Favorites Collection Form

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Favorites Collection Form

Child’s Initials _______F.M._________ Date 10/01/2020 Observer ___Jeni Bachman_______

After observing the child on multiple occasions, describe a favorite activity that the child does
often. Add details that you noticed about the child’s interests and choices. Add a photo if you
FM enjoys playing and being outdoors very much. When FM first started with us in August, FM

was happiest outdoors. FM would smile and laugh until it was time to go indoors. We know

that part of the crying FM did when we went in was because of new transitions and being new

to the center, but FM was and is always happy outside. It does not seem to matter whether

there is an organized activity, free play, water play, or going for a walk. I have noticed that FM

can sit longer and listen to stories outdoors as well; the attention span is longer.

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