2020 - Rajesh Banu Et Al. - Microalgae Based Biorefinery Promoting Circular Bioeconomy-Techno Economic and Life-Cycle Analysis

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Bioresource Technology 302 (2020) 122822

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Microalgae based biorefinery promoting circular bioeconomy-techno T

economic and life-cycle analysis

J. Rajesh Banua, Preethia, S. Kavithaa, M. Gunasekaranb, Gopalakrishnan Kumarc,
Department of Civil Engineering, Anna University Regional Campus, Tirunelveli, India
Department of Physics, Anna University Regional Campus, Tirunelveli, India
Green Processing, Bioremediation and Alternative Energies Research Group, Faculty of Environment and Labour Safety, Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet



Keywords: Microalgae are source of third generation biofuel having the key advantage of high lipid productivity. In recent
Algal biorefinery times, biorefinery is seen as promising option to further reduce the production cost of microalgae biofuel.
Bio-fuels However, exact energy balance analysis has not been performed on important biorefinery routes. In this aspect,
Lipid three biorefinery routes, all based on lipid based biorefinery route are evaluated for economical production of
microalgal biofuel and valorised products. Biorefinery route 1 involves production of biodiesel, pigments, and
Techno economic assessment
animal feed. Biorefinery route 2 involves biogas and pigments production and two stage fermentation, and third
biorefinery route involves bio-hydrogen and pigments production. Finally, the technoeconomic assessment of
three biorefinery routes were reviewed, net energy savings, and life-cycle costing approaches to economize
microalgal biorefinery are suggested.

1. Introduction possible biorefinery due to following advantages: increased fixation of

carbondioxide; elevated biomass growth rate; ability of storing carbon
In recent years, microalgae have been considered as a noteworthy in both carbohydrate and lipid (50%) forms for biofuel (biomethane,
alternate resource for renewable fuels. The exploration for renewable biohydrogen, biodiesel and bioethanol) and value added products
fuel has increased the concern due to elevated energy demand and (polysaccharide, biopeptides, biopolymers, antioxidants and pigments)
global level rising population. Microalgae being the potential substrate recovery (Suali and Sarbatly, 2012). In addition, the microalgal bio-
for biofuel and value added products has extended its attention towards mass can be used as food and animal feed because of its high protein

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: gopalakrishnankumar@tdtu.edu.vn (G. Kumar).

Received 27 November 2019; Received in revised form 12 January 2020; Accepted 13 January 2020
Available online 21 January 2020
0960-8524/ © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J. Rajesh Banu, et al. Bioresource Technology 302 (2020) 122822

Fig. 1. Process flow diagram of different microalgal biorefinery routes.

content (Ozcimen et al., 2016). The main shortcoming of generating cycle investigations have been performed on biofuel production in-
microlagal based biofuels and value added products are its elevated tegrated with additional by products recovery. On the other hand, many
production cost and is not viable in the current stage as it demands studies did not deliver inclusive inventory results concerning energy,
higher energy (Barros et al., 2014). Greater energy is needed for biofuel economic and environmental evaluation for approaching outlook. This
production particularly for cultivation, harvesting and drying of mi- review describes the circular bioeconomy of the biorefinery approaches
croalgal biomass (Show et al., 2015). Hence, highly cutting-edge pho- for the production of biofuels from microalgae. The environmental and
tobioreactors and less expensive downstream approaches are required economic impacts were assessed by comparing different biorefinery
to accomplish a highly viable microalgae based biofuel generation. routes of algal-biofuels and value added products pathway. The dif-
Biorefinery is one such alternative approach where the biogenic ma- ferent case studies were referred for different processing technologies
terial used as a staple for the production of biofuels in commercial scale and the life-cycle analysis of the maximum oil yield from optimum
(Clark and Deswarte, 2015). In this perspective, microalgae based production chain were analysed by life-cycle inventories. The urbani-
biorefinery has developed as a possible alternate for petroleum related sation and industrialisation became a major barrier between the quality
refinery. Numerous studies have magnificently used microalgal biomass of human life and natural resources (Clark and Deswarte, 2008). The
for value added products recovery. The two major phases in microalgal qualities of human life are greatly affected due to the CO2 emission,
biorefinery are upstream and downstream approaches. The potential of climate change and the resource depletion (Pyka, 2017). It is now in
upstream approach depends mainly on 4 parameters such as strains need to replace the traditional fossil fuel with the sustainable resources
selection, carbondioxide quantity, light and nutrients source. Some which have greater potential of energy production.
methodologies have been recommended for the utilization of micro-
algae for biofuel and value added products recovery that would 2. Framework outline of microalgal biorefinery
broaden the market openings for products recovered from microalgae
and cut through advanced options of integrating microalgae cultiva- The microalgal biorefinery concept helps to assess and compare
tion, generation of biofuels and value added products recovery (López different studies. The methodology assesses the organisation of various
Barreiro et al., 2014). Currently, the circular bioeconomy concept has routes of microalgal biorefineries. The framework explains the techno
been rising as an essential component of green based technologies economic analyses described in various studies as described by Van
(Bugge et al., 2016; Haarich et al., 2017). Microalgae from different Dael et al., 2014a,b). The framework consists of following three major
regions can be able to produce effective chemicals whereas the eco- steps (Van Dael et al., 2014a):
nomical feasibility is not satisfactory due to the cost incurred in growth
of algae, its harvesting and dewatering. The algal biorefinery gives the
better solution for reducing cost with maximum recovery (Chisti, 2.1. Market analysis
2010). The biorefinery of microalgae is a promising approach to
achieve the sustainable economics. Evaluation of life-cycle which in- A detailed market analysis is considered to be the initial step and it
cludes life-cycle energy analysis, life-cycle analysis of carbondioxide determines the market outlooks and the factors affecting the commer-
emission, and life-cycle analysis of cost is a set of approaches which cialisation of products. The commercialisation of microalgae started in
often employed in biofuel production to help decision makers and to 1960 s in Japan as food additives and in 1980 s it reached to other
assess the system sustainability (Mälkki and Alanne, 2017). Many life- countries like USA, India and Australia. About 7000 tonnes of micro-
algal dry mass were produced per year by 2004 (Spolaore et al., 2006).

J. Rajesh Banu, et al. Bioresource Technology 302 (2020) 122822

The market price for biodiesel production from microalgae provided by in the conveyance division is probably to elevate by 1.4 percent till
Subhadra and Edwards (2011) in their study was reported to be 0.73 2040. Biodiesel which can be generated from microalgae take part a
USD/L. The market value of microalgae derived products was are stu- significant role in fuel market because of its exceptional features.
died by Vigani et al. (2015) and the market cost of pigment, Beta- Microalgae can increase the biomass and oil yield by utilizing solar
Carotene was reported to be 285 USD. In a study by Pacheco et al. energy at an elevated rate in comparison with plant biomass. On the
(2015), the market price of pigment astaxanthin was estimated to 5113 other hand, the important problem related with microalgae based
€ per kg. biofuels is not cheaper in comparison with petroleum related fuels. The
cost of 10,000 tonnes of microalgal biomass containing 30 percent lipid
2.2. The process flow diagram is calculated as 2.80 USD/L. This covers biomass conversion, tariff and
market price. When comparing with petroleum costs (1.10 USD/L) in
It is a backbone of techno economic assessment and the analyses. united states, the microalgae based biofuels is greater. Therefore, in-
Fig. 1 shows the process flow diagram for whole system of microalgal novative profitable treatments for effective microalgae based biofuel
biorefinery. The process flow diagram illustrates a process and ad- generation are essential to replace natural resources with renewable
vanced it to design a new process. The process flow diagram shows energy. The important parameters that are taken into account to attain
different biorefinery routes and the integration of different routes to profitable biofuel generation from microalgal biomass are substrate
obtain multiple products. availability, extraction and biofuel quality to meet the typical fuel
standards. Various expansions are done to elevate the capability of
2.3. Cost assessment microlagal based biofuel in the recent markets. For example, suitable
design of a fermentor for scalability would minimize the costs asso-
Based on the integrated technological approach, the feasibility of ciated with production. Fermentors are normally more costly since they
implementing the process can be determined by calculating economic need appropriate regulating systems to screen the biomass growth.
investment in terms of net present value. It is estimated that the price Thus, optimizing the parameters is the essential step to elevate the
for 10,000 tonnes of microalgae with 30% lipid is about $2.80/litre, process proficiency. The recent energy cost is comparatively cost ef-
which include conversion, tax and marketing cost. When the nutrient fective and the economic values for the carbondioxide emissions are
from anaerobic digestion is recycled, the cost of biomass is related with underestimated that change the process unattractive.
waster cost (Davis et al., 2011). The biodiesel production were max-
imised by reducing the fatty acid concentration and the estimated cost 3. Microalgal biorefinery & different routes
of biodiesel were $ 4.34/ gallon. Economic profitability will be higher
when the process was used as an integrated biorefinery. The outputs of Techno economic analysis has been investigated for integrated
mass and energy balance were used to calculate the operating and ca- biorefinery of microalgae and this has been done based on three bior-
pital cost in order to analyse the total cost of production. The en- efinery routes, namely, Biorefinery route 1, Biorefinery route 2 and
gineering estimates are the estimated capital cost for microalgal oil Biorefinery route 3. Three routes have been investigated for the in-
production (Dean et al., 2010). The direct and indirect cost were in- tegrated biorefinery: Biorefinery route 1implicates the microalgal cul-
cluded in equipment cost and its installation cost were based on ven- tivation, harvesting, lipid production, Transesterification, pigment
dors price. For installation, 10% of site preparation cost is added to the production and animal feed. Biorefinery route 2 involves the produc-
total installation cost. The total equipment cost was calculated based on tion of bio-gas; and two stage fermentation and Biorefinery route 3
several literatures (Davis et al., 2011; Lundquist et al., 2010). In the involves the biohydrogen production.
estimation of fixed capital investment and total direct cost, the over-
head cost factor is also included. As per the study of Rogers et al. 3.1. Biorefinery route 1
(2014), the cost incurred towards pumping requirements in site was
estimated. The operational cost includes electricity cost, heating cost, 3.1.1. Microalgal cultivation and harvesting
water, nutrients, hexane and personnel cost. Labour cost were esti- A higher level of lipid accumulation was found in some microalgae
mated based on the calculation of Davis et al. (2014a). The economic such as Prymnesiophytes, Chlorophyceae, Cyanophyceae and
factors like tax rate, depreciation model for model validation were ac- Chrysophyceae. Microalgal lipids can be used as human food sub-
counted by Davis et al. (2014a,2014b). As all the pigments does not stituting the vegetable oil. The cultivation condition is one of the major
established market costs, an average theoretical value of 450€/kg was factors which affect the quantity of lipid production (Mei, et al., 2008).
taken for oil containing figments from market price (Ferreira et al., The carbon- nitrogen ratio and other nutrients are necessary during the
2013). Some of the following key assumptions are considered (Davis stage of microalgal cell proliferation and lipid accumulation. The cell
et al., 2014a,2014b). growth is enhanced by lower carbon–nitrogen ratio whereas during
Fixed operating costs lipid production stage, the carbon–nitrogen ratio has been increased for
All other labour costs = based on NREL’s Aden et al. ethanol model efficient accumulation (Illman, et al., 2000). The light and temperature
Overhead = 90% of labour are also responsible for the growth of microalgae and for the effective
Maintenance = 3% of cost of installed equipment. accumulation of lipid (Takagi, et al., 2006). The cultivation of micro-
Insurance and taxes = 0.7% of total installed cost algae is carried out by three different ways: autotrophic cultivation,
Indirect capital costs = based on NREL’s Aden et al. ethanol model heterotrophic cultivation and mixotrophic cultivation. Autrotrophic
Contingency = 10% of total direct cost cultivation was done by using the closed photobioreactor and open
Working capital = 5% of operating costs pond (Li et al., 2010). The heterotrophic cultivation was done by using
Internal rate of return = 10% fermentor and the mixotrophic cultivation obtains energy by photo-
Plant life = 30 year synthesis. The operating factors for all the cultivation system calcula-
Tax rate = 35% tion were done based on the study of Jorquera et al. (2010)
MACRS (Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System) = 7-year
depreciation schedule. V
A (1)
2.3.1. Economic aspects of biofuel production from microalgae
PV = μ X (2)
In current years, requirement of fuel is elevating owing to the in-
tense increment in the conveyance vehicles and the energy utilization Where PA is the areal productivity (kg/m .d), PV is the volumetric

J. Rajesh Banu, et al. Bioresource Technology 302 (2020) 122822

productivity (kg/m3∙d); V is volume (m3); μ is the specific growth rate/ KJ/(kg. °C), and ΔT is change in temperature (°C). The lipid yield was
dilution rate (d−1); X is the biomass concentration (kg/m3). given as
The electrical consumption for pumping operation during cultiva-
Lipid extract weight
tion period (Epump) were calculated as (Marsullo et al., 2015) Lipid yield = × 100
total biomass weight (9)
E pump = Ppump·tpump (3)
In economic analysis of lipid extraction method, the cost of solvents
Ppump is the power of the pump and tpump is the time required. and volume used in extraction will be taken into account whereas costs
ρgQh of microalgal cultivation are not accounted. The utility costs such as
Where, Ppump = electric energy, water, heating and cooling energy were calculated with
η (4)
10% depreciation on equipment and other materials (Ángel and
where ρ is the density of water (kg/m ), g is the acceleration due to
Viatcheslav, 2012).
gravity (m/s2), Q is the discharge (m3/s), η is the efficiency of the pump m m
and h is the height difference between the two tanks before and after ⎡ ⎤
Cmet = ⎢∑ Vsolv . Csolv + ∑ [Cutilities .Uutilities ]. 1.1⎥
the pump (m). ⎣ 1 1 ⎦ (10)
For open pond cultivation, the mixing can be done by paddle mixer
and the power required were calculated as (Chisti, 2016) where Cmet is the cost of application of different methods, Csolv is the
cost of a specific solvent per volume units, Vsolv: Volume of solvent
1.59Aρgfm2 u3 used.
edh0.33 (5) Energy incurred for the extraction were given as (Ángel and
Viatcheslav, 2012)
dh = n
w+h (6)
Emet = ∑ Peq t eq
where A is the surface area of the pond (m2), ρ is the culture medium 1 (11)
density (kg/m3), dh is the hydraulic diameter of the pipe, fm is the Emet is the energy requirements of an extraction method, Peq is the
Manning channel roughness factor, g is the gravitational acceleration nominal electric power of equipment, teq is the time of use of equipment
(m/s2), u is the liquid velocity (m/s), and e is the efficiency of the
motor, where w is the width of the pipe, and h is the average depth of 3.1.3. Transesterification and biodiesel production
the liquid in the open pond. Transesterification process is the widely used method for biodiesel
The cost incurred for the harvesting is almost about 20–30% the production from microalgal lipids, where the methanol reacts with the
total production cost (Barros, et al., 2014; Rawat, et al., 2011). Due to triglycerides i.e. the natural lipids. This process reduces the molecular
the complex nature, microalgae cannot be easily separated and the weight and thus increases the viscosity to 8 times which thereby im-
physical or chemical treatments were done prior to separation (Sun, proves its volatile nature.. It is estimated that 1 g of lipids of algal
et al., 2013). The flocculation and dissolved air flotation methods are biomass can produce 1 g of biodiesel (Ehimen et al., 2009). The energy
widely used due to low cost. The flocculation method using potassium output calculation in cultivation of microalgae for biodiesel production
sulphate as coagulant shows the harvesting efficiency of 82.10% which is given by Islam et al. (2013)
then followed by natural settling (Sharma et al., 2016). Centrifugation
Eoutput = m Ec (12)
is more energy intensive method and it is done only for extracting high-
value products (Barros, et al., 2014). Ultrafiltration is not widely used where m is the weight of the biodiesel in grams (g), and Ec is energy
for large scale harvest due to the higher cost of membrane. The de- content of biodiesel (38.1 MJ/kg).
watered and dried slurry gives the biomass efficiency of 85% and the Net energy ratio (NER) decides the sustainability of biodiesel pro-
suspended solids are calculated as duction from algal biomass, it occurs when the net energy gain in
MTSS = Eharvesting x Cmicroalgae x QTSS (7) complete process is greater than 1. The energy ratio of microalgal
biorefinery given in various literature is depicted in Fig. 2. Energy ratio
where MTSS is the mass of total suspended solids (kg/batch), E harvesting greater than 1 was reported by many researchers (Batan et al., 2010;
is the harvesting efficiency, C microalgae is the concentration of micro- Passell et al., 2013; Sander and Murthy, 2010; Delrue et al., 2010;
algae (kg/m3) and, QTSS is the flow rate of the microalgae culture (m3/ Stephenson et al., 2010). These authors have attained positive net en-
batch). ergy production due to higher net energy ratio greater than 1.
Output energy
3.1.2. Lipid production The NER can be calculated as NER (%) =
The lipid extraction can be done mainly by solvent extraction, su- Input energy (13)
percritical fluid extraction and thermal cracking (Zhang et al., 2012). The net energy value (NEV) is calculated as
Even after the dewatering of microalgal biomass, its water content may NEV = Σ produced energy − Σ used energy
varies between 67 and 95.5%. The microalgal cell density is less than The energy intensiveness equation is given as
10 g/L in large scale species. The energy input for drying of microalgal
Σinput energy
biomass is more than the energy output of product (Liu et al., 2015). In Energy intensiveness =
order to decrease the energy usage in this process, the wet algae are Σcost incurred throughout the process (14)
highly recommended. Lipid extraction was done widely by using sol- It was estimated that the microalgal biodiesel cost may ranges be-
vent extraction process using hexane:methanol mixtue of 2:3 v/v tween 5$/gal to 30$/gal.
(Caporgno et al., 2016). The lipid yield was almost 95% with 2.4 g/
kgdry biomass of solvent loss (Xu et al., 2011). 3.1.4. Pigment production
The heat energy required for the drying and lipid extraction of Many microalgae have the tendency to produce pigments in higher
microalgae can be calculated as follows (Lam and Lee, 2014). rate. The microalgal species such as Dunaliella salina, Hematococcus
Q= (∑ mi Cpi ) ΔT pluvialis have the tendency to produce β-carotene (Liu, et al., 2018) and
Muriellopsis spp. can produce fucoxanthin (Shukla and Kumar 2018),
where Q is the thermal energy (KJ), mi is the weight of solvent and Zeaxanthin by Dunaliella salina, (Kim et al., 2017), phycoerythrin by
reactant (kg), Cpi is the specific heat capacity of solvent and reactant Porphyridium spp. (Thoisen et al., 2017). Chlorella vulgaris have higher

J. Rajesh Banu, et al. Bioresource Technology 302 (2020) 122822

Fig. 2. Net energy ratio of microalgal biorefinery in various published works; Production and biorefinery cost of microalgaL biorefinery system (RP- Raceway ponds;
TPB- Tubular photobioreactor; FPPB- Flat panel photobioreactor; VAP- Value added products; CB- Complete biorefinery) in various countries.

carotenoid content and it approximately weighs about 75 μg/g of dry 3.2. Biorefinery route 2
biomass (Gille et al., 2016). It is fat soluble and gives colours to the
plant parts, so it is considered as accessory pigment (Chen et al., 2016). 3.2.1. Biogas production
β-Carotene have higher selling price of € 1370 per kg. Astaxanthin is a The biogas productions from microalgae were used for the com-
pigment which can be produced by Hematococcus pluvialis and was sold bined heat and power production. The external power demand was
at 2500 $/kg (sathasivam et al., 2017). Presently, because of its oxidant reduced upto 40% by the combustion of biogas (Shuping et al., 2010).
properties the astaxanthin has the market potential of $ 200 million The process integration for microalgal biofuel production has higher
(Koller et al., 2014). The commonly used extraction methods for car- efficiency and sustainability of biofuel production. The major limita-
otenoid are the solvent extraction and supercritical fluid extraction. The tions in biogas production from algal biomass are: higher biomass
chemical method for cell disruption of microalgae for carotenoid shows production cost, slow biological conversion, higher methanogenic
30 folds higher yield and mechanical method i.e. ultrasonication shows sensitivity. In a study by Harun et al. (2013), the biomethane produc-
40 times higher yield (Singh et al., 2013). In case of β- carotene pig- tion from leftover biomass shows the methane yield of 0.3 g/L with
ment, the extraction efficiency was seen to be 95% at 60 min (Hu et al. 30% of electricity generation efficiency. Carlos et al. (2011) studied the
2008). The energy consumption during extraction was almost same as potential of microalgae for the production of methane by anaerobic
that of cultivation and harvesting stage. The supercritical carbon di- digestion. The 75% of fermented biomass were converted to methane
oxide extraction method can be used without any toxic compounds and the high rate anaerobic digester reached 10–20 kg COD m 3/d. The
since CO2 is safe to recycle whereas the operating and capital cost is economic analysis reveals that the levelized cost of energy was
high, so it is not widely considered (Hernández et al., 2014). The cost €0.087–0.170 kW/h with carbon credit of €30 ton-1 CO2 (eq) and
incurred during extraction process will be reduced by selecting the biomass cost of €86-124 per tonne. The energy balance for the methane
suitable methods. The economic feasibility is maintained when 21% of production from microalgae as performed by Milledge and Heaven
pigments were sold as natural (Jesus et al., 2016). (2017) for the heat generation from combustion of biogas via combined
heat and power production. The lifecycle assessment of biogas pro-
duction from Chlorella vulgaris were assessed by Collet et al. (2011). The
3.1.5. Animal feed authors found that there is a strong correlation between the biogas
Protein being the main constituents accounts about 50–70% of production and electricity usage .The anaerobic digestion efficiency
microalgal composition. It is mainly used as a human nutrition or an- have a major impact on the reduction of overall cost, mixing and
imal feed (Templeton and Laurens, 2015). The commercialisation of heating cost at all stages.
microalgal product was needed to be tested for its nutritional source to
use as animal feed (Drewery et al., 2014). Astaxanthin is esterified with
fatty acid to protein. Prawns and chickens are beneficial for the sup- 3.2.2. Two stage fermentation
plementing enough protein in diet (Del Campo et al., 2007). The rev- Meyer and Weiss (2014) underwent a two stage fermentation for the
enue will increase when the dried protein meal can be used as feed and production of hydrogen and biogas from microalgae from a biogas plant
thus decreases the fuel cost. The feed market issues like nutritional in Germany. The economic analysis included all the phases of produc-
value and the customer adoption are some of the major causes (Davis tion. The cultivation phase is the major cost demanding process in
et al., 2011). The algal biomass can be used as livestock feed which microalgal production. The photolysis reactor of microalgal cultivation
consists of 7–20% of composition based on the species (Sprague et al., incur a cost of 50% , covering 16% for its installation. The combined
2016; Stokes et al., 2015). Some microalgae have higher nutritional hydrogen and methane production plant have the higher annual cost as
quality compared to other sources. The lipid extracted microalgae as an compared to biogas plant. In overall process, the cost incurred for both
animal feed can help to overcome the digestibility issues and higher plants exceeds the market price. In another study by Mussgnug et al.
protein access to cell walls (Lodge-ivey et al., 2014). The animal feed (2010), the hydrogen by anaerobic fermentation followed by methane
has a standard price of 0.31 $/ kg (Adewale et al., 2018). production from left over biomass of Chlorella reinhardtii shows that

J. Rajesh Banu, et al. Bioresource Technology 302 (2020) 122822

there is an increase in methane generation to 123% as compared to system (OP), flat panel photobioreactors, vertical photobioreactors and
fresh biomass of algae. horizontal photobioreactors. The closed system demands higher oper-
Claude et al. (2007) analysed the two stage and one stage cultiva- ating cost as compared to open system (Pulz, 2001). In open pond and
tion of microalgae Haematococcus pluvialis to analyse the efficiency of photobioreactors, the 10% rate of return was achieved by the selling
astaxanthin pigment and found that the astaxanthin production in- price of $8.52 and $18.10/gal of triglycerides. The low biomass pro-
creased in two stage cultivation with productivity of 11.5 mg/L/d and ductivity of bubble column PBRs is considered as the expensive biofuel
fit for the scaling up of process to industrial level. In another study by production system with project cost approximately RM 324.53 million
Di Caprio et al. (2016) analysed the two stage process for bioethanol and it accounts for 81.17% of total cost of production. The tubular PBRs
and pigment production from Scenedesmus sp and found that the lipid system have higher biomass with lower cost and thus decreases the raw
and starch during first cultivation stage were in balanced level and the material required and number of reactors. The open pond cultivation
increase in carbohydrate content was observed during second stage of system were less expensive for mass production whereas the biomass
cultivation. Astanxanthin pigments were extracted by solvent method productivity is lesser with higher demand of water and thereby in-
and obtained a content of about 0.2 mg/g biomass. creasing the operating cost (Faried et al., 2017; Katiyar et al., 2018).
The dewatering stage for open pond system have higher operating cost
3.3. Biorefinery route 3 since the water is discharged in large amount. The open pond with low
biomass productivity shows about 45.73% of the total cost. The open
3.3.1. Biohydrogen production system shows higher profit than photobioreactors, since the cost of
The sustainability in processes and the economic efficiency are investment for photobioreactors were four times the open system
needed to scale up the hydrogen production from microalgae to com- (Thomassen et al., 2016).
mercial level. The economic analysis of biohydrogen production con- The microalgae were harvested when the lipid content reaches to its
siders the land area, operating facility, light, stability, construction maximum concentration and the harvesting accounts 20–30% of the
materials and maintenance (Show et al., 2012). A study by Kruse and production cost. Centrifugation method for harvesting of algal biomass
Hankamer (2010), shows that the genetically engineered microalgal needs higher energy and capital cost. The flocculation is considered to
species C. reinhardtii can produce hydrogen to about 5 times the actual be an efficient method with lesser energy consumption and less capital
strain by biophotolysis of water. The total hydrogen production costs cost of $ 2000 hm−2. The filtration method is applicable for filtering
are drastically reduced as compared to dark and photo fermentation. the pollutants with $ 9884 hm−2 with higher efficiency and medium
The biophotolysis of hydrogen production using microalgae with 10% cost (Jason et al., 2014; Li et al., 2015). The biomass productivity with
photon transformation efficiency is considered as a cost competing higher lipid content shows the positive impacts on final biofuel cost
hydrogen production from algae (Nagarajan et al., 2013). Nagarajan (Yang et al., 2018).
et al. (2013) suggested that the photon conversion efficiency of 5% will About 10,000 tonnes of microalgae with 30% lipids were estimated
be viable if the steam generated in process was further utilized for the to be $2.80/L with inclusion of taxes and it is higher compared to
production of co-products. The bioengineered algal species have eco- petroleum which costs $1.10/L. The biofuels can be made efficient by
nomical advantages in direct photolysis as compared to other methods introducing new technologies and by avoiding the depletion of re-
(Parvathy and Geetha, 2015). Pacheco et al. (2015) studied the eco- sources. The capable microalgae strain with high lipid contents and
nomic potential, energy and emission balances of pigment and hy- high biomass growth were found to improve the cost of lipid produc-
drogen production from spirogyra microalgal species for its feasibility tion. In case of open pond and PBR cultivation method, the oil pro-
in biorefinery system. The pigment production accounts in small duction costs about $8.52/galand$18.10/gal and its upgrading to bio-
quantity with higher economic output. The market price of as- diesel costs around $9.84 and $20.53/gal of diesel (Davis et al., 2011).
tanxanthin is 5112.78 €/kg and β-carotene ranges 1095.41 €/kg. The The lipid production of about 50% by weight was obtained in Nanno-
hydrogen content was 10% of the total biogas and it mainly depends on chloris sp., Dunaliella sp. and Chlorella sp (Mata et al., 2010). The co-
the sugar content of algal biomass. The results shows that the bior- cultivation of microalgae species simultaneously reduce the production
efinery approaches can be efficiently adopted by increasing the sugar cost and improves the production of lipid (Kouzuma and Watanabe,
content for hydrogen production, reducing the energy requirements 2015). According to Davis et al. (2011,2014b), the cost for biodiesel
during harvesting and dewatering and by adopting the alternative production ranges between $9.8–20.5 Gal−1 with minimum selling
methods for pigment extraction. Nobre et al. (2013) derived the oil and price from $5 Gal−1 to $22 Gal−1. The values reported by Sun et al.
pigment from Nannochloropsis sp and the residual biomass were used for (2012) for biodiesel production were between 0.9 and 43 Gal−1. The
biohydrogen production. The pigment production due to cold extrac- open pond cultivation of Dunaliella salina were economically feasible
tion were increased to 38% of hot extraction method, due to which the for the production of β- carotene as compared to the PBRs whereas in
energy and economic value increases. The major carotenoid were found case of PBR cultivation of Haematococcus pluvialis the extraction of
to be vaucheriaxanthin (30%) followed by astaxanthin (19%) and pigment, astaxanthin makes the process viable due to higher market
zeaxanthin (18%). The supercritical fluid CO2 extraction along with price of astaxanthin. The productions of carotenoids in biorefinery
ethanol shows the higher lipid concentration and recover about 70% of approaches are costly and it can be covered by obtaining higher re-
pigments. The biohydrogen yield of 60.6 mL/ g dry biomass were ob- covery (Thomassen et al., 2016). The animal feed cost ranges between
tained by dark fermentation. $1384–5066/MT.
In the biorefinery route 2, the biogas production and two stage
3.4. Techno-economic assessment of microalgal biorefineries fermentation (coupled biohydrogen and biomethane production from
microalgae) were analysed. The major energy consumed in anaerobic
The techno economic assessment of the three biorefinery routes digestion is the heat energy and electricity and almost 2.5 MJ/ kg DM of
were essential in order to know the economic viability in these bior- heat energy and 0.39 MJ/ kgDM as reported by Mu et al. (2017). The
efinery approaches. (Van Dael et al., 2014a; Van Dael et al., 2014b). variation in composition of species and biodegradation ability assess
The biorefinery route 1 includes the cultivation, harvesting, lipid pro- the potential of methane production and it may vary from 0.16 to 0.80
duction and biodiesel production of microalgae. The algae production CH4/kg DM (Togarcheti et al., 2017; Brentner et al., 2011). In two stage
cost may vary based on the assumptions and the techniques adopted fermentation, the life-cycle costing of hydrogen is about 12–15 times
and it ranges between 150 and 6000 $/tonne (Ribeiro et al., 2015; the cost of biogas produced at same energy (Meyer and Weiss, 2014).
Hoffman et al., 2017; Dutta et al., 2016; Batan et al., 2016). In mi- The methane yield is 22% higher in two stage fermentation than one
croalgae cultivation, the major technologies used were open pond stage fermentation (Zhiman et al., 2011).

J. Rajesh Banu, et al. Bioresource Technology 302 (2020) 122822

In the biorefinery route 3, the pigment production from spirogyra ends with the final product and co-product recovery. The raw materials
species were found to be 0.12 g per 100 g of algal biomass by using and the emission caused by the production were taken into considera-
15 MJ/gmicroalgae and emitted 13 gCO2eq/gmicroalgae. The compositions tion.
of the different pigments were of 56% of astaxanthin, 16% of beta-
carotene and 5% of lutein and canthaxanthin. The major operational 3.6. Life-cycle costing (LCC)
cost considered in this route was the consumption of electricity which
accounts about 0.0269 €/ MJ. The total benefits and the operational LCC is done to assess the sensitivity and feasibility (El-Galad et al.,
cost are directly proportional and it has large impacts on the production 2015) of microalgal biorefinery. It the aggregation of energy, installa-
of pigments and hydrogen (Pacheco et al., 2015). The market costs of tion, down streaming, operating, maintenance, environmental and de-
hydrogen production were 0.30USD per kg according to International commissioning costs over the complete lifetime of product (Strazza
energy agency. The biohydrogen cost was about 4 times the cost of et al., 2015). The LCC model is executed based on operating cost (OC),
natural gas (Kumar et al., 2019). The commercialization of the micro- salvage value (SV), maintenance cost (MC), and capital cost (CC) (Hanif
algal products were not much profitable since the cost of the products in et al., 2016). Table 2 shows the economic analysis of microalgal bior-
market is low and the profit generated is not balancing the production efinery. The capital expense is the cost of equipment, instrumentation
costs. In future, the advancement in cultivation techniques may de- and piping. The total capital cost for microalgal cultivation, harvesting,
crease the cost of cultivation to 0.5 €/ kg, thereby making the bior- dewatering and drying are calculated based on the equation by Zhu
efinery feasible (Jesus et al., 2016). The economic feasibility and sus- et al. (2014)
tainability of value added products depends on the technologies used. 20
The success in deriving these products needs large development of in- x
Ctotal = ∑ (1 + r n )
dustries and innovation in techniques. The market potential of all the n=1 (15)
derived products is enhanced by integrating the production process for
where Ctotal is the total capital cost, x is the annual capital cost, and
commercial use and making it economically viable by practical im-
r is the 5% discount rate for 20 years utilization. Operating cost or
plementation. The integration of biofuel production with value added
product cost are evaluated based on fixed cost and variable cost i.e
products reduces the capital and operating cost, thereby making it
labor cost, maintenance, laboratory cost, insurance, plant overheads,
economically viable and sustainable (Richa et al., 2017).
license fees. Due to the insufficient data for labor cost, only the cost for
utilities and raw materials are considered (Eggeman and Elander,
3.5. Life-cycle assessment (LCA)
2005). The total operating cost of microalgal biodiesel production using
present value is estimated as (Yaleeni et al., 2019)
The LCA is the tool to calculate the feasibility of biofuel production
from microalgae and the environmental impacts during the entire AOCmicrolagae / biodiesel
process. It analyse the different processing technologies for biofuel
OCmicroalgae/biodiesel = ∑ (1 + r )i
i=1 (16)
production with economical feasibility (Quinn and Davis, 2015). The
different cultivation technologies were applied to analyse the feasibility The maintenance cost for 20 years using present value is estimated
of biorefinery system to commercial use. If the oil free biomass and the as (Yaleeni et al., 2019)
lipids were converted to biogas and biodiesel, then the non-renewable n
MRmicroalgae / biodiesel × CCmicroalgae / biodiesel
energy to the green house gas emission (GHG) emissions ratio will be MCmicroalgae/biodiesel = ∑ (1 + r )i
i=1 (17)
higher (Posada et al., 2016). In order to improve the sustainability of
the process, the optimisation of growth conditions, extraction techni- where MC is the total maintenance cost, MR is the maintenance rate
ques improvement and co-product reuse is necessary. Table 1 shows the and CC is the capital cost.
life-cycle analysis and the different environmental impacts for algae The total LCC, profit and distribution cost are the total cost of
based biorefinery. The economic analysis of biodiesel production from biofuel. The addition of profit and distribution cost are 10% of the
Tetraselmis chui were about two times the amount incurred for pyrolysis production cost of biofuels (Yaleeni et al., 2019).
process (Scott et al., 2013). The dewatering and lipid production ac-
counts for about 39–57% of total energy (Yaleeni et al., 2019) For 3.7. Commercialization of microalgae based biorefinery
biohydrogen production, about 90% of energy were reduced by elec-
trocoagulation and solar drying process (Pacheco et al., 2015). The The cost incurred in commercialization of microalgal products were
ultrasound assisted extraction process exhibit higher pigment produc- assessed by combining the cost for cultivation and biorefineries. The
tion in Dunaliella salina (Kyriakopoulou et al., 2015). Smritikana et al. microalgal production and biorefinery cost of raceway ponds and dif-
(2016) analysed the two biofuel production technologies with con- ferent types of photobioreactors in various countries and market selling
ventional and integrated approaches from microalgae and compared its price of microalgal biorefinery are also depicted in Fig. 2. Commer-
environmental impact with well to wheel system boundary. The GHG cialization of microalgal biorefinery is not economically feasible till
emissions of the whole process by different technologies were analysed now. The market selling price of biofuels and other value added pro-
and modelling were done by SimaPro software. The integrated ap- ducts s is low (Fig. 2) and profits did not counterbalance present pro-
proaches shows lower GHG emission and a growth phase of algae shows duction costs (Fig. 2). In the coming years, research and development
0.03 GHG (kg CO2 eq /MJ) and contribute 50% of total emission. The will fetch enhancements in the biorefinery that may perhaps will
conventional extraction pathways have the GHG emission of 94% and change this tendency. In future, If anticipated enhancements are done,
fossil consumption of 84% and it needs the up gradation of extraction then the cost microalgal cultivation could reduced to 0.5 euro /kg. This
process. Howard et al. (2013) analysed the pond to wheel boundary of attainment will make the system viable in the present biorefinery route
microalgal production by the base case using commercial data and the itself.The lipid production of about 50% was found in Nannochloropsis
future case by estimation of data for large scale production compared sp which can be able to tolerate high temperature and toxic impurities
with soy and petroleum biodiesel. The base case shows higher magni- (Zhu et al., 2014). The biogas production from mutant Chlorella sp. in
tude of impacts as compared to soy biodiesel and the future case shows swine farm shows that it contains higher methane and carbon dioxide
more efficiency with lesser impacts and the results are closer to the soy with 22.8–25.7% of lipid content (Kao et al., 2012). The closed mi-
and petroleum. Fig. 3 shows the complete life-cycle analysis of micro- croalgae cultivation is widely used for high productivity with integrated
algal biorefinery. The life cycle starts with the cultivation of micro- approaches like carbon capture (Chen et al., 2015; Vadiveloo et al.,
algae, dewatering of microalgae, lipid extraction, oil conversion and 2016). The CO2 were used as aeration in this cultivation system. The

Table 1
Life - cycle analysis and different environmental impacts for algae based biorefinery.
S .No Microalgal species Functional unit System Environmental impact Impact assessment Findings By product References
J. Rajesh Banu, et al.

1 Tetraselmis chui MJ of pyrolysis

• 1biogas Cradle to GWP, ADP, Land transformation • Environmental impacts combined • The lipid for biodiesel production Bio oil, Biogas, Scott et al., 2013
combusted for grave and use, Water resource depletion, to single eco-point by BPIC LCIA followed by pyrolysis of residue Biochar, Biodiesel
electricity EP, ACP, E-toxicity, H-toxicity, method. for electricity generation.
of pyrolysis bio
• 1oilMJcombusted Photochemical smog, OD, Ionising • The higher price of biochar have • The economic analysis reveals that
for radiation, Respiratory effects lesser impact on GHG emission, the biodiesel production is twice
electricity compared to biodiesel. the times of income of the
MJ of pyrolysis
• 1biochar • The energy intensity is high in pyrolysis process.
combusted for cultivation and drying process.
t of pyrolysis biochar
• 1applied to soil as
2 Nannochloris sp. & 1 MJ of energy by Pond to GWP,PM10, PM2.5, NOx, and • SimaPro software were used for • The net energy ratio were higher Biodiesel Howard et al.,
Nannochloropsissp., combusting the fuel in wheel SOx.POP data modelling. compared to the present algal 2013
acompression-ignition • Base case shows negative results for biodiesel studies in base case.
direct-injection passenger all the impacts due to the • In future case, the increase in oil
car comparison with small scale yield of 0.75 kg oil/ kg dry
industries biomass decreases the net energy
future case i.e. scaling up
• Inprocess, ration to 0.64.
the GWP reduced from 2.9
to 0.18 kg CO2– equivalent
3 Chlorellavulgaris 100,000 kg of dry algae Cradle to CO2 emission • The net energy value is negative in • The dewatering and lipid Biodiesel, Yaleeni et al., 2019
biomass for 340 days gate all scenarios during cultivation extraction contributes 21 to 30% bioethanol
ofyearly operation. process. and 39–57% of total energy.

• Bioethanol as coproducts generate • About 47–87% of production cost
revenues, but CO emission leads to
2 is used as capital investment and it
negative impacts to the shows poor economic
environment performance.
• The production of biofuel from
microalgae have negative CO2
4 Spirogyra sp 1 g of dry microalga Cradle to GHG emission • Ecoinvent 2.0 database were used • Pigment production were less in Biohydrogen, Pacheco et al.,
gate to model water, energy and GHG quantity whereas the economic pigments 2015
emissions. share is large.
• The harvesting using centrifugation • Electrocoagulation and solar
and heating of fermentation unit drying process reduces the energy
were the major contributor of to about 90%.
energy consumption and CO2
• Pigment extraction energy demands
about 62% of total energy
5 ChlorellaVulgaris 1 ton of biodiesel Cradle to GWP, FER, water footprint • The microalgal cultivation and • The mixotrophic cultivation Biodiesel Victoria et al.,
produced gate drying contributes 84% of total system have more than 75% of 2014
impact GWP and FER savings.
• Biodiesel production gives higher cultivation stage, the electricity
GHG savings with lower GWP and
• Indemands for 62% of total GWP.
• The GWP and FER reduces to 22%
and 29% based on water
requirements for biodiesel
6 Chlorellavulgaris 1 kg biodiesel Well to CO2 emission, Biodiesel, protein, Gnansounou &
wheel succinic acid Kenthorai, 2016
(continued on next page)
Bioresource Technology 302 (2020) 122822
Table 1 (continued)

S .No Microalgal species Functional unit System Environmental impact Impact assessment Findings By product References

7.3.3 were used to model biofuel system uses less than

J. Rajesh Banu, et al.

• Simapro
the impact and then assessed by
• Algal
95% of land as compared to fossil
Recipe midpoint methodology. system.
• Base case i.e biodiesel and protein • The succinic acid production have
production have less CO emission,
2 less consumption of fossil oil and
land usage and higher fossil oil thereby decreases the impacts .
consumption compared to
biodiesel, protein and succinic acid.
7 Scenedesmus dimorphus 1 MJ of algal biodiesel Cradle to GHG emission • Low nitrogen cultivation condition • The production system does not Biodiesel Yuan et al., 2014
gate is efficient in terms of GHG produce more energy compared to
emission due to the higher yield of the consumed energy.
biodiesel • The carbon concentration is not
• Algal cultivation contributes 86% much reduced in biodiesel
of primary energy required and the production pathway of algae.
extraction of oil contributes 88% of • The commercial system may
total GHG emission. achieve gain in efficiency with
• The overall GHG emission after higher potential to production
recovery of energy accounts about system.
8 Nannochloropsis sp. 1 MJ of biodiesel Well to tank GWP, non renewable energy • IMPACT 2002 + with midpoint • Higher energy demand and GHG Biodiesel, biogas Monari et al., 2016
consumption approach is used as LCIA method. emission is shown in algal
• Non renewable energy biodiesel pathway.
consumption and GHG emission is • Industrial scale of production
higher in cultivation of algae (92%) needs further improvements.
followed by drying, harvesting and algae cultivation in waste

• The
water reduces the energy demand
and GHG emission drastically.
9 Chlorella vulgaris & biomass Cradle to non-renewable energy • SimaPro 8 and ecoinvent 3.1 were • The autrotrophic and Food and animal Smetana et al.,
Arthrospira platensis
• 11 kgkg ofof algal proteins gate consumption, GWP, respiratory used for modelling LCA with heterotrophic cultivation system feed 2017
• 1 kg of bulk inorganics emissions ReCiPe V1.08 and IMPACT shows higher environmental
• Food andoilfeed supply 2002 + for impact assessment. impacts compared to conventional
• with specific amount Four scenarios for cultivation show one.
of protein
• highest impacts.
10 Dunaliella salina 1 kg of β-carotene extract Cradle to ADP, GWP , ODP, H-toxicity, ACP , • The intake of CO2 shows some • The microalgal species exhibit β-carotene Kyriakopoulou
recovered grave EP, POP, E-toxicity MAEP, FWAEP. benefit towards GWP, whereas the higher pigment production by et al., 2015
energy demand will be more in using UAE with lower impacts.
harvesting and cultivation phase. • The energy for pumping and
dewatering leads to higher overall

GWP: global warming potential; FER: fossil energy requirement; GHG: greenhouse gas emission; ADP: abiotic depletion; EP: eutrophication potential; E-toxicity: ecotoxicity; H-toxicity: human toxicity; OD: ozone
depletion; POP: photochemical oxidation potential; ACP: Acidification Potential; MAEP: Marine Aquatic Ecotoxicity Potential; FWAEP: Fresh Water Aquatic Ecotoxicity Potential; UAE: ultrasound assisted extraction
Bioresource Technology 302 (2020) 122822
J. Rajesh Banu, et al. Bioresource Technology 302 (2020) 122822

Fig 3. Complete life cycle analysis of microalgal biorefinery.

major barriers in commercialisation of algal biofuel are the operating problems in scaling up in commercial level. The commercialisation of
cost, energy need, land requirement and lower cell density. It was re- hydrogen production technology from microalgae needs verification for
ported that the cultivation cost is about 65% the total biofuel produc- the feasibility in according to economic return and to reduce the GHG
tion cost which shows that the efficient cultivation method can improve emissions. The closed photo bioreactor can be able to avoid these issues
the biodiesel production and sold it to market in lower price (Iancu, at extreme geographical locations (Oey et al., 2015).
et al., 2012). Some of the industries which produces microalgal biofuels
are: Sapphire Energy Inc., Cellana Inc., TerraVia Inc. (formerly Sola- 3.8. Microalgal biorefinery as a circular bioeconomy approach
zyme), Algenol Biotech LLC, Joule Unlimited Inc., and Synthetic
Genomics Inc. The Sapphire energy Inc and Cellana Inc produces bio- In microalgae based biorefinery, the biofuel and value added pro-
fuel in commercial scale and also produces the animal feed (Cellana Inc. ducts recovery could be improved via process integration. The frame-
2015; Sapphire Energy Inc 2016). Algenol Biotech LLC, a company in work design will be moulded base on the subsequent characteristics
Florida can produce bioethanol for $1.30/gal (Algenol Biotech LLC, namely, type of microalgal strain, process flow, side stream products
2019). The genetic engineering has been applied by Synthetic Genomics and main output products obtained. A new focus of interest has been
Inc to improve the secretion of lipids (Schmidt, 2010). Various com- renewed with the intention to minimize the eco foot print and to obtain
panies to produce algae based biofuels and value added products in a highly secured renewable feedstocks supply. The integrated valor-
commercial scale are shown in Table 3. ization of microalgal biomass improves its biorefinery on the verge to
The commercial scale requirements for biofuel production of mi- develop the bioeconomy. For instance, the generation of biodiesel from
croalgae are: microalgae oil (from extracted lipid) can decrease the emission of
carbondioxide to nearly 78 percent. The lipid extracted biomass residue
• Identification of high lipid accumulating microalgae strain can be used as feed biomass or can be utilized as feedstock for bio-
• Effective genetic engineering methods to alter the strain with high methane production. The recovered biomethane can be utilized to
tolerance to extreme environment. generate the electricity needed to operate the biodiesel facility. In
• Engineering strategies for higher biomass and lipid production. certain circumstances, surplus power can be recovered and this could
• Economically feasible reactor design for large scale biofuel pro- be traded to cover the production cost of biodiesel. This implies that
duction. microalgal biorefinery can be employed as successful route to recover
• Efficient harvesting and lipid extraction methods and inexpensive biofuel and multiple products.
without any toxic chemicals. The microalgal biorefinery can be procured as a route for biofuel
• The techno-economic support from government for setting up bio- and multiple products recovery which are presently obtained from
fuel industries. petrochemical industry. Finally, it has been stressed that biofuels and
value added products recovery are not technology based processes, and
The cost of microalgae cultivation are drastically reduced by in- these processes are highly essential zones for technical investigation in
tegration with wastewater treatment and carbon capture (Gendy and the bioeconomy viewpoint. Similar routes/ processes can be connected
El-Temtamy, 2013). The calculation of profitability were carried out for together to valorize a biorefinery approach.
the production of biogas from microalgae and it is considered as ef-
fective method for different energetic exploitation (Harun et al., 2011).
4. Conclusion
The major limitation in industrial scale microalgal production is the
inefficiency in maintaining the cell density in higher level due to
The microalgae are one of the prospective species which meets the

Table 2
Economic analysis of microalgal biorefinery.
S. No Microalgal species Type of product Yield/ productivity Bioreactor Outlay cost Operational cost Amount gain References

1 Dunaliella salina β-carotene and fertilizer 141 tonnes β-carotene, 1476 tonnes of fertilizer. open paddlewheel ponds 11,223,432 € 13,340,596€ 16,746,464 € Thomassen et al., 2016
J. Rajesh Banu, et al.

2 Dunaliella salina β-carotene and fertilizer 141 tonnes β-carotene, 1476 tonnes of fertilizer. open paddlewheel ponds 10,748,522€/yr 7,936,666€/yr 16,746,464€/yr Thomassen et al., 2016
3 Dunaliella salina β-carotene and fertilizer 141 tonnes β-carotene, 1476 tonnes of fertilizer. PBR 43,139,268€/yr 13,256,184€/yr 16,746,464€/yr Thomassen et al., 2016
4 Haematococcuspluvialis Astaxanthin and fertiliser 43 tonnes astanxanthin, 1583 tonnes of fertilizer. PBR 46,146,384€/yr 13,733,012€/yr 22,119,970€/yr Thomassen et al., 2016
5 Chlorella vulgaris β-carotene 6 tonne/yr PBR 1,736,614 € 504,710 €/yr 4,270,500 €/yr Didem et al., 2018
6 Autrophic mixed culture Biodiesel 9.3 MM gal/yr Open pond $390 $37 $9.84/gal Davis et al., 2011
7 Autrophic mixed culture Biodiesel 9.3 MM gal/yr PBR $990 $55 $20.53/gal Davis et al., 2011
8 Chlorella vulgaris Biodiesel 12 tonne/yr PBR 1,766,909€ 501,277€/yr 11,698€/yr Didem et al., 2018
9 Mixed microalgal culture Biogas 65 m3 biogas ha−1 d-1 Open raceway pond 14,713, 974 € ha−1 3, 023, 830€ ha−1 y 3, 441, 278€ ha−1 y Carlos et al., 2011
10 Mixed microalgal culture Biogas 83 m3 biogas ha−1 d-1 Open raceway pond 14,713, 974€ ha−1 3, 225, 467€ ha-1y 5, 424, 838€ ha−1 y Carlos et al., 2011
11 Mixed microalgal culture Biogas 102 m3 biogas ha-1d-1 Open raceway pond 14,713, 974€ ha−1 3, 427, 105€ ha-1y 7, 408, 398€ ha−1 y Carlos et al., 2011

Table 3
Various companies to produce algae based biofuels and value added products in commercial scale.
Company Country Bioreactor type Scale of production Products Revenue References

Sapphire energy Inc United states Open pond, photosynthetic 1600 tons of biomass per year High value oils, aquaculture and animal feed $37.6 million Sapphire Energy Inc (2016), http://www.
growth system sapphireenergy.com/.
Cellana Inc United states PRB with open pond 20 tons of algae Omega 3 oils, biofuels, animal feed, pigments $ 4.8 million Cellana Inc (2018), http://www.cellana.com.
TerraVia Inc United states Dark fermenters, heterotrophic 100,000–300,000 metric tons per Edible food oil, biofuel $12.1 million Terravia Inc (2018), http://www.terravia.com.
algae year
Algenol Biotech LLC United states PRB 8000 gallons of liquid fuel per acre Bioethanol, gasoline, jet fuel, biodiesel $ 3.1 million Algenol Biotech LLC (2019), www.algenol.com
per year
SyntheticGenomics Inc United states PRB 1600 gallons per acre per year of Ethanol, biodiesel, jet fuel $ 16.8 Synthetic Genomics Inc. (2015),
lipid million www.SyntheticGenomics.com
Algatech Israel PRB 2–3 million ton per year Astaxanthin, fish feed, fucoxanthin $ 7.7 million Algae.tec (2018), www.algatech.com/
Solix Biofuels United states Closed growth PRB 3000 gallons of biofuel Biodiesel, green diesel, jet fuel, omega 3, β- $ 4 million Solix biofuels (2014), www.solixbiofuels.com
carotene, astaxanthin, animal feed
Seambiotic Israel Open pond 100 to 200 gallons of biofuel Biofuel, bioethanol $ 10 million Seambiotic (2011), www.seambiotic.com
Algae. Tec Australia PRB 10,000 ton per annum Biofuel, animal feed, animal feed, aquaculture $ 93 K Algatech (2019), www.algae-tec.com
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J. Rajesh Banu, et al. Bioresource Technology 302 (2020) 122822

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