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Sharjah International Private School

Term 1 2021/2022

Year 8

Ali Haider Malik

Student’s name: …………………………….

Year/section: ………………………………..

1 2021/2022 Term 1 Holiday Homework Science Year 8 SIPS

Covid 19 Dos and Don’ts
Tick boxes to show which group each item belongs to.

2 2021/2022 Term 1 Holiday Homework Science Year 8 SIPS

What does e-safety mean?

E-safety is often defined as the safe and responsible use of technology. This includes the use of
the internet and also other means of communication using electronic media (eg text messages,
gaming devices, email etc). In practice, e-safety is as much about behaviour as it is electronic
Whack each mole with a tick.
The information you can share with others. √

3 2021/2022 Term 1 Holiday Homework Science Year 8 SIPS

The Scientific Method is used is used to study Science, discover and understand
Science better. The steps for the Scientific method are shown below.

Wordsearch Task: Find the words and highlight them.

4 2021/2022 Term 1 Holiday Homework Science Year 8 SIPS

Invertebrates are animals without a backbone.
A. Classify them. One group is repeated!
arthropod nematode annelid mollusc

Group Number Group Name Features

1 Worm, with segmented bodies
3 Soft body with a shell
5 Worm, body not segmented

3 Have exoskeleton, body divided

Arthropod into 3 parts, have legs

4 Mollusc Soft body without a shell

B. Classify these arthropods.

butterfly millipede spider shrimp

Name of animal features

1 pair of antennae, 6 legs, body divided into 3 parts


8 legs, no wings or antennae

2 pairs of antennae, hard outer covering, about 10 legs
1 pair of antennae, long cylindrical body with 20 or more
Millipede legs

5 2021/2022 Term 1 Holiday Homework Science Year 8 SIPS

Continuous variation is determined by both genes and environment. Gradual changes might be

Discontinuous variation is determined mainly by genes. These features are permanent and do
not change.

C. Put a tick in each row to identify to show what causes the variation.

Features Genetic Environmental Both

blood group

native language


shape of ear lobe

vegetarian or non- vegetarian

tongue rolling


skin colour

natural hair colour

nose piercing

hiker’s thumb

shoe size

6 2021/2022 Term 1 Holiday Homework Science Year 8 SIPS

What is photosynthesis?

D. Use the words to fill in the blank spaces.

leaves oxygen sun photosynthesis water glucose carbon dioxide chlorophyll

……………………………is the process by which green plants prepare their food. Plants take
Carbon Dioxide
in………………………………….. Leaves
through the………………………………. Water
………………………… is
absorbed from the soil by the roots. …………………………… present in the leaves traps the
sunlight. Plants produce food in the form of a sugar called …………………………….
…………………………….. is given out through the leaves during this process. The light energy
needed for the reaction to happen is supplied by the ……..

1 2


Write the missing parts.

1. Sunlight 2. Oxygen 3. Carbon 4. Glucose/ 5. Water

Dioxide Sugar

E. Complete the word equation for photosynthesis.

carbon dioxide + ……………………… Glucose + oxygen

7 2021/2022 Term 1 Holiday Homework Science Year 8 SIPS

F. Label the parts of the atom. nucleus electron proton neutron




G. Write the charges.

particle charge
neutron Natural
proton Positive
electron Negative

The diagram below represents the periodic table (first 20 elements)

H. Answer the questions below.


1. Noble Gasses
What element is B representing? ……………………………
2. What is the 20th element? Calcium
3. Metals are found on the left/right side. Left
4. Hydrogen
The first element on the periodic table is ………………………………..

8 2021/2022 Term 1 Holiday Homework Science Year 8 SIPS

I. Write each of these features in the correct column in the table. Take care –
some of them belong in more than one column!

1. have hair 7. lay eggs on land

2. have feathers 8. lay eggs in water
3. usually have four legs 9. skin smooth and moist
4. always have wings 10. always have gills
5. have fins 11. always have lungs
6. skin covered with scales 12. have gills when young, lungs
when adult

Class Features/ characteristics

1, 3

2, 4, 7

Fish 5, 10, 8

8, 5, 9, 12, 11

6, 7, 11,

9 2021/2022 Term 1 Holiday Homework Science Year 8 SIPS

J. Testing for acids and alkalis

The pH scale allows us to measure how acidic or alkaline a solution is.

Acids have a pH of less than ………………………………..
Alkalis have a pH of greater than ………………………………….

A Neutral pH is water
. An example of this would be ………………………………………

K. Answer the following

1. List any two things that work with mains electricity. ………………………… heating

2. List two things that work with batteries. controls
………………………….. phones

3. Observe the diagram and answer the following.

a. Which component provides energy?

b. Which component controls the flow of
…………………………………………………………………….. D C
c. This component connects all the parts.

10 2021/2022 Term 1 Holiday Homework Science Year 8 SIPS

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