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Music in ancient Greece is a little bit unknown even for the most capable archeologists.

is even more speculation about the dimensions and sounds of the musical instruments that
they used to play.

For example, we have the Lyre and Aulos. Aulos was an instrument made of wood and it
consisted of a double flute, that’s what we can read in the lecture but the professor at the
lecture said that not every Aulos was a double flute but it could also be a single flute, so maybe
in past Greece some people just wanted to have a stronger sound and that is why some aulos
had two flutes.

We also could read that the lyres are a little bit of an enigma because archeologists cannot
imagine the sound of it. After all, it explained that it just made simple sounds and concluded
that they might be doing something wrong, it said that is a big puzzle for researchers
nowadays, but on the other hand, the lecturer said that even if the lyre made simple sounds
they could manipulate those sounds to get notes and a melody, instead of what we could read
in the paragraph.

Even with all the discrepancies, it is an interesting field to keep studying and get to know how
ancient Greeks enjoyed music because music transcends eras and barriers. It is a good way to
get an insight into how they lived and what they enjoyed.

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