International Trade Law

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B.A.LL.B. Semester – VI Paper :XXXII M.

M: 100
Code: SOL/B.A.LL.B./E-04 Theory: 70
Credit-4 Sessional: 30

International Trade Law

Course Objective:
• To familiarize students with the core principles of international trade law.
• To introduce legal and institutional framework of WTO.
• To study the regulatory framework and dispute settlement mechanism in international
trade law.

Course Outcome:
• It will equip students with the ability to analyze and frame legal arguments on the
policy debates of issues relating to international trade law.
• The student will be able to identify the legality of policy decisions on the basis of the
principles of international trade law.
• The students will be equipped with the knowledge of dispute settlement mechanism in
international trade law.

Origin and Evolution of GATT & WTO.

a. Protectionism and Free Trade theories.

b. The Havana Charter & Birth of GATT, 1947.
c. GATT Rounds of Negotiation GATT 1994 & The WTO: It’s Genesis (Uruguay Round 1986 to
d. WTO Agreements, Understandings, Annexes, Membership Objective, Functions and Structure of
WTO (Key Organs/Bodies) Decision - Making Process, Voting, Amendment, Waiver etc.
e. Principle of non-discrimination.

Unit – II:
Trade in Goods I

a. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT).

b. Agreement on Agriculture.
c. Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures.
d. Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade.

Trade in Goods II
a. Agreement on Trade-Related Investment Measures.
b. Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures.
c. Anti-dumping Agreement.
d. Agreement on Safeguards.

Unit – IV:
Trade in Services & International Trade Dispute Resolution

a. General Agreement on Trade in Services.

b. Ongoing Multilateral Negotiations.
c. Nullification or impairment.
d. Dispute settlement.
e. Enforcement and Remedies.

Suggested Readings:
• Results of the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations:
The Legal Texts (Geneva: GATT Secretariat, 1994).
• Hudec, Robert E., Developing Countries in the GATT Legal System (London:
Gower Press for the Trade Policy Research Centre, 1987).
• Jackson, John H., World Trade and the Law of GATT (Indianapolis: Bobbs-
Merrill, 1969).
• Pratap, Ravindra, India at the WTO Dispute Settlement System (New Delhi:
Manak Publications, 2004).
• Peter Van den Bosche and Werner Zduoc, The Law and Policy of the World
Trade Organization, (CUP, 2013).
• Lester, Simon, et al, World Trade Law: Material and Commentary,
(Bloomsbury, 2018).
• Srinivasan, T. N., Developing Countries and the Multilateral Trading
System: From the GATT to the Uruguay Round and the Future (Delhi:
Oxford University Press, 1998).
• Kaul, Autar, A Guide to the W.T.O. and GATT: Economics, Law, and
Politics, (Kluwer Law International, 2006).
• Nedumbara, James, Injury and Causation in Trade Remedy Law: A Study of
WTO Law and Country Practices (Springer, 2016)

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