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A detailed briefing letter and report about muskettpay.

com - Few mistakes and few

weaknesses in the current website

First, I'm going to explain the Japanese content found on your website. Perhaps your website got
attacked by some malware recently, or you took some backlinks from a website that contains the
Japanese language.

What can be the consequences of this Japanese malware attack? Sometimes, your website is
looking okay, but on the hidden pages, there are lots of problems, let us see what these are:

Your website got attacked by some malware and some Japanese or Thai malware.

• Sometimes, they post adult content adult products on your website—this virus attacks
several sides, including your Anne.

• Thus, the best solution is to contact the Google search console team and ask them to remove
all this content.
• Please note that all these pages are still indexing, and it can be worrisome as it can affect
your ranking. Additionally, it can also be the reason for the high bounce rate on your

Google Voice Search

If we work on Google Voice search, it can help us better vis-à-vis competitors, i.e., whenever people
want to use the easy way, they ask Google "where I can find the best home for myself," and Google
starts offering recommendations.

If your country is developing, and you have the resources, it might be possible that people use more
voice searches, including Google Alexa or Siri. Thus, you might be losing your audience.

Therefore, it is recommended that your business must be on Google's profile. You must have your
location. In this case, I can see on your profile that you don't have any Google location. Thus, if I
wanted to find your business that I won't be able to do this because you are not on google "where"

Testimonials - Let your customer know whatever other people think about you

Whenever you start a small business, it is imperative to showcase customer reviews on your
website, especially if you're slated to the real estate. It will help you maintain your Google business
profiles, in addition to your Yelp,, TripAdvisor business accounts. Therefore, allowing
you to generate more traffic for your website.

Moreover, it will positively impact your customer and your primary stakeholders, including your
employees and investors. People nowadays want to know what other people think about a service
or product before making a purchase decision. Nevertheless, always ensure if your customers are
happy, they will drive your business to success by generating good word of mouth. Thus, let people
know how and why you're better than others.

Also, you need to create your Google Bing and other business profiles. It will allow people to search
for you. It will also have a tremendous impact on search engine optimization and your WordPress
traffic, thus, increasing your website traffic and generating revenue-generating leads for your
Competitor Analysis - Keep an eye on your all competitors

Competitor analysis is imperative for any startup. Thus, you need to know what they're doing and
what is the main reason they are so successful (if they are). There are several strategies you can use
to bring information and apply it to your business. Furthermore, it will also help you learn what not
to do. Thus, allowing you to mitigate potential risks. Let us offer you a few tips and tricks on how to
do this handily:

• Call them and say you're a customer you're looking for a good business are suitable villa.
What are their process and pricing?

• Ask your competitor that why I should choose you? What is the main difference between
your villas in other villas

Automatic chat response based on AI for marketing

It's essential if someone is not available at your help center, your customers get an automated
response. For this, you need to create a bot that takes critical information from your customers,
including their queries, names, numbers, location, destination, and budget in which they are looking
for a property.

Importance of Terms and condition content

Terms and conditions are essential for any startup. You need to write the terms and conditions for
your business and define the do's, don't's, and obligations for your customers. Your customers must
know what the things you are accountable for are and what are the things you aren't.

If you do not have terms and conditions on your website, your portfolio, or any publicized business
document, it may put you in trouble. Search engines perceive that the websites, who do not have
data policy and terms and conditions, agree with everything that a customer wants. According to a
survey, customers are most unlikely to share their contact numbers, email addresses, and personal
information on a website without a data policy. In addition, it creates trust issues between your
customers and business.

Finally, the terms and conditions page makes your search engine optimization result better. It helps
create a site link, which appears on Google or any other search engine. Following is the checklist of
some vital things that you must consider

 Web security
 Design improvement
 Chat Bot
 Data policy
 Backlinks
 Virus scanning
 UX improvement
 Live Chat
 Social Profile
 Extra script Removing
 Fonts Correction
 FAQ page
 Encyclopedia
 SSL Certificate
 XML sitemap
 SQL Database test
 HTML sitemap
 SSL certificate

Importance of newsletter portion

A website must have a newsletter portion. It helps the customers find the recent news about your
brand and its accomplishments, the latest information about products and services, information on
packages and discounts. It generally includes a lot of content. Following are considered essential:

1. A newsletter subscription form must be added – it helps generate leads as it collects

customer's information

2. It helps in retargeting previously-targeted customers, SEO backlinking, and keeping the

brand fresh.
Importance of focus keywords

It has been mentioned earlier in the small HTML JPEG format as well. Every new business needs to
focus on the specific products and services - not on the brand name. For this purpose, we need the
right content, concentrated on one or more keywords on 4/1 niche, targeted exclusively on the
potential audience. Moreover, it needs to be periodic and continuous, thus helping with better
search engine ranking.

Losing your traffic and unique visitor

You can view how your business is performing on google using the following link:

SSL issue

Another minor problem with your website is the expired SSL certificate. SSL certificate plays a
significant role in generating traffic for your website. Please note that you will not convert visitors
into customers if they notice that your website is not secure. They will not be confident in your
business and thus, will not share any personal information considering data theft and similar
issues. Therefore, it is imperative to ensure website security and updated SSL certificate.

Low Content: 50 Pages

Ticket without description: 20

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