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无老师 Toefl 词汇 红 宝书 因为我们发现将单词进行扩展是很简单的但是难就难在把这个单词背下来 , 因此把

同词根的放到一起 , 保证了一个单词一旦背下来, 那么相关的一系列的单词 就迎刃而

— —7 天搞定托福单词 7 单词书为了保证原汁原味, 将单词在托福考试之中最常出现的形式作为默认显示
内容说明: 方式列出,括号)之中的内容为单词的原型
1 本书完全免费放出 , 一共 1600 左右个单词均为 100 分必会单词! 既然每个人在准
备托福考试的时候都需要背单词那么单词书就是一项基础性服务 , 基础性服务就 8 托福考试要求最为贴近生活 , 国内考试的考试目的完全不同 , 因此国内考试会
应该免费 ! 我们都需要空气 , 但是有人向我们收呼吸费么 ? 电费和水费在欧洲很多 涉及到的很多意项 , 在托福考试当中不会考到。但是很多国内单词书 , 仅仅做了
国家也是不收的。中国大陆第一本全免费的托福单词书 , 无老师制造! 单词的罗列 , 根本没有列出考试之中常考什么 , 造成的结果就是我们经常有“这个
这里是全免费的单词书, 同时也是最优秀的单词书! 单词背了 , 但是考试不考”的感觉。在这本书之中 , 无老师所进行的解释均为 在托
福考试之中的常考意项 , 这句话则充分的体现了“无老师了解托福界”这句 话的本
2 本单词书是将所有托福真题文章的内容合并在一起 , 进行词频统计统计结束时之 质。比如说 since 这个单词 , 在托福考试之中最常见的是“因为” , parallel 这个单词
后,无老师在将所有单词由高到低排列, 保证我们先背出现次数多的 , 保证了大家最 有“相同, 相似”的意项 , 这是在其他的托福单词书中都没有解决的问 题, 但是在本
高的效率。为了提高新托福考试在这本单词书中的排位 , 本书在统计之 前就已经将 书之中一次性解决。
新托福的文章按照两次进行计算 , 保证考友们背的单词, 是最鲜活的单词。
9 本单词书之中所有的例句, 均为托福考试真题中出现的原句, 保证本书每一个细
3 这本《无老师 Toefl 词汇红宝书》在单词统计结束之后由无老师亲自筛选将我们都 节都是最贴近托福考试的。
很熟悉的单词比如说 apple 、the 这样的单词全部去掉。这样极大的减少了考友们的 10 某些单词虽然出现次数很多, 但是由于要么
需要背的单词的量 。 是人名 , 要么是只在一篇文章之
中出现 , 造成这部分单词其实也是无效的 , 无老师将这些单词全部挑出 , 放在了
4 由于这本《无老师 Toefl 词汇红宝书》的单词 , 是按照从高到低的次序来进行 排列 单词书的最后面。就是为了减少大家的工作量, 节省背单词的时间。
的 , 因此极大的满足了不同考友的个性化需要。如果你需要考到 100 分以上那么
你要把所有单词都背过 , 但是你如果仅需要考 80 分 , 那么出现频率为 3 次的单词 11 由于单词是从高到低的顺序排列的,我们不仅可以把它当成背单词用也可以当成
你就可以不背, 因为被考到的几率相对偏小。 考前的冲刺单词书。“无老师 Toefl 红宝书, 一旦拥有, 别无所求 ! ”
单词实例讲解 :
5 在同一出现频率上, 无老师 Toefl 词汇红宝书》也是打破了以前的做法现在是由 Z- 390 【单词在真题中出现次数】 states 【真题常考形式 (state 【单词原型】 steIt [ ]

A 的排列方式。防止产生疲劳感。 【音标) n. 状况, 状态 v. 陈述 【单词释义】

56 statements 【同词根单词 (statement[5steitmEnt]) n. 陈 述
【In fact, various emotional states give rise to certain patterns of electrical activity in
6 无老师为了降低大家的劳动强度将同词根的所有单词放到了一起 , 方便记忆 thefacialmusclesandinthebrain.】 【例句, 默认为第一个单词的例句】

List1 (第一 天 ) 【Some species of tuna have specialized grooves in their tongue.】

390 states (state[steIt]) n. 状 况 , 状 态 v . 陈 述 226art[ B:t ] n. 艺 术

56 statements (statement[5steitmEnt]) n. 陈 述 【Tunas, mackerels, and billfishes have made streamlining into an art form . Their
【In fact, various emotional states give rise to certain patterns of electrical activity in bodies are sleek and compact . 】
the facial muscles and in the brain.】
191 produced (produce[prE5dju:s]) v. 生 产 n. 产品
311form fC:m n. 形 状 v . 形 成
[ ]
69 production prE5dQkF En n. 生 产
[ ]

5 deformed (deform[di:5fC:m]) v. 使 变 形 ; 变 畸 形 53 products (product[5prCdEkt]) n. 产品

3 reform ri5fC:m v . 改 造 ; 改 革 n . 改 良
[ ]
25 reproduction 7ri:prE5dQkF En n. 生 殖 ; 复 制
[ ]

16 reproduce 7ri:prE5dju:s v. 繁 殖;翻 拍 ; 复 制

【Some mountains were formed as a result of these plates crashing into each other and
[ ]

10 productivity 7prCdQk5tiviti n. 生 产力
forcing up the rock at the plate margins . 】
[ ]

6 productive prE5dQktiv adj. 多 产的

[ ]

6 reproductive ri:prE5dQktiv adj. 再 生 的 ; 复 制 的

281 plants (plant[plB:nt]) n. 植 物 , 工厂 v. 种 植
[5 ]

【Other mountains may be raised by earthquakes, which fracture the Earth's crust and
10 plantation pl A n5teiF En n. 农 园 , 大 农 场
[ ]
can displace enough rock to produce block mountains . 】
3 transplanted (transplant[trAns5plB:nt]) v . 移 居 , 迁 移
【Animal dung enriches the soil by providing nutrients for plant growth. 】
167 increase in5kri:s v. 增加
[ ]

【To increase the society’s prosperity】

275 mentioned (mention[5menF En v. 提 到 ])

【 For example, in 1875 one biologist pointed out the diversity of butterflies in the 150 cause kC:z v. 导 致 n. 原 因
[ ]

Amazon when he mentioned that about 700 species were found within an hour's walk, 【Windvelocity also increases with altitude and may cause serious stress for trees, as is
whereas the total number found on the British islands did not exceed 66, and the whole made evident by the deformed shapes at high altitudes . 】
of Europe supported only 321.】
136 regions (region [ 5 ri:dVEn n. 区 域 ])

274 century sentFuri n. 世 纪 ; 百 年

[5 ]

【Even though the fine arts in the twentieth century often treat materials in new ways,
the basic difference in attitude of artists in relation to their materials in the fine arts and
the applied arts remains relatively constant.】

274 author C:WE n. 作 者[5 ]

11 authority C:5WCriti n. 专 家 , 威 信
[ ]

【The author presents two theories for a historicalphenomenon.】

248 species[5spi:Fiz] ( 单复数同型 ) n. 种类 ; 人类 3

subspecies 'sʌb ˌ spi:ʃi:z]
[ n. 亚 种
【It ranges from sea level in the Polar Regions to 4,500 meters in the dry subtropics and 117 design di 5 za i n v. 设计
[ ]

3,500-4,500 meters in the moist tropics.】 6 designers (designer[di5zainE]) n. 设 计 者

【Architecture is the art and science of designing structures that organize and enclose
131 sentence sentEns v. 宣判 n. 句 子
[5 ]
space for practical and symbolic purposes.】
【Where would the sentence best fit?】
113 source sC:s n. 来 源 , 根 源
[ ]

129 population 7pCpju5leiFEn n.居民 ;人 口

[ ]
【 This unprecedented development of a finite groundwater resource with an almost
【Have populations that are unstable in response to climate conditions】 negligible natural recharge rate—that is, virtually no natural water source to replenish
the water supply—has caused water tables in the region to fall drastically】
124 study stQdi v. 研 究 n. 研 究
[5 ]

【It is conceivable that before going hunting the hunters would draw or study pictures 110 environment in 5 vaiErEnmEnt n. 环 境
[ ]

of animals and imagine a successful hunt.】 7 environmentalists (environmentalist[in7vaiErEn5mentlist]) n. 环 境 保 护 论 者

【Many ecologists now think that the relative long-term stability of climax communities
124 fossils (fossil[5fCsl]) n. 化 石 comes not from diversity but from the “patchiness” of the environment, an
environment that varies from place to place supports more kinds of organisms than an
9 fossilization [fɑsɪlə'zeɪʃn] n. 化 石 作 用 environment that is uniform.】

7 fossilized (fossilize['fɑsɪlaɪz]) v. 使 成 化 石 108 period piEriEd n. 时 期

[5 ]

【Pakicetus is the oldest fossil whale yet to be found.】

6 periodic piEri 5 Cdik adj. 定期 的
[ ]

5 periodically pIErI`CdIkLlI adv. 周期性地 ; 偶 尔

[9 ]

【In the long run, electricity from large wind farms in remote areas might be used to
121 theory WiEri [5 n. 理 论 , ...论 ]

make hydrogen gas from water during periods when there is less than peak demand for
11theorists (theorist[5WiErist]) n. 理 论 家
4 theorized (theory[5WiEri]) v. 建 立理论; 理论化
【According to psychodynamic theory , the best ways to prevent harmful aggression may
be to encourage less harmful aggression.】 107 society sE 5saiEti
[ ] n. 社会

121 term tE:m v. 把 . . . 称 为 n. 学 期

[ ]

【During Jackson's second term, his opponents had gradually come together to form the
Whig party】

121 artists (artist[5B:tist]) n. 艺术家

40 artistic B: 5tistik adj. 艺 术的; 美 术的
[ ]

【For example, some early societies ceased to consider certain rites essential to their
well-being and abandoned them, nevertheless, they retained as parts of their oral
tradition the myths that had grown up around the rites and admired them for their
artistic qualities rather than for their religious usefulness.】
【Some theories of theater development focus on how theater was used by group leaders organisms that compose the ecosystem.】
to group leaders govern other members of society】
102 process prE 5 ses n. 过程 v. 加 工;处理, 办理
[ ]

107 activities (activity[Ak tiviti]) n. 行动; 活动

【 In fact, damage to the environment by humans is often much more severe than damage
【There is little doubt, however , that desertification in most areas results primarily from by natural events and processes.】
human activities rather than natural processes.】
101 individual 7indi 5 vidjuEl n. 人, 个体 adj. 个别的
[ ]

106 mass mAs n. 块 adj. 大规模的

[ ]
4 individualism IndI5vIdjJElIz(E)m n. 利 己主 义
[ ]

【 The cinema did not emerge as a form of mass consumption until its technology 【Because each individual is short-lived , the population of an opportunist species is
evolved from the initial "peepshow" format to the point where images were projected likely to be adversely affected by drought, bad winters, or floods.】
on a screen in a darkened theater】
101 effect i 5 fekt n. 结 果 v. 造成
[ ]

105 since sins conj. 因为, 从 . . . 至 今

[ ] 34 effective i 5 fektiv adj. 有 效 的
[ ]

【Since the raising of most crops necessitates the prior removal of the natural vegetation, 4 effectiveness i 5fektivnis[ n. 效力 ]

crop failures leave extensive tracts of land devoid of a plant cover and susceptible to 【But for the black-tailed deer , human pressure has had just the opposite effect.】
wind and water erosion.】
101 culture kQltF E n. 文化, 耕种 v. 耕 种
[5 ]

105 emotions (emotion[i mEuF En5

n. 情 绪
35 cultural kQltFEr(E)l adj. 有 修养的; 有文化的
[5 ]

35 emotional i 5mEuFEnl adj. 情 绪 的

[ ]
【 The arch was used was used by the early cultures of the Mediterranean area chiefly for
【In psychodynamic theory , the purging of strong emotions or the relieving of tensions.】 underground drains, but it was the Romans who first developed and used the arch
extensively in aboveground structures.】
105 communities (community[kE5mju: nit i]) n. 人群, 很 多 个 体的集合体, 社
区 99 occur E 5 kE: v. 发 生, 出 现
[ ]

【Each SMSA would contain at least one central city with 50,000 inhabitants or more or 8 occurrences (occurrence[E5kQrEns]) n. 发 生 , 事 件
two cities having shared boundaries and constituting, for general economic and social 【They occur at the end of a succession.】
purposes, a single community with a combined population of at least 50,000, the
smaller of which must have a population of at least 15,000. 】 99 include in5 klu:d v. 包 括 ; 包 含
[ ]

4 inclusion in klu:VEn n. 内含; 内含物

[ ]

【Some drawbacks to wind farms include visual pollution and noise, although these can
104 organisms (organism[5C:^EnizEm]) n. 生物 be overcome by improving their design and locating them in isolated areas.】
5 microorganisms (microorganism[maIkrEJ5C:^EnIz(E)m]) n. 微 生 物
【We can say that the properties of an ecosystem are more stable than the individual

98 provide [ prE 5 vaid ] v. 提 供 【To contrast the relative sophistication of modern artists in solving problems related to
【The land under wind turbines can be used for grazing cattle and other purposes, and the laws of physics】
leasing land for wind turbines can provide extra income for farmers and ranchers. 】 93 objects object[5CbdVikt]
( ) v. 反对, 抗议 n. 物体 ; 目标
98 indicate [5indikeit] v. 指 出 3 objective [Eb5dVektiv] adj. 客 观 的 , 外 在的 n. 目 的 , 实 物
11 indications(indication[7indi5keiF En]) n. 指 出 ; 迹 象 【They engraved animal figures on the shafts of spears and other objects.】
【To indicate that trance states were often associated with activities that took place
inside caves 】 90 types (type[taip]) n. 类 型 v. 作 为 代 表 , 打 字
【They may have used figurines to portray an ideal type or to express a desire for
96 sediment [ 5 sedimEnt ] n. 沉淀物, 沉积 fertility】
10 sedimentary [sedI5mentErI] adj. 沉积 的
90 power [5pauE] n. 势 力; 权力 v. 使 . . . 有 力 量 , 激 励
7 sedimentation [sed·i·men·ta·tion || ‚sedɪmen'teɪʃn]n. 沉 淀 作用; 沉 降 4 hydropower [5haidrEupauE] n. 水 力 发 出 的 电 力
【In the future, wind power is likely to become a major source of the world’s energy
【Petroleum, consisting of crude oil and natural gas, seems to originate from organic supply 】
matter in marine sediment.】
90 major [ 5 meidVE ] adj.主要的,大部份的 n.
96 pressure [ `preFE(r) ] n.压 v.对...施加压力; 迫 使 主修
【Continued sedimentation—the process of deposits’ settling on the sea bottom—buries 12 majority [mE dVCriti] n. 多 数 , 大 多 数

【The technology is in place for a major expansion of wind power worldwide.】

the organic matter and subjects it to higher temperatures and pressures, which convert
the organic matter to oil and gas.】
90 gas [ ^As ] n. 气 体
4 gasoline [ 5 ^AsEli:n ] n. 汽油 3
96 particular [pE 5tikjulE ] adj. 特别的, 独有的 outgassing n. 除 气 作 用
【There is increasing evidence that the impacts of meteorites have had important effects
on Earth, particularly in the field of biological evolution.】

95 influence [5influEns ] v. 影 响 n. 影 响
5 influential [7influ5enFEl] adj. 有影响的
【Impacts by meteorites represent one mechanism that could cause global catastrophes
and seriously influence the evolution of life all over the planet.】

94 modern [5mCdEn] adj. 现代的, 时髦的

94 impact [5impAkt] v. 影 响 ; 撞 击 n. 作 用 , 冲 击
【 If an impact is large enough, it can disturb the environment of the entire Earth and
cause an ecological catastrophe.】

93 heat [hi:t] v. 把 . . . 加热; 使激动 n. 热, 高 潮 , 热 度

【Increase pressure and heat from the weight of the sediment turn the organic remains
into petroleum.】
【These periods are times when wind turbines are powered by hydrogen gas.】 12 containers (container[kEn5teinE]) n. 容 器 ; 集 装 箱
【The situation is most critical in Texas , where the climate is driest, the greatest amount
88 cave keiv n. 洞 穴 v. 挖 洞
[ ] of water is being pumped, and the aquifer contains the least water】
5 caverns (cavern[5kAvEn]) n. 巨 穴
【Scholars have wondered about the meaning of the subjects, location, and overpainting 84 glaciers (glacier [ 5 ^lAsjE n. 冰 河 ])

of Lascaux cave images.】 30 glacial ^leisjEl adj. 冰的 ; 冰河的

[5 ]

6 glaciation n. 冰蚀
87 techniques (technique[tek5ni:k]) n. 技巧 ; 技法 3interglacialn. 两个冰河世纪之间的温暖时间段
【Artists developed special techniques for painting the walls.】 【Sediments that hold water were spread by glaciers and are still spread by rivers and
87 structure strQktFE n. 结 构 , 构 造 v. 建 筑 , 组 织
[5 ]

15 structural strQktFErEl adj. 结 构 的 , 建 筑 的

[5 ]
82 theater WIEtE(r) n. 剧场 ; 电 影 院
[5 ]

【The Long-Term Stability of Ecosystems Plant communities assemble themselves 【They produced and prerecorded the material that was shown in the theaters.】
flexiblyand their particular structure depends on the specific history of the area.】
81 conditions (condition[kEn5diF En n. 情 况 ; 环 境 ])

87 rapid [ r A pid adj. 迅 速 的 , 急 促的 n. 急 流

【In some regions, the increase in desert areas is occurring largely as the result of a trend
【A very dehydrated person, on the other hand, cannot drink enough water to rehydrate toward drier climatic conditions.】
at one session, because the human stomach is not sufficiently big and because a too
rapid dilution of the body fluids causes death from water intoxication . 】 81 behavior bi 5 heivjE n. 行 为 , 举止
[ ]

6 behavioral bI 5 heIvjEr(E)l adj. 行为的[ ]

【When one animal attacks another , it engages in the most obvious example of
86 ocean E u F E n n. 海 洋
aggressive behavior】
[ ]

8 oceanic 7EuFi 5 Anik adj. 海 洋 的

[ ]

3 oceanographers (oceanographer[9EJFIE ` nC^rEfE(r) n. 海 洋 学 者 ])

80 variety vE5raiEti n. 变 化 , 多 样 性
[ ]

【It has been suggested that Pakicetus fed on fish in shallow water and was not yet 6 8 v a ri o u s v Z E r i E s a d j. 各种 的
[ 5

adapted for life in the open ocean.】 50 vary vZEri v. 改 变 , 变更 ; 变化

[5 ]

4 variables (variable[5vZEriEbl]) n.变数,可 变 物

86 ancient einFEnt adj. 远 古 的, 年 老 的
[5 ]
4 invariably In5veErIEb(E)lI adv. 不变地, 一 定 地
【To explain how ancient builders reduced the amount of time necessary to construct
[ ]

【Facial expressions and emotional states interact with each other through a variety of
buildings from stone.】 feedback mechanisms . 】

86 contained (contain[kEn5tein]) v. 包 含

80 nest nest n. 巢 v. 造巢
[ ] 77 evidence evidEns v. 证 明 n. 证据, 迹 象
[5 ]

【Such nests also act as humidity regulators by allowing rain to drain into the bottom 【Supporting evidence comes from research showing that aggressive people often distort
sections of the nest so that the eggs are not in direct contact with the water 】 other people's motives.】
80 characteristics (characteristic[7kAriktE5ristik]) n. 特性, 特色 adj. 特 有 的 76 location lEu 5 keiF En n. 位 置
[ ]

30 characterized (characterize[5kArIktEraIz]) v. 赋 予 特 色 43 located (locate[lEu5keit]) v. 找出, 位 于

【The most striking characteristic of the plants of the alpine zone is their low growth 【Limiting drilling to accessible locations】
76 aggressive E5^resiv adj. 侵犯的, 有 进 取 精 神 的
[ ]

79 government [ ^QvEnmEnt n. 政 府 5
] 40 aggression E 5^reFEn n. 进 攻 ; 侵 略
[ ]

4 governing (govern[5^QvEn]) v. 统 治 ; 决 定 4 aggressiveness n. 侵犯; 进取

【In contrast to the Democrats, the Whigs favored government aid for education. 】 【When they are caused to frown, they rate cartoons as being more aggressive.】

79 energy enEdVi n. 精 力 ; 精 神
[5 ] 75 upper QpE adj. 上面的, 上级的
[5 ]

5 energetic 7enE 5 dVetik adj. 精力充沛的

[ ] 【Ekman’s observation maybe relevant to the British expression “keep a stiff upper lip”
【Growth, reproduction, and daily metabolism all require an organism to expend as a recommendation for handling stress.】
75 atmosphere AtmEsfiE n. 大 气 , 气 氛
[5 ]

78 involve in vClv v. 包括
13 atmospheric 7AtmEs 5 ferik adj. 大气的[ ]

5 involvement in 5 vClvmEnt n. 包 含 [ ]
【 The explosion lifted about 100 trillion tons of dust into the atmosphere, as can be
【Spillage from huge oil-carrying cargo ships, called tankers, involved in collisions or determined by measuring the thickness of the sediment layer formed when this dust
accidental groundings (such as the one off Alaska in 1989) can create oil slicks at sea.】 settled to the surface.】

78 essential i5senFEl adj. 重 要 的 , 本 质 的

[ ]

14 essentially I 5 senF ElI adv. 实质上; 本来

[ ]

【Another opinion is that the paintings were directly related to hunting and were an
essential part of a special preparation ceremony】

77 movement mu:vmEnt n. 运动; 运 转 [5 ]

【A united, highly successful labor movement took shape.】 77 european

[juErE 5 pi(:)En adj. 欧 洲 的 n. 欧 洲 人

【Those queried ranged from European college students to members of the Fore, a tribe
that dwells in the New Guinea highlands.】

76 national nAFEnEl n. 国民 adj. 国 家 的

[5 ]

【Some oil lies under regions where drilling is forbidden, such as national parks or other
public lands.】
74 iron aiEn n. 铁 ; 熨 斗 adj. 铁 的
[5 ] 70 popular pCpjulE adj. 受 欢迎的, 流行的
[5 ]

【Scientific analysis reveals that the colors were derived from ocher and other iron 【Although origin in ritual has long been the most popular , it is by no means the only
oxides ground into a fine powder】 theory about how the theater came into being.】
74 facial feiFEl [5 adj. 脸的, ]
68 technology tek5nClEdVi n. 技 术 , 工 艺
[ ]

【A person's facial expression may reflect the person's emotional state.】 24 technological 7teknE 5lCdVikEl adj. 技术的, 工艺的
[ ]

【The development of projection technology made it possible to project images on a

large screen. 】
7 2 c l a y k l e i n. 粘 土
[ ]

【The impact of raindrops on the loose soil tends to transfer fine clay particles into the
tiniest soil spaces, sealing them and producing a surface that allows very little water 68 layer leiE n. 层 ; 地 层 v. 分 层 堆 积
[5 ]

【The Earth's crust is thought to be divided into huge, movable segments, called plates,
which float on a soft plastic layer of rock.】

71 urban E:bEn adj. 都 市 的

68 insects (insect[5insekt]) n. 昆虫
[5 ]

4 urbanization n. 都 市 化
【Small size makes it easy to scramble among twigs and branches in the canopy for
【Whig and Democratic areas of influence were naturally split between urban and rural
insects, flowers, or fruit, but small mammals are surpassed, in the competition for food,
areas, respectively 】
by large ones that have their own tactics for browsing among food-rich twigs.】
71 painting (paint[peint]) n. 画, 绘画
29 painters (painter[5peintE]) n. 漆 工 68 ability E 5 biliti n. 能力; 才 能
[ ]

29 painted (paint[peint]) v. 油漆; 画 【Ekman argued that the ability to accurately recognize the emotional content of facial
expressions was valuable for human beings.】
3 overpainting n. (油画)复盖色, 复绘
【In Southwest France in the 1940’s, playing children discovered Lascaux Grotto, a
series of narrow cave chambers that contain huge prehistoric paintings of animals.】 67 generally dVenErEli adv. 通常, 普 遍 地 , 逐 渐地; 一般来 说
[5 ]

【Above the tree line there is a zone that is generally called alpine tundra.】
71 economic 7i:kE5nCmik adj. 经 济上的; 合 算 的
[ ]

62 economy i(:) 5 kCnEmi n. 经 济 [ ]

67 applied (apply[E5plai]) vi.使用; 适用于 vt.使用
11 economically i:kE 5 nRmIkElI adv.节俭地 [ ]
12 application 7Apli5keiFEn n . 申 请 ( 表 , 书 )
6 economical 7i:kE 5 nCmikEl adj. 节 俭的
[ ]

[ ]
【To demonstrate that an understanding of stability in ecosystems can be applied to help
【 To indicate that not all economic activity in the High Plains is dependent on irrigation understand stability in other situations 】

66 transportation 7trAnspC: 5 teiFEn n. 运 输 [ ]

35 transport tr A ns5pC:t v. 传 送 , 运 输
[ ] 【Besides cave paintings, Upper Paleolithic people produced several other kinds of
【Transportationnetworks began to decline.】 artwork, one of which has been thought to provide evidence of complex thought。

66 methods (method[5meWEd]) n. 方 法 ; 秩 序 60 climate klaimit [5 n. 气 候 ]

【The new methods of doing business involved a new and stricter sense of time.】 17 climatic klai m A tik adj. 气 候 上的
[ ]

【A fundamental difference between Whigs and Democrats involved the importance of

66 manufacturing (manufacture[7m A nju5f A ktF E]) vt./ n. ( 大 量)制造 the market in society】
3 manufacturers (manufacturer[7mAnju5fAktF ErE n.制造商 ])

【After 1815 this older form of manufacturing began to give way to factories with 59 relatively relEtIvlI adv. 相 当 地;比 较 而 言
[5 ]

machinery tended by unskilled or semiskilled laborers.】 14 relative relEtiv adj. 相 对的, 有 关 系 的

[5 ]

【To suggest that wind turbines result in relatively few bird deaths】
66 contributed (contribute[kEn5tribju:t]) v. 有 助 于
12 contributions (contribution[ 7 kCntri5bju:FEn n.贡献 ])
59 Jupiter dVu:pitE [5 n. 木 星 ]

【Even living things contribute to the formation of landscapes. 】 【The world anxiously watched as, every few hours, a hurtling chunk of comet plunged
into the atmosphere of Jupiter】
63 quality kwCliti n. 品 质 , 特 质
[5 ]

【They were produced with more concern for quality than for speed of production.】 58 native neitiv adj. 本 国 的; 本地的; 与 生 俱 来的
[5 ]

【Many tribal hunters, including some Native Americans, camouflaged themselves by

wearing animal heads and hides. 】
63 marine mE 5 ri:n adj. 海的 ; 航 海的 ; 海 产的
[ ]

6 submarine sQbmEri:n n. 海 底生 物
[5 ]

58 erosion i 5 rEuVEn n. 冲蚀 , 侵蚀
【Microscopic organisms settle to the seafloor and accumulate in marine mud.】
[ ]

32 erode [i 5 rEud v.腐蚀; 侵 蚀 ]

【Dandelions are called opportunists because they contribute to the natural processes of
63 mammals (mammal[ mAmEl]) n. 哺 乳 动 物 5

【 The canopy ,the upper level of the trees in the rain forest, holds a plethora of climbing
mammals of moderately large size, which may include monkeys, cats, civets, and

61 established (establish[is5tAbliF]) v. 建 立 , 制 定
10 establishment is5t A bliFmEnt n. 确 立 ; 设 施
[ ]

【Once an oak tree becomes established, it is likely to survive minor cycles of drought
and even fire.】 60 extinction iks5tiNkF En n. 消 失 [ ]

35 extinct iks tiNkt

adj.灭绝的 ]

【This break in Earth's history is marked by a mass extinction, when as many as half the
species on the planet became extinct.】

60 complex kCmpleks adj. 复 杂 的 , 合 成的 n. 复 合 物 , 综 合 体 9

[5 ]

complexity kEm5pleksiti n. 复 杂 ; 复 杂 性
[ ]
erosion and the creation of gaps in the forest canopy】 【In the tropics, the valleys appear to be more favorable because they are less prone to
58 contrast kCntr A st n.对比; 差 异 ; 对照, 相 反 v. 使对比, 使对照
[5 ] dry out, they have less frost, and they have deeper soils.】
【To contrast them to desert mammals . 】 【Tw i ce in the twentieth century , large meteorite objects are known to have collided with
58 construction kEn5strQkF En n.建 造 , 建 造物
[ ]

21 constructed (construct[kEn5strQkt]) vt.建造 56 factors (factor[5f A ktE n.因素 ])

8 reconstruct ri:kEn 5 strQkt

[ 5
vt. 重建 ] 【V a rio u senvironmental factors may play a role.】
6 reconstruction ri:kEn5strQkFEn [5 n. 重建 ]

4 constructive kEn strQktiv a . 建 设 性 的

[ ]
56 desert dI 5 z\:t
[ ] n. 沙漠
【It is the work of architects to create buildings that are not simply constructions but also 25 desertification n.沙漠化
offer inspiration and delight.】 【Many factors have contributed to the great increase in desertification in recent
58 architecture B:kitektFE n. 建筑 学 [5 ]

31 architectural [ 7 B:ki5tektFErEl a. 建筑学的 ] 56 appear E 5 pIE vi. 出 现

[ ]

17 architects (architect[ B:kitekt]) n.建筑师

5 32 appearance E 5 pIErEns n. 出 现 [ ]

【To be architecture, a building must achieve a working harmony with a variety of 17 disappear 7dIsE 5 pIE vi. 消失 [ ]

elements . 】 【Numerous biological structures and chemicals appear to be involved in aggression.】

57 supply sE 5 plaI v t . 供 给
[ ]
56 amount E 5 maJnt n. 数 ( 量 ) vi.(to) 合 计
[ ]

【To help society members better understand the forces controlling their food supply】 【There are adaptations that increase the amount of forward thrust as well as those that
reduce drag.】
57 colonial kE5lEJnjEl a. 殖 民 地的
[ ]

39 colonies (colony [ 5 kDlEnI n. 殖 民 地 ]) 55 summary sQmErI n . 总 结 adj. 摘 要 的 3

[5 ]

3 colonized (colonize[5kDlEnaIz]) vt . 建 立 殖 民 地 summarize sQmEraIz v. 作 总 结 , 作 概 括

[5 ]

3 colonization [ 7 kDlEnaI5zeIFEn n . 殖 民 ; 殖 民 地化 ] 【Calculating a numerical summary of each solution】

【 During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, almost nothing was written about the
contributions of women during the colonial period and the early history of the newly 55 stored (store[stC:]) vt.贮 藏
formed United States.】 7 storefront n. 店面
【Personal correspondence, newspaper clippings, and souvenirs were saved and stored.】
56 valley [5v A lI ] n.山谷

56 meteorites (meteorite[5mi:tjEraIt]) n . 陨 石

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