A Stratification-Based Data Collection Scheme in UWSN - 2018

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11, NOVEMBER 2018 10671

A Stratification-Based Data Collection Scheme

in Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks
Guangjie Han , Member, IEEE, Songjie Shen, Houbing Song , Senior Member, IEEE, Tao Yang,
and Wenbo Zhang

Abstract—Underwater acoustic sensor networks (UASNs) are Water covers 70.8% of the Earth’s surface, and UASNs are
widely used in a variety of ocean applications, such as explor- widely used [1]–[3] in marine environmental monitoring, ocean
ing ocean resources or monitoring abnormal ocean environments. disaster warning, military monitoring, resource exploration, etc.
However, data collection schemes in UASNs are significantly
different from those in wireless sensor networks due to high These applications are largely based on data sensation, including
power consumption, severe propagation delay, and so on. Fur- simple binary data, audio, images, videos, and other complex in-
thermore, previous research has overlooked practical conditions, formation. Therefore, it is important to collect sensed data using
such as characteristics of water delamination and energy con- the appropriate equipment for processing to obtain the required
straint on autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs). In this paper, information. At the same time, the special characteristics of the
a stratification-based data collection scheme for three-dimensional
UASNs is proposed to solve these problems. In this scheme, the underwater environment [4]–[5] pose substantial challenges to
network is divided into two layers on the basis of the Ekman drift underwater data collection.
current model. The upper layer, called the Ekman layer, suffers Firstly, the data transfer rate with wireless radio on land is
large water velocity. Thus, nodes in the upper layer will follow the 3 × 108 m/s, five orders of magnitude greater than the underwa-
water flow. In this case, we employ a forward set-based multihop ter acoustic frequency. Thus, underwater communication mostly
forwarding algorithm for data collection. The lower layer suffers
small water velocity so that nodes in this layer are considered as poses severe propagation delay. Secondly, underwater security
relatively static. A neighbor density clustering-based AUV data communication [6] is important but comes with challenges. It
gathering algorithm is applied in this layer for data collection. suffers several underwater attacks [7] such as wormhole attack,
By employing different data collection algorithms in different lay- sink hole attack, HELLO flood attack, etc. Hence, trust model
ers, we can integrate the advantages of a multihop transmission based on trust metrics is considered for applying against under-
scheme and AUV-aided data collection scheme to reduce network
consumption and improve network lifetime. The simulation results water attackers [8]. Thirdly, the node movement in underwater
also confirm the proposed method has good performance. is relatively large and causes unstable network topology. As
a consequence, making the traditional data collection schemes
Index Terms—Underwater acoustic sensor networks, Ekman,
stratification, data collection.
infeasible for underwater environment. Finally, the underwa-
ter sensor nodes with limited batteries lifespan are difficult to
replace or recharge after being deployed in an underwater envi-
I. INTRODUCTION ronment. Thus, it is important to develop techniques to improve
NDERWATER acoustic sensor networks (UASNs) have the energy efficiency of the nodes and to extend the network
U attracted widespread empirical attention in recent years. lifetime.
Existing research on underwater data collection can be sepa-
Manuscript received February 6, 2018; revised June 20, 2018; accepted Au- rated into two different categories: data collection via multi-hop
gust 17, 2018. Date of publication August 24, 2018; date of current version transmission, or autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs). The
November 12, 2018. This work was supported in part by the National Key Re- former has low latency but uneven energy consumption; the
search and Development Program under Grant 2018YFC0407900, in part by
the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants 61572172 and latter reduces transmission energy consumption but has a se-
61872124, in part by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Uni- vere delay. In practical applications, data collection by the AUV
versities under Grant 2016B10714, and in part by Six talent peaks project in is relatively a more appropriate choice [9]. It can reduce the
Jiangsu Province under Grant XYDXXJS-007. The review of this paper was
coordinated by K. Temma. (Corresponding author: Guangjie Han.) energy consumption of each node while balancing the energy
G. Han, S. Shen, and T. Yang are with the State Key Laboratory of Hydrology- consumption of each node although it has a certain level data
Water Resources and Hydraulic Engineering, Center for Global Change and collection delay. Nevertheless, these algorithms are proposed
Water Cycle, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China (e-mail:,hanguangjie@
gmail.com; shensongjiehhuc@outlook.com; tao.yang@hhu.edu.cn). in ideal cases that rarely consider hydrological characteristics
H. Song is with the Department of Electrical, Computer, Software, and Sys- and actual situation, such as water stratification, water velocity,
tems Engineering, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, FL limited energy of AUV, and so on. Given these constraints, how
32114 USA (e-mail:,h.song@ieee.org).
W. Zhang is with the School of Information Science and Engineering, to design an energy efficient, low collection delay and realistic
Shenyang Ligong University, Shenyang 110159, China (e-mail:,zhangwenbo@ data collection scheme is significantly need to be addressed.
yeah.net). In this study, we consider the fact that water flow stratification
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. and energy of the AUV is limited. Then, we employ different
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TVT.2018.2867021 data collection algorithms in layers with different water velocity

0018-9545 © 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

TABLE I protocol in underwater sparse acoustic sensor networks. The

pipeline radius was changed, and the power level was adjusted
according to the neighbor node locations to reduce forwarding
power and calculated the packet holding time according to the
distance from the current node to the destination node to sup-
press redundant packet forwarding. The algorithm decreased
energy consumption, data redundancy, and delay by adapting
the virtual pipeline and transmission radius as well as setting
the packet holding time.
characteristics. Afterward, we integrate advantages of the multi- Another multi-hop transmission scheme similar to HH-VBF
hop transmission and AUV-aided data collection. This scheme is layer by layer angle-based flooding (L2-ABF), proposed by
aims at reducing node energy consumption and data collection Ali et al. in [13]. Multiple sinks were deployed on the wa-
delay as much as possible. Consequently, the network lifetime ter’s surface, and the entire network was divided into lay-
and data collection efficiency can be improved. ers by broadcasting hello packets (HPs). Each node in the
The main contributions of this paper are as follows: layer forwarded the data to the upper layer as the data pack-
1) Combined with Ekman drift theory, the proposed ages were subsequently forwarded to the sink via multi-hop.
model divides the network into layers with different mobility During the data forwarding, the node determined the flooding
characteristics. area based on angle, θL 2−A bf = 90◦ ± 10 K (K = 1, 2 · · · 8),
2) Using different data collection algorithms in different 0 < θL 2−A bf < π. The calculation of priority based on remain-
layers, the model integrates the advantages of multi-hop trans- ing energy, each node could transfer data packages to the appro-
mission and AUV-aided data collection. priate relay nodes. This scheme was autonomous and did not
3) Considering its limited energy, the AUV sets a dynamic rely on location information but decreased end-to-end delay.
threshold to ensure it can successfully return to the sink node However, the choice of K value was a difficult task, especially
for energy supplementation. in sparse networks. If the value of K was not appropriate, the
The remainder of this paper is organized thusly: Section II probability of forwarding failure greatly increased.
describes relevant work related to underwater data collection Another type of data collection scheme is mobile data col-
schemes. Section III presents the network model and corre- lection by AUVs. As AUVs need not to repeatly through each
sponding concepts. Section IV details the proposed algorithms node for data gathering; they suppose to traverse the cluster
for different layers. The simulation results and performance head nodes instead, assuming the network is clustered, which
analysis are discussed in Section V. Finally, Section VI pro- greatly reduces AUVs’ travel distance. This confirms the Trav-
vides the conclusion. eling Salesman Problem (TSP) problem. In [14], Cui et al. dis-
covered that Layered-Scan and 3D Hilbert had the better perfor-
mance in term of path length. Layered-Scan was the simplest and
II. RELATED WORKS straightforward method, but it would have severe delay. Besides,
In the underwater sensor network, data collection algorithms Layered-Scan was incompatible with dynamic environments. In
are based on routing algorithms. Many researchers have pro- [15], Yuh-Shyan Chen et al. divided the network into 3D-ZOR
posed several data collection algorithms, either ones with data regions. When the AUV got its own location coordinates, it
transmission via multi-hop methods or data gathering using formed a spherical region whose radius is an integer multiple of
AUVs. Table I presents several typical algorithms. the AUV communication radius. Subsequently, the AUV used
In multi-hop transmission scheme, source nodes transfer data multicast to send out a control packet which included region
packets through relay nodes to the sink on the water’s surface information, traveled along a predetermined path and collected
through a series of routing mechanisms, such as a greedy pol- data from sensor nodes within a series of 3-D ZORs at differ-
icy, shortest path policy. In [10], Xie et al. proposed a multi-hop ent times. Li et al. in [16] proposed a data collection algorithm
transmission algorithm named VBF. In VBF, a virtual pipeline based on probabilistic neighborhood. The algorithm defined the
with a fixed width between the source node and the sink node probabilistic neighborhood range p, where nodes had the low-
was set up, and the data was transferred by flooding the re- est error probability of transmission. Hereafter, network nodes
gion where the vector was located. Due to substantial energy clustered according to the parameter p, and an AUV traversed
consumed by this scheme through flooding, it was not suitable all cluster heads for data collection using greedy heuristic al-
for sparse networks. Therefore, Nicolas et al. extended VBF gorithm. The algorithm clearly improved the information gain
to the hop-by-hop VBF protocol (HH-VBF protocol) in order and decreased the energy consumption of nodes. However, it
to improve VBF’s performance in [11]. HH-VBF changed the encountered severe collection delay compared to multi-hop for-
direction of forwarding hop by hop to identify a more appropri- warding schemes. In addition, Khan et al. put forth a data col-
ate forwarding pipeline. However, the forwarding mechanism lection algorithm of AUV cooperative transmission based on
of HH-VBF was similar to the VBF, leading to only a slight the network partition in [17]. For simple description, we ab-
improvement. To further reduce energy consumption, Yu et al. breviate this algorithm as DGS-AUV. In DGS-AUV, the sink
in [12] investigated an adaptive HH-VBF (AHH-VBF) routing divided the whole network plane into multiple Tyson polygons

based on Voronoi generator points. Each polygon was assigned

an AUV, and the path was planned according to the clustering
situation. At the same time, AUV collaborate for transmission
by setting a proxy node in each area. The scheme reduced the
end-to-end delay and the energy consumption of the nodes, but
the AUVs’ paths were not optimal and collaboration between
multiple AUVs was a very difficult task.
Recently, several data collection algorithms seek to combine
the two types of algorithms. Ilyas et al. devised an AUV-aided
Efficient Data Gathering Routing Protocol (AEDG) in [18]. One
AUV moved along a predetermined elliptical trajectory, broad-
casted an HP to change information, and selected the gateway
nodes (GNs) based on the RSSI value and the residual energy
of nodes. Meanwhile, the member nodes (MNs) associated the
gateway nodes with the shortest path and transmited data pack-
ages to the AUV through the gateway nodes. This method could
effectively reduce the member nodes’ energy consumption, on
other hand, it could easily cause a hot zone problem. In [19],
Fig. 1. Ekman drift.
Naveed et al. improved AEDG and proposed a Scalable and
Efficient Data Gathering Routing Protocol (SEDG). In SEDG,
the MNs’ number of GNs was restricted, and the AUV dynam- which describes the movement of sea water. As depth increases,
ically assigned a sojourn time to GNs based on the number of the flow velocity of an Ekman drift decreases, and its direction
packets received and the number of associated member nodes. deflects. At a certain depth, the flow direction is opposite to
Compared to AEDG, SEDG attains a higher energy efficiency the surface flow, and the water velocity drops to about 4% of
and scalability. In [20] Cheng et al. suggested a hybrid data col- the surface water velocity. This depth is called ‘Ekman Depth’,
lection method that emphasized the importance of data. Nodes as shown in Fig. 1. However, hydrology issues are distinctly
forwarded important data through the multi-hop to correspond- different for separate regions and climates [23], so the depth is
ing layer for reducing delays. In contrast, the common data was also different. The IHA method or the new IHA method provides
collected by an AUV from bottom to top, running in a spiral tra- feasible method for studying the influence of these factors on the
jectory. The solution could balance energy consumption of the water flow [24]. In the case of limited deep sea, if depth is lower
entire network nodes, improve the network lifetime and eventu- than Ekman depth, the deflection angle and water velocity cease
ally reduce the delay of important data. On the other hand, the to change when considering the nodes’ volume and quality;
proportion of important data was small part, so the influence hence, the nodes are essentially static. The empirical formula of
of energy consumption and delay is insufficient for the whole Ekman depth is as follows [22]:
Generally, fewer researchers take multi-hop transmission or AZ
H=π (1)
AUV-aided for data collection alone, most of them have begun ω · sin ϕ
to combine these two approaches to design better data collec-
where H is the height of the drift layer. ω represents the
tion schemes. It is essential to know methods respective ad-
rotational angular velocity of the Earth; its value is usually
vantages and disadvantages when designing novel approaches
7.15 × 10−5 . ϕ is the latitude of the Earth, ranging from 0
in the future. In the current study, we propose a feasible data
to 90 degrees. Az represents the turbulence viscosity coeffi-
collection scheme leveraging the advantages of the above two
cient of the z direction, which reflects the fluid’s movement
B. Network Architecture
In this section, we first introduce the Ekman drift current
The architecture is divided into two layers and is composed
model, and then describe the network architecture in a 3D
of one sink, one AUV, common underwater sensor nodes (SNs),
UASN. Lastly, we incorporate an energy consumption model,
and GNs as illustrated in Fig. 2. A set of underwater sen-
collection delay model and sleep-wake mechanism into the en-
sor nodes S = {S1 , S2 , . . . , Sn } is randomly deployed in the
tire network.
M × M × N 3D underwater area. The nodes are not anchored
in the underwater area and the movement of nodes is only caused
A. Ekman Drift Current Model
by currents. In addition, the water velocity is large in the upper
According to the Physical Oceanography [21]–[22], when layer and is small in the lower layer in this network. Therefore,
stable winds blow on a vast and infinite sea, a stable seawater the node locations change continuously in the upper layer but
movement follows, called drift. V. W. Ekman devised the term, are relatively static in the lower layer. In this paper, we assume

C. Energy Consumption Model

The energy consumption model adopted in this article is in-
fluenced by factors such as bandwidth, transmission loss, and
propagation delay. Such a model mostly contains two parts:
communication overhead and transmission loss. The former is
related to frequency, and the latter is linked to the size of each
package and the transmission distance. The overall definition of
energy consumption for packet transmission can be expressed
as follows [29]–[30]:

Etx = Pr · Tp · A(d) (2)

where Pr is the power consumption; Tp is data transmission time

and A(d) represents the loss of energy when the data packet
is transmitted underwater at distance d. A(d) = dλ a(f )d , the
value of λ for spherical spreading is 2 while cylindrical spread-
ing commonly uses λ = 1 and its practical value is 1.5. The
absorption coefficient a(f )can be calculated using Equation (3)
0.011f 2 4.4f 2
log a(f ) = 2
+ + 2.75 × 10−5 f 2 + 0.0003
Fig. 2. Network architecture. 1+f 4100 + f 2
where f is the carrier frequency in kHz and the absorption
the movement is random in the horizontal direction, and we coefficient is in dB/km.
ignore the vertical movement. Each sensor node has a unique
identifier, the same sensed range rt and a communication range D. Collection Delay Model
rc where rt < rc . Each node has limited energy, and the initial This paper divides the collection delay into two parts: the
energy is E0 . These nodes are equipped with acoustic com- AUV’s travel time during data collection, and the total time
munication devices to exchange information with other nodes of residence at GNs in the upper layer and at the cluster
and the AUV. They all have enough cache space to store data heads in the lower layer. The total delay can be calculated by
packages. They can also obtain their locations via existing local- Equation (4):
ization algorithms [25]–[27]. Besides, localization technology
Ltr av el 
in ocean sensor network [28] differs from ordinary underwater k

localization. The sink node is located in the center of the water Tcollection = + Tr esiden ce (i) (4)
vA U V
surface, considered as destination, equipped with both acoustic i=1
module and radio module. Hence, it can communicate with sen- where Tcollection is the AUV’s collection delay, Ltr av el is the
sor nodes and transfer data to the base station on land. Besides, length of the travel path, vA U V is the velocity of the AUV, and
location of the sink node is known by the GPS device. Nodes Tr esiden ce (i) is the residence time of the AUV at each GN or
forward location information to sink through multiple hops or cluster head.
AUVs. Then, the initial deployment knowledge of all nodes can
be assumed to be pre-known by the sink node. The AUV whose
energy is limited and sensed range is equal to the nodes begins E. Sleeping Schedule Mechanism
to dive along the predetermined vertical track from the sink in In this article, each round represents one cycle. When trans-
the upper layer. In this paper, the AUV plays the role of a mo- ferring data packages to the data collection region, the nodes in
bile sink: collecting data from sensor nodes from top to bottom. the upper layer will enter into a sleep state, to avoid transferring
When diving in the upper layer, the AUV forms a cylindrical messages by nodes, but can still receive them [15]. Diving from
data collection region whose radius is equal to rt . Sensor nodes the water’s surface, the AUV broadcasts control messages in its
in this region play the role of GNs; those outside of the region sensed range. GNs that receive messages will be awakened to
are SNs. GNs receive data packages from common underwater transfer data packages to the AUV. Henceforth, all GNs enter
sensor nodes and transfer information to the AUV. When the into a sleep state again [15] at the end of the current round. Nodes
AUV’s residual energy falls below the threshold, it sets up a in the lower layer follow similar mechanism. After clustering,
vector to the sink and then floats quickly along the path to the nodes in clusters enter into a sleep state and wake up when the
sink to replenish its energy. Thereafter, it returns to the floating AUV reaches the cluster heads to broadcast the control mes-
path. The AUV controls its velocity by accelerating when in this sages in its sensed range. These steps continue in subsequent
process with the help of buoyancy and gravity. rounds.

Fig. 3. Data collection mechanism.

Due to the hierarchical strategy employed in this paper, dif-
ferent data collection algorithms must be designed for different
Based on the Ekman drift current model mentioned ear-
lier, nodes in the upper layer (also called the Ekman layer)
Fig. 4. Network coordinate system.
move quickly because of the great water velocity. After a pe-
riod of time, the locations of the nodes will change in the up-
per layer, causing difficultly to maintain stable communication to the AUV, thereby lowering these nodes’ average loads. In the
links. Upon receiving a transmission request from one node second part, nodes outside of the region must adopt multi-hop
through multiple hops, the AUV tries to reach that node. Unfor- forwarding to transfer data packages to the gateway nodes that
tunately, the node may change its original position and sometime are in the data collection region. Then, gateway nodes receiving
out of the AUV’s sensed range, leading to the AUV failing to the data packages must wait for the AUV to wake up before
collect the data packages as expected. Thus, the AUV has dif- transferring data packages to it.
ficulty planning its travel path in dynamic situations. However, In the first part, a three-dimensional coordinate system is set
nodes which suffer low water velocity in the lower layer will up. Its original point is the top left corner of the water surface,
maintain clustering status. The AUV simply traverses all clus- with an x-axis positive direction to the right, y-axis positive
ters to carry out data collection. Traditional algorithms, such direction forward, and z-axis vertical direction downward. It
as the greedy heuristic algorithm or layered-scan algorithm, are can be shown in Fig. 4. The initial position from which the
suitable for static nodes in the lower layer but have poor per- AUV begins diving is defined as (x0 , y0 , z0 ); the position during
formance. This study therefore proposes two data collection al- diving can be expressed as (x0 , y0 , vA U V · t), 0 ≤ t ≤ v AHU V ,
gorithms: forwarding set-based multi-hop forwarding algorithm where vA U V represents the AUV’s velocity, H is the height of
and neighbor density clustering-based AUV data collection al- the Ekman layer, t is the AUV’s time spent. The AUV moves on
gorithm, corresponding to the upper layer and the lower layer. In a predetermined vertical trajectory in the Ekman layer to form
the proposed scheme, we capitalize on the advantages of multi- a cylindrical data collection region, expressed as follows:
hop forwarding and AUV-aided data gathering to reduce nodes’ (X − x0 )2 + (Y − y0 )2 ≤ rt 2 (0 ≤ Z ≤ H) (5)
energy consumption and shorten the delay.
where rt is the nodes’ sensed range, H is the height of the
Ekman layer, x0 and y0 are the initial positions of the AUV, and
A. Forwarding Set-Based Multi-Hop Forwarding Algorithm X, Y , and Z are the nodes’ position variables. To deal with
For the 3D UWSN, the sink node has prior deployment knowl- the nodes’ movement and reduce their load, the AUV partitions
edge and informs the AUV of this information before the AUV the Ekman layer into several three-dimensional cubes of the
dives from the water surface. Due to node movement, this in- same size. The edge length of each cube is d. We suppose that
formation is insignificant for the AUV in the upper layer. The the distance between the three adjacent grids is the maximum
algorithm is divided into two parts. In the first, the AUV parti- communication range of the sensor nodes, with the distance
tions the upper layer into several same-sized three-dimensional between two grids representing the sensor nodes’ maximum
cubes and travels along the predetermined trajectory to form a forwarding range. The maximum moving distance in each hop
cylindrical data collection region to alleviate the hot spot prob- is assumed to be the distance of a single grid. The radius rt must
lem. As shown in Fig. 3(a), the node closest to the AUV is be greater be than or equal to the √maximum distance of three
chosen to forward data packages to the AUV. In this case, node adjacent grids, expressed as d ≤ 1919 rt . Therefore, nodes can
A has high loading and will consume more energy than the still communicate with the source nodes even if they move out
other nodes. Therefore, a group of nodes are employed to for- of the data forwarding range as demonstrated in Fig. 5. When
ward data packets to the AUV. As shown in Fig. 3(b), nodes in diving, the AUV broadcasts control messages with information
the data collection region will assist in forwarding data packages about the network partition and data collection region to nodes

Algorithm 1: The Forwarding Path.

Input: Forwarding set list L; data collection region
Output: Forwarding path P .
1. loop
2. if i ∈ Region then
3. break
4. else
5. i forwards data packages to L(i).
6. end else
7. end if
8. each node j in L recalculates the grid coordinates
G(j)the distance to Region Dc (G(j)).
9. if Dc (G(j)) ≤ Dc (G(i))
Fig. 5. The relationship between d and rt .
10. if j == arg max{W (j)|j ∈ L} then
11. i = j;
12. remove j from L and reply to nodes in L drop
in the Ekman layer. At the same time, the AUV awakens the packages;
gateway nodes and receives the data packages. 13. return 2.
Then, the second part can further be divided into three phases. 14. else
In the first phase, when receiving the control messages, each 15. remove j from L.
node knows information about the network partition and data 16. if |L| > 0
collection region. After that, the nodes calculate the grid coordi- 17. return 8.
nates using Equation (6). Each node also calculates the distance 18. else
to the center of the collection region and forwarding probabil- 19. i = arg max{W (j)|j ∈ L};
ity for a data package with size n bits to another node using 20. return 5.
Equations (7) and (8), respectively. Residual energy and the 21. end else
number of forwarding packages must also be obtained and 22. end if
counted. Each node exchanges all information with its neighbor 23. end else
nodes using the following formula: 24. end if
a b c 25. else
G || || + 1, || || + 1, || || + 1 (6) 26. remove j from L/
d d d
27. end else
where (a, b, c) is the node coordinate. • denotes taking the 28. end if
largest integer. 29. end loop

Dc = (a − x0 )2 + (b − y0 )2 (7)
where a and b are a node’s vertical and horizontal coordinates. of its neighbor nodes by Equation (10) and sorts the weights in
x0 and y0 are the vertical and horizontal coordinates of the center descending order.
of the data collection region.
Er es Dm ax 1
W = αppack ag e + β +γ +(1 − α − β − γ)
ppack ag e = (1 − pe )n (8) E0 Dc count
where pe is the bit error probability. According to [29], it can where W is the node’s weight; α, β,and γ are weight factors that
be calculated as follows: indicate the importance of the indicator in the system; ppack ag e
1 SN Rav g is the forwarding probability; Er es is the residual energy; E0 is
pe = 1− (9) the initial energy; Dm ax is the network boundary length M ; Dc
2 1 + SN Rav g
is the distance to the center of the collection region; and count
where SN Rav g is the average signal-to-noise ratio of underwa- is the counting of forwarding packages, and each time nodes
ter acoustic communication. transfer or forward a data packet, the value plus one. Then, each
In the second phase, each node uses Equation (7) to determine node can select the appropriate number of relay nodes as the
whether it is within the data collection region. If so, the node forwarding set. The pseudo-code for selecting the forwarding
will wait for the AUV and then forward data packages to it; if set is given in Algorithm 1.
not, the node will forward data packages to the data collection In the third phase, the source node transfers data packages to
region via the multi-hop method. Based on information from the relay nodes in the forwarding set. Each relay node recalculates
first phase, each node outside the region calculates the weight the grid coordinates. If one relay node discovers its weight is

Algorithm 2: Neighbor Density-Based Clustering.

Input: Node set S; the locations of the nodes in S;
the transmission radius rt .
Output: Neighborhood clustering set, C.
1. loop
2. each node i in S calculates its neighbor nodes set
N ei(i)within radius rt and the number of its
neighbor num(i);
3. cj = arg max{num(i)|i ∈ S};
4. add cj into C;
5. remove cj and N ei(cj ) from S;
6. if S = φ then
Fig. 6. Forwarding in the upper layer. 7. j = j + 1;
8. repeat loop;
9. end if
highest and it has moved to the more superior grid closest to 10. end loop
the data collection region, then the relay node will continue to
forward data packages and reply to the other nodes in the for-
warding set. The number of forwarding packages increases by
one at the same time. Other relay nodes listen to this information interference, TDMA-based multiple access control protocol is
and then drop the packages. In contrast, if the relay node with utilized. By this approach, the energy consumption of nodes is
the highest weight has to move to a worse grid compared to the less than in the multi-hop method, and the energy consumption
relay node with the second-highest weight, then the relay node is more balanced. Then, the AUV broadcasts clustering infor-
with the second-highest weight will forward data packages and mation and the it’s coordinate message. Each node receives this
reply to other nodes and so on. If all nodes in the forwarding information and identifies the cluster to which it belongs. The
set move to worse grids away from the data collection region, pseudo-code of the neighbor density-based clustering algorithm
then the relay node with the highest weight must reselect the is given in Algorithm 2.
forwarding set. This process is repeated at every hop until the Algorithm 2 can be divided into three phases. In the first
data packages are transferred to the data collection region. At phase, using the sensed range of nodes as the cluster radius and
the same time, in order to reduce the load, each gateway node the neighbor nodes as the cluster members, each node creates a
sets a threshold of residual energy, T hf or w ar d . When the resid- neighbor nodes table. In the second phase, the AUV sorts all the
ual energy is less than the threshold, nodes will not serve as tables in descending order by the number of neighbor nodes; the
GNs. The forwarding process is shown in Fig. 6. node with the most neighbors is selected as the first cluster head
node. In the third phase, other nodes’ neighbor nodes tables
B. Neighbor Density Clustering-Based AUV Data Gathering delete the node that has been selected as the cluster head node
Algorithm and its cluster members. Then, the process loops until all nodes
In contrast to the upper layer, nodes in the lower layer are are clustered. Isolated nodes do not participate in this process
assumed to be static. Here, the AUV with pre-known deploy- and are considered individual clusters.
ment knowledge from the sink uses the neighbor density-based After the second part, the AUV traverses all cluster heads,
clustering algorithm to cluster. After that, it is imperative to re- which are regarded as the AUV’s arrest points. Initially, due
solve the AUV’s travel path to traverse all cluster heads. This to limited energy, the AUV decides whether residual energy
is usually NP-hard problem similar to TSP. In this article, we can support the AUV in reaching its next arrest point. The
adopt the Dijkstra algorithm that reduces the AUV’s travel path judgement process is as follows. We suppose the AUV’s ini-
length, it’s energy consumption and data collection delay. tial energy is Ein it , and Etr av el is the energy consumption
This process is divided into two parts. In the first part, of moving unit distance. At the same time, the consumption
based on lower layer deployment information obtained from of the received data packages is ignored by the AUV be-
the sink node, the AUV uses the neighbor density algorithm cause the reception consumption is substantially lower than
for clustering. This algorithm forms cluster using node and it’s motion consumption. Since the AUV enters into the lower
neighbor nodes. If the density of the neighbor nodes is sub- layer, its residual energy is Er es A U V = Ein it − H · Etr av el .
stantial, the AUV accumulates more data packages at given Assume the current coordinate of the AUV is taken to be
time. What’s more, because the cluster radius is equal to the (x1 , y1 , z1 ); (x2 , y2 , z2 ) to signify the next position coordi-
sensed range of the nodes, all nodes in a cluster are capable nate to be reached bythe AUV. The distance between two
to forward data packages to the AUV with a single hop when positions is Dn ext = (x1 − x2 )2 + (y1 − y2 )2 + (z1 − z2 )2 ,
the AUV reaches the cluster heads. To minimize transmission and the distance back to the sink node is Dback =


(x2 − x0 )2 + (y2 − y0 )2 + (z2 − 0)2 . Then, we can calcu-
late the dynamic threshold: ET hr eshold = Dback · Etr av el . Af-
ter that, we determine whether Er es A U V − Etr av el · Dn ext is Fig. 7. Simulation results with different algorithms.
greater than ET hr eshold . If so, then the AUV arrives at the
next point successfully; otherwise, it will accelerate floating to
the sink node with velocity vf loat for energy supplementation velocity, and change of the AUV initial dive position. Unit en-
and then return along the floating path to continue collecting ergy consumption is defined as the average energy consumption
immediately. The process of float upward and dive downward per node in each round when forwarding packages once. Net-
consumes little energy by adjusting gravity and buoyancy. The work lifetime is defined as the elapsed time when the first node
above process repeats until all arrest points are traversed and the dies in the network. The package delivery ratio (PDR) is defined
AUV returns to water surface to end the current round. as the ratio of packages successfully received by the AUV to the
To further balance the nodes energy consumption, the AUV packages sent by all nodes. Collection delay includes two parts:
first rotates some degrees clockwise and moves horizontally for the AUVs time of residence at each arrest point, and the AUVs
a distance before diving in the next round. Then, it forms a new traversal time.
cylindrical data collection region to avoid the same nodes being
repeatedly considered GNs. B. Results and Analysis
1) Comparing Different Algorithms: We evaluate the pro-
V. SIMULATION AND PERFORMANCE EVALUATION posed algorithm through performance comparison among four
existing algorithms (HH-VBF [11], PNCS-GHA [16], SEDG
A. Simulation Setup [19] and DGS [20]) in terms of unit energy consumption, net-
In this section, taking into account the challenges and ad- work lifetime, PDR, and collection delay. They achieved data
vancements in underwater sensor network simulation and ex- collection in three different ways. All the algorithms worked
perimental platforms [31], MATLAB is a good choice to evalu- in the same environment, and the number of nodes is 150, 250,
ate the performance of the proposed algorithms. Initially, sensor 350, 450, and 550, respectively. Fig. 7(a) depicts that unit energy
nodes are randomly deployed in a 800 m × 800 m × 600 m consumption decreases as the node number increases taking the
three-dimensional underwater region. A sink node is fixed at number of nodes varies from 150 to 550. It is observed that
the center of the water surface. The AUV moves down at a con- the proposed algorithm consumes less energy than HH-VBF,
stant velocity to collect data. When the energy is less than the AEDG and DGS but more than PNCS-GHA in any case. Addi-
dynamic threshold, the AUV will float to the sink to replenish tionally, the gap becomes smaller as the node density increases.
energy with a faster velocity. In this article, the unit consump- Fig. 7(b) displays the network lifetime under different numbers
tion of the AUV is set to 8 J/m because the consumption of of nodes. As expected, network lifetime demonstrates the oppo-
SenCar on land is approximately 5 J/m [32]–[33], whereas in site trend with unit energy consumption. With the same number
an underwater environment, the AUV will be affected by resis- of nodes, the proposed algorithm has the second-highest net-
tance. Thus, consumption increases. Each node forwards 100 work lifetime and is much larger than the other three algorithms
packages per round, the size of each of which is 1024 bit. The but smaller than PNCS-GHA. In the proposed algorithm, the
other basic environmental parameters are listed in Table II. sleep-wake mechanism is introduced, to greatly reduces the
Besides the unit energy consumption, network life, package nodes load. Each node enters a sleep state and is activated in
delivery ratio, and collection delay, we examined the effects the next round when it sends data packages. What’s more, the in-
of Ekman layer height, water velocity, data rate, the AUVs troduction of data collection region and AUV-based, multi-hop

transmission-assisted data collection method reduce the energy

of the nodes by transferring the nodes energy consumption to
the AUV. On other hand, SEDG has low network lifetime and
high energy consumption as the AUV track is constant, leading
to little change in the gateway nodes in the algorithm. At the
same time, the number of gateway nodes is relatively small,
hence nodes load and energy consumption are substantial; some
nodes die early. DGS has higher energy efficiency than SEDG,
because it also uses the collection region. A group of sensors
within the collection region will assist in forwarding the data
to the AUV, that eventually reduces energy consumption. How- Fig. 8. Performance with different Ekman layer height.
ever, DGS has more nodes that need to forward data packages
to the collection region through multi-hop transmission. This
makes the energy consumption higher than the proposed algo-
rithm. Contrary to DGS, nodes close to the sink need to forward
large number of data packets from other nodes in HH-VBF and
these nodes’ energy will deplete soon. Likewise, the nodes in
HH-VBF flood data packages, causing high energy and data
redundancy. Finally, the unit energy consumption is large and
network lifetime is low. In PNCS-GHA, each node forwards
the data packages directly to the AUV by a single hop without
forwarding, then the energy consumption of nodes is low and
Fig. 9. Performance with different water velocity.
uniform, the network lifetime is long.
In Fig. 7(c), we note that the PDR of the proposed algorithm
increases as the node number increases. Usually, the larger the 2) The Effect of Ekman Layer Height: Fig. 8 shows the effect
number of nodes, the denser the network, the greater the success of Ekman layer height on unit energy consumption and collec-
rate of packet forwarding. The proposed algorithm is superior tion delay. According to the empirical formula of Ekman depth
to SEDG and DGS thanks to the weight judgement at each hop, in Section III-A, Ekman layer height is different at different lat-
especially the forwarding probability. On the contrary, by using itude. The turbulence viscosity coefficient of the z direction AZ
the greedy strategy to forward data packages to the gateway is generally 1 × 10−4 ∼ 2 × 10−2 [34]. In this paper, for simu-
nodes, SEDG and DGS can easily encounter routing void phe- lation purposes, taking AZ = 0.02, then, when the latitude rises
nomena and backtracking problems. These challenge can cause from 0 degree to 90 degrees, the height decreases from 400 m
retransmission and increase the likelihood of transmission fail- to 50 m. If the height is too low, simulation is meaningless.
ure. HH-VBF also has a higher PDR than DGS and SEDG, Therefore, the height values are 200 m, 300 m, and 400 m, re-
because nodes in HH-VBF flooding data packages to increase spectively. Because different layers use different data collection
transmission reliability although certain data redundancy exist. strategies, higher layers have more nodes using the multi-hop
Moreover, PNCS-GHA also has the highest PDR because nodes transmission mode and less nodes need to be collected by the
form probabilistic neighborhood covering set and have nearly AUV, then the AUV traveling path shortened. Hence, the energy
90% PDR when p = 0.9. consumption is larger but the collection delay is lower. There-
Finally, Fig. 7(d) shows the collection delay; PNCS-GHA has fore, as seen in Fig. 8, the unit energy consumption increases
the most severe delay, followed by the proposed algorithm as the and the collection delay decreases as the Ekman layer height
second-highest and HH-VBF with the lowest. In PNCS-GHA, increases.
the AUV traverses all neighborhood covering set. At the same 3) The Effect of Water Velocity: The movement of the nodes
time, nodes using TDMA for data transmission lead to huge is affected by the water velocity, there is a positive correlation
collection delay. In the proposed, DGS and SEDG, part of the between them. According to physical oceanography, the sea’s
data packages is forwarded by multi-hop and the remainder is water velocity is usually 1 m/s to 2 m/s on average. We consid-
collected by AUV. However, the length of the AUV’s travel path ered 1 m/s and 2 m/s as the general velocity and faster velocity,
is different. The elliptical trajectory of SEDG is the shortest, respectively; 0.5 m/s was considered close to static because it
but the spiraling (rising) trajectory of DGS is the longest, such is unreasonable for the water velocity to be zero. Fig. 9 shows
that SEDG consumes the least amount of time and DGS spends the unit energy consumption and collection delay of each round
the most. Although the waiting time is set, the velocity of the with the variable parameter (vw ater ). In Fig. 9(a), as the value of
node through flood forwarding is still much faster than using increases, corresponding to increased node movement velocity,
the AUV for collection. Therefore, HH-VBF has the lowest unit energy consumption increases. As a rapid water velocity can
data collection delay. At the same time, as the number of nodes make the nodes move faster and may lead to unstable transmis-
increases, the collection delay of all algorithms also increases. sion, resulting in increased energy consumption and decreased

Fig. 10. Performance with different data rate. Fig. 12. Performance with different initial dive position.

AUV floats and replenishes energy. What’s more, the energy

consumption of nodes in the network is related to transmission
distance and data packet size, but has nothing to do with the
AUV velocity. Therefore, the energy consumption of the nodes
is almost the same at different AUV velocities.
6) The Effect of Change in AUV Initial Dive Position: An-
other important way to reduce energy consumption is to change
the initial diving position. When the AUV finishes first round of
Fig. 11. Performance with different AUV velocity. data collection, it changes its dive position before a new round.
In the simulation, we consider three situations: 1) fixed posi-
tion, where the AUV’s position does not change; 2) the AUV
PDR. However, with an increase in water velocity, the effect in rotates 30 degrees in one clockwise direction, moves 0.5 × rt
collection delay is not obvious. Because the force of the water distance, and then dives; and 3) the AUV rotates 30 degrees
flow acts on the AUV in the horizontal direction, so when the in one clockwise direction, moves rt distance, and then dives.
AUV moves vertically downwards in the upper layer, it is basi- Results are shown in Fig. 11. As might be expected, the first
cally not affected by the flow of water, while the water velocity solution has higher energy consumption, and the gap between
is relatively static in the lower layer so the AUV is not affected the latter two scenarios is relatively large. The second and third
as well. However, in a limited space with a large number of solutions reduce the probability of repeated GNs in the data col-
nodes, the number of neighbor nodes does not fluctuate much lection region, such that nodes’ energy consumption is relatively
and transmission is relatively stable, no matter how the nodes more balanced and the network lifetime is extended.
4) The Effect of Data Rate: As shows in Fig. 10, when the
number of nodes is between 150−550, the collection delay is
negatively correlated to the data rate. When the data rate is low, VI. CONCLUSION
it takes more time to transmit data packets with same size, then In this paper, we use the property of water stratification to di-
the residence time for the AUV increases. Ultimately, it exac- vide the entire network into two layers. In the upper layer, which
erbates collection delay throughout the data collection process. has faster flow, a forwarding set-based multi-hop forwarding al-
Fig. 10 also indicates that each node’s energy consumption is gorithm is applied to reduce the impact of node movement. At
also negatively related to the data rate: a higher data rate leads each hop, each node acquires the weights of neighbor nodes
to a higher PDR and lower retransmission ratio, as the energy according to surrounding environmental factors when transmit-
consumption is relatively low. ting the data. Then, each node establishes the forwarding set and
5) The Effect of the AUV Velocity: At this stage, the AUV selects the relative optimal relay nodes to improve forwarding
with high speed is 15knots [35] about equal to 7.716 m/s. There- probability and reduce transmission delay. In the lower layer,
fore, we changed the AUV velocity from 4 m/s to 8 m/s. Besides, where the water velocity is relatively small, neighbor density
the number of nodes is 350 and the data rate is 20 kbps in the clustering-based AUV data gathering algorithm is adopted to
simulation. Results of collection delay and AUV residual energy reduce the energy consumption of nodes. By clustering nodes in
are shown in Fig. 11. As velocity of the AUV increases, it is well this layer, the path length of the data collection tour is shortened
known that collection delay decreases. There is a very interest- to reduce AUV consumption. By simulation, we confirmed that
ing phenomenon: the AUV residual energy decreases with an the algorithm reduces unit energy consumption of nodes that
increase in velocity of the AUV. This is because within the same improves the package delivery ratio and network lifetime. All
time frame, the faster the AUV runs, the longer distance it trav- the same, the collection delay is relatively severe. Therefore, the
els and the more energy it consumes. In addition, as time goes future work will take steps to decrease the collection delay, such
by, residual energy of the AUV first decreases and then rises, as by using multiple AUVs for collaborative data collection or
because when the residual energy is less than the threshold, the data collection scheme based on predictive model.

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[23] X. Wang et al., “Analysis of multi-dimensional hydrological alter- computing, and security. He was a Co-Chair for more than 50 international
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[24] T. Yang, T. Cui, C. Y. Xu, P. Ciais, and P. Shi, “Development of Telecommunication Systems, etc. He has guest edited a number of special is-
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Sep. 2017. Chinacom 2014, and Qshine 2016 Best Paper Awards. He is a member of ACM.

Songjie Shen received the B.S. degree from Hohai Tao Yang received the Ph.D degree from Nanjing
University, in 2016, Changzhou, China, where he is Normal University, Nanjing, China, in 2006. He is
currently working toward the M.S. degree with the currently the Dean and a Professor with the College
College of Internet of things Engineering. His re- of Hydrology and Water Resources, Hohai Univer-
search interests include data collection for underwa- sity, Nanjing, China. From 2006 to 2007, he was
ter wireless sensor networks. a Postdoctoral Research Fellow with the Chinese
University of Hong Kong. From 2010 to 2011, he
was a Visiting Research Fellow with Commonwealth
Science and Industry Research Organization of
Australian (CSIRO) funded by the International En-
deavor Fellowship. Since 2016, he took the position
of the Deputy Dean and the Dean of the College of Hydrology and Water Re-
sources, Hohai University. He is mainly working on modeling and prediction
of hydrological extreme events. Using a wide range of multisources metro-
logical and hydrological datasets assimilated with various remote sensing, he
has developed a big-data-based watershed hydrological model, and a two-stage
regulation for dam cascade adapting to climate change for flood and water re-
sources management. They have been testified in Yangtze, Yellow, Huai and
Tarim river for flood and water resources management. The model has also
been used in the international big project: ISI-MIP2 in European Horizon 2020
programme. To date, he has authored and coauthored 56 ISI-indexed papers in
international journals, including JGR, JOH, WRR, ERL, and HP. He has two
highly cited papers and the total cites is more than 1000 times (ESI H-index: 21).
He is currently an Associate Editor for international journal <Groundwater>
and an editor board for <J. of Arid Land>. As a principal investigator, he has
completed many state-level and international-level research grants from Chinse
NSFC and MOST, and has one national and four provincial science and tech-
nology awards. He was the National 10,000 Talents leading scientist in China.

Houbing Song (M’12–SM’14) received the Ph.D.

degree in electrical engineering from the Univer-
sity of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA, in August
In August 2017, he was with the Department
of Electrical, Computer, Software, and Systems En-
gineering, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University,
Daytona Beach, FL, USA, where he is currently an
Assistant Professor and the Director of the Security
and Optimization for Networked Globe Laboratory
(SONG Lab, www.SONGLab.us). He was the fac-
ulty of West Virginia University from August 2012 to August 2017. In 2007, he
was an Engineering Research Associate with the Texas A&M Transportation
Institute. He is currently an Associate Technical Editor for the IEEE COMMU- Wenbo Zhang received the Ph.D. degree in computer
NICATIONS MAGAZINE. He is the editor of four books, including Smart Cities: science from Northeastern University, Shenyang,
Foundations, Principles, and Applications (Wiley, 2017), Security and Pri- China, in March 2006. He is currently a Professor
vacy in Cyber-Physical Systems: Foundations, Principles and Applications, with the School of Information Science and Engineer-
Chichester (Wiley-IEEE Press, 2017), Cyber-Physical Systems: Foundations, ing, Shenyang Ligong University, Shenyang, China.
Principles and Applications (Academic Press, 2016), and Industrial Internet His current research interests are Ad hoc networks,
of Things: Cybermanufacturing Systems (Springer, 2016). He is the author of sensor networks, satellite networks, embedded
more than 100 articles. His research interests include cyber-physical systems, systems. He has author or coauthored more than 100
cybersecurity and privacy, Internet of Things, edge computing, big data analyt- papers in related international conferences and jour-
ics, unmanned aircraft systems, connected vehicle, smart and connected health, nals. He was on the editorial board of up to ten jour-
and wireless communications and networking. nals, including Chinese Journal of Electronics and
Dr. Song is a senior member of ACM. He was the very first recipient of the Journal of Astronautics. He had been awarded the ICINIS 2011 Best Paper
Golden Bear Scholar Award, the highest campus-wide recognition for research Award and up to nine Science and Technology Awards including the National
excellence at West Virginia University Institute of Technology (WVU Tech), in Science and Technology Progress Award and Youth Science and Technology
2016. Awards from China Ordnance Society.

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