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Assignment-EE 361/Chapter 4: (CLO-2)

Q.1 For each of the following signals:

(i) m t   cos 1000t 

(ii) m t   2 cos 1000t   sin 2000t 

(iii) m t   cos 1000t  sin 3000t 
 100 
(iv) m t   sin c  t 
  

(a) Sketch the spectrum of m t  ?

(b) Sketch the spectrum of the DSB-SC signal m t  cos 10000t  ?
(c) Identify the upper sideband (USB) and the lower sideband (LSB) spectra?
(d) Identify the frequencies in the baseband, and the corresponding frequencies
in the DSB-SC, USB, and LSB spectra?

Q.2 You are asked to design a DSB-SC modulator that generates a modulated
signal km t  cos c t  , where m t  is a signal band-limited to B Hz. You
are required to use the modulator shown below:

a b c M  
m t  Filter km t  cos c t 

cos3 c t  
2B 2B
Explain whether you would be able to generate the desired signal using only this
equipment. You may use any kind of filter you like.
[Hint: cos3 ct   cos ct  cos2 ct  ]

(a) What kind of filter would you use?

(b) Sketch the signal spectra at points b and c, and indicate the frequency
bands occupied by these spectra.
(c) What is the minimum usable value of c ?
(d) Would this scheme work if the carrier generator output were cos2 c t  ?
Homework-EE 321/Chapter 4
Q.3 Consider the operation of the quadrature multiplexing system when there is
a phase difference between the receiver local oscillator and the received
signal, as shown below.
x 1 t 
m1 t  LPF y1 t 

cos c t    2 cos c t  

QAM t 

 / 2
  / 2
sin c t    2 sin c t  
x 2 t 
m2 t  LPF y2 t 

(a) Find the outputs y1 t  and y 2 t  . When does the system work properly?

(b) What happens when      / 2 ? How serious is this?

(c) What happens when      ? Does this pose any problem for speech

Q.4 Consider a synchronous detector used to demodulate an SSB signal with

phase error between the received signal and the local oscillator. In particular,
consider the following block diagram:
x 1 t  y t 
SSB t   m t  cos ct     mh t  sin ct    LPF

cos ct   

Find y t  . What is the effect of the phase error    on the output? When
does the demodulator work properly?

Homework-EE 321/Chapter 4

Q.5 Two signals m1 t  and m 2 t  , both band-limited to 5000 rad/sec, are to be

transmitted simultaneously (multiplexed) over a channel by the multiplexing
scheme shown below. The signal at point b is the multiplexed signal, which
now modulates a carrier of frequency 20000 rad/sec. The modulated signal at
point c is transmitted over a channel.

M 1   m1 t 
b c
5000 5000
 
M 2  

m2 t 

2 cos 20000t
5000 5000

2 cos10000t

(a) Sketch the signal spectra at points a,b, and c?

(b) What must be the bandwidth of the channel?
(c) Design a receiver to recover signals m1 t  and m 2 t  from the modulated
signal at point c?

Q.6 A modulating signal m t  is given by:

(i) m t   cos 100t  .

(ii) m t   cos 100t   2 cos 300t 
(iii) m t   cos 100t  cos 500t 

(a) Sketch the spectrum of m t  ?

(b) Find and sketch the spectrum of the DSB-SC signal 2m t  cos 1000t  ?
(c) From the spectrum obtained in (b), suppress the LSB spectrum to obtain
the USB spectrum?
(d) Knowing the USB spectrum in (c), write a time-domain expression for the
USB signal?
(e) Repeat (c) and (d) for LSB?

Homework-EE 321/Chapter 4

Q.7 A modulating signal m t  is given by:

(i) m t   cos 100t 
(ii) m t   cos 100t   2 cos 300t 
(iii) m t   cos 100t  cos 500t 
(iv) m t   sin c 200t 

(a) Give a time-domain expression for DSB -SC t  for a carrier of frequency
1000 Hz?
(b) Give a time-domain expression for AM t  for a carrier of frequency 1000
Hz and carrier amplitude 10?
(c) Give a time-domain expression for USB t  for a carrier of frequency 1000
(d) Give a time-domain expression for LSB t  for a carrier of frequency 1000

Q.8 For the sinusoidal modulated DSB-LC waveform shown below:





a) Find the modulation index?

b) Write an expression of the waveform?
c) Sketch the spectrum of the waveform?
d) Determine the amplitude and phase of the additional carrier which must
be added to the waveform shown to attain a modulation index of 20%?
e) Repeat part (d) to attain a modulation index of 80%.


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