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Hi, you must hear this a lot, but I love your work!!

seriously, it's amazing!

do you make digital renders? or you draw on the real card?

I want to ask if you would like be part of my project.
Its more like a freelance job.
I am hiring artists, each one will make one of 22 commander decks and I want you to
be one of the artists.
I already have 6, counting with me.
And of course I dont want you to do it for free, you can tell me your price or ask
for an offer, is up to you.
You can re-sell this to alter-sleeves and make a double profit!
I only want to have a deck made from you to print and play with my friends here in
if you think that sounds cool I can give you more details.



The idea is to make the entire deck (100 cards plus tokens, I know It's a huge
request) with the same style/frame.

You can choose the style.

And about the deck list, you have options too.

I want you to make this with joy, no time limit to do.

And you can also re-sell the material however you want, like on alter sleeves or
just posts on instagram, it's still your art and can get you a double profit!

I just want to print the deck an play with my friends in the garage.

You can also tell me how you would like to be paid

Some people prefer trade in magic cards, others are ok with money via paypal, and
one asked for patreon subscription, but I'm open to suggestion, just tell me how
you prefer.

At the end of the project, all artists will have access to all the images, so
everybody that participates also gets 22 massively gorgeos decks.

here are the deck lists:

please skip the decks that are not commander (this link have 22 commanders and 8
not commanders)
also skip the decks that already in motion:
Lazav, Dimir Mastermind
Kenrith Twins
Lazav, The Multifarious
Kenrith King
The Ur-Dragon

Any doubts you have, please feel free to ask ^^

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