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Name: Class: ENGLISH FILE OOOO Pre-intermediate Progress test 1 Units 1-6 1 Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verb in brackets. I__tve__ never _read_ (read) a book in English. 1 Be careful. We______just______ (paint) that door. 21______ (see) your brother at the pool when I was swimming. 3We___——_ (fly) to Malaysia at 10 o’clock next Tuesday. 4 —___ you _______ (be) to Moscow before? 5 Mysister___________ (study) photography at the moment. 6 —_____ you _______ (wait) for your bus when I saw you yesterday? 7 When they got to Paris, they __________ (go) out for a meal. 81_________ (not be) late tomorrow. That's a promise. © Oxford University Press FXEETIRTIG Pre-intermediate Progress test 1 57 Nome: Class ENGLISH FILE OO _ Pre-intermediate 2 Circle the correct form. When have you finished /( 1 I’m going to / ’U see you at the cinema at six o'clock. 2 What did you do / were you doing for your last holiday? 3 My room is more tidy / tidier than my sister's. 4 When did he get / has he got back from Russia? 5 Katya didn’t run enough fast / fast enough to win the race. 6 Tai’s girlfriend is someone who / which loves dancing. 7 That's the most / more difficult question you've ever asked me 8 We've finished our homework, but / so we're going for a walk. 4 Who did you see / saw at the post office? 10 Does your brother stay / Is your brother staying with you this weekend? 3 Complete the sentences with words from the box. already although as because than the whet who yet Sorry, _what_did you say? I didn’t hear. 1 I've ____ heard that joke. Kim told me it yesterday. 2 The concert wasn’t as good ____ the one I saw last week. 3 She had a party _______it was her birthday. 4 —_____it was raining, we went to the beach for a picnic. 5 It was ____ worst film I’ve ever seen! 6 This hotel is less expensive ____ the last one. 7 A passenger is someone _______ travels on a bus or train. 8 We haven't been to the new museum —____. What's it like? 58 Pre-intermediate Progress test 1 [EEL © Oxford University Press Nome: Clase ENGLISH FILE —OO_O_O_O_—_———_ Pre-intermediate 4 Circle the word that is different. trainers Ghorts) boots shoes 1 generous mean funny friendly 2 cap T-shirt sweater top 3 polluted noisy crowded lazy 4 thin bald overweight — slim 5 disgusting luxurious delicious comfortable 6 buy hire rent sunbathe 7 necklace earrings leggings bracelet 8 shy talkative extrovert high 5 Write the opposite. teach learn 1 mend 2 win 3 start 4 sell Sforget 99 9 © Oxford University Press FXEESERTIG Pre-intermediate Progress test 1 59 Nome: Class ENGLISH FILE OO _ Pre-intermediate 6 Complete the sentences with one word. 1 Did you___ _ any souvenirs while you were in Bavaria? 2 I'm sorry, he isn’t here. He’s —— work. 3 Bella’s birthday is __ Christmas Day! 4 I don't have enough _ _ _ — to do my work and help you 5 It’s really dark in here. Can you turn _ _ the light, please? 6 Students, please work in_____ and talk to your partner. 7 When we're on holiday, we — bikes to get around. 8 CanI______ €10 from you, please? I'll give it back tomorrow. 7 Circle the correct word(s). She tried off (on) up the dress in the shop. 1 Have you done / made / cleaned your bed this morning? 2 They don’t go off / out / up to eat very often 3 The hotels are too expensive, so we're staying / hiring / renting at a campsite. 4 How do you repeat / underline / pronounce this word? 5 We're seeing our cousins next week. We're really looking for / forward to / after it. 6 The town centre was very quiet / boring / crowded. There were a lot of people. 7 My university course starts in / on / at October. 8 We got / ai 4 I spent / lent / borrowed Victor some money last month, and he hasn't paid me back. 10 Don't eat all that cake! It’s really unhealthy / uncomfortable / polluted. ved / came at the hotel very late last night. 60 Pre-intermediate Progress test 1 PEELE © Oxford University Press Nonne Class ENGLISH FILE 8 Circle the stressed syllable. ad |ress) 1 sun | bathe 2 ge| ne | rous 3 trou | sers 4 for | get 5 i] ron|ing Pre-intermediate 6 lu| xu | rious 7 pro | nounce 8 ja | cket 9 de | li| cious 4 Match the words with the same sound. sightseeing watch boring cloudy dress email father funny tazy match page lazy 1 said 2 shy 3 gloves 4 cardigan 5 trolley 6 talkative 7 crowded 8 touch q beach © Oxford University Press FXEESERTIG Pre-intermediate Progress test 1 a Name: Class ENGLISH FILE OO _ Pre-intermediate 10 Read the article and circle the correct answer. CouchSurfing - a different kind of travel experience by Emma Jackson I love travelling abroad, but two years ago I didn’t have much (a) cash to spend on my holiday. At first, I was planning to go camping again, but then a friend suggested an (b) alternative: CouchSurfing. I had no idea what that was, so she explained. ‘CouchSurfers’ are people who stay as (c) guests in other people’s homes (d) for free, and visit (e) the sights in the local area. You can do the things that most tourists do, like sunbathing on the beach or sightseeing in the town centre. Or your (f) host could give you a language lesson, teach you how to cook local (g) delicacies, or take you to places that visitors never find. It sounded much more fun than my other holidays, so I joined the website and sent emails to about twenty hosts in France and Spain (h) right away. A few days later, I already had ten replies. After a week or two of emails, I made arrangements with four hosts in three different cities. I'm quite talkative and they seemed very friendly, so I wasn’t (i) concerned about spending time with strangers. Two weeks later, I was arriving in Paris, and meeting my first host, Claudette. Over the next ten days, I stayed in four very different homes, (j) improved my foreign languages, and made some great new friends. Sometimes the places where I stayed were basic - a sofa to sleep on, or even just a floor, but sometimes they were luxurious — much nicer than the hostels that I usually go to. I think it was probably the cheapest and most interesting holiday I've ever had! 62 Pre-intermediate Progress test 1 PEELE © Oxford University Press Nome: Clase ENGLISH FILE —OO_O_O_O_—_———_ Pre-intermediate T’ve done CouchSurfing again twice since then: in Italy, and here in the UK. I'll definitely do it again. In fact, I'm going on a trip to South America next year. And I've had five visitors at my place, including Claudette. I've discovered that hosting is as much fun as (k) exploring a new place. CouchSurfing is a fantastic experience. Try it some time! Emma started CouchSurfing because she wanted to save money. (ADTrue B False CC Doesn't say 1 It was her first holiday in another country. A True B False C Doesn't say 2 Emma’s friend was a regular couch surfer. A True B False C Doesn't say 3 ‘CouchSurfers’ can spend time with the homeowners. A True B False C Doesn't say 4 Half of the people who Emma emailed didn’t reply. A True B False C Doesn't say 5 Two of the people she visited lived in the same city. A True B False C Doesn't say 6 Emma went on holiday about a month after joining the website, ATrue BFalse — C Doesn't say 7 Emma is quite shy. ATrue BFalse C Doesn't say 8 Emma had a nice bed to sleep in at all the places where she stayed. A True B False C Doesn't say © Oxford University Press FXESSTERTI Pre-intermediate Progress test 1 63 Nome: Class ENGLISH FILE OO _ Pre-intermediate 4 Emma has now had three CouchSurfing holidays. ATrue B False C Doesn't say 10 Claudette was Emma's favourite host. ATrue B False — C Doesn't say 11 Look at the article again. Match five of the highlighted words / phrases with the definitions. Write the letter. people who stay in a hotel or house for a short time —<— 1 worried — 2 made better — 3 finding and learning about something — 4 interesting things for tourists to visit —__ 5 different thing to choose — 64 Pre-intermediate Progress test 1 [EEE © Oxford University Press Name: Class: ENGLISH FILE —TO_O_O_O_—_—_ _ Pre-intermediate Progress test 2 Units 7-12 1 Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verb in brackets. IfI__had _ (have) a lot of money, I'd buy a new car. 11_______ (know) Lisa for ten years. We're good friends. 2 We _____ (live) in a big house in the country, but now we have a city flat. 3 What would you do if you ______ (lose) your wallet? 4 Al didn’t really like that film. B Neither ____ (do) I! 5 If you really wanted that coat, you_________(save) your money to buy it. 6 Jean-Pierre asked us if we ______ (want) to go out for a pizza. 7 A How long —_____ (you / be) in the swimming team? B Since last summer. 8 AI__________ (not go) to the party tonight. B Neither are we. q Pasta comes from Italy, but nowit__________ (make) all over the world. 10 A Why are you going out? B______(post) this letter. © Oxford University Press IEECONEIS Pre-intermediate Progress test 2.65 Nome: Class ENGLISH FILE OO _ Pre-intermediate 2 Circle the correct word or phrase. ish)/ have you finished your work? 1 You don’t have to / mustn’t pay to enter the museum. It's free. 2 If you don’t tidy your room, your things will / would get lost. 3 I get on well with my brother / my brother well. 4 Al love salsa dancing. B Neither / So does my sister. 5 We really enjoy / want spending time at the beach. 6 The meeting will / might finish early. It depends how long the boss speaks! 7 You don’t have to / shouldn’t listen to him. He tells lies. 8 I borrowed my sister's laptop, because mine / my was broken. 4 Was / Did he use to teach history at your school? 10 They've lived in this flat for / since 18 months. 66 Pre-intermediate Progress test 2 [EEE © Oxford University Press Name: Class! ENGLISH FILE Pre-intermediate 3 Complete the sentences with words from the box. by forgotten had inte mind mustn't since up yours The boy ran __inte _ the street to catch 1 Ted said he 2 This play was written 3 Ohno! I've to feed the dog! 4 The hours in my job are long, but Idon’t__ late, so that’s OK. 5 Als this book B Yes, it is. Thanks. It was a birthday pre: , Lucia? 6 He hasn't seen his cousins 7 You 8 Her class is in room 12 on the first floor. Go and turn left. 4 Circle the odd word(s) out. duck eagle swan 1 divorced retired married 2 puton take off — turn down 3 maths physics chemistry 4 towards passed through 5 lose miss catch 6 spider cow horse 7 getanemail gethome geta present 8 crocodile shark dolphin © Oxford University Press FXESSTERTI his ball. already heard this album. William Shakespeare. working sent. last year, smoke in this building. It’s against the law. the stairs tired try on biology along get on pig get a salary goat Pre-intermediate Progress test? 67 Name: Class ENGLISH FILE OO _ Pre-intermediate 5 Find the opposites. Write the letter. turn on (the TV) _f | agotobed 1 get up (in the morning) — b remember | 2 stand up __ ¢ take off | 3 forget (a name) — d turn down 4 put on (a coat) — | esitdown | 5 turn up (the radio) __ | feet a Complete the sentences with words from the box. back bring don't eam gets said spent told op Iwoke up __ very early this morning. 1 Please ____ your dictionaries to the next class. 2 Frank doesn’t much money. His job is badly paid. 3 A Sorry this is taking a long time. B That's OK. I mind waiting. 4 Leo on very well with Alex. They're good friends. 51 last night listening to my favourite songs. 6 Our teacher us we had all passed our exams. 7 The boy that he wanted to travel before university. 8 Keith’s in the shower right now. He'll call you in twenty minutes. 68. Pre-intermediate Progress test 2 PEELE © Oxford University Press Nome: Clase ENGLISH FILE —OO_O_O_O_—_———_ Pre-intermediate 7 Circle the correct word(s). Would you like to watch (ook at) read my holiday photos? 1 Lused to play a lot of tennis, but I gave it down / off / up last year, and now I play basketball. 2 Nina is really afraid on / of / by spiders. 3 My uncle decided to retire / receive / repair at the age of 50 and go travelling. 4 Go over / past / along the museum, and the cinema is on your left. 5 When I saw them, they were walking on / away / across the park. 6 Email was discovered / invented / designed in the 1970s, but most of us first used it a lot later. 7 If you don't know how to get there, look down / through / up the directions on the internet. 8 My great-grandmother married young, and had / got / became ten children. 4 I'm looking after / forward / for my neighbour's cats while he’s on holiday. 10 I luckily / accidentally / finally broke my friend’s iPod. © Oxford University Press IEEPOEES Pre-intermediate Progress test? 69 Nome: Class ENGLISH FILE OO _ Pre-intermediate 8 Circle the stressed syllable. ad (dress) 1 dol| phin 2 e|lec| tion 3 in| ven| ted 4 se|palra|ted 5 e|le| phant 6 suc | cess 7 to | wards 8 news | pa | per 4 Match the words with the same sound. enjoy divorced forget finish get hope send turn wear remember _send __ 1 elephant 2 throw 3 across 4 pretend 5 whale 6 promise 7 dangerous 8 earn 70. Pre-intermediate Progress test 2 [EEE © Oxford University Press Nome: Clase ENGLISH FILE —OO_O_O_O_—_———_ Pre-intermediate 10 Read the article and circle the correct answer. Is technology bad for our brains? by James Sanders Nowadays, many useful gadgets (small machines) are advertised as ‘smart’. This ‘smartness’ generally means that the machine can change how it works to (a) suit the user's needs, learn our preferences, and make intelligent choices for us. Smartphones can now take photos, play songs, send emails, and do a thousand other useful things, such as shopping online or (b) assisting us with our homework. We used to need lots of machines to help us to do these things, but not any more. They fit in our pockets, but contain more (©) data than we could ever possibly need, or remember. If you asked most people, they would say that smart machines have improved life. Not everyone agrees, however. A few scientists are worried about the (d) effect of using machines to do things that we used to do for ourselves. For example, we don't have to remember people's (e) contact details any more, as our phones (f) store this information. We can also find information (g) instantly, via internet search engines like Google. A few studies have shown, surprisingly, that people in their 50s and 60s are better than teenagers at studying and (h) memorizing information, because they've always worked this way. Technology has changed our expectations and made us very impatient. Now we want our news in tiny ()) soundbites, and get bored if we actually have to read or listen for more than a minute or two. Scientists reported recently that the internet was changing how we think and learn. One author even said that Google was making us stupid! It’s certainly true that we often do two or three things © Oxford University Press IEEPOEES Pre-intermediate Progress test 271 Name: Class ENGLISH FILE OO _ Pre-intermediate (j) simultaneously when we are online, and it’s harder and harder to (k) focus on one thing. Maybe technology is bad for our brains, and our memories, and we should stop depending on it all the time. But if you tell me to give up my smartphone, sorry, I won't! Gadgets nowadays can be very useful. (A)True B False C Doesn't say 1 ‘Smart’ gadgets work differently for different users. A True B False C Doesn't say 2 Gadgets can do more things now than in the past. A True B False C Doesn't say 3 Most people don’t have many machines any more. A True B False C Doesn't say 4 Most people think that ‘smart’ technology is bad for us. A True B False C Doesn't say 5 Younger people depend too much on ‘smart’ technology. A True B False C Doesn't say 6 Teenagers are always better than older people at remembering information. A True B False C Doesn't say 7 We are less happy to wait for things than we used to be. A True B False C Doesn't say 8 Using the internet changes young people’s brains more than older people's. A True B False C Doesn't say 72. Pre-intermediate Progress test 2 [EEE © Oxford University Press Nome: Clase ENGLISH FILE —OO_O_O_O_—_———_ Pre-intermediate q We find it more difficult to concentrate on one thing than we used to. A True B False C Doesn't say 10 James Sanders wants to stop using modern gadgets. A True B False C Doesn't say 11 Look at the article again. Match five of the highlighted words / phrases with the definitions. Write the letter. be right for something, orsomeone 9 1 look at, or think about —_ 2 without waiting —_ 3 keep — 4 result of something —_ 5 information — ioe © Oxford University Press IEEPOEES Pre-intermediate Progress test? 73

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