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Supplementation of Vitamin E, Vitamin C, and Zinc

Attenuates Oxidative Stress in Burned Children:

A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled
Pilot Study
Eliana Barbosa, RD, MS,*† Joel Faintuch, MD, PhD,‡
Emilia Addison Machado Moreira, RD, PhD,* Viviane Rodrigues Gonçalves da Silva, RD,*
Maurício José Lopes Pereima, MD, PhD,†§ Regina Lúcia Martins Fagundes, RD, PhD,*
Danilo Wilhelm Filho, PhD¶

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of supplementation of vitamin E, vitamin C,
and zinc on the oxidative stress in burned children. In a prospective double-blind placebo-
controlled pilot study, 32 patients were randomized as no supplementation (n ⴝ 15) or antioxi-
dant supplementation (n ⴝ 17) groups. Supplementation consisted of the antioxidant mixture
of vitamin C (1.5 times upper intake level), vitamin E (1.35 times upper intake level), and zinc
(2.0 times recommended dietary allowance) administered during 7 days starting on the second
day of admittance into the hospital. Energy requirement was calculated by the Curreri equation,
and protein input was 3.0 g/kg of ideal body mass index (percentile 50°). Total antioxidant
capacity of plasma and malondialdehyde were used to monitor oxidative stress. The time of
wound healing was evaluated as the main clinical feature. Patients (age 54.2 ⴞ 48.9 months,
65.6% males), who exhibited 15.5 ⴞ 6.7% of total burn area, showed no differences in age and
sex, when compared with controls. Intake of the administered antioxidants was obviously
higher in treated subjects (P ⴝ .005), and serum differences were confirmed for vitamin E and
C, but not for zinc (P ⴝ .180). There was a decrease in lipid peroxidation (malondialdehyde
level) (P ⴝ .006) and an increase in vitamin E concentrations in the antioxidant supplementa-
tion group (P ⴝ .016). The time of wound healing was lower in the supplemented group (P <
.001). The antioxidant supplementation through vitamin E and C and the mineral zinc appar-
ently enhanced antioxidant protection against oxidative stress and allowed less time for
wound healing. (J Burn Care Res 2009;30:859 – 866)

In burned patients, fluid administration to prevent and abundant protective mechanisms, which encompass
treat hypovolemia and tissue necrosis may contribute to both enzymatic and nonenzymatic antioxidant de-
the production and systemic spread of oxygen-derived fenses. However, an imbalance between oxidants and
free radicals.1 The organism is ordinarily endowed with antioxidants tends to occur in pathological circum-
stances, resulting in oxidative stress. Serious conse-
quences may follow, notably exacerbation of the inflam-
From the *Postgraduate Program in Nutrition, Federal University of matory process and metabolic deterioration of the
Santa Catarina, Florianopolis, Brazil; †Burn Unit, Joana de organism.1,2 Therefore, prescription of the antioxidant
Gusmão Children’s Hospital, Florianopolis, Brazil; ‡Department of vitamins C and E have been recommended for many
Gastroenterology, São Paulo University Medical School, São Paulo,
Brazil; §Department of Pediatrics, Federal University of Santa
Catarina, Florianopolis, Brazil; and ¶Department of Ecology and
Zoology, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianopolis,
Address correspondence to Emília Addison Machado Moreira, RD,
PhD, Departamento de Nutrição/Centro de Ciências da Saúde,
This study was supported by grants from the Secretary of Health
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Campus Universitário,
of the State of Santa Catarina, Dermus Pharmacy, Roche
S/N, Trindade, Florianópolis, Brazil.
Laboratories, Galena Quimica and Farmaceutica Ltda, and
Copyright © 2009 by the American Burn Association.
Support Produtos Nutricionais Ltda, and fellowship from the
National Council for Research and Scientific Development
(CNPq). DOI: 10.1097/BCR.0b013e3181b487a8

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860 Barbosa et al September/October 2009

years,2,3 and consideration to enzymatically relevant tices and was conducted in accordance to the Decla-
zinc and additional trace elements can also be found.1,4 ration of Helsinki and its subsequent amendments.
Major burns are serious aggressions followed by The protocol was approved by the Comitê de Ética
nutritional, metabolic, homodynamic, endocrine, do Centro de Pesquisas Oncológicas, and a written
and immune-inflammatory changes.3–7 The skin is informed consent was obtained from the parents,
considered as the largest organ of the human body and in accordance with Brazilian regulations (process
represents about 15% of body weight. Upregulation of 016/04).
the transcription factor nuclear factor k␤, along with
other afferent routes in thermally injured subjects, has Subjects
been shown to activate the proinflammatory-cytokine Children patients (n ⫽ 32) admitted at the Burn Unit
cascade represented by tumor necrosis factor ␣, inter- of the Joana de Gusmão Children’s hospital were ran-
leukin 1␤, and interleukin 6, together with hormones, domized as a no supplementation group (n ⫽ 15) or
prostaglandins, and multiple other mediators.1,3–7 an antioxidant supplementation group (n ⫽ 17) and
Oxidative stress is not simply a by-product of tissue were selected to this project according to the ensuing
ischemia triggered by direct damage and fluid seques- criteria.
tration, followed by reperfusion in the form of resus- Criteria for Inclusion. Age 2 to 15 years, males or
citation fluids. This imbalance between prooxidants females, consent obtained within 48 hours of the
and antioxidants is able to produce generalized cellu- thermal trauma, burned area bigger than 10% of
lar damage that affects much more than burned skin, TBSA, and including one or more segments of sec-
which extends to the heart, lungs, liver, and other ond-degree injury (partial-thickness skin burn).
sites.1,2,8 Within such a context, attenuation of lipid Criteria for Exclusion. To reach sample homog-
peroxidation and other consequences of overgenera- enization regarding clinical aspects and energy de-
tion of free radicals have been demonstrated to ben- mand afforded for severe burn injury,11 patients with
efit not only oxidative stress but also clinical course a burned area bigger than 50% TBSA, as well as those
and mortality of burned patients.2,4,5,9 with polytrauma or brain trauma, tracheal intubation
Despite potential prognostic implications, pharma- or mechanical ventilation, refractory shock, intoler-
cologic replenishment of antioxidant components is ance to oral/enteral nutrition, diabetes mellitus, can-
not a standard care in burn units. Only physiologic or cer or chemo/radiotherapy, organ failure, chronic in-
slightly modified amounts of vitamins and trace ele- fection, and a supplementation period smaller than 7
ments to cover losses are endorsed by scientific soci- days were excluded.
eties.4,10 Management of children is an even bigger Randomization. As already mentioned, among
dilemma, and much is questioned about drugs, dos- the 32 patients included in the study, 17 were ran-
age, duration of treatment, risks, and benefits.3–5,10 domized as antioxidant supplementation group and
Nevertheless, one recent review5 emphasizes that few 15 as no supplementation group. These cases repre-
antioxidants have reached level of evidence in seriously sent 30.5% of the 105 children admitted in the
ill patients and none in pediatric burns. Despite highly 9-month period of the study because of the strict
encouraging experience, most of these micronutrients exclusion criteria.
are still on the clinical benchmark level.4,5
To our knowledge, no previous investigation has Antioxidant Supplementation
addressed the association of relatively large doses of Antioxidant supplements were administered after
vitamin C, E, and zinc in burned children. Given the meals via syringes with a photo protection device
interest of the subject, a randomized, double-blind, from the second day of admittance into the hospital,
placebo-controlled study was designed, aiming to in- which were maintained onward during 7 days and
vestigate the antioxidant effects of such supplemen- divided in three doses per day at 8:00 AM, 1:00 PM,
tation in burned children. and 6:00 PM. Supplementation intake was checked
daily throughout the experimental period.
Reference values for antioxidants followed the di-
SUBJECTS AND METHODS etary reference intake and recommended dietary al-
lowance (RDA) and also the upper intake level (UL)
Experimental Design recommendation.15,16 For vitamin C (Redoxon;
This was a prospective, randomized, double-blind Roche Laboratories威, São Paulo, SP, Brazil) supple-
trial conducted at the Burn Unit of Joana de Gusmão mentation, a 1.5 times UL was used,17 equivalent to
Children’s hospital, Florianopolis, Santa Catarina, 600 mg for children 1 to 3 years old; 975 mg for
Brazil. The study complied with good clinical prac- children 4 to 8 years old; 1800 mg for children 9 to
Journal of Burn Care & Research
Volume 30, Number 5 Barbosa et al 861

13 years old; and 2700 mg for children 14 to 18 years Evaluation of Wound Healing
old. For vitamin E (Galena Química and Farmaceu- The wound healing was determined clinically by the
tica Ltda威, Campesinas, SP, Brazil) 1.35 times UL,1 presence of a new stable layer of epithelium completely
equivalent to 270 mg for children 1 to 3 years old; covering the burn, without bleeding, or ulceration and
405 mg for children 4 to 8 years old; 810 mg for was calculated in days from the time of the injury.29 The
children 9 to 13 years old; and 1080 mg for children evaluation was made by the surgeon-service team, with-
14 to 18 years old. For zinc (Galena Química and out the knowledge of the treatment of both groups, to
Farmaceutica Ltda威, Campesinas, SP, Brazil), the avoid any interference in this regard.
prescription was 2.0 times RDA,1 equivalent to 6 mg
for children 1 to 3 years old; 10 mg for children 4 to Statistical Analysis
8 years old; 16 mg for children 9 to 13 years old; and Values are presented as mean ⫾ SD. The Kolmogorov-
18 or 22 mg for children 14 to 18 years old, irrespec- Smirnov normality test was applied to evaluate the dis-
tive of gender. tribution of each data set. Parametrical (Student’s t-test)
and nonparametrical tests (Mann-Whitney U test) were
Dietary Contribution of Antioxidants
applied as appropriate. Two-way analysis of variance
Conventional oral diet according to dietary reference (ANOVA) with interaction between groups (no supple-
intake-RDA15,16 or commercial polymeric tube feed- mentation group and antioxidant supplementation
ing (Support Produtos Nutricionais威, São Paulo, group) vs time (before vs after supplementation) was
Brazil) was provided according to clinical course. also applied. Fisher’s exact test or ␹2 was applied as ap-
Weight of ingested diet was registered on days 2, 4, propriate. A significance value of 5% (P ⬍ .05) was
and 6, and the content of the three relevant micro- adopted. Statistical analyses were performed using the
nutrients was calculated by Nutwin威 software (São SPSS 14.0 Statistical Software (SPSS Inc, 2006, Chi-
Paulo, Brazil), which has been validated for Brazilian cago, IL).

Clinical Evaluation RESULTS

Total white blood cells (WBC) counts, lymphocytes
and neutrophils, and C-reactive protein (CRP) were Subjects Characteristics
used as serum biomarkers of inflammation.20 Urea, Groups were comparable regarding age, sex, and nu-
creatinine, and bilirubin were used to monitor renal tritional status, and no significant differences were
and hepatic functions. All these assays are important detected. The mean age between groups was 54.2 ⫾
to ensure the supplementation efficiency.21 48.9 months. There was a predominance of male chil-
Albumin, urea, creatinine, and total bilirubin were dren (66.6% in no supplementation group and 64.7%
determined using Kit Labtest Diagnóstica威 (Lagoa in antioxidant supplementation group) and a nutri-
Santa, Minas Gerais, Brazil). Prealbumin determination tional status of normal range (66.7% in no supple-
was held by Kit Dade Bhering Ltda威 (Sao Paulo, Sao mentation group and 70.6% in antioxidant supple-
Paulo, Brazil). CRP was evaluated by Kit Biotécnica威 mentation group). The mean %TBSA in the no
(Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil). The assays of total WBC supplementation group and in the antioxidant sup-
counts, lymphocytes, and neutrophils were made by us- plementation group was 16.2 ⫾ 5.3% and 15.0 ⫾
ing Micros equipment Cobas, Coulter (Coulter & 7.4%, respectively (Table 1).
Beckman). Vitamins C and E were assayed by high-
performance liquid chromatography22 and zinc by Dietary and Supplementary Antioxidants
atomic absorption spectrometry.23 Baseline intake of energy, protein, and the three stud-
ied nutrients were equivalent in the two groups. Dif-
Total Antioxidant Capacity and ferences regarding vitamin C, vitamin E, and zinc
Malondialdehyde Determinations (average of 900 mg/d, 400 mg/d, and 7 mg/d, re-
Plasma total antioxidant capacity (TAC) was assayed spectively) should be ascribed to supplementation in
by means of a commercial kit (Randox Laboratories, Table 2.
United Kingdom).24,25 TAC is an important tool to
evaluate total redox status in animal tissues.26 Malon- Clinical Characteristics
dialdehyde (MDA) was assayed by the standard col- There was a significant decrease in the levels of albu-
orimetric method.26 Despite same methodological min (P ⫽ .027), hematocrit (P ⫽ .003), and hemo-
limitations, this assay is still largely used in clinical globin (P ⫽ .025) in both groups when compared the
assays.27,28 baseline periods and after 7 days. There was an in-
Journal of Burn Care & Research
862 Barbosa et al September/October 2009

Table 1. Age, gender, nutritional status, and burned tation group, there was a reduction. No changes
area (%TBSA) could be observed in the WBC, neutrophils, and lym-
No Antioxidant
phocytes numbers, although a nonsignificant increase
Supplementation Supplementation in the number of lymphocytes in the antioxidant sup-
Parameter (n ⴝ 15) (n ⴝ 17) P plementation group was detected (Table 3).

Age (mo) 54.3 ⫾ 44.9 54.1 ⫾ 51.8 .847 Antioxidant and Oxidative Stress
Subjects, n (%) Vitamin E levels were affected by the variables time and
Male 10 (66.6) 11 (64.7) .901
supplement use (P ⫽ .016). In both the groups, it was
Female 5 (33.3) 6 (35.3) .855
observed as an increase in serum levels of vitamin E;
Nutritional status, n (%)
Malnourished or 01 (6.7) 02 (11.8) .709 however, this increase was more evident in the antioxi-
nutritional dant supplementation group. Vitamin C level and zinc
risk showed no significant differences in all subjects, despite
Normal range 10 (66.7) 12 (70.6) .798 a nonsignificant decrease in zinc level in no supplemen-
Overweight or 04 (26.7) 03 (17.6) .699 tation group and an increase in antioxidant supplemen-
obese tation group after 7 days were observed (Table 4). The
% TBSA 16.2 ⫾ 5.3 15.0 ⫾ 7.4 .556 use of the antioxidant supplementation on lipid peroxi-
The results are represented by mean ⫾ SD. Unpaired Student’s t-test.
dation (P ⫽ .006) promoted a significant decrease in
levels of MDA (Table 4).

crease in prealbumin levels in the antioxidant supple- Wound Healing

mentation group but without significant differences. The number of days to complete tissue repair was
CRP levels, although no statistically significant significantly lower in the antioxidant supplementa-
change, were higher after 7 days in the no supplemen- tion group (P ⬍ .001; Figure 1).
tation group, whereas for the antioxidant supplemen-
Morbidity and Mortality
There was neither severe sepsis nor mortality in this
Table 2. Intake of macronutrients and micronutrients series, because life-threatening severe burns were not
enrolled for inclusion criteria.
No Antioxidant
Supplementation Supplementation
Variables (n ⴝ 15) (n ⴝ 17) P DISCUSSION
Food To our knowledge, this is the first study that ad-
Energy* 1373 ⫾ 650a 1385 ⫾ 665a .963 dressed a pediatric population in a double-blind fash-
ion, employing large proportions of the three re-
Protein† 48 ⫾ 26a 48 ⫾ 26a .975
ported nutrients—vitamin C, vitamin E, and the trace
Vitamin C‡ 108.9 ⫾ 30.3a 94.5 ⫾ 37.7a .247
element zinc.
(mg/d) As clinical parameters for monitoring the health
Vitamin E‡ 8.3 ⫾ 5.1a 6.7 ⫾ 3.5a .323 status of patients, albumin, hematocrit, and hemo-
(mg/d) globin levels were those that showed significant
Zinc‡ 8.3 ⫾ 5.3a 6.9 ⫾ 3.7a .390 changes in both groups after 7 days. The decrease in
(mg/d) such parameters can be the result of the occurrence of
Food ⫹ supplement bleeding and the acute inflammatory process gener-
Vitamin C‡ 108.9 ⫾ 30.3a 1032.0 ⫾ 542.7b ⬍.001 ated by thermal trauma.30 Althought not significant,
(mg/d) a concomitant tendency of increase in prealbumin
Vitamin E‡ 8.3 ⫾ 5.1a 403.0 ⫾ 244.3b ⬍.001
values and the decrease of CRP values after antioxi-
dant supplementation is probably associated with the
Zinc‡ 8.3 ⫾ 5.3a 15.3 ⫾ 7.9b .003
decline of the acute phase of the metabolic stress, and
also with the lower period of wound healing observed
The results are represented by means ⫾ SD. Unpaired Student’s t-test. in the experimental group.31 Unchanged values of
* Curreri Junior; Day et al (1986).12
creatinine were also found in adult patients after se-
† Cunningham et al (1990)13; Voruganti et al (2005).14
‡ Recommended Dietary Allowance—Dietary Reference Intakes.15,16
vere burn injury.32
Within a row, values with a superscript not sharing a letter are significantly The combination of such antioxidant supplementa-
different (P ⬍ .01). tion appears to decline lipid peroxidation in burned chil-
Journal of Burn Care & Research
Volume 30, Number 5 Barbosa et al 863

Table 3. Clinical characteristics of subjects at baseline and at after 7 d of supplementation

No Supplementation (n ⴝ 15) Antioxidant Supplementation (n ⴝ 17)

Parameter Values Baseline After 7 d of Study Baseline After 7 d of Study SE

Albumin (g/dL) 2.5–5.5 3.25 ⫾ 0.77 2.75 ⫾ 0.35

3.33 ⫾ 0.51 b
3.04 ⫾ 0.38 a c
Pre-albumin 20–40 9.97 ⫾ 3.47 9.98 ⫾ 4.77 10.86 ⫾ 2.88 11.32 ⫾ 3.84 NS
Hematocrit (%) 32–42 34.21 ⫾ 8.12a 29.35 ⫾ 2.44b 37.75 ⫾ 6.92c 29.65 ⫾ 3.83b,d T
Hemoblobin 10.5–14.0 10.79 ⫾ 3.38 a
9.56 ⫾ 0.65 b
12.66 ⫾ 2.41 c
9.73 ⫾ 1.60b,d T
C-reactive protein ⬍6 28.70 ⫾ 22.46 34.56 ⫾ 14.91 36.86 ⫾ 27.39 28.50 ⫾ 24.26 NS
Urea (mg/dL) 15–40 25.71 ⫾ 6.78 17.50 ⫾ 5.04 20.13 ⫾ 14.17 19.00 ⫾ 6.60 NS
Creatinin 0.4–1.3 0.48 ⫾ 0.17 0.37 ⫾ 0.08 0.61 ⫾ 0.32 0.37 ⫾ 0.13 NS
Total Bilirubin ⬍1.5 0.81 ⫾ 0.35 0.74 ⫾ 0.12 0.76 ⫾ 0.09 0.64 ⫾ 0.14 NS
White blood cells 4,000–10,000 15,328.57 ⫾ 5,579.64 18,275.00 ⫾ 8,928.09 15,912.50 ⫾ 5,989.38 17,843.06 ⫾ 10,844.76 NS
Neutrophils 1,200–6,000 10,845.71 ⫾ 5,896.79 11,441.25 ⫾ 6,837.22 10,237.13 ⫾ 6,433.26 10,754.88 ⫾ 11,545.97 NS
Lymphocytes 4,000–6,000 3,995.74 ⫾ 1,783.38 4,214.63 ⫾ 2,243.69 3,390.75 ⫾ 1,693.19 4,805.88 ⫾ 1,932.94 NS

The results are represented by means ⫾ SD. Two-way ANOVA conducted after the data transformed in log10 with interaction between groups (no supplementation
group and antioxidant supplementation group) vs time (before vs after supplementation).
Within a row, values with a superscript not sharing a letter are significantly different (P ⬍ .05).
SE, significant effect; S, main effect of supplementation (P ⬍ .01); T, main effect of final-basal by group (P ⬍ .01); I, interaction effects.

dren. Although not significant, TAC levels presented a supplemented doses, vitamin C remained the same or
low decrease in no supplementation group after 7 days, near the value found at the beginning of supplemen-
whereas the antioxidant-supplemented group main- tation and also when compared with the subjects
tained the same baseline level, which may reflect a from the no supplementation group. This concentra-
greater intake of antioxidants by supplementation. In tion is probably reflecting the consumption of nutri-
particular, serum vitamin E showed significantly in- tional antioxidants either to neutralize the generation
creased levels after supplementation. Considering of oxyradicals or to participate in other processes re-
that oxidative insult is tightly associated with the lated to burn healing, as already described by Bertin-
pathophysiologic events observed in burn subjects, it Maghit et al,32 Dissemond et al,33 and revised by
is not surprising that, despite the relatively high daily- Shepherd.34

Table 4. Baseline and after 7 d values of antioxidants and biomarkers of oxidative stress after antioxidant supplementation

No Supplementation (n ⴝ 15) Antioxidant Supplementation (n ⴝ 17)

Parameter Values Baseline After 7 d Study Baseline After 7 d Study SE

Vitamin C (mg/dL) 0.4–1.5 0.76 ⫾ 0.35 0.76 ⫾ 0.26 0.59 ⫾ 0.15 0.71 ⫾ 0.37 NS
Vitamin E (mg/dL) 0.3–1.0 0.71 ⫾ 0.30a 0.89 ⫾ 0.36b 0.50 ⫾ 0.18a 1.09 ⫾ 0.53c T, S
Zinc (␮g/dL) 70–150 81.43 ⫾ 29.17 75.20 ⫾ 29.63 70.39 ⫾ 10.20 82.92 ⫾ 17.54 NS
TAC (mmol/L) 1.1–1.2 1.59 ⫾ 0.16a 1.49 ⫾ 0.30a 1.19 ⫾ 0.12b 1.22 ⫾ 0.16b NS
MDA (nmol/mL) Up to 4.8 2.66 ⫾ 1.30a 2.54 ⫾ 1.18a 4.49 ⫾ 1.14b 3.16 ⫾ 0,97c T, S

The results are represented by means ⫾ SD. Two-way ANOVA conducted after the data transformed in log10 with interaction between groups (no supplementation
group and antioxidant supplementation group) vs time (before vs after supplementation).
Within a row, values with a superscript not sharing a letter are significantly different (P ⬍ .05).
SE, significant effect; S, maineffect of supplementation (P ⬍ .01); T, main effect offinal-basal by group (P ⬍ .01); I, interaction effects; TAC, total antioxidant
capacity; MDA, malondialdehyde.
Journal of Burn Care & Research
864 Barbosa et al September/October 2009

to the burned children. The participation of vitamins

E and C and zinc in the healing process deserves a
special mention, because these nutrients perform a
key role in collagen synthesis, growth, and cell repli-
cation and also in the immune system.38
More importantly, it seems that a time-course de-
cline of antioxidants associated with the increase in
lipoperoxidation occurs after burn injury,36 reinforc-
ing the recommendation of micronutrients therapy
after burn injury.
Vitamin C levels were maintained in treated pa-
tients only, indicating that the basic target of absorp-
Figure 1. Number of days needed for wound healing. Val- tion and systemic replenishment was achieved. A gen-
ues in mean ⫾ SD. ***P ⬍ .001: statistically significant erous average 900 mg/d was here adopted; therefore,
difference between groups. Unpaired Student’s t-test. it is doubtful whether further increased values are
worthwhile. In this regard, there is a concentration
limit in plasma (⬃100 ␮M) for supplementations of
Interestingly, adult patients from a French hospital vitamins C and E, irrespective of higher intakes of
with severe (⬃54% of total burn area) burn injury,29 both antioxidants.39
who were not supplemented with antioxidants micro- Tanaka et al9 successfully administered 66 mg/kg/h
nutrients, showed a persistent and strikingly en- of ascorbic acid in the first 24 hours after burns
hanced (roughly 10 –30 times) lipoperoxidation (around 11 g for a 70-kg adult), demonstrating no
(thiobarbituric acid reactive substances) levels in toxicity together with decreased fluid requirement
plasma, as well as induced superoxide dismutase ac- probably because of less capillary leakage. Other au-
tivity, and also a remarkable depletion of nutritional thors have signaled that to be even more effective,
antioxidants in plasma, such as ␤-carotene (around rapid pool-filling doses for 3 or more days are to be
10-fold), lycopene (between 10-fold and 30-fold), preferred.4
vitamin E (4 –5-fold), and vitamin C (4 –10-fold). Vitamin E supplementation apparently reached the
However, no variation in zinc, albumin, and creati- goal as well, but the risk of overdose deserves some
nine levels was detected.32 remarks, because an average of not less than 400 mg
Therefore, we believe that the antioxidant supple- was added to the children’s regimen. Two huge car-
mentation used in patients since the second day of diovascular trials have supplemented40,41 a more
admittance into the hospital was able to keep lipoper- modest 300 mg/d to adults, but for periods of up to
oxidation at relatively low levels, and such antioxidant 5 years, without complications. Nathens et al,15 also
compensation was performed by the consumption of in a study involving adults, used ␣-tocopherol (dl-␣-
vitamins C and E and the trace element zinc. tocopheryl acetate) replenishment in amounts com-
Zinc and vitamin C are simultaneously immune- parable with this study for up to 28 days without side
enhancing and anti-inflammatory relevant molecules, effects.
being also important for synthesis in tissue re- Although not significant, zinc concentration in se-
pair.3,9,35 Vitamin E, besides being a scavenger of rum improved after treatment in antioxidant supple-
oxyradicals, especially the peroxyl radical (LOO●) in mentation group but not in controls. An average in-
membranes, is endowed with properties concerning crement of 7 mg/d was introduced in the diet, and
hemorheology and endothelial function, including there is room for more robust utilization.42 Only
prevention of breakdown of lipid membranes and mi- massive values in the range of 50 mg/d have been
crovascular barrier.3,4,6 Burn injury is accompanied shown to be immune suppressive in a pneumonia
by a massive oxyradical overgeneration that causes protocol.43
distant organ damage, which suggests a direct cause- Agay et al37 showed that early burn injury pro-
effect relationship.36,37 motes several changes in trace elements such as zinc,
The observed maintenance of the nutritional anti- selenium, and copper, including their mobilization
oxidant defenses together with a parallel decrease of and reallocation in distinct tissues from rats. Such
lipoperoxidation (MDA levels) attack on lipids, and changes might be also responsible for changes found
also with an additional strengthening of the immune in the activities of antioxidant enzymes that use these
system and time of wound healing, is probably a con- trace elements (superoxide dismutase and glutathi-
sequence of the antioxidant supplementation offered one peroxidase).37 Also, high serum levels of copper
Journal of Burn Care & Research
Volume 30, Number 5 Barbosa et al 865

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