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ASM Handbook, Volume 2: Properties and Selection: Nonferrous Alloys and Special-Purpose Materials Copyright © 1990 ASM International®

ASM Handbook Committee, p 897-902 All rights reserved.

Shape Memory Alloys

Darel E. Hodgson, Shape Memory Applications, Inc., Ming H. Wu, Memry Corporation, c

T H E T E R M S H A P E M E M O R Y AL- versed when the twinned structure reverts system. Of all these systems, the Ni-Ti
LOYS (SMA) is applied to that group of upon heating to the parent phase. alloys and a few of the copper-base alloys
metallic materials that demonstrate the abil- have received the most development effort
ity to return to some previously defined History and commercial exploitation. These will be
shape or size when subjected to the appro- the focus of the balance of this article.
priate thermal procedure. Generally, these The first recorded observation o f the
materials can be plastically deformed at shape memory transformation was by
some relatively low temperature, and upon Chang and Read in 1932 (Ref 1). They
General Characteristics
exposure to some higher temperature will noted the reversibility of the transforma- The martensitic transformation that oc-
return to their shape prior to the deforma- tion in AuCd by metallographic observa- curs in the shape m e m o r y alloys yields a
tion. Materials that exhibit shape memory tions and resistivity changes, and in 1951 thermoelastic martensite and develops from
only upon heating are referred to as having the shape memory effect (SME) was ob- a high-temperature austenite phase with
a one-way shape memory. Some materials served in a bent bar of AuCd. In 1938, the long-range order. The martensite typically
also undergo a change in shape upon recool- transformation was seen in brass (copper- occurs as alternately sheared platelets,
ing. These materials have a two-way shape zinc). H o w e v e r , it was not until 1962, which are seen as a herringbone structure
memory. when Buehler and co-workers (Ref 2) dis- when viewed metallographically. The trans-
Although a relatively wide variety of covered the effect in equiatomic nickel- formation, although a first-order phase
alloys are known to exhibit the shape titanium (Ni-Ti), that research into both change, does not occur at a single temper-
memory effect, only those that can r e c o v e r the metallurgy and potential practical uses ature but over a range of temperatures that
substantial amounts of strain or that gen- began in earnest. Within 10 years, a num- varies with each alloy system. The usual
erate significant force upon changing b e r of commercial products were on the way of characterizing the transformation
shape are of commercial interest. To date, market, and understanding of the effect and naming each point in the cycle is shown
this has been the nickel-titanium alloys was much advanced. Study of shape mem- in Fig. 1. Most of the transformation occurs
and c o p p e r - b a s e alloys such as Cu-Zn-Al ory alloys has continued at an increasing over a relatively narrow temperature range,
and Cu-AI-Ni. pace since then, and more products using although the beginning and end of the trans-
A shape memory alloy may be further these materials are coming to the market formation during heating or cooling actually
defined as one that yields a thermoelastic each year (Ref 3, 4). extends over a much larger temperature
martensite. In this case, the alloy undergoes As the shape memory effect became bet- range. The transformation also exhibits hys-
a martensitic transformation of a type that ter understood, a number of other alloy teresis in that the transformation on heating
allows the alloy to be deformed by a twin- systems that exhibited shape memory were and on cooling does not overlap (Fig. 1). This
ning mechanism below the transformation investigated. Table 1 lists a number of these transformation hysteresis (shown as T in Fig.
temperature. The deformation is then re- systems (Ref 5) with some details of each 1) varies with the alloy system (Table 1).

Table 1 Alloys having a shape memory effect

Transformation-temperature range hysteresis
Alloy Composition *C *F AoC AOF ' ~ ~ i 100o~
Ag-Cd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44/49 at.% Cd - 1 9 0 to - 5 0 - 3 1 0 to - 6 0 ~15 ~25 AL - "~
Au-Cd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46.5/50 at.% Cd 30 to 100 85 to 212 ~15 ~25
Cu-AI-Ni . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14/14.5 w t % AI - 1 4 0 to 100 - 2 2 0 to 212 ~35 ~65
3/4.5 wt% Ni
Cu-Sn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~15 at.% Sn - 1 2 0 to 30 - 1 8 5 to 85
Cu-Zn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38.5/41.5 wt% Zn - 1 8 0 to - 1 0 - 2 9 0 to 15 ~10 ~20
iI I
Cu-Zn-X (X = Si, Sn, A I ) . . . a few w t % of X - 1 8 0 to 200 - 2 9 0 to 390 ~10 ~20
In-Ti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18/23 at.% Ti 60 to 100 140 to 212 ~4 ~7 Mf Ms A6Af
Ni-AI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36/38 at.% AI - 1 8 0 to 100 - 2 9 0 to 212 ~10 ~20
Ni-Ti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49/51 at.% Ni - 5 0 to 110 - 6 0 to 230 ~30 ~55
Temperature ~,
Fe-Pt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~25 at.% Pt ~ - 130 ~-200 ~4 ~7 Typical transformation versus temperature
Mn-Cu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fe-Mn-Si . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5/35 at.% Cu
32 wt% Mn, 6 wt% Si
- 2 5 0 to 180 - 4 2 0 to 355 ~25 ~45 Fig. 1 curve for a specimen under constant load
- 2 0 0 to 150 - 3 3 0 to 300 =100 ~180 (stress) as it is cooled and heated. T, transformation
Source: Ref 5 hysteresis.Ms, martensite start; Mf, martensitefinish;
As, austenitestart; Af, austenitefinish
898 / Special-Purpose Materials

(a) T > A f T1 Austenite ~ J T1 ~> T3 ~>Af > Ms > 72

A (c)
\ T3 Pseudoelastic

(b) T < Mf 'f~---~


1¢1 T < Mf
(a) A ~ phase crystal. (b) Self-accommodat-
Fig. 2 ing, twin-related variants A, B, C, and D, after (b)
cooling and transformation to martensite. (c) Variant A
becomes dominant when stress is applied.

Crystallography of
Shape Memory Alloys Strain
Typical stress-strain curves at different temperatures relative to the transformation, showing (a)
Thermoelastic martensites are character- Fig. 3 Austenite. (b) Martensite. (c) Pseudoelastic behavior
ized by their low energy and glissile inter-
faces, which can be driven by small temper-
ature or stress changes. As a consequence " r e m e m b e r e d " its unstrained shape and heating and cooling. The amount of this
of this, and of the constraint due to the loss reverted to it as the material transformed to shape change is always significantly less
of symmetry during transformation, ther- austenite. No such shape recovery is found than obtained with one-way memory, and
moelastic martensites are crystallographi- in the austenite phase upon straining and very little stress can be exerted by the alloy
cally reversible. heating, because no phase change occurs. as it tries to assume its low-temperature
The herringbone structure of athermal An interesting feature of the stress-strain shape. The heating shape change can still
martensites essentially consists of twin-re- behavior is seen in Fig. 3(c), where the exert very high forces, as with the one-way
lated, self-accommodating variants (Fig. material is tested slightly above its transfor- memory.
2b). The shape change among the variants mation temperature. At this temperature, A number of heat-treatment and mechan-
tends to cause them to eliminate each other. martensite can be stress induced. It then ical training methods have been proposed to
As a result, little macroscopic strain is immediately strains and exhibits the in- create the two-way shape memory effect
generated. In the case of stress-induced creasing strain at constant stress behavior, (Ref 6, 7). All rely on the introduction of
martensites, or when stressing a self-ac- seen in AB. Upon unloading, though, the microstructural stress concentrations,
commodating structure, the variant that can material reverts to austenite at a lower which cause the martensite plates to initiate
transform and yield the greatest shape stress, as seen in line CD, and shape recov- in particular directions when they form
change in the direction of the applied stress ery occurs, not upon the application of heat upon cooling, resulting in an overall net-
is stabilized and becomes dominant in the but upon a reduction of stress. This effect, shape change in the desired direction.
configuration (Fig. 2c). This process creates which causes the material to be extremely
a macroscopic strain, which is recoverable elastic, is known as pseudoelasticity. Pseu- Characterization Methods
as the crystal structure reverts to austenite doelasticity is nonlinear. The Young's mod-
during reverse transformation. ulus is therefore difficult to define in this There are four major methods of charac-
temperature range as it exhibits both tem- terizing the transformation in SMAs and a
perature and strain dependence. large number of minor methods that are
Thermomechanical Behavior In most cases, the memory effect is one only rarely used and will not be discussed.
The mechanical properties of shape mem- way. That is, upon cooling, a shape memory The most direct method is by differential
ory alloys vary greatly over the temperature alloy does not undergo any shape change, scanning calorimeter (DSC). This technique
range spanning their transformation. This is even though the structure changes to mar- measures the heat absorbed or given off by
seen in Fig. 3, where simple stress-strain tensite. When the martensite is strained up a small sample of the material as it is heated
curves are shown for a nickel-titanium alloy to several percent, however, that strain is and cooled through the transformation-tem-
that was tested in tension below, in the retained until the material is heated, at perature range. The sample can be very
middle of, and above its transformation- which time shape recovery occurs. Upon small, such as a few milligrams, and be-
temperature range. The martensite is easily recooling, the material does not spontane- cause the sample is unstressed this is not a
deformed to several percent strain at quite a ously change shape, but must be deliberate- factor in the measurement. The endotherm
low stress, whereas the austenite (high- ly strained if shape recovery is again de- and exotherm peaks, as the sample absorbs
temperature phase) has much higher yield sired. or gives off energy due to the transforma-
and flow stresses. The dashed line on the It is possible in some of the shape mem- tion, are easily measured for the beginning,
martensite curve indicates that upon heat- ory alloys to cause two-way shape memory. peak, and end of the phase change in each
ing after removing the stress, the sample That is, shape change occurs upon both direction.
Shape Memory Alloys / 899

The second method often used is to mea- ease, and have a wider range of potential Table 2 Properties of binary Ni-Ti shape
sure the resistivity of the sample as it is transformation temperatures. The two alloy memory alloys
heated and cooled. The alloys exhibit inter- systems thus have advantages and disad- Properties Property value
esting changes and peaks in the resistivity vantages that must be considered in a par-
Melting t e m p e r a t u r e s ,
(by up to 20%) over the transformation- ticular application. °C (°F) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1300 (2370)
temperature range; however, correlating Nickel-Titanium Alloys. The basis of the D e n s i t y , g / c m 3 (lb/in. 3) . . . . 6.45 (0.233)
these changes with measured phase changes nickel-titanium system of alloys is the bina- R e s i s t i v i t y , I~l~ - c m
or mechanical properties has not always ry, equiatomic intermetallic compound of Austenite .............. ~ 100
Martensite ............. ~70
been very successful. Also, there are often Ni-Ti. This intermetallic compound is ex- Thermal conductivity,
large changes in the resistivity curves after traordinary because it has a moderate solu- W / m • °C (Btu/ft • h •
cycling samples through the transformation bility range for excess nickel or titanium, as °F)
a number of times. Thus, resistivity is often well as most other metallic elements, and it Austenite .............. 18 (10)
Martensite ............. 8.5 (4.9)
measured as a phenomenon in its own right, also exhibits a ductility comparable to most Corrosion resistance ...... S i m i l a r to 300 series
but is rarely used to definitely characterize ordinary alloys. This solubility allows alloy- stainless steel o r
one alloy versus another. ing with many of the elements to modify t i t a n i u m alloys
The most direct method of characterizing both the mechanical properties and the Young's modulus, GPa
(106 psi)
an alloy mechanically is to prepare an ap- transformation properties o f the system. Austenite .............. ~83 (~12)
propriate sample, then apply a constant Excess nickel, in amounts up to about 1%, Martensite ............. ~28--41 ( ~ 4 - 6 )
stress to the sample and cycle it through the is the most common alloying addition. Ex- Yield s t r e n g t h , M P a (ksi)
transformation while measuring the strain cess nickel strongly depresses the transfor- Austenite .............. 195-690 (28-100)
Martensite ............. 70-140 (10-20)
that occurs during the transformation in mation temperature and increases the yield U l t i m a t e tensile s t r e n g t h ,
both directions. The curve shown in Fig. 1 strength of the austenite. Other frequently M P a (ksi) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 895 (130)
is the direct information one obtains from used elements are iron and chromium (to Transformation
this test. The values obtained for the trans- lower the transformation temperature), and t e m p e r a t u r e s , °C (°F) . . . . - 2 0 0 to 110 ( - 3 2 5 to 230)
Latent heat of trans-
formation points, such as Ms and Af, from copper (to decrease the hysteresis and low- formation, kJ/kg • atom
this method are offset to slightly higher er the deformation stress of the martensite). (cal/g • a t o m ) . . . . . . . . . . . 167 (40)
temperatures from the values obtained from Because common contaminants such as ox- Shape m e m o r y strain . . . . . . 8 . 5 % m a x i m u m
DSC testing. This happens because the ygen and carbon can also shift the transfor-
DSC test occurs at no applied stress, and mation temperature and degrade the me-
the transformation is not stress induced; chanical properties, it is also desirable to
some of the normal processes are difficult.
therefore, increasing test stress will lead to minimize the amount of these elements.
Machining by turning or milling is very
increasing transformation-temperature re- The major physical properties of the basic
difficult except with special tools and prac-
sults. This test is directly indicative of the binary Ni-Ti system and some of the me-
tices. Welding, brazing, or soldering the
property one can expect in a mechanical chanical properties of the alloy in the an-
alloys is generally difficult. The materials
device used to perform some function using nealed condition are shown in Table 2. Note
do respond well to abrasive removal, such
shape memory. Its disadvantages are that that this is for the equiatomic alloy with an
as grinding, and shearing or punching can
specimens are often difficult to make, and Af value of about 110 °C (230 °F), Selective
be done if thicknesses are kept small.
results are quite susceptible to the way the work hardening, which can exceed 50%
Heat treating to impart the desired mem-
test is conducted. reduction in some cases, and proper heat
ory shape is often done at 500 to 800 °C (950
Finally, the stress-strain properties can treatment can greatly improve the ease with
to 1450 °F), but it can be done as low as 300
be measured in a standard tensile test at a which the martensite is deformed, give an
to 350 °C (600 to 650 °F) if sufficient time is
number of temperatures across the transfor- austenite with much greater strength, and
allowed. The S M A component may need to
mation-temperature range, and from the create material that spontaneously moves
be restrained in the desired memory shape
change in properties the approximate trans- itself both on heating and on cooling (two-
during the heat treatment; otherwise, it may
formation-temperature values can be inter- way shape memory). One of the biggest
not remain there.
polated. This is very imprecise, though, and challenges in using this family of alloys is in
Commercial copper-base shape memory
is much better applied as a measure of the developing the proper processing proce-
alloys are available in ternary Cu-Zn-AI and
change in properties of each phase, due to dures to yield the properties desired.
Cu-AI-Ni alloys, or in their quaternary mod-
such things as work hardening or different Because of the reactivity of the titanium
ifications containing manganese. Elements
heat treatments. in these alloys, all melting of them must be
such as boron, cerium, cobalt, iron, titani-
done in a vacuum or an inert atmosphere.
um, vanadium, and zirconium are also add-
Commercial SME Alloys Methods such as plasma-arc melting, elec-
ed for grain refinement.
tron-beam melting, and vacuum-induction
The major alloy properties are listed in
The only two alloy systems that have melting are all used commercially. After
Table 3. The martensite-start (Ms) temper-
achieved any level of commercial exploita- ingots are melted, standard hot-forming
atures and the compositions of Cu-Zn-AI
tion are the Ni-Ti alloys and the copper- processes such as forging, bar rolling, and
alloys are plotted in Fig. 4. Compositions of
base alloys. Properties of the two systems extrusion can be used for initial breakdown.
Cu-AI-Ni alloys usually fall in the range of
are quite different. The Ni-Ti alloys have The alloys react slowly with air, so hot
11 to 14.5 wt% AI and 3 to 5 wt% Ni. The
greater shape memory strain (up to 8% working in air is quite successful. Most
martensitic transformation temperatures
versus 4 to 5% for the copper-base alloys), cold-working processes can also be applied
can be adjusted by varying chemical com-
tend to be much more thermally stable, to these alloys, but they work harden ex-
position. Figure 4 and the following empir-
have excellent corrosion resistance com- tremely rapidly, and frequent annealing is
ical relationships are useful in obtaining a
pared to the copper-base alloys' medium required. Wire drawing is probably the most
first estimate:
corrosion resistance and susceptibility to widely used of the techniques, and excellent
stress-corrosion cracking, and have much surface properties and sizes as small as 0.05 • Cu-Zn-AI: Ms(°C) = 2212 - 66.9 (at.%
higher ductility. On the other hand, the mm (0.002 in.) are made routinely. Zn) - 90.65 (at.% A1) (Ref 8)
copper-base alloys are much less expen- Fabrication of articles from the Ni-Ti • Cu-A1-Ni: Ms(°C) = 2020 - 134 (wt% AI)
sive, can be melted and extruded in air with alloys can usually be done with care, but - 45 (wt% Ni) (Ref 9)
900 / Special-Purpose Materials

Table 3 Properties of copper-base shape memory alloys inserted into the vein, then body heat is
Property value sufficient to turn the part to its functional
Property I Cu-Zn-AI Cu-AI-Ni I shape.
Constrained Recovery. The most success-
T h e r m a l properties ful example of this type of product is un-
Melting t e m p e r a t u r e , °C (°F) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 950-1020 (1740-1870) 1000-1050 (1830-1920) doubtedly the Cryofit hydraulic couplings
Density, g/cm 3 (lb/in)) .............................. 7.64 (0.276) 7.12 (0.257) made by Raychem Corporation (Ref 14).
Resistivity, ~ • cm ................................ 8.5-9.7 11-13
T h e r m a l c o n d u c t i v i t y , W / m • °C (Btu/ft • h - °F) . . . . . . . . 120 (69) 30--43 (17-25)
These fittings are manufactured as cylindri-
H e a t c a p a c i t y , J / k g • °C (Btu/lb • °F) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400 (0.096) 373--574 (0.089-0.138) cal sleeves slightly smaller than the metal
tubing they are to join. Their diameters are
Mechanical properties
then expanded while martensitic, and, upon
Y o u n g ' s m o d u l u s , G P a (106 psi)(a)
13 p h a s e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 (10.4)(a) 85 (12.3)(a)
warming to austenite, they shrink in diam-
Martensite ....................................... 70 (10.2)(a) 80 (11.6)(a) eter and strongly hold the tube ends. The
Yield s t r e n g t h , M P a (ksi) tubes prevent the coupling from fully recov-
13 p h a s e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350 (51) 400(58) ering its manufactured shape, and the
Martensite ....................................... 80 (11.5) 130 (19)
U l t i m a t e tensile s t r e n g t h , M P a (ksi) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 600 (87) 500-800(73-116)
stresses created as the coupling attempts to
do so are great enough to create a joint that,
Shape memory properties
in many ways, is superior to a weld.
T r a n s f o r m a t i o n t e m p e r a t u r e s , °C (°F) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . < 120 (250) < 2 0 0 (390) Similar to the Cryofit coupling, the Betal-
R e c o v e r a b l e strain, % . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4
H y s t e r e s i s , A°C (A°F) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-25 (30-45) 15-20 (30-35)
loy coupling (Ref 15) is a Cu-Zn-AI coupling
also designed and marketed by Raychem
(a) The Young's modulus of shape memory alloys becomes difficult to define between the Ms and the A~ transformation temperatures.
At these temperatures, the alloys exhibit nonlinear elasticity, and the modulus is both temperature- and strain-dependent. Corporation for copper and aluminum tub-
ing. In this application, the Cu-Zn-A1 shape
memory cylinder shrinks on heating and
acts as a driver to squeeze a tubular liner
The melting of Cu-base shape memory effect (Ref 11). This effect causes the re- onto the tubes being joined. The joint
alloys is similar to that of aluminum bronz- verse transformation to shift toward higher strength is enhanced by a sealant coating on
es. Most commercial alloys are induction temperatures. It therefore delays and may the liner.
melted. Protective flux on the melt and the completely inhibit the shape recovery. For Force Actuators. In some applications,
use of nitrogen or inert-gas shielding during alloys with Ms temperatures above the am- the shape memory component is designed
pouring are necessary to prevent zinc evap- bient, slow cooling or step quenching with to exert force over a considerable range of
oration and aluminum oxidation. Powder intermediate aging in the parent 13-phase motion, often for many cycles. Such an
metallurgy and rapid solidification process- state should be adopted. application is the circuit-board edge con-
ing are also used to produce fine-grain al- The thermal stability of copper-base alloys nector made by Beta Phase Inc. (Ref 16). In
loys without grain-refining additives. is ultimately limited by the decomposition this electrical connector system, the SMA
Copper-base alloys can be readily hot kinetics. For this reason, prolonged exposure component is used to force open a spring
worked in air. With low aluminum content of Cu-Zn-AI and Cu-A1-Ni alloys at tempera- when the connector is heated. This allows
(<6 wt%), Cu-Zn-AI alloys can be cold tures above 150 °C (300 °F) and 200 °C (390 force-free insertion or withdrawal of a cir-
finished with interpass annealing. Alloys °F) respectively, should be avoided. Aging at cuit board in the connector. Upon cooling,
with higher aluminum content are not as lower temperatures may also shift the trans- the Ni-Ti actuator becomes weaker and the
easily cold workable. Cu-A1-Ni alloys, on formation temperatures. In case of aging in spring easily deforms the actuator while it
the other hand, are quite brittle at low the 13 phase, this results from the change in closes tightly on the circuit board and forms
temperatures and can only be hot finished. long-range order (Ref 12). When aged in the the connections.
Manganese depresses transformation martensitic state, the alloys exhibit an aging- Based on the same principle, Cu-Zn-AI
temperatures of both Cu-Zn-AI and Cu- induced martensite stabilization effect (Ref shape memory alloys have found several ap-
AI-Ni alloys and shifts the eutectoid to 11). For high-temperature stability, Cu-AI-Ni plications in this area. One such example is a
higher aluminum content (Ref 10). It often is generally a better alloy system than Cu- fire safety valve, which incorporates a Cu-
replaces aluminum for better ductility. Zn-AI. However, even for moderate temper- Zn-AI actuator designed to shut off toxic or
Because copper-base shape memory al- ature applications, which demand tight con- flammable gas flow when fire occurs (Ref 17).
loys are metastable in nature, solution heat trol of transformation temperatures, these Proportional Control. It is possible to use
treatment in the parent 13-phase region and effects need to be evaluated. only a part of the shape recovery to accurate-
subsequent controlled cooling are neces- ly position a mechanism by using only a
sary to retain 13 phase for shape memory Applications selected portion of the recovery because the
effects. Prolonged solution heat treatment transformation occurs over a range of temper-
causes zinc evaporation and grain growth There is a wide variety of uses for the atures rather than at a single temperature. A
and should be avoided. Water quench is shape memory alloys. The following will device has been developed by Beta Phase
widely used as a quenching process, but air illustrate one or two products in several Inc. (Ref 18) in which a valve controls the rate
cooling may be sufficient for some high- categories of application. of fluid flow by carefully heating a shape-
aluminum content Cu-Zn-AI alloys and Cu- Free recovery is illustrated when an SMA memory-alloy component just enough to
AI-Ni alloys. The as-quenched transforma- component is deformed while martensitic, close the valve the desired amount. Repeat-
tion temperature is usually unstable. and the only function required of the shape able positioning within 0.25 Ixm (10 -5 in.) is
Postquench aging at temperatures above the memory is that the component return to its possible with this technique.
nominal Af temperature is generally needed previous shape (while doing minimal work) Superelastic Applications. A number of
to establish stable transformation tempera- upon heating. A prime application of this is products have been brought to market that
tures. the blood-clot f'flter developed by M. Simon use the pseudoelastic (or superelastic) prop-
Cu-Zn-AI alloys, when quenched rapidly (Ref 13). The Ni-Ti wire is shaped to anchor erty of these alloys. Eyeglass frames that
and directly into the martensitic phase, are itself in a vein and catch passing clots. The use superelastic Ni-Ti to absorb large defor-
susceptible to the martensite stabilization part is chilled so it can be collapsed and mations without damaging the frames are
Shape M e m o r y Alloys / 901

M s temperature, °C doelasticity, and many more of these appli-

cations are likely. Finally, the availability of
small wire that is stable, is easily heated by
°YK a small electrical current, and gives a large
repeatable stroke should lead to a new
Zn , , , f , , ,

family of actuator devices (Ref 19). These

::::::: I \ devices can be inexpensive, are reliable for
o 80~20 ~ , : : , : : ; thousands of cycles, and are expected to

ox~ 70 ~ 3 0 ~ .
:: :: :: ": :: :: :~_105/~ k k ~--~. move Ni-Ti into the high-volume consumer
: : : : : :j Recent interest in the development of
iron-base shape memory alloys has chal-
lenged the concept that long-range order
10 ~ V V ~ / ~ / ~ / x , / / ' x / ~ van
and thermoelastic martensitic transforma-
CU ~ A A A A A / k A / V k ° ~ I 10
90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 65 tion are necessary conditions for shape
memory effect. Among the alloys, Fe-Pt
Copper,% ; , ; ; /
(Ref 20), Fe-Pd (Ref 21), and Fe-Ni-Co-Ti
,:,:,::/:":' (Ref 22) can be heat treated to exhibit
i i l i f iii
thermoelastic martensitic transformation,
and, therefore, shape memory effect. How-
::,::.::_6o ever, alloys such as Fe-Ni-C (Ref 23), Fe-
i i l ~ i i l
Mn-Si (Ref 24), and Fe-Mn-Si-Cr-Ni (Ref
/ !
~:"!: o-90 °
~ : : :59°53 10~ i J o o
25) are not ordered and undergo nonther-
moelastic transformation, and yet exhibit
~ 20 3 , , ,2 , , , ° good shape memory effect. These alloys are
-- characteristically different from conven-
:I::'' tional shape memory alloys in that they rely
on stress-induced martensite for shape
memory effect, exhibit fairly large transfor-
~o mation hysteresis, and, in general, have less

: iiiii:: / than 4% recoverable strain. The commer-

cial potential of these alloys has yet to be
/ determined, but the effort has opened up
170°'e; ' I ' ' ; \ / 1 new classes of alloys for exploration as
.... e, ; ;15 ° shape memory alloys. These new classes
66, , , k , ; ,48
o, f j i u 0 \ /

730; ; ; e; ; , , include 13-Ti alloys and iron-base alloys.
i i u m i i i
; ; ; ,e; ; ;67
/ °
i i i i i i i /
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