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0 UN Serge Ortega and Quan 3 4 5 6 7 s 2 yo ow | fae = : —— > fS S555 5) 2S Ses Lind up an sing for_vie-t0- 19 willoome The ban-ners of union a¢- sun Andyoull be there be: 2'Stnd Up and fight, ourheartsare all “aflame, "Av new hie Ws com-ing_ 10 Yourhap = pieness is county it sng, iis unt fy iv ttong. Fomnor-th and south theycome to join thethrong. Eom nt- tatcHleds the Up aivhinain 8 milion Mending pets The people wall win for the th is intheitheats OF sted out will” ba ‘ 5 SSS3 iid =e eee * - wr Sp Ming for vie-to- ry wileome The fan-ners of union as-sem-ble in the sun Andyoull he thee be: ‘han ght, ourheatsare al “aefiame, 'A™ new Ie coming 10” put the past (0 shame. Yourhap = pi-nes 3. Ourcouey is sing, is n= ~ fy tong. From nor-th and south theycome fo Jon the throng. From 1 ~ tates the 4¢Sand "Gp andingin 8 mllcion Bending pers The poole will win for the tuth is in thotheers OF sted out wall ba : 1S St L.Sand up an sing for vie=t0- ry willome The banners of union as-semebe in the sun Andou! be there bee 2.Sind Gp and fight, urbearsare all “a-ilame, A” new fe is coming to” put the pest to shame. Yourhap - pi-mcss ie ‘Our county’ ih rising, iis un f(s atong Fromnor-th and south theycome to join thethrong. Front nt ttebieds the 4'sand “ip” andsingin 2 million bending parts The people will win forthe tuth inher. OF sce out wil bal \ . 1k » [DU | porsdp ree ee of rhe Sind up an sing for vie 10 #9 willeome The banner of union ss-seni-ble in the sun Andyouil be there be 2:Stnd Gp and fight, ourbearsae all “a-‘lame, ‘A new hie coming to” put the pst shame. Yourhap = pi-aess ie Our couniey is sing, if m= - {Yh sirong. From nor-th and sith thyeome to yom the thong. From 1 tees the sand “ip” andsingin 2 million bending parts The people will win forthe uh intheheats OF see oat will bat 4 Bow, ss ” 9 a a Ne fess 6 =z -SS=: fee side me on the march. Then youil see the ban-nersandthe sing-ing burs-ing forth. ‘The eawn whosecom-ing. we pro claim part of this outfight. A. thou sand e clam-our that il prou = dy sing and we cannot be wrong Fr men srestram-ing in Steam-ing South and now the "wo ~ man too, theirstrug-gle has be- gun. Their Talstions we mustbuild. Justice and reson wil be our bar sle ery We are to-geth - er now, ourhearts so boldand brave. Ranged —= —— eS = SS SS E == deme on thomarty Then jo the bar emande sg-ing unting ath.Theean whesconing we po im. Sec UE ee a Saco SEMES SURE S O Saueehe Be wane Rin sesteancig th shean-it. i Sam ‘ret tt suthand ew the No-one dtstan se fae esau He Tanne tal, Sse lan "ON saree "Oe me we ge" wey, ‘ares lua ee, Range ————e for forte te Fe wie ee ee ee side me on the march. Then youll see the ban-nersandthe sing-ing burs-ing foh. ‘The eawn whosecom-ing. we pro claim part of this outfight. A thou sand eres will ise into a clam-our that will prow ~ diy sing and we can-not be wrong’ Fee men arestram-ing in Steam-ing in fom fo-rests in the south and now the "wo ~ man too, theirstrug-pe has be Talstions We mustbuil Tustice and reson wal be our bar slo cry we are To geth - er now, lirhearts so boldand brave, Ranged — ~ n Ibis S55 perle er? 2 yD FE =e] side me on the march. Then youll see the ban-nersandthe sing-ing burs-ing forth. ‘The dawn whesecom-ing. we pro claim fart of this outfight. A thou Sand eres will fie n= toa elam-our that Will prow ~ dy sing and. we can-not ‘be wrong Fe men srestream-ing in Steam-ing in fom forests in the south and now the ‘wo ~ man too, therstrug-gle has be-gun Their Talstions we mustbuild. Justice and reson wil be our bar sle ery We are 1o-geth - er now, ourhearts so boldand brave. Ranged [Afites verses 1 and 3) war BD xo 3 2 “Je Nae ee ee Bee] set rays seus aflame? Std timer the people 10 sesup in sage a+ the contents of oursong. Is shape ofthings to comes, Stand thy workers mighty wave —=—= 3 . SSS Ss Ss et ae = Rod as blood jis rays et us aflame2. Stand eS pono dom is the con tents of oursong. Ils tet o cai ion fo the shape of hings to eames tad ena the workers mighty wave pte: te as te i SSS ee $ #3 ct limefor the poo-ple to rsesup in sre ‘ott the con tents of cursong. ts on " ae nn fort the shape of things to ome, San ten ane the work-e mighty wave PSS aS po ae g | Rod as hood its rpc os aflame, Sand fimefor the peo-plo to iesup ia siueape ate the contents of cursong. is Las 2 7 ion forTEnS_ the shape ofthings to ome tad ee the work-e mighty wave inst their ‘sins their ins thei sxinst thie opp =e i= do, shout all w The peo ple ve a = ted Bt will pue - blo ‘de = feat i+ do -el ie

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