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ÀGORA (aula de repàs) - !

977 114 911 Ainhoa Pérez Estudillo

Av. President Macià, 10


EXERCISE 1: Complete with the correct form of TO BE or TO HAVE.

• My grandmother _____________ very well today. (Affirmative)
• _____________ you a careful driver? (Interrogative)
• My eyes _____________ blue. (Affirmative)
• They ___________ always late. (Affirmative)
• My name _______________ Brian. (Negative)
• Alexander ______________ a new computer. (Negative)
• I ____________ nine years old (Negative)
• He ___________ a very good job. He works in the city. (Affirmative)
• She __________ two children, a boy and a girl. (Negative)
• _________ you tired? (Interrogative)
• Our postman ______________ a big bag. (Negative)
• I __________ fine, thanks. (Affirmative)
• My mother _____________ from the USA. (Negative)
• Betsy and Ralph ______________ in the garden. (Negative)

EXERCISE 2: Write questions for the following answers:

• ______________________________________? No I haven’t
• ______________________________________? Yes, I am.
• ______________________________________? Yes, they have.
• ______________________________________? No, she isn’t.
• ______________________________________? Yes, I have.
• ______________________________________? Yes, we are.
• ______________________________________? No, I’m not.

EXER C ISE 3 : W r ite the SH E/ H E/ IT (3 RD s i n g u l a r p e r s o n ) f o r m o f t h e f o l l o w i n g

a. do: _____________ e. say: _____________
b. drink: ___________ f. match: ___________
c. get: ____________ g. have: ____________
d. push: ___________ h. mix: _____________
ÀGORA (aula de repàs) - ! 977 114 911 Ainhoa Pérez Estudillo
Av. President Macià, 10

EXERCISE 4: Put the words in order to make a sentence.

1. go / they / to / on / the / Sundays / always / stadium.
2. dancing / usually / Fridays / on / go / you.
3. sometimes / winter / in / warn / is / it.
4. often / January / it / rains / in.
5. never / July / travels / she / in.
6. live / at / you / do / school / ?
7. in / students / do / the canteen / ? / eat
8. at / school / finish / does / three o’clock / ?
9. live / near / do / your friends / you / ?

EXERCISE 5: Correct the mistakes In these sentences:

a. She don’t want to come with us.
b. We go often to the cinema.
c. This car not belongs to me.
d. Vitamins is important to your diet.
e. My uncle don’t like to listen to music.
f. Lucy work at the hospital. She’s a nurse.
ÀGORA (aula de repàs) - ! 977 114 911 Ainhoa Pérez Estudillo
Av. President Macià, 10

EXERCISE 6: Use the present simple.

• I ________________ (play) tennis after school.
• You ______________ (start) school at nine o’clock.
• We _______________ (have) lunch at school.
• How _________ you __________ (spell) that in English?
• Serena __________________ (not know) what to do.
• Wendy ___________________ (not like) to do homework.
• My grandfather _________________ (not live) in London.
• My sisters _____________ (walk) to school every day.
• What _________ they ___________ (do) in the evening?
• When __________ Mary ___________ (start) school?
• Gill _________________ (not work) in a supermarket.

EXERCISE 7: Rewrite the following sentences, putting the frequency expressions

in the right place.
1. They are happy to have guests. (always)
2. We laugh at people in trouble. (never)
3. I’m busy on Wednesdays. (usually)
4. Dalit is late for school. (rarely)
5. My parents help me with my homework. (hardly ever)
6. We are at home on Saturdays. (often)
7. We have fish for lunch. (sometimes)
8. Sharon has lunch before two o’clock. (twice a week)
9. They sing very loudly. (every day)
ÀGORA (aula de repàs) - ! 977 114 911 Ainhoa Pérez Estudillo
Av. President Macià, 10

EXERCISE 8: Write the questions for the following answers:

a. ______________________________________________________________
I study English four days a week.
b. ______________________________________________________________
We usually finish school at 13:25.
c. ______________________________________________________________
Bob is writing a letter.
d. ______________________________________________________________
My father washes the car once a week.
e. ______________________________________________________________
Rita comes late to work because she takes her son to Kindergarten.
f. ______________________________________________________________
My sister studies French because she wants to go to France.
g. ______________________________________________________________
Nobody is listening to the teacher.
h. ______________________________________________________________
I live in Haifa.
i. ______________________________________________________________
Our children visit their grandparents twice a week.
j. ______________________________________________________________
The President and his wife live in Madrid.
k. ______________________________________________________________
A ticket for Saturday’s concert costs 15€.
l. ______________________________________________________________
The film starts at 20:00.

EXERCISE 9: Rewrite these sentences in the negative form:

1. She is eating an egg sandwich.
2. We are taking some photos.
3. They are drinking a milkshake.
4. I am getting nervous about my test.
ÀGORA (aula de repàs) - ! 977 114 911 Ainhoa Pérez Estudillo
Av. President Macià, 10

EXERCISE 10: Ask the questions and answer using the Present Continuous:
• (the children / play?) / Yes.
____________________________________________ ________________
• (you / write/ a letter?) / Yes.
____________________________________________ ________________
• (that clock / work?) / No.
____________________________________________ ________________
• (he/ listen to / radio?) / No.
____________________________________________ ________________
• (your parents / stay / hotel?) / Yes.
____________________________________________ ________________
• (Paul / have a shower / at the moment?) / No.
____________________________________________ ________________
• (you / feel well?) No.
____________________________________________ ________________
EXERCISE 11: Correct the mistakes in these sentences:
a. She’s studing hard for tomorrow’s exam.
b. We are rembering him very well.
c. We don’t visiting Toledo. It’s not part of our plans.
d. They have lunch with some friends now.
e. We don’t learn Spanish at the moment.
f. I am teach English right now.
EXERCISE 12: Put the expressions under the right heading. Translate them.
Every day – just now - always – on Fridays – these days – this afternoon – hardly ever – today –
very often – in the evening – at the moment – rarely - usually - never – at present
ÀGORA (aula de repàs) - ! 977 114 911 Ainhoa Pérez Estudillo
Av. President Macià, 10


EXERCISE 13: Circle the correct time expression:

1. I’m studying for a test every day / at the moment.
2. The first lesson starts at nine o’clock every day / now.
3. My parent don’t work on Fridays / at the moment.
4. Where are they meeting twice a week / tonight.
5. Let’s run! The bus is leaving every hour / in five minutes.
6. Do you wake up late on weekends / right now?
7. Damon and his friends go to the moves at least once a week / at the moment.
8. He studies French four times a week / now.
9. David doesn’t visit his parents every day / now.
10. Is the teacher correcting the homework four times a week / at the moment?
EXERCISE 14: Fill the verbs in brackets in the correct form:
• The neighbour’s children _______________________ (not sleep) two hours every
• Uncle Peter _______________________ (eat) dinner with us every Friday night.
• Where is Laura? She _______________________ (talk) to the teacher about her
• He often _______________________ (go) for a walk at five o’clock.
• Be quiet! Sarah _______________________ (play) the piano.
• My sister _______________________ (need) some money to buy a new notebook.
ÀGORA (aula de repàs) - ! 977 114 911 Ainhoa Pérez Estudillo
Av. President Macià, 10

• Mr Smith _______________________ (work) 35 hours a week.

• Patrick and Yuri _______________________ (not write) letters to their aunt now.
• I _______________________ (not like) classical music very much.
• Excuse me. ______________________ (you / speak) English?
• Where is Tom? ____________________ (he / have) a shower.
• ____________________ (I / not / watch) television very often.
• Listen! Somebody _______________________ (sing).
• Sandra is tired. _________________________ (she / want) to go home now.
• How often ____________________________ (you / read) a newspaper?
• I’m sorry, ____________________________ (I / not / understand). Can you speak
more slowly?
• It’s late. ______________________ (I / go) home now. ___________________
(you / come) with me?
• What time ________________________ (your father / finish) work in the evenings?
• Where is Paul? In the Kitchen. _________________________ (he / cook) something
EXERCISE 15: Write the past simple of these verbs:
Buy Give
Go Feel
Have Play
Be Dream
Come Hear
Try Forgive
Study Leave

EXERCISE 16: Complete the sentences with the past simple:

1. I _______________________ (lose) my watch in the park.
2. David ________________________ (not hurt) his knee.
3. I kicked the ball and it _________________________ (break) a window.
4. My new shoes ________________________ (not cost) a lot of money.
5. I ____________________ (get) this book from the library.
6. We had a garage where we __________________ (keep) our car.
ÀGORA (aula de repàs) - ! 977 114 911 Ainhoa Pérez Estudillo
Av. President Macià, 10

7. The glass __________________ (fall) off the table.

8. We ________________ (sell) our old car.
9. We _____________________ (not buy) a new car.
10. The bell ____________________ (not ring).
11. The dog ____________________ (catch) the ball.
12. Jane _______________________ (write) a letter.
EXERCISE 17: Write questions in the correct order:
• night? / meet / did / you / them / last
• film? / like / you / Did / the
• you / many / did / ask? / how / people
• a / have / time? / they / did / good
• did / weekend? / the / What / do / we / at
• she / DVD? / where / that / did / buy
• party / on / your / go / Saturday? / he / did / to
• did / yesterday? / who / you / see
EXERCISE 18: Correct the sentences:
1. Who do you met on Saturday morning?
2. Did he went to school yesterday?
3. Why did you to go home early?
4. Where you did learn English?
5. Did she works last summer?
ÀGORA (aula de repàs) - ! 977 114 911 Ainhoa Pérez Estudillo
Av. President Macià, 10

6. What do you do yesterday?
7. Did they last night phone you?
EXERCISE 19: Fill in with CAN – CAN’T – MUST – MUSTN’T.
• In Britain you _________________ get married when you are 16.
• You _______________________ have a passport when you travel to the USA.
• A house in Rome __________________ cost a lot of money.
• Children ____________________ go to school.
• Babies ___________________ read books.
• We ___________________ be late for school.
• _______________ you play tennis?
• You ________________ eat chewing gum in class.
• My teacher ______________ sing well.
• I ___________________ play football like a professional player.
• My sister ________________ pay the mortgage.
• Your mother ________________ be older than you.
EXERCISE 20: Write the comparative forms of the adjectives:

ÀGORA (aula de repàs) - ! 977 114 911 Ainhoa Pérez Estudillo
Av. President Macià, 10

EXERCISE 21: Correct the sentences:

1. Cats are popularer than snakes.
2. Turtles are slow than crocodiles.
3. Pigs are more intelligent as other animals.
4. Elephants are smaller than ants.
5. Bears are more rare than snakes.
6. Vegetables are gooder than pizza.
7. The sofa is comfortabler than the chair.
EXERCISE 22: Complete with a comparative adjective and all the necessary
• Snakes are ___________________________ (fast) snails.
• London is ____________________________ (big) Madrid.
• Snails are ____________________________ (slow) snakes.
• My literature book is _____________________ (difficult) my English book.
• Lord of the Ring is ______________________ (interesting) Mission Impossible.
• Summer is ____________________________ (hot) spring.
• Winter is _____________________________ (cold) summer.
• The Eiffel Tower is ______________________ (modern) the Coliseum.
• China is _____________________________ (far) Italy.
EXERCISE 23: Make sentences comparing these things.
• English / maths (important).
• A tortoise / a cat (slow).
• My friend / I (handsome)
ÀGORA (aula de repàs) - ! 977 114 911 Ainhoa Pérez Estudillo
Av. President Macià, 10

• Chocolate milkshakes / lemonade (good)

• A tiger / a rabbit (dangerous)
• Swimming / skating (easy)
• The Eiffel Tower / my house (big)
• Planes / cars (fast)
• I / my brother (intelligent)
• History / Science (boring)

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