Phani Gudipati Talks Extrusion in Advanced Materials Processes Magazine 4 - 2021

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A DV A N C E D M AT E R I A L S & P RO C E S S E S | A P R I L 2 0 2 1
The aerospace industry could benefit from recent progress in making
near net shape titanium extrusions for applications beyond the
long structural components of an aircraft.
Phani P. Gudipati* and Michael B. Campbell
Plymouth Engineered Shapes, Hopkinsville, Kentucky

xtruded shapes are often ideal for presents different near net shapes ex- with an elongated grain structure that
long aircraft components that re- truded at PES and provides the me- is often recrystallized by hot stretch
quire consistent cross sections chanical properties, microstructures, straightening and annealing. The resul-
throughout the length of the part[1]. The and dimensional tolerances consis- tant structure consists of recrystallized
most common aerospace extrusions in- tent throughout the full length of the prior beta grains with colony alpha,
clude seat tracks produced using the extrusion. which offers an excellent combination
workhorse titanium alloy, Ti-6Al-4V of strength, fracture toughness, and fa-
(Ti-64). However, major advancements METAL EXTRUSION tigue life[4].
have occurred in the use of extruded The metal extrusion process can
titanium shapes deployed in a variety be broadly classified into two main MATERIALS AND PROCESSING
of other applications. Uses range from categories—direct and indirect[2]. In Ti-64 billets, with nominal compo-
specialized parts in subsonic systems the process described here, the direct sition per AMS 4935[5] ranging from 6.0
to components in unmanned subma- or forward extrusion process was em- to 9.25 in. in diameter, were induction
rines that take advantage of titanium’s ployed, where the die and ram are on heated to a temperature above the beta
favorable strength-to-density relation- opposite ends and the billet travels in transus and extruded into two distinct
ship and superior corrosion resistance. the same direction as the ram (Fig. 1). geometric profiles. These two shapes
Billet temperatures used in the extru- Typically, the cross section of the work were selected for their uniqueness in
sion of titanium alloy shapes are typi- billet is much larger than the cross sec- terms of geometry and application
cally above the beta transus tempera- tion of the extruded part. To relate the (Fig. 2). While the “T profile” is often
ture of the material, and the reduction cross section of the workpiece to that of used for aerospace structural compo-
ratios are higher than those used in oth- the extruded product, a value common- nents, the shape with more complex
er product types. Gross titanium extru- ly called the extrusion ratio was estab-
sion, while producing radical savings in lished, which is defined as the ratio of
materials due to closer shape approxi- the area of the original billet cross sec-
mation, also requires less machining to tion (Ao) to that of the extruded product
achieve the finished product. (Af). The extrusion ratio, or reduction
In an effort to further reduce over- ratio, can be expressed as (Ao/Af). De-
all manufacturing costs and improve pending on final part geometry, a wide
the buy-to-fly ratio, the R&D division range of extrusion ratios for extrud-
of Plymouth Engineered Shapes (PES) ing different titanium products is avail-
has successfully developed an innova- able. Typically, most titanium extrusion
tive process and manufactured near presses are water hydraulic systems
net shape Ti-64 extrusions, roughly 30 ft with remarkably high strain rates in the Fig. 1 — Forward extrusion process where
long, on a production scale that in- range of 10 s-1 or higher[3]. A beta extrud- the ram pushes the hot metal through the
cludes various geometries. This article ed titanium billet will yield products die.
*Member of ASM International

geometric features (NNS-3) is utilized over 30 ft long (Fig. 4). Dimensional sta- of tolerances on key characteristics
A DV A N C E D M AT E R I A L S & P RO C E S S E S | A P R I L 2 0 2 1

in aeroengine applications. Dies used bility (uniform dimensions with mini- such as transverse flatness, straight-
for the extrusion process are designed mal variation) and straightness of the ness, twist, and angularity along the
and manufactured in-house with mod- extrusions play a major role in machin- full length of the extruded part. With re-
ified tool steel. Parameters for the ex- ing the finished product. Figure 5 shows duction in the envelope due to near net
trusion process are selected based the different dimensions measured for shape profiles, holding these toleranc-
on billet size, extrusion ratio, and the each profile and the location of sam- es along the length of the extrusion is of
profile to be extruded. These profiles ples for room temperature mechanical paramount importance to successful-
are designed for a thickness of 0.150 in. testing and microstructural evaluation. ly machine the final part. Due to space
for a planned 30 ft of extruded length, Results of dimensional measurements constraints, only the transverse flatness
although typical extrusions can be and variation to nominal planned di- tolerances on the north and south ends
up to 40 ft long, depending on initial mensions for both profiles are shown in of the near net extrusions are presented
billet size. Figs. 6 and 7. While AMS 2245[6] allows in Table 1. The maximum level of bow
Extruded products are then sub- for a deviation of ±0.060 in. on a given and twist observed over the full length
jected to hot straightening and an- feature, Plymouth’s near net extrusions of the extrusion are also shown in the
nealing, in accordance with AMS 4935, have outperformed the specification table. It can be observed that the aver-
to achieve the mechanical properties by presenting a variation less than 50% age values of critical characteristics are
and key characteristics such as flatness of the total permissible limit from the not only well within allowable limits,
across the width of the part, straight- nominal. but the near net extrusions described
ness (bow/camber), and twist along Straightness. Machining of titani- here also offer much tighter tolerance
the full length of the extrusion. To en- um extrusions requires extreme control limits than specified in AMS 2245, thus
hance machinability, finished extru- making them exceptionally favorable
sions are chemically treated to remove for machining.
the thin layer of surface alpha case. The Mechanical Properties & Micro-
sequence of operations is schematically structure. Specimens for mechanical
illustrated in Fig. 3. testing and microstructure were ob-
tained from the location indicated in
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Fig. 5. Room temperature mechanical
Dimensions. The two selected
profiles were successfully extruded to

Fig. 4 — Near net extrusions produced in Fig. 5 — Location on the two extruded
Ti-64. A sample cut from the T-profile (top) profiles where dimensions were measured
Fig. 2 — Geometric profiles of two selected and complex geometrical profile (bottom) and samples for mechanical testing and
near net titanium shapes. are beta extruded to over 30 ft long. microstructure are excised.

Fig. 3 — Titanium billets are extruded in the beta field using required dies, thermally straightened, surface alpha case chemically removed, and
packed for shipment.

testing on samples in the longitudi- microscope. As observed in Table 2, geometric profiles. In addition, optical

A DV A N C E D M AT E R I A L S & P RO C E S S E S | A P R I L 2 0 2 1
nal direction was performed according mechanical testing results are in full micrographs present a microstructure
to ASTM E8[7], and optical microscopy compliance with the strength re- resulting from beta processed Ti-64,
was performed using a Keyence digital quirements of AMS 4935 for both with colony alpha along the recrystal-
lized beta grain boundaries (Fig. 8). Av-
erage grain size, measured according to
ASTM E112[8], was found to be 100 µm.
Longitudinal and transverse surface
roughness was also measured using a
standard profilometer that resulted in a
range of 80-130 Ra for both profiles.
Buy-To-Fly. Each preform process
such as forging, casting, and plate stock
incurs a considerable loss of material
during machining due to the excessive
material envelope built around the fin-
ished product. Extrusions considerably
reduce the buy-to-fly ratio and provide
advantages not offered by alternative
preform processes. With the develop-
ment of near net shape extrusions, the
buy-to-fly ratio is further reduced, thus
Fig. 6 — Deviation from the nominal planned dimensions on the T-profile. Note that the near decreasing the costs associated with
net extruded profile exhibits consistent dimensions with minimal variation along the full length machining.
of the extrusion, much less than the permissible limits per AMS 2245. It must be stated that the original
standard extrusion for a T-profile was
already an improvement over its pre-
vious preform (plate). Table 3 presents
further reduction in the buy-to-fly ratio.

Fig. 7 — Deviation from the nominal planned dimensions on NNS-3. Note that the near net
extruded profile exhibits consistent dimensions with minimal variation along the full length of
the extrusion, much less than the permissible limits per AMS 2245.


Product type Location Flatness, in. Max. bow, in. Max. twist, deg.
T-profile North 0.013 0.055 0.3 Fig. 8 — Optical micrographs from the near
South 0.008 net shape extrusions: T-profile (top) and
NNS-3 (bottom) indicate colony alpha along
NNS-3 North 0.000 0.010 0.7
the recrystallized beta grains. Samples were
South 0.000 etched with Kroll’s reagent after polishing.

A DV A N C E D M AT E R I A L S & P RO C E S S E S | A P R I L 2 0 2 1

pati, director of innovation and engi-

neering, Plymouth Engineered Shapes,
Product type YS, ksi UTS, ksi EL, % RA, % 201 Commerce Ct., Hopkinsville, KY,
AMS 4935 120.0 130.0 10.0 20.0 42240, 270.839.2064, pgudipati@
T-profile 130.0 146.0 19.0 38.0
NNS-3 132.0 147.0 16.0 31.0
1. R.R. Boyer, E.R. Barta, and J.W.
TABLE 3 — BUY-TO-FLY RATIOS FOR TWO GEOMETRIC PROFILES Henderson, Journal of Materials, p 36-39,
Product type T-Profile NNS-3 March 1989.
Plate 13.47 8.66 2. G.E. Dieter, Classification of Extru-
Standard extrusion 4.26 - sion Processes, Mechanical Metallurgy.
Plymouth extrusion 1.64 1.32 3. G. Legate, Titanium 2013, Las Vegas,
Finished parts 1.00 1.00
4. R. Wanhill and S. Barter, Springer
Briefs in Applied Sciences and Tech-
5. Titanium Alloy Extrusions and Flash
Welded Rings Ti-6Al-4V Annealed Beta
Processed, AMS 4935 Rev. L, issued
1959-06, Revised 2017-09.
6. Tolerances, Titanium and Titanium
Alloy Extruded Bars, Rods and Shapes,
AMS 2245 Rev. B, issued Dec. 1973,
Revised June 2003.
7. Standard Test Method for Tension
Testing of Metallic Materials, ASTM E8/
E8M – 16a.
8. Standard Test Method for Determin-
ing Average Grain Size, ASTM E112 – 13.
9. D. Sanders, et al., ITA, Atlanta, 2012.

Fig. 9 — Comparison of weight/ft to produce the finished part for both profiles from various
product forms.

Although most finished product for has successfully developed techniques

NNS-3 is currently being machined from to reduce the buy-to-fly ratio by manu-
plate, the near net extrusion method de- facturing near net shape extrusions on a
veloped by PES can provide significant production scale. Microstructure, room
savings over the current manufacturing temperature mechanical properties,
method. Figure 9 shows the weight/ft and extrusion-critical characteristics
for each product type, clearly exhibiting such as transverse flatness and straight-
the advantages of using near net extru- ness are in accordance with AMS 4935
sion technology to create these shapes. and AMS 2245, respectively, for the near
net shape extrusions. Considering the
SUMMARY merits of titanium alloys, the authors
Economic advantages of reducing believe that the aerospace industry
the buy-to-fly ratio include reduction in could significantly benefit from these
tooling costs and material usage, low- technological advancements in the pro-
er parts count resulting from the ability duction of near net shape extrusions by
to extrude complex shapes over length using this novel concept in applications
in a single operation, and less down- beyond the long structural members of
stream machining and finishing[9]. PES an aircraft. ~AM&P

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