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Chapter 1

It started in the city, where everything went down. Kate, Darby, Tracy, and Mr. Jacks all
get trapped in an airplane. It was nighttime, everything was dark, everything was quiet. There
was no one there to help, no one. Kate could not stand being in the plane for such a long
period of time. She tried everything she could to get out, nothing worked. (T)Suddenly, there
were electric magnetic fields; and no one knows who put them there. The planes all parked in
the hangar, just as they had been the day the force fields came down around the airport,
trapping fifteen hundred people inside. The force fields looked like prisons, no one knew why
they were there. No one. Many people have started disappearing. Nobody knew what
happened to them. It was impossible to exit the airport safely. But Kate is determined to find a
way out. The airport rations started to run out, everyone was desperate and hungry. Kate's
parents and sister were in Baltimore while she was trapped in Philadelphia.

Chapter 2
Everyone was confused and scared of who put the force fields there. Kate went through
the opening between the doors of the hangar near the force fields. When she exited, it was
harder for Kate to breathe. The air was thick and moist. She saw a blue light near the force
fields. The blue light scared her eyes, yet she kept them open anyway. When the light turned
red, it was harder for her to see. When she reached into her pocket, she forgot she had a
broken mirror. She didn't think much of it, since it could not do much. (T)Then suddenly, she
had an idea. She put the mirror towards the force fields to make some kind of fire. The light
reflected on Kate's face. Kate escaped and ran to hide. (T) As soon as she heard an echo. She
looked to the left and saw Mr. Jack's old bulldog sitting in anticipation of the other end of the
force field. Kate looked back and realized she had left everyone behind. She felt awful and
guilty. Kate left a note with instructions on how to escape. Kate stayed behind. She needed to
know he had received the mirror and seen her message. Kate could not stay any longer, she
was outside with no protection. As she was headed out, she heard someone with a deep voice
say “where do you think you're going?”

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