ISA Transactions: Yufei Zhuang, Haibin Huang, Sanjay Sharma, Dianguo Xu, Qiang Zhang

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ISA Transactions 94 (2019) 174–186

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Research article

Cooperative path planning of multiple autonomous underwater

vehicles operating in dynamic ocean environment

Yufei Zhuang a , Haibin Huang a , , Sanjay Sharma b , Dianguo Xu c , Qiang Zhang d
School of Information Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Weihai, 264200, PR China
School of Engineering, Plymouth University, Plymouth, PL4 8AA, United Kingdom
School of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, 150001, PR China
Navigation College, Shandong Jiaotong University, Weihai, 264209, PR China


• A two-stage cooperative path planner for multi-AUV in dynamic environment is proposed.

• Collision-free paths are generated by global pseudospectral method in static environment.
• Adaptive knots insertion eliminates obstacles between control nodes on off-line paths.
• On-line path re-planners avoid collisions with dynamic obstacles.

article info a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper presents a two-stage cooperative path planner for multiple autonomous underwater
Received 7 October 2018 vehicles operating in dynamic environment. In case of static environment, global Legendre pseu-
Received in revised form 12 March 2019 dospectral method is employed for collision-free paths of vehicles for the purpose of minimum
Accepted 13 April 2019
time consumption and simultaneous arrival. Moreover, in order to keep the multiple autonomous
Available online 26 April 2019
underwater vehicles safe from collisions on the path segments connecting two adjacent control nodes,
Keywords: an adaptive intermediate knots insertion algorithm is introduced. In the on-line planning stage, the
Cooperative path planning local re-planning strategy aims at avoiding collisions with unexpected dynamic obstacles by two
Autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) consecutive avoidance maneuvers, and the differential flatness property of autonomous underwater
Collision avoidance vehicle is utilized, which can help the vehicles react fast enough to avoid moving obstacles.
Legendre pseudospectral method © 2019 ISA. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Differential flatness

1. Introduction graph search method [4,5], artificial potential field algorithm [6,7]
and evolutionary algorithm [8–11], etc. In most practical applica-
Research on Autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) has tions, AUVs have to operate in unknown and potentially cluttered
been gaining attention recently due to the increasing demand and dynamic environments, thus real-time path planning is of
in military, scientific research and commercial applications [1]. primary importance to ensure safe and efficient operations [12–
AUVs are a class of submerged marine vehicles that can perform 14]. A detailed overview on path planning of AUVs can be found
underwater tasks and missions autonomously, using onboard in [15].
navigation, guidance, and control systems [2]. In order to enhance Among the work reviewed, the majority only focused on the
the level of autonomy and operational efficiency of AUVs, auto- case of single AUV. In the past decade, motivated by increasingly
matic guidance systems or proper path planning techniques for complex and challenging missions at sea, there is widespread
AUVs have become crucial. interest in the development of advanced techniques for multiple
In general, the path planning problem of AUVs can be regarded AUVs [16–19]. The core idea of multiple AUVs cooperation is to
as an optimization process, in which the main challenge is to use a fleet of relatively small, simple and inexpensive AUVs to
avoid the collisions with obstacles and allow a capable guidance take places of specialized and expensive ones to solve underwater
for AUVs in complicated ocean environment. There have been missions cooperatively. Simultaneous use of multiple AUVs can
a wide variety of algorithms employed to solve the path plan- improve performance and robustness, as well as reducing cost;
ning problems for AUVs, including sampling-based algorithm [3], however, little attention has been paid to this problem due to
the high uncertainty and complexity of the realistic ocean en-
∗ Corresponding author. vironment. The algorithm proposed in [20] integrated the task
E-mail address: (H. Huang). assignment with path planning of multiple AUVs, which aimed to
0019-0578/© 2019 ISA. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Y. Zhuang, H. Huang, S. Sharma et al. / ISA Transactions 94 (2019) 174–186 175

arrange a team of AUVs to reach all the appointed dynamic targets described as follows [23]:
in 3-D underwater environments with obstacle avoidance with-
η̇i = J (ψi )νi
out speed jump. A path planner for rendezvous of multiple AUVs (1)
and autonomous surface vessels using a distributed shell-space M ν̇i = −C (νi )νi − D(νi )νi + τ i
decomposition scheme was specified in [21], which combined where, ηi = [xi , yi , ψi ]T denotes the position (xi , yi ) and the
with a B-spline-based quantum particle swarm optimization al-
heading angle ψi of the ith AUV in earth-fixed reference frame;
gorithm. Then, the rendezvous trajectories could be generated by
νi = [ui , vi , ri ]T represents the velocity vector in the body-fixed
considering both the capabilities of each vehicle and the dynamic
reference frame, ui , vi denote linear velocities along surge and
environment. In the previous work, the dynamic models of AUVs
sway directions, and ri is the rotational velocity in yaw motion;
have not been considered, and the proposed algorithms were
J (ψi ) is Jacobian transformation matrix; M denotes system inertia
only designed for off-line cases. Nevertheless, in practice, an
matrix; C (νi ) is Coriolis-centripetal matrix; D(νi ) is hydrodynamic
on-line AUV guidance strategy is always required to regenerate
paths during the course of the mission in any unstructured or damping matrix; τ i = [τui , τv i , τri ]T is the control vector including
unpredictable environment. Formation path planning problem of surge force τui , sway force τv i and the yaw moment τri .
multiple unmanned surface vehicles (USVs) in realistic ocean en- Furthermore, with the assumptions in [24], the dynamic and
vironment using fast marching method is discussed in [22]. Here kinematic equations of motion can be described as
leader–follower formation control structure is adopted along with τui

Xu + X|u|u |ui |
the on-line path planning scheme to largely maintain the for- u̇i = vi ri − ui +

mation shape with static and dynamic obstacles. However, the

⎪ m m

⎪ Yv + Y|v|v |vi |
⎪v̇i = −ui ri − vi +

obtained paths are not optimal or even near-optimal and neither ⎪

m m

the relative moving directions of the dynamic obstacles and the ⎪
Nr + N|r |r |ri | τri

affected USVs have not been considered in the process of collision ⎨
ṙi = − ri +
avoidance. Iz Iz (2)

This paper focuses on the development of a cooperative path ⎪
ẋi = ui cos ψi − vi sin ψi

planner for multiple AUVs to obtain near-optimal paths in rich

obstacles ocean environment. In order to improve the auton-
⎪ẏi = ui sin ψi + vi cos ψi

omy, the proposed path planning algorithm is designed to work ⎪

off-line and on-line. In the off-line stage, the paths can be pre- ψ̇i = ri

programmed according to the original ocean environment infor-
mation, which is completely known as a prior before the mission where, m is the mass of AUV; Iz is the moment of inertia about
starts, and pseudospectral method will be employed to tackle the Z -axis of the body-fixed frame; Xu /X|u|u , Yv /Y|v|v and Nr /N|r | r
the corresponding optimization problem. It is always a challenge are damping coefficients.
to choose a proper number of control nodes. A large number
of control nodes will be beneficial to collision avoidance for the 2.2. Problem description
AUVs with static obstacles as well as other members in the fleet,
and furthermore the required accuracy can be easily satisfied. Generally, cooperative path planning of multi-AUV can be
However, more control nodes will also cause inefficiencies and in- regarded as a multi-optimization problem subject to some cer-
crease optimization complexity, and even make the optimization tain criteria and constraints, which are imposed by the mis-
fail in finding an optimum. Therefore, in the off-line path planning sion requirements, the physical characteristics of AUVs, as well
process, an adaptive knots insertion pseudospectral method will as the ocean environment, then a set of optimal paths P =
be employed, which can achieve the requirements for collision {P 1 , P 2 , . . . , P n } can be generated.
avoidance and accuracy criteria by inserting proper number of This study considers four factors to determine the optimiza-
knots at proper locations. Then, if unforeseen events occur during tion criterion: time consumption over all participating AUVs F1 ;
the mission, i.e. an unexpected obstacle suddenly pops up, the simultaneous arrival of AUVs at their selected destinations F2 ;
affected AUVs should have to begin regenerating paths on-line to collision avoidance with obstacles F3 ; collision avoidance with
avoid collisions, by using the continuously updated environment other AUVs F4 . The values of these criteria are calculated over the
information from on-board sensors. Such re-planning process potential AUV’s trajectories, which are approximated by Legendre
must be completed in real-time, and satisfies certain optimization polynomial on a set of Legendre–Gauss–Lobatto (LGL) nodes. The
criteria to ensure the safety and performance of the mission. objective function in this study can then be defined as:
Hence, the flatness property of AUVs will be introduced, and the
corresponding optimization can then be solved more efficiently in J(X , O) = γ1 F1 (X , O) + γ2 F2 (X , O) + γ3 F3 (X , O) + γ4 F4 (X , O) (3)
flat outputs space. In addition, considering the relative orientation
of the affected AUV and the corresponding dynamic obstacle, a where, X = [X 1 , X 2 , . . . , X n ]T and X i = [ηi ; νi ]T , i = 1, 2, . . . , n
practical cooperative re-planning strategy will be proposed. is the state of Ai ; O = O1 , . . . , Om is the set of m obstacles; γ1 to
γ4 represent positive weighting values satisfying 4j=1 γj = 1.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 de-
scribes the problem formulation by means of the mathematical (1) Objective criteria for time consumption and simultaneous
models. Section 3 proposes the cooperative path planning algo- arrivals
rithm for multiple AUVs with static and dynamic obstacles. Sim- In this study, these two criteria should be both minimized in
ulation results are shown in Section 4, followed by conclusions order to satisfy the task requirements. Set Ti as the time taken
and future work in Section 5. by Ai to arrive at its selected destination, then the optimization
function for total time consumption can be expressed as:
2. Problem formulation n

F1 = Ti (4)
2.1. Mathematical model

Let n be the number of AUVs in the fleet A = {A1 , A2 , . . . , An }. Obviously, this criterion requires each participating AUV to reach
Assuming all the AUVs in the fleet are identical, then the math- its final position with minimum time consumption. Further, let
ematical model of the ith AUV moving in a horizontal plane is ∆Ti = max(T1 , T2 , . . . , Tn ) − Ti , which is the time taken by Ai
176 Y. Zhuang, H. Huang, S. Sharma et al. / ISA Transactions 94 (2019) 174–186

to wait for the arrival of the last member, then the optimization
function for simultaneous arrival can be described as:

F2 = ∆Ti (5)

(2) Objective criterion for obstacles avoidance

In this section only the static obstacles are considered, while
the dynamic obstacles will be discussed later in Section 3. As-
suming the safety distance between the ith AUV Ai and the kth
obstacle Ok (k = 1, 2 . . . , m) is δk . Then, the objective function for
static obstacles avoidance can be defined as
n m Ni
∑ ∑ ∑
F3 = fiOu k
i=1 k=1 u=0
1 duiO < δk (6)
fiOu = k
0, otherwise

duiO = (xui − xOk )2 + (yui − yOk )2

where, Ni + 1 is the number of control nodes on P i ; (xui , yui ) is the

position of the uth control node on P i ; (xOk , yOk ) is the position of
the kth obstacle Ok and duiO is the distance between Ok and the
uth control node on P i . Fig. 1. Flowchart of cooperative path planning process.

(3) Objective criterion for AUVs avoidance

This factor is a cooperative constraint to guarantee the feasibil-
following optimization problem:
ity of the paths when all the AUVs moving simultaneously. With
this purpose, set duijv as the distance between the uth control node Minimize J(X , O) = γ1 F1 (X , O) + γ2 F2 (X , O)
{ +γ3 F3 (X , O) + γ4 F4 (X , O)
on P i and the vth control node on P j , then the following model
can be used to penalty this constraint: η̇i = J (ψi )νi
Subject to
Ni Nj M ν̇i = −C (νi )νi − D(νi )νi + τ i
fijuv X i (0) = [ηi (0), νi (0)]T = X i,0 ; X i (Ti ) = [ηi (Ti ), νi (Ti )]T
∑∑ ∑
F4 =
∀i̸=j u=0 v=0
= X i,Ti
{ |τui | ≤ τui max , |τvi | ≤ τvi max , |τri | ≤ τri max ,
1, duijv < δsafe and |tiu − tjv | < tmin (7)
∀i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , n}
fijuv =
√0, otherwise (8)
duijv = (xui − xvj )2 + (yui − yvj )2 where, X i,0 and X i,Ti are the initial and desired final states of Ai ;
where, δsafe is the safety distance between any two AUVs in the
τui max , τvi max and τri max are the maximum values of control inputs
with respect to physical limitations of the thrusters mounted on
fleet; tiu is the time taken by Ai to arrival at its uth control node,
the vehicles.
and tjv is the time taken by Aj to arrival at its vth control node;
tmin is a pre-determined value for user design. 3. Cooperative path planner for multi-AUV
Penalty functions are used to deal with collision avoidance as
shown in Eqs. (6) and (7). Generally, to find out the optimal or In path planning problems, safety always holds priority, es-
even near-optimal solutions, the optimization algorithm has to pecially for multi-AUV operating in complex ocean environment
avoid violations of the constrains caused by F3 and F4 . Further, with high uncertainties. This section will deal with the coopera-
large values for weights γ3 and γ4 can keep the optimization tive path planning problem for multi-AUV in two phases: off-line
research far away from the high-risk areas where the constrains and on-line. The main purpose of off-line process is to solve
may be violated. Besides, it is always necessary to select the the optimization problem defined in Eq. (8) to generate a set of
safety margins carefully in practical applications by considering feasible and optimal paths, while the on-line process focuses on
the physical limitations of the vehicles (such as the velocities, collision avoidance with unexpected dynamic obstacles by using a
turning rates, time consumption and so on). So that, even if the local cooperative planner. The flowchart for the cooperative path
violations occur, there is still sufficient time for the AUVs to planning process is shown in Fig. 1.
(i) Initialization: load the starting and desired destination con-
It can be found in Eqs. (6)–(7), each AUV should move out
ditions of all the members in the fleet, the locations of
of the safety regions of obstacles and other AUVs due to a high static obstacles and the pre-determined parameters, such
risk of collisions. Moreover, in the cooperative path planning as δsafe , tmin and δk ;
problem, besides the optimization criteria for individual vehicle, (ii) Off-line cooperative path planning: according to the re-
more attention is paid to address cooperative behaviors. Thus, quired waypoints distribution of the mission, a Legendre
in order to fulfill the cooperative constraints defined in Eq. (7), pseudospectral method based path planner integrated with
not only the spatial constraints but also the temporal constraints an adaptive intermediate knots insertion scheme is pro-
should be taken into account. posed to solve the optimization problem defined in Eq. (8),
With the optimization criteria defined above, the cooperative which can also ensure the path segments connecting any
path planning problem for multi-AUV can be written as the two adjacent control nodes safe from collisions;
Y. Zhuang, H. Huang, S. Sharma et al. / ISA Transactions 94 (2019) 174–186 177

basis function defined as

1 (σi2 − 1)L̇N (σi )
ϕu (σi ) = · (11)
Ni (Ni + 1)LN (σ u
i ) σi − σiu
The first and the (µ + 1)th derivatives of X i (σi ) at the LGL point
σik can be approximated respectively as
Ni Ni
∑ ∑
Ẋ (σik ) ≈ X (σik ): = D1,ku X (σiu ) = λui D1,ku
u=0 u=0
X (µ+1) (σik ) ≈ X

(σik ): = D(µ+1),ku X (σiu ) (12)

= λui D(µ+1),ku

where, D1,ku are the entries of the (Ni + 1) × (Ni + 1) matrix D1

LN (σik )

⎪ 1
⎪ · k k ̸= u
σ u
σ σiu

Fig. 2. Distribution of nodes for Legendre pseudospectral method.

⎪ L N ( i ) i −

⎪ Ni (Ni + 1)

− k=u=0

D1 : = [D1,ku ]: = 4 (13)
⎪ N (N + 1)
(iii) Store the information of all control nodes: to reduce the ⎪ i i
k = u = Ni

bandwidth of the distributed planner, each AUV in the fleet 4

only exchanges the information of its control nodes with ⎪

other members;
(iv) On-line cooperative path re-planning: this process employs D(µ+1) is also an (N + 1) × (N + 1) matrix, which can be easily
local re-planning scheme to avoid collisions with unex- (µ+1)
obtained by D(µ+1) : = [D(µ+1),ku ] = D1 .
pected dynamic obstacles. Once a collision is detected, Using Legendre pseudospectral method based path planner,
i.e. an AUV moves into the safety region of a dynamic the off-line cooperative path planning shown in Eq. (8) can be
obstacle, the re-planning process is activated to compute further converted into a nonlinear programming (NLP), which
proper maneuver to resolve the conflict. In this paper, the N
aims at determining a set of coefficients λ = [λ01 . . . λ1 1 ; λ02 . . .
re-planning scheme can guide the affected AUV back to N2 NN T
λ2 ; . . . ; λN . . . , λN ] , and can be solved by a MATLAB based
the original off-line path by two consecutive avoidance
general commercial optimal control software package DIDO [26].
maneuvers. Furthermore, the differential flatness property
of AUV is introduced to speed up the planning process, thus (2) Adaptive intermediate knots insertion
the AUV can react sufficiently fast to the changing ocean In the cooperative path planner above, the collision constraints
environment. are only checked on a series of discrete-time control nodes.
This collision check can be acceptable if the number of control
3.1. Legendre pseudospectral method based off-line cooperative path nodes is sufficiently large; however, more nodes would lead to
planner inefficiencies and ill conditioning of the discrete problem. On the
other hand, as shown in Fig. 2, the nodes distribution of Legendre
pseudospectral method with different orthogonal polynomials
(1) Legendre pseudospectral method
have a common characteristic. They distribute densely near the
Legendre pseudospectral method is part of the larger theory
of pseudospectral optimal control, which was originally proposed two ends of the computational domain, while sparsely in center
in [25]. Since then, Legendre pseudospectral method has been ex- region, which would cause the gap between certain two adjacent
tended and applied for an impressive range of problems. The fol- nodes too large with a relatively small number of nodes. Hence,
lowing section provides an overview of Legendre pseudospectral the path nodes may be confirmed safe from collisions, but a risk
method, and more details can be found in [26]. of collisions may still exist on the path segments which connect
The main idea of Legendre pseudospectral method is to pa- these nodes. To fix this problem, an adaptive intermediate knots
rameterize the states and control inputs of the ith AUV with Nth insertion scheme is proposed.
order Lagrange polynomials LN on Ni + 1 Legendre–Gauss–Lobatto It should be noted, in some practical missions AUVs may be
(LGL) points. First, the physical domain ti ∈ [0, Ti ] should be required to visit some user-specified waypoints besides the initial
mapped to a computational domain σi ∈ [−1, 1] by the affine and final points, which cannot be guaranteed by global orthog-
transformation onal polynomials. In this paper, the pre-determined waypoints
will be tackled as knots, and local pseudospectral method will
σi = −1 (9) be used in each segment individually. The adaptive intermediate
Ti knots insertion algorithm is shown in Table 1.
The states X i (σi ) can then be approximated on Ni + 1 LGL points Herein, Algorithm 1 shows how to choose a proper set of new
as knots for each AUV, when they collide with static obstacles (see
Ni Ni Table 2).
∑ ∑
X i (σi ) ≈ Xi (σi ): = X i (σiu )ϕu (σi ) = λui ϕu (σi ) (10) In Algorithm 1, only some of the detected knots are taken
u=0 u=0
into account, in order to improve the efficiency of the algorithm.
By repeating the intermediate knots insertion process, the total
where, LGL points σiu , u = 0, 1, . . . , Ni (σi0 = −1, σi i = 1) are number of control nodes increases, while the quantity of nodes in
the roots of L̇N (σi ). ϕu (σi ) is the Nth degree Lagrange interpolating each segment still keeps constant. Therefore, the risk of collision
178 Y. Zhuang, H. Huang, S. Sharma et al. / ISA Transactions 94 (2019) 174–186

Table 1
Adaptive intermediate knots insertion algorithm.
Y. Zhuang, H. Huang, S. Sharma et al. / ISA Transactions 94 (2019) 174–186 179

Table 2 Table 3
Algorithm 1 for knots insertion for collisions with static obstacles. Collision resolution algorithm.
Algorithm 1: Collision resolution algorithm:
Sort i(hi,s + 1) in ascending order as a set of possible knots, then choose 1. Find out the position O′′q , where the instantaneous distance between the
the proper knots according to the following rules: ′
off-line path of Ai and predicted path of Oq is shortest, and circle the

(1) If one node appears more than once in this set, then the node must be a corresponding safety region with a radius δ ;
new knot;
2. Choose the starting point for the first re-planner as the first node
(2) If collisions are detected separately in two or more consecutive intervals detecting the dynamic obstacle such as Nodei
in Fig. 4, and the ending
(between any two LGL points) with the initial node of the first interval as α point of the second re-planner as the first node out of the safety region of
and the final node of the last interval as β , then all the intermediate nodes (u+2)
O′′q such as Nodei ;
will be deleted from the set, and these two end points should also be
adjusted as following: 3. Draw the tangent lines from the starting point Nodei and ending point
(u+2) ′
(i) if β ≤ ⌊Ni ⌋, then delete the node α in the set; Nodei respectively to construct an intersection WPi,v . Take this point as a
(ii) if α ≥ ⌈Ni ⌉, then delete the node β in the set; new waypoint, and also as the ending point of the first re-planner, as well as
(iii) if α ≤ ⌈Ni ⌉ ≤ β , then all these two end points should be chosen as the starting point of the second re-planner;
new knots; 4. Run the Legendre pseudospectral method based algorithm twice to update
Then all ksi,l remaining nodes compose a set of new knots for Ai on the local path with these three points to fulfill all the optimization criteria.
segment Sis,l ,
∑Si (l)
Ki (l) = Ki (l) + s=1 ksi,l algorithm, in which the obstacle O′q moves along the y-axis of the
moving reference frame, while Ai follows the off-line path (dis-
played by the red dashed line). Assuming O′q enters the detection
region of Ai for the first time when Ai moves close to the (u-2)th
can be reduced efficiently with a relatively low computational (u−2)
node (marked as Nodei ) along its original path. Evaluating
the optimization criterion F5 for the subsequent nodes on P i , if
The flowchart for off-line cooperative path planning process is
there exists a risk of collision, then an on-line path planner is
shown in Fig. 3.
activated, otherwise Ai continues to move along its off-line path
until the next dynamic obstacle is detected. It is noticed that,
3.2. On-line cooperative path planner
the collision should be checked with both spatial constraints and
temporal constraints. Even if the instantaneous distance between
The previous algorithm can obtain a set of optimal paths the affected AUV and the dynamic obstacle is smaller than the
for multiple AUVs off-line; however, the paths are not always required safety distance, the risk of collision can be ignored as
applicable in the dynamic environment. The majority of existing long as the time span for these two to reach the corresponding
algorithms focused only on the off-line implementations, since ′
points is longer than tmin .
on-line path planners are always computationally expensive and Herein, the collision resolution algorithm includes two consec-
their fast reaction to the changing ocean environment is very utive avoidance maneuvers, which aims at diverting the affected
challenging. Additionally, the increased computational cost would AUV away from the obstacle, and later guiding it back to the
be a heavy burden to plan multiple AUVs cooperatively. off-line path at the end of the re-planning process. The detailed
In this paper, when multiple AUVs following the off-line op- procedure is shown in Table 3.
timal paths detect dynamic obstacles, an on-line path planner It is shown in Fig. 4, by setting the new waypoint WPi′,v , the
starts to work. Furthermore, the differential flatness property of AUV can move out of the safety region of the dynamic obstacle
AUV will be introduced, which can reduce the computational cost more efficiently. Moreover, due to the time taken for the re-
while increasing the efficiency of the on-line planner. planning process, the actual starting point for the updated path
will be some certain point on the off-line path of Ai , which is close
(1) Collision detection of dynamic obstacles
to the starting point of the first re-planner (displayed as WPi′,(v−1)
Assuming the number of dynamic obstacles in current ocean
in Fig. 4).
work space is m′ , and the safety distance between the ith AUV
Ai and the qth dynamic obstacle O′q , q = 1, 2, . . . , m′ is δ ′ , then (3) Multi-AUV on-line re-planning scheme
the optimization criterion for dynamic obstacles avoidance can be Obviously, the previous on-line re-planning scheme is able to
written as: clear the risk of dynamic obstacles by updating the local path of
m ′
Ni the affected AUV, but it will also make the new path distinct from
the one obtained off-line, especially the path segments around
∑ ∑
F5 = fi,uO′
q the obstacle. As discussed above, the constraints for collision
q=1 u=0
avoidance with static obstacles and other AUVs can only be
1, dui,O′ < δ ′ and |tiu − tq′ | < tmin

fi,uO′ = q satisfied by the nodes on off-line paths, so the distinction may
√0, otherwise
cause collisions again. Therefore, in the re-planning process, it is
dui,O′ = (xui − x′q (tq′ ))2 + (yui − y′q (tq′ ))2 necessary to evaluate the optimization criteria F3 , F4 as well as F5 ,
which will result in a computational burden, and even make the
herein, (x′q , y′q ) is the position of O′q at time tq′ ; dui,O′ is the distance re-planning impossible to achieve on-line when multiple AUVs
between the uth LGL point of Ai and the qth dynamic obstacle O′q ; are in re-planning process simultaneously.

tmin is a user designed parameter. To improve the efficiency of the distributed planner, the infor-
mation exchanged by the AUVs in the fleet are only the control
(2) Collision resolution nodes, and the on-line path planning of multiple AUVs can be
In practical applications, each AUV in the fleet should have regarded as an optimization problem defined in a region centered
a maximum detection radius. Once the dynamic obstacle enters at the starting point of the corresponding re-planner with a pre-
the detection region of the ith AUV Ai (centered at (xi , yi ) with a selected radius R. In each re-planning process, only the nodes of
radius R, R > δ ′ ), its motion can be detected and predicted. Fig. 4 AUVs and static obstacles locating in this region will be taken
shows the template used to construct the collision resolution into account by the re-planner, such that the computational cost
180 Y. Zhuang, H. Huang, S. Sharma et al. / ISA Transactions 94 (2019) 174–186

Fig. 3. Flowchart of off-line path planning process.

Fig. 4. Template for the collision resolution.

will be reduced dramatically. Furthermore, when all the AUVs are other AUVs still move along their current paths until the end of
operating in the working space, the re-planning process can be the re-planning process, and then the updated control nodes will
carried out sequentially according to the order of detection of be broadcasted to all the other members in the fleet. It is noted
collisions. Thus, once the affected AUV starts to re-plan, all the that, the matter of prime importance in path planning problems
Y. Zhuang, H. Huang, S. Sharma et al. / ISA Transactions 94 (2019) 174–186 181

Fig. 5. Path planning of multi-AUV for minimum total time consumption in static environment.

τui = mu̇i − mvi ri + Xu ui + X|u|u |ui |ui

is safety; therefore, the above scheme is proposed to simplify ⎪

⎪ = m(Ÿi,1 cos Yi,3 + Ÿi,2 sin Yi,3 )
the path re-planning process. In order to improve the efficiency

⎪ +(Xu + X|u|u |Ẏi,1 cos Yi,3 + Ẏi,2 sin Yi,3 |)
further, the differential flatness property of AUV will be discussed

⎪ ·(Ẏi,1 cos Yi,3 + Ẏi,2 sin Yi,3 )
τvi = mv̇i + mui ri + Yv vi + Y|v|v |vi |vi

in the following section. ⎨
= m(Ÿi,2 cos Yi,3 − Ÿi,1 sin Yi,3 )
(4) Differential flatness of AUV

+(Yv + Y|v|v |Ẏi,2 cos Yi,3 − Ẏi,1 sin Yi,3 |)

Differential flatness is an intrinsic property of nonlinear con-

·(Ẏi,2 cos Yi,3 − Ẏi,1 sin Yi,3 )

⎩ τri

trol systems, which can transform the original complex dynam- ⎪

⎪ = Iz ṙi + Nr ri + N|r |r |ri |ri
ical equations into a set of algebraic equations [27]. In this pa- = Iz Ÿi,3 + (Nr + N|r |r |Ẏi,3 |)Ẏi,3
per, a set of flat outputs of Ai can easily be found as Y i = It can be noted that, the number of optimization parameters
[Yi,1 , Yi,2 , Yi,3 ]T = [xi , yi , ψi ]T , and then the mathematical model to be determined has been dramatically reduced by 50% in the
of Ai as shown in Eq. (2) can be transformed into flat outputs space, while the constraints caused by the differential
equations of the system model have also been totally eliminated.
⎨ui = ẋi cos ψi + ẏi sin ψi = Ẏi,1 cos Yi,3 + Ẏi,2 sin Yi,3

Therefore, the computational complexities as well as the time
v = ẏi cos ψi − ẋi sin ψi = Ẏi,2 cos Yi,3 − Ẏi,1 sin Yi,3 (15) consumption will be reduced remarkably to ensure the on-line
⎩ i
ri = ψ̇i = Ẏi,3 re-planning successful.
182 Y. Zhuang, H. Huang, S. Sharma et al. / ISA Transactions 94 (2019) 174–186

Fig. 6. Path planning of multi-AUV for simultaneous arrival and minimum total time consumption in static environment.

4. Simulation results Table 4

Initial and final states of individual AUV.

In this section, two case studies are tested to demonstrate Parameter Value Parameter Value
the performance of the multi-AUV path planners in presence of X 1 ,0 [5, 5, −π/4, 0, 0, 0]T X 1,T1 [100, 100, π /4, 0, 0, 0]T
different ocean environments: The first case aims at generating X 2 ,0 [20, −10, 0, 0, 0, 0]T X 2,T2 [80, 120, 2π/3, 0, 0, 0]T
X 3 ,0 [60, 10, π/3, 0, 0, 0]T X 3,T3 [0, 110, π/2, 0, 0, 0]T
time-minimum paths for multiple AUVs traveling through a static
environment, and the problem of simultaneous arrival for all
vehicles at their selected destinations will also be discussed.
The second case deals with dynamic ocean environment, where of each AUV, in order to guarantee the total time consump-
unexpected moving obstacles will be considered. tion minimum over all participating members. However, since
The numerical simulations will be carried out in case of three the obstacle constraints have not been taken into account, the
identical AUVs with δk = 10 m (k = 1 ∼ 4) and δsafe = 5 m. The AUVs collide with the obstacles on the lines to the destinations.
initial and final states of individual AUV are given in Table 4. Furthermore, as shown in Fig. 5(c) the collisions not only occur
The number of LGL points for the first global planning is set as between AUVs and obstacles but also exist between AUVs.
Ni = 10 and tmin = 10 s. Further, the limitations of control inputs The results considering both minimum total time consumption
are set as τui max = τv i max = 150 N and τri max = 50N m, i = 1∼3. and simultaneous arrival of multi-AUV are shown in Fig. 6. By
Simulation results are plotted in Figs. 5–9. Fig. 5 displays the comparing the results in Fig. 5(a) with those in Fig. 6(a), it can
results of time-optimal path planning for three AUVs without be found the optimal path for A3 is not a straight line any longer,
considering the ocean environment. The obtained paths are al- since it has to detour to wait for the other two AUVs to reach their
most a set of straight lines connecting the initial and final points final points simultaneously. The time taken by each AUV is T1 =
Y. Zhuang, H. Huang, S. Sharma et al. / ISA Transactions 94 (2019) 174–186 183

Fig. 7. Path planning of multi-AUV for simultaneous arrival, minimum total time consumption and collision avoidance in static environment.

126.32 s, T2 = 134.55 s and T3 = 126.32 s, respectively, and the be successfully avoided by considering the collision constraints.
total time consumption is F1 = 387.19 s, which is a little longer However, collisions can also be found on the segments connecting
than the result obtained in last case. Although more time has been two adjacent control nodes, i.e. A3 collides with O2 on the seg-
spent on the purpose of simultaneous arrival, all three AUVs still ment connecting its 5th and 6th LGL points, and understandably
are not able to arrival at their destinations simultaneously. This the phenomenon will be more prominent when the number of
is due to the optimization criteria considered herein include not LGL nodes is not sufficiently enough. Whilst, as shown in Fig. 7(c),
only F2 but also F1 , and the weighting factors are set as γ1 = γ2 = the distance between A1 and A2 can be detected shorter than the
0.5, which implies the total time consumption and simultaneous safety distance δsafe in the time interval [99.5 s, 107.2 s], which
arrival are of equal importance in this case. Increasing the weight can also be considered as collision. It also should be noticed as
γ2 associated with F2 can indeed improve the performance of shown in Fig. 7(a) and (c), although the path of A1 crosses over
simultaneous arrival; however, much more time has to be used to the path of A2 at t2 = 68.9 s, no collision occurs around, since as
achieve this goal. For example, if the weights are γ1 = 0.3, γ2 = described in objective criterion F4 , the collision detection depends
0.7, then the time used by individual AUV can be obtained as on both spatial constraints and temporal constraints.
T1′ = 126.85 s, T2′ = 139.97 s and T3′ = 139.85 s, while the total In order to reduce the computational amount and improve the
time consumption increases by more than 30 s. So, it is always efficiency, an adaptive intermediate knots insertion algorithm is
necessary to make a tradeoff between these two items according introduced, and the results are displayed in Fig. 8. By comparing
to specific problems by adjusting the weights. Figs. 7(a) and 8(a), it can be found the risk of collisions between A3
Fig. 7 displays the results for the case in which multiple and O2 , A1 and O2 , as well as A2 and O4 can all be reduced greatly
AUVs navigate through a rich obstacles environment for pur- by applying knots insertion algorithm. Further, Fig. 8(c) shows
pose of simultaneous arrival and minimum time consumption in inserting knots is also beneficial to avoid collisions occurring
2D scenarios. It is found that the collisions on LGL nodes can among the members in fleet. In short, all the AUVs can achieve
184 Y. Zhuang, H. Huang, S. Sharma et al. / ISA Transactions 94 (2019) 174–186

Fig. 8. Application of knots insertion algorithm in static environment.

their desired destinations successfully without colliding with any are carried out with the starting point marked by a diamond.
obstacles, as well as any other AUVs in the team by inserting In Fig. 9(c), A1 can be found to avoid O′2 successfully by moving
knots at the segments where collisions are detected. Additionally, along the re-planned path (the solid line) and finally return to its
local planners sometimes can optimize the criteria further as original path. Similarly, since the moving obstacle O′1 exists in the
shown in Fig. 8. The total time taken in last case is 414.97 s, detection region of A3 at the initial time t = 0, corresponding
which is reduced to 388.35 s herein. Since the segments between avoidance maneuvers are taken immediately after t > 0. As
any two selected knots are re-planned locally, some unnecessary discussed above, in order to make use of the results obtained in
detours on the off-line paths can be avoided, and then the total off-line planning, all the AUVs are required to move back to their
time taken for the AUVs to reach destinations is reduced. original planned paths after re-planning. It can be seen in Fig. 9(a),
In case 2, three moving identical obstacles O′1 ∼ O′3 with all the AUVs in the work space can satisfy this requirement except
the velocity 1m/s, as well as four static obstacles O1 ∼ O4 are A2 . It starts to re-plan at t = 35.2 s, then before it returns to
considered operating in the work space. Herein, all the dynamic the original path, the collision with A1 is detected, then one more
obstacles are assumed to move straight. The initial conditions of maneuver is taken.
all three moving obstacles are [40, 10, π/2]T , [−20, 40, 0]T and In the simulations, the off-line path planning can always be
[80, 60, −3π /4]T , and labeled by small circles respectively. The completed in 15 s, and then, the computational complexity of
detection radius R of AUV is set as 20 m, and the safety distance on-line re-planners can be reduced greatly by taking these re-
δ ′ = 5 m. Then the results for path re-planning are displayed in sults as known conditions. More specifically, it is known most
Fig. 9. It can be found, by using the collision resolution listed in optimization algorithms are sensitive to initial guesses, so if a re-
Table 3, all the AUVs can avoid the moving obstacles successfully, planner can take the results obtained in last re-planning as the
as well as the static obstacles and other AUVs. initialization, the time taken can be certainly reduced and a better
As shown in Fig. 9(a), the risk of collision with O′2 can be solution can also be obtained. In this work, the computational
detected by A1 at t = 18.77 s, then two consecutive maneuvers cost for each re-planning is always less than 2 s. Furthermore,
Y. Zhuang, H. Huang, S. Sharma et al. / ISA Transactions 94 (2019) 174–186 185

Fig. 9. Path re-planning of multi-AUV to deal with moving obstacles.

186 Y. Zhuang, H. Huang, S. Sharma et al. / ISA Transactions 94 (2019) 174–186

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