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Fri Mar 27 17:03:52 2015

PB 5223
AFD Double-Detect Field Test

PRODUCT: Advanced Function Dispenser (AFD)




The purpose of this bulletin is to give the field a means to test the AFD double-detect
sensor to see if the feed module should be replaced. All adjustments and cleaning should
be done prior to running this test. Money quality and proper loading are imperative to the
effectiveness of the test. This process will test normal currency as well as a known double.


Actions To Perform Prior To Testing

• Perform routine maintenance and adjustment of AFD and cassettes
• Remove all currency from the divert bin

Run Test To Confirm Proper Operation

1. Enter Opteva Service Diagnostics.

a. Select Dispenser.

b. Select Dispense Test.

c. Select By Position.

d. Select Feed Module to be tested.

e. Set count to the number of notes you want to dispense. The recommended
number is 20.

f. Choose Run Test.

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Fri Mar 27 17:03:52 2015


2. Once dispense operation has concluded, select Metrics.

a. Expand Dispenser.

b. Expand Feed Channel tested.

c. Expand Early Doubles.

• Expand Actions.

• If there were more than 2% early doubles on the last dispense operation this
could be an indication that the feed channel needs replaced.

d. Expand Late Tapes.

• Expand Actions.

• If there were more than 20% late tapes on the last dispense operation this
could be an indication that the feed channel needs replaced.

e. Expand Feed Channel (bottom metric).

This shows the double-detect sensor health. Replace the feed module if any are
outside of the posted limits.

• Wave is between 0-20

• Floor is between 0-5

• Prox Calibration (double-detect sensor) calibration value should be between

1 and 253. 254 is near end of life and 255 is end of life and feed channel
will need replaced.

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Fri Mar 27 17:03:52 2015


f. Count notes in the divert bin.

g. Confirm that the quantity requested in the test is the quantity dispensed.

h. Place the empty divert bin back into the dispenser.

3. Set up failure test for the double-detect.

a. Setting the cassette up for testing.

• Pull and open each cassette from the feed module that is being tested.

• Remove one note and fold it in half, creasing heavily.

• Place the folded note into the front of the cassette.

- Place where the folded note will be the next note to be dispensed.

- Center the note with the two metal tabs on the stop plate.

• Close the cassette and reinstall.

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Fri Mar 27 17:03:52 2015


b. Test the Double Detect

• In OSD, go back to the Dispense Test.

• Select “Refresh Cassette Information”.

• Select the feed modules to test.

• Enter 1 note to be pulled for each feed module tested.

• Run the test.

- With each feed module testing, you should notice a slight pause or hear a
slight buzzing sound as the folded note is rejected.

- After the folded note is fed, the dispenser will feed at least two more notes.

- If there is not any indication of a reject from the double-detect (pause,

sound and/or multiple notes dispensed), the double-detect failed. Replace
the Feed Module.

c. Return to “Metrics”.

• View “Early Doubles” and “Late Tapes” for each feed module tested. The
rejected note may or may not show as recorded.

• Expand Feed channel to view the sensor settings. Ensure that:

- Wave is between 0-20

- Floor is between 0-5
- Prox Calibration is between 1-253

d. Count Diverted notes to confirm.

Again, if there is no indication of a reject from the double-detect (pause, sound

and/ or multiple notes dispensed), the double-detect failed. Replace the Feed

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