Warhorse Pride #57 (12may11)

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Serving the Soldiers, Civilians and Families of 2nd BCT, 4th Inf. Div.

Issue 57 May 12, 2011

PSD sets the standard in security detail

Story and photos by Spc. April York major decide to visit separate venues because we have many different skill sets,”
2nd Brigade Combat Team PAO simultaneously. Arellano said. “We have medics, mechanics,
Prior to deployment, 2nd Brigade Combat The Soldiers chosen for the PSD were communications, infantry, artillery and
Team, 4th Infantry Division formed a screened by Brigade Command Sgt. Maj. tankers all working together and we needed
Personnel Security Detachment team and Ralph Delosa and the Brigade Operations Sgt. to establish a baseline of training to get them
began to train. Maj. Tony Tuck, and they had to meet certain built up for deployment.”
“The purpose of the PSD is to secure the criteria to even be considered. Soldiers had to The PSD most recently completed High
brigade commander and command sergeant have a security clearance, a deployable status, Risk Personnel Security training. A Mobile
major for all the battlefield circulation that no pending profiles, a PT score over 250, and Training Team came from Fort Leonard
they do down range,” said Sgt. 1st Class no pending UCMJ actions against them. Wood, Mo. to provide an 8 day course on how
Albert Arellano, PSD platoon leader from Since the PSD was formed in November to secure high risk individuals.
Headquarters and 2010, they have The training also included weapons
Headquarters Troop, 2nd gone through transition firing for the M-4 and M-9 as well
Special Troops Battalion, many different as mounted and dismounted procedures.
2nd BCT. training scenarios. “I think this type of training is going
“We get them from “We train like to help us tremendously because our main
point A to point B secure, a regular line objective is to get the principle from point a
whether it’s by ground or platoon and we to point b and to make sure nothing happens
by air,” Arellano said. focus on Soldiers to them,” said Pfc. JC Holt, an artilleryman
The PSD is currently manual common with the PSD from HHT.
one platoon with the task skill level “Our mission is vital and we need to be
capability to split into Staff Sgt. Michael Miles and Sgt. Daniel Burkey, two Non Com-
1type training on top of our game,” Arellano said. “We will
two teams if the brigade missioned Officers with the PSD, secure a building before a Key to ensure all have to maintain a very high standard and we
commander and the Leader Engagement during the brigade’s rotation at the Joint Soldiers are at will be the example for the brigade for what
command sergeant Ready Training Center in February. the same level ‘right’ looks like.”
page 2 Warhorse Pride Issue 57 May 12, 2011

HEAT prepares Soldiers for worst

Story and photos by Sgt. Ruth Pagan upside-down and trying to get out of a about what they might have done differently
2nd Brigade Combat Team PAO vehicle,” said Pfc. Summer Chavez, a signal to dismount more efficiently, Hall said.
Soldiers from the 2nd Brigade Combat specialist with HHT, 2nd STB. The Soldiers have all done a really good
Team, 4th Infantry Division have been Soldiers must dismount the upside-down job, he said.
conducting Humvee Egress vehicle twice, once through any “Hopefully I don’t get into a real rollover
Assistance Training since April one of the four doors and then downrange but if I do I feel pretty confident
20 in order to prepare for the once through the gunner hatch, now with this training,” said Spc. Marcus
upcoming deployment. said Hall. Moore, a signal specialist with HHT, 2nd STB.
The HEAT trainer rolls the “It was so much fun!
Soldiers over, disorienting them The rolling-over felt like a
and then they have to figure rollercoaster,” said PFC Chasity
out how to get out of the vehicle, said Sgt 1st Beard, also a signal specialist with HHT, 2nd
Class Thomas Hall, noncommissioned officer STB.
in-charge of the HEAT training machine for This simulation isn’t all fun and games,
Headquarters and Headquarters Troop, 2nd Soldiers must assess their situation and
Special Troops Battalion, 2nd BCT, 4th Inf. sometimes work together to get safely out of
Div. the vehicle.
Each group of Soldiers is put through a “When we rolled-over I got stuck on the
series of tilts and rolls and then told to egress mount and my two battle buddies helped me
the vehicle. down. It was good team work,” Beard said. Cpt. Jezamine Conant with HHT, 2nd STB, 2nd BCT, 4th Inf. Div.
climbs out of the HEAT trainer, May 10. In the simulation, Soldiers
“It was helpful to know how We perform an After Action Review right experience what it feels like to roll-over in a Humvee, landing in
discombobulated you get when you are after the simulations so that Soldiers can talk water and then must dismount from the gunner hatch.

Couples renew vows before deployment

Story by Capt. Bonnie Hutchinson of marriage remain strong,” complete, all couples were Reynolds.
2nd Special Troops Battalion said Lt. Col. Patrick Stevenson, escorted to the Fellowship Hall The event ended with dessert
The 2nd Special Troops the commander of 2nd STB, where they enjoyed a gourmet and a final dance for all couples
Battalion Unit Ministry Team 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 4th candlelight dinner. The meal to enjoy.
hosted a pre-deployment marriage Infantry Division. was prepared and served by “I hope this event not only
vow renewal ceremony at the The renewal ceremony was Mrs. Pamela Smith, the 2nd strengthened the bonds of
Soldier’s Memorial Chapel on Fort led by Chaplain Rodney Gilliam, STB Family Readiness Support marriage for our Soldiers, but also
Carson, May 4. 2nd STB Chaplain, at the Chapels Assistant, along with her two their bonds with the battalion. I
“This ceremony reminds Sanctuary. He gave a brief homily sons. want to ensure the entire Lonestar
spouses that although they on marriage and led the couples The couples also enjoyed live Family remains strong whether
are not physically with their through their respective vow music performed by Sgt. Jessie we are at Fort Carson or in
deploying Soldier, their renewals. Reynolds, the chaplain’s assistant Afghanistan,” Stevenson said.
emotional and spiritual bonds After the vow renewals were for 2nd STB, and his son, Sammy

Warhorse Pride The Warhorse Pride is produced in the interest of the fairs Office.
Soldiers of the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry The Warhorse Pride welcomes articles, commen-
Division. The Warhorse Pride is an Army-funded news- tary, and photos from readers. The Warhorse Pride
letter authorized under provision of AR 360-1. reserves the right to edit submissions selected for the
Col. John S. Kolasheski..................2nd BCT Commander Contents of The Warhorse Pride are publication.
Command Sgt. Maj. Ralph Delosa............2nd BCT CSM not necessarily the views of, nor endorsed by the, U.S. All issues of the Warhorse Pride can be viewed
Maj. Kevin Toner...............................................2nd BCT PAO government, Department of Defense, Department of the online from your home computer at www.facebook.
Spc. April York........................................Layout and Design Army or the 4th Infantry Division. All editorial content com/2bct4id
Sgt. Seth Barham............................................................Editor of The Warhorse Pride is prepared, edited, provided and Submissions should be emailed to the
Sgt. Ruth Pagan...............................................................Editor approved by the 2nd Brigade Combat Team Public Af- editor: seth.barham1@conus.army.mil

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