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● Israel uses a parliamentary republic style government

● Head of government is Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu
● Chief of state is President Rueven Rivlin
● Do not have a formal constitution
● Has basic laws as democratic republic
● They have three branches of government, executive, legislative, and judicial
● Citizens have freedom
● 1948 claimed independence
● 24 hours later invaded by Egypt, Syria, Jordan and lebanon
● David ben gurion was first prime minister
● First president was chaim weizmann
● Israel is the 59th member of united nations
● Bad thing is they're weak and keep going into wars


I have Israel as my country. Israel uses a parliamentary republic style government

but has laws as a democratic republic. They have a prime minister, president and
separation of powers within the executive, legislative, and judicial branches. They
claimed independence in 1948 and were invaded by Egypt, Syria, jorda, Iraq, and
Lebanon 24 hours after claiming independence. After the war they elected the first
prime minister to be David Ben Gurion and the first president to be Chaim Weizmann.
They later became the 59th member of the United Nations. A bad thing is that they’re
weak and keep getting into war after war

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