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The Jade Peony

Explain the quote

“At recess, our dialects and accents conflicted, our clothes, heights and handicaps betrayed us,
our skin colours and backgrounds clashed, but inside Miss E. Doyle’s tightly disciplined
kingdom we were all – lions or lambs – equals. We had glimpsed Paradise” (Choy 106).

 How is Miss Doyle’s class different from the outside world?

 How does this quote demonstrate the theme of culture? Equality?

 Miss Doyle's class is distinct from the rest of the world because everyone is treated
equally in her classroom. On the other hand, everyone is regarded differently
depending on their skin tone or where they are from in the outside world.
 This quote demonstrates the theme of culture and equality by showing that students
from all around the world should be treated no matter what their color or what
their cultural differences are.

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