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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Hari/Tanggal : 4 Juni 2021
Kelas : VIII (Delapan) Waktu : 90 Menit
Kode : Pukul : 07.30 – 09.00 WIB

a. Berdoalah sebelum dan sesudah mengerjakan soal.
b. Pastikan mengisi identitas peserta dengan benar.
c. Periksa kembali pengisian identitas dan jawaban Anda sebelum waktu mengerjakan
soal berakhir.

Pilihlah jawaban yang paling tepat di antara pilihan jawaban A, B, C atau D.

Text for questions number 1 to 3
Husein : What do you do after getting up in the morning?
Salman: After I get up, I do morning praying.
Husein : And then?
Salman: I take a bath and have breakfast.
Husein : What else?
Salman: I prepare my school books. How about you?
Husein : After I get up, I always go to the bathroom. I wash my face, hands, and feet.
Then I pray. At six o’clock I take a bath. And then I have breakfast.
Salman: What time do you eat breakfast?
Husein : At six fifteen.
Salman: Don’t you prepare your school books?
Husein : Yes. I prepare them at night before.
Salman: Great.
Adapted from
1. What are they talking about?
A. Daily routines.
B. Activities at home.
C. Preparation for school.
D. Activities before going to school.

2. When does Husein prepare his books?

A. After I do morning praying.
B. Before I take a bath.
C. At the night before.
D. At six o’clock.

3. What does Salman do after getting up?

A. He takes a bath.
B. He has breakfast.
C. He does morning praying.
D. He prepares my school books.


Text for questions number 4 to 7

Today, we are very pleased to announce the winners of the speech competition of
Madrasah . Are you ready? Let’s meet our winners! Here they are:

No Name Grade Score Position

1. Maryam VIII A 4500 Winner
2. Isna Tita IX A 4200 1st Runner Up
3. Zulfa VII B 4000 2nd Runner Up
4. Kartika VIII C 3800 Favourite Speaker

We truly appreciate your hard work and effort in this event. Don’t hesitate to join
Annual Speech Competition next year.
Once more, for all the best fighters, Congratulations!

Muhammad Reza

4. What is the writer’s purpose of writing the text?

A. To tell about annual competition.
B. To inform the annual speech competition.
C. To announce the spech competition winners.
D. To congratulate the speech competition winners.

5. Where can we find the announcement?

A. At school board.
B. At the public places.
C. At committee’s room.
D. At Muhammad Reza’s class.

6. What will the readers do after reading the text?

A. See the committee to register the contest.
B. Hard work to be success.
C. Appreciate the winners.
D. Meet the winners.

7. “ We truly appreciate your hard work and effort in this event.”

The underlined word has closest in meaning to ….
A. neglect
B. admire
C. struggle
D. opportunity


Text for questions 8 and 9
Afnan : Oh, I’m really sorry. I hit you. Are you OK?
Yusuf : I’m fine. But I’m not very good at this.
Afnan : Neither am I. Where did you learn to skate?
Yusuf : Here in the park. This is only my third time.
Afnan : Well, it’s my first time. Can you give me some lessons?
Yusuf : Sure. Just follow me.
Afnan : By the way, my name is Afnan
Yusuf : And I’m Yusuf. Nice to meet you.

8. Who is Yusuf for Afnan?

A. A new neighbor
B. A new teacher.
C. A new coach.
D. A new friend.

9. Why did Afnan say sorry to Yusuf?

A. He hit Yusuf when he was skating.
B. He wanted to greet Yusuf.
C. He met Yusuf in the park.
D. He wants to be a good skater.

Text for questions 10 to 12

Dear Arman

Remember, you have appointment to pick me up at your grandma’s house. Please

pick me up at six o’clock. I’ll have a class at 7.30. Be on time.

Your sister

10. What is the topic of the text above?

A. Asking somoene to pick up.
B. Reminding somone’s promise.
C. Making an appointment to meet.
D. Giving explanation the time to pick up.

11. Who is Arman?

A. Naila’s Schoolmate.
B. Naila;s father.
C. Naila’s friend.
D. Naila’s brother.

12. What will Naila do at 6 AM?

A. Go to her grandma’s house.
B. Send message to Arman.
C. Wait for her brother, Aman.
D. Remind Arman for his class.


Text for questions number 13 to 16.

One morning, in the school parking area Kalia meets Miss Clara parking her bike.
Kaila : Good morning, Miss Clara.
Miss Clara : Morning,
Kaila : Well. Is that your new bicycle, Miss? It’s beautiful.
Miss Clara : Thanks. But this is just my old bicycle. I bought it three years ago.
Kaila : Really? I can’t believe it. It’s more beautiful than mine. My bike is
newer than yours. But your bike is cleaner than mine.
Miss Clara : Is you bike is newer than mine? You need to look after it and clean it well then.
When did you buy your bike?
Kaila : I bought it last year, Miss. I bought it for 2 million rupiah from my own savings.
Miss Clara : Wow, amazing! My bike was cheaper than yours.
Is your bike bigger than mine?
Kaila : No, my bike is smaller than yours, Miss. It doesn’t have a basket. Oh, the bell is
ringing. I have to head to my class, Miss. See you later.
Miss Clara : See you, dear.
Adapted from EAR
13. What are they talking about?
A. Comparing bicycle.
B. Describing Kaila’s bike.
C. Comparing the price of bike.
D. Comparing the size of the bicycle.

14. Where does the conversation take place?

A. In the class.
B. At the school yard.
C. In Miss Clara’s office.
D. At the school parking area.

15. From the conversation, we know that Kaila’s bike is … than Miss Clara’s bike.
A. older
B. newer
C. bigger
D. cheaper

16. Kaila’s says: “It’s more beautiful than mine.”

This sentence means … .
A. comparing thing
B. describing thing
C. asking for information
D. telling characteristics of thing

Text for questions number 17 to 20

Last week I and Hamdan repaired our quite old house. We would like to make changes
so that it looks better. I repaired the gate and Hamdan cleaned the door.It was green but I’ve
painted it red now. The garage was OK. We did not do anything to that. But we changed the
horrible brown colour of the windows. Hamdan painted them blue. We were very busy. The
next big job was the roof. But we need our father’s help to repair it.
That day we were very tired but we were happy. Our house looks nice.
Adapted from learners/a2r052-my-house


17. The purpose of writing the text is … .
A. to tell past events
B. to describe the writer’s house
C. to inform how to repair the old house
D. to give information about an old house

18. What has the writer painted?

A. The door.
B. The roof.
C. The garage.
D. The windows.

19. Hamdan wanted his dad to help him with … .

A. the windows
B. the garage
C. the roof
D. the door

20. “It was green … .” The word it refers to … .

A. the door
B. the gate
C. the house
D. the garage

Text for questions number 21 to 24

2021 International Essay Contest for Young People

Essay may be submitted by anyone up to 25 years old.

This year’s theme is “How to Live in New Normal with Covid 19”
Essays are accepted in English, French or Japanese.
The competition is free to enter.
1 prize winner will receive a cash prize of 100.000 Yen (approx. US $900)

Taken from:

21. The writers’ intention of writing the texts is … .

A. giving information about competitions
B. announcing about essay competitions
C. informing the youth to hold competitions
D. asking the readers to take part in the contests

22. From the text, we know that … .

A. The first winner will get throphy.
B. The essays are any themes.
C. The essays is in Indonesian.
D. The competition is free of charge.

23. The text is addressed to … .


A. Teenagers
B. children
C. Adults
D. Kids

24. What will readers do after reading the texts?

A. Read essays.
B. Take a short course in French class.
C. Enroll the competitions if you are interested.
D. Study writing in English, French, and Japanese.

Text for questions number 25 to 27

Zubair : Did you have a good weekend?

Ilham : Yes, I did. But I feel a little tired today.
Zubair : Really? Why?
Ilham : Well, on Saturday. I exercised in the morning. Then my roommate and
I cleaned and shopped . And then I visited my parents.
Zubair : So, what did you do on Sunday?
Ilham : I studied for the test all day.
Zubair : Oh, no! Do we have a test today? I didn’t study! I just recited the Holy
Quran. I also took care of my sister.
Adapted from New Interchange English for International Communication page 86
25. What are they talking about?
A. Doing exercises.
B. Activities on weekend.
C. Preparation for the test.
D. Shopping with roommate.

26. Read the statements below. Which ones are correct?

I He studied for the test.

II He lived with his parents.
III He recited the Holy Quran
IV He exercised in the morning.

A. I and II
B. I and IV
C. II and III
D. III and IV

27. Who is probably Zubair for Ilham?

A. Classmate.
B. Roommate.
C. Brother.
D. Father.


Text for questions number 28 to 30
Kiki is calling Koko. Koko is her classmate. They are talking about Math assignment.

Kiki : Hello.
Koko : Hi, Kiki. Have you finished the Math assignment?
Kiki : No, not yet. I’m still working on it.
Koko : It’s really difficult. Are you having a hard try with it?
Kiki : Yes, I am. Are you?
Koko : Yes. That’s why I am calling you. Do you want to work on it together?
Kiki : I can’t. My parents are going to the market.
Koko : I see. What are you doing now?
Kiki : I am keeping my younger brother. He is sleeping now.
Koko : No problem. Just open your front of the door. I am waiting at your door.
Kiki : Oh, really? It’s surprise
Adapted from

28. Who is calling?

A. Kiki.
B. Koko.
C. Koko’s brother.
D. Kiki’s parents.

29. Where is Koko waiting for Kiki?

A. At the market.
B. In the bedroom.
C. At the back door.
D. At the front door.

30. What’s Kiki doing?

A. She is discussing Math with her friend.
B. She is accompanying her parents.
C. She is keeping her brother.
D. She is going to the market.

31. Who is probably Koko for Kiki?

A. Brother.
B. Father.
C. Uncle.
D. Friend.
Text for questions number 32 and 33

Taken from Interchange Fourth Edition Student’s Book 2


32. Why does Kevin send the message?
A. Telling about his laptop.
B. Asking Dr. Hilda’s suggestion.
C. Asking his friend to give the laptop back.
D. Informing Dr. Hilda about the broken laptop.

33. Whose laptop was broken?

A. Kevin’s friend.
B. Shopkeeper.
C. Dr. Hilda.
D. Kevin.

Text for questions number 34 and 35

Yusuf : Hi, Arsyad. What do you do every week during Ramadan?

Arsyad : I join virtual learning about Islam every Sunday morning.
Yusuf : That’s great. Do you upload your online learning at you tube?
Arsyad : Yes, of course. Ismail, my friend, helps me to handle this. He is a you tuber. What
about you?
Yusuf : I read the Holy Qur’an every day at Masjid. I also make videos about Ramadan
Arsyad : Fantastic. Remember. We have to wear masks and social distancing during
the activities.
Yusuf : Sure.

34. What does Arsyad do every Sunday morning?

A. He reads the Holy Qur’an.
B. He joins online learning.
C. He creates a video.
D. He makes masks.

35. “Ismail helps me to handle this.”

The word this refers to … .
A. making video
B. virtual learning
C. Ramadan activity
D. upload online learning


Text for questions number 36 to 40
I was home alone. My mom and my dad went to the hospital. Sinta, my sister wasn’t
at home either. She was at the mall with her friends.
That night was different. It was cold and silent. I was afraid. I was reading a book in
my room when I heard something tapping on the roof. I sat still, trying to focus on the book
I was reading, but then the tap turned into a rap. I thought it was a tiny monster inside the
wall. I jumped off my chair and ran downstairs. I could hear the doorknob slowly turning. I
stopped in fear. The door opened. It was my dad. I ran to him and immediately hugged him.
I told him about the noise upstairs. My dad went up to check it out. I stayed downstairs
with my mom. He stopped in front of my bedroom door and listened carefully. He looked
very serious. Then he said that it was the house lizard tapping its tail. I sighed.
It was the most frightening moment in my, but I learned a thing or two. No one can
think clearly if they are full of fear.
Adapted from SET level elementary 2
36. What is the story about?
A. A brave boy.
B. A monster upstairs.
C. A cold and silent night.
D. A frightening experience.

37. From the text we know that Sinta is … .

A. the writer’s aunty
B. the writer’s friend
C. the writer’s sister
D. the writer’s mother

38. What did the writer do when he heard a strange sound?

A. He listened the sound carefully.
B. He focused on reading the book.
C. He searched the source of the sound.
D. He jumped off the chair and ran downstairs

39. “I was afraid.”

The underlined word is the closest in meaning to … .
A. terror
B. horror
C. happy
D. frightened

40. What was exactly the noise upstairs?

A. The sound of the tails.
B. A small mouse on the roof.
C. A tiny monster inside the wall.
D. The house lizard tapping on the roof.


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