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Lesson Plan

School: Nicolae Iorga Iaşi

Date: the 19th of May, 2021

Grade: 3rd D (2h/week)

No. of pupils: 26
Time: 50 minutes

Textbook: Fairyland 3B, Ed. Uniscan

Unit: 10 - Animals
Topic: Animals and places they live in; Present Continuous

Type of lesson: Evaluation

Lesson objectives:
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

● recognise different animals and their homes while listening a song

● use correctly language structures such as Present Continuous (affirmative, negative,
interrogative forms)
● follow all the steps in marking a test

Skills: Integrated

Techniques: conversation, explanation, exchanging tests

Interaction: lock step, individual work.

Aids: board, markers, laptop, Animal Home song, handouts with the test paper and the answers.

Anticipated problems:

1. Pupils may feel nervous and find it difficult to evaluate the tests.
Possible solution – Teacher goes to those who request help and explains what is to be done.
2. Some pupils may not take to an end their task as evaluator for different reasons.
Possible solution – Teacher asks the PP who have finished earlier to offer assistance to the
colleagues in need.

Gardescu Elena, Teaching English in Primary School, Ministerul Educației și Cercetării, Proiectul
pentru Învățământul Rural, 2007
Activity 1 – Warm-up

Procedure Interaction Timing

Greetings T-PP 2 min

Checking homework assignments and attendance.

Aids: board, markers

Activity 2 – Announcing the content of the test

Aim: to make pupils aware of the test content and what they are supposed to do

Procedure Interaction Timing

T gives PP the test papers. T tells PP that they have 15’ to solve the exercises. T-PP 3 min
T gives PP the necessary instructions for them to complete the given tasks.

Aids: handouts with the test

Activity 3 – Testing
Aim: to check the previously taught material

Procedure Interaction Timing

T tells PP that they will all begin their test with the first exercise and for that T-PP 20 min
they need to pay attention to the song Animal Home. T plays the song twice.

T supervises pupils. Lockstep

Aids: handouts with the test, laptop, Animal Home song.

Activity 4 – Evaluation
Aim: to get pupils involved in their own evaluation

Procedure Interaction Timing

T asks PP to gather all the tests on rows. Then, T switches the tests among the T-PP
rows of PP. Thus, each P receives a classmate’s test.
T gives each P a handout with the solutions/ points for each item and invites
them to be a T for 20’ by evaluating a colleague’s test paper. T gives Individual 20 min
explanations to those who have not understood their task and how to finish work
When PP finish making the necessary corrections and give qualifiers, T asks
PP to gather all the tests and she takes them for a final evaluation.

Aids: handouts with the test and the answers

Activity 4 – Feedback and assigning homework

Procedure Interaction Timing

T announces the test results but mentions that the final marks are to be
known next time after the T also evaluates the tests. T-PP
T and PP share impressions. PP tell the T what they liked, what was difficult, P-P 5 min
what it is to be changed/different at the next evaluation task.
Name Teacher

Name and surname:………………………………………….

Test paper – Unit 10 - ANIMALS

● Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii.
● Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 20 de minute.
● Punctaj din oficiu 20p

I. Write down five animals you hear in the Animal Home song and their homes.
1.……….....……- …………....……, 2.……….…………-...........…………. , 3.……….....……… -.............. ...………, 4……….
…………-.............………, 5 ……….……………-...........………. .

II. Read the clues and fill in the animal’s name.

1. I’m large and grey. I have a trunk. ………………….

2. I look like a horse. I have black and white stripes. ………………….
3. I live in a stable. People may ride on my back. .....……………..
4. I am a type of cat. I have a mane. I can roar. ...……………….
5. I have four legs. I eat grass. I am woolly. ………………….

III. Make sentences:

1. they / not eat ice-cream …………………………………………………………………….
2. the monkey / climb / the tree …………………………………………………………………….
3. the giraffe / eat? …………………………………………………………………….
4. the rhino/ not drink water …………………………………………………………………...
5. the lions / run ………………………………………………………………….…

IV. Choose and circle the correct answer.

1. Is the lion sleeping?
a. No, it is.
b. Yes, it isn’t.
c. No, it isn't.

2. Are the girls picking flowers?

a. Yes, it are.
b. Yes, they are.
c. No, they are.

3. Is Lee reading a book?

a. Yes, he is.
b. No, he is.
c. Yes, he isn’t.

4. Is the goat drinking water?

a. Yes, it is.
b. Yes, he is.
c. No, he isn’t.

V. Look at the picture and complete the sentences.

Example: Harry (0) is sleeping.

Mona is (1)……………….. ………………… the (2) ………………...

Missy (3)………… …………………….. (4) …………………..

Lee (5)…………. …………..……….. (6).........................

Barem de corectare și notare
Punctaj din oficiu 20p

I. Se acordă câte 2 points pentru oricare cinci animale și cinci adăposturi scrise corect din
următoarea listă: lion 1p - DEN 1p, fish 1p - POND 1p, pig 1p -STY 1p, crow 1p - TREE NEST 1p,
ant 1p - MOUNT HILL 1p, bear 1p - CAVE 1p, spider 1p - WEB 1p, cow 1p - SHED 1p, dog 1p -
KENNEL 1p , chicken 1p - COOP 1p, honey bee 1p - HIVE 1p.
5 animals X 1p = 5 points
5 animal’s home x 1p = 5 points
II. Se acorda cate 3 points pentru fiecare răspuns corect.

1. elephant 3p
2. zebra 3p
3. horse 3p
4. lion 3p
5. sheep/goat 3p
5X3p=15 points

III. Se acorda cate 3 points pentru fiecare răspuns corect.

1. They aren’t/are not eating ice-cream. 3p
2. The monkey is climbing the tree. 3p
3. Is the giraffe eating ? 3p
4. The rhino isn’t/is not drinking water. 3p
5. The lions are running. 3p
5X3p=15 points

IV. Se acordă câte 3 points pentru fiecare răspuns corect.

1. Is the lion sleeping? c. No, it isn’t. 3p
2. Are the girls picking flowers? b. Yes, they are. 3p
3. Is Lee reading a book? a. Yes, he is. 3p
4. Is the goat drinking water? a. Yes, it is. 3p
4x3p=12 points
V. Se acorda cate 3 points pentru fiecare răspuns corect.

(1) playing -3p (2) guitar -3p (3) is drinking -3p (4) water/milk -3p (5) is riding - 3p (6) bike-

3p 6X3p=18 points

Schema de notare a testului

points 49 or less 50-69 70-89 90-100
qualifier I (Unsatisfactory) S (Satisfactory) B (Good) FB (Very good)
Evaluation results

no PP’ names I II III IV V Mark

1 ANDREI ANASTASIA 20 20 15 5 12 12 84 B
2 BARĂU MARIA 20 4 8 0 3 0 38 I
3 BĂLĂUȚĂ ILARIA 20 20 12 12 12 18 94 FB
4 BÎRSAN ALBERT 20 3 9 13 12 17 77 B
5 BOGDAN ANASTASIA 20 20 12 7 12 15 86 B
6 BOGDAN VERONICA 20 8 6 12 12 12 70 B
7 BUDU BIANCA 20 7 9 8 12 12 75 B
8 BURLACU ALESIA MARIA 20 20 12 15 12 18 97 FB
9 CAZAMIR MARIO 20 5 0 4 3 9 41 I
10 CHIRIAC SABRINA 20 10 6 0 3 0 39 I
11 CIOMAGA BARJOVANU 20 17 7 10 3 0 58 S
13 GALCA TEODORA 20 20 9 5 9 2 65 S
14 MANOLACHE PETRU 20 20 12 10 12 14 98 FB
15 MORUZ ALEXANDRU 20 20 15 15 12 9 100 FB
16 MORARIU REBECA 20 20 3 1 3 0 44 I
17 NECHIFOR ȘCOBAN 20 20 15 12 12 18 97 FB
18 PANAITE NICHOLAS 20 7 12 7 12 18 83 B
19 PETRESCU YASMINA 20 18 14 10 9 9 80 B
20 POPOVICI MATEI 20 7 9 7 12 8 63 S
21 RĂDEANU REBECA 20 4 2 6 0 0 32 I
22 RUSU PAUL 20 12 3 6 9 15 60 S
24 TOMA TEODORA 20 4 2 0 3 3 30 I
25 TÎRCAVU MATEI 20 6 0 0 3 0 29 I
26 ZAHARIA ANDRA 20 20 15 15 12 18 100 FB

points 49 or less / I 50-69 / S 70-89 / B 90-100 /FB

No. of PP 7 4 7 6

Class average = 68,33

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