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Daily Reading Practice for
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All About
20 different Comprehension Mats for each month. Each mat has a reading
passage and follow-up comprehension questions & activities to complete.

Students read
passages with Students
decodable illustrate the
words, theme meaning of
words, and the passage
sight words. or a
they made.
Students build
fluency by
reading the
passage 3
locate and
times and
coloring in a
parts of the
shape each
text to

Students answer questions that require

them to refer to text for the answers.
1. Goodbye Summer 14. Apple Picking
2. The First Day of School 15. Apple Life Cycle
3. School Helpers 16. Fire Safety
4. The Classroom 17. Being a Fire Fighter
5. Learning at School 18. Jobs at Home
6. Friends 19. The Birthday Party
7. People In The 20.Hobbies
8. Recess
9. School Supplies
10. All About Me
11. School Subjects
12. Getting Ready
13. Teachers

© Proud to be primary 2016
wwwwwwwwww Date:
Goodbye Summer Illustrate the Story
Read the passage 3 times and fill in a shape each time. Draw a picture to show the meaning of the story.

It is time to say goodbye to

summer and hello to school. We
will go to school to learn new
things. We will make new
friends and listen to the
Complete the Activity
teacher. We will create and Highlight 4 verbs and write them below.

explore in the classroom. 1. 3.

2. 4.
Answer the Questions
Read the questions and answer them using complete sentences.

1. What are two things will we do in school?

2. What is something you do in school?

© Proud to be primary 2016

wwwwwwwwww Date:
The First Day of School Make a Connection
Read the passage 3 times and fill in a shape each time. Draw a picture to show your connection to the story.

It was Mark’s first day of

school. He packed his lunch
inside his new backpack. He put
on his new red shoes. He went
outside and waited for the Answer the Question
school bus. Mark was excited Read the questions and check off the correct answers.

1. Mark packed his ______.

and nervous for his first day. books lunch shoes
2. Mark was excited and ______.
worried happy nervous
Order the Events
Draw or write 3 events from the story in order.

© Proud to be primary 2016

wwwwwwwwww Date:
School Helpers Illustrate the Story
Read the passage 3 times and fill in a shape each time. Draw a picture to show the meaning of the story.

There are many people who help

in our school. The teachers help
us learn and teach us new
things. The custodian keeps our
school clean. The nurse keeps us
Complete the Activity
healthy. The principal helps our Highlight 4 school helpers and write them below.

school be the best it can be. 1. 3.

2. 4.
Answer the Questions
Read the questions and answer them using complete sentences.

1. What does the principal help our school with?

2. What does the custodian help our school with?

© Proud to be primary 2016

wwwwwwwwww Date:
The Classroom Make a Connection
Read the passage 3 times and fill in a shape each time. Draw a picture to show your connection to the story.

Lucy loves her new classroom.

She has a desk for her school
supplies. She has a locker where
she hangs her bag. Lucy likes to
build with the blocks and play Answer the Question
math games. She enjoys reading Read the questions and check off the correct answers.

1. Lucy has a desk for her school _____.

books from the bookshelf. books bag supplies
2. Lucy like to play ______ games.
math reading fun
Order the Events
Draw or write 3 events from the story in order.

© Proud to be primary 2016

wwwwwwwwww Date:
Learning at School Illustrate the Story
Read the passage 3 times and fill in a shape each time. Draw a picture to show the meaning of the story.

We learn new things every day

at school. We learn to read
books and write stories. We
learn to add and subtract and
count numbers. We get to be
Complete the Activity
scientists and learn about the Highlight 4 things we learn and write them below.

world. Learning is fun! 1. 3.

2. 4.
Answer the Questions
Read the questions and answer them using complete sentences.

1. What do we learn to write at school?

2. What do we learn about math?

© Proud to be primary 2016

wwwwwwwwww Date:
Friends Make a Connection
Read the passage 3 times and fill in a shape each time. Draw a picture to show your connection to the story.

Margot likes to go to school to

see her friends. She likes to
draw pictures and read books
with them. She likes play games
outside with them. Margot Answer the Question
knows that being a good friend Read the questions and check off the correct answers.

1. Margot likes to draw ______.

means being kind and helpful. houses pictures flowers
2. Being a friend means being ______.
kind silly fun
Order the Events
Draw or write 3 events from the story in order.

© Proud to be primary 2016

wwwwwwwwww Date:
People in the Community Illustrate the Story
Read the passage 3 times and fill in a shape each time. Draw a picture to show the meaning of the story.

The people who work in our

community are helpers. Police
officers and fire fighters help
keep us safe. Doctors and nurses
help us stay healthy. Teachers
Complete the Activity
help us learn new things. Many Highlight 4 community helpers and write them below.

people work together to help! 1. 3.

2. 4.
Answer the Questions
Read the questions and answer them using complete sentences.

1. What do police officers and fire fighters do?

2. What do doctors and nurses do?

© Proud to be primary 2016

wwwwwwwwww Date:
Recess Make a Connection
Read the passage 3 times and fill in a shape each time. Draw a picture to show your connection to the story.

Tyler’s favorite part of the day

is recess. He grabs his snack and
goes outside to the playground.
He meets his friends and they
play tag. He also likes to play Answer the Question
soccer and swing on the swings. 1. Tyler grabs his _____ and goes outside.
Read the questions and check off the correct answers.

Recess is a fun break! lunch bag snack

2. Tyler and his friends play ______.
tag ball games
Order the Events
Draw or write 3 events from the story in order.

© Proud to be primary 2016

wwwwwwwwww Date:
School Supplies Illustrate the Story
Read the passage 3 times and fill in a shape each time. Draw a picture to show the meaning of the story.

School supplies are the tools we

need at school. We use pencils
and erasers to help us write. We
use crayons and markers for
coloring. We use different types
Complete the Activity
of paper and notebooks. We Highlight 4 plural words and write them below.

keep our supplies in our desks. 1. 3.

2. 4.
Answer the Questions
Read the questions and answer them using complete sentences.

1. What do we need to help us write?

2. Where do we keep our supplies?

© Proud to be primary 2016

wwwwwwwwww Date:
All About Me Make a Connection
Read the passage 3 times and fill in a shape each time. Draw a picture to show your connection to the story.

Jane is doing a school project

about herself called “All About
Me”. She wrote a story and
drew a picture. She read her
story to her class. She brought Answer the Question
in her favorite food, pizza, and Read the questions and check off the correct answers.

1. Jane read her _____ to her class.

her stuffed bunny to share. book story toy
2. Jane brought ______ to share.
a book juice pizza
Order the Events
Draw or write 3 events from the story in order.

© Proud to be primary 2016

wwwwwwwwww Date:
School Subjects Illustrate the Story
Read the passage 3 times and fill in a shape each time. Draw a picture to show the meaning of the story.

Teachers show us many things

at school. We solve math
problems. We read and learn
from books. We discover and
explore science. We listen to
Complete the Activity
music and play instruments. We Highlight 4 verbs and write them below.

learn new subjects everyday. 1. 3.

2. 4.
Answer the Questions
Read the questions and answer them using complete sentences.

1. What is a school subject?

2. What do we do with books?

© Proud to be primary 2016

wwwwwwwwww Date:
Getting Ready Make a Connection
Read the passage 3 times and fill in a shape each time. Draw a picture to show your connection to the story.

In the morning, Bonny makes

her bed and puts on her
clothes. She eats breakfast and
brushes her teeth. She gets her
coat and shoes on. She grabs Answer the Question
her backpack and waits for the Read the questions and check off the correct answers.

1. Bonny puts on her ______.

bus. Bonny is ready for school! clothes hat pajamas
2. Bonny waits for ________.
her sister the bus a friend
Order the Events
Draw or write 3 events from the story in order.

© Proud to be primary 2016

wwwwwwwwww Date:
Teachers Illustrate the Story
Read the passage 3 times and fill in a shape each time. Draw a picture to show the meaning of the story.

Teachers are important. They

help us grow and learn new
things. They share and give a
lot of their time. They make us
laugh and try new things. They
Complete the Activity
challenge us to do our best. Highlight 4 verbs and write them below.

Teachers care about us. 1. 3.

2. 4.
Answer the Questions
Read the questions and answer them using complete sentences.

1. What are two things teachers do?

2. Why do teachers challenge us?

© Proud to be primary 2016

wwwwwwwwww Date:
Apple Picking Make a Connection
Read the passage 3 times and fill in a shape each time. Draw a picture to show your connection to the story.

May’s class when apple picking

on a field trip. She got to pick
apples from the tall tree. She
put her apples in a basket. She
ate one apple and it tasted Answer the Question
sweet. May took the other Read the questions and check off the correct answers.
1. May picked apples from the ____ tree.
apples home to make apple pie. short big tall
2. May’s apple tasted ______.
tart sweet sour
Order the Events
Draw or write 3 events from the story in order.

© Proud to be primary 2016

wwwwwwwwww Date:
Apple Life Cycle Illustrate the Story
Read the passage 3 times and fill in a shape each time. Draw a picture to show the meaning of the story.

Apple seeds in the ground grow

into plants. Plants will grow into
trees. Mature trees will have
blossoms. The flowers will turn
into apples with the help of
Complete the Activity
bees. Apples are juicy fruit to Highlight 4 short ‘i’ words and write them below.

pick and eat with seeds inside. 1. 3.

2. 4.
Answer the Questions
Read the questions and answer them using complete sentences.

1. What grows on mature trees?

2. What helps apples grow?

© Proud to be primary 2016

wwwwwwwwww Date:
Fire Safety Make a Connection
Read the passage 3 times and fill in a shape each time. Draw a picture to show your connection to the story.

Ben is learning about fire

safety. He learns to never play
with or around fire. He stays
safe by listening to fire alarms
and moving fast. If there is a Answer the Question
fire, Ben knows to get out of Read the questions and check off the correct answers.

1. Ben learns to never play with _____.

the building and call for help. fire water matches
2. If there is a fire, Ben ______ for help.
looks calls hides
Order the Events
Draw or write 3 events from the story in order.

© Proud to be primary 2016

wwwwwwwwww Date:
Being a Firefighter Illustrate the Story
Read the passage 3 times and fill in a shape each time. Draw a picture to show the meaning of the story.

Sam is a fire fighter. He helps

put out fires with water and a
big hose. He wears a special
uniform that protects his body
from burning fire. He rides in a
Complete the Activity
fire engine with a loud siren. Highlight 4 adjectives and write them below.
Sam rescues and protects people. 1. 3.
2. 4.
Answer the Questions
Read the questions and answer them using complete sentences.

1. What does Sam use to put out fires?

2. What does Sam ride in?

© Proud to be primary 2016

wwwwwwwwww Date:
Jobs at Home Make a Connection
Read the passage 3 times and fill in a shape each time. Draw a picture to show your connection to the story.

Renee has jobs to do at home to

help her family. She makes her
bed and keeps her room tidy.
She feeds her dog and takes
him for a walk. She also sets Answer the Question
and cleans the table at dinner. Read the questions and check off the correct answers.

1. Renee makes her _____.

Renee likes being a helper. breakfast bed dinner
2. Renee ______ her dog.
tickles cuddles feeds
Order the Events
Draw or write 3 events from the story in order.

© Proud to be primary 2016

wwwwwwwwww Date:
The Birthday Party Illustrate the Story
Read the passage 3 times and fill in a shape each time. Draw a picture to show the meaning of the story.

It was Dante’s sixth birthday

and he had a party with his
friends. They played in a
bouncy castle and watched a
funny movie. Dante opened his Complete the Activity
presents. They ate pineapple Highlight 4 nouns and write them below.

pizza and birthday cake. 1. 3.

2. 4.
Answer the Questions
Read the questions and answer them using complete sentences.

1. How old was Dante turning?

2. What did they eat at the party?

© Proud to be primary 2016

wwwwwwwwww Date:
Hobbies Make a Connection
Read the passage 3 times and fill in a shape each time. Draw a picture to show your connection to the story.

Alicia has many hobbies. She

loves taking photographs outside.
She enjoys baking cookies and
cakes with her mom. She also
likes to read fantasy books. Answer the Question
Alicia’s favorite hobby is making 1. Alicia loves taking photographs _____.
Read the questions and check off the correct answers.

jewelry for her friends. outside of friends inside

2. Alicia likes to read ______ books.
funny mystery fantasy
Order the Events
Draw or write 3 events from the story in order.

© Proud to be primary 2016

Some pages have
been edited and
changed for
Canadian spelling
and content.
Pages 13, 15, 25

© Proud to be primary
wwwwwwwwww Date:
Recess Make a Connection
Read the passage 3 times and fill in a shape each time. Draw a picture to show your connection to the story.

Tyler’s favourite part of the

day is recess. He grabs his
snack and goes outside to the
playground. He meets his friends
and they play tag. He also likes Answer the Question
to play soccer and swing on the 1. Tyler grabs his _____ and goes outside.
Read the questions and check off the correct answers.

swings. Recess is a fun break! lunch bag snack

2. Tyler and his friends play ______.
tag ball games
Order the Events
Draw or write 3 events from the story in order.

© Proud to be primary 2016

wwwwwwwwww Date:
All About Me Make a Connection
Read the passage 3 times and fill in a shape each time. Draw a picture to show your connection to the story.

Jane is doing a school project

about herself called “All About
Me”. She wrote a story and
drew a picture. She read her
story to her class. She brought Answer the Question
in her favourite food, pizza, and Read the questions and check off the correct answers.

1. Jane read her _____ to her class.

her stuffed bunny to share. book story toy
2. Jane brought ______ to share.
a book juice pizza
Order the Events
Draw or write 3 events from the story in order.

© Proud to be primary 2016

wwwwwwwwww Date:
Hobbies Make a Connection
Read the passage 3 times and fill in a shape each time. Draw a picture to show your connection to the story.

Alicia has many hobbies. She

loves taking photographs outside.
She enjoys baking cookies and
cakes with her mom. She also
likes to read fantasy books. Answer the Question
Alicia’s favourite hobby is 1. Alicia loves taking photographs _____.
Read the questions and check off the correct answers.

making jewelry for her friends. outside of friends inside

2. Alicia likes to read ______ books.
funny mystery fantasy
Order the Events
Draw or write 3 events from the story in order.

© Proud to be primary 2016

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