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Section A: Name

The name of this organization shall be the Young Farmers of Virginia. The
Young Farmers of Virginia is an organization of, by, and for young farmers and
members of the agriculture community participating in the programs of organized,
systematic instruction in agricultural education under the provisions of the National
Vocational Education Acts.

Section B: Primary Objective

The primary objective is to develop responsibility of young farmers and members

of the agriculture community through a structured adult agriculture education program

Section C: Contributory Objectives

1. To develop sound business and financial practices.

2. To facilitate farm and agribusiness transition.
3. To develop an understanding of services and resources available to improve
the quality of life.
4. To develop and promote volunteerism and community service.
5. To develop the character and leadership abilities needed to:
a. Plan and conduct meetings
b. Effectively speak in public
c. Practice proper Parliamentary Procedure
d. Be a productive citizen
6. To develop educational opportunities to:
a. Improve production and efficiency
b. Promote conservation practices
c. Promote farm safety
d. Maintain farm equipment and facilities
7. To develop awareness of public issues affecting agriculture but refrain from
making resolutions concerning legislative matters which do not come within the
scope of the purposes of this organization


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Section A: Young Farmers of Virginia is an organization for young farmers and
members of the agriculture community who are establishing themselves in
agriculture and enrolled in a structured adult agriculture education program. It shall
consist of affiliated Local Associations that are chartered by the State Association
and organized in conformity with its constitution and bylaws.

Section B: Local Associations of Young Farmers of Virginia shall be chartered only in

localities with a structured adult agriculture education program under the provisions
of the approved state plan for Career and Technical Education.

Section C: The appropriate Specialist of Agricultural Education shall be responsible for

the supervision of the State Association of Young Farmers of Virginia.

Section D: A current or former teacher of Agricultural Education should be Advisor of

the Local Association of Young Farmers of Virginia.

Section E: Delegates from active Associations shall meet in the State Convention to
transact the business of the State Association.

Section F: The fiscal year for this Association will be January 1 through December 31.

Section G: Local Associations may become and remain affiliated with the State
Association by complying with the spirit of the Constitution and procedures outlined
in the Bylaws.


Section A: The membership of the Association shall be of three kinds:
1. Active
2. Honorary
3. Associate

Section B: Active Membership: Shall be comprised of adult young farmers and

members of the agriculture community who are participating in structured adult
agriculture education programs. Individuals are not discriminated against because
of race, color, creed, or gender.

Section C: Honorary Membership: Individuals closely affiliated with Career and

Technical Education programs who have made an outstanding contribution to
Young Farmers of Virginia and to the agriculture industry, may be made honorary
members upon recommendation of the State Executive Committee. Honorary
members shall neither vote nor hold any office.

Section D: Associate Membership: Individuals in farming and agribusiness who are

1. Members of a local affiliated Young Farmer Association
2. Individuals not eligible for Active Membership
Associate members are not eligible to vote, hold office, or win awards.

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Section A: There shall be only one degree of Active Membership in the Local
Association and only one degree of Active Membership in the State Association of
Young Farmers of Virginia

Section A: The officers of the Young Farmers of Virginia shall be:
 President
 Vice President
 Secretary
 Treasurer
 Reporter
 Director(s)
Officers of this Association shall be active members. All officers shall be elected
annually by a majority vote of delegates assembled at the annual State Convention.
Sole voting authority is vested in the elected officers.

Section B: The Executive Committee of the Young Farmers of Virginia shall be:
 Elected officers of the State Association
 Past President
 Executive Secretary/Director
 Executive Treasurer
 Advisor
This committee shall conduct business of the Association in accordance with the action
taken in business meetings


Section A: A State Convention of the Young Farmers of Virginia may be held annually
at a time and place to be determined by the State Executive Committee.

Section B: Delegates from each Local Association in good standing shall be elected
annually from and by the active membership to represent the Local Association at
the State Convention of Young Farmers of Virginia. Each Local Association shall be
entitled to two delegates for a membership of 20 or less, and one additional
delegate for each additional 10 members or a major fraction thereof.

Section C: The delegates from a majority of the chartered Local Associations

registered at the State Convention shall constitute a quorum, and a quorum must
be present at any meeting at which business is transacted or vote committing the
Association to any proposal or action.

Section D: A quorum for the Executive Committee shall consist of a majority of the
members of the committee. A quorum must be present at any meeting at which
business is transacted or vote taken making recommendations to the Association.

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Section A: Annual membership dues in the State Association shall be fixed by the
state executive committee, subject to approval by a majority vote of the delegates
present at the State Convention of Young Farmers of Virginia.

Section B: Any membership dues paid to the State Association by a newly organized
Young Farmers association after the first day of September will be applied to the
following year's annual membership dues.

Section C: The dues of any Local Association shall be fixed by the local executive
committee, subject to approval of a majority vote of the active members of the Local


Section A: The emblem of the State Association of Young Farmers of Virginia shall be
an outline of the State of Virginia with an ear of com in the background. On the face
of the emblem are the rising sun and the words "Young Farmers of Virginia."

Section B: Emblems shall be uniform in all Local Associations in the State. All members
are entitled to wear the emblem.

Section C: The colors of the State Association of Young Farmers of Virginia shall be
green and gold.

Section D: The colors for the Local Association shall be the same as those adopted by
the State Association.


Section A: Proposed amendments to the State Constitution and Bylaws must be

submitted in writing to the state executive committee at least 60 days before the
annual state convention of Young Farmers of Virginia. The proposed amendments
then must be submitted to Local Associations in the state at least one month prior
to the next annual state convention, be reviewed by the state executive committee,
and together with their recommendations, be submitted by them to delegates in
state convention. When this procedure is followed, amendments to the State
Constitution and Bylaws may be adopted at any State Convention by a two-thirds
vote of the delegates present, provided they represent a quorum.


Section A: President: Shall preside at meetings of the State Association of Young

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Farmers of Virginia and to serve as chairperson of the State Executive Committee.
With the approval of the State Supervisor of Agricultural Education, the President
shall appoint all committees and serve as an ex officio member of these
committees. This person shall call a State Convention each year at such time and
place as determined by the Executive Committee.

Section B: Vice-President: Shall preside and assist the President at all times in
carrying on the work of the State Association.

Section C: Secretary: Shall perform the duties common to this office, such as
keeping an accurate record of the State Convention sessions and all the meetings
of the Executive Committee, one copy of which shall be given to the Executive
Secretary for the permanent record. This person shall perform any other duties as
directed by the Executive Secretary.

Section D:Treasurer: Shall assist the Executive Treasurer in keeping the financial
records of the State Association. This person shall give a financial report at the
State Convention and serve as a member of the budget and dues committee.

Section E: Reporter: Shall report promptly and correctly all media outlets and the
state office any item of state or national interest relating to the association.

Section F: Director(s): Shall perform the duties common to this office. The
Director(s) shall see that all meeting rooms are properly arranged and that needed
equipment and facilities are available as well as welcome visitors and perform such
other duties as directed by the President

Section G: Executive Secretary/Coordinator: The Executive Secretary shall

work with the Virginia Department of Education and Virginia Tech staff to enhance
the Young Farmer Program. They shall attend all Virginia Young Farmer Executive
Council meetings, serve as a liaison to the NYFEA for Virginia, and serve as a
contact person for the Young Farmers of Virginia. They shall contact beginning
Agricultural Educators and encourage new Young Farmer programs. They shall
work with the Young Farmers Reports to publish the semi-annual newsletter and
distributing to membership, assist the Young Farmers President in planning and
conducting the Young Farmer of Virginia State Convention, maintain the Young
Farmers of Virginia display with photos and recruitment/event information, serve as
photographer at Young Farmer activities, and update
They shall also collect and organize member award applications for award judging
and work with the executive treasurer to produce membership roster annually.
Section H: Executive Treasurer: The Executive Treasurer shall collect and disburse
all funds authorized by the association and approved by the Executive Committee. This
person shall keep complete and accurate records of all transactions and shall present to
the association an annual financial statement of the condition of the treasury and perform
such duties as may be assigned by the executive committee. This person shall submit a
budget of proposed expenditures to the executive committee. This person shall submit a
budget of proposed expenditures to the executive committee annually. This person shall
also work with the Executive Secretary to produce a list of membership.
Section I: Advisor: The Specialist of Agricultural Education, or a designated
representative shall be an ex officio member of all committees. This person is an
active member of the State Executive Committee of Young Farmers of Virginia and
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assists state officers in conducting meetings and other affairs of the Association.
This person reviews actions taken by all committees and the state convention to
determine whether or not they are in conformity with policies, plans, and regulations
pertaining to the program of agricultural education as approved by the State Office
of Career and Technical Education.

Section J: Executive Committee: The Executive Committee shall conduct

business of the State Association, subject to such regulations, bylaws, and in
conformity with the policies and plans governing the administration of agricultural
education in the state.


Section A: The President of the State Association of Young Farmers of Virginia shall
appoint three regular committees annually:
1. Nominating Committee
2. Auditing Committee
3. Program of Work Committee.
Other special committees may be appointed as needed.

Section B: The Nominating Committee, after careful consideration of the Young

Farmers of Virginia personnel, shall place in nomination candidates for the various state

Section C: The Auditing Committee shall examine annually the books of the Treasurer
and Executive Treasurer and report its findings to the delegate body assembled in State

Section D: The Program of Work Committee shall set up the objectives and goals of
the annual program of work for the State Association and suggest ways and means of
attaining them.


Section A: Election of state officers

The Nominating Committee shall study and review the qualifications of members
for the various offices in the Association. The committee shall nominate active members
for State Offices. Nominations also may be made from the floor of the Convention
following the report of the Nominating Committee.

Section B: Issuing charters to Local Associations

Local Associations of Young farmers of Virginia shall apply through the Advisor
for affiliation with the State Associations of Young Farmers of Virginia. Such
applications shall be signed by the President, the Secretary, the teacher of agricultural
education of the Local Association, and the high school principal and division
superintendent. The following materials shall accompany the application for local
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1. A copy of the proposed constitution and by-laws
2. A copy of the annual program of work
3. A charter application signed by the membership
4. A list of the Association’s officers and address of each
A Local Association charter shall be granted by the State Executive Committee at
its next meeting, provided the proposed constitution of the Local Association is not in
conflict with the Constitution of the State Association of Young Farmers of Virginia and
that it otherwise meets the standards established for the Young Farmer program. The
charter will be signed by the President, State secretary, and State Advisor.

Section C: Determining standing of Local Associations

A Local Association of Young Farmers of Virginia shall be considered in good

standing with the State Association provided the following general conditions are met.

1. Local members are enrolled in a program of adult agricultural education

which is maintained for young farmers and members of the agriculture
community, and which meets the standards in the State Plan for Career
and Technical Education.
2. The constitution and activities of the Local Association is not in conflict
with the State Constitution.
3. All appropriate information is submitted to the proper state personnel.
4. All active membership dues are paid by a date specified by the State
Executive Committee. .
5. If a Local Association of Young Farmers of Virginia considers it desirable
to take action on a political issue outside the scope and purposes of this
organization, such proposed action will be forwarded to the office of the
State Advisor for consideration by the State Executive Committee before
action is taken.

In the event a Local Association is not in good standing at the time of the opening
of the State Convention, the delegates in the convention shall have the power, on the
recommendation of the State Executive Committee, to withdraw or suspend its charter
and refuse such an Association official representation at the annual State Convention.
When and if such action is taken, the members of the Local Association in question
shall be denied the regular privileges of the Association. By meeting the requirements
for good standing, a Local Association may be reinstated by action of the State
Executive Committee not earlier than 10 days after the close of the State Convention
during which it was not in good standing.

The charter for a Local Association must be surrendered to the Associate

Director of Agricultural Education when structured adult agricultural education for young
farmers and members of the agriculture community is not provided and maintained
during any fiscal year. Exception is made when a local department of agricultural
education is discontinued. The Local Association of Young Farmers of Virginia so
involved will be permitted to operate officially for a period not to exceed 12 months from
the date of the discontinuance of the local department in the school concerned. Proper
supervision must then be given by a person having the approval of the local school

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Section D: Determining standing of members

An active member is considered to be in good standing provided:

1. Member attends Local Association meetings.
2. Member shows interest and takes part in the affairs of the Local
3. Member pays dues regularly.


Section A: Regular and special meetings of the State Executive Committee shall be
held at such time and place as determined by the State President with the approval
of the State Advisor.

Section B: Special meetings of the State Association may be called at any time by the
State President with the approval of the State Advisor and a majority of the other
members of the Executive Committee.

Section C: Meetings of the Local Association shall be held regularly throughout the
year at such time and place as determined by the executive committee of the Local
Association. Special meetings may be called at my time.



Section A: Should it become necessary to dissolve the Young Farmers of Virginia the
Executive Committee shall, after paying or making provisions for payment of all
liabilities of the association, dispose of all its assets to the following organizations in
order of priority:
1. The Virginia FFA Foundation
2. The Virginia FFA Association

If both of the above organizations cease to exist, the assets shall be disposed to
such other organizations that are organized and operated exclusively for charitable
or educational purposes as shall at the time qualify as a Non-Profit Organization
under section 501 [c] [3] of the Internal Revenue Service Code of 1954, as the
Executive Committee shall determine.

Section B: The Young Farmers of Virginia is a non-profit organization. The Executive

Committee will perform all actions to maintain the Non-Profit Organization status at
all times.

Section C: No part of the net earnings of the organization shall inure to the benefit of, or
be: distributable to its members, Directors, Trustees, Officers, Executive Committee,
or other private persons.
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Adopted January 26, 1980 by Delegates of Young Farmers of Virginia

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