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Food Microbiology, 1999, 16, 593^605 Article No. fmic.1999.

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Estimating the parameters of the

Baranyi model for bacterial growth
K. Grijspeerdt1* and P. Vanrolleghem2

The identi¢ability properties of the Baranyi model for bacterial growth were investigated, both structu-
rally and applied to real-life data. Using the Taylor-series approach, it was formally proven that the model
is structurally identi¢able, i.e. it is now ascertained that it is certainly possible to give unique values to
all parameters of the model, provided the bacterial growth data are of su¤ciently good quality. The
model also has acceptable practical identi¢ability properties in the presence of realistic data, which
means that the con¢dence intervals on the parameter values are reasonable. However, there was a re-
latively high correlation between the maximum speci¢c growth rate mmax and the suitability indicator
h0. An optimal experimental design to improve parameter estimation uncertainty was worked out,
using the sampling times of the microbial growth curve as experimental degree of freedom. Using a
D-optimal design criterion, it could be shown that the optimal sampling times were concentrated in
four time periods (initial, start and end of exponential growth, end of experiment), each providing max-
imum information on a particular parameter. Because the optimal experimental design requires a priori
estimates of the parameters, the propagation of the parameter uncertainty into the experimental design
was assessed with a Monte Carlo simulation. In this way, 95% con¢dence intervals could be estab-
lished around the optimal sampling times to be used in the optimal experiment. Based on these inter-
vals, a design was proposed and experimentally validated. The error on the parameter estimates was
more than halved, their correlation diminished and the nonlinearity of the result improved.
# 1999 Academic Press

23 October1998
Introduction microbiological models: primary level models
describe changes of microbial numbers with Ministry of Small
Predictive modelling of bacterial growth and time, secondary level models summarize the and Agriculture,
inactivation is an important research topic e¡ect of environmental conditions and the ter- Centre of Agricultural
among food microbiologists (Buchanan 1993, tiary level models combine the two ¢rst levels. Research,
Department of
Skinner and Larkin 1994, McMeekin et al. Although the concepts presented in this paper Animal Product
1997). Predictive models allow estimation of apply to all types of models, the practical Quality,
the shelf-life of foods, isolation of critical implementation will be restricted to a level Brusselsesteenweg
370, B-9090 Melle,
points in the production and distribution 1 model. Belgium
process, and can give insight on how envi- Among the most used level 1 predictive mod- 2
ronmental variables a¡ect the behaviour of els are the modi¢ed Gompertz model (Zwieter- Department Applied
pathogenic or spoilage bacteria.Whiting (1995) ing et al. 1990, McMeekin et al. 1993) and the Biometrics and
distinguishes three levels among predictive logistics model (Peleg 1997). Although based Process Control,
on theoretical considerations, these models University Gent.
Coupure Links 653,
were not originally developed for modelling B-9000 Gent,
*Corresponding author. bacterial growth and certainly not for Belgium

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594 K. Grijspeerdt and P. Vanrolleghem

modelling the logarithm of the bacterial cell of the model, which could conceal the prin-
concentration (Baranyi et al. 1993).They should ciples of the identi¢ability analysis.
therefore be considered as purely empirical 2. Generally, the model is used in the explicit
models. Nevertheless, the parameters in the form when the aim is to estimate the para-
model are given physical meanings whose meters. The di¡erential equation form is
values are crucial for the deployment and inter- subsequently used to simulate dynamic
pretation of simulation results. More recently, environmental conditions (Baranyi et al.
Baranyi and coworkers developed a mechanis- 1995). It could be more e¤cient to estimate
tic model for bacterial growth (Baranyi et al. parameters directly from data gathered
1993, Baranyi and Roberts 1994, 1995). In recent under dynamic environmental conditions
years, this model is being adopted more and with the di¡erential-equation model. Using
more over the modi¢ed Gompertz model optimal experimental design, Bernaerts
(George et al. 1996, McClure et al. 1997, Suther- et al. (1998) showed that temperature-
land et al. 1997). One of the attractive points of dependent parameters could be estimated
the Baranyi model, besides its good predictive directly from the di¡erential equation form
capabilities, is the fact that it is a truly of the Baranyi-model.
dynamic model in the sense that it can deal
with time varying environmental conditions. The accuracy of predictions made by predic-
In view of the growing attention given to shelf- tive microbiological models is dependent on
life prediction of foods and quantitative risk the model parameter estimate errors.The smal-
analysis of food production cycles (McMeekin ler these errors, the more reliable predictions
and Ross 1996, Foegeding 1997), this is an indis- will be. The aim of this paper is to analyse the
pensable property. identi¢ability properties of the Baranyi model
The value of model-based predictions and and to establish an e¤cient method for improv-
risk analysis is to a large extent dependent on ing the reliability of the model parameter esti-
the reliability of the model parameters. Para- mates based on available knowledge.
meter values are obtained by ¢tting the model
to experimental data. The experimental error,
the experimental design and the model bias de- The model
termine the reliability of estimates. The statis- The reader is referred to Baranyi et al. (1993)
tical signi¢cance that can be attributed to for the theoretical derivation of the model. The
parameter estimates is generally referred to explicit form of the model is the following
as the identi¢ability of the parameters. Pro- (Baranyi and Roberts 1994):
blems with the identi¢ability arise when para-
meters cannot be signi¢cantly estimated or
when estimates are strongly correlated. The y…t† ˆ y0 ‡ mmax t ‡ ln…eÿnt ‡ eÿh0 ÿ eÿntÿh0 †
importance of su¤cient and well distributed mmax
experimental data has been addressed by 1 ÿnt ÿh0 ÿntÿh0
Bratchell et al. (1989) and Baranyi et al. (1996) 1 emmmax t‡mmax ln…e ‡e ÿe †ÿ1
ÿ ln 1 ‡
and cannot be overestimated: a good experi- m em…ymax ÿy0 †
mental design can overcome many problems
with parameter identi¢ability. …1†
In this paper, the identi¢ablity properties where:
of the Baranyi-model have been examined
in detail. The analysis is restricted to the . y…t† ˆ ln…x…t†† with x…t† the cell
explicit form of the model for constant envi- concentration …cfu=ml†
ronment settings only. This was done for two . y0 ˆ ln…x0 †; ymax ˆ ln…xmax †; x0 being the
reasons: initial and xmax the asymptotic cell
concentration, respectively
1. The analysis gets quite complicated when . mmax is the maximum speci¢c growth rate
considering the di¡erential equation form …1=h†
Estimating the parameters of the Baranyi model 595

. m is a curvature parameter to characterize z42 ‡ 3z23 ÿ 2z2 z4
the transition from the exponential phase mmax ˆ
. v is a curvature parameter to characterize z2
the transition to the exponential phase ln…2†
. h0 is a dimensionless parameter quan- h0 ˆ z22 ÿz3
tifying the initial physiological state of the 4 2
z2 ‡3z3 ÿ2z2 z4
cells. From that, the lag time l…h† can be
calculated as h0 =mmax. y 0 ˆ z1 …2†
ymax ˆ z1 ÿ
For the curvature parameters, Baranyi z22 ÿz3
4 2
(1997) suggests n ˆ mmax and m ˆ 1, values that z2 ‡3z3 ÿ2z2 z4
0 1
are also adopted in this paper. This decreases
the number of parameters by two, so the model B1 ‡ z3 z22 C
ÿ ln@ ÿ qA
has four parameters: mmax ; h0 ; y0 and ymax . 2 2 z4 ‡ 3z2 ÿ 2z z
2 3 2 4
Baranyi and Roberts (1995) noted that h0 can
be thought of as a suitability indicator of the This analysis demonstrates that the Baranyi
micro-organism population to the actual envi- model is structurally identi¢able, showing that
ronment. If the experimental procedure is this model structure will lead to identi¢able
standardized, this suitability indicator will be parameters in the case of an ideal set of data.
more or less constant which is equivalent to the
assumption that the lag and mmax are inversely
proportional. Practical identi¢ability
Now that we know that the Baranyi-model is
structurally identi¢able, the question remains
Structural identi¢ability what the identi¢ability properties are when
Theoretical identi¢ability is related to the pos- using actual data. Real-life data will always
sibility of giving a unique value to a parameter contain a certain level of noise, having its im-
of a mathematical model (Vanrolleghem and pact on the parameter estimation process. The
Dochain 1998). Stated otherwise are para- question to be asked here is if it is possible to
meters identi¢able given a model structure give the parameters unique values with actual,
and perfect data of model variables? A struc- experimental data. Some theoretical back-
tural identi¢ability analysis can for example ground on parameter estimation of nonlinear
reveal that only certain combinations of para- models is necessary to explain the methods
meters are identi¢able. The method to analyse used and can be found in Appendix A.
the structural identi¢ability followed here
was developed by Pohjanpalo (1978) and is
Fitting the Baranyi model to an experimental
based on the Taylor series expansion of the
model. This method consists of examining the
successive derivatives to check if they contain Applying the nonlinear estimation technique
information about the parameters to be identi- outlined in Appendix A, the Baranyi model
¢ed. The Baranyi model contains four para- was ¢tted to a Salmonella enteritidis growth
meters, so if it can be shown that the model curve.The environmental conditions remained
parameters can be written as a combination of the same for the curve, which was generated at
any four derivatives of the Taylor series expan- 308C in egg yolk. The data consists of 18 data
sion, the structural identi¢ability of the model points and is summarized in Table 1.
is proven. The model was ¢tted to the data using the
Let the model be denoted by f…t† and Levenbergh^Marquardt algorithm to minimize
(di f=dti †…0† by zi, then it can be proven that the the objective function (Press et al. 1992). The
four parameters can be written as a combina- experimental growth data, together with the
tion of the zi's: ¢tted Baranyi curve is shown in Fig. 1.
596 K. Grijspeerdt and P. Vanrolleghem

Table 1. Salmonella enteritidis growth curve in time l has to be deduced from h0 , there is quite
egg yolk at 308C a large uncertainty on l, which has been
Time (h) ln (cfu / ml) previously reported (Baranyi and Roberts
1994,Wijtzes et al. 1995). Using the relationship
0 2?833213
2 2?079441
h0 ˆ lmmax the calculated lag time is 2?441 h
3 3?135494 with a standard error of 3?970 (as calculated
4 4?49981 from the general law of variances).
5 6?46614 The correlation matrix of the parameter esti-
6 4?66343 mates shows that the parameter estimates are
7 7?91935
8 7?80384
moderately correlated between one another.
9 9?48797 The mmax and h0-estimates show a relatively
10 11?1941 high correlation of 0?75.
10 11?9703 0 1
12 13?1283 mmax h0 y0 ymax
13 14?2792 B mmax 1 0752 0268 000344 C
B h0 0752 1 0803 ÿ 000202 C
14 13?641 B C
@ y0 0268 0803 1 ÿ 0000645 A
15 16?3412
26 21?2885 ymax 0000344 ÿ 000202 ÿ 0000645 1
27 21?0009
28 21?0009 More important than the individual con¢-
dence intervals is the joint con¢dence region,
obtained by varying all the parameters simul-
taneously. As was shown before, this joint prob-
ability region is a hyperellipsoid, and can only
be graphically represented for a maximum of
three parameters. Some insight in the shape of
the hyperellipsoid can be obtained with the
projections of the probability region on the two
dimensional parameter subspaces. This gives
contour plots showing lines of equal value as
shown in Fig. 2, summarizing all the possible
parameter combinations. It can be seen that
the con¢dence region does not show strong
Figure 1. The ¢tted Baranyi-model to the Salmo- nonlinear shapes for any of the parameter com-
nella enteritidis growth curve.
binations. However, for some combinations the
ratio of the large axis to the small axis is rela-
The 95% con¢dence intervals indicate that tively far away from one (circular contours).
all parameters can be estimated signi¢cantly The length of the ellipse axes is proportional
(Table 2). It is clear that the parameter h0 has to the eigenvalues of the Fisher matrix.
the largest boundaries on the interval, i.e. it The closer the eigenvalue ratios are to one,
has the largest estimation error. It must be the better the identi¢ability properties of the
added that this type of analysis is strictly model for the particular dataset.
only valid for linear models with normally Following the approach of Ratkowsky (1983),
distributed measurement errors. Since the lag the linear behaviour of the parameter estimates

Table 2. Parameter estimates and statistical properties

Estimate Standard error Coe¤cient of variation 95% con¢dence limits
mmax 1?089 0?064 0?252 {0?951, 1?228}
h0 2?657 1?051 1?678 {0?404, 4?915}
y0 2?364 0?646 1?159 {0?979, 3?740}
ymax 21?097 0?446 0?0897 {20?141, 22?052}
Estimating the parameters of the Baranyi model 597

Figure 2. Contour plots of the objective function as function of the model parameters.

was assessed by comparing the maximum rela- practically identi¢able (Robinson 1985). If they
tive parameter-e¡ects curvature with the 95% are nearly proportional, the parameter estima-
con¢dence region relative curvature. If the tions will be highly correlated. Plotting the sen-
¢rst curvature measurement is small com- sitivity functions can therefore give a quick
pared to the latter, the estimates are said to indication about identi¢ability problems. The
behave nearly linear. This is important to eval- sensitivity functions of the Baranyi model are
uate the validity of the statistical tests that are calculated by taking the partial derivatives of
based on the linear approximation of the the model to the four parameters, respectively:
nonlinear model, such as the standard error qy
of the estimates. The maximum relative para- ˆ
meter-e¡ect curvature had a value of 0?574,
eh0 ‡tmmax …ey0 ÿ eymax †t
while the 95% con¢dence region relative ÿ
curvature had a value of 0?567. The condition …ÿ1 ‡ eh0 ‡ etmmax † …ÿey0 ‡ eh0 ‡ymax ‡ ey0 ‡tmmax †
of linearity is not met, although the di¡er- qy
ence is rather small. This means that one ˆ
has to be careful interpreting the regression
eh0 …ey0 ÿ eymax † …ÿ1 ‡ etmmax †
…ÿ1 ‡ eh0 ‡ etmmax † …ÿey0 ‡ eh0 ‡ymax ‡ ey0 ‡tmmax †
Sensitivity functions qy e…h0 ‡ymax †
The output sensitivity functions are the major qy0 ÿey0 ‡ e…h0 ‡ymax † ‡ e…y0 ‡tmmax †
components of the Fisher matrix, and a fortiori qy ey0 …ÿ1 ‡ etmmax †
of the covariance matrix, so they are key compo- ˆ
qymax ÿey0 ‡ e…h0 ‡ymax † ‡ e…y0 ‡tmmax †
nents of practical identi¢ability analysis. If the
sensitivity equations are proportional, the cov- As illustrated here, for nonlinear models,
ariance matrix is singular and the model is not the sensitivity functions are dependent on the
598 K. Grijspeerdt and P. Vanrolleghem

model parameters (Draper and Smith 1981). Optimal experimental design for parameter
Figure 3 shows the evolution of the di¡erent estimation (OED/PE)
sensitivity functions with time, using the esti-
mated parameter values. In the framework of predictive microbiology
As stated before, when two or more sensitiv- and quantitative risk analysis, two ¢elds in
ity functions are proportional to each other, food microbiology that require extensive use
then the model is not identi¢able. In this case of mathematical models, it is important that
…qy=qy0 † and …qy=qymax † are linearly correlated, the model parameters, which have a clear phy-
but they are not proportional because an inter- sical meaning, are known with the most statis-
cept exists if a linear regression is performed tical signi¢cance. It warrants the best use of
between them. Visual inspection may be mis- experimental resources to produce the most
leading as we are looking for linear combina- informative experiments.
tions of sensitivity functions and they may not OED/PE methods use the Fisher information
appear straightforwardly. Linear analysis may matrix F as a starting point because it sum-
help in this. marizes all information on the preciseness
The sensitivity functions show at what times and correlation of the parameter estimates.
the parameters are most sensitive to the mea- Several design criteria have been worked out
sured data. This means that the information (Godfrey and Di Stefano 1985). The most widely
content of an experiment can be increased by used is the D-optimal or minimum volume
sampling at times when the sensitivity func- design criterion which aims at maximizing
tions have the highest values (Vialas et al. the determinant of F, equivalent to minimizing
1985). This principle is very important for opti- the geometric mean of the identi¢cation error.
mal experimental design, as will be illustrated Optimization of an experiment can only be
in the next sections. done when the experimenter has a certain

Figure 3. Sensitivities as function of time.

Estimating the parameters of the Baranyi model 599

degree of freedom available to improve the ex- made sure that the sample points could not ex-
perimental conditions. In this study, only the ceed the preset experimental range. The num-
number of sample points and the timing of the ber of sampling points had to be known in
samples are considered. Optimal experimental advance. In order to assess the in£uence of the
design then reduces to ¢nding the optimal number of samples, the optimization exercise
sampling times to obtain the most reliable was accomplished for several sampling
parameter estimates. This is equivalent to an numbers.
optimization problem with the same dimension
as the chosen number of data points.
Optimizing the sampling frequency
Although the optimization of the D-optimal
In order to improve the accuracy of the para- criterion is in essence a nonlinear optimiza-
meter estimates, the growth curve can be repli- tion problem, there was no evidence of local
cated.The aim of the OED/PE method outlined optima in the response of the objective func-
here is to use the available information opti- tion. The optimization results are summarized
mally to do such a replication. There is a need in Table 3. It can be seen that the criterion has
for a priori parameter estimates because F is steadily larger values for larger number of data
dependent on the parameter values. This prior points, which is perfectly logical as the infor-
information can be available from previous mation content is a sum of squares (JTJ). It is
experiments, literature data, extrapolation or obvious that there are four optimal sampling
some other source of data. A change in the cho- times emerging from the optimization, irre-
sen experimental degree of freedom, here the spective of the number of sample points.
sampling times, will result in a di¡erent value Looking to Fig. 3, we can see that they roughly
of F. Following the D-optimal criterion the de- coincide with the maximum absolute values of
terminant of F is then to be maximized as func- the sensitivity functions for the four para-
tion of the sampling items. The maximization meters. The D-optimal criterion points to
was achieved using the multi-dimensional opti- experiments with sampling on only four
mization algorithm of Brent (Brent 1973). The positions, with replacements to increase the
only constraint imposed on the optimization accuracy.

Table 3. The optimal sampling times xi according to the D-optimal design criterion
No. of samples 4 7 10 12 14 18
det(F) 115?3 922?3 3108?2 6912 13823?3 34541?8
x1 0 0 0 0 0 0
x2 4?8 4?74 4?56 0 0 0
x3 17?31 4?8 4?79 4?65 4?62 4?53
x4 28 17?31 4?83 4?78 4?77 4?67
x5 17?31 17?3 4?81 4?8 4?79
x6 28 17?3 17?3 17?3 4?82
x7 28 17?3 17?3 17?3 4?82
x8 28 17?3 17?3 17?3
x9 28 17?3 17?3 17?3
x10 28 17?3 17?3 17?3
x11 28 28 17?3
x12 28 28 17?3
x13 28 17?3
x14 28 28
x15 28
x16 28
x17 28
x18 28
600 K. Grijspeerdt and P. Vanrolleghem

Let's denote the four optimal sampling times Two series of simulations were done. For
as sample point 1, 2, 3 and 4. It can be seen from both series, the parameter estimates were
Table 3 that points 1, 3 and 4 are quite consis- assumed to follow a normal distribution,
tent over the total number of observations, truncated at 0 because the parameters must
while point 2 is more spread over time, albeit be positive by de¢nition. For the ¢rst series,
the spreading is rather limited. Point 2 is the statistical parameters obtained from the
`related' to h0, which showed the largest uncer- preliminary estimation (Table 2) were used.
tainty after ¢tting. This is a case where the a priori parameter va-
An interesting observation can be made lues are of good quality. For the second series,
when looking more closely to the optimization the errors on the parameter estimates were
results. The number of samples at each optimal doubled which makes the prior estimates of
sample point are summarized in Table 4. This poor quality. Note that this would imply that
gives a feel of the importance of each sample the h0 estimate would not be signi¢cantly dif-
point in terms of experimental information. ferent from 0. The a priori estimate distribu-
tions were sampled using the Latin Hypercube
scheme (LHS) (Vose 1996).
Con¢dence limits on the optimal sample
For a large number of iterations, Monte
Carlo simulations can reproduce the true dis-
It is dangerous to rely completely on sampling tribution of parameters of interest, in this case
at one time with replacement, because the de- the optimal sampling times. Because four sam-
sign is dependent on the a priori parameter pling times emerged as optimal, irrespective of
values obtained by preliminary experiments. the total number of samples, the simulations
These a priori parameter values are considered were done for the case of four sampling times.
as being the best available by the design criter- The number of iterations was 1000, su¤cient
ion. In the OED/PE methodology, no direct for reliable results. The sampling points 1
procedure exists for inclusion of parameter and 4 showed no variation at all, so it is pretty
uncertainty in designing an experiment. safe to sample the beginning and the end of the
The robustness of the optimal design of Table 3 growth curve at ¢xed times.The histograms for
to parameter uncertainty was assessed using optimal sample points 2 and 3 are shown in
Monte Carlo simulation on the four model Fig. 4.The particular shape of the distributions
parameters (Weijers and Vanrolleghem 1997). give an indication what sample times are most
Conceptually, this means that synthetic data sensitive towards the quality of the a priori es-
sets are constructed with exactly the same timates. From these histograms, the con¢dence
number of measurements as the actual data intervals can be calculated using numerical in-
set by using the Baranyi model (Eqn 1). If there tegration.The 95% con¢dence intervals for the
are su¤cient synthetic data sets, the distribu- optimal sampling times are shown in Table 5.
tions for the optimal sample positions can be As could be expected, the con¢dence interval
obtained and con¢dence limits can be subse- is largest for x2, i.e., the point contributing the
quently calculated. information on h0 . Logically, the con¢dence

Table 4. The distribution of the samples over the four sample times as calculated by the D-optimal
No. of samples Sample point 1 Sample point 2 Sample point 3 Sample point 4
4 1 1 1 1
7 1 2 2 2
10 1 3 3 3
12 2 3 5 2
14 2 3 5 4
18 2 5 6 5
Estimating the parameters of the Baranyi model 601

Figure 4. The histograms for the optimal sample points 2 and 3 as determined by the Monte Carlo simu-
lation for the 2 series.

Table 5. The 95% con¢dence limits on the Table 6. Growth curve sampled at the times
optimal sampling times indicated by the OED/PE
Sample point Series 1 Series 2 Time (h) ln (cfu/ml)
1 {0, 0} {0, 0} 0 3?638
2 {3?2, 8?5} {3?6, 10?6} 0 3?664
3 {16?1, 23} {15?5, 23?1} 3?8 5?247
4 {28, 28} {28, 28} 4?3 6?116
4?7 5?652
5?6 7?012
6?0 7?832
limits are wider when the a priori estimate 16?9 19?218
errors are larger. 17?1 19?258
17?2 19?734
17?4 19?704
Experimental validation of the experimental 17?6 20?271
design 17?8 19?662
20 20?060
Based on the results of the OED/PE 25 20?120
calculations, the original growth curve was 26 21?001
27 21?060
repeated using the same number of sample 27 20?760
points (Table 6).
Following the results shown in Table 4, two
points were measured at sampling time 1, ¢ve
at sampling time 2, six at sampling time 3 and described before (Fig. 5).The estimation results
¢ve at sampling time 4.The Baranyi model was clearly indicate better properties for the para-
¢tted to this data using the procedure meter estimates (Table 7).
602 K. Grijspeerdt and P. Vanrolleghem

The standard error was reduced by more the Monte Carlo simulation procedure should
than half for all the parameters.The parameter give the best possible guarantee that the
estimates are somewhat less correlated, as can most interesting time zones are sampled while
be seen from the correlation matrix. taking the initial uncertainty into account.
0 1
mmax h0 y0 ymax
B mmax 1 0634 008684 ÿ 0326 C
B h0 0634 1 0733 ÿ 0108 C Discussion
@ y0 00868 0733 1 ÿ 000409 A
ymax ÿ 0326 ÿ 0108 ÿ 000409 1 The aim of this paper was to study the identi¢a-
bility of the model of Baranyi for bacterial
growth. It could be shown that the model has
Not only are the estimation errors reduced,
attractive identi¢ability properties, both struc-
the parameter estimates show much more line-
turally and practically. However, the relatively
ar behaviour as can be seen from the curvature
high correlation between mmax and h0 and the
measurements (maximum parameter-e¡ects
larger variability of the h0 -estimate for the Sal-
relative curvature = 0?370, 95% con¢dence
monella enteritidis growth curve show potential
region relative curvature = 0?566). This means
identi¢cation pifalls. The variability of h0 (and
that the regression statistics can now be more
thus l) has been reported in the literature, and
con¢dently used.
seems to be di¤cult to avoid. Besides the inher-
This example clearly shows that, although
ent variability of microbial growth, the lag
the a priori parameter estimates are of good
time is dependent on the history of the culture
quality, they can be further improved by using
under study, a history that is sometimes very
the OED/PE procedure to do a replicate.
di¤cult to assess and quantify. Only for very
Although the number of sample points is the
controlled experiments can this aspect be ex-
same as for the original curve, the experimen-
pected to be kept within bounds. For real-life
tal e¡ort is considerably less, because sampling
cases such as used for quantitative risk analy-
is clustered at four time intervals only. Even
sis, the variability of the lag phase (estimation)
when the prior information is of poorer quality,
should be accounted for in the analysis.
The D-optimal design criterion proved to be
an e¤cient way to improve the reliability of mi-
crobial growth parameter estimates and hence
of the predictions made by the model. The
criterion consistently pointed towards four
important time regions, each corresponding
with one of the four model parameters. The ro-
bustness of the design to the preliminary para-
meter estimates was quanti¢ed with a Monte
Carlo simulation, using Latin Hypercube sam-
pling of the model parameters. This made it
possible to construct 95% con¢dence intervals
Figure 5. The Baranyi-model ¢tted to the of the optimal sample points. It was not possible
Salmonella growth curve sampled according to the to determine the optimal number of data points,
optimal experimental design. but this should be based on the uncertainty

Table 7. Parameter estimates and statistical properties for the resampled growth curve
Estimate Standard error Coe¤cient of variation 95% con¢dence limits
mmax 1?110 0?0242 0?0926 {1?059, 1?163}
h0 2?781 0?381 0?579 {1?966, 3?596}
y0 3?649 0?244 0?284 {3?124, 4?173}
y 20?635 0?158 0?0325 {20?296, 20?975}
Estimating the parameters of the Baranyi model 603

of the a priori measurements and the expected the attention they surely deserve. The example
variability of the measurements which is re- presented here shows that identi¢ability analy-
£ected in the Monte Carlo distributions. sis can help in optimizing experimental e¡orts
Optimal experimental design can help to use and reduce parameter variability. Although
resources more optimally. Of course, prelimin- the paper focused on the Baranyi model, the
ary parameter estimates are necessary for ex- principles are generally valid and it seems ad-
perimental design, so that the example shown visable that a similar investigation is done on
here using the sampling scheme as only degree other popular microbial growth models, such
of freedom seems somewhat redundant. There as the modi¢ed Gompertz model.
are situations, however, where the principles
shown in this paper could be very useful. When
the identi¢cation process is giving di¤culties Acknowledgements
with parameter estimates and replication ex-
periments have to be done or when preliminary The authors wish to thank Jessy Claeys for
information is available on parameter values it carrying out the experiments. This work is
could be very bene¢cial to have an idea when to partly supported by FWO-project G.0286.96 of
measure the growth curve. It has also to be the Fund for Scienti¢c Research, Belgium.
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Estimating the parameters of the Baranyi model 605

. b the vector of P model parameters UT JT JU is a diagonal matrix with the eigen-

. E the experimental error values of the Fisher information matrix on its
main diagonal. This implicates that the axes of
Suppose n experiments are available. When the hyperellipsoid, indicating the error on the
the experimental error has zero mean and con- parameter estimates, are proportional with
stant variance and is independently distribu- the eigenvalues of F. This shows why F is cen-
ted, an unbiased estimate b for the parameters tral in any practical identi¢ability analysis
b is determined by minimization of the sum of and optimal experimental design.
squares of residuals:
‰yi ÿ f…x; b†Š2 ! min …5†
iˆ1 Appendix B
The minimization is done in an iterative way
and yields the vector of parameter estimates: Symbols used in text
T ÿ1 T
b ˆ …J J† J y …6†
Roman letters
With J the Jacobian matrix, containing the
derivatives of the model to the parameters eval- b Vector of model parameter estimates
uated in the n experimental points. F The Fisher information matrix
An estimate of the covariance matrix V of h0 The product of the lag time l and mmax
the parameter estimates is calculated from J The Jacobian matrix
(Froment and Bisscho¡, 1990): m Curvature parameter to characterize
^ ˆ …JT J†ÿ1 2 the transition from the exponential
V …7† phase
The experimental error variance 2 is esti- s2 Estimate of the experimental error
mated by: variance
Pn V The covariance matrix of the parameter
2 …yi ÿ ^yi † 2
s ˆ iˆ1 …8† estimates
x The cell concentration [cfu ml71]
The matrix JTJ is called the Fisher informa-
x The vector of independent variables
tion matrix (Vanrolleghem and Dochain 1998)
y The natural logarithm of the cell
and is central in the analysis of the practical
concentration [ln(cfu ml71)]
identi¢ability. The joint con¢dence region of
y The vector of measured response vari-
the parameter estimates is given by (Froment
and Bisscho¡ 1990):
y0 The natural logarithm of the initial cell
…b ÿ b† J J…b ÿ b†  d …9† concentration [ln(cfu ml71)]
ymax The natural logarithm of the asymptotic
with d depending upon the probability level and cell concentration [ln(cfu ml71)]
the number of degrees of freedom. In the case of
a linear model, this formula represents a closed
hyperellipsoidal surface centered at b. Using Greek letters
a translation of coordinates and an ortho-
gonal transformation Uv ˆ b ÿ b, the hyper- b The vector of model parameters
ellipsoid can be rewritten as: E The experimental error
l The lag time [h]
vT …UT JT JU†v  d …10† mmax Maximum speci¢c growth rate [1 h71]
U is an orthogonal matrix with columns that n Curvature parameter
are the eigenvectors of JT J. The matrix s2 The experimental error variance

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