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How to grow sweet potatoes?

Firstly, get your sweet potato at an organic market or grocery store.

When you had bought your sweet potato get a container ( I
recommend a cup but you can use other containers like bowls, bottles

Secondly, clean the sweet potato if needed, fill the container with
water halfway and use toothpicks to keep the whole sweet potato
from being completely in the water. When you are finished put the
container in a warm arena in your house, after a few weeks you will
be able to see the sweet potato roots and leaves.

Thirdly, take your sweet potato that you had grown plant it into fine
sandy loam soil with adequate drainage, moderately deep debt in a
container, (using a large size container will reduce pest) and when
you are finished place the container in an area where there full

Fourthly, water your sweet potato plant as little as possible to reduce

rot, because sweet potato plants need dry soil to grow. The time
sweet potatoes are ready to harvest just as the ends of the vines
begin to turn yellow. Once this happens the harvest is ready, so
carefully cut the vines and harvest your sweet potatoes and most
importantly enjoy your experience planting. Jesus is great! 😊

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