Valent 2019 - Article - HelcionelloidsStenothecoidsAnd

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PalZ (2019) 93:207–253


Helcionelloids, stenothecoids and hyoliths from the Tannenknock

Formation (traditional lower middle Stage 4/Wuliuan boundary
interval) of the Franconian Forest, Germany
Gerd Geyer1   · Martin Valent2 · Stefan Meier3

Received: 23 December 2017 / Accepted: 8 August 2018 / Published online: 9 November 2018
© Paläontologische Gesellschaft 2018

The early middle Cambrian Tannenknock Formation of the Franconian Forest, traditionally subdivided into the Galgen‑
berg and Wildenstein strata, yields a relatively diverse fauna. This fauna includes a number of molluscs, which portrays a
fairly diverse assemblage that can be regarded as paradigmatic for the lower–middle Cambrian boundary interval in West
Gondwana, with the helcionelloid genera Helcionella, “Bemella,” “Igorella,” Latouchella, Leptostega, Yochelcionella, the
pelagiellid Pelagiella, a stenothecoid, and the Hyolithida Hyolithes?, Hexitheca?, Jincelites, Maxilites?, Aladraco, Cam-
brachelous, the Orthothecida Brevitheca?, Nephrotheca?, and a number of helcionelloid and hyolith forms dealt with under
open nomenclature. New species include the helcionelloids Helcionella lemdadensis sp. nov. and Leptostega frankenwalden-
sis sp. nov. and the hyoliths Grantitheca? klani sp. nov. and Cambrachelous diploprosopus gen. et sp. nov. The stenothecoid
discovered in the Wildenstein Member of the formation is the first report of the group from West Gondwana.

Keywords  Cambrian · Helcionelloida · Stenothecoida · Hyolithida · Biostratigraphy · West Gondwana · Germany

Introduction Wurm’s initial publications (Wurm 1924a, b, 1925a, b) pro‑

vided preliminary data on the fossils. Wurm recognised an early
The Cambrian of the Franconian Forest area (German: Frank‑ Middle Cambrian fauna with trilobites, brachiopods, hyoliths
enwald) in northeastern Bavaria is among the oldest known and echinoderm remains, which were subsequently attributed
areas with Cambrian rocks in Europe outside Scandinavia and to two different formations, called Galgenberg and Wildenstein
the British Isles, but remained largely unstudied after its first strata, respectively (Sdzuy 1964). Wurm (1925b) recognised
discovery during a mapping season in 1923 by Adolf Wurm. three hyoliths species, which were dealt with in open nomencla‑
ture as Hyolithes sp. a, Hyolithes sp. b, and Hyolithes sp. c. In
addition, he described three species attributed to Conularia as
Handling editor: Mike Reich.
Conularia sp. a, C. sp. b, and C. sp. c and introduced a new spe‑
* Gerd Geyer cies under the name “Conularia Schloppensis”, later transferred
gerd.geyer@uni‑ to the new genus Oxyprymna Kiderlen, 1933 (now Aladraco
Martin Valent Geyer, 2018). In fact, all of them represent hyoliths. Helcionel‑ loid molluscs were not reported to date, but are known to be
Stefan Meier represented in a large number in rocks of the Tannenknock For‑
stefan.meier.mak@t‑ mation and particularly in the Wildenstein Member and are
described below for the first time.
Institut für Geographie und Geologie, Lehrstuhl für
Geodynamik und Geomaterialforschung, Bayerische
Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, Am Hubland,
97074 Würzburg, Germany Geological setting and stratigraphy
Národní Muzeum, Václavské náměstí 68, 115 79 Praha 1,
Czech Republic The Franconian Forest lies on the margin of the Saxo‑
Mineralienkabinett Stefan Meier, Zweigstraße 22, thuringian Zone in northeastern Bavaria, southern
95615 Marktredwitz, Germany Germany (Fig.  1). The Saxothuringian Zone is a West


208 G. Geyer et al.

Fig. 1  Generalized geological map of Saxothuringian Zone in north‑ with supposed Cambrian portions (grey), and subsurface Cambrian
eastern Bavaria, southern Germany; small-scale insert map shows (hatched). Small white rectangle outlines refer to the tectonic units
modern political boundaries of Germany and adjacent regions with with Cambrian strata: A, Wildenstein slice (detailed map in Fig. 2); B,
outcrop areas of Cambrian rocks (black), outcrop areas of rocks Triebenreuth slice

Gondwana-associated terrane or, better, a marginal West The Franconian Forest has a middle Cambrian succes‑
Gondwana succession (Geyer et al., in rev.). The Cam‑ sion of siliciclastic-dominated, shallow-water, fossiliferous
brian–Carboniferous successions of the Saxothuringian units. The formations of early middle Cambrian age are of
Zone are now interpreted as giant olistoliths in wildfly‑ typical West Gondwanan aspect, similar to that described
sch of the Variscan orogen (e.g. Linnemann and Schauer from the Moroccan Atlas ranges (Geyer and Landing 1995,
1999). Cambrian rocks in the Saxothuringian Zone show 2006; Geyer et al. 1995). This succession has primarily West
a geographically coherent facies succession that does not Gondwanan trilobites in its lower part (traditionally termed
suggest either regional allochthony or transport for most of Galgenberg and Wildenstein “strata”, or formations) (e.g.,
the zone (e.g. Göthel 2001). However, the small Cambrian Geyer et al. 2008; Heuse et al. 2010; Geyer 2017).
blocks in the Franconian Forest are obviously related to the Wurm’s early publications on these strata (Wurm 1924a,
presence of the so-called Münchberg Gneiss Mass, a genet‑ b, 1925a, b) recognised an early Middle Cambrian (in tra‑
ically and chronologically controversely debated block of ditional sense) fauna from probably four adjacent localities
metamorphic rocks (e.g. Stettner 1972; Behr et al. 1980; in the vicinity of the so-called Galgenberg (“Gallow Hill”)
Gandl 1998) (Figs. 1, 2). near Wildenstein. This fauna turned out to include fossils

Helcionelloids, stenothecoids and hyoliths from the Cambrian Tannenknock Formation, Germany 209

slightly calcareous blue-grey shales, which tend to weather

with whitish outer surfaces, whereas Wildenstein fossils can
be found in fine- to medium-grained, slightly calcareous,
commonly feldspathic sandstones or ochre-weathering sandy
calcareous nodules (Geyer et al. 2008; Geyer 2010, 2017).
Recent investigations suggest that both units represent in
fact a single formation with temporal facies shifts that cul‑
minate in the typical Galgenberg and Wildenstein facies.
This formation is formally introduced and dealt with as the
Tannenknock Formation (Geyer 2017). The Tannenknock
Formation with both facies expressions (now separated as
members) was traditionally known from just two isolated
blocks, termed the Wildenstein (prefix “W” in the locality
IDs) and Triebenreuth (prefix “T” in the locality IDs) slices.
The vast majority of the material studied herein comes from
the Wildenstein slice. The geological situation of this Wil‑
denstein slice has been studied in detail by Ludwig (1969)
and remapped in the course of this study (Fig. 2).

Age and correlation

Despite the limited amount of source rocks, the trilobite

faunas from the Galgenberg and Wildenstein members of
the Tannenknock Formation are comparatively diverse and
enable a precise correlation with other Cambrian areas of
West Gondwana (Fig. 3). Particularly similar are the trilobite
faunas from the Jbel Wawrmast Formation of the Moroccan
Atlas ranges. Characteristic for the Galgenberg Member is
Kingaspidoides frankenwaldensis (Wurm, 1925a, b), a spe‑
cies that has been found in the Moroccocus notabilis Zone
(earlier the Cephalopyge notabilis Zone) of the eastern Anti-
Atlas (Geyer and Vincent 2015). Other faunal elements of
the Galgenberg Member have closely related counterparts in
the same zone in the Atlas ranges. The trilobite associations
of the Wildenstein Member is characterised by Ornamen-
taspis frequens Geyer, 1990, a species that is an index fos‑
sil for the O. frequens Zone in the Moroccan Atlas ranges,
which directly overlies the M. notabilis Zone, thus providing
a perfect match for the formations in the Franconian Forest.
Rocks from near Wustuben (ca. 4.3 km NNE of the northern
tip of the Wildenstein slice (ca. N 50° 15′ 0″, E 11° 34′ 20″)
Fig. 2  Areas with outcrops of Cambrian rocks of the Wildenstein newly discovered by S. Meier also include numerous hel‑
slice. Based on maps of Wurm (1925b), Sdzuy (1964), Ludwig cionelloids. They belong to a succession superficially similar
(1969), Horstig and Stettner (1976), and new data. Brown colour
marks outcrop areas dominated by Galgenberg facies, blue colour to those of the Wildenstein Member of the Tannenknock
outcrop areas dominated by rocks of the Wildenstein Member. Num‑ Formation, but with a considerable content of volcaniclastic
bers refer to exposures or sampling sites (see “Appendix”) material. According to the trilobite fauna, they come from
a hitherto unknown younger stratum of late Agdzian–early
Caesaraugustan assigned to the overlying Triebenreuth
attributable to two differentiable stratigraphic horizons. He Formation (Fig. 3). The helcionelloids from these strata are
referred to the units in the sense of formations, which were similar to those of the Tannenknock Formation and will be
formally named by Geyer and Wiefel (1997). Typical fossils descrbed separately except for “Igorella” sp. A (see below).
from the Galgenberg facies occur in light coloured sandy,


210 G. Geyer et al.

includes forms assigned or tentatively assigned to the hyo‑

lithid genera Hyolithes, Hexitheca, Jincelites, Maxilites,
and Aladraco and Cambrachelous, the orthothecid genera
Brevitheca, Nephrotheca, as well as forms that cannot be
assigned to a genus with any confidence. The reason for the
problems of a definite assignment is caused by an imperfect
preservation or the absence of both conchs and opercula,
but also by the incomplete knowledge on hyoliths from
this stratigraphic interval of the late part of the Cambrian
Stage 4 and the early part of Stage 5 in West Gondwana and

Localities and collections

Because of the extremely small outcrop areas and dense for‑

ested vegetation or agricultural use of these areas, collect‑
ing Cambrian fossils is strenuous or depends on fortuitous
Fig. 3  Stratigraphic table of the fossiliferous strata in the Franconian conditions. The fossils used in this and other publications are
Forest with highlighted Tannenknock Formation and its correlation exclusively part of the fauna of the Galgenberg and Wilden‑
with global chronostratigraphic units and the standard Cambrian of
West Gondwana (Geyer and Landing 2004)
stein members of the Tannenknock Formation, originating
from the Wildenstein slice (Fig. 1a) and the Triebenreuth
slice (Fig. 1b). The exact locations of the sampling sites are
Of the helcionelloids described herein, Helcionella shown in Fig. 2 with additional data provided in “Appendix”.
capula Geyer, 1986 has been described from the Moroc- Further data in the lists of material in the systematic section
conus notabilis Zone of the Jbel Wawrmast Formation in refer to those localities.
the Lemdad area, High Atlas, and specimens tentatively Collecting started with A. Wurm’s discoveries in the
assigned to the species occur in the O. frequens Zone of the 1920s. A wealth of samples originate from unstudied col‑
Lemdad Syncline. Leptostega was originally described from lections of K. Sdzuy (mostly from 1956), collections of
lower middle Cambrian strata of the Cantabrian Mountains, unknown origin left in the former Institut für Paläontologie,
Spain (Geyer 1986), but was subsequently recognized from Würzburg University (abandoned 2004/2005), and collec‑
a number of other regions. However, the generic concept of tions of the senior author (1979‒2013). An unexpectedly
Geyer (1986) has been misinterpreted (see below under Lep- large amount of additional specimens comes from recent
tostega) so that the genus is momentarily known from West collections by Stefan Meier (see “Appendix” for further
Gondwana, eastern Avalonia and the Siberian Platform only. information).
Remarkably, similarities can be recognized with helcionel‑ Regrettably, the knowledge of the exact location of col‑
loid faunas known from the Doberlug region of northern lecting sites most of the early collections during the early
Saxony (Schmidt 1942), but less so with such known from stage of research in the region, particularly for those of
the Görlitz region of Lusatia (e.g., Elicki 2003, 2007). Adolf Wurm, S.G. Kohlmann and Hermann Klan is sparse
It is remarkable that the helcionelloid fauna now recov‑ to non-existent. The material collected by K. Sdzuy comes
ered from the overlying late Agdzian–early Caesaraugus‑ from a number of different localities in the Wildenstein slice,
tan strata of the Triebenreuth Formation (to be described which fortunately could be confidently located based on his
subsequently) is fairly similar to that of the early Agdzian field notes of 1956.
Tannenknock Formation and even has species/forms in com‑
mon. This suggests that the occurrence of Helcionelloida is
largely determined by facies and of little biostratigraphic Preservation
significance, at least in this chronostratigraphic interval.
Aladraco schloppensis, found in the Franconian Forest in The preservation of the molluscs described herein depends
the Galgenberg Member and dominantly in the Wildenstein on the facies and preservational condition within the host
Member of the Tannenknock Formation, has a counterpart rock. Specimens from the Wildenstein Member are usu‑
with Aladraco ougnatensis from the upper part of the M. ally found in calcareous arenites or large calcareous nod‑
notabilis Zone in the eastern Anti-Atlas (Geyer 2018). The ular-type concretions (of up to meter-size), from which the
hyolith fauna described herein is remarkably diverse and carbonate has been largely dissolved by weathering so that

Helcionelloids, stenothecoids and hyoliths from the Cambrian Tannenknock Formation, Germany 211

the specimens are found as internal moulds and/or casts of of helcionelloid specimens is unambiguously controlled by
the exterior. This provides three-dimensionally preserved winnowing and size sorting of small sclerites, or fragments
specimens often with minor distortion. However, fine details of sclerites, during the sedimentation of the wave-controlled
of the surface ornament are rarely preserved under these shell accumulations, which form the major part of the fossil‑
circumstances. The fauna includes most of the helcionel‑ iferous calcareous strata of the Wildenstein Member facies.
loid specimens and the pelagiellids, but hyoliths are usu‑ The particular composition of the richly diverse associations
ally absent from these strata. Shaly rocks of the Wildenstein differs moderately between the sample horizons, which is
Member may include large specimens of hyoliths, such as remarkable because of the short distance between the locali‑
Aladraco schloppensis. The specimens from these strata are ties. It may be assumed that the composition of the same
moderately to strongly flattened and preserved in different stratum may have changed dramatically over considerable
ways, including composite moulds. distance, similar to what can be observed for the Brèche
The sandy shales of the Galgenberg Member yield rela‑ à Micmacca limestone beds in the Moroccan Atlas ranges
tively few hyoliths, in which the shell is preserved in various (Geyer and Landing 1995; Geyer et al. 1995).
modes of pseudomorphy. Specimens in which the original Because of the wave action during deposition, larger
shell material was replaced by ferritic minerals, now vis‑ shells and sclerites are usually crushed, but preservation of
ible as a yellowish or reddish substance, are common and sharp edges and absence of abrasion excludes the possibil‑
this also includes the remineralisation of apical septa. Some ity of notable transport. In total, only about 90 specimens
portions include hyolith specimens (usually orthothecids) in of helcionelloids have been found in the studied samples of
which the shell material is now phosphatised. These fairly which ca. one third is preserved as small fragments only.
common specimens are often recognisable in the rock by Larger helcionelloid shells are often preserved more or less
their elliptical cross-sections. Phosphatisation unfortunately intact, but this is certainly a result of favourable transport
did not just replace the shell, but the mineral growth pro‑ properties of the small conical conchs.
cess continued so that fine details of the exterior are rarely The number of specimens in most samples is regarded
preserved. as insufficient to allow calculation of robust statistical
A particularly noteworthy fact is that a number of hyo‑ data. Eight helcionelloid species and recognizable forms,
lith conchs exhibit a selective phosphatisation in which the one pelagiellid and one stenothecoid are described below.
phosphatic steinkern can be observed within the hyolith shell Nevertheless, for the samples with the highest number of
(Figs. 13a, f, l, 14g, 15e, 23b). As seen in other Cambrian helcionelloid specimens (sample horizon W8), the helcionel‑
shelly fossils, small cavities appear to provide geochemical loids contribute to less than 0.5% of the total fauna in terms
conditions that favoured a reprecipitation of apatite, which in of specimens. The total fauna from the same strata registered
turn made possible the extraction of millimetre-sized “Small to date includes at least 14 different trilobites, five brachio‑
Shelly Fossils” by dissolving early Cambrian carbonates, pods, at least five different echinoderms, plus several other
resulting in a strong taphonomic bias toward small-sized faunal elements (such as sponges, palaeoscolecidans, and
fossils (Creveling et al. 2014). Phosphatisation in these cases various echinoderm groups). This reflects a composition
took place early in the diagenetic process because details of similar to what is known from more or less coeval strata
the internal shell surface are preserved with fidelity prior to in other Cambrian regions (such as the Moroccan Atlas
the dissolution of the shell (e.g., Vendrasco et al. 2010). In regions; Geyer and Landing 1995; Geyer et al. 1995).
the case of the Wildenstein hyolith, the phosphatic partial
steinkerns are incomplete in a way that reflects the limits of Hyolitha
the geochemical conditions ruling within the apical parts of
the hyolith conchs. Hyoliths are favourably preserved in shaly strata of the Wil‑
denstein facies which indicates relatively quiet depositional
conditions. As a result, the hyoliths conchs are completely
Ecological aspects embedded usually although notable bioturbation may be
observed in those rocks. Nevertheless, rare cases of speci‑
Helcionelloida and Stenothecoida mens with tips of the conchs broken off are now recorded,
and some specimens show broken apertural margins.
The synecology of the Helcionelloida in the Tannenknock Taphonomic and diagenetic effects led to preservation of
Formation primarily reflects environmental constraints. specimens as composite moulds with a notable dorsoven‑
Fairly frequent occurrences of these fossils in the large cal‑ tral compaction of the conchs. Those specimens may show
careous sandy nodules of the Wildenstein Member (such as fractures along the sagittal/exsagittal axes of the distinctly
in sample W8) resulted from favourable conditions both in convex parts of the conchs, but this is not always the case.
biotic association and taphonomic history. The abundance


212 G. Geyer et al.

The shaly rocks of the Wildenstein facies includes a com‑ subsequent publications, (e.g., Parkhaev 2017a) interpreted
paratively paucispecific faunal assemblage with only ca. four the helcionelloids as belonging to the Class Gastropoda and
trilobite species (including Acadoparadoxides, Kingaspi- representing the most ancient already torted univalved mol‑
doides, and Bailiella) and the eight hyolith species/forms luscs, initially symmetrical externally, and later gradually
described below as regular faunal elements. developing its external asymmetry. This is an opinion for
which conclusive data are not apparent and which is not
shared herein.
Systematic palaeontology Jacquet and Brock (2016) investigated a potential cor‑
relation between ontogenetic developments and taxonomic
The type material and the figured specimens used in this conditions. Based on silicified macrohelcionelloids from
study are reposited in the collections of the Bayerisches the lower Cambrian of South Australia, they analysed the
Landesamt für Umwelt (LfU), the Bayerische Staatssa‑ change in growth from the apical part to large, adult shells,
mmlung für Paläontologie und Geologie, München (SNSB- which obviously indicates a transformation from larval
BSPG and PIW), and the collection Stefan Meier, Mark‑ shells via juvenile conchs (if developed) to teleoconchs. This
tredwitz (SSMM), respectively, under the listed collection topic has also been addressed in some detail by Martí Mus
number. et al. (2008). The changes during ontogeny and their precise
For most of the sampling localities, it appears to be dif‑ modality provides clues for a more character-based taxo‑
ficult to collect additional specimens under standard con‑ nomic treatment and sheds light on a number of microscopic
ditions so that no further description of material can be forms which represent just juvenile specimens of unknown
expected during next few decades. Therefore, even imper‑ macrohelcionelloids. It should be emphasized, however,
fectly preserved specimens are described in some detail in that the number of Cambrian micromolluscs exceeds the
the systematic section because they provide important infor‑ number of centimeter-sized specimens by far (probably up
mation on the faunal spectrum. to one hundred times), but there is no common agreement
on whether this is an evolutionary phenomenon or a tapho‑
Phylum Mollusca Cuvier, 1797 nomic artefact. In any case, it is certainly true that some of
Class Helcionelloidea Peel, 1991 these abundant micromolluscs represents juveniles, but not
the majority.
Emended diagnosis. Generally bilaterally symmetrical uni‑ It is obvious that the specific morphological characters of
valves in which the calcareous shell is usually coiled through immature individuals reflect living and habitat conditions.
up to several whorls; the whorls may be in contact or open Consequently, feeding strategies should be recognizable by
coiled and are often laterally compressed. The aperture is the morphology of larval shells (e.g., Runnegar 2007). How‑
oval, without re-entrant, but the sub-apical surface may ever, much more macroscopic material is needed to over‑
develop a median sinus which in some taxa is deep and slit- come the momentary artificial subdivision based mostly on
like or trematose, with a single perforation at the end of an small specimens recovered from dissolved samples so that
elongate tube termed the snorkel. In some forms, the lateral studies based on insufficient material may prompt remarks
areas of the aperture may become prosocyrt, extended into about the “epitome of hand waving” (Rouse 2000).
weak lateral fields and producing broad emarginations in
both the supra-apical and sub-apical surfaces astride the Order Helcionellida Geyer, 1994
plane of symmetry. Ornamentation may include both comar‑ Family Helcionellidae Wenz, 1938
ginal and spiral elements; prominent comarginal rugae are
common (modified from Peel 1991). Genus Helcionella Grabau and Shimer, 1909

Remarks. Helcionelloid molluscs are among the most Type species. Metoptoma? rugosa Hall, 1847 [= Helcion sub-
frequent and well-studied components of the Cambrian rugosa (d’Orbigny, 1850)], from the upper part of the lower
“Small Shelly Fossils.” However, the number of publica‑ Cambrian Browns Pond Formation (formarly Schodack For‑
tions strongly contrasts with evidence for their anatomical mation) of the Taconic Allochthon, Troy, New York State.
organization and phylogenetic pathways. Consequently, a
number of different approaches for taxonomic subdivisions Emended diagnosis. Small to large, bilaterally symmetri‑
have been applied, particularly at family level. Use of the cal univalve Helcionellidae with nearly patelliform to low
taxon “Monoplacophora” by various workers following cap-shaped, cyrtoconic shell ornamented by wide, strongly
the introduction of the classes Helcionelloidea (Peel 1991) convex concentric plicae and closely spaced ribs, some‑
and Tergomya (Horný 1965) reflects a lack of insight into times radial ribs of about the same size as the concentric
the taxonomy of this group. Parkhaev (2001, 2008) and elements. Apex inclined, not projecting to or beyond the

Helcionelloids, stenothecoids and hyoliths from the Cambrian Tannenknock Formation, Germany 213

apertural margin. Supra-apical surface of the conch more morphologic features does not generally exist at our present
or less evenly convex, sub-apical surface concave, without state of knowledge.
distinct bands. Aperture planar in lateral view, oval or sub‑ Jacquet and Brock (2016) revised the group and sug‑
circular in plan view; apertural margin without flarings or gested a distinction between Helcionella and Ilsanella
notches. (Modified from Jacquet and Brock 2016). based on a combination of characters. They proposed that
Helcionella is “characterised by a low to moderate profile
Discussion. The genus Helcionella is generally regarded as … with rapid lateral expansion of the shell resulting in the
representing the basic plan of a helcionelloid conch, with presence of bifurcating rugae” and Ilsanella generally lacks
more or less simple concentric rugae or plicae, a simple this bifurcation and “has a comparatively taller shell with
coiling up to less than half a whorl, and without any modifi‑ H:L ratios of ≥ 0.75 … and a slower rate of coiling and lat‑
cations of the aperture and the sub-apical surface. This form eral expansion” so that “most species of Ilsanella develop
may occur in miniaturised shape as a juvenile part in shells distinctive, uniformly rounded rugae that girdle the entire
of other helcionelloid genera. However, Helcionella has a shell circumference without requiring excessive bifurca‑
comparatively late occurrence among the lower Cambrian tion on the supra-apical surface” (Jacquet and Brock 2016,
helcionelloids. p. 351). Indeed, this distinction leads to a practical option
First used as a basic collective genus and subsequently as to distribute the species between Helcionella and Ilsanella
a waste basket for simple and often imperfectly preserved in the revised concepts. However, the new concepts do not
helcionelloid conchs, the genus (or at least its primary reflect the principal differences between the type species,
morphological concept) has been split during the past few and, more important, they suggest different phylogenetic
decades into numerous genera, which are mostly well dis‑ pathways depicted by the species of both genera. Conse‑
tinguished. A few of these genera, however, are difficult to quently, Ilsanella Missarzhevsky, 1981 is considered here
precisely separate. Their species may accumulate in clusters a junior synonym of Helcionella Grabau and Shimer, 1909.
of typical morphologies, but the morphospace between them The generic diagnosis of Bemella has been emended by
is bridged by a number of species which cannot be placed Parkhaev (2001) to include low cap-shaped, moderately
unequivocally. In addition, so-called diagnostic characters compressed shells with a posteriorly inclined apex and a
provided by most authors are often of little biological mean‑ simple, plane aperture. Parkhaev (2001, pp. 152‒154)
ing (in terms of phylogenetic connotation) and barely of any regarded a projection of the apex beyond the margin in dor‑
significance with respect to soft-part organization. The com‑ sal view as the most diagnostic character to separate Bemella
mon approach to overcome this deficiencies is to base the from Helcionella although a number of species included
generic concepts on the type species’ morphologies. This, in his list have an apex that does not project as far poste‑
however, creates random morphospaces and depends on the riorly. This character is regarded herein as insufficient to
haphazard history of fossil discovery rather than a serious characterize Bemella, and it also has little biological and
attempt to understandevolutionary developments. phylogenetic consequence and should, therefore, not serve
Such genera include Bemella Missarzhevsky in Rozanov as a taxonomic criterion. A more important character is the
et al. (1969), and Ilsanella Missarzhevsky, 1981. Ilsanella apparent difference in morphology between the protoconch
has been intruduced to replace the Ginella Missarzhevsky in or at least juvenile part of the shell and the teleoconch,
Rozanov and Missarzhevsky (1966) as a younger homonym which are clearly separated in the typical species of Bemella,
of the Middle Ordovician ostracod genus Ginella (Ivanova B. jacutica Missarzhevsky in Rozanov and Missarzhevsky,
1955). Ilsanella was interpreted to be distinguished from 1966, which is known from well preserved specimens (e.g.,
Helcionella by its usually much higher shell by Parkhaev Rozanov et al. 1969, pl. IV, fig. 3, Rozanov et al. 2010, pl.
(2001) although this author discussed the difficulties to dis‑ 27, fig. 6a). These species are also characterized by a slight
cern the genera if intermediate forms (such as Helcionella lateral compression. However, it needs to be emphasized
capula Geyer, 1986) come into discussion (Parkhaev 2001, that a number of species and forms attributed to Bemella
p. 149). The arbitrary distinction between the genera is rec‑ and showing close morphological resemblance to B. jacutica
ognizable at species with intermediate heights that do not are possibly just juvenile stages of shells that belong to other
provide a diagnostic difference. By contrast, the mode of genera or are just impossible to attribute to one of the genera
coiling appears to be a simple effect of allometric growth of this group. A compulsory discussion of the numerous spe‑
and can be altered easily by a simple variation of any of cies previously attributed to Bemella and their taxonomy is
the three major distinguishing parameters (e.g., Thompson beyond the scope of this study.
1945; Raup 1966; Gould 1968) although this does not attest
that such changes in the shape do not depict valuable evolu‑ Helcionella capula Geyer, 1986
tionary processes. However, differentiation based on robust Figure 4a–i, k–m, o–q, j?, n?


214 G. Geyer et al.

* v Helcionella capula n. sp.—Geyer 1986, p. 72, pl. 1, frequently includes a subdivision of a concentric rib into a
figs. 1–7. broader and a much narrower band by a small concentric
lira (Fig. 4i).
Material. 16 (possibly ca. 25) specimens, mostly internal Two other forms of Helcionella co-occur with H. capula
moulds and composite moulds. From sample locality W8: in the Wildenstein facies of the Tannenknock Formation.
MMUW 2014A-110, MMUW 2014A-117, MMUW 2014A- Helcionella aff. oblonga Cobbold, 1921 is distinguished
118, MMUW 2014A-120, MMUW 2014A-122a, MMUW by the lack of the typical pseudoseptate incisions and the
2014A-159, MMUW 2014A-160, MMUW 2014A-179. possessopm of a distinctly protruding apical portion on
From sample locality W8: MMUW 2014A-124a, MMUW generally larger conchs. Helcionella sp. A also lacks the
2014A-126, SSMM 10406, SSMM 11407, SSMM 10421a, pseudoseptate incisions, is generally larger and has a more
SSMM 10787c, SSMM 11036b, and SSMM 10797a. From subcentrally located apex and somewhat more irregular
sample locality W13e: MMUW 2014A-142. Tentatively plications.
assigned to H. capula: From sample locality W8: MMUW
2014A-106, MMUW 2014A-108, MMUW 2014A-109, Helcionella lemdadensis sp. nov.
MMUW 2014A-112, MMUW 2014A-155a, MMUW Figure 5n
non * 1921 Heliconella [sic!] oblonga, sp. nov.—Cobbold,
Localities and stratum. Wildenstein slice, Franconian Forest, p. 365, pl. XXIV, figs. 38, 39.
sample localities W8 and W13e. Tannenknock Formation, v 1986 Helcionella oblonga Cobbold 1921—Geyer,
Wildenstein Member. p. 74–75, pl. 1, fig. 9a–c.
pars 2016 H. oblonga—Jacquet and Brock, p. 350.
Description. Isostrophic shell forms a cap-shaped, faintly
recurved, compressed cyrtoconic conch with a large suboval Etymology. Named after its occurrence in the Lemdad syn‑
to slightly subrectangular aperture. Maximum length of the cline, High Atlas, Morocco.
studied specimens ranges from ca. 3 to 11 mm, max. width
2.7 to ca. 9 mm, with an average length/width ratio of ca. Holotype. SMF 34737, fairly complete internal mould of
10:8 or 10:7. In the early growth stages, the cross-section is conch (Fig. 5n and Geyer, 1986, pl. 1, fig. 9a–c).
suboval and ornamented by low transverse costae. Initially,
the costae extend around the entire shell in subequal breadth Type locality and type stratum. Lemdad Syncline, High
but gradually become narrower along the sub-apical area so Atlas, Morocco, section Le II, horizon X255; Tatelt Forma‑
that their margins describe more and more obvious acute tion, Morocconus notabilis Zone, lowermost middle Cam‑
angles in lateral view and become more and more promi‑ brian (see more information in Geyer et al. 1995).
nent as the aperture is approached. Well preserved inter‑
nal moulds show narrow and fine, pseudoseptate incisions, Diagnosis. Species of Helcionella with patelliform, moder‑
which are characteristic for H. capula. This feature results ately high shell, width/length ratio ca. 0.71; apertural outline
from incised ledges in respect to the faces of the ridged con‑ subrectangular, with subparallel lateral margins, relatively
centric rugae and is termed “angular grooved” by Jacquet straight anterior margin and more regularly curved poste‑
and Brock (2016). rior margin; apex strongly recurved, blunt, situated ca. 6%
The shell exterior shows a finely reticulate pattern on the from anterior margin; first order ornament consists of a
adult conch. The intersections of the longitudinal and trans‑ maximum of ca. 12 rounded concentric rugae; second order
verse elements within the reticulate pattern appear to create radial ribs intersect rugae perpendicularly to form distinct
small and low nodes. The shell interior shows a similar, but cross-hatched ornament, crossed by much wider standing,
very fine reticulate pattern that is only visible in well pre‑ low concentric ribs.
served specimens.
Discussion. Helcionella lemdadensis sp. nov. is based on
Discussion. The present material from the Franconian For‑ only two specimens, one of which was lost during the initial
est matches the characters seen in the type material from study by Geyer (1986). Geyer (1986) assigned the specimens
the High Atlas, Morocco (Geyer 1986). A few specimens from the High Atlas Mountains, Morocco, to H. oblonga
from the Franconian Forest samples extend the sizes seen Cobbold, 1921, the latter species originally described from
in the Moroccan material, and these specimens show more the Paradoxides groomi beds (now the lowermost part of the
prominent concentric rugae that are subangular in transverse lower middle Cambrian Upper Comley Sandstone) of Com‑
section (Fig. 4g, h) on some specimens. The reticulate pat‑ ley, Shropshire. Helcionella oblonga is comparable in size,
tern in those specimens is that seen in smaller specimens and length/width ratio, the type of corrugation and the pattern

Helcionelloids, stenothecoids and hyoliths from the Cambrian Tannenknock Formation, Germany 215

Fig. 4  a–i, j?, k–m, n?, o–q Helcionella capula Geyer, 1986. a ity W8; dorsal and oblique lateral views; k MMUW 2014A-117,
SSMM 10406, partial conch, internal mould, Tannenknock Forma‑ internal mould, sample locality W8; lateral view; l, m SMF 34729,
tion, Wildenstein Member, sample locality W8, oblique view; b, f holotype, internal mould, Lemdad syncline, High Atlas, Morocco,
SSMM 10421a, partial conch, internal mould, sample locality W8; section Le XV, horizon 8/2; posterior and lateral views (specimen
dorsal and posterior views; c MMUW 2014A-118, latex cast of figured in Geyer, 1986, pl. 1, fig.  1; o, p MMUW 2014A-160, latex
external mould, sample locality W8; posterolateral view; d MMUW cast of external mould, slightly dorsoventral compressed, sample
2014A-120, fragment of composite mould, sample locality W8; e locality St; dorsal and lateral views; q SMF 34876, paratype, Lemdad
MMUW 2014A-142, fragment of internal mould, sample locality syncline, High Atlas, Morocco, section Le I, horizon 2; dorsal view
W13e; g, h MMUW 2014A-159a, latex cast, sample locality W8; (specimen figured in Geyer, 1986, pl. 1, fig.  6). All specimens from
posterior and dorsal views; i MMUW 2014A-122a, fragment of inter‑ Tannenknock Formation, Wildenstein Member, except otherwise
nal mould, sample locality W8; ventral view; j, n MMUW 2014A- noted. Scale bars 1 mm
106, dorsoventrally compressed conch, internal mould, sample local‑


216 G. Geyer et al.

Fig. 5  a–c, d?, e–i, j?, k–m Helcionella aff. oblonga Cobbold, 1921. composite mould illustrating differences in reticulation on the shell
a, e MMUW 2014A-148c, incomplete conch, internal mould, sam‑ exterior and interior, sample locality W8; ventral view; k, l, MMUW
ple locality W8; lateral and dorsal views; b, f, MMUW 2014A-148a, 2014A-113, latex cast of external mould in h, with very prominent
incomplete conch, internal mould, sample locality W8; oblique lateral reticulate ornamentation of the shell exterior, sample locality W8;
and dorsal views; c, g, MMUW 2014A-148b, partial conch, inter‑ oblique lateral and dorsal views; m, MMUW 2014A-168a, partial
nal mould, sample locality W8; oblique anterior and dorsal views; conch, detail of shell exterior with prominent reticulate riblets, sam‑
d, MMUW 2014A-152, fragment of conch, external mould showing ple locality W8. All specimens from Tannenknock Formation, Wil‑
reticulate pattern of shell created by delicate costae, sample locality denstein Member. All scale bars 1  mm. N, Helcionella lemdadensis
W8; h, MMUW 2014A-113, external mould, sample locality W8; sp. nov., SMF 34737, Lemdad syncline, High Atlas, Morocco, section
i, MMUW 2014A-105, internal mould of incomplete conch, lateral Le II, sample horizon X255 (specimen figured in Geyer, 1986, pl. 1,
view, sample locality W8; j, MMUW 2014A-131, fragment of conch, fig. 9). Scale bar 1 mm

of reticulate ribs. It has been assumed that the considerably bunyerooensis Zone (Cambrian Stage 3) is distinguished
lower height of the species from Comley (based on a sin‑ from H. lemdadensis (and H. oblonga) in having a coarser
gle specimen) can be attributed to dorsoventral compaction. and more prominent reticulation and more sharply developed
However, restudy of the holotype of H. oblonga (SM A440 concentric ribs.
in the Sedgwick Museum, Cambridge), indicates that com‑
paction does not explain the lower height. The species from Helcionella aff. oblonga Cobbold, 1921
Shropshire indeed has a slightly higher width/length ratio of Figure 5a–c, e–i, k–m, d?, j?
ca. 0.68 than H. lemdadensis (ca. 0.71) and a slightly more
projecting apex (tip broken off in the holotype). Material. 20–25 specimens, mostly internal moulds and
Another somewhat similar species, Helcionella histosia composite moulds. From sample locality W8: MMUW
Jacquet and Brock, 2016, has been described from the Third 2014A-105, MMUW 2014A-111a, MMUW 2014A-111b,
Plain Creek Member of the Mernmerna Formation, Flin‑ MMUW 2014A-113, MMUW 2014A-146a, MMUW
ders Ranges, South Australia. This species from Pararaia 2014A-147a, MMUW 2014A-148a, MMUW 2014A-148b,

Helcionelloids, stenothecoids and hyoliths from the Cambrian Tannenknock Formation, Germany 217

MMUW 2014A-148c. From sample locality W8: MMUW 2014A-163a, MMUW 2014A-169Ia and 2014A-169IIa,
2014A-127, MMUW 2014A-128, MMUW 2014A-131, MMUW 2014A-170a, MMUW 2014A-177, MMUW
MMUW 2014A-132, MMUW 2014A-133, MMUW 2014A- 2014A-178a, MMUW 2014A-181, MMUW 2014A-182,
134, MMUW 2014A-135a, MMUW 2014A-168a, MMUW MMUW 2014A-183a, MMUW 2014A-185a, MMUW
2014A-173, MMUW 2014A-174a, SSMM 11355, SSMM 2014A-186a, SSMM 10407, SSMM 10799, SSMM 10829a,
10795. Tentatively assigned to H. aff. oblonga: From sam‑ b (counterparts), SSMM 11077, SSMM 11354. Tentatively
ple locality W8: MMUW 2014A-107, MMUW 2014A-129, assigned to Helcionella sp. A: From sample locality W15a
MMUW 2014A-149a, MMUW 2014A-152, SSMM 10408, (Wildenstein Member): MMUW 2014A-102. From sample
SSMM 11351, SSMM 11357. From sample locality W8: locality W8: MMUW 2014A-150, MMUW 2014A-189a,
MMUW 2014A-125a. MMUW 2014A-189b, MMUW 2014A-190. From sample
locality W8: MMUW 2014A-123a.
Localities and stratum. Wildenstein slice, locality W8,
Franconian Forest. Tannenknock Formation, Wildenstein Localities and stratum. Wildenstein slice, Franconian For‑
Member. est. Tannenknock Formation, Galgenberg and Wildenstein
Description. Isostrophic shell forms a cap-shaped, com‑
pressed cyrtoconic conch with a large suboval to slightly Description. Isostrophic shell forms a cap-shaped, moder‑
subrectangular aperture. Maximum length of the present ately expanded to somewhat compressed, slightly cyrtoconic
specimens ranges from ca. 3 to 8  mm, with an average conch with a large suboval to faintly subrectangular aperture.
width/length ratio of ca. 0.75. In the early growth stages, the Maximum length of the present specimens ranges from ca.
cross-section is suboval, and the costae extend around the 5 to 11 mm, with an average width/length ratio of ca. 0.80.
entire shell in subequal breadth, but they gradually become The plications extend around the entire shell in subequal
narrower along the sub-apical area so that their margins breadth in the juvenile part of the conch, but they become
describe more and more obvious acute angles in lateral somewhat more irregular towards the apertural margin.
view and become increasingly prominent as the aperture is Shell exterior with distinct concentric incisions which are
approached. Internal moulds are devoid of pseudoseptate relatively shallow on the supra-apical surface of the shell,
incisions. but more distinctly incised on the sub-apical surface under‑
Shell exterior with finely reticulate pattern on the conch; neath the apex, there resembling the distinct incisions seen
interior with similar, but very fine reticulate pattern. in Helcionella capula (see previous). Ribs between the con‑
centric incisions usually with low convexity in lateral view,
Discussion. The specimens from the Franconian Forest are covered by densely spaced, moderately coarse subparallel
similar to Helcionella capula from the same formation, but riblets arranged perpendicular to the incisions (Fig. 6q–s).
differ in the absence of pseudoseptate incisions, a more These riblets are generally aligned in such a way to be paral‑
strongly extended apical portion, more prominent, rounded lel to the riblets of the adjacent plications and thus would
rugae, and a generally larger size. They match in morphol‑ be seen as almost straight lines stretching from the apical
ogy with Helcionella oblonga Cobbold, 1921 from the part to the apertural margin if not dissected by the incisions
Paradoxides groomi Grits (now the basal part of the Upper (Fig. 6l). Thus, the riblets grow slightly in width towards the
Comley Sandstone) of Comley, Shropshire, Britain, and a apertural margin (Fig. 6q). Rare intercalations of new riblets
specimen subsequently found in the Lemdad syncline, High can be seen in the plications close to the apertural margin.
Atlas, Morocco (Geyer 1986). However, differences from The shell interior has a similar, fine reticulate pattern, which
these can be seen in a more strongly protruding apical por‑ is rarely preserved in the present specimens (Fig. 6k).
tion, a less rapid growth of the aperture and a comparatively
more slender outline. Nevertheless, the preservation of the Discussion. The specimens from the Franconian Forest
specimens from the Franconian Forest does not allow a con‑ treated here as Helcionella sp. A are similar to the co-occur‑
fident identification. ring Helcionella aff. oblonga Cobbold, 1921, and incomplete
specimens with unfavourable preservation may be confused
Helcionella sp. A with them. However, Helcionella sp. A is unequivocally
Figure 6a–o, q–s, p? distinguished by a low apical portion that creates an only
slightly cyrtoconic shape of the conch so that the specimens
Material. Ca. 20 specimens, mostly internal moulds and are often preserved as low specimens with a suboval outline
composite moulds. From sample locality W12 (Galgenberg in a strongly dorsoventrally flattened condition.
Member): MMUW 2014A-101a. From sample horizon The species represented by the specimens also resembles
W8 (Wildenstein Member): MMUW 2014A-103, MMUW Helcionella capula Geyer, 1986, but differ in the absence of


218 G. Geyer et al.

Helcionelloids, stenothecoids and hyoliths from the Cambrian Tannenknock Formation, Germany 219

◂Fig. 6  a–o, q–s, p? Helcionella sp. A. a, b SSMM 10829a, b, large aperture. This, in fact, allows for the occurrence of tran‑
conch, Tannenknock Formation, Wildenstein Member, sample local‑ sitional stages between Helcionella and Ilsanella (as dealt
ity W8; a internal mould, oblique view; B, external mould, oblique
view, counterpart of specimen in a; c, f SSMM 10407, small conch,
with by Parkhaev 2001), and thereby invalidates the mor‑
laterally compressed; Tannenknock Formation, Wildenstein Mem‑ phological significance of the genera. As noted before, an
ber, sample locality W8; dorsal and lateral views; d, j, n MMUW alternative approach to the generic concepts by Jacquet and
2014A-169aI, small conch, internal mould, dorsal, lateral and pos‑ Brock (2016) distinguished the genera by the height of the
terior views; Tannenknock Formation, Wildenstein Member, sam‑
ple locality W8; e MMUW 2014A-101a, dorsoventrally compressed
conchs, rate of expansion and non-bifurcating rugae, but
conch typical for Galgenberg Member of the Tannenknock For‑ appears to be an attempt select any possible characters that
mation, sample horizon W12?; oblique lateral view; g, k MMUW allow a more or less confident unequivocal distribution of
2014A-111b, latex cast of external mould, sample locality W8; lateral the species between the genera.
and dorsal views; h MMUW 2014A-103, internal mould, Tannen‑
knock Formation, Wildenstein Member, sample horizon W8; oblique
It must be emphasized that the large number of species
lateral view; i, l, m MMUW 2014A-181, dorsoventrally flattened and attributed to Bemella (at least 19 species in Parkhaev 2001
crushed specimen with exposed apical internal mould; Tannenknock plus a few others not cited therein) partly exhibit differences
Formation, Wildenstein Member, sample locality W8; i oblique ante‑ that may be regarded as of supraspecific significance (such
rior view; l dorsal view; m detail of external surface in dorsal view; o
MMUW 2014A-182, external mould of partial conch, ventral view;
as distinct differences in the profiles of the ribs, the shape
Tannenknock Formation, Wildenstein Member, sample locality W8; of the sub-apical areas, and the morphology and definition
p MMUW 2014A-123a, partial conch, example for poorly preserved of the larval part of the shell) so that the genus appears to
specimen; Tannenknock Formation, Wildenstein Member, sample represent a polyphyletic unit (e.g., compare B. jacutica (Mis‑
locality W8; q, r, s MMUW 2014A-163a, conch with preserved,
fractured shell, dorsal, lateral and posterior views; Tannenknock For‑
sarzhevsky in Rozanov and Missarzhevsky, 1966) with B.
mation, Wildenstein Member, sample locality W8. Scale bars 1 mm. incomparabilis Parkhaev, 2001, and B. wiri Kruse, 1998).
Photos a, b courtesy S. Meier, Marktredwitz A revision of the genus is urgently needed but beyond the
scope of this study.

clear “pseudoseptate” incisions, a more subcentral position “Bemella” sp. A

of the apex, a generally larger size, and probably a more Figure 7e, f, h, j
strongly developed reticulation of the shell exterior.
The preservation of the specimens from the Franconian Material. Two (possibly three) specimens. From W8:
Forest is not sufficiently favourably to allow a precise char‑ MMUW 2014A-119, MMUW 2014A-121; tentatively
acterization of the species. A number of Helcionella spe‑ assigned to “Bemella” sp. A from the same locality and
cies resemble the specimens from the Franconian Forest, horizon: MMUW 2014A-188. All from Wildenstein slice,
particularly H. subrugosa (d’Orbigny, 1850) from the late Franconian Forest, Tannenknock Formation, Wildenstein
early Cambrian of the New York State, but most are clearly Member.
distinguished in having the apex in a less subcentral position
and being more elevated (despite of the dorsoventral flatten‑ Description. Low cyrtoconic, quasi cap-shaped shell, mod‑
ing of the Franconian specimens). erately low, with plan, oval aperture. Apex blunt, inclined
posteriorly/sub-apically, located approximately at rear edge
Genus Bemella Missarzhevsky in Rozanov et al., 1969 of the aperture in dorsal view. Supra-apical surface gently
convex in the apical area, considerably flattened towards
Type species. Helcionella jacutica Missarzhevsky in Rozanov the aperture in lateral view. Sub-apical surface slightly con‑
and Missarzhevsky (1966), from the lower Cambrian Doki- cave. Lateral fields faintly convex in the abapical part of
docyathus regularis Zone, Tommotian Stage, middle part of the shell. Shell exterior covered by relatively coarse, more
Ken River, Lena-Aldan region, Siberian Platform. or less regular concentric ribs, which are clearly broader
across supra-apical surface, diminished towards sub-apical
Discussion. The generic concept of Bemella has been surface. Larger of the present specimens with probably 7
modified several times due to an inadequately precise dis‑ ribs. Corrugation smoothing toward apical region. Apical
crimination in the first studies from the Siberian Platform. part (protoconch?) appears to be an oval, faintly bulbous
Subsequent findings of Bemella-type specimens from other part, sitting slightly oblique on the teleoconch.
regions and younger strata than those yielding the Sibe‑
rian specimens revealed deficiencies in the initial generic Discussion. The two specimens found in the Tannenknock
concept. The subsequent emendation by Parkhaev (2001) Formation are too poorly preserved to allow a morphologi‑
restricted Bemella to cap-shaped, slightly coiled cyrto‑ cally sound description of a species. The morphology resem‑
conic helcionelloids with a somewhat laterally compressed bles several species described under Bemella, particularly
conch covered by comarginal rugae and with a simple, plan in the relatively blunt and dorsoventrally elongate apex.


220 G. Geyer et al.

Fig. 7  a–d, g, i, k, m Helcionel‑
loid gen. and spec. indet. A.
a, b, g MMUW 2014A-144,
incomplete internal mould,
sample locality W13b; lateral,
dorsal and posterior views; c, d
SSMM 11551, small conch with
partly preserved shell; i, k, m
MMUW 2014A-114, incom‑
plete internal mould, sample
locality W8; anterior and lateral
views. e, f, h, j “Bemella” sp.
A. e, f MMUW 2014A-119,
incomplete internal mould,
sample locality W8; lateral and
posterior views; h, j MMUW
2014A-121, incomplete internal
mould, sample locality W8;
lateral and dorsal views. l
Yochelcionella? sp. indet.,
SSMM 11601, incomplete
internal mould with anteriorly
directed minute apical portion
(ap) and snorkel-type tube
(sn), sample locality W8. All
scale bars 1 mm. All specimens
from Tannenknock Formation,
Wildenstein Member. Photo L
courtesy S. Meier, Marktredwitz

Helcionelloids, stenothecoids and hyoliths from the Cambrian Tannenknock Formation, Germany 221

However, the conchs are less laterally compressed than most in the juvenile part, but expands moderately toward the
of the species under the generic concept of Parkhaev (2001). aperture. The apex is small, slightly compressed laterally
The specimens from the Franconian Forest bear close resem‑ and inclined posteriorly/sub-apically, and it appears to be
blance to Bemella bella Chen and Zhang, 1980 from the late quite well defined from teleoconch as indicated by specimen
Terreneuvian of Yunnan, South China Platform. However, MMUW 2014A-191c (Fig. 8f). It is located approximately at
the similarity is regarded as based on plesiomorphic charac‑ or near the rear edge of the aperture in dorsal view. The sub-
ters and is insufficient to prove a close relationship between apical surface is concave in lateral view and has a narrow
them. It is this combination that prompted the recognition curvature in transverse section. The lateral fields are faintly
of B. bella in Avalonian eastern Massachusetts and south‑ to moderately convex and lack distinct ribs or corrugations.
eastern Newfoundland as well (Landing 1988; Landing et al. The single specimen of “Igorella” sp. A recovered from
1989). Wildenstein Member of sample locality W8 is supplemented
by several, better preserved specimens from the Triebenreuth
Genus Igorella Missarzhevsky in Rozanov et al., 1969 Formation so that they are included herein to illustrate its
Type species. Igorella ungulata Missarzhevsky in Rozanov
et al. (1969), from the lower Cambrian Tommotian Stage, Helcionelloid genus and species indeterminate A
West Anabar and Uchur-Maya regions, Siberian Platform. Figure 7a, b, e, g, i, k

Discussion. The morphological concept of Igorella awaits Material. Four specimens. From sample locality W8:
a clarification after the genus has been used increasingly to MMUW 2014A-114, SSMM 10791a, SSMM 10792; from
provide somewhat laterally compressed helcionellid-type sample locality W13b: MMUW 2014A-144. Wildenstein
conchs with a plan aperture and an apical portion overhang‑ slice, Franconian Forest; Tannenknock Formation, Wilden‑
ing the sub-apical field. Lateral compression, as well as stein Member.
the position of the apex and the external ornament of the
shell varies considerably between the species assigned to Description. Cyrtoconic, cap-shaped shell, moderately
the genus (e.g. I. ungulata Missarzhevsky in Rozanov et al. low, with plan, oval aperture. Apex recurved posteriorly,
1969, pl. IV, figs. 12, 15, 21; Igorella emeiensis (Yu, 1987) located approximately at rear edge of the aperture in dor‑
in Parkhaev 2005a, pl. II, fig. 1a, b; and Igorella maidipin- sal view. Shell exterior covered by moderately coarse, more
gensis (Yu, 1974) in Parkhaev 2005a, pl. II, fig. 2a, b). The or less regular concentric ribs (up to seven in the present
genus is here understood as being characterized largely by specimens), which are broader across supra-apical surface,
its type species, I. ungulata Missarzhevsky in Rozanov et al. diminished towards sub-apical surface. Corrugation smooth‑
(1969), the aperture of which has a slender elliptical shape, ing toward apical region. Apical part appears to be slightly
the apex being moderately broad in lateral profile on the oval, but subacute, without recognizable differences to tel‑
exterior of the shell and relatively acute on internal moulds, eoconch. A better preserved of the specimen from the lower
and the exterior of the shell with fairly low, densely spaced part of the Triebenreuth Formation near Wustuben (SSMM
and somewhat irregular comarginal rugae. Similar forms are 11551; Fig. 7c) has the shell retained for most part of the
almost globally distributed (e.g., I. durara Kruse, 1991 from conch, which indicates that the external surface was smooth.
the lowermost middle Cambrian Top Springs Limestone of
the Georgina Basin, Australia). Discussion. The specimens found in the Tannenknock For‑
mation are imperfectly preserved and do not allow recog‑
“Igorella” sp. A nition of significant characters. In addition, they are small
Figure 8 and appear to represent shells of juvenile individuals. The
morphology bears resemblance to several species described
Material. Four specimens. From sample locality S1: SSMM under Bemella, but the conchs are less laterally compressed,
11557, SSMM 11558a, and SSMM 11559; from W8: have a subacute rather than blunt apex with an oval cross-
MMUW 2014A-191c. Schnebes–Wustuben and Wildenstein section and possess comparatively narrow and more tightly
slices, Franconian Forest; Tannenknock Formation, Wilden‑ spaced concentric ribs.
stein Member, and lower part of the Triebenreuth Formation.
Family Coreospiridae Knight, 1947
Description and discussion. The material consists of internal
moulds of a cyrtoconic shell, which are moderately low and Remarks. A parietal train that causes a groove or indenta‑
possess a plan, oval aperture with a width/length ratio of ca. tion at the posterior/sub-apical apertural margin has been
0.5 to 0.6. The conch is considerably compressed laterally regarded by Parkhaev (2001, 2008) as a diagnostic character


222 G. Geyer et al.

Fig. 8  “Igorella” sp. A. a, b,
SSMM 11557, internal mould
of conch, lateral and dorsal
views, from sample horizon S1;
c, d, SSMM 11558a, internal
mould of conch, oblique lateral
and dorsal views, from sample
horizon S1; e, f, MMUW
2014A-191c, internal mould of
conch, dorsal and lateral views,
from sample horizon W8. All
scale bars 1 mm (equivalent to
magnification ×20). a–d From
Triebenreuth Formation, near
Wustuben, Schnebes–Wustuben
slice; e, f from from Tannen‑
knock Formation, Wildenstein
Member, Wildenstein slice

that separates the superfamily Yochelcionelloidea sensu whereas he reconstructs Oelandia as an uncoiled train-bear‑
Parkhaev (composed of the families Yochelcionellidae, ing genus which not only affects the validity of a separation
Trenellidae and Stenothecidae) from the superfamily Hel‑ into the families Coreospiridae and Trenellidae, but also that
cionelloidea (Helcionellidae, Coreosiridae and Carinopelti‑ of the superfamilies Helcionelloides and Yochelcionelloidea
dae [= Igarkiellidae]) which lacks a parietal train (Parkhaev, in Parkhaev’s concept.
2001, 2008, 2017). Therefore, this feature also distinguishes
the members of the family Trenellidae Parkhaev, 2001 from Genus Latouchella Cobbold, 1921
typical coreospirid genera such as Latouchella Cobbold,
1921. However, the development and expression of a pari‑ Type species. Latouchella costata Cobbold, 1921, from the
etal train appears to be transitional in a number of forms Lower Comley Limestone of Shropshire, Great Britain.
and can only be scrutinized for the taxon by well-preserved
specimens, whereas a close relationship and evolutionary Latouchella cf. comma Geyer, 1986
derivation of genera such as Latouchella and Oelandia Figure 9
Westergård, 1936 appears to be obvious. However, Parkhaev
(2001, 2008) interpreted Latouchella as from a lineage of Material Ca. one dozen specimens. From sample local‑
planispirally coiled species typical for the Coreospiridae, ity W8: MMUW 2014A-115, MMUW 2014A-116, and

Helcionelloids, stenothecoids and hyoliths from the Cambrian Tannenknock Formation, Germany 223

Fig. 9  Latouchella cf. comma Geyer, 1986. a MMUW 2014A-100, ▸

incomplete conch, internal mould, obliquely compressed, Tannen‑
knock Formation, Wildenstein Member, sample locality W13a, lateral
view; b, d, g MMUW 2014A-115, fragment of conch, internal mould,
with differently developed ribs, Tannenknock Formation, Wildenstein
Member, sample locality W8, lateral views and view perpendicular to
apertural plane; c, e MMUW 2014A-158a, latex cast of incomplete
conch, internal mould, Tannenknock Formation, Wildenstein Mem‑
ber, sample locality W8, lateral and oblique views; f MMUW 2014A-
116, fragment of conch showing exterior of shell with faint oblique
striae, Tannenknock Formation, Wildenstein Member, sample local‑
ity W8; h–k MMUW 2014A-162, fragment of conch, internal mould
with prominent ribs, Tannenknock Formation, Wildenstein Member,
sample locality W8; different views, k shows lateral view with faint
striae perpendicular to the longitudinal axes of the ribs; l MMUW
2014A-187, incomplete conch, external mould, Tannenknock For‑
mation, Wildenstein Member, sample locality W8; m, n MMUW
2014A-184, incomplete conch, external mould, Tannenknock Forma‑
tion, Wildenstein Member, sample locality W8. Scale bars 1 mm

MMUW 2014A-158a. From W8: MMUW 2014A-162,

MMUW 2014A-184, MMUW 2014A-184, MMUW 2014A-
187, SSMM 10422, SSMM 10815, SSMM 10816, and
SSMM 10817. Tentatively assigned to L. cf. comma: from
sample locality W13a: MMUW 2014A-100.

Localities and stratum. Wildenstein slice, Franconian Forest,

localities W8 and W13a. Tannenknock Formation, Wilden‑
stein Member.

Description. The specimens from the Franconian Forest are

the remains of a small univalved mollusc with a maximum
length of about 5 mm and a maximum width of about 2 mm,
represented by internal moulds coiled through approximately
one whorl. The apical portion of the shell is not preserved
in any of the specimens. The aperture is oval and elongate
(length/width ratio ca. 2:1). The lateral surface of the whorl
has slender, but prominent ribs which disappear towards the
sub-apical and the dorsal surfaces so that they do not cross
the dorsum. A specimen assigned to the same form shows a
pattern of faint growth lines in an acute angle with the ribs
and extremely faint lirae (Fig. 9f).

Discussion. The available fragmentary material is insuffi‑

cient to allow a more precise determination. However, the
specimens match Latouchella comma Geyer, 1986 in all
aspects. This species is known from the lower part of the
middle Cambrian in the High Atlas Mountains, Morocco,
and occurs there in strata that are perfectly coeval.
As noted by Geyer (1986, p. 79) Latouchella costata Cob‑
bold, 1921, the type species of the genus from the Lower
Comley Limestone of Shropshire, is differentiated from L.
comma by slightly stronger coiling. In addition, the lateral
ribs in L. costata are less extended towards the dorsum. The
otherwise similar Latouchella penecyrano Runnegar and


224 G. Geyer et al.

Jell, 1976 is differentiated by its less prominent ribs and a Emended diagnosis. Genus of the Coreospiridae with fol‑
more slender transverse section. lowing characters: conch narrow, subtriangular in lateral
view, with an apex dipping gently in posterior direction;
Genus Leptostega Geyer, 1986 lateral sides weakly convex; surface traversed by concen‑
tric ribs, which alternate or are connected in an irregular
Type species. Leptostega irregularis Geyer, 1986, from early arrangement at the narrow anterior and posterior sides.
middle Cambrian strata of the Láncara Formation, Canta‑
brian Mountains, Spain. Remarks. The concept of Leptostega as introduced by Geyer
(1986) has been poorly understood, probably as a result of the

Helcionelloids, stenothecoids and hyoliths from the Cambrian Tannenknock Formation, Germany 225

◂Fig. 10  a–t Leptostega frankenwaldensis sp. nov. a, b MMUW show distinct arched folds towards the apical portion on the
2014A-139, paratype, incomplete conch, composite mould with faint supra-apical surface. The same features are seen in Leptostega
striae, Tannenknock Formation, Wildenstein Member, sample local‑
ity W18a, lateral and oblique posterior views; c, d, i MMUW 2014A-
irregularis described below.
138, holotype, incomplete conch, internal mould, Tannenknock For‑ Parkhaev (2017b) discussed that Mackinnonia Runnegar,
mation, Wildenstein Member, sample locality W18a, lateral, apical 1990 is a junior homonym of Mackinnonia Janiszewska,
and anterior views; e, j MMUW 2014A-136a, paratype, partial conch, 1963 (a Recent myriosporid sporozoan; type species: M.
internal mould, Tannenknock Formation, Wildenstein Member, sam‑
ple locality W8, lateral and apical views; f MMUW 2014A-153a,
tubificis Janiszewska, 1963) and suggested the replace‑
paratype, incomplete conch, internal mould, Tannenknock Formation, ment name Davidonia. However, Jackson and Claybourn
Wildenstein Member, sample locality W8, lateral view; g, h MMUW (2018) emphasize that Mackinnonia Janiszewska, 1963
2014A-140a, paratype, incomplete conch, composite mould with faint must be regarded as a nomen nudum: Janiszewska (1963)
striae, Tannenknock Formation, Wildenstein Member, sample local‑
ity W18a, lateral and apical views; k MMUW 2014A-154, paratype,
did not provide a diagnosis of Mackinnonia, did not desig‑
partial conch, composite mould, Tannenknock Formation, Wilden‑ nate formally a type species or type material or any specific
stein Member, sample locality W8, lateral view; l, m, n MMUW characterization, and a sometimes purported earlier use of
2014A-161a, paratype, incomplete conch, internal mould, Tannen‑ name in Janiszewska (1957) does not exist. Consequently,
knock Formation, Wildenstein Member, sample locality W8, apical,
oblique lateral and lateral views; o SSMM 10419b, paratype, incom‑
Mackinnonia Runnegar, 1990 claims priority, and Davidonia
plete conch, internal mould, Tannenknock Formation, Wildenstein Parkhaev, 2017 must be regarded as a junior synonym of the
Member, sample locality W8, lateral view; p MMUW 2014A-164a, latter genus. Nevertheless, Mackinnonia Janiszewska, 1963
paratype, conch, internal mould, Tannenknock Formation, Wilden‑ is in use, M. tubificis being described and figured in some
stein Member, sample locality W8, lateral view; q, r, s, t MMUW
2014A-161b, paratype, incomplete conch, internal mould, Tannen‑
detail in Janiszewska (1967) (albeit obviously without mate‑
knock Formation, Wildenstein Member, sample locality W8, lateral, rial being deposited), and an additional species (M. lumbri-
anterior and posterior views. u–y Helcionelloid genus and species B. cilli Siau and Ormières, 1970) is established.
u–x MMUW 2014A-192, latex cast of external mould of conch, lat‑ Landing (1988) redescribed and figured the type of Sten-
eral, oblique anterior, and oblique apical views, showing lateral ribs
extending with reduced height around posterior face and absence of
otheca rugosa var. abrupta Shaler and Foerste, 1888 from
ribs on anterior face; note presence of narrowly spaced growth lines the Callavia Zone of the Weymouth Formation of eastern
(arrow in v); y MMUW 2014A-193, latex cast of external mould, lat‑ Massachusetts, which he designated as Helcionella abrupta.
eral view showing oblique course of lateral ribs and its reduced width This species shows a similar pattern of thickened folds with
towards posterior face, with fine growth lines visible between adap‑
ertural ribs and on adapertural rib (left side). Both specimens from
an apical curvature on the anterior side and an overall com‑
Tannenknock Formation, Wildenstein Member, sample locality W8. prehensive similarity with Mackinnonia plicata, which
All scale bars 1 mm favours a placement under Makinnonia. However, accord‑
ing to the single specimen known thus far, the species from
western Avalonia appears to differ in inserted ribs and a
language in which that article has been published. Essential smaller apex so that Parkhaev’s (2001) synonymization with
characters are the laterally compressed conch and the sub‑ M. plicata appears to be premature until better preserved
central apex with only a gentle posterior inclination. Mor‑ material is available from the Weymouth Formation. For the
phologically similar is Mackinnonia/Davidonia Parkhaev, moment, the species should be dealt with as Mackinnonia?
2017b (Davidonia replaces Mackinnonia Runnegar in Bengt‑ abrupta. An incomplete specimen very reminiscent of the
son et al., 1990 according to Parkhaev 2017b; see discussion type of M.? abrupta has been described and figured from
below), which has a moderately compressed conch and a pos‑ the upper lower Cambrian Forteau Formation of Laurentian
teriorly displaced, hook-shaped apical portion in a cap-shaped western Newfoundland as Mackinnonia sp. by Skovsted and
shell. Oelandia Westergård, 1936 is also closely related to Peel (2007, fig. 4b).
Leptostega and Mackinnonia/Davidonia. Oelandia is charac‑ Mackinnonia puppis Høyberget, Ebbestad, Funke et
terized by an alternation of the coarse comarginal plications Nakrem, 2015 from the uppermost lower Cambrian Evjevik
from one side of the shell to the other, producing a bilateral Member of the Ringstrand Formation in the Møsa District,
asymmetry (see Peel and Yochelson 1987, for details). This Norway, resembles Leptostega, particularly in the nodular
alternation is similar to that seen in specimens of Leptostega thickenings on sub-apical area as in L. frankenwaldensis sp.
irregularis, and also produces faint processes on the abapical nov. The species from southern Norway, however, is much
side. Tannuella Missarzhevsky, 1969 has a subcentral apex, larger and has the concentric plicae typical of Mackinnonia.
but a less compressed conch and coarse concentric ribs.
Parkhaev (in Gravestock et al. 2001) placed Isitella plicata Leptostega frankenwaldensis sp. nov.
Missarzhevsky, 1989 under Mackinnonia, which is regarded Figure 10a–t
here as correct (in case Mackinnonia is not validly replaced
by Davidonia). Mackinnonia plicata, however, has concentric Etymology. Named after its occurrence in the Franconian
prominent ribs with rounded rectangular profiles, which often Forest range (German: Frankenwald).


226 G. Geyer et al.

Holotype. MMUW 2014A-138, fairly complete internal Spain. Differences exist in the broader and clearly less prom‑
mould of conch (Fig. 10c, d, i). inent ribs of the specimens from the Wildenstein Formation;
the more regular ribbing of the conchs; and the more upright
Type locality and type stratum. Sample locality W18a north direction of the apex.
of Wildenstein, Franconian Forest; Tannenknock Formation, Leptostega cingulata (Cobbold, 1921) is known only
Wildenstein Member. from a single, small (ca. 2 mm) fragment from the Protole-
nus Limestone of the Lower Comley Limestone of Comley,
Paratypes. 19 specimens, mostly internal moulds. From Shropshire, which is characterized by more numerous (at
sample locality W18a: MMUW 2014A-139, MMUW least 7), narrow, prominent ribs without recognizable swell‑
2014A-140a. From sample locality W8: MMUW ings on the sub-apical surface.
2014A-136a, MMUW 2014A-153a, MMUW 2014A-154, An additional species has been attributed to Leptostega as
MMUW 2014A-161a, MMUW 2014A-161b, MMUW L. hyperborea Parkhaev, 2005b. This species from the upper
2014A-164a, MMUW 2014A-166a, MMUW 2014A-172a, part of the Emyaksin Formation, Botoman Stage, of the Ana‑
MMUW 2014A-176, SSMM 10419b, SSMM10790, SSMM bar River basin, Yakutia, nicely portrays, in comparison to
11036e, and SSMM 11198b. Leptostega cingulata, the other extreme morphology. It has
a conch with a superficial, almost bilaterally symmetrical
Localities and stratum. Wildenstein slice, Franconian Forest, outline in lateral view, in which the few (four), thick and low
sample localities W8 and W18a; Tannenknock Formation, ribs on the lateral sides proceed into conspicuously swol‑
Wildenstein Member. len processes on the narrow, apical and abapical fields, and
these are separated by incisions similar to the pegma-type
Diagnosis. Species with slightly cyrtoconic shell with an sinuosities (Parkhaev 2005b, pl. 2, fig. 1a–f). A similar form
aperture having a narrow elliptical outline with a length/ has been described by Kouchinsky et al. (2011) from the late
width ratio of ca. 1.4 to 1.8. Ribs with progressively nodular Amgan of the upper Kuonamka Formation, Bol’shaya Kuon‑
thickenings on sub-apical area. Apex located at ca. 35 to 38 amka River section, Siberian Platform, as Leptostega sp. cf.
percent maximum length. L. hyperborea. Specimens representing this form are incom‑
plete internal moulds. The ribs are more slender than in the
Description. Shell distinctly compressed laterally, with gen‑ distinctly older L. hyperborea, which is in part attributable to
tly convex sides, more strongly expanding terminal abapical the preservation as internal moulds. However, the processes
portion, subtriangular to slightly cyrtoconic in lateral view. on the narrow sub-apical field are less pronounced, and the
Aperture with narrow elliptical outline; length ca. 1.4‒1.8 cross-section has a more lenticular shape than L. hyperbo-
times greater than its width. Apex small, barely bulbous, rea, therefore it most probably represents a new species of
slightly displaced anteriorly, gently oblique to vertical axis. Leptostega. It should be emphasized that their outline in
Supra-apical surface of the shell very gently and almost lateral view appears to vary considerably as demonstrated by
evenly convex except for sinuosities created by ribs; ribs the specimens in Kouchinsky et al. (2011, fig. 7a, e).
slightly swollen in breadth by comparison to its width on A species from the lower Cambrian Parabadiella
lateral fields (e.g., Fig. 10c). Sub-apical surface of the shell (“Abadiella”) huoi Zone of the Parara and Ajax Lime‑
more or less straight in total, but ribs continuing. Internal stones as well as the Oraparinna Shale of South Australia
moulds with 4–5 broad concentric ribs with sinuous profile has been tentatively assigned to the genus as Leptostega?
on the lateral sides, width of ribs and grooves roughly equal, corrugata Runnegar, 1990 (in Bengtson et al. 1990, p. 234,
but subject to considerable variation. Ribs of the lateral sides fig. 160a–g). The species has been restudied by Parkhaev
pass into distinctly thickened folds with an apical curva‑ (2001) and synonymized with Isitella plicata Missarzhevsky,
ture on the posterior side so that the ribs there are distinctly 1989, which Parkhaev (for reasons that were not explicitly
broader than the grooves between them; a similar pattern of discussed) placed among the genus Mackinnonia Runnegar
thickened ribs can be seen on the posterior/sub-apical side in Bengtson et al., 1990 (now Davidonia sensu Parkhaev,
that may create low thorn-like protuberances (Fig. 10c, f, q). 2017b). The position under Mackinnonia/Davidonia is obvi‑
Exterior of shell not well preserved in any of the speci‑ ous, but we do not follow the synonymization proposed by
mens, internal surface sometimes with faint striae arranged Parkhaev (2001) as already discussed by Skovsted (2004).
perpendicular to concentric ribs (e.g., Fig. 10g, p). As pointed out by Parkhaev (2001, 2005a) Leptostega? cor-
rugata shows the distinctly cyrtoconic shape of the conch
Remarks. The specimens from the Wildenstein Formation rather than the slightly inclined apical portion as in L. irreg-
are similar morphologically to the type material of Lep- ularis, and a regular plication, which, however, culminates
tostega irregularis Geyer, 1986 from the almost coeval strata in the very prominent, sometimes protuberance-type ribs on
of the Láncara Formation in the Cantabrian Mountains, the abapical and sub-apical surface so that its morphological

Helcionelloids, stenothecoids and hyoliths from the Cambrian Tannenknock Formation, Germany 227

characters agree better with Mackinnonia rather than Lep- numerous straight, low ribs and a triangular outline in lateral
tostega. It should be noted, however, that one specimen view that resemble species of the genus Stenotheca Salter
figured by Gravestock et al. (2001, pl. XXXIX, fig. 7) has in Hicks (1872). However, the form is distinguished by its
a different morphology than the other specimens assigned nearly planar aperture without a distinct parietal train, by
to Mackinnonia plicata and resembles the specimens intro‑ a more broadly elliptical transverse profile, by the absence
duced here as Leptostega frankenwaldensis sp. nov. of ribs on the supra-apical surface, and by the subcentral
In addition, Parkhaev (2001) also synonymized Sten- position of the apex. The form belongs to the family Core‑
otheca rugosa var. abrupta Shaler and Foerste, 1888 with ospiridae rather than the family Stenothecidae according to
Isitella plicata under Mackinnonia plicata. This species is the generally accepted systematic concept of Coreospiridae.
known only from a poorly preserved specimen from the Nevertheless, it appears to be obvious that Stenotheca with
lower Cambrian Callavia Zone/Serrodiscus bellimargina- its slightly curved aperture may be derived from this type
tus fauna of the Weymouth Formation in Avalonian eastern of helcionelloid, reflecting the development from an animal
Massachusetts, best refigured in Landing (1988, fig. 5.14; moving on the sediment surface (or slightly plowing through
as Helcionella abrupta). Another specimen attributed to the topmost millimetres if soft mud) into a semi-infaunal
the species as Stenotheca abrupta by Grabau (1900, p1. mode of lifen a suggested for the Stenothecidae.
XXXI, fig. 12a–c) certainly belongs to a different species.
The species shows a notable swelling of its ribs towards Family Yochelcionellidae Runnegar and Jell, 1976
the narrow sides, but the crests of these ribs are distinctly
corroded so that the true nature cannot be restored. The sug‑ Genus Yochelcionella Runnegar and Pojeta, 1974
gested synonymy is difficult to demonstrate and verify and at
least highly uncertain. However, if the synonymy would be Type species. Yochelcionella cyrano Runnegar and Pojeta,
correct, the species would have to be named Mackinnonia 1974 (by original designation); Lower Cambrian Coonigan
abrupta (Shaler and Foerste, 1888) rather than M. plicata Formation, New South Wales, Australia.
(Missarzhevsky, 1989).
Yochelcionella? sp. indet.
Helcionelloid genus and species B Figure 7l
Figure 10u–y
Material and locality. Single incomplete conch, SSMM
Material. Two specimens, external moulds. From sample 11601. From W8a, Wildenstein slice, Franconian Forest.
locality W8: MMUW 2014A-192, MMUW 2014A-193. Tannenknock Formation, Wildenstein Member.
Wildenstein slice, Franconian Forest, Tannenknock Forma‑
tion, Wildenstein Member. Description and discussion. A single incomplete internal
mould of a conch of ca. 2 mm height appears to represent
Description. Cyrtoconic shell, laterally compressed, with a species of Yochelcionella. This specimen resembles the
elongate elliptical transverse section. Lateral sides gently specimens of Leptostega irregularis in being slightly lat‑
convex. Aperture with elliptical outline, length roughly 1.6 erally compressed and by having two relatively prominent
times greater than width, planar for most part, but with slight plicae on the lateral sides. However, these ribs clearly fade
apicalward curvature at the sub-apical end. Apical portion toward the anterior and posterior margins and do not form
directed slightly posteriorly, apex small, located approxi‑ recognizable ribs on these narrower fields of the conch. In
mately posterior slightly to centre of shell. Supra-apical sur‑ addition, the specimen lacks a clearly rearward directed
face of the shell gently and almost evenly convex. Sub-apical apex. Instead, the apex (although poorly preserved in the
surface with slight concave curvature in lateral view, with specimen) appears to have been developed as a short,
low ribs. Shell with at least seven concentric ribs, which are slightly anteriorly directed conical structure. A relatively
best developed and highest on the lateral sides, where they broad tubular structure points into the posterodorsal direc‑
are almost straight, but somewhat inclined toward posterior, tion. This tube is apparently incompletely preserved, but
extending as low ribs onto the sub-apical surface; width of seems to have been short.
ribs greater than that of concavities between them in the The exhalant tube is taken as a diagnostic character of the
apical part, subequal in the middle part of the conch and genus Yochelcionella. The species possesses an impressive
slightly narrower in the adaxial portion. Surface with fine, variation of the morphology of the conch. Most of the 14
narrowly spaced growth lines (Fig. 10u, x). established species are characterized by a spirally enrolled
conch with the exhalant tube (“snorkel”) originating from
Discussion. The form represented by the two conchs a part of the shell located well distant from the apical por‑
are characterized by its laterally compressed shells with tion (see Atkins and Peel 2008 for an updated overview).


228 G. Geyer et al.

thin apical portion that varies between a pseudo-exogastric

and an endogastric coiling.
Another roughly similar species is Yochelcionella? erecta
(Walcott, 1891) from the Avalonian southeastern Newfound‑
land, which is clearly distinguished by numerous low con‑
centric rugae and an apex with a slightly endogastric direc‑
tion despite of the adjacent branching of the snorkel (see
Atkins and Peel 2008 for a detailed description).
A minute anteriorly directed apical portion is also known
from a single specimen from the Lemdad Syncline of the
High Atlas, Morocco, identified as “Genus novum et species
nova E” in Geyer (1986, pl. 4, fig. 61). The Moroccan speci‑
men, almost coeval with the specimen from the Franconian
Forest, is fairly similar, but differs in that it has numerous
low concentric ribs and a subcircular cross-section of the
conch. It should be emphasized that the late stratigraphic
occurrence of those pseudo-exogastric forms of Yochel-
cionella appears to confirm the assumption of Runnegar
and Jell (1976, p. 129) regarding an evolutionary trend with
a resulting morphocline from Latouchella-type species via
Y. penecyrano Runnegar and Jell, 1976 to pseudo-exogastric

Order Pelagielliformes MacKinnon, 1985

[nom. trans. Parkhaev, 2001; ex Pelagiellida MacKinnon,

Diagnosis. Archaeobranchia with turbospiral shell; aperture

Fig. 11  Pelagiella sp. A. a, b, MMUW 2014A-140b, incomplete oval, elongated perpendicular to the coiling axis of the shell;
conch, internal mould, Tannenknock Formation, Wildenstein Mem‑ mantle caecum probably absent.
ber, sample locality W18a, different view to the exterior of the ter‑
minal whorl. c, d, MMUW 2014A-140c, incomplete conch, inter‑
nal mould, Tannenknock Formation, Wildenstein Member, sample Family Pelagiellidae Knight, 1952
locality W18a, views of the apical portion. e, MMUW 2014A-140d,
incomplete conch, internal mould, Tannenknock Formation, Wil‑ Genus Pelagiella Matthew, 1895
denstein Member, sample locality W18a. f, MMUW 2014A-175a,
incomplete conch, internal mould, Tannenknock Formation, Wilden‑
stein Member, sample locality W8. All scale bars 1 mm Type species. Cyrtolithes atlantoides Matthew, 1894 (by
original designation); Lower Cambrian of Hanford Brook,
New Brunswick, Canada.
The form from the Franconian Forest, however, is charac‑
terized by a tube branching off from near the apex with a Remarks. Innumberable studies on Cambrian small shelly
pseudo-exogastric coiling. The only formally described spe‑ fossils have inflated the number of the species assigned tor
cies of Yochelcionella with a pseudo-exogastric-type short Pelagiella Matthew, 1895. At least 28 species have been
apical portion is Yochelcionella ostentata Runnegar and named (see a fairly comprehensive list in Parkhaev, 2001),
Jell, 1976. This species from the late early Cambrian (Ord‑ but in many cases the morphological plasticity and the diag‑
ian) Coonigan Formation of New South Wales, Australia, nostic characters are less than insufficiently known. Unfor‑
has numerous prominent and sharp plicae that completely tunately, a necessary revision of these species would not
surround the conch with a broadly elliptical transverse sec‑ only require a reassessment of the original material, but in
tion. A similar species is Yochelcionella gracilis Atkins and some cases will need to be based on additional and better
Peel, 2004, with similar delicate, but prominent plicae and preserved material.
a broadly subelliptical transverse section. This species from
latest early Cambrian lower part of the Henson Gletscher Pelagiella sp. A
Formation of northern Greenland has a somewhat extended Figure 11

Helcionelloids, stenothecoids and hyoliths from the Cambrian Tannenknock Formation, Germany 229

Material. Five specimens. From W18a: MMUW Signor 1989; Peel 1998), but also known from the Cambrian
2014A-140b, 2014A-140c, 2014A-140d; from W8: MMUW continents Avalonia (e.g., Cobbold 1921, Landing 1991),
2014A-175a. Kazakhstania (Koneva 1976, 1979a, b; Missarzhevsky and
Mambetov 1981; Popov and Holmer 1996), the Siberian
Localities and stratum. Wildenstein slice, Franconian Forest, Foldbelts (Missarzhevsky and Mambetov 1981, Pel’man
sample localities W8 and W18a. Tannenknock Formation, et al. 1992), the North China Platform (Yu 1986, 1996) and
Wildenstein Member. South China/Yangtze Platform (Qian et al. 1979; Yu 1996).
The specimen described below is the first report of the genus
Description. Small, up to ca. 2.5 mm wide and 1.5 mm from West Gondwana.
high, dextrally coiled shell composed of 1.5‒2 moderately
expanding whorls; spire of adult individuals lies approxi‑ Stenothecoides? sp. indet.
mately at the level of the upper apertural margin; initial Figure 12
part of the juvenile whorl with elliptical transverse section,
barely expanding; last whorl wide and broad, with oval to Material. Single valve, internal mould, MMUW
subtriangular transverse section near the aperture; suprape‑ 2014A-156a.
ripheral part of the last whorl flattened; umbilicus narrow
and shallow; surface of internal mould without recognizable Localities and stratum. Wildenstein slice, Franconian Forest,
microsculpture in the studied specimens; fine axial striation locality W8. Tannenknock Formation, Wildenstein Member.
corresponds to the growth lines of the shell.
Description and discussion. The single present specimen is
Remarks. The preservation of the few available specimens a poorly preserved internal mould of a valve with a vague
from the Wildenstein Formation are insufficient to character‑ indication of folds, and shows the slightly asymmetric out‑
ize this species. The largest specimen has a maximum diam‑ line of the valve and direction characteristic for Stenothe-
eter of the shell of just more than 2 mm, and the fracturable coides. The apex lies marginal and is moderately acute and
preservation in strongly weathered sandy marlstone does not not recognizably curved, forming the end of a moderately
allow a more complete preservation. It is noteworthy that prominent fold or keel which stretches nearly in the middle
the two specimens that present the initial whorl (Fig. 11c, of the valve, with a faint concavity to the dextral side, fading
d) show distinct differences in the width and arrangement towards the abapical end. The abapical margin is slightly
of the spire, but this may be attributable to the preservation subtruncate obliquely.
and morphologic plasticity. The specimen is distinguished from most of the numerous
The species is most reminiscent of Pelagiella subangu- described species by its superficially symmetrical outline
lata (Tate, 1892) but without a complete set of characters and the obliquely subtruncate abapical margin in combi‑
that would allow a confident determination. Pelagiella atla- nation to the subacute apical part. This feature is not the
sensis Geyer, 1986 from more or less coeval strata in the product of imperfect preservation as indicated by the faintly
Moroccan High Atlas shows similarly small conchs, but dif‑ preserved growth lines that reflect ontogenetically earlier
fers in that it has gently convex initial whorls on the supra‑ shapes of the valve.
peripheral side, and appears to have a more slender elongate A superficial similarity exists with other genera of the
transverse section near the aperture. cambridiids, such as Bagenovia Horný, 1957 and Katun-
ioides Aksarina in Aksarina and Pel’man, 1978, but the rel‑
Class Stenothecoida Yochelson, 1968 evant species of these genera have valves of diamond-like
Order Cambridioida Horný, 1957 shapes rather than being moderately elongate such as the
Family Cambridiidae Horný, 1957 specimen from the Tannenknock Formation.

Genus Stenothecoides Resser, 1938 Phylum uncertain

Class Hyolitha Marek, 1963
Type species. Stenotheca elongata Walcott, 1884 Order Hyolithida Sysoev, 1957
Suborder Hyolithina Sysoev, 1957
Remarks. The enigmatic genus Stenothecoides is tradition‑ [nom. transl. Geyer, 2018, ex Hyolithida]
ally assigned to the Mollusca, but recent, largely unpub‑
lished studies emphasize similarities to the Brachiopoda. Family Angusticornidae Sysoev, 1968
Nevertheless, Stenothecoides is an unusual faunal element
with a surprisingly wide geographic range. It is primarily Remarks. Members of the family Angusticornidae are rec‑
distributed in Laurentia (e.g., Rasetti 1957; Savarese and ognized primarily by the morphology of the dorsum having


230 G. Geyer et al.

Type locality. Locality W12 (on Fig. 2), classical Galgen‑

berg locality between Wildenstein and Premeusel villages,
Franconian Forest.

Type stratum. Galgenberg Member, Tannenknock Formation.

Studied material. Nearly two dozen partial conchs pre‑

served as external and internal moulds of the ventral sides,
partly with preserved parts of the dorsum, four opercula.
Paratypes. From sample horizon W8: MMUW 2014A-019;
from sample locality W12: MMUW 2014A-023, MMUW
2014A-065a, MMUW 2014A-065b, SSMM 10754, SSMM
10769; from sample locality W13: MMUW 2014A-062;
from W13a: MMUW 2014A-059, SSMM 10199, SSMM
10200, SSMM 10201, SSMM 10203, SSMM 10204, SSMM
10205, SSMM 10206, SSMM 10212; from sample horizon
W14a(?): SSMM 10171, SSMM 10172 (operculum), SSMM
10173 (operculum), SSMM 10186a (operculum), SSMM
10186b (part of internal mould of venter and external mould
of dorsum), SSMM 10789a (mould of dorsum with septa),
SSMM 10789b (mould of internal side of operculum);
from sample horizon T2: MMUW 2014A-043, MMUW
Material tentatively assigned to Grantitheca? klani.
Fig. 12  Stenothecoides? sp. indet. a–d, MMUW 2014A-163a, incom‑ SSMM 10328, SSMM 10329, SSMM 11011 (from sam‑
plete valve, internal mould, dorsal, anterior, oblique posterior and ple horizon W8); SSMM 10198a, SSMM 10202, SSMM
lateral views. Tannenknock Formation, Wildenstein Member, sample 10210, SSMM 10211, SSMM 10214 (all from sample hori‑
locality W8a. Scale bars 1 mm
zon W13a); SSMM 10170 (from sample horizon W14a?).

Localities and stratum. Wildenstein slice, Franconian For‑

a median carina, and by the planar to slightly convex venter est. Tannenknock Formation, all from Galgenberg member
(Qian and Xiao 1995). except for specimens from W8 (= Wildenstein Member).

Genus Grantitheca Malinky, 1989 Diagnosis. Species tentatively assigned to Grantitheca with
orthocone conch; flat venter and rounded dorsum; ventro-lat‑
Type species. Grantitheca glenisteri Malinky, 1989; from the eral muscle tracks developed along each edge of the venter;
lower Cambrian (Series 2, Dyeran) of the Taconic Alloch‑ cross-section elliptical to slightly subtriangular; venter cov‑
thon of eastern New York State. ered with transverse elements that correspond to the shape of
the ligula. Operculum monoclaviculate with pair of narrow
Diagnosis. Hyolithidae with angular longitudinal axis and clavicles; cardinal processes short and almost perpendicular
flat, steeply dipping adjacent slopes; lateral margins nar‑ to the clavicles.
rowly roundend and ligula short; aperture orthogonal with‑
out flare. Description. Hyolithid with an apical angle of ca. 35°. Maxi‑
mum size of complete specimens ca. 30 mm. Nearly flat
Grantitheca? klani sp. nov. ventral side with fine growth-lines. Length of ligula ca. one
Figures 13, 14 third of its width. Cross-section of the conch subtriangular
with rounded edges to almost elliptical. Dorsum rounded;
Etymology. Named after the late Hermann Klan, a dedicated one lateral furrow along each edge of the dorsum is devel‑
collector of fossils from the Tannenknock Formation. oped. Apical region preserved; apical septa (usually seven
or eight) clearly visible and distinct (Figs. 13h, 14a). The
Holotype. MMUW 2014A-24, external mould of ventral side venter is covered with transverse rugae or lines that corre‑
and preserved part of internal mould of dorsum with septa. spond with the shape of ligula. The dorsum bears indistinct
transverse lines.

Helcionelloids, stenothecoids and hyoliths from the Cambrian Tannenknock Formation, Germany 231

Monoclaviculate operculum with pair of narrow clavi‑ Type species. Hyolithus teretiusculus Linnarsson, 1877; from
cles. Clavicles subequal in width; the angle of divergence the middle Cambrian of Sweden.
ca. 140°. Cardinal processes not well preserved, but nar‑
row, short and almost perpendicular to the clavicles. The Hexitheca? sp.
surface of internal side of operculum is smooth without any Figures 15
ornamentation (Fig. 13o, 14f). The outer side of operculum
is covered with growth lines (Fig. 13n). Material. Six conchs. From sample locality W8: SSMM
10321; from sample locality W12: MMUW 2014A-029a,
Remarks. The ornamentation and morphology of venter of b (internal and external mould of conch, ventral side); from
Grantitheca? klani sp. nov. strongly resembles the speci‑ sample horizon W14: MMUW 2014A-004; from sample
mens of Nevadotheca whitei (Resser, 1938) figured in Sun horizon W14a(?): SSMM 10158, SSMM 10162, SSMM
et al. (2017, fig. 8). This resemblance clearly documents the 10164.
problem with hyolith systematics based solely on the conchs
(see Malinky 1988, p. 221; Sun et al. 2017, p. 90) which can Localities and strata. Wildenstein slice, Franconian Forest.
easily lead to an inexact or erroneous taxonomic placement. Galgenberg Member of Tannenknock Formation.
The preserved operculum of Grantitheca? klani shows
a morphology resembling that of the genus Buchavalites Description. Medium-sized conches with small apical angle
Marek, 1975 because of the monoclaviculate operculum of ca. 14°–16°. The apical part is missing, but the original
with long narrow clavicles and cardinal processes almost size of the specimens can be reconstructed as more than
perpendicular to the clavicles. However, the cardinal pro‑ 20 mm in length. Only the slightly vaulted ventral side is vis‑
cesses in Buchavalites are long and horizontally flattened. ible indicating a comparatively short ligula. The ventral side
Buchavalites differs in an ornamentation composed of nar‑ is partially cracked longitudinally and deformed owing to
row longitudinal ribs on both sides and transverse densely compression during diagenesis. The sculpture of the conch
spaced growth-lines (see Marek 1975, p. 67) and lacking the consists of regularly spaced transverse ribs (generally 6 to
longitudinal furrows on the dorsum. 8 per millimetre; 10 per millimetre in the apertural region).
Grantitheca? klani differs from the type species of the Muscle scars are not visible.
genus, Grantitheca glenisteri Malinky, 1989, in that it has
a less vaulted dorsum and less steeply sloping flanks of the Discussion. The ventral side of the conch resembles that
dorsum. The operculum of the type species is unknown so seen in Hexitheca teretiusculus (Linnarsson, 1877) in hav‑
the comparison of opercula is not possible. ing distinct transverse sculpture; H. teretiuscula is a spe‑
Specimen MMUW 2014A-024 (Fig.  14a) shows an cies known from the middle Cambrian (Eccaparadoxides
attachment disk of an unknown organism. Some specimens oelandicus Stage, E. insularis and Ptychagnostus praecur-
have an internal phosphatic plug that represents the sedi‑ rens zones) of Sweden. Taxonomic placement within the
mentary infilling of the conch, which itself is perforated by genus Hexitheca Sysoev, 1972 (emended Malinky and Berg-
burrows of the ichnogenus Arachnostega Bertling, 1992 as Madsen 1999) is based herein only on the morphology of the
visible on Fig. 13a, f (see Fatka et al. 2011 for additional ventral side of conch. This venter is flat and not inflated as is
information on Arachnostega and hyolithids). typical for Hexitheca, and the transverse sculpture of Hex-
Many of the specimens placed under the Grantitheca? itheca? sp. is more widely spaced and more prominent and
klani are poorly preserved, deformed and lack some of the coarsely developed. The main similarities of the described
critical characters. The specimens shown on Fig. 13 vary specimen with Hexitheca are the transverse sculpture, the
considerably and may partly be mistaken as representing presumably short ligula and a similar apical angle of conch.
different species, but transitional forms exist that straddle Other species that show similarities with Hexitheca? sp.
from longitudinally deformed (e.g., Fig. 13b–d) to nearly include Jincelites vogeli Valent et al., 2009 from the Dru‑
undeformed specimens (e.g., Fig. 14a, b). The placement mian Jince Formation of Bohemia (see Valent et al. 2009,
of such specimen within this taxon is thus tentatively. Nev‑ figs. 3F–I) and Nevadotheca tenuistriata (Linnarsson, 1871)
ertheless, these specimens show enough similarities to be that ranges from the late middle Cambrian Paradoxides
ranked in this taxon. forchhammeri Stage (Solenopleura brachymetopa Zone) to
the Paibian Olenus Zone of Sweden (see Berg-Madsen and
Family uncertain Malinky 1999, fig. 5K).

Genus Hexitheca Sysoev, 1972, emend. Malinky and Berg- Genus Jincelites Valent, Fatka, Micka and Szabad, 2009
Madsen, 1999


232 G. Geyer et al.

Helcionelloids, stenothecoids and hyoliths from the Cambrian Tannenknock Formation, Germany 233

◂Fig. 13  a–k, m–o, l? Grantitheca? klani sp. nov. a SSMM 10754, A confident determination of the present specimens is not
conch, ventral view of internal mould showing partially phosphatized possible without knowledge of the operculum.
internal mould with corroded branched traces (Arachnostega); sam‑
ple locality W12; b SSMM 10199 conch, ventral view of exterior,
slightly dorsoventrally compressed; sample locality W13a; c SSMM Genus Maxilites Marek, 1972
10212, conch, ventral view; sample locality W13a; d SSMM 10206,
ventral view of dorsoventrally flattened conch with imperfectly pre‑ Type species. Maxilites snajdri Marek, 1972; from the mid‑
served axial vessel (brown); sample locality W13a; e SSMM 10171,
ventral view of dorsoventrally flattened conch with impression of
dle Cambrian of the Příbram–Jince Basin, Czech Republic.
apertural margin of dorsal side; sample locality W14a?; f SSMM
10739, incomplete conch with partially phosphatized steinkern pen‑ Maxilites? sp.
etrated by branched traces (Arachnostega); sample locality W12; g Figure 17
SSMM 10204, conch, ventral view of exterior, dorsoventrally com‑
pressed; sample locality W13a; h SSMM 10769, conch, ventral view
of infilling with seven preserved septa in apical part and stratification Material. One specimen, SSMM 10391, external mould of
in the remaining chamber; sample locality W12; i MMUW 2014A- conch. From Wildenstein slice, Franconian Forest, locality
001, ventral view of dorsoventrally flattened conch; sample locality W9. Tentatively assigned to the same form: SSMM 10326,
W11; j SSMM 10203, ventral view of dorsoventrally flattened conch;
sample locality W13a; k SSMM 11011, partial conch, apical view of
SSMM 10326, from sample horizon W8. All from Tannen‑
phosphatized filling showing transverse profile; sample locality W8; l knock Formation, Wildenstein Member.
SSMM 10251, phosphatized partial internal mould of conch with pre‑
served traces; sample locality W13a; m SSMM 10198a, conch, dorsal Description. Orthocone conch with highly inflated dorsum;
view of semi-three-dimensionally preserved internal mould; sample
locality W13a; n SSMM 10173, incomplete operculum, apertural
venter unknown. The surface of the conch covered with
view; sample locality W14a?; o SSMM 10172, operculum, view of very fine and slightly indistinct lines. Apical angle ca. 32°.
internal face; sample locality W14? All specimens from the Galgen‑ Length of the conch ca. 30 mm.
berg Member of the Tannenknock Formation. Scale bars equal 5 mm,
except in i and k (= 1 mm)
Discussion. The hyolithid represented by the conch is tenta‑
tively placed under the genus Maxilites Marek, 1972 based
Type species. Jincelites vogeli Valent et al., 2009; from on the large, rapidly expanding and robust conch and the
the middle Cambrian of the Příbram-Jince Basin, Czech highly inflated dorsum, which is covered with fine lines. A
Republic. more precise comparison with the species of Maxilites is
impossible until the becomes known.
Jincelites cf. vogeli Valent, Fatka, Micka and Szabad, 2009
Figure 16 Hyolithid genus and species A
Figure 18b
Studied material. Six conchs. From sample horizon W9:
SSMM 10346; from W12: SSMM 10767; from sample hori‑ Material. Single operculum, external mould of internal side,
zon W14a?: SSMM 10187a, b, SSMM 10188; from sample MMUW 2014A-081.
horizon T2a: SSMM 10038.
Locality and stratum. Wildenstein slice, Franconian Forest,
Localities and strata. Wildenstein and Triebenreuth slices, locality W8. Tannenknock Formation, Wildenstein Member.
Franconian Forest. Galgenberg Member of Tannenknock
Formation except for W9 (Wildenstein Member). Description. The operculum is biclaviculate, with the ante‑
rior margin of the inner side preserved. The area of the oper‑
Description. Hyolithid with orthocone conch, apical angle culum where the cardinal processes are located (cardinal
ca. 12°; cross-section of conch probably subtriangular. The margin) is damaged and partly missing. The angle of diver‑
ligula is short and moderately rounded; the length of ligula gence of the first pair of very narrow clavicles attains 130°;
attains ca. 40% of the width of the conch. An axial keel is the second pair of clavicles includes an angle of divergence
developed on the dorsum. The ornamentation of the venter of ca. 115°. The overall shape of the operculum cannot be
and dorsum consists of the distinct and regularly spaced ribs. determined because the cardinal margin is not present. No
sculpture or muscle scars are visible.
Discussion. The specimens closely resemble Jincelites
vogeli Valent et al., 2009 from the Drumian Jince Forma‑ Discussion. The single preserved operculum is the first bicla‑
tion of Bohemia (see Valent et al. 2009, fig. 3F–I) by the viculate operculum known from Cambrian strata. It resem‑
morphology and ornamentation on the venter and dorsum bles Decipilites decipiens (Barrande, 1867) from the Katian
and by a similarly shaped ligula. They differ in the apical (late Ordovician) of Bohemia. This species of the family
angle of conch (12° in Jincelites cf. vogeli; 20° in J. vogeli). Pauxillitidae Marek, 1967 has a biclaviculate operculum


234 G. Geyer et al.

Helcionelloids, stenothecoids and hyoliths from the Cambrian Tannenknock Formation, Germany 235

◂Fig. 14  a–f, h–n, g? Grantitheca? klani sp. nov. a MMUW 2014A- are classified into the order Hyolithida because of the pres‑
024, conch, ventral view of partial internal mould and exfoliated ence of a ligula.
dorsal part with apical septa, with attachment disc of unknown
organism; sample locality W12; b MMUW 2014A-066, conch, ven‑
tral view of internal mould and exfoliated with apical septa; sample Suborder Aladracina Geyer, 2018
locality W12; c MMUW 2014A-059, conch, dorsal view of partial
internal mould and exfoliated ventral part; sample locality W13a; d Discussion. The genus Aladraco Geyer, 2018, formerly
SSMM 10205, conch, ventral view with partly phosphatized internal
mould and numerous growth lines; sample locality W13a; e SSMM
known as Oxyprymna Kiderlen, 1933, a preoccupied generic
10186a, ventral view of crushed conch with distinct growth lines; name, bears morphological characters such as the size, shape
sample locality W14a?; f SSMM 10789a, operculum, apertural view and external ornamentation of the conch, which indicate a
of internal mould; sample locality W14a?; g MMUW 2014A-061, systematic position in the class Hyolitha. A number of char‑
partial conch with partial phosphatized internal mould with Arach-
nostega-type traces and compacted shell with growth lines (right);
acters, such as a tripartition into an axial chamber and lateral
sample locality W8; h, i SSMM 10186b, conch, ventral view with acuminate processes, and the course of the apertural margin,
partial phosphatized internal mould (h) and magnification showing differ considerably from those seen in the two orders Hyo‑
transverse rugae (i); sample locality W14a; j MMUW 2014A-019, lithida and Orthothecida, and suggest distinct differences
fragment of conch, ventral view of internal mould; sample local‑
ity W8; k MMUW 2014A-065a, incomplete conch, ventral view of
in functional morphology. However, similarities of the
internal mould; sample locality W12; l MMUW 2014A-065b, incom‑ morphological characters with the known representatives
plete conch, dorsal view of external mould; sample locality W12; of the Hyolithida advocate that the genus Aladraco and its
m MMUW 2014A-044, incomplete conch, dorsal view of exter‑ (mostly undescribed) relatives are derived from this system‑
nal mould; sample locality T2;. n MMUW 2014A-043, incomplete
conch, ventral view of internal mould; sample locality T2. All speci‑
atic group and should be dealt with as a hitherto unrecog‑
mens from the Galgenberg Member of the Tannenknock Formation. nized distinct suborder and family, which was introduced as
Scale bars equal 5 mm, except in f and g (= 1 mm) Aladracina and Aladracidae by Geyer (2018). An additional
genus of the suborder is described below under the name
Cambrachelous gen. nov.
with narrow clavicles, but differs distinctly in that it has a
much more obtuse angle of divergence of the clavicles and Family Aladracidae Geyer, 2018
in the overall shape of the operculum in which the poste‑
rior part of operculum suggests shorter ligula. Biclaviculate Genus Aladraco Geyer, 2018
opercula are rare and have been reported only from the late
Ordovician to early Devonian (Marek 1967, p. 61). (pro Oxyprymna Kiderlen, 1933, p. 166, non Oxyprymna
Stål, 1893, p. 5).
Hyolithid genus and species B
Figure 18a, c–e Type species. Conularia schloppensis Wurm, 1925 (by origi‑
nal monotypy; Kiderlen 1933).
Material. Three specimens, SSMM 10764 (deformed inter‑
nal mould of venter and part of external mould of dorsum), Remarks. The name Aladraco has been suggested recently
SSMM 10765 (external mould of venter with septate apical (Geyer 2018) to replace the preoccupied name Oxyprymna
part) and SSMM 10766. Tentatively assigned to the same used by Kiderlen (1933) when he erected the genus. Two
form: SSMM 10773 (slightly crushed conch). species, Aladraco schloppensis (Wurm, 1925) and A. oug-
natensis sp. nov. are recognised from coeval strata of the
Localities and stratum. All specimens from W12, classical traditional lower (or lowermost) middle Cambrian of West
locality of Galgenberg Member, Tannenknock Formation, Gondwana. For differences to Cambrachelous gen. nov. (see
Galgenberg, Wildenstein slice, Franconian Forest. below).

Description. Hyolithid with sharp apical angle of 15°–18°. Aladraco schloppensis (Wurm, 1925b)
The ligula is short, its length ca. half width of the aper‑ Figure 19
ture. With 7–8 septa in the apical part of the conch. Visible
dorsum in SSMM 10764 (Fig. 19a) broken along its longi‑ v * 1925 Conularia Schloppensis nov. sp.—Wurm, p. 77,
tudinal axis. Dorsum probably subtriangular in transverse pl. 3, figs. 1, 2.
profile. v 1925 Conularia sp. b—Wurm, p. 77, pl. III, fig. 3.
1933  Oxyprymna schloppensis Wurm sp.—Kiderlen,
Remarks. Important characters such as the morphology of pp. 166–172, figs. 1–5, 7, ?14.
the operculum and the sculpture are missing so that an accu‑ v 2018 Aladraco schloppensis (Wurm, 1925)—Geyer,
rate taxonomic determination is not possible. The specimens pp. 86, 87, 88, 90, 93, 94, 97–98, figs. 2–4, 6.


236 G. Geyer et al.

Fig. 15  Hexitheca? sp. a MMUW 2014A-029a, incomplete conch, staining of rock enveloping the middle part of the conch and possibly
partly exfoliated; sample locality W12; b, f MMUW 2014A-029b, resulting from dispersal of organic matter; sample locality W14a?; e
incomplete conch, partly exfoliated, detail in F shows expression of SSMM 10164, incomplete conch with partial phosphatized internal
concentric rugae in flattened conch; sample locality W12; c, g SSMM mould penetrated by traces; sample locality W14a?; h, SSMM 10158,
10321, incomplete conch with partly phosphatized shell; weakly min‑ incomplete conch with crushed, mineralized shell; sample locality
eralized apertural end in g shows expression of concentric rugae in W14a?; i MMUW 2014A-004, partial conch with crushed shell; sam‑
flattened conch; sample locality W8; d SSMM 10162, incomplete ple locality W12. All specimens from the Galgenberg Member of the
conch with partial internal mould preserved as phosphatized infilling Tannenknock Formation. Scale bars equal 5 mm in a–e, h, 1 mm in f,
and external mould of apical half with weakly preserved rugae; note g and i 

See Geyer (2018) for additional synonymy. Localities and strata. All specimens from the Wildenstein
slice, localities W8, W9, W16b and W17 (Wildenstein
Material. Ca. 35 conchs (see Geyer 2018 for list). Member), W12, W12c and W13a (Galgenberg Member),
Tannenknock Formation, Agdzian Stage.

Helcionelloids, stenothecoids and hyoliths from the Cambrian Tannenknock Formation, Germany 237

Fig. 16  Jincelites cf. vogeli Valent, Fatka, Micka and Szabad, 2009. 10767, partial conch with partly phosphatized internal mould; from
a SSMM 10188, conch, ventral view with axially crushed shell; note sample locality W12; e SSMM 10038, conch, internal mould with
widely spaced growth lines near apertural margin; from W14a?; b delicate, densely spaced growth lines; from sample horizon T2a. All
SSMM 10187a, b, two incomplete conchs, partly crushed, ventral specimens from the Galgenberg Member of the Tannenknock Forma‑
views; from sample horizon W14a?; c SSMM 10346, conch, ventral tion except for C (from Wildenstein Member). Scale bars equal 5 mm
view showing growth rhythms; from sample horizon W9; d SSMM in A–D, 1 mm in E

Discussion. Aladraco schloppensis (Wurm, 1925) is the only Cambrachelous gen. nov.
named hyolith species described in the original description
of the Tannenknock fauna in Wurm (1925). It is also the Type species. Cambrachelous diploprosopus gen. et sp. nov.,
largest and most conspicuous species, known from speci‑ from the Tannenknock Formation, Stage 4–Wuliuan bound‑
mens of up to 65  mm in length. A detailed description ary interval, Franconian Forest, Germany.
and discussion of the species, as well as its synonymy was
provided by Geyer (2017b) so the species is only included Etymology. Named after its occurrence in the Cambrian and
here for completeness with photographs to illustrate its after the Greek mythologic figure Acheloos (Ἀχελώїoς in
morphology. ancient Greek), chief of all river deities, capable of changing


238 G. Geyer et al.

axial chamber, but nonetheless shares the relatively nar‑

row lateral extensions seen in Aladraco. A comparison of
the transverse sections of both genera is shown in Fig. 21.
Cambrachelous is further characterized by a smaller api‑
cal angle of ca. 20°–25° and by the development of keels
on the dorsum.
Cambrachelous superficially resembles the monotypic
orthothecid genus Probactrotheca Marek in Valent et al.,
2012, known only from P. briketa Valent et al., 2012 from
the Buchava Formation, Eccaparadoxides pusillus Biozone,
Drumian, of Bohemia. Probactrotheca briketa is character‑
ized by a pronounced axial keel on the dorsum flanked by
sunken areas and with slightly inflated dorsolateral portions
that tend to be subangular. Its ventral side is concave, with
a broad median depression and raised shoulders (when seen
from ventral aspect). This provides a quite distinctive cross
section (Valent et al. 2012, fig. 3) that is derived from the
Fig. 17  Maxilites? sp. SSMM 10391, incomplete conch, oblique dor‑ trapezoidal shape, and the relatively thin lateral portions
sal views. Wildenstein Member of the Tannenknock Formation, sam‑
ple locality W9. Scale bar 5 mm seen in Cambrachelous are lacking. The apertural margin
of P. briketa appears to have been more or less planar as in
his shape; an allusion to the change of the dorsal profile of
the conchs from small to large specimens. Cambrachelous diploprosopus gen. et sp. nov.
Figure 20, 21
Diagnosis. Genus of the Aladracidae characterised by a
moderately large conch with an apertural angle of ca. 20°– Etymology. From the Greek διπλός, double, and πρόσωπο,
25°; dorsum divided into a nearly flat median sector defined face, referring to the change in the dorsal appearance of the
by two moderately prominent keels and a slightly sunken conch by reduction of keels.
area between them, lateral sectors sloping abaxially; a third
keel in axial position developed only in juvenile and up to Holotype. SSMM 10567, fairly complete conch (Fig. 20i, j).
middle-sized individuals. Apertural margin planar.
Type locality and type stratum. Wildenstein slice, Franco‑
Discussion. The new genus Cambrachelous is typified by nian Forest, Germany, sample locality W8. Tannenknock
a tripartite subdivision of the dorsal and ventral sides of Formation, Wildenstein Member, Cambrian Stage 4–Wuli‑
the conch, with a distinctly raised median/axial sector on uan boundary interval.
the ventral side so that the lateral parts of the conch form
relatively acuminate extensions as seen in Aladraco Geyer, Studied material. Ca. 20 conchs. Paratypes: From sam‑
2017. Together with the planar aperture this characterises ple horizon W8: MMUW 2014A-076, SSMM 10318,
Cambrachelous as a second genus of the recently introduced SSMM 10323, SSMM 10567, SSMM 10568, SSMM
suborder Aladracina. 11142, SSMM 11143a, SSMM 11143b (counterpart of
The differences from Aladraco are considerable when 11143a); from sample horizon W9: MMUW 2017B-016;
in terms of functional aspects. Aladraco has a more from sample horizon W11: MMUW 2014A-002, MMUW
clearly raised central sector on the dorsal side and a cen‑ 2014A-025a, SSMM 10771; from sample horizon W11/
tral sector with a ventrally raised surface on the venter W12: MMUW 2014A-095; from sample horizon W12:
which result in a fairly well defined central chamber. The MMUW 2014A-099; from sample horizon W13a: SSMM
central sector on the dorsum of Cambrachelous is moder‑ 10252, SSMM 10253, SSMM 10254; from sample hori‑
ately raised only, and in the gerontic stages of the conches zon W16b: MMUW 2014A-013a; from sample horizon T2:
this sector is more or less clearly sunken medially. On the SSMM 10280. Tentatively assigned to the same form: from
dorsum, the central sector is more or less flat. As a result, sample horizon W8: SSMM 10566, 11044; from sample
Cambrachelous does not have a well-defined functional horizon W9: SSMM 10316.

Helcionelloids, stenothecoids and hyoliths from the Cambrian Tannenknock Formation, Germany 239

Fig. 18  a, c–e Hyolithid genus and species B. a SSMM 10764, ven‑ ▸

tral view of deformed conch; c SSMM 10765, fragment of conch,
apical septate part; d, e SSMM 10766, nearly complete conch, partly
exfoliated with septate apical portion and remains of phosphatized
infilling. All specimens from Galgenberg Member, Tannenknock
Formation, sample horizon W12. Scale bars equal 1  mm. b Hyo‑
lithid genus and species A, MMUW 2014A-081, operculum, internal
mould; Wildenstein Member, Tannenknock Formation, sample hori‑
zon W8. Scale bar 1 mm

Localities and strata. Wildenstein slice, Franconian For‑

est. Tannenknock Formation, Galgenberg and Wildenstein

Diagnosis. Diagnosis of genus (because of monotypy).

Description. Conch with apertural angle varying between

19° and 26° in the present specimens, with broader angles
caused by slight dorsoventral compression. Dorsal side
divided by two moderately prominent, slightly rounded keels
into a central and two lateral sectors. The middle sector is
narrow and flat or sunken between the principal keels. A
third keel in axial position is developed in the central sector
in juvenile and middle-sized conchs. The lateral sectors form
flanks that slope distinctly abaxial of the keels, but are more
or less flat for most of its stretch. The dorsal surface of the
conch is mostly smooth, but low and indistinct, rhythmic
transverse ribs on the lateral areas are visible in two of the
specimens, and one of them shows the ribbing on the keels
as well (Fig. 20g). A single specimen preserves remnants
of the ribs in the central area (Fig. 20h). The shape of these
ribs has probably been reinforced by taphonomic conditions.
The ventral side of the conch is difficult to precisely
characterize. However, careful investigation of the avail‑
able material suggests that the venter also shows a triparti‑
tion into a central and two lateral areas, which are separated
by relatively narrow bands oblique to the princinpal plane
that is defined by the lateral edges. Keels are absent when
exfoliated specimens or external moulds of the venter are
preserved. Such specimens are shown in Fig. 20e, f. The
specimen in Fig. 20a appears to be a composite mould pre‑
served in shale in which the dorsal is pressed on the ventral
mould of the same conch.

Discussion. Although no specimen is known that allows

in situ recognition of the cross-section, the combination of
dorsal and ventral surface indicates a situation comparable to
that known from Aladraco (see above): The species had an


240 G. Geyer et al.

Helcionelloids, stenothecoids and hyoliths from the Cambrian Tannenknock Formation, Germany 241

◂Fig. 19  Aladraco schloppensis (Wurm, 1925a, b). a, b lectotype, Locality and stratum. Wildenstein slice, Franconian Forest,
SNSB-BSPG-1924-XII-5, large conch, original of Conularia schlop- sample horizon W15a; Tannenknock Formation, Wilden‑
pensis in Wurm (1925a, b, pl. III, fig. 5), almost certainly from local‑
ity W9; a dorsal view of entire conch, b detail of dorsum near aper‑
stein Member.
tural end showing faint transverse growth lines and narrow groove
on internal mould indicting thickened shell along longitudinal keel Description. Moderately large conch with preserved aper‑
(arrows); c MMUW 2017B-002, dorsum of large conch with partly tural part (apical part missing). Original total length of the
preserved longitudinal threads (arrow), dorsal view; from local‑
ity W12c; d MMUW 2017B-013, small specimen, oblique apertural
conch ca. 23 mm, apical angle probably ca. 22°. Ventral side
view of dorsal part of the shell with infilling of axial chamber par‑ almost flat. Sculpture of ventral side consists of well defined,
tially preserved near apertural margin; from locality W9; e, f SNSB- closely spaced rounded ribs. Muscle scars not recognizable.
BSPG -1924-XII-502, large conch, mould of venter with remnants of
shell, dorsal (f) and oblique anterior views (e), almost certainly from
locality W9; original of Conularia schloppensis in Wurm (1925a, b,
Discussion. Specimen MMUW 2014A-10 shows only the
pl. III, fig.  4); g MMUW 2017D-009, large conch, internal mould, ventral side with a distinct transverse sculpture. This sculp‑
dorsal view; from locality W9; h MMUW 2017D-010; large conch, ture resembles that seen in the genus Brevitheca Marek,
ventral view with convex axial chamber; from locality W9. Scale bars 1967 from the early Katian Zahořany Formation (Upper
equal 5 mm in a, c–h (equivalent to magnification ×2 except for c),
1 mm in b 
Ordovician) of Bohemia.
A precise taxonomic placement is not possible due to the
absence of data on the dorsum and the operculum, although
axial compartment in which most of the cavity of the conch the features that are preserved suggest affinity to Brev-
was concentrated. The lateral “chambers” were conical in itheca. Nevertheless, the specimen appears to represents a
transverse profile and slightly sloping ventrally so that the yet unknown genus and species for the Cambrian of West
base of the axial portion was above the lateral edges of the Gondwana.
conch (Fig. 21b). However, other than in Aladraco the cen‑
tral sectors did not form a distinct chamber with a ventrally Genus Nephrotheca Marek, 1966
vaulted bottom, and the dorsal convexity in the central sec‑
tor was not as distinct in Cambrachelous diploprosopus as Type species. Orthotheca sarkaensis Novák, 1891, from the
in the species of Aladraco. Among the several other other Šárka Formation, Darriwilian, Middle Ordovician, of the
characters that distinguish Cambrachelous diploprosopus Prague Basin, Czech Republic.
from the species of Aladraco, the smaller apertural angle
and the absence of distinct longitudinal lirae are particularly Nephrotheca? sp.
distinctive. Figure 23

Order Orthothecida Marek, 1966 Material. Internal and external moulds of a single conch
Family uncertain with exposed ventral side; MMUW 2014A-067a, b.

Genus Brevitheca Marek, 1967 Locality and stratum. Wildenstein slice, Franconian Forest;
sample horizon W12c, Galgenberg Member of Tannenknock
Type species. Brevitheca minimax Marek, 1967; from the Formation.
Caradocian, Late Ordovician, of Bohemia.
Description. Conch with restored original length of almost
Brevitheca? sp. 30 mm. Apical angle 12°. Ventral side almost flat, with only
Figure 22 faintly concave zone along the mid-axis. Sculpture of ventral
side consists of only indistinct longitudinal lines; longitu‑
Material. Two partial conches; MMUW 2014A-009, dinal ornamentation on lateral side clearly visible. Cross-
MMUW 2014A-010a, b. section of the conch subtriangular with strongly rounded


242 G. Geyer et al.

Helcionelloids, stenothecoids and hyoliths from the Cambrian Tannenknock Formation, Germany 243

◂Fig. 20  Cambrachelous diploprosopus gen. et sp. nov. a SSMM corners. Apical part present, but no septa visible. Apertural
10318, paratype, conch, dorsal view of internal mould; sample hori‑ part missing, muscle scars not recognizable.
zon W8; b SSMM 10280, paratype, conch, dorsal view of internal
mould; from sample horizon T2; c MMUW 2017B-016, paratype,
conch, dorsal view of internal mould; from sample horizon W9; d Discussion. The cross-section and longitudinal ornamen‑
SSMM 10771, paratype, conch, dorsal view of internal mould with tation of the conch matches those known from the genus
triplicate dorsum; from sample horizon W12; e SSMM 10254, para‑ Nephrotheca Marek, 1966 (see recent remarks in Valent
type, conch, dorsal view of venter, external mould; from sample hori‑
zon W13a; f SSMM 10253, paratype, conch, dorsal view of internal
et al. 2013, p. 119–121). The specimens are also similar to
mould; from sample horizon W13a; g MMUW 2014A-095, paratype, species of the genus Decoritheca Sysoev, 1972. It is impos‑
slightly deformed conch, dorsal view of partly exfoliated specimen sible, however, to decide on the precise generic affinity
with clearly visible riblets on right-hand flank; from sample horizon because species of both genera may have a shallow ventral
W11/W12; h SSMM 10323, paratype, slightly deformed conch, dor‑
sal view of internal mould with faint riblets; sample horizon W8; i,
furrow, longitudinal ornamentation and a small apical angle
j SSMM 10567, holotype, conch, dorsal views of internal mould in (13° in Nephrotheca sophia Valent et al. 2013).The absence
coated (i) and uncoated (j) conditions; note development from tri‑ of the apertural part, however, prevents a confident place‑
carinate to bicarinate profile of dorsum; from sample horizon W8; k ment under this genus because it remains unclear whether
MMUW 2014A-099, paratype, conch of immature individual, dorsal
view; sample horizon W12; l MMUW 2014A-002, paratype, conch of
this specimen belongs to order Hyolithida or Orthothecida.
immature individual, dorsal view; sample horizon W11; m MMUW
2014A-025a, paratype, cracked conch of immature individual, dorsal Order uncertain
view; sample horizon W12; n MMUW 2014A-076, paratype, partial
conch, dorsal view of internal mould; sample horizon W8; o MMUW
Hyolith genus and species indeterminate A
2014A-013a, paratype, conch, latex cast of internal mould, dorsal
view of latex cast, detail showing polyplicate dorsum; sample horizon Figure 24a
W16b. Galgenberg and Wildenstein Members, Tannenknock Forma‑
tion. Scale bars equal 5 mm in a–j, n, o, 1 mm in k–m  Material. Single incomplete conch, external mould of ven‑
tral side, MMUW 2014A-013.

Locality and stratum. Wildenstein slice, Franconian Forest,

sample horizon W2. Tannenknock Formation, Galgenberg

Description. Hyolith of moderate size, estimated length ca.

20–25 mm. Characteristic sculpture on ventral side of the
conch consists of fine longitudinal lines which are more dis‑
tinct close to the lateral edges and almost invisible along the
central sector of the conch. Apical angle ca. 25°. Apertural
and apical part not preserved. Muscle scars not recognizable.

Discussion. The longitudinal ornamentation is the only rec‑

ognizable taxonomic character of this specimen, but this
type of ornamentation is common within the Hyolitha (e.g.,
Berg-Madsen and Malinky 1999; Malinky 2002).

Hyolith genus and species indeterminate B

Figure 24b–d

Fig. 21  Cross-sections of the conches of Aladraco schloppensis Material. Ca. 8 conchs, in repository: MMUW 2014A-28a, b
(Wurm, 1925a, b) (a) Cambrachelous diploprosopus gen. et sp. nov. (internal and external mould of single conch), SSMM 10740
(b), and Probactrotheca briketa Valent et al., 2012 (c) and SSMM 10741 (crushed partial conches).


244 G. Geyer et al.

Fig. 22  Brevitheca? sp. a MMUW 2014A-009, crushed fragment of conch. b, c MMUW 2014A-010a, b, fragment of conch; b partly exfoliated
ventral side; c counterpart of b. Both specimens from sample horizon W15a, Wildenstein Member, Tannenknock Formation. Scale bars 1 mm

Locality and stratum. Wildenstein slice, Franconian Forest, Locality and stratum. Wildenstein slice, Franconian Forest,
sample horizon W12. Tannenknock Formation, Galgenberg sample horizon W13a. Tannenknock Formation, Galgenberg
Member. Member.

Description. Small-sized hyolith, orthoconic conch with api‑ Description. Small-sized hyolith, length ca. 10 mm. Angle
cal angle of ca. 20°. Apical part subelliptical or subcircular of divergence ca. 20°. Apertural section missing. Dorsal
in transverse section. Apertural part flabellate, undulate on side highly convex, ventral side apparently slightly concave.
venter, but mostly broken off. Muscle scars and sculpture Muscle scars and sculpture not recognizable.
not recognizable.
Discussion. This form is similar to Orthothecid genus and
Discussion. The more precise taxonomic placement is not species indeterminate A, but the missing apertural end pre‑
possible because the apertural part is missing. Thus, it is vents a taxonomic placement within the order Orthothecida.
impossible to ascertain whether a ligula was developed.
Hyolith genus and species indeterminate D
Hyolith genus and species indeterminate C Figure 25a, c
Figure 24e
Material. MMUW 2014A-097, partial internal mould of
Material. Single specimen, MMUW 2014A-058. conch; MMUW 2014A-098, external mould of ventral side.

Helcionelloids, stenothecoids and hyoliths from the Cambrian Tannenknock Formation, Germany 245

Description. Orthothecid conch with a length of 13 mm.

Apical angle 19°. The cross section of the conch is suboval
with ventral side less convex than the dorsal side; lateral
edges strongly rounded. The apical part is missing in the
available specimens. Septa, muscle scars and sculpture not

Discussion. The circular to oval cross-section is very com‑

mon within the order Orthothecida. Many specimens or spe‑
cies with this shape were classified in the genus Circotheca
Sysoev, 1958 (emend. Berg-Madsen and Malinky, 1999).
The presence of this sole morphological character does not
allow any more precise taxonomic placement (see remarks
on Circotheca in Berg-Madsen and Malinky 1999, p. 873).

Hyolith genus and species indeterminate E

Figure 25b, d, e

Material. 2–4 conches. From sample horizon W12: MMUW

2014A-40a, b, internal and external moulds of dorsal side;
SSMM 10738, conch with phosphatic infilling. Tentatively
belonging to the same form, from sample horizon W12:
SSMM 10737; from sample horizon W14a?: SSMM 10159.

Locality and stratum. Wildenstein slice, Franconian Forest.

Galgenberg Member of Tannenknock Formation.

Description. Conch of orthothecid hyolith with a length of

l8 mm. Apical angle 18°. Cross-section of conch probably
subtriangular with sharply rounded lateral edges. Ventral
side not visible in the available specimens. Apical part miss‑
Fig. 23  Nephrotheca? sp. MMUW 2014A-067a, external mould of
conch with ventrolateral side exposed; a, c latex cast of mould, entire ing. Septa, muscle scars and sculpture not visible.
specimen and enlargement of area near apertural end; b external
mould with remains of shell. From sample horizon W12c, Galgen‑ Discussion. The subtriangular cross-section of this specimen
berg Member, Tannenknock Formation. Scale bars equal 5  mm in a is typical for the family Orthothecidae Sysoev, 1958 emend.
and b, 1 mm in c 
Malinky (2009, p. 591), and this feature clearly distinguishes
this form from Orthothecid genus and species indeterminate
B described before. Other important characters such as oper‑
Locality and stratum. Wildenstein slice, Franconian Forest, culum and sculpture are missing preventing a more accurate
sample horizon W11/12. Tannenknock Formation, Galgen‑ taxonomic placement.
berg Member.


246 G. Geyer et al.

Fig. 24  a Hyolith genus and species indeterminate A, MMUW exfoliated, dorsal view showing undulations towards aperture; sample
21014A-013, incomplete conch, external mould of ventral side; horizon W12; d MMUW 21014A-028a, incomplete crushed conch,
sample horizon W2. Scale bar 5  mm. b–d Hyolith genus and spe‑ counterpart of MMUW 2014A-028b. e Hyolith genus and species
cies indeterminate B. b SSMM 10743, crushed partial conch; sam‑ indeterminate C, MMUW 2014A-058, incomplete conch, internal
ple horizon W12;. c MMUW 21014A-028b, incomplete conch, partly mould of dorsal side; sample horizon W13a. Scale bars 1 mm

Fig. 25  a, c Hyolith genus and species indeterminate D. a MMUW internal mould with trace fossils; sample horizon W12; d MMUW
2014A-098, conch, external mould; sample horizon W11/12; c 2014A-40b, conch, internal mould; sample horizon W12;. e, MMUW
MMUW 2014A-097, partial internal mould of conch, cross-section; 2014A-40a, conch, external mould as counterpart of MMUW 2014A-
sample horizon W11/12. Scale bars 1  mm. b, d, e Hyolith genus 40b in d; sample horizon W12. Scale bars 1 mm
and species indeterminate E. b SSMM 10738, conch, phosphatized

Helcionelloids, stenothecoids and hyoliths from the Cambrian Tannenknock Formation, Germany 247

Acknowledgements  This study includes almost all available mollusc localities indicated in Fig. 2. Occurrences of Helcionelloida,
specimens known from the Tannenknock Formation. The material
Pelagiellida, Stenothecoida, and Hyolitha according to the
comes partly from the collection of Stefan Meier (Marktredwitz), other
specimens come from collections of the late Klaus Sdzuy (Würzburg) presented data, trilobite data from Geyer (2017).
and the senior author. Loan of specimens was made possible by Martin Collectors are (in alphabetical order): Erwin Albert,
Nose and Winfried Werner (Bayerische Staatssammlung für Geologie Burgkunstadt (†); Josef Gandl, Würzburg; Gerd Geyer
und Paläontologie, Munich) and Erwin Geiß (Bayerisches Landesamt
(author); Wolfgang Hammann, Würzburg (†); Peter Hick‑
für Umwelt, Augsburg/Munich). We thank Anna Żylińska and Bożena
Plejznerowska (both Warsaw University) for help accessing literature. ethier, Zedtwitz; Jörg Hiltl, Erlangen; Reverent S. G. Kohl‑
The material used in this study was partly collected in the course of mann, Stadtsteinach (†); Hermann Klan, Hof (†); Ed Land‑
several research grants of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) ing, Albany, NY, USA; Volkmar Ludwig, Würzburg (†);
to the senior author, and the preparation of the manuscript was made
Stefan Meier, Marktredwitz; Bruno Paulus, München (†);
possible by research grant GE 549/22-1 to GG. This work was finan‑
cially supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic Rudolf Richter, Frankfurt a. M. (†); Armin Rückert, Würz­
(DKRVO 2018/06, National Museum, 00023272) to MV. We gratefully burg/Neuried; Klaus Sdzuy, Würzburg (†); Harald Trage‑
acknowledge comprehensive reviews by John Malinky (Escondido, CA, lehn, Köln/Wallenfels; Wolfgang Trapp, Würzburg; and
USA), Sarah Jacquet (University of Missouri, Columbia, MO) and
Adolf Wurm, Würzburg (†). Some specimen in the SMF
Pavel Yu. Parkhaev (Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia),
which significantly helped to improve this article. repository were collected by unidentified members of the
University of Frankfurt a. M.

Appendix: Samples from Tannenknock

formation relevant for this study

Locality IDs starting with “W” or “T” and with Arabic

numbers refer to occurrences in the Wildenstein and Trie‑
benreuth–Tiefenbach slices. Location of the Wildenstein

Sample Alternative Helcionelloida, Pelag‑ Trilobites Member Remarks Collector(s) Coordi‑

ID* sample ID(s) iellida, Stenothecoida, encountered nates

W2 Hochbehälter, Hyolith genus and species Kingaspidoides Galgenberg Galgenberg Geyer, Kohlmann, N 50° 11′
wasserwerk indet. A frankenwal- Member facies, with Meier, Richter, 47″, E
densis coarse inter‑ Sdzuy 11° 33′
Parasolenopleura calations 29″
W8 Str, Weg Helcionella capula Kingaspidoides Wildenstein mostly in Geyer, Meier, N 50° 11′
Helcionella aff. oblonga frankenwal- Member Wildenstein Sdzuy 59″, E
Helcionella sp. A densis facies 11° 33′
“Bemella” sp. A Kingaspidoides 37″
“Igorella” sp. A meieri
Helcionelloid gen. and Parasolenopleura
sp. indet. A wurmi
Latouchella cf. comma
Leptostega frankenwal-
Helcionelloid gen. and
sp. B
Yochelcionella? sp. indet.
Pelagiella sp. A
Stenothecoides? sp. indet.
Grantitheca? klani
Maxilites? sp.
Hyolithid gen. and sp. A
Aladraco schloppensis
Cambrachelous diplo-


248 G. Geyer et al.

Sample Alternative Helcionelloida, Pelag‑ Trilobites Member Remarks Collector(s) Coordi‑

ID* sample ID(s) iellida, Stenothecoida, encountered nates

W9 Steinbruch, St, Jincelites cf. vogeli Wildenstein Wildenstein Albert, Geyer, N 50° 12′
Stbr Maxilites? sp. Member facies Klan, Kohlmann, 1″, E 11°
Aladraco schloppensis Meier, Sdzuy, 33′ 35″
Cambrachelous diplo- Richter, Wurm,
prosopus unknown col‑
W11 Galgen-Wiese Cambrachelous diplo- Kingaspidoides Galgenberg Galgenberg Albert, Gandl?, N 50° 12′
prosopus frankenwal- Member facies Geyer, Landing, 13″, E
Hyolith genus and species densis Meier, Richter?, 11° 33′
indet. D Kingaspidoides Sdzuy, Wurm? 44″
ides sp. A
Enixus aff.
W12 Galgen, Helcionella sp. A Kingaspidoides Galgenberg Galgenberg Albert, Gandl, N 50° 12′
Galgen I Grantitheca? klani frankenwal- Member facies Geyer, Hickethier, 15″, E
Hexitheca? sp. densis Hiltl, Kohlmann, 11° 33′
Jincelites cf. vogeli Acadoparadox- Landing, Meier, 45″
Aladraco schloppensis ides? sp. A Paulus, Richter,
Cambrachelous diplo- Parasolenopleura Rückert, Sdzuy,
prosopus wurmi Trapp, Wurm
Hyolithid gen. and sp. B Parasolenopleura
Hyolith gen. and sp. parabolica
indet. E
W12c Galgen II, Aladraco schloppensis Kingaspidoides Wildenstein Galgen II in Sdzuy ca. N 50°
2. Lichtung Nephrotheca? sp. frankenwal- Member Wildenstein 12′ 20″,
densis facies E 11° 33′
W13 Grantitheca? klani Galgenberg Galgenberg Meier ca. N 50°
Member facies 12′ 19″,
E 11° 33′
W13a i, iu Latouchella cf. comma Kingaspidoides Galgenberg partly in Sdzuy N 50° 12′
Grantitheca? klani frankenwal- Member Wildenstein 17″, E
Aladraco schloppensis densis facies 11° 33′
Cambrachelous diplo- Parasolenopleura 32″
prosopus wurmi
Hyolith gen. and sp. Ornamentaspis
indet. C cf. crassilim-
W13b j1, ­j2 Helcionelloid gen. and Wildenstein Wildenstein Sdzuy N 50° 12′
sp. indet. A Member facies 18″, E
11° 33′
W13e H, ­H2 Helcionella capula Kingaspidoides Galgenberg Mostly in Sdzuy ca. N 50°
sp. Member Wildenstein 12′ 20″,
facies E 11° 33′
W14 K2 Hexitheca? sp. Kingaspidoides Galgenberg Galgenberg Albert, Geyer, N 50° 12′
frankenwal- Member facies Hickethier, 28″, E
densis Klan?, Meier, 11° 33′
Parasolenopleura Sdzuy, Tragelehn 51″

Helcionelloids, stenothecoids and hyoliths from the Cambrian Tannenknock Formation, Germany 249

Sample Alternative Helcionelloida, Pelag‑ Trilobites Member Remarks Collector(s) Coordi‑

ID* sample ID(s) iellida, Stenothecoida, encountered nates

W14a K1 Grantitheca? klani Kingaspidoides Wildenstein Galgenberg Sdzuy ca. N 50°

Hexitheca? sp. frankenwal- Member facies, partly 12′ 27″,
Jincelites cf. vogeli densis in Wilden‑ E 11° 33′
Hyolith gen. and sp. Parasolenopleura stein facies 50″
indet. E wurmi
W15a N1 Helcionella sp. A Wildenstein Wildenstein Sdzuy ca. N 50°
Brevitheca? sp. Member facies 12′ 26″,
E 11° 33′
W16b OII Aladraco schloppensis Wildenstein Wildenstein Sdzuy ca. N 50°
Cambrachelous diplo- Member facies 12′ 28″,
prosopus E 11° 33′
W17 OIII Aladraco schloppensis Wildenstein Wildenstein Geyer, Sdzuy ca. N 50°
Member facies 12′ 29″,
E 11° 33′
W18a Q Leptostega frankenwal- Wildenstein Wildenstein Sdzuy ca. N 50°
densis Member facies 12′ 31″,
Pelagiella sp. A E 11° 33′
T2 Grantitheca? klani Kingaspidoides Galgenberg Galgenberg Geyer, Landing, N 50° 11′
Cambrachelous diplo- frankenwal- Member facies Meier 14″, E
prosopus densis 11° 32′
Kingaspidoides 56″
ides? sp. A
T2a Grantitheca? klani Kingaspidoides Galgenberg Galgenberg Geyer, Landing, N 50° 11′
Jincelites cf. vogeli frankenwal- Member facies Meier 14″, E
densis 11° 32′
Kingaspidoides 57″
T2/T2a Teufelsstein See T2 and T2a See T2 and T2a Galgenberg Galgenberg Albert, Gandl, N 50° 11′
Member facies Hickethier, Sdzuy 14″, E
11° 32′


250 G. Geyer et al.

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