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Session 1 – 22/06

 The formulas are equati ons that perform calculati on in spreadsheet.

 Formula starts with =

 BODMAS 1. Parenthesis 2. Exponent 3. /* 4. +-

 Pre-defi ned formulas are FUNCTIONS.

 Functi ons start with = as well, followed by the functi on name, followed by
parenthesis to put in values.

 Input of functi ons can be :

a. set of numbers


b. a reference to cells

=AVERAGE(B1:B8), =AVERAGE(B1,B2, B3, B8)

 Ctrl ~ -> To check the functi on that is used in a parti cular cell.

 SUMIF(Table Range, “Criteria”, Range of column where operati on is to be done)

SUMIF(A1:D15, “A”, D1:D15)

 SUMPRODUCT(--(A2:A15=”A”),B2:B15,C2:C15)

If “A” is present in column A, multi ply column B by column C and Add the

-- is used to indicate that a logical operati on is done next. (0 or 1 type of


-- can only be used in functi ons where multi ple arrays are present in syntax

 Ctrl “ -> Copy Value from above cell

 Ctrl : -> Insert Current Time

 Ctrl ; -> Insert Current Date

 Ctrl D -> Fills Down (Double Click)

 Cell Referencing :

1. Relati ve Referencing : Change cell address as you copy formula to new cell.
2. Absolute Reference : Cell Address will be fi xed as you copy formula to a new

Example : $C$5

3. Mixed Reference : Parti cular Row or Column to be stati c then this is used.

Example : C$5 (Row Fixed)

$C5 (Column Fixed)

 Data Reducti on is used to make sense of data.

 Data Collecti on Methods –

o Primary (Face to Face, Collected by Individual)

o Secondary (Data from reports or clients)

 Hard to tell other people about collected data you need STATISTICS

 Types of Data –

o Categorical Data (Qualitati ve)

 Nominal Scale : Naming of things. Ex : Gender? M/F/T (No

rati ng, ranking, scaling or order, just labels of Male, Female
or Transgender) Gender, Hair Colour, etc. It can be a number
or text, but it does not have order. Can’t calculate mean or
average for this data. Only Median

 Ordinal Scale : Ordered Data. Ex : School Educati on? 10 t h , 12 t h ,

UG, PG (The data can be ordered or ranked and gives some
meaning). Interval between datapoints is not defi ned. Usually
one can’t make sense of mean or average of this data but
someti mes we can, it should make sense. Median or Mode can
be calculated.

o Numerical Data (Quanti tati ve)

 Interval Scale : INCOMPLETE

Celsius, Fahrenheit, Time on a clock

 Rati o Scale : INCOMPLETE

Height, Weight, Income

Session 2 – 23/06

 Stati sti cs :-

Study of how to collect the data, organize, analyse, interpret the numerical information.

 Types of Stati sti cs :-

1. Descripti ve -> Organizing the given data, summarizing, simplifying and

presentati on of data.

I. Visual/Graphical representati on of data. YET TO BE DISCUSSED

II. Frequency distributi on of data. YET TO BE DISCUSSED

III. Summary Measure of data (Mean, Median, Mode, Deviati on) ->
Describes data in just one number. Distributi on of data w.r.t central

 Mean, Median and Mode are types of Averages. Mean and

Averages are not the same.

A. Central Tendency -> Measure of locati on. Central value of

data. (Average value – can be mean, median or mode)

o Mean tends to vary a lot in case of outliers (Median).

Mean doesn’t give much informati on about individual data
(Mode). Mode can be applied for non-numerical data as
well (Gender).

o Mode is used for categorical data. (Nominal Data). If the

data is (ordinal) or you have outliers in your data then we
use Median. Mean is calculated for (interval and rati o
scale).  Refer to session 1.

B. Dispersion -> Shows amount of variati on or spread of

observati on of a variable.

o Range doesn’t consider other data points, it only caters to

highest and lowest value.

o Mean Deviati on generally ignores the negati ve sign

without any basis. X-X bar. X bar is the mean. X is
individual data points.

o Variance – Square the data. So negati ve values are

converted to positi ve. Square of X- X bar.

o Since we have squared the data, the data gets infl ated,
units get changed. Dollar Square. Then we decided to take
square root. That is standard deviati on. Square root of
variance. Brings back to proper unit.
All four are used to measure dispersion but the best way to measure
dispersion is Standard Deviati on.

C. Skewness -> Measure of symmetry. Determines whether there

is a concentrati on of observati ons somewhere in parti cular in
a distributi on.

Normal Curve -> The data is symmetrical. (Bell shaped). The

data points on the left side is equal to data points on the

1. Draw Histogram.

2. Connect mid-point of all the bars.

3. If the curve looks like a bell shape then your data is


Types of Skewness :

o Mean>Median – Positi ve

o Mean<Median – Negati ve

o Mean = Median – Symmetrical Distributi on

D. Kurtosis -> Deals with peak-edness of data. Measure of
relati ve concentrati on of observati on in centre, upper and
lower ends and shoulders of distributi on.

o Mesokurti c -> Symmetrical Distributi on (Normal Curve)

o Leptokurti c -> Tall

o Platykurti c -> Small

Kurtosis Value (k) can be calculated using the excel functi on.

Central Tendency, Dispersion, Skewedness and Kurtosis are used in Summary

Measure of data.
2. Inferenti al -> We cannot work with enti re data, we take a sample and work
on it and generalize the result on existi ng populati on. Relati onship amongst
variables. (Co-relati on). Making predicti ons. YET TO BE DISCUSSED

a. Esti mati on -> YET TO BE DISCUSSED



b. Hypothesis -> YET TO BE DISCUSSED

Session 3 – 26/06

 Missing data can be dealt by imputi ng data or deleti ng the enti re row itself.

For nominal data – take median.

For ordinal data – take median or mode.

 Multi mode

Find the number of Modes by using ‘’=COUNT(MODE.MULT(I2:I251))’’

For Multi mode select Modes+1 number of rows and then type “=MODE.MULT(“,
provide with the range. Press Ctrl+Shift +Enter (For Older Versions).
For newer versions Enter works.

 Descripti ve Stati sti cs

File -> Opti ons -> Add Ins -> Excel Add Ins -> Go -> Analysis Tool Pak and Solver

Data -> Data Analysis -> Dialogue Box -> Select Descripti ve Stati sti cs

1. Enter Range as Enti re Table

2. Grouped by Columns/Rows – columns in our case

3. Whether we have labels in fi rst row.

4. O/P opti ons -> Input the cell where output is desired

5. Select Summary Stati sti cs

Alpha is the amount of risk we are willing to take.

Session 4 - 28/06

For % analysis in Pivot Table – Go to Value Field Setti ngs.

Go to the dropdown of “Show Values As”

 Histogram can be drawn using data analysis.

Data -> Data Analysis -> Histogram

Bin Value is Interval.

Give column as Range. Give Range of Bins.

Check labels opti on.

 NOTE -> Data Analysis results are NOT DYNAMIC.

 If we want dynamic updates, then we have to use =FREQUENCY(data range, bins

range) [Ctrl+Shift +Enter].

Create the Bin and Frequency Column and Insert the Histogram Chart.

 VLookUp & HLookup (Verti cal and Horizontal)

o [] means that the parameter is not compulsory.
o Grade is in the second column of the table range selected, hence “2”. In
the case of Hlookup, the same logic applies to rows.

o In Table_Array, we have to give Absolute reference. $A$1:$J$251. If

table reference fata is in a new spreadsheet then excel automati cally
take it as absolute reference whereas if the table reference data is in
the same sheet or workbook then we have to manually make the
reference Absolute.


Alpha and P Value.

Stati sti cal Package in Excel – Setti ngs.

Questi onnaire – PIVOT Exercise.
Excel and Docs.

Reference.xlsx Formulae&Functio DIFFERENCES Data VLookUp_HLookUp

ns.xlsx BETWEEN RATIO SCALEDescription.xlsx

Dataset.xlsx Session 1, 2 & 3.pdf

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