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284/11, Jia Sarai, Near-IF, New Delh-16 Ph :11-26851008, 26861009 wwv:carcerendeavouncom GROUP THEORY Element of symmetry Calculation of elements, Point groups Application of elements on axis x, yz and matrix of each element. aos Representation : 1. Reducible 2 Iereducible 3, Derivation of character table 6. Application : 1. Hybridisation : For mixing of orbitalhaving same symmetry and having sameenergy, 2. IR/ Raman’ Microwave are also explained by group theory. SYMMETRY : & ‘Some tools for defining the symmetry like. 1. Symmétry Elements -There are 3 elements: (axis of symmetry (i) Plane of symmetry (ii) centre of symmetry « Element of symmetry Operation of symmetry elements Axis of symmetry Rotation C, operation Plane of symmetry Reflection. ¢ operation. Improper axis of symmetry Rotation -Reflection. S, operation Centre of Symmetry Inversion (i) ‘identity Nothing to do for E ELEMENT OF SYMMETRY Geometrical entity on the basis of that we can define the symmetry of an object is known 2s elemontof symmety like, Axis, Plane, Point, sc OPERATION OF SYMMETRY ELEMENT Operation of symmetry element is the process which we apply on the element to define the symmetry, 1 Axis of Symmetry !maginary axis passing through the molecule rotation on which by 9° gives an equivalent orieatation, Orientation of Molecule : 3D distribution of atoms of the molecule is called orientation “WOT BE TTorientation of molecule (i) denticat Orientation : hhe orientation of initial molecule through the equivalent orientation by which we get the same or exact identical molecule representation. - St AN INSTITUTE Fé A R GSIR-UGC/GATE & Jam ExAWS CT usc, BER: 1 rt ga a New Delhi16 Ph: O11-26851008, 26861009 www.careerendcavourcom 180 0 0 1 fe aA Na“ : oN, Iitiat equivalent Identical natives wtientation (ii) Equivalent Orientation The orientation intial molecule by which we gt the same representation of initial Molecule but not actual. There is the face changed. ©, OPERATION : Order of axis -C. axis NUMBER OF CPERATION No of operation to find the identical orientation (identity) i. HO Sothe no, of operation = 1{because ¢? = £) Example: NH, : b far ve _ Nena Be Na wee Nie - Order of axis = 3 Cy axis Number of operation = 2 because C,is identity aN INSTITUTE FOR CsiicuGc/GATE © Jam BxANS CT] Bi 280/N Sera Near, No Dobe 16 P1488, 2486009 wocarnacavnn | ~ Example: BF, : : ° 3.C, axis and 1C, axis. 30, axis : eB 5 1. C, axis passing through F' — B bond interchanging F2/F>. 2. C, axis passing through F"B bond interhanging F'/F - 3. C, axis passing through F*-B bond interchanging F'UF? 1C, AXIS: C, axis passing through B atom and 1 to each, axis. fe 8 po, Let «| = ey axis passing through B ~ CI bond oN interchanging PYF? e ‘ei BFCIBr: © " a @® * Rectangle C,is not present at diagonal in rectangle structure : & a cl Neke~ “aN H H ea a ESRED gonna nea seem i Near-IIT.New Delbi-16 Phi S 2681008, 26861009 wwn-eareerendenvourcom Cz axis passing through double bond of earbon ox mid point of C=C L to molecular plane Square C, present at diagonal z in square planar structure Cy passing through within the molecular plane. 3 Cy axis perpendicular to éach other emaTR EE Fe GC/GATE & JAM EXAMS _C. eae cl a Cl 1 Ggais. 6Cyaxis —— cet cl a edges te edaes 3 some corer + AC, aki, a > : T= 3d 07 = C),C2,67 =3 CSC, CL ON,C,' =4 Example: PICl, 4C, and 1C, f 4 Cy axis 4 2 Cypassing through CH - PL CF C—m— a “Sz Passing ‘ . C2 passing through CP PLC * oF AN INSTITUTE FOR CSIR.UGC/GATE & Jaw BANS CS} -D,, point group: - Ce al a? - Pt > at a3 Gy a! ef ~ ie or git a 10 AXIS C, passing through Pt 4 all, axis Gi! GP i Coaxis ro te 10 PLARE OF SY Mi ay: frasinay lane passing through the molecule which canbisect into two mittorimage hades og HO:c; +26: ©. : uf Nye Plane: two planesin HO (1) cbisecting O and reflecting Ht and H? (2) g bisecting H-0-He S2RSES AN INSTITUTE FOR CSIRUGC/GATE & JAM EXAMS AXIS: 1C, axis NH,: is passing through 0 & interchange <> 6, +30 Ni, has 3 planes, Plane: Ww : 7 . i> bisecting N—H! reflecting bisecting N—-H? reflecting >> i bisecting N—H? reflecting “> 2 ee Axis : C, axis passing through N atom along with three planes. BF: Plane o bisecting BF selecting F o bisceting BH reflecting 2 B o bisecting BF reeting F bisecting all 4 atoms Axis = passing thengh BF" interchanging F Cy passing through BF? C, passing through B 1 tall C, axis or molecular plane. : ‘AN INSTITUTE FOR CSIR-UGC/GATE & JAM EXAMS Gy T,New Dethi-16 Ph e i aN pe Nps eee VU BASIC DIFFERENCE BETWEEN C, AND PLANE: © oF plane does not change the face of rellecing ators while C, changing the atorns slong with its faces. Lo» 0, Se gOS GROUP MULTIPLICATION TABLE OF H, 0: H,0 88 sp owe esa fp 5 5 5 28A/11 dia Sarai, Near-IT, New Delhi IGFs ais cinerea] EXE=E QxE=C A, i identity ‘(G22 aiitamoneninen 108, 26861009 www: careerendeavourcom a an O, 0, LX Ne 47 a? Sp identity identity identixy Always plane affect when ituse odd times, but itive identity when ituse even times Pall Subsidiary Axis * (S-axis) Axis of highest onder * Axis other than P-axis n= onder of axis siya da CLASSIFICATION OF PLANE Pane (hi) . | Plane tw Pasi Plane Lo pans Plane to Panis aN INSTITUTE FON CSIR UGC/GATE & JAM EXAMS CTU ‘ i Sovak Near New Dei 16 Ph 012685108, 2686109 Ycreredeaourcam | : Plane in By opr! , BF Toh, ie, moleciar Plane © BF? }3oy © BF Eg: Ethane : 30g PCI, : Find out thé elements. =) | 104.36, 30v. Loh Cs axis: Passing through. !-p-Ci* 3s ais Passing through. pc? interchanging CHC CePting trough. p—-cP interchanging "CH Passing through, pgs interchanging CHCE ov bisecting CCP Er p reflecting Cyc = ov bisecting Cre crp reflecting CPCI ov bisecting Cccp reflecting CPicp ov bisecting CP CREDp — reflecting Ec} InPCI, replace 2CIwith 2 Brand Keep all elements as such be 3€).36¥, toh AN INSTITUTE FOR CSIRUGO/GATS & JAM EXAMS —C1TJ [GE Tair tasers Novator Dane 16 Pu s00 tbI08, 2H wow carermnoavomen ] Alphabets: - Point group CV Total No. of Operations 2n(E+C, +no,) 180° 1G Total no. of operation Cy 2ov 4. C, Point Group : ? C,V=C, + nay re eo Co ny Cah GV=C)+20v Ho. of operation =2n=4 34 Jev) no. of operation = a SVE. i CV=Cy+ dow 10: 0F Operation = Ing ‘otal no. of operation of elements = order of group 2n 2) C,,PointGroup:¢,n=C, +h «9 Gh=Ch+ oh no.of op m=4 oh + =6 Cyh=C,+ oh 8 Total no. of operation is known as order of group. 8) _D,Point Group: no, of operation = 4n D, Group D, Das Das Coens Gee Art ney Cyt ats + ne, +64 ,, #5 not found. D i: Near-HT, New Delhi-16 Pi :011-26851008, 26861009 wav carerendervonrson | POINT GROUP OF ALPHABETS * Dyd=C, +2C, +20, Dyh=C, +20, #26, 0, D,d=C,+3C, +30, Dih=€, +30, 436, +0, Did=C, +4C; +40, D,h=C, 440, +46, 46, Any molecule having either 1 C, or 3C, not having 2 C, always. Cz, 20, =Cv Cp 20, Gv 264/11 Sia Sarah Near-WT, New Dethi-16 Ph : 01126851008, 26861009 ww “carcerendeavourcor Cs only plane of sym. Ge Tne molecule haviag only one ptans sstany ands (ven called they fallin Cs paint group, My +20, +0, ©y426) He, to, = Dy, J “kK cs Gx pC 4000, 4 Pap a pare |(Gasss 28A/AL, Jia Sarai, NearMTT, New Dethi-t6 Ph 11-26851008, 26861009 www.carcereadeavourcom q fi HsPO4 H, P. aN Reese HOT | FOM crigial drawing YO |e OH ‘ nO f Cy ‘We willgiven the point group of any molecule ints highest Ste arrangement Example: 9 I Consider GHy 2s a pcint then on HaC7 | ~CHs point group Cay chy ° I Consider OH as a, point then, Example AN eae HOW | “OH point group Cay, : oH B | means PSE TWiemoleo ® oT Sc Type molecule & EXAMPLE é H,0, : 7k Having 3 structures -Cis, Trans, Open book 62 _ Qn a ot! Z Hg Gal NL CoroinCoy C2 point group is having no dihedral angle AN INSTITUTE FOR CSIR-UGC/GATE & JAM EXAMS Cy Scene senmsiemmmmmemers (Ges tam. saseainenn ‘Angle formed between Cis and Transail known as Dihedral angle. ‘Maximum time H,O, exist as open book . Staucture having C, point group. " CisH,O, having C,V point group.” ‘Trans HO, having C,h poim group. ch Example: | Gy =€,r20b0h } ” peample | Na camp: ote i ©. = C) 126 New Dethi-t6 Ph :011-26851008, 26861009 wwrw.careerendeavourcom our eee New Dei Ph 12685108, 26961009 wo arsereneionrcom | ~~ (Cs cram saseine : . HETERODIATOMIC MOLECULE ” Het: OD rutuin fier ete Example: SF,:6. Cyt A= Cy . P ee squoreclonr . 604660 80h = Day H cl \_/ c= / oN i AN INSTITUTE FOR CSIR-UGC/GATE & JAM EXAMS ary IMPROPER AXIS OF ROTATION Roto Reflection Axis(Sn) ira ETON TN aioe aesialia CH, has, S, axis of rotation, i 90" lcs iriniei _"P Equivalent CH, has tetrahedral structure. ifwe place a tetrahedran in a cube then the four atom touches the four comets ofa cubical box. CH, having S, it doesn't mean that C, having must. [om tn—1) operation C2 é ot C94 Number of Operation inSn Axis: Cw bad @ Cxe Sse Crest 8 Cte Cyxo! =S} S$; Gis =OxE=C 8 C10 = _AN INSTITUTE FOR C51 UGC/GATE & JAM EXAMS i8 28AII1, Sa Sarai, Near-IIT, New Delhi 16 Ph :011-26851008, 26861009 wrvweareerendeavoucom ae ‘Some Imperical Points : Case: Mfniseventhen Cy axis willexist Case:tl, — nisoddthen C, will exist. eg: 8, cH, C, —_willexist Sy CH, C, willexist A molecule have C, axis and a perpendicular plane what will be the point group. The possibility is for C,, and D,,. + limolecule having only one C, then ans is C,, “There is not given how many C, in this given molecule, so the point group may be D,,, Example: STAGGERED ETHANE : IC axis. 3C. sais, 364 (5430) 430,= Dy axis. i » plane bisect the angle formed by the 2C, So Ethane (Staggered) having 3 dihedral plane. Here C, does not exist where plane is passes AN INSTITUTE FOR CSIR-UGC/GATE f& JAM EXAMS 15} NearH17,New Delhi-16 Ph O11-26851008, 26861009 worw.careerendeavoucom 5 Example: ALLENES : : Allenes are elongated tetrahedran. C,42C, +20, =Dyy | both C_ having 99" angle and both dihedral plane having 90° angle “Ny Dr un ume? ct dperation in ©, point group Total no. of operation = 4n=4x2=8 So, ithaving badd Number of aperation in D,, ‘BAIN Sia Sarah, Near-HIT, New Delbi-16 Ph aene4x2=8 1c; ete ea 1 2 2, >. 2 1 Explanation mF BE o> 1 i oa 4 ih A 7 ee Ny oN fi fi ECLIPSED ETHANE C5130) +30, #6, = No. of total opetation=4n=4x3= 12 Explanation Ectipsed 7 Pes ey 2G, H ai iv pails Ethane cc) a ES tn SAN INSTITUTE FOR CSIR-UGC/GATE & JAM EXAMS 21} ‘ c 3 4) S413 \ 6b, Sqr 3a! x 8a7 Sy! RT — Bed - 33 > 3 et > 1 Ho Ethane Dy Sud Da tS) gels Ha [GALE AM, sn Sarai Near Now Detiet6 Ph 01126851008, 26861009 wrw.carerendeavourcom My Hy mH nity Dan (Se) Dust) Dibenzene chromium Dibenzene Gromion BORAZINE: 28A,11, Jia Sarai Near-IIT,New Delhi-I6 Ph: 011-26851008, 26861009 www.carcerendeavouream E Cy isnot found here because both centeal toms ae different N s “| F & Coy . x BENZENE - - - ~S TOTALOPERATION = 4N=4x6=24 O 5 Chxo! =s) x Pa SL Got =cd Q . J TETRAHEDRON (Td) : ie. 4 triangular face, order of group = 24 > ements (1) Four Cy axis each passing through © — HF bond > . 3 - bo 3S. . C2 6%, OM Ca, B2 E, tay ere 4 4, 65 G, ta ¥ 65,20 9 d Tetrahedron have 4 triangular faces and 6 edges, ‘ 2 Three ©, axis each passing through opposite edge. 1 3 o Oo oO ‘ 5 : SA UTE FOR CSIR. UGC/GATE 23}

hs »| — AN INSTITUTE FOR CSIR-UGC/GATE & JAM EXAMS 30) Set SAMI, din Sarat Near-IT,New Dethi-l6 Ph 011-26851Q08, 26861059 www.carcerendeavourcom a = ye =’ . Ff mls chamealer cbnbulicue X= b hg plate rp dati per atom RR contribution per atom . TETRAHEDRAL (Td): CH, basis set = bond vector a gp i i bs contribution per bond vector = 1 always : |__No. oFunshitted vector [< “ontribution per bond v Ceducible Representation (RR.) Dimensian=4. AN INSTITUTE FOR IR-UGC/GATE & JAM EXAMS GT) (Gees Gi none New De-16 Ph: 011-26851008, 26861009 wwn.careerendeavourcom ‘Example: CH, Basis set = 3 cartesion coordinate or 3N coordinate mn : 1}3 Contibution peratom} 3 | 0 P= pat Li RR spo ata Example: OCTAHEDRON (On) basis set = bond vector — AN INSTITUTE FOR CSIR-UGC/GATE & JAM EXAMS 32, mura potter ceeceseersa nn 2A din Sura ear New Dati Py 1-26851008, 2841009 www carerendewoupcom i Oh E |8c, i Jos, | 88, ]30, fe of unshifted bond vector [6 | 0 ofofola4 | Contribution persiom | F| 1 Trepp i fo opo feta Character of indentity is dimension : ‘Same matrix, On: 2 Basis set=3N cordinate, Atom=7. dimension= 3% 7=21 Oh | 8C3 | 6C, |6C, |3C(-C,?|_i_| 6S, | 8S, | 3on | Feu no. of unshifted 5 ss mid Tyi fads] 3 dibadads ds Conwibuion P35 Jo | afr] a fabalolala per atom RR alo 3) 3 |sa}-af}ol sts | cos60°= | [cos 90° (CS Govt sa sirineantrtnce pane 011-26851008, 26861009 wuw.careerendcavouscom TETRAGONAL:D, AB, type tholecute Basis = bond vecior 2 Dy E | 2calc, No. of unshifted ond veoror | 6 | 2] 24-0) 2 Jo) 6} ata | 2 Contribution | y | 4 perbond vector RR 6 N coordinate | Contribution pe -— f RR S, contribution = 2eas6~1 0 cox 9 =48=90" S, =2c0s90-1 - anOrl 8, =(2x0)-1 Crt S\=-l Where cos 90°= 0 __RUINSTITOTE FOR GSiR-UGC/GATE & vam EXAMS CWT]

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