has further decreased to 258 (234 completed) by nine operators at 15 fields.

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1980s: Development activity increased markedly during the 1980s with 1,088 development wells being drilled and 898
completed for oil by nine operators (76% by Texaco and Ecopetrol) at 22 fields. Texaco drilled 37% of all development wells
at the Cocorna-Teca-Nare Sur field.

1990s: The number of wells drilled by eight operators has abruptly decreased to 222 at seven fields. Most wells (about 70%)
were drilled by Texaco at the Cocorna-Teca-Nare Sur field. Besides, 20 wells there were drilled by Omimex de Colombia.

2000s: The number of wells drilled by 12 operators skyrocketed to 1,258 at 32 fields. Most of them were drilled and
completed by Ecopetrol (497 wells) and Mansarovar Energy (350 wells) mainly at the La Cira (221 wells) and Nare-Nare
Norte (239 wells) fields.

2010s: As of to date (October 2016), 463 development wells were drilled and 451 were completed by eight operators at 16
fields from 2010 to 2015. Mansarovar Energy drilled 346 wells, mainly at the Moriche field (239 wells).


Development activity commenced shortly after the first discovery at the Infantas, but there is a little information available
regarding early activity. No production data are available from 1994 to mid-1997.

1900s-1940s: The first liquids production from the Middle Magdalena Basin started in 1922, when the Infantas field was
brought onstream. This was followed by the La Cira giant field in 1926. Medium to large discoveries made in the early 1940s
were swiftly developed and, by 1950, seven fields were or had been producing. Reliable annual production data began to be
available after 1947.

1950s: Seven operators produced 306 MMbo and 315 Bscfg from 20 fields, of which 292 MMbo and 252 Bscfg were
produced by Ecopetrol. The Casabe and La Cira fields provided more than 67% of total oil and 88% of total gas production.

1960s: Ten operators increased oil production to 431 MMbbl and gas production to 492 Bscf from 32 fields. Ecopetrol
produced 64% of oil and 68% of gas in the basin. Throughout the 1950s and early 1960s, production rates in many of the
older fields decreased, but with other discoveries being brought onstream, the overall total production continued to increase.
Production for the basin peaked in 1965 at 137 Mb/d.

1970s: Basin gas production continued to increase to 643 Bscfg, while oil production dropped to 311 MMbo by nine
operators from 31 fields. Ecopetrol produced 73% of oil and 57% of gas in the basin. The La Cira and Provincia fields
provided about 92% of total oil production, and the Payoa and Provincia fields gave 76% of total gas production.

1980s: Both oil and gas productions slightly dropped to 296 MMbo and 618 Bscfg produced by 12 operators from 42 fields.
Ecopetrol produced 81% of oil and 67% of gas in the basin. The Provincia and Cocorna-Teca-Nare Sur fields provided about
28% of total oil production, and the Provincia field gave 46% of total gas production.
By 1980, production rates had dropped to less than 70 Mb/d. As a result, the 1980s saw a rise in development activity,
mostly around Salina-Aguas Claras, Casabe, Lisama, Provincia and Cocorna-Teca-Nare Sur fields. Several fields began
improved recovery programs, and production saw another smaller peak in 1986 at 93 Mb/d.

1990s: Hydrocarbon production decreased again to 247 MMbo and 422 Bscfg by 11 operators despite number of producing
fields grew to 47. As usual, most reserves were produced by Ecopetrol: 80% of oil and 62% of gas.
The Provincia and Cocorna-Teca-Nare Sur fields provided about 28% of total oil production, and the Payoa and Provincia
fields gave 71% of total gas production.

2000s: Oil and gas productions reached their minimum with 232 MMbo and 258 Bscfg produced from 62 fields by 16
operators. About 47% of total gas production came from the Payoa and Provincia fields, and 53% of oil production was from
the Cantagallo-Yarigui, Casabe, La Cira and Nare-Nare fields. Ecopetrol still extracted most of the oil (65%) and gas (52%).

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2010s: As of to date (October 2016), 310 MMbbl of oil and 180 Bscf of gas were produced from the record number of fields
(62) by 16 operators, which may be considered as an encouraging result, especially for oil. Ecopetrol still produced most of
the oil (63%) and gas (54%). The La Cira and Casabe fields provided 33% of total oil production, and the Provincia field
provided 21% of total gas production.

Many of the accumulations in the basin contain a moderate to heavy crude. Water and gas injection has been carried out in
several fields. In addition, a cyclic steam injection program and a polymer solution water injection scheme have been
attempted in certain fields but with mixed success. For example, several different water injection schemes have been tried at
La Cira field, but it is believed that much of the increased production observed during the projects could be attributed to
other infill drilling and workovers being performed at the same time.

Development Environment
The basin is well developed as regards oil pipelines. Several pipelines run roughly north-south along the length of the basin,
serving not only the fields in the Middle Magdalena, but also those of the Upper Magdalena Basin to the south. In addition,
the northern end of the basin is transacted by lines linking the northern Llanos Basin’ fields to the coast at Covenas and
Santa Marta, with a second line crossing the southern part of the basin and linking the southern Llanos Basin’ fields with
Covenas. A gas pipeline runs from Barrancabermeja to Aguachica and continues to the north. With the planned increase in
gas utilization within the country, Ecopetrol is in the process of building up the gas pipeline network into a basic national grid.
The Ecopetrol-operated Barrancabermeja refinery is situated in the center of the basin. It has a capacity of 173,000 b/d.
Another one, Cimitarra, is located at Magdalena Valley. Gas processing plants are situated at Barrancabermeja, La Cira and
Provincia. In addition, there are ammonia and olefin plants at Barrancabermeja.

The area has a long history of activity and availability of service industry. Physical and climatic conditions are favorable, and
drill-depths are moderate. Economically, negative factors include guerrilla activity and small size of recent discoveries. The
fiscal regime in Colombia is based on production sharing with Ecopetrol and includes royalty and income tax.

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Field Reserves and Production

Number of Fields 115

Oil Recoverable PP MMbbl 3,896.12

Gas Recoverable PP MMscf 4,218,291.14

Cond Recoverable PP MMbbl 2.94

Total Recoverable PP MMboe 4,602.11

Cumul Oil Prod MMbbl 2,794.14

Cumul Gas Prod MMscf 3,491,023.59

Cumul Cond Prod MMbbl 1.38

Cumul Tot Prod MMboe 3,377.35

Oil Remaining PP MMbbl 1,101.98

Gas Remaining PP MMscf 727,267.55

Cond Remaining PP MMbbl 1.56

Total Remaining PP MMboe 1,224.74

Daily Oil bbl 128,589.28

Daily Gas MMscf 69.97

Daily Condensate bbl 12.39

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Geothermal Gradients

Geotherm Min Val Deg C Per Km Geotherm Max Val Deg C Per Km Geotherm Avg Val Deg C Per Km


Source: EDIN © 2022 IHS Markit

Genetic Unit(s)

Genetic Unit Name Chronostratigraphy Gu Id Rank Ind

Basement Upper Proterozoic-Artinskian 100000000497 0

Syn-rift Unit Griesbachian-Oxfordian 100000000498 1

Post-rift Unit Tithonian-Thanetian 100000000499 2

Early Foreland Unit Priabonian-Burdigalian 100000000500 3

Late Foreland Unit Serravallian-Versilian 100000000501 4

Source: EDIN © 2022 IHS Markit


Play Name Reservoir Lithostrat Units Oil Eq Reserves Per Play MMBoe


La Luna Shale Continuous-type La Luna Formation

Simiti Shale Continuous-type Simiti Shale Formation

Tertiary Compressional

Tertiary Extensional

Umir Shale Continuous-type Umir Formation

Tertiary Compressional Structural Lisama Formation~Mugrosa Formation~Colorado 2,368

Formation~La Paz Formation~Esmeraldas
Formation~Real Group

Tertiary Extensional Structural Chuspas Group~Chorro Group 920

Tertiary Compressional Stratigraphic-Structural Mugrosa Formation~Esmeraldas 903

Formation~Colorado Formation~La Paz
Formation~Lisama Formation~Real Group

Tertiary Compressional Structural-Unconformity La Paz Formation~Colorado Formation~Lisama 254


Cretaceous Structural Basal Limestone Group~Tablazo Limestone 147

Formation~Umir Formation~Rosablanca
Formation~La Luna Formation

Tertiary Compressional Stratigraphic-Structural- Colorado Formation 9


Tertiary Extensional Structural-Unconformity Lisama Formation 2

Tertiary Extensional Stratigraphic-Structural Lisama Formation~Colorado Formation 1

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Play Reservoirs(s)

Play Name Lithostrat Unit Chronostratigraphy

Cretaceous Structural Basal Limestone Group Hauterivian-Lower Albian

Cretaceous Structural Tablazo Limestone Formation Upper Aptian-Lower Albian

Cretaceous Structural Umir Formation Campanian-Maastrichtian

Cretaceous Structural Rosablanca Formation Valanginian-Hauterivian

Cretaceous Structural La Luna Formation Turonian-Lower Campanian

La Luna Shale Continuous-type La Luna Formation Turonian-Lower Campanian

Simiti Shale Continuous-type Simiti Shale Formation Middle Albian-Upper Albian

Tertiary Compressional Stratigraphic-Structural La Paz Formation Lower Priabonian-Middle Priabonian

Tertiary Compressional Stratigraphic-Structural Real Group Serravallian-Messinian

Tertiary Compressional Stratigraphic-Structural Lisama Formation Danian-Thanetian

Tertiary Compressional Stratigraphic-Structural Colorado Formation Aquitanian-Burdigalian

Tertiary Compressional Stratigraphic-Structural Esmeraldas Formation Middle Priabonian-Upper Priabonian

Tertiary Compressional Stratigraphic-Structural Mugrosa Formation Rupelian-Chattian

Tertiary Compressional Stratigraphic-Structural- Colorado Formation Aquitanian-Burdigalian


Tertiary Compressional Structural Lisama Formation Danian-Thanetian

Tertiary Compressional Structural Colorado Formation Aquitanian-Burdigalian

Tertiary Compressional Structural Mugrosa Formation Rupelian-Chattian

Tertiary Compressional Structural La Paz Formation Lower Priabonian-Middle Priabonian

Tertiary Compressional Structural Esmeraldas Formation Middle Priabonian-Upper Priabonian

Tertiary Compressional Structural Real Group Serravallian-Messinian

Tertiary Compressional Structural-Unconformity La Paz Formation Lower Priabonian-Middle Priabonian

Tertiary Compressional Structural-Unconformity Colorado Formation Aquitanian-Burdigalian

Tertiary Compressional Structural-Unconformity Lisama Formation Danian-Thanetian

Tertiary Extensional Stratigraphic-Structural Lisama Formation Danian-Thanetian

Tertiary Extensional Stratigraphic-Structural Colorado Formation Aquitanian-Burdigalian

Tertiary Extensional Structural Chuspas Group Rupelian-Burdigalian

Tertiary Extensional Structural Chorro Group Priabonian-Priabonian

Tertiary Extensional Structural-Unconformity Lisama Formation Danian-Thanetian

Umir Shale Continuous-type Umir Formation Middle Campanian-Maastrichtian

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Petroleum System(s)

Pet System Name Chronostratigraphy Certainty Level

La Luna - Chuspas/Chorro Valanginian-Eocene Known

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Source Rock(s)

Lithostrat Unit Country Name Lithologies Chronostratigraphy

Galembo Member Colombia shale Middle Coniacian-Lower Campanian

La Luna Formation Colombia shale Turonian-Lower Campanian

Pujamana Member Colombia shale Upper Turonian-Lower Coniacian

Salada Member Colombia shale Lower Turonian-Lower Turonian

Umir Formation Colombia coaly shale Middle Campanian-Maastrichtian

Source: EDIN © 2022 IHS Markit

Source Rocks Maturation (remarks)

Proven source rocks in the Middle Magdalena Basin belong to the La Luna and Umir formations. The La Luna Formation
contains organic rich marine limestone and shale of Cretaceous age deposited in a marine environment in a passive margin
basin. Biomarker and stable carbon isotope ratios from the La Luna hydrocarbon extracts are identical to crude oils mainly
from Tertiary reservoirs (Sarmiento, 2011).

The Middle Magdalena Basin approximately coincides with the depocenter of the main Cretaceous basin, where thick
sequences of organic-rich sediments accumulated during the Early Cretaceous. The generation and preservation of organic
rich sediments are due to coastal upwelling and partially restricted marginal seaway. Additionally, the Turonian-Campanian,
when the La Luna Formation was deposited, was a time of maximum sea level stand and exceptionally anoxic conditions.
Regionally, the richness of organic matter in the Cretaceous rocks and the relative proportions of marine and terrestrial
kerogen vary both vertically and laterally. Vertical variations are related to the position within individual transgressive-
regressive cycles, and lateral variations are related to proximity to the paralic margins of the Cretaceous basin.

The La Luna Formation is especially organic-rich. Kerogen petrography, H/C and O/C values and biomarker analysis of the
La Luna Formation indicate that its kerogen is dominantly marine Type II, amorphous, and oil-prone. The C15+ extractable
hydrocarbons from the La Luna gave values of almost 2,500 ppm, indicating good potential source rock. For the La Luna as
a whole, TOC values average 2.6%. Outcrop samples from the eastern margin of the Nuevo Mundo Syncline, 20 km west of
Bucaramanga, yielded TOC content for the carbonate-rich Pujamana and Salada members of 4.3%. The carbonate-poor
Galembo Member had TOC less than 0.9%, although elsewhere in the basin, TOC for this member is as high as 3.0%. The
Galembo Member has an average Hydrogen Index (HI) of 390 mg HC/g TOC. Vitrinite reflectance analyses from 73 La Luna
Formation samples in the basin gave Ro values of 0.8%, thus placing the La Luna Formation within the oil generation

Barnardo et al. (2007) suggested that the La Luna Formation may not be the most productive source rock in the central
domain of the Middle Magdalena Basin.

The range in bulk composition seen in the oil is attributed to secondary alteration processes. The altered oil is similar to oil
modified by in-vitro bacterial degradation. Oil that migrated early in the Cenozoic appears to have been degraded due to
water washing and then locally subjected to reburial, reheating, and thermal cracking.

Maturation began during the Eocene with initial development of the foreland basin. According to Schamel (1991), peak
maturation was during the post-Miocene in the main synclines of the basin, such as Nuevo Mundo, Rio Minero, and
Guaduas. In these synclines, the source interval is at depths in excess of 4,000 m and within the oil window. Vitrinite
reflectance values indicate that most of the La Luna Formation is presently in the oil window in the Middle Magdalena Basin
and in the gas window in some of the more deeply buried areas.

Mudstones and limestones of the Aptian-Albian Tablazo Formation are an additional potential source rock. Although no oil-
source correlations have proven the potential for this unit in the Middle Magdalena Basin, Cordoba Ortiz (1998) and
Thompson-Butler et al. (2017) showed numerous accumulations in the Upper Magdalena Basin had been sourced at least
partially by Tablazo Formation oil. The Tablazo Formation was deposited during the initial stages of thermal subsidence
after Jurassic rifting. Geochemical features of the Tablazo Formation limestones show the kerogen is Type II. Total Organic

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Carbon (TOC) values average 2.5%, and vitrinite reflectance ranges between 0.5% and 2.7% (Mora, 2000).

Limestones and shales of the Rosablanca Formation are oil-prone (Type I/II kerogen), thus having a good generation
potential. Shales of the Cumbre and Simiti formations are also considered potential source rocks. Nevertheless, these and
Basal Limestone source rocks might exhaust their generation potential while reaching gas generation window (Aguilera et
al., 2010). It is noteworthy that Sarmiento (2011, and references therein) identified the Rosablanca, Paja, Tablazo and Simiti
source rocks as proven.

Thompson-Butler et al. (2017) identified five geochemically distinct oil families in the basin and connected them to at least
three source rock intervals, with likely mixing occurring as well.
Oil families 1 and 2 represent the majority of oil produced in the central part of the basin from the Upper Paleogene
reservoirs. They show strong correlations with marine shale source rocks. Oil family 3 correlates with marine shales and
carbonates, and oil families 4 and 5 are linked to marine marls and carbonates. C27 diasterane/regular sterane andTs/Tm
ratios indicate that oil family 5 is more thermally mature compared to families 1 through 4.

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Lithostrat Unit Country Name Lithologies Chronostratigraphy

Avechucos and/or Tune Formation Colombia sandstone,conglom sandstone,silty Eocene-Oligocene


Avechucos Formation Colombia sandstone Rupelian-Chattian

Basal Limestone Group Colombia limestone Valanginian-Lower Albian

Cantagallo Sandstone Colombia sandstone Lower Priabonian-Middle Priabonian

Chorro Group Colombia sandstone Priabonian-Priabonian

Chuspas Group Colombia sandstone Rupelian-Burdigalian

Colorado A Zone Colombia sandstone,argill sandstone Upper Oligocene-Upper Oligocene

Colorado Formation Colombia sandstone Aquitanian-Burdigalian

Esmeraldas D Zone Colombia sandstone,argill sandstone Eocene-Eocene

Esmeraldas Formation Colombia sandstone Middle Priabonian-Upper Priabonian

Galembo Member Colombia limestone Middle Coniacian-Lower Campanian

Honda Group Colombia sandstone Burdigalian-Messinian

La Luna Formation Colombia bituminous limestone Turonian-Lower Campanian

La Paz and/or Esmeraldas Formations Colombia sandstone,silty sand,conglom Eocene-Eocene


La Paz C Zone Colombia sandstone Upper Eocene-Upper Eocene

La Paz E Zone Colombia sandstone Eocene-Eocene

La Paz Formation Colombia sandstone Lower Priabonian-Middle Priabonian

Lisama Formation Colombia sandstone Danian-Thanetian

Mugrosa 6D Zone Colombia sandstone Lower Oligocene-Lower Oligocene

Mugrosa B and C Zones Colombia sandstone Lower Miocene-Middle Miocene

Mugrosa B Zone Colombia sandstone,argill sandstone,conglom Lower Oligocene-Middle Oligocene


Mugrosa C Zone Colombia argill sandstone,sandstone Lower Oligocene-Middle Oligocene

Mugrosa Formation Colombia sandstone Rupelian-Chattian

Pujamana Member Colombia limestone Upper Turonian-Lower Coniacian

Real Group Colombia sandstone Serravallian-Messinian

Rosablanca Formation Colombia limestone Valanginian-Hauterivian

Salada Member Colombia limestone Lower Turonian-Lower Turonian

Salto Limestone Formation Colombia argill limestone Upper Albian-Cenomanian

Tablazo Limestone Formation Colombia limestone Upper Aptian-Lower Albian

Umir Formation Colombia sandstone Middle Campanian-Maastrichtian

Source: EDIN © 2022 IHS Markit

Reservoir (remarks)
The Eocene-Oligocene fluvial channel sandstones of the Chorro and Chuspas groups are the principal reservoirs of the
Middle Magdalena Basin. Average porosities range from 20% to 25% and permeabilities from 500 mD to 1,000 mD. The
channel sands are sealed by interbedded shales.

The La Paz and Esmeraldas formations of the Chorro Group are dominantly sand-rich. Texturally, the reservoir intervals
show poor to moderate sorting and rounded to sub-rounded grains. The porosity depends primarily on the sandstone
maturity level but also on the degree of cementation. In the Llanito field, the porosity range is 18-23% while in the Colorado
field it is only 10 -12%. Permeability varies considerably due to a mixture of primary and secondary porosity, variations in
clay content, and variations in sorting. In the Provincia field, the La Paz Formation is interpreted as a fluvial system
composed of braided trunk channel, minor channel crevasse splay and flood plain environments. The channels are the best

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reservoir facies with porosity averaging 16.7% and permeability averaging 409 mD (Suarez, 1996).

The Oligocene-Miocene sands of the Mugrosa and Colorado formations of the Chuspas Group are known reservoirs in
much of the Middle Magdalena Basin except in the north where they were eroded prior to deposition of the Miocene Real
Group. The fine- to coarse-grained sands are typically stacked with complex crosscutting relationships between individual
channels. In the Colorado Formation, the sands often occur as interbeds within a more massive shale section. The Mugrosa
Formation of the Chuspas Group contains the greatest volumes of hydrocarbons known in the basin (33%; Sarmiento,

Numerous minor reservoirs in the basin are found throughout the stratigraphic section from Lower Cretaceous to Pliocene.
Fractured carbonates of the Lower Cretaceous Tablazo Limestone and Rosablanca formations are productive in a number
of older fields in the northern part of the Middle Magdalena Basin (e.g., Olivo field). The fractures are dominantly vertical,
possibly resulting from bending strains during folding. The porosity range is 2% to 6%.

Fractured limestones of the La Luna Formation form minor reservoirs in the northern part of the basin (e.g., Olivo, Cocuyo 1,
Chuira). The latter was described in details by Rodriguez et al. (2015). The maximum matrix porosity is up to 16%.

Sands of the Upper Cretaceous Umir Formation are another minor reservoir in the basin. These sands are associated with
continued uplifting of the Central Cordillera; they form reservoirs in the Donna Maria-Patino, Los Angeles, Totumal, Oso
Padro, Popa 1, Popa 2, Rio Opia and Zoe fields/discoveries. The depositional environment of the Umir Formation has been
interpreted as neritic in the lower part to tidal flats and delta fronts in the upper part. Reservoir quality is generally, but in
some cases porosities reach 30%.

The Paleocene Lisama Formation is another minor sandstone reservoir. It comprises fine- to coarse-grained sand intervals
interbedded with gray shales. Porosity ranges between 7% and 25%. Minor coals occur in the upper part of the formation.
The Lisama Formation forms reservoirs in the Provincia, Tisquirama, Lebrija, Acordionero, Bonanza, Caronte, Los Angeles
and other fields. Thicknesses vary due to erosion associated with Lower to Middle Eocene uplift. In much of the central
Middle Magdalena Basin, the Lisama Formation has been severely thinned or removed. Where preserved, sands in the
upper part give good oil shows and adequate to good reservoir properties. Porosities range from 7% to 25% and
permeabilities from 50 mD to 500 mD.

Reservoirs in the Miocene Real Group consist of thick porous sandstones and conglomerates with limited potential due to
lack of effective seals. Average porosity and permeability are 28% and 1,200 mD.

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Lithostrat Unit Country Name Lithologies Chronostratigraphy

Basal Limestone Group Colombia shale Valanginian-Lower Albian

Chorro Group Colombia shale Priabonian-Priabonian

Chuspas Group Colombia shale Rupelian-Burdigalian

Colorado Formation Colombia shale Aquitanian-Burdigalian

Esmeraldas Formation Colombia shale Middle Priabonian-Upper Priabonian

Galembo Member Colombia shale Middle Coniacian-Lower Campanian

La Cira Member Colombia shale Lower Miocene-Lower Miocene

La Luna Formation Colombia shale Turonian-Lower Campanian

La Paz and/or Esmeraldas Formations Colombia shale Eocene-Eocene

La Paz Formation Colombia shale Lower Priabonian-Middle Priabonian

Lisama Formation Colombia shale Danian-Thanetian

Mugrosa Formation Colombia shale Rupelian-Chattian

Paja Formation Colombia shale Hauterivian-Middle Aptian

Pujamana Member Colombia shale Upper Turonian-Lower Coniacian

Real Group Colombia shale Serravallian-Messinian

Salada Member Colombia shale Lower Turonian-Lower Turonian

Simiti Shale Formation Colombia carbonaceous shale Middle Albian-Upper Albian

Umir Formation Colombia coaly shale Middle Campanian-Maastrichtian

Source: EDIN © 2022 IHS Markit

Seal (remarks)
Seals for the principal reservoirs of the Eocene-Oligocene Chorro and Chuspas groups are intraformational shales
deposited in floodplain and overbank environments.

Seals for the minor reservoirs in the basin are both intraformational and regional. Regional seals are formed by the
Cretaceous transgressional marine shales of the Simiti and Paja formations for reservoirs in the Tablazo and Rosablanca
formations, respectively. Reservoirs in the Upper Cretaceous La Luna Formation are sealed by intraformational marine
shales similar to the Paleocene Lisama Formation reservoirs. Reservoirs in the Miocene Real Group are sealed by
interbedded fluvial shales.

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Structure (remarks)

The structural style of the Middle Magdalena Basin differs from that of the Upper Magdalena Basin to the south. Both east-
and west-verging thrusts occur in the Upper Magdalena Basin, and it is bound on both sides by reverse faults. The Middle
Magdalena Basin, on the other hand, is bound on the east by west-verging thrust faults and on the west by a series of strike-
slip faults.

The Middle Magdalena Basin occurs on the western edge of the Eastern Cordillera. During the Tertiary, it formed a foreland
basin to the Eastern Cordillera; sedimentary sequences thicken towards the east, and the main depocenter is along the
eastern side of the basin.

The eastern part of the basin is dominated by west-verging thrusts and associated folds. Many of the thrusts are thin-
skinned structures in the Cretaceous and younger cover but may be thick-skinned at depth and may rework basement
fabrics or Lower Mesozoic extensional structures. The Eastern Cordillera is formed of folded and thrusted Cretaceous and
Lower Tertiary sediments, equivalent to those of the Middle Magdalena Basin, but more intensely folded.


Extension and basin subsidence along north-northwest- and northeast-trending faults resulted in the development of a thick
Triassic-Jurassic graben fill. The north-northwest-trending faults probably had a strike-slip component.

Continental rifting and the initial formation of the passive margin period marked the Triassic-Middle Jurassic in northern
South America.

The extensional faults associated with the rifting are difficult to recognize in the Magdalena basins and the Eastern
Cordillera, but they are considered to trend northeast-southwest, parallel to the present structural trend. Some of the thin-
skinned faults in the Middle Magdalena Basin may reactivate Mesozoic extensional grabens. The thick Jurassic lavas of the
Magdalena basins represent the extrusive activity associated with the volcanic arc.

In the Eastern Cordillera, extension continued or was renewed into the Early Cretaceous. Lower Cretaceous marine
sediments, several kilometers thick, occur in the northern part of the Eastern Cordillera, which must have formed one of the
main rift basins during this extensional event. Extensional faulting was terminated during Late Jurassic-earliest Cretaceous
time (Pindell et al., 2000).


By Aptian-Albian time normal faulting had ceased and thermal subsidence led to a marine transgression during the Late
Cretaceous across much of Colombia, reaching a maximum extent in the Turonian-Santonian.

During the Cretaceous, the Colombian autochthon was essentially a passive Atlantic type margin. In the absence of
subduction and volcanism, the strata development was controlled by thermal subsidence.

Absence of important post-rift structures is due to the lack of significant uplift events or periods of tectonically induced
foredeep basin loading during the Cretaceous time (Villamil, 1998). Subsidence continued to keep pace with sedimentation
until end-Cretaceous times when a volcanic arc (e.g., Pinon, Amaime terranes) collided with South America to create the
Tertiary compressional deformation.


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Late Cretaceous times in northwest South America are a transitional phase between a tectonically quiescent passive margin
and a convergent margin. During the Maastrichtian, the Pinon volcanic arc collided with the margin of South America. This
compressional deformation affected both the Central and Eastern Cordillera. In the Middle Magdalena Basin, two important
regional unconformities occur, suggesting two important compressional events. The first of these unconformities occurs
between the Paleocene Lisama Formation and the Eocene Chorro Group; the second one is between the Oligocene-Lower
Miocene Chuspas Group and the Miocene Real Group. Both unconformities, which post-date uplift on both east- and west-
verging folds and thrusts, are most prominent in the northern and eastern parts of the Middle Magdalena Basin, close to the
Santander Massif.

In the central part of the basin, Paleogene uplifts are confined to faults that bound the Casabe-Llanito and Cira-Infantas
fields. There is relatively little structuring near the Cambao, Dos Hermanos and La Salinas thrusts in the south. However, the
Villeta and Portones anticlines in the Eastern Cordillera were active at this time, as evidenced by emerald-forming
hydrothermal activity along associated fracture systems. The main thrust structures, which bound the eastern part of the
Middle Magdalena Basin, appear to be later, of Neogene age.

Crustal thickening led to flexural subsidence and the formation of thick Tertiary sediments, which thin towards the west and
northwest, away from the Eastern Cordillera. However, important extensional faults developed on the western margin of the
basin. These are possibly related to regional rotational strains, flexural bending on the Caribbean margin or to strains
developed during flexural bending of the crust due to tectonic loading of the Eastern Cordillera.

The structures appear regional; they are not confined to the Middle Magdalena Basin close to the Eastern Cordillera, but
form the main structures in the Lower Magdalena Basin, to the northwest, as well. The faults cut the Miocene sediments,
and hence, some of the movement must be Miocene-Pliocene in age. However, there are important facies changes in
Eocene-Oligocene sediments across these faults, and therefore, the structures must have been active during the Early
Tertiary as well. They may be reactivated Mesozoic structures. In the northern part of the basin, the normal faults trend
northeast-southwest. However, in the southern part, faults such as the structure bounding the Velasquez field trend north-
south to north-northwest. The main bounding fault of the Velasquez field has northeast-southwest trending splays
suggesting that it is a tear fault. Thus, the main extension direction is considered to be northwest-southeast, parallel to the
trend of the Eastern Cordillera. The north-northwest trending structures are considered to be basement lineaments,
reactivated with oblique to lateral movement. They may have been transfer systems during Paleozoic plate accretion and
Mesozoic extension.

The obduction of the Pinon volcanic terrane onto northwest South America in latest Cretaceous times caused orogenesis
and compression in the western part of the Eastern Cordillera, north of Bogota, which in turn led to the development of a
foreland basin to the west. The basin was filled with clastic sediments from the rising mountain chain.

Deformation and foreland basin development continued episodically throughout the Tertiary, culminating in the main phase
of tectonic uplift of the Eastern Cordillera in the Miocene-Pliocene.


Deformation of this age is responsible for most of the structures observed in the Middle Magdalena Basin. The main uplift of
the Eastern Cordillera was initiated during Miocene-Pliocene times. Compressional deformation formed new thrusts, which
are dominantly west-verging, and these thrusts reworked and reactivated Lower Tertiary moderately dipping thrusts. Many of
the structures progress from a thick-skinned style at depth to a thin-skinned detachment style in Cretaceous and younger
rocks. Some of the structures may be influenced by pre-existing basement features.

Reactivation of basement tear faults, and possibly normal faults in the eastern and central parts of the basin, occurred
during tectonic inversion to produce forced folds in the cover. For example, the Casabe field structure is dominantly an
extensional fault, but the hanging wall has been inverted so that the sediments have been uplifted. Some along-strike
extension of the inversion structures occurred, possibly associated with block rotation about a vertical axis. The east-west-
trending normal faults curve toward the northeast-southwest structure indicating right lateral shear. Some of the normal

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faults have the kinematic form of right lateral Riedel shears.

The La Cira-Infantas Thrust was reactivated, tightening the earlier footwall syncline into a footwall anticline in Eocene-
Oligocene sediments and developing a fault propagation fold in the Mesozoic strata.

The Infantas-Aguas Claras Fault trend has faults that are steeply dipping in the Tertiary section. In the Infantas field, the
reverse fault appears to steepen to about 70-80 deg. Along strike, near the La Cira field, the fault has a more moderate
easterly dip. The steep dip of the thrust suggests either a strike-slip component of movement or back steepening during
development of the structure. The Las Monas structure on the same trend has a similar structural development.

The style of Late Tertiary deformation varies across the basin. In the west, the structures remain extensional, reworking
earlier Paleogene normal faults. Along the center of the basin, the Paleogene faults are slightly inverted, as in the Casabe
field. Further east, there is evidence for more inversion, together with thin-skinned thrusting, linking to structures in the
Eastern Cordillera. Fault-propagation folds developed above basement anticlines control the eastern oilfields. Uplift of the
basement structures has hindered low-angle fault displacement causing the growth of fault propagation folds and associated

Individual thrusts cannot be traced along the entire boundary of the Eastern Cordillera. The Cambao Thrust transfers
displacement to the Dos Hermanos Thrust to the north, which in turn transfers displacement to the La Salinas Thrust.
Hence, the edge of the basin steps eastwards to the north. The thrusts carry large hanging wall anticlines, which are
fractured by north-south and east-west-trending faults. The Villeta shales are thick on the western edge of the Eastern
Cordillera, related to thickening into the Cretaceous graben system. The dip of the main bounding fault is uncertain. The
imbricate thrusts of the Cambao system, along the eastern edge of the southern Middle Magdalena Basin, are here
considered to be footwall-shortcut thrusts. However, farther north the Dos Hermanos and Las Salinas Thrusts appear to be
low-angle structures. These would fit a structural interpretation where the master normal fault originally dipped west with the
development of low-angle west-verging back thrusts. For example, the Dos Hermanos Thrust uplifts basement in an
imbricate zone but does not show the characteristic hanging wall anticline associated with a fault that is steepening at depth.
It appears to be a low-angle thrust for some distance east into the Eastern Cordillera.

Jones (1995) supports thrusting on the eastern side of the basin that is generated by gravity gliding from the uplifted Eastern
Cordillera. He argues that the shortening, recorded by the Dos Hermanos and Las Salinas thrusts, can be balanced by thin-
skinned extension farther east. However, no evidence is given for such extensional structures. Seismic data from this part of
the Andes show only thrust tectonics.
Right-lateral strike-slip faults occur in the eastern part of the Eastern Cordillera. The Bucaramanga-Santa Marta Fault
bounds the northeastern edge of the Middle Magdalena Basin and has left lateral strike-slip movement during the Pliocene-
Recent. The Bucaramanga Fault probably acted as a large transfer structure.

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Generation - Migration (remarks)

Generation and Migration

The oil in the basin may have been generated to the east within the deep Cretaceous Eastern Cordillera Basin and migrated
updip prior to the uplift of the Eastern Cordillera. However, Cretaceous rocks beneath many of the major synclines, e.g. the
Nuevo Mundo, the Rio Mineras and the Guaderas Synclines, are at depths more than 4 km and currently are well within the
oil window. The La Luna Formation may still be generating oil at the present time within the deeper parts of the basin as
shown by the presence of oil in fractures associated with Miocene-Pliocene movements. However, in the Eastern Cordillera
and possibly the eastern parts of the Middle Magdalena Basin, Cretaceous source rocks entered the oil window during the
Early Tertiary. A comparison of the burial and maturation history in the Eastern Foothills with that of the central part of the
basin shows that there may have been several phases of oil generation/migration, with the first phase occurring in the Early
Tertiary. This oil may have migrated westwards into the Middle Magdalena Basin. Further, sedimentary and tectonic burial
during the Miocene-Pliocene may have generated a second phase of oil maturation and migration. As long as oil had not
formed and migrated from the deep synclines prior to the formation of Miocene structures, these synclines may provide an
additional charge for traps within the basin.

Asphaltic veins and fractures within the Cretaceous and Tertiary sediments suggest the movement of large amounts of
petroleum. Tar-rich oil seeps associated with gas are common, often close to faults, particularly the west-directed thrusts of
Miocene-Pliocene age. Gilsonite bitumen dikes and veins in the basin are related to extensional fractures originated by the
left lateral movement of the Santa Marta Fault, a large structural feature of Colombian Andes (Mejia et al., 2014).

A detailed study of the oils in the La Cira and Infantas fields suggests that the oils have been degraded and reheated
(Dickey, 1992). A burial history model indicates that the La Luna source rock did not reach peak oil generation and expulsion
until the Late Miocene, as a result of the erosion of the Upper Cretaceous and Paleocene sequences. Dickey (1992)
concludes that the oil must have been generated farther east where there was less erosion at the end of the Paleocene; the
Maastrichtian/Paleocene Umir and Lisama formations are preserved and the Eocene is much thicker. The oil probably
started generating in the Late Cretaceous with initial migration in the Paleocene-Eocene. Following migration, the oil
became degraded and was then trapped and thermally cracked in Eocene reservoir sands until expulsion in the Late
Miocene. It is proposed that the oils were generated in the Eastern Cordillera Basin during the Paleogene and migrated
updip to the west before the major inversion of the Eastern Cordillera in the Miocene. Alternatively, some of the oils could
have been sourced from Cretaceous sequences at depths more than 4,000 m beneath the three major synclines (Nuevo
Mundo, Rio Mineras and Guaduas) along the eastern margin of the basin.

Lighter oils are generally found in structural traps in the deeper parts of the basin along the eastern margin. Heavier oils are
generally concentrated on the western margin. The difference in bulk composition of the oils may be related to a secondary
alteration process and to fluid flow through the basin, with the oils in the west being exposed to meteoric waters and
biodegradation. Even some of the oils found in the east have a chemical composition that suggests they have been
degraded, accompanied by water washing and then reheated. Oils in the eastern part of the basin matured during the
Paleocene, but following uplift and erosion, the source rocks and the early traps were penetrated by meteoric water. During
the Oligocene-Miocene, thick sequences of sediment were deposited on the eastern side of the Magdalena Valley.
Additional oil was expelled from the source rocks at this time. Any oil reservoired in the Eocene on the eastern side would
have been reheated.

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Exploration Possibility (remarks)

Exploration Possibilities
Exploration in the basin has largely been guided by surface seeps and surface anticlines, supported by seismic data, and
has been focused on Tertiary reservoirs. Subsurface mapping of detailed structures and stratigraphic models for reservoir
intervals could considerably aid exploration. Structural modeling and section restoration could help model early hydrocarbon
pathways. The search for purely stratigraphic traps in the fluvial sand reservoirs has hardly begun. Paleogene fluvial
sandstones reservoirs with good petrophysical lose their properties drastically with increasing depth along the eastern part
of the basin and the foothills due to diagenetic burial effects. This high risk of reservoir quality may become a critical factor in
deep portions of the basin (Sarmiento, 2011).

New exploration campaigns should be directed toward evaluation of the potential of the Cretaceous sequence, stratigraphic
traps in the Tertiary units, and structural traps along the eastern border of the basin. This border is a fold and thrust belt
similar to the Llanos Fold and thrust belt where the giant Cusiana field is located. In the fold and thrust belt, the primary play
concept is ramp anticlines and fault propagation folds in the hanging walls of thin-skinned thrusts or steeper reverse faults.
However, more subtle traps of limited reserves may be found on the flanks of tilted blocks and in structures that are
secondary to the main folds and thrusts.

Sub-thrust structures have not been fully explored and may make an important future play, such as the one in the footwall of
the Provincia and Bituima faults. Care must be taken with this type of play. The migration between the source rock and the
reservoir must be via thrust faults, and hence the thrusts cannot be impermeable barriers. Many of the traps may have been
depleted by leakage of hydrocarbons. This is confirmed by the observations of oil seeps along the surface traces of the
faults. However, some faults or parts of faults must make effective seals as oil accumulations do occur against thrusts. It is
possible that some of the loss from seepage may be recharged by fresh oil migration since much of the La Luna Formation
source rock is presently in the oil window. The quality of the trap may not be critical for a successful prospect, since over
much of the region, the oil is currently migrating and re-charging traps.

Additional discoveries may be made in the western zone of the basin in structures on both sides of wrench related faults.
This play has been proved in Cantagallo-Yarigui, Llanito, Cristalina, Casabe, and Velasquez fields. These faults have been
described before as normal down to the east faults. However, strike slip movement is a critical factor for hydrocarbon
accumulation. According to Maxus (1994), the wrench origin of these faults is supported by the regional relationship with the
Palestina Fault, by the straight pattern of the fault trace, by the differences in unit thickness across the faults, by the offset of
the Magdalena River along the Casabe Fault, and by the seal effectiveness of the Velasquez Fault.

The southern portion of the basin, between the Bituima Fault and the Central Cordillera, can still be considered
underexplored to date (October 2016). The suggested model for fault kinematics in the Eastern Cordillera Basin can be
tested there. If the master normal faults dipped west, as suggested for the northern part of the basin, then large volumes of
oil could have migrated westwards up the dip of the basin prior to uplift of the Eastern Cordillera. However, if the master
normal faults dipped east, there would be no large kitchen area to the east of the southern Middle Magdalena Basin. All the
oil in that part of the basin would have to be generated beneath the thrusts on the east side of the basin or migrated along
the basin's length. This second model suggests that the southern part of the basin is far less prospective than the north.

Nevertheless, in the southern part of the basin, small accumulations in stratigraphic traps have been discovered in the Toqui
Toqui and Totare fields. These stratigraphic traps are in the fluvial channel sandstones of the Real Group.

Additional opportunities for stratigraphic traps have been conceptualized but little explored so far. Suarez (1996) proposed
pinch-outs of the La Paz Formation due to onlap onto the Sogamoso High. Overlying floodplain mudstones provide the
updip and overlying seals. However, the lateral seal, which is the Eocene unconformity, may be not an effective seal since
this horizon has been considered by some authors (Mora et al., 1996) as the main hydrocarbon migration path.

Stratigraphic traps also include point bar sandstones interbedded with floodplain deposits of the Esmeraldas and Mugrosa
formations and deltaic channel sandstones of the Lisama Formation. These types of trap have been documented with

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outcrop and core analysis, improvement of 2D seismic quality and 3D seismic. The main risk of these purely stratigraphic
traps is hydrocarbon charge of the channels and point bar sandstones. Pure-stratigraphic traps may in fact represent a
significant portion of the yet-to-find resources for the whole basin (Sarmiento, 2011).

The Cretaceous sequence could also be a good exploration target in terms of both conventional and unconventional
reserves. The Rosablanca, La Luna and Umir formations already produce from conventional reservoirs. Along with the Simiti
Formation, they possess significant shale oil & gas potential, though major studies are needed to define their real potential.

The primary porosity of Cretaceous fractured limestone reservoirs, usually low, was almost completely destroyed by
cementation and other diagenetic processes. Therefore, the quality of these potential reservoirs involves a high degree of
risk. In exploration of a specific trap with a Cretaceous potential reservoir, fracture patterns, intensity, distribution and other
reservoir properties should be quantitatively analyzed (Sarmiento, 2011).

Coal resources in the uppermost Cretaceous Umir and Paleocene Lisama formations may deliver additional hydrocarbon
volumes in the basin. These units may be secondary gas-prone source rocks with shale gas potential. In addition, coal bed
methane resources entrained in these coal seams and their proximity to existing transport infrastructure justify their
evaluation and exploration (Sarmiento, 2011).

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Data Availability (remarks)

Data Availability

Ministry of Mines and Energy

German Arce Zapata (Minister)
Calle 43 No. 57 - 31 CAN
Bogota D.C

Telephone:57-1-220 0300

Empresa Colombiana de Petroleos (Ecopetrol)

Juan Carlos Echeverry (CEO)
Carrera 13 No. 36-24
Edificio Principal
Bogota, Distrito Capital



An integrated database of petroleum exploration and production data for the Middle Magdalena Basin is maintained by:

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1401 Enclave Pkwy, Suite 200,
Houston, Texas 77077

Telephone:1 (713) 840-8282

Telefax: 1 (713) 599-9100
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Regular updates on exploration and production activity in the basin can be obtained from IHS Markit GEPS reports and the
weekly International Energy Letter. Detailed legal and fiscal information is published in IHS Markit PEPS software.

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NFW Drilling by Operator

NFW Drilling by Operator

Middle Magdalena Basin

No of Wells































































Oil Gas Dry/Shows Oil and Gas Unknown

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NFW General Content Per Decade

NFW General Content Per Decade

Middle Magdalena Basin. Drilling History (using the Well Spud year)
grouped into decades by result (general content)


No of Wells

























































Oil Gas Dry/Shows Oil and Gas Unknown

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NFW spud to completion by Total Depth

NFW spud to completion by Total Depth

Middle Magdalena Basin. Number of rig days per metreage for NFW



Rig Days





0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000

Rig Days - Total Metreage

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Liquid Production by Year

Liquid Production by Year

Middle Magdalena BasinAverage daily liquid Production by year for the
5 best Fields


Production Mb/day





1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020

La Cira Casabe Infantas Yarigui-Cantagallo Provincia Others

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Gas Production by Year

Gas Production by Year

Middle Magdalena BasinAverage daily gas Production by year for the 5
best Fields


Production Mscf/day





1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020

Provincia Payoa La Cira Casabe Infantas Others

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Reserves Size Distribution

Reserves Size Distribution

Middle Magdalena Basin. No of Fields for each range of
Proven+Probable Recoverable Reserves; (Oil,Condensate and Gas totals)



Number of Fields































Reserve Size (MMboe)

Gas Fields Oil Fields

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Reserves Size Distribution (Decade)

Reserves Size Distribution (Decade)

Middle Magdalena Basin. Volume of Proven+Probable Recoverable
Reserves (Total gas and liquid ) added by decade discovered

Reserves (MMboe)



















































Liquids MMboe Gas MMboe

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Reserves Probability Distribution

Reserves Probability Distribution

Middle Magdalena Basin. The Fields with Proven+Probable Recoverable
Reserves are summed to calculate the probablility of each Reserve
MMBoe occuring

0.01 0.02 0.1 0.2 1 2 3 45 10 2030 100 200 1000
Resource Size (MMboe)

Resource MMboe

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Reserves Cumulative for Fields

Reserves Cumulative for Fields

Middle Magdalena Basin. Creaming Curve showing Cumulative Liquid
MMbbl and Cumulative Gas MMboe reserves of Fields
Cumulative Reserves MMboe








18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45 48 51 54 57 60 63 66 69 72 75 78 81 84 87 90 93 96 99 02 05 08 11 14 17 19
19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 20

Disc Year

All Fields Liquid MMbbl All Fields Gas MMboe

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Remaining Reserves Size Status

Remaining Reserves Size Status

Middle Magdalena Basin. No of Fields for each range of Remaining
Reserves for six different General production status types

Number of Fields


























Remaining PP Reserve Size (MMboe)

Abandoned Discovery Producing Temp Shut in No data Developing

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Title Doc Id

Basin Location Map (Middle Magdalena Basin) 100000328480

Field Location Map (Middle Magdalena Basin) 100000328481

Structural Framework Map (Middle Magdalena Basin) 100000186385

Geothermal Gradient Map (Middle Magdalena Basin) 100000186387

API Isogravity Map (Middle Magdalena Basin) 100000186388

Stratigraphic Chart (Middle Magdalena Basin) 100000186389

WNW-SSE Regional Geological Cross-section A-A' (Middle Magdalena Basin) 100000186390

WNW-ESE Regional Geological Cross-section B-B' (Middle Magdalena Basin) 100000186391

WNW-SSE Regional Geological Cross-section C-C' (Middle Magdalena Basin) 100000186394

Schematic Geological Evolution of the Northern Part of the Basin (Middle 100000186395
Magdalena Basin)

Isopach Map of La Luna Formation (Middle Magdalena Basin) 100000186396

Typical Log (Middle Magdalena Basin) 100000186397

Petroleum System Map (Middle Magdalena Basin) 100000328482

Examples of Tertiary and Cretaceous Structural Play Types (Middle 100000187193

Magdalena Basin)

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Basin Location Map (Middle Magdalena Basin)

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Field Location Map (Middle Magdalena Basin)

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Structural Framework Map (Middle Magdalena Basin)

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Geothermal Gradient Map (Middle Magdalena Basin)

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API Isogravity Map (Middle Magdalena Basin)

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Stratigraphic Chart (Middle Magdalena Basin)

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WNW-SSE Regional Geological Cross-section A-A' (Middle Magdalena Basin)

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WNW-ESE Regional Geological Cross-section B-B' (Middle Magdalena Basin)

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WNW-SSE Regional Geological Cross-section C-C' (Middle Magdalena Basin)

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Schematic Geological Evolution of the Northern Part of the Basin (Middle Magdalena Basin)

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Isopach Map of La Luna Formation (Middle Magdalena Basin)

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Typical Log (Middle Magdalena Basin)

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Petroleum System Map (Middle Magdalena Basin)

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Examples of Tertiary and Cretaceous Structural Play Types (Middle Magdalena Basin)

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Source: EDIN © 2022 IHS Markit

Image References

API Isogravity Map (Middle Magdalena Basin)

Basin Location Map (Middle Magdalena Basin)

Examples of Tertiary and Cretaceous Structural Play Types (Middle Magdalena Basin)

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Field Location Map (Middle Magdalena Basin)

Geothermal Gradient Map (Middle Magdalena Basin)

Isopach Map of La Luna Formation (Middle Magdalena Basin)

Petroleum System Map (Middle Magdalena Basin)

Schematic Geological Evolution of the Northern Part of the Basin (Middle Magdalena Basin)

Stratigraphic Chart (Middle Magdalena Basin)

Structural Framework Map (Middle Magdalena Basin)

Typical Log (Middle Magdalena Basin)

WNW-ESE Regional Geological Cross-section B-B' (Middle Magdalena Basin)

WNW-SSE Regional Geological Cross-section A-A' (Middle Magdalena Basin)

WNW-SSE Regional Geological Cross-section C-C' (Middle Magdalena Basin)

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