Final Case Solve For HRM 524 by 2020-1-95-059

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Case No>Two

In this case, the Union of the specialists gave a Demand Notice U/s 2k of I.D Act to the
Administration and negotiation on the said Demand Notice are going on between the
administration. The Union has told the laborers to embrace go-slow strategies and as a result of
thereof Mr A whereas on obligation on 17.02.2K at 04:00 pm in combination with others
intentionally slowed down the work and also affects M/s B, C & D to embrace ‘go slow’
strategies. Mr. A too threatened Mr. E who did not take after his suit.

According to Bangladesh labor Law “CHAPTER I, (2. xviii) section”

go-slow’ means an organized, deliberate and purposeful slowing down of normal output of work
by a body of workers in a concerted manner, and which is not due to any mechanical defect,
breakdown of machinery, failure or defect in power supply or in the supply of normal material
and spare parts of machinery;

According to law, Mr. A. will be punished for giving acceptance or utilizing Go slow policy and
also will be punished for threating employee to not do wrong deed.

Below penalties are given:

 296. Penalty for taking part in or instigating go-slow:

Whoever takes part in or instigates or incites others to take part in, or otherwise acts in
furtherance of, a go-slow shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may
extend to one year, or with fine which may extend to five thousand takas, or with both.

 291. Penalty for unfair labor practices:

(1) whoever contravenes any provision of section (195 Unfair labor practices on the part of
employers (for threating)), shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may
extend to two years, or with fine which may extend to ten thousand takas, or with both.
Case No>Eight

Mr. Joynul Abdin was appointed as Machine Operator on probation for a period of 6 months.
After completion of 6 months, the administration took a test in which Mr. Joynul Abdin did not
qualify and his probation period was amplified for another 6 months. Once more a test was
organized but again he did not qualify. Thus his administrations came to a conclusion on the
premise of conditions stipulated in the arrangement letter. The worker challenged the end.

According to Bangladesh labor Law “CHAPTER TWO - 4 (6) A worker shall be called a
probationer if he is provisionally employed in an establishment to fill a permanent vacancy in a
post and has not completed the period of his probation in the establishment.

According To Terms of His Appointment:

 He was appointed as Machine operator trainee for a period of 6 months provided

 The organization extended the period of training for giving his services as trainee for
such further period not exceeding one year.
 The organization terminated him on the basis of agreement that at any time without prior
notice he can be terminated.
 The candidate was on the the course of his training and abide the rules for time
being in force relating to the conduct of training and pass the described test.

According to Bangladesh labor Law -280. Obligations of apprentices:

(1) Subject to the other provisions of this chapter and the rules, an apprentice-

 shall carry out all lawful orders of the employer of his representative relating to his
apprenticeship and shall full fill his obligations under the contract of apprenticeship;
 shall submit himself to any test or examination held from time to time for assessing the progress
of his training;
(2) If an apprentice fails to carry out the terms of the contract of apprenticeship, or if at any time during
the period of his apprentice voluntarily quits such apprenticeship, or there are continued adverse reports
regarding the progress of his studies, or he is discharged for misconduct which shall 124 include
insubordination, breach of the rules, absence from duty or neglect of his work, then he or, as the case may
be his parent o guardian and the surety shall jointly and severally be liable to the payment of such refund
of expenses and compensation as may be prescribed.

As a Personnel Manager, I will not accept the challenge of the provisional employee

Case No>Ten
No, Mr rajesh wife claim is not lawful.

In this case, Mr. Rajesh was employed in the Star Mills as a tractor driver. His job was to carry
the raw material from godown to the production hall. Rajesh was 55 years of age and he joined
Star Mills on 09.09.2005. He was drawing wages of Tk. 12000/-. His shift timings are about 2
pm to 9 pm. On September 07, 2008 after coming back from his place of employment at about 9
pm he complained of severe chest pain. He was taken to the Dispensary from where he was taken
to the District hospital where he was treated. Thereafter Rajesh was referred to DMCH, Dhaka.
Mr. Rajesh was a chronic Asthma patient. On 21st Sept 2008, he died at DMCH, Dhaka. His
wife claimed compensation to the extent of Tk. 750000/-. There was no report of any accidents
the diseased was on his duty on September 07, 2008 and he completed his duty as usual.

According to Bangladesh labor law chapter two (19). Death benefit : If a worker dies while
in service after a continuous service of not less than three years, his nominee or in the absence of
an nominee, his dependent shall be paid by the employer a compensation at the rate of thirty days
wages for every completed year of service, or for any part 29 thereof in excess of six months or
gratuity, if any, whichever is higher, in addition to any other benefit to which the deceased
worker would have been entitled had he retired from service: Provided that if such worker is
covered by any compulsory insurance scheme of the establishment, or, if any compensation is payable
for such death under chapter XII, the worker shall be entitled to whichever is higher.

On above conclusion, Although Mr Rasheh worked for the company for three years but his chest pain or
death occurred after his office time. And according to law book his wife will not get the compensation.

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