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Infection Control | ORIENTATION Standard Precautions General Infection Control. . How Infection Shreadbiy adsitar at eat 3 Sources Infection Control ORIENTATION ‘Tis anployee anon sont sere al ere empleo Inflate pss rant cut oan OV ring prog tne (Dou andes tsed couse peasy Cel eat dont (Gsat Tanner Comanton fc prot he aah pit Infection Control Metho Standard Precautions. Sacacphanetetonaseatpocnesad coped Protective Work Practices siacone (oy co cris cy wie en oped nod ppc ny Protective Housekeeping Stonecmeeremenme onan Hopatis8 Vaccination Tang tcc Ca noha PAL Exposure Reporting Infection Control Methods: Transmission-Based Precautions ‘his hancook sf edule cnn essen oxjecton witha quate wanes Rtg tbe gtd ding ‘opr depp fay site pcs prot nkayb cp yma oa) SUMMON ssecsee er eeeee ree WA Quiz, fer Tela rosea icol “Thesisk of acquiring an infection in healthcare facilities has increased in recent yea for both pallens and staf. As aealthare worker, you must, recognize tat these threats underscore the fandamenal uth hat us, ‘rope infection contol practices is one of your most important job Fesponsbiies Infection conta practices are easy to ignore because they can be so lementary Researchers at one hoeptal found that only 48 percent of ‘tain th intensive cae writs washed thelr hands before eamining pallets even thaugh they knew they were being watched sb pur esearch project Pred ee en tse [ For infection to spread thre elements are required: WA sours of ifectous microorganiss A susceptible host IA inca of tranamission for the microorganism. SOURCES ‘Unfortunately, healthcare facilities have several sources of infections microorganisms, including People Wi Contaminated objects Take time and make the effort require to content folow infection contol procedures ~ because these procedures are crucial for protecting, your patients and yours from infection People, ncuding patents staff frembers and Visto, ean harbor variety of infectious microorganisms Sch a Boctera, Viruses, pastes and fon Although invisible, these microrganisins ‘maybe present in Blood fd other body fluid and secretions such as saliva, sputum, rasal and ‘oginal dchatge, and wound drainage. They arealso preset in ‘acrement and ere ofen on the skin's surface, espelly the hands ‘E'person doco’ thave to look or fee ik tobe a source of infection aliens can even infect themslves ‘when microorganism within hel body maltipiy out of entra. ‘Contaminated bjets can sso De sources of infection Some ‘objects espectally prone to ‘contamination include floors, ‘Bedpans trash cans, medical ‘equipment invasive medical ‘Gdvices and dity laundry Hosts “Tobecomea host a person must be susceptible tothe nfcticus organism ‘A person espsed tan necous onantin wil not reasearly betome 8 inst because some people are imman oor slo resi th nection Unfortunately healthcare facilites have many different kind of patients ‘who can become hosts People partclarly suscep t infecton include: iM Eldery patents Newborns Persona with weakor undeveloped immune systems Persons with ence, ull heals problems or cauic diseases that require steroid therapy 1m Patients with surgi incisions, catheter, breathing tubes and other cally ance patsy con alow ‘lcroorganiams to enters host sbody. The longer a patents confined fo aheathare fact, or ee che Geeta a bi Ae TRANSMISSION ‘Tobe transmitled, microorganisms must enter the hosts body. Entrance ‘The mouth, eyes, nose or oer openings into the body reskin the hoet'sskin caused by cat, nck sn abrasions ‘oc dermatitis surgical incisions or invasive medical devices 1m X contaminated needle or oer sharp object ‘Ther are fve main outes of ranemisson ntact Common vehicle 1 Vectorborne ‘Covracr maassission-the most common route, canbe ether direct orindiec. Direct contac transmission ~accurs when microorganisms are physically transferred from the source perso’s body surface tothe Fos’s body surface. This can happen when a healtheare worker turns corbathes patent, or performs other prtient-care activites that require iret personal contact. Direc-contact wansnision can also occu between two patients Indireccontact transmission ~ occurs when source of infection ‘contaminates an intermediate abject which then contacts a susceptible host This can happen when coneaminated gloves are rot hanged betwean patients or when 2 Iealthoare worker stuck with me =e — Seo oa ‘Bronchoscopies droplet, Infections dropiets are propelled a short distance though the air an land in the host's eyes, nose ‘rmouth. Droplets do nt remain suspended in the _Aumzonis raassutssow ~ can occur over grate distances than droplet {ransmisson Infetious microorganioms are carried by mlcoscopic droplet nuclei or even dust parties that remain suspended in the air for lang periods of tine Microerganisms can then be inhaled by a susceptble hostin the same room, oF they maybe cared by al currens and infect people father away. CConawon vaca munsuasion— ooours when microorganisms se tranantted by contaminated items suchas fod, water, medications tnd equipment \Vecronsonve raxssissios- occurs when mosquitoes fies, ats and other ‘Yermin tana microorganisms ETT fol Rere a on eres Bile leh reirela ‘According othe Centers for Disease Control and Prevention effective {nection contra programs have two levels: Standard Precautions and ‘Transmssion Based Precautions Since there sno quick, surefire method of determining which patients may carry an infectious disease, Standard Precautions require that you {tea ll patients a though they may be infected. Standard Precautions Combine the maior features of Universal Precutions~ which reduce the risk of transiting ‘loodbome pathogens 1 Boy Substance neaton — which reduces the isk of tansnittng ody bt nother words, use Standard Precautions everytime you anticipate ‘contact with blood, al body flu, secretions and excretion nonintact Skin and mucous membranes. Standard Precutions coveral healthcare ‘Workers whether giving direct-patient care oF working in Support ares, [ke maintenance snd housekeeping. ‘Standard Precautions outline a system of safeguards to hap you protect Yoursel rom infections suchas hepatitis B hepatitis Cand FIV, while io protecting your patients from infectious organisms transmitted from patient to patent by healthcare workers. Your employerhas policies fing Standard Precautions including. Protective work practices Use of protective equipment Protective housekeeping tm Protection trough the eee PROTECTIVE WORK PRACTICES ‘You can dcreae the spread of infection by using gone judgement and practicing good hygiene. Hand Biygiene Hat hygiene isthe single most important precaution fr prevehting thespian you wh cts rao ‘yourhands the es ila your cance of infection. Handwashing keeps Sou from transferring contamination from yout hands wo patent other res of your body of other burfaces you may contact ter. ‘Always wath your hands for Hseconde 1 Before you contact patent After touching blood ll body fy secre ond ‘vcretions om nic in t ‘mocoxs membranes an ‘oniamitated fens whether ‘eno loves are wom wine ae oves are 4, emoved and beeen patient ‘ona i Bciore eating drinking, y spelying skew Feaeing craet Boece” taing te restroom Ale you smoke cough The COC recomend we of Met ction bt Youu wt iy old or Kory hepeedaa bic balnat eres yar and ogee coeing all hand sre and ages ade y oye py i te an I san Sey teeta ea ce ee poe ees Grom ee eee eee ee SERGEY Sacto ae eae Practice Good Hygiene ‘W Minimizeoplashing, spraying or spatering when performing procedures involving bload or ofr potentially infectious materials ‘mDonotet drink smoke, appl cosmetics or lip balms, or handle contact lees where there a reasonable chance you might be exposed to blood or body fluids ‘Do not keep food and drinkin places whereblood or other potentially {nfectious materials ae present Handle Sharpe with Care Prevent injures fom needles and other sharp ‘deaning or disposing ‘ofthem Soler medical devices, sch as sharps with gine tars injury Pood eystems are ‘ow require, Never bend, recap or break needs ater use 1m Dispose of contaminated sharps inappropriate Ponetore-reastant ontaners immediatly seruse PPE Perscoal protective equipment (PPE) protects you fom infection hazards when Wor propedly. PPE indus ploves, fuid-esistant gowns oF aprons aceshel, protective eyewear and masks, resuscitation bags or other ventilation devices PE must be appropriate fr your task Wear as much or as ite PPE a3 you need to keep bloed or other potentially infectious matval rom [Betting on your clothing, skin or mucous membranes For example: f you anticipate skin exposure only to your hands, you need to wear gloves ‘Gores are the most common ype of PPE. You sould we posable {doves for media procedures an heavy-duty wt loves for some Eiccckecpng actives Iilore dnting gloves wash hands tou Cee eytunieke” vwbanage incase ‘damaged inany way and then discard [Never wash or decontaminate them frre sm Uy gloves may be claned or econtaminate fr reuse only they ace tetdaraged I dargesirany wy Contaminated gloves sotto touch he ote ofthe Bove. Always Sach your hands ter soma them. No gloves ‘fer Ob percent ective protection Ifyou have dermatitis caused or aggravated by weerng loves, o ifyou ‘Zale to doponbe doves ox should wear cot giove liner, ponderem planes orkypostcngi loves Your employer il provide fem for yo Protection During Resuscitation ‘Sines patient may expel sae, ‘lod of oer ids which ould ‘contain infectious materia aod unprotected moutheormoath ‘eststion insted se mechanical fol mais feted tise Fremcontact with potetally infectious subaances Always inpect your protective gmt be, gan 1m Cican and maintain PPS prope. Repair oc dicard any equipment that is flawed or damaged sm Replace PPS a5 son as posublef i's penetrated by blood o other potently infecsous mater. sn Riways remove PPE before leaving the ‘work aren and place ins designated Trerpine for dapostl nendering or processing sm Remove PPE carefully to avoid ‘contamination of clothing and skin Remove PPE inthe proper order ~ ‘and other protective clothing Eetore gloves Your employe also provides ‘cqipment necessary fo eliminate infecious hazards a thelr source Such as sutocaves, sharps spol ‘Container, el sheathing needles ‘and edleless systems COE eee itera cd UCTS uissreui cers aK orerol Los eal ican abi sn Ciean ll blood an body romplly scorn Yo poly kin, shake hands or even when va touch anther cient, co-worker ‘our employer as detailed police and procedures followed when Transmission Based Prectutone ae Incident to your immediate supervisor and fellow up with ‘scupational helth personnel ‘DVDs, Videos, Web Courses and Handbooks from Coastal Sr Aap Ca Hay Sy Se ines A Quay Ti Band Gen Te Comm Year at many 285060 people ded to nctons pia up in Posen ence 2imerseag Fespl Medea espe pri at inecon ot wilco 0 Beckley Sab Sy (iSleng hehehe community nthe es shed y commiting “Elbe mania Mea sans logy earl toll inert control penctecs you can siconly ek ‘Hole Pate every ES Saegeby poet your pasontsand youre fom incon Sete =p ple er Roar “aoa igne + Cot len +My SC Comper SME Magen eer Mee Sacre TAA ana ve + Duta ig {Reed Peon Dement “han ange ely Tatar cso Da be Tina kge TER Aad ge Tinta sey eel ey [Rete epi 1 ocean Fan tte tee enn fey pe Reopen {ees Deve Eee Peaks) + Sy Osan Teese Sool Maen Ty {Sie End tppee 1p pee ieee Sci aes Head Communlason So “Hither Sopcast ar fate {i Smet HIPAA Scary Campane [me Mp HIPAA iy Compe “iced HIViAIs ve sto Roget Pa Say” Carano ng con iar ering Grr prevenon. PATIENT SAFETY. “ated otalaienlfomaty ak sboutomat ai,

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