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To skip class, or not to skip class-that is the question

Either I can stay in class and learn something new

And extend my knowledge

Or I can skip class and go to the beach

Relaxing soaking up the sun and eating delicious fruits.

To skip, to stay—

Leaving school would save me a headache

Laying on the warm sand and feeling the hot sun on my skin

With a nice cold drink by my side, Ah yes that’s the life

A life I would love to live forever!

To skip, or stay—

To stay in school and maybe learn something interesting

I have stressed myself out too much this year

Straining my mind is tough, but I still am Valedictorian

Studying won’t seem that bad, will it?

Who wouldn’t resist going to the beach over going to school

Taking your mind off of everything you stressed about

Sipping on a cold smoothie from a pineapple

Perhaps a delicious coconut with coconut water and a little umbrella

Wow that’s definitely what I want to be doing right now

After a while I could go into the beautiful clear waters and maybe snorkel

Going home with a beautiful, sweet sun kissed tan!

However I should go to class and progress my knowledge

Retaking that test would bring my grade up a whole letter

Maybe I should go to school I could also see all of my dearest friends

School isn’t really a bad place to be in for 8 hours a day

I could use the extra help in AP Biology

Education is one of the things that does come first in my book.

However, to come to a conclusion I must go with staying in school

It would be better for me in the present and the future

Knowing that I didn’t skip school today wouldn’t be in the back of my mind the whole day

I have to go to class so I can be successful

No doubt I love to learn new things everyday

I can go to the beach on the weekend

No one’s going to teach me the curriculum that I could miss I have to take advantage

School is my priority until I get the job that I deserve and want.

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