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Journal of Mathematical Sciences: Advances and Applications

Volume 66, 2021, Pages 49-69

Available at http://scientificadvances.co.in
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18642/jmsaa_7100122205




1Department of Mathematics
University of Rajshahi
e-mail: alamgir91rumath@gmail.com
2Department of Mathematics
Islamic University
e-mail: asad@math.iu.ac.bd

2020 Mathematics Subject Classification: 46E99, 46N10, 91A11, 91B50.

Keywords and phrases: game theory, fixed point, Kakutani’s fixed point theorem, Nash
equilibrium, quality management.
Received April 30, 2021; Revised June 25, 2021

 2021 Scientific Advances Publishers

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License
(CC BY 3.0).

Open Access

3Department of Statistics
Islamic University
e-mail: rayensl.19@gmail.com


In this paper, we discuss some major applications of Kakutani’s fixed

point theorem in game theory. In the course of research work we mostly
use the idea of mathematical set, functions, topological properties and
Brouwer’s fixed point theorem to make the Kakutani’s fixed point
theorem more conspicuous. In the key point of idea, we include how this
theory can play the effective role to highlight new fixed point results
and their applications in different fields of game theory.

1. Introduction

Fixed point theory has its own importance and developed

tremendously for the last one and half century. In the last 50 years, fixed
point theory has been an affluent field of research for many
mathematicians. In the 19th century, the study of fixed point theory was
initiated by Poincaré in 1886 and in 20th century developed by many
mathematicians like Brouwer, Banach, Kakutani, and others. Brouwer
came up with fixed point theorem to solve the equation f (x ) = x in 1912.
He also proved fixed point theorem for a square, a sphere and their
n-dimensional counter parts which was further extended by Kakutani.
One of the fundamental principle of functional analysis, namely-Banach
Principle was introduced as well. In 1922, Banach put forward the proof
that a contraction mapping in the field of a complete metric space offers a
unique fixed point. It was backed up by Kannan [10]. In 1930, Schauder
has given the first fixed point theorem in infinite dimensional spaces.
During the first decade of last century, in 1912, the eminent Dutch
mathematicians Brouwer (see [3]) exhibited a basic mathematical
theorem that has seen an exceptional variety of important uses in both
pure and applied mathematics. In game theory, Nash equilibrium comes
under much in depth investigation. In 1928, Von Nemann & Morgenstern
could set the existence of randomized saddle point using their well-

received minimax theorem [22] for two-person zero sum games. John
Nash generalized the idea of an equilibrium to games with three or more
players in his excellent work [12, 14]. Fixed point theorem is deeply
associated with the existence of equilibria in games such as Brouwer’s
fixed point theorem [3] and the Kakutani’s fixed point theorem [9]. John
Von Neumann [15] established his famous minimax theorem in 1928.
Later, in [21] he proposed adding his intersection lemma to it and his
theory on optimal balanced growth paths in 1937. Kakutani [9]
discovered a fixed point theorem in 1941 to deduce Von Neumann’s
minimax theorem and intersection lemma. John Nash [14] introduced his
well-received equilibrium theorem in 1951. Fan [7] and Glicksberg [8]
extended Kakutani’s theorem in 1952 to locally convex T2 topological
vector spaces as Fan also generalized the Von Neumann intersection
lemma by using his very own fixed point theorem. Fixed point theorems,
more precisely Kakutani’s theorem enabled proving important theorems
like Nash [13, 14] for the case of non-cooperative games and Arrow along
with Debreu [1] on general equilibrium theory.

In advanced mathematical analysis, fixed point theory is one of the

most potential tools. The theorem that concerns the properties and
existence of fixed points are called fixed point theorem. Informally
speaking, fixed point theory is a branch of mathematics that attempts to
identify all self-maps (or self-correspondence) under which at least one
element is left invariant. In mathematics, a fixed point of a function is an
element of the function’s domain that is mapped to itself by the function.
Shortly, if is a fixed point of f (x ) then f ( p ) = p.

Example 1.1. If f : R → R be defined by f (x ) = x 2 − 3x + 4. Now,

according to definition, 2 is a fixed point of the function f as f (2) = 2.

The Figure 1.1 shows the existence of three fixed points between the
intersection of the function f (x ) and y = x. Consider a function m which
is defined as m( p ) = n( p ) − p. Then if we want to find-out the fixed point
of the function n, then we make the solution as m( p ) = 0 (see Figure
1.2), where f (x ) = n( p ) and y = p(say ) in Figure 1.1).

Figure 1.1. Representation of a function f with three fixed points.

Figure 1.2. Fixed point of n occurs when the solution is m( p ) = 0.


Fixed point theory has enormous applications in different fields like

mathematics, engineering, economics, game theory, image processing,
artificial intelligence, population dynamics, etc. In the field of economics,
it is often used in the process of determining the coincidence point of
supply and demand functions. In game theory, fixed point theory is very
useful because by applying this theory we can find the existence of Nash
equilibrium for every finite strategic form game, for two-person zero sum
games with finite strategy sets, etc. The main objective of this paper is to
present some real-life applications of Kakutani’s fixed point theorem in
Game Theory.

2. Preliminary Notes

Throughout this paper, we shall use the following preliminaries

which are collected from the monographs of Border [2], Buxton [4],
Cobzaş [5], Eilenberg and Montgomery [6] and Scarf [18].

Definition 2.1. Let X =/ . A function F : X → X is called a self

map on X . A point p ∈ X is called a fixed point of a self-map
F : X → X , if F ( p ) = p.

Example 2.1. The function F : [0, 1] → [0, 1] defined by F (x ) = x 2

has exactly two fixed points. This function is also uniformly continuous on
[0, 1].

Again, the function F : R → R defined by F (x ) = x + 2 has no fixed

point in R.

Definition 2.2. Let ( X , d ) be a metric space. A mapping F : X → X is

a contraction mapping or contraction, if there exists a constant p, with
0 ≤ p < 1, such that d( F (x ) , F ( y ) ) ≤ pd(x , y ) , for all x , y ∈ X .

For every x ∈ X and any r > 0, all points y in the ball Br (x ) , are
mapped into a ball Bs ( F (x ) ) , with s < r. This is shown in Figure 2.1 as

Figure 2.1. F is a contraction mapping.

Sometimes a map satisfying (in Figure 2.1) with p = 1 is called a


Example 2.2. Consider the map f (x ) = x 2 which maps (0, 1] to

itself. It is clearly a contraction. If f (x ) = x , then x = which implies
x = 0. Thus f does not have a fixed point in (0, 1].

Theorem 2.1 (Brouwer Fixed Point Theorem in R n [3, 4]). In the

late 19th century, the idea about fixed point theory came into the
mathematical concentration. To give it the mathematical sense, the
mathematician Henri Poincare began using it in the topological analysis.
Then in 1912 Brouwer first, published his famous fixed point theorem for
finite dimension.

Statement of Brouwer fixed point theorem. This theorem states

that, if X ⊆ R n be nonempty, compact, and convex set and if f : X → X
be a function which is continuous, then f has a fixed point, i.e., there
exist an x ∈ X such that f (x ) = x .

The proof of this theorem follows from [20].


An application of this theorem makes it possible to conclude that, a

continuous function which maps from the interval [0, 1] to [0, 1] has a
fixed point and we have shown it in the following figure (Figure 2.2).

Figure 2.2. Fixed point of the continuous function within interval [0, 1].

In Figure 2.3 is shown a function which is not continuous so within

the interval [a, b] it does not have a fixed point.

Figure 2.3. Fixed point does not exist for a function which is not
continuous on [a, b].

Theorem 2.2 (Kakutani’s Fixed Point Theorem [3, 4]). In

mathematical analysis, the Kakutani fixed-point theorem is a fixed-point
theorem for setvalued functions. It provides sufficient conditions for a set-
valued function defined on a convex, compact subset of a Euclidean space
to have a fixed point, i.e., a point which is mapped to a set containing it.
The Kakutani fixed point theorem is a generalization of Brouwer fixed
point theorem.

The theorem was developed by Shizuo Kakutani [9] in 1941, and was
used by John Nash in his description of Nash equilibria [12]. It has
subsequently found widespread application in game theory and economics

Statement Kakutani’s fixed point theorem. Let X be a non-

empty, compact and convex subset of some Euclidean space R n . Let
F : X → 2 X be a set-valued function on X with the following properties:

• F (x ) is non-empty and convex valued for all x ∈ X ;


• F has a closed graph.

Then, F has a fixed point. The proof of this theorem follows from [9].

Example. Since x ∈ X is a fixed point of F : X → 2X then

x ∈ f (x ) .

Let X = (0, 1) . The function

2, 0 ≤ x < 0.5,

f (x ) = 0.5, x = 0.5,

1 , 0.5 ≤ x < 1,
 4

satisfies all Kakutani’s conditions. Then x ∈ X = 0.5 is a fixed point of f .

3. Applications of Kakutani’s Fixed Point Theorem

In this section, we provide some applications of Kakutani’s fixed point


3.1. Application in Nash equilibrium

The Nash equilibrium, in game theory, according to the

mathematician John Forbes Nash, is a raised solution of a game which is
non-cooperative that involves two or more players in such a way that
each player is considered to know about the equilibrium strategies of the
other players. As a consequence, if every player changes their own
strategy [17], there is no possibility to gain anything for this game.

Assume, a finite set denoted by N which is fixed. This is called set of

players. Now, labelling the index denoted by j for every player.

Normal-form game is defined as an ordered triple in such a way that,

ν j be the functions ν j : ∏ j∈ N S j → R, where S j is non-empty sets for

all j ∈ N . Then obviously, we consider S j and j as a set of strategies,


and as a user’s gain (utility) function ( j ∈ N ) respectively. If we denote

SN = ∏ j∈ N S j , then every, s ∈ S N is the outcome (strategy profile) in

the game Γ. Player j choose strategy, s j ∈ S j . The outcome of the game

s and gain for every player j − ν j (s ) is chosen only when all the players
select their strategies. By the way of defining the three elements are
given below, we can tell then the single-form of game is possible to define
from the aforesaid discussion:

(i) Set of game for players.

(ii) For each player, there is a set of strategy.

(iii) For each player, there is a gain function.

At first, we will be inaugurated to various suitable notations.

Let, s = (s1 , s2 , … , sn ) be a strategic profile. Then:

(1) s− j = (s1 , s2 , … , s j −1 , s j +1 … , sn );

(2) ( s− j , s∗j ) = ( s1 , s2 , … , s j −1 , s∗j , s j +1 , … , sn ) .

Therefore, Nash equilibrium is defined to be the strategic sketch s∗ ∈ S

in such a way that for each j ∈ N remains that ν j ( s−∗ j , s ∗j ) ≥ ν j ( s−∗ j , s j )
for, s j ∈ S j .

Theorem 3.1.1 (Nash theorem [13, 14]). If strategic sets of each

player follow the following criteria:

(i) Non-empty, convex and compact.

(ii) Their utility functions are continuous and quasi-concave.

Then, for the case of a normal form game in the type, s− j , Nash

equilibrium exists.

Now, by applying the theorem of Kakutani’s fixed point, we can define

p j ( s− j ) = arg max{ν j ( s j , s− j ) : s j ∈ S j } and p(s ) = ∏ j =1 p j ( s− j ). On

the basis of Weierstrass theorem function p is well defined (which states


that, let X ⊂ R n and let f : X → R be a continuous function on X . If

X is compact, then f attains a maximum and a minimum on X ) . It

should be noticed that if s∗ ∈ p( s∗ ) then , s∗j ∈ p( s−∗ j ) for each j ∈ N ,

which makes the assumption that s∗ is Nash equilibrium.

Lemma 3.1.1. If X1 and X 2 are compact Hausdroff topological space

and P : X1 × X 2 → R is continuous, then the functions f (x ) = min
p(x , X 2 ) , x ∈ X1 ; g (x ) = max P ( X1 , y ) , y ∈ X 2 are continuous too.

Proposition 3.1.1. Let X, Y be two topological spaces and

T : X → Y be a set-valued mapping.

(1) If Y is regular, T is upper semi continuous and for every a ∈ X

the set T (a ) is nonempty and closed, then T has a closed graph.

(2) Conversely, if the space Y is compact Hausdroff and T is with

closed graph, then T is upper semi continuous.

Proposition 3.1.2. If Px = {y ∈ X 2 : T (x , y ) = f (x )} and Q y = {x ∈

X1 : T (x , y ) = g ( y )}, ∀ x ∈ X1 and y ∈ X 2 , then Px and Q y are

nonempty and closed for all (x , y ) ∈ X1 × X 2 .

Theorem 3.1.2. Let X1 and X 2 are compact Hasudroff topological space

and X = X1 × X 2 . Again, we define T : X → X by T (x , y ) = Py × Qx , for

all, (x , y ) ∈ X , T (x , y ) is a nonempty convex subset of X , {((x , y ) , T (x , y ) )}

is closed. Then there exist x ∗ = (x 0 , y0 ) such that x ∗ ∈ T ( x ∗ ) .

Proof: Assume that, X1 and X 2 are compact Hasudroff topological

space and also X = X1 × X 2 . Again, we define T : X → X by
T (x , y ) = Py × Qx for all (x , y ) ∈ X .

Since Py and Qx are non-empty and closed sets for every

(x , y ) ∈ X1 × X 2 , it follows that T (x , y ) is non-empty and closed subset

of X .

Consider GT = {((x , y ) , T (x , y ) ) ∈ X × X } be a graph for T .

Since, {((x , y ) , T (x , y )} is closed, then according to definition it

follows that T has a closed graph.

Now, by the Proposition 3.1.1 since T is upper semi continuous, so

that by (Kakutani’s fixed point theorem in locally convex case [23]), T
has a fixed point x ∗ = (x 0 , y0 ).

That is (x 0 , y0 ) ∈ T ((x 0 , y0 ) implies that x ∗ ∈ T ( x ∗ ) .

Hence, the proof is complete.

3.1.1. Application of Theorem 3.1.2, for applying it in the case of

finite players

The set of best-play is the strategy of sets by which we can get our
expected optimum outcome easily. Consider, P, Q, and R be the three
players to a game. Let, a , b , and c be their probability distributions over

the action sets. Also let α, β, and γ are their payoff functions. A (b , c )

denotes the set of best-play a ′ s. Then it is easy to see that A (b , c ) is a

convex closed set. B ( c , a ) denotes the set of best-play b ′ s. Then it is

easy to see that B ( c , a ) is a convex closed set. Similarly, C ( a , b ) is also

a closed convex set.

a   A (b , c ) 
   
   
Define a function T :  b  →  B ( c , a )  . Then if we could apply
   
c  
 
   C ( a , b )
a  a 
   
   
theorem 3.1.1, we have  b  ∈ T  b  that easily displays the existence of
   
c  c 
   
Nash equilibrium. The requirement we need now is to verify our set up
those contents the conditions of Theorem 3.1.2. The first two conditions
are satisfied trivially.

Now, the only requirement to show that {((x , y ) , T (x , y )} is closed

and for this we need to show ((x , y ) , T (x , y )) → ( x ∗ , y∗ ) , where

x ∗ = (x 0 , y0 ) and y∗ = T (x 0 , y0 ) .

Put, x = ( a , b , c ) and y = ( p, q , r ) .

( x ∗ , y∗ ) ∈ T ( x ∗ ) ⇔ y∗ ∈ T ( x ∗ )

⇔ α p∗ , b∗ , c ∗  ≥ α a ′, b∗ , c ∗  for all a ′,

   

β a ∗ , q ∗ , c ∗  ≥ β a ′, b∗ , c ∗  for all b′,

   


γ a ∗ , b∗ , r ∗  ≥ γ  a ∗ , b∗ , c ′  for all c′,

   

which shows that {x , T (x )} is closed and hence we conclude that the

above argument can easily apply to any finite players.

3.2. Application in the games for the area of quality management

The questions arising from the analysis of the quality of a tangible or

intangible product can be answered from the game theory in some cases.
The creation of a tangible or intangible product depends on two groups of
factors where one group raises the values of the product’s quality and the
other group lowers the values of the product’s quality indicators. So, the
first player is detected by the factors which raise the values of the quality
and the other player is determined by the other group of factors. The
former player “wishes” to make a high-quality product when the later
“wishes” creating a poor-quality product. The outcome of the competition
is the ultimate quality of the product.

From the devoted scientific notation, we denote by

B1 = {β1 , β2 , … , βi , … , βm } the set of factors that results in the

increase of the values of the quality of the indicators, and by

B2 = {b1 , b2 , … , b j , … , bn } the set of factors that results in decrease.

Each player has a certain impact on the values of the quality indicators at
some point of time from the cycle of tangible or intangible product.

Each player is sure to choose an action βi from B1 and b j from B2 .

The actions refer to the influence of factor i on the values of the quality
indicators. The utility of choosing action βi by the first player can be
explained mathematically by a real function and a win situation for the
first player that proves the interpretation by its values. In this
circumstance, function f2 ( βi , b j ) represents the second player’s loss. The

fact that the sum of the game is null can be written as according to the
specialty literature (Owen [16]):

f1 ( βi , b j ) + f2 ( βi , b j ) = 0.

In order to achieve maximum gain, how the first player should choose the
action therefore remains the question, given that the other player has

similar objective (the term utility was proposed by Von Neumann). The
Nash equilibrium in its own strategy is showcased by strategic profile
where the strategy of each player is also the best response to the other
player’s strategy. Therefore, the contrasting situations involving the
creation of tangible or intangible products of a high quality level and
their management can be given by a model with the use of amalgamation
of the theories (see Figure 3.1):

Figure 3.1. Representing the interconnection between the theories.

The fact that fixed point theory can be put to use to the optimization
problems, game theory problems and problems arising from Nash
equilibrium has been proved by many authors (i.e., Lin [11], Yang and Yu
[23], Yu and Yang [24]).

Example 3.2.1. In order to increase the number of candidates that

plans to file in their courses, the quality of the promotion services in
universities U1 and U 2 , based on the data received from the analysis of
the number of students that applied in the previous years, the marketing
services of these universities came to the conclusions shown in the table
below Table 1 and Table 2, respectively.

Table 1. Marketing services of the universities U1 and U 2

U1 represents the strategy U 2 represents the Result (that can change in the
that is generated by its set strategy that is generated percentage of candidates
which desire to enroll to the
B1 = {β1 , β 2 } of possible by its set B2 = {b1 , b2 } of
actions possible actions

β1 b1 f1 ( βi , bi ) = 15 (U1 wins ) ,

(uses flyers) (uses flyers) f2 ( βi , b j ) = − 15 (U 2 loses )

β1 b1 f1 ( βi , b j ) = 11 (U1 wins ) ,

(uses flyers) (uses advertising media) f2 ( βi , b j ) = − 11 (U 2 loses )

β2 b2 f1 ( βi , b j ) = − 17 (U1 loses ) ,

(uses advertising media) (uses flyers) f2 ( βi , b j ) = 17 (U 2 wins )

β2 b2 f1 ( βi , b j ) = − 7 (U1 loses ) ,

(uses advertising media) (uses advertising media) f2 ( βi , b j ) = 7 (U 2 wins )

Table 2. Summary of results

b1 b2

1 15 11 Min {15, 11} = 11

2 − 17 7 Min {−17, 7} = −17

Max {15, − 12} = 15 Max {11, 7} = 11 Min {15, 11} = 11 = Max {11, − 17}

The game offers equilibrium point, ( βi , b j ) , that matches the result

of the game. University U1 eagerly uses action βi , giving the notation to

use the flyers. On the other hand, university U 2 tries to lessen loss
because of selecting action b j .

3.3. Application in Cournot Oligopoly model

Cournot Oligopoly [19] model is such a model for which the following
assumption satisfies:

(i) The number of firms (m ) is finite.


(ii) A firm i is able to produce commodity i for i ∈ {1, 2, … , m} (( Pi )

and (Qi ≥ 0 ) denote the price and the quantity of commodities,

(iii) All commodities are accurately divisible.

(iv) The aim of each firm is to select an amount of product that can be
able to maximize its own gain given the levels of the production selected
by other firms.

Suppose Q− i = (Q1 , Q2 , … , Qi −1 , Qi +1 , … , Qm ) be the quantities

which is regarded as vector quantities produced by the other firms. We
may consider that:

Pi = pi (Qi , Qi −1 ) = ui − νiQi + ∑ j =/ i
dijQ j , i = 1, 2, … , m,

where, price Pi is decrementing in its quantity Qi and, because of

fulfilling between the commodities, is considered to be incrementing in
the quantities Q j , j =/ i, of the other firms (the parameters ui , νi , and

dij are taken as positive).

Each firm for i ∈ {1, 2, … , m} has a function (known as cost function)

which is linear written as Ci (Qi ) = ciQi with ui > ci > 0. The profit α i
of firm i ∈ {1, 2, … , m} is

α i (Qi , Q− i ) = Qi pi (Qi , Q− i ) − ciQi .

For each firm i ∈ {1, 2, … , m} satisfies, if (Q1∗ , Q2∗ , … , Qm

) ∈ R n+ is a
tuple of Cournot-Nash equilibrium:

α i (Qi∗ , Q−∗ i ) ≥ α i ( Qi , Q−∗ i ) ,

for all Qi ∈ R + . This equilibrium exists if 2νi > ∑ j =/ i dij for each firm

i ∈ {1, 2, … , m}.

When the only comment is such that all goods are exactly divisible is
not satisfied, in such case the discrete Cournot-Nash equilibrium is
explored. The goods that are produced and sold in integer quantities; they
are, mobile phones, books, etc. Besides, numerous divisible goods, such as
mangoes, vegetables, bananas etc. are sold in discrete quantities. For
each firm i ∈ {1, 2, … , m} satisfies, if (Q1∗ , Q2∗ , … , Qm

) ∈ Zm
+ is a tuple

of discrete Cournot-Nash equilibrium:

α i (Qi∗ , Q−∗ i ) ≥ α i ( Qi , Q−∗ i ) ,

for all Qi ∈ Z + .

A firm i ∈ {1, 2, … , m} may maximize its gain α i (Qi , Q− i ) of its

quantity which is regarded as optimal integer given by the retraction

u − c dij 
ri ( Q− i ) =  i
 2 ν i
+ ∑ 2ν
j =/ i i
Qj .

Retraction function helps in explaining the quantity choice of the firms to

how one firm reacts to the quantity choice of the other firm. In this case,
here we use the symbol [h] which means the greatest nearest integer to h
and for the values of i ∈ {1, 2, … , m} satisfies ri ( Q−i ) ≥ 0 for every

Q ∈ Zm
+ (because ui > ci > 0 ) .

Define the function F : Zm

+ → Z

Fi (Qi , Q− i ) = ri ( Q− i ) − Qi , i = 1, 2, 3, … , m.

A discrete zero point of F is a discrete Cournot-Nash equilibrium. Then

clearly, if 2νi > ∑ j =/ i dij , i = 1, 2, 3, … , m. Brouwer’s fixed point

theorem can show that function F will have a discrete zero point. Thus,
the final assumption shows that the Cournot Oligopoly model in such
cases will have a discrete Cournot-Nash equilibrium when
2νi > ∑ j =/i dij , i = 1, 2, 3, … , m.

4. Conclusion

As analysis in fixed point theory has notably elongated in recent few

years which is actually tremendous in the field of both pure and applied
mathematics. We have garnished this paper, in such a way that from
start to finish it clarify the sense how Kakutani’s fixed point theorem
have been worked in different fields of game theory with their
mathematical explanations. We have discussed the three applications
(like as; Nash equilibrium, the Games for the area of quality
management, and Cournot Oligopoly model) of this theorem in the field of
game theory. Finally, we are strongly optimistic that the future
researchers will be developed more to apply this theorem following the
idea about our proposed applications in this article that must create a
remarkable influence on science, and engineering fields.


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