First Steps

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Welcome to “Comentario de Textos Literarios en Lengua Inglesa”!

1) If this is your first UNED year, you should visit this link in order to get
acquainted with our teaching model. The “Estudiar a Distancia” menu will be
very useful to you in these your first days. We’re sure you’ll soon get the knack
of distance learning.

2) For a better planning of your study time, we recommend you read the Course
Guide (Guía de Estudio) very attentively. It will give you an idea of the amount
of work required to complete the five course units of this subject, suggested
time allocation per unit, and the deadline for the PEC.
The subject contents and materials have changed this year, so it is necessary
that you read the Guide before you start studying.


 Each course unit has its own Study Guide and its corresponding forum
available on the workplan.

 You can read the Study Guides online or you can print them and work with
them like you would do with a traditional coursebook. If you read them online
you will have quick and easy access to the audiovisual resources and
weblinks (please bear in mind that the links may break).

 The study materials and reading list have been planned in such a way that
the students can organize their work comfortably. There are two long literary
works The Awakening in Unit 2 and Translations in Unit 4 that are placed
halfway through the course to allow students time to complete its reading. To
make the most of the study materials and the tasks they include you should
read the mandatory literary works prior to the units, paying close attention to
both form and content while you read.

 The self-assessment exercises in the Study Guides don’t carry any

percentage in the final mark of the subject, while the PEC and the exam do.
The information regarding the assessment of this subject is included in the
Course Guide.


This subject is taught online, so you can post your queries on the corresponding fora.
There are several fora in the virtual course (Foro de debate). For practical purposes,
there will be one forum devoted to general enquires (Consultas generales) and five
fora each one devoted to a Unit respectively and accordingly named. These last ones
are meant for us to post comments, doubts, information, answer to questions, etc.,
concerning the subject matter of the Unit concerned. There will also be a forum for
students to communicate that shall not be supervised by the “equipo docente”. And
finally, you have a forum to communicate with the tutor of your Centro Asociado as
well as with your tutoring partners.
Please remember these are academic fora and you are expected to use academic
netiquette at all times.
You can also attend the face-to-face or online sessions given by the Tutor Teachers
at the Centros Asociados. For more information about the tutoring schedule, please
visit the Akademos website.
We hope you enjoy the subject!
The Course Team

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