Character BIO: Name: Age: Race

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Character BIO


Soft spot:
Inner conflict:
Moral compass:


How others perceive them:

Ways they deal with conflict:


Background Story:
Character BIO
Aiju is a young nomadic shaman apprentice. Like a few others of her tribe she can turn into a wolf and
has the power to communicate with spirits through “Dreaming”. She is the only white wolf in the tribe
though and legend has it that the white wolf will guide their people to “the promised land”. Living in
quite harsh conditions, the tribe is now hoping that Aiju will be their savior. Quite an expectation for a
young girl.

During one of her Dreamings she also experiences a horrifying vision in which she is responsible for
her whole tribe’s death. Her spiritual guide, an ancient wolf advises her to travel south where she
would find answers to her questions. Aiju decides to leave her tribe secretly and runs off into the
unknown, seemingly abandoning her duties and family. She needs to learn more about the legend of
the white wolf and find a way to avoid the disaster that looms over her tribe.

Name: Aiju
Age: 20
Race: Human, Nivese

Profession: shaman apprentice (Kaskjua )

Origin/family: member of the ​Anukhar ​tribe, nomadic, used to ​harsh/cold environments​,

survivalists/hunters​, the tribe acts as family (community), ​spiritual​, close to
nature, only daughter of the tribe’s shaman (Urgid) expected to take her place

Skills: communicates with her ancestors and spirits through “​Dreaming​” (entering the
realm of spirits), especially connected to ancient wolf spirits, ​gifted shaman​, can
transform into a wolf​, tracker, hunter, tough/enduring, a​ nimalistic tendencies

Weaknesses: unworldly, fear of crowds/people, haunted by minor spirits, sensitive to smells

and heat, insomnia and nightmares/visions (especially during a full moon), can’t
read, turns into a wolf involuntarily if she is scared or hurt

Interests: ancestral stories, the realm of spirits, the modern world (technology), learning
how to read,

Dislikes: animal cruelty, waste, unpleasant smells, crowds, heat, ​unpractical clothing
(dresses), being treated like a child, ignorance, baths, being touched (she
receives visions when people touch her)
Fears: A vision she had predicting that she would kill he own tribe, the tribe’s
expectations to take her mother’s role, disappointing the spirit wolves, not
being on the right path, losing control, captivity

Soft spot: animals, family (misses them)

Desire: discover what her vision meant and how she can prevent it, make her mother
and the spirits proud, become a worthy shaman, understand her place in this
world (for now: get as far away from home as possible)

Needs: widen her horizon, overcome her fears and self doubt, start trusting in herself

Inner conflict: Wants to make her tribe proud but has to leave in order to protect them (from
herself), wants to trust in the spirit wolves but is blinded by anger and doubt
(about her fate)

Moral compass: She believes in the laws of nature,​ that death is a part of life,​ humans and
animals should be equals, you should not kill for sport, don’t waste meat or a
life, respect another warrior/animal, live with nature not against it (waste,
pollution, deforestation etc)

Secrets: she hasn’t told anyone about her vision

Flaws: young and inexperienced, doubtful, easily angered (impulsive), impatient, can’t
read or swim, doesn’t like admitting faults

Faith/ideals: The great spirit wolves, the realm of dreams, spirits, power of nature

Young but tough looking, a little wild/animalistic, lots of leather, fur, paint, a little boyish/not very
feminine, scruffy hair and a bit dirty, graceful movements, proud posture,

How others perceive them:

A bit wild, strange/different, uncivilized, dangerous, hard to read, dark magic?

Ways they deal with conflict:

Proud, head-on, fierce, animalistic (fight), stubborn, heated, defensive (argument)


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