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English – News Item ( Politic )

Hilda Amanda

Popularity and Politician Billboards for Electability

The installation of billboards by Puan Maharani is considered to have boosted PDIP's
popularity on social media, although it is accompanied by negative sentiments.
Despite the ridicule, the massive political billboards turned out not only to be
successful in gaining popularity but also having the potential for electability. But it is
still influenced by a number of factors.

Drone Emprit founder Ismail Fahmi explained that Puan's popularity regarding the
billboard issue not only showed positive sentiment, but was also influenced by
negative sentiment. According to Ismail, popularity is a combination of positive,
negative, and neutral conversations. It doesn't matter what the sentiment is.

The Drone Emprit found that conversations on social media regarding Puan
Maharani were increasing, especially regarding billboards with pictures of her being
installed in a number of areas. Ismail Fahmi in a thread on his twitter account on
August 8 stated that the trend in the past month for Puan's popularity has increased
even though it has a negative tone.

" The trend in the last month, Puan's popularity has increased despite a lot of
negative sentiment (satire)," said Ismail.

Ismail explained that the popularity was expected to increase his favorability and
then capitalize it into electability. "Anies is the most attacked on social media, his
popularity is always the highest. Puan is also getting more and more popular,
through billboards that are often satirized and become netizen memes," he added.

However, said Ismail, the theory also deals with influencing factors in the reality on
the ground. "Popularity alone is not enough, let alone popular because of negative
and no positive things. There must be evidence of work and achievements that can be
used to increase positive trends," he said.

From the observations of Drone Emprit attached to Ismail in his thread, it can be
seen that from July to early August the Ganjar trend was above Puan. Puan then just
overtake starting August 5 last. According to a study by Drone Emprit, Puan's
increasing popularity has succeeded in competing with the Governor of West Java,
Ridwan Kamil, even though he is still under the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies

Not only Puan, a number of politicians have also started to use billboards massively,
such as the General Chair of Golkar, Airlangga Hartarto. There are also PKB general
chairman Muhaimin Iskandar and Democrat general chairman Agus Harimurti
Yudhoyono. These political banners are recognized to increase popularity but do not
directly affect electability.
According to Adi, in the political arena, billboards are indeed a tool to increase
popularity. By seeing the figure of Puan on the billboard, people will get to know her
better. " The billboard is indeed the most powerful tool that can be seen by the public
to get to know a certain figure," said Adi at the time.

Adi added that regardless of whether the billboard received a positive or negative
rating, it is clear that the public memory has slowly incorporated the names of
politicians like Puan into their memory instruments as one of the figures who have
the opportunity to run in the 2024 presidential election. However, according to Adi,
in politics, popularity cannot be the only reference they will win the election. In
addition, the level of popularity does not automatically increase electability.

Meanwhile, PDIP politician Hendrawan Supratikno denied that Puan's billboard was
part of the 2024 presidential nomination campaign. Hendrawan said that his party
had not yet spoken about the political agenda of the 2024 presidential election. He
said that PDIP was currently still focused on helping the government deal with the
Covid-19 pandemic.

"We haven't thought about 2024. It's still far away. The focus now is on handling the
pandemic," said Hendrawan.

Meanwhile, Golkar through its Deputy General Chairperson Nurul Arifin

acknowledged Airlangga's billboards related to 2024. According to him, Golkar has
designated Airlangga Hartarto as a presidential candidate in 2024. Therefore,
socialization to the public has begun even though the presidential election is still
three years away.

" That's the decision of the National Assembly and the National Assembly which
states that the General Chairperson is a candidate for president who is promoted by
regional cadres. The installation of billboards and billboards is one form of realizing
the decision," said Nurul Arifin.

Source :
Passive Sentences :

 Not only to be successful in gaining popularity but also having the potential
for electability
 But was also influenced by negative sentiment
 Regarding Puan Maharani were increasing, especially regarding billboards
with pictures of her being installed in a number of areas
 That the popularity was expected to increase his favorability and then
capitalize it into electability
 It can be seen that from July to early August the Ganjar trend was above Puan
 That Puan's billboard was part of the 2024 presidential nomination campaign
 PDIP was currently still focused on helping the government deal with the
Covid-19 pandemic
 To the public has begun even though the presidential election is still three
years away

Direct Sentences :

 " The trend in the last month, Puan's popularity has increased despite a lot of
negative sentiment (satire)," said Ismail.
 " Anies is the most attacked on social media, his popularity is always the
highest. Puan is also getting more and more popular, through billboards that
are often satirized and become netizen memes," he added.
 " Popularity alone is not enough, let alone popular because of negative and no
positive things. There must be evidence of work and achievements that can be
used to increase positive trends," he said.
 " The billboard is indeed the most powerful tool that can be seen by the public
to get to know a certain figure," said Adi at the time.
 " We haven't thought about 2024. It's still far away. The focus now is on
handling the pandemic," said Hendrawan.
 " That's the decision of the National Assembly and the National Assembly
which states that the General Chairperson is a candidate for president who is
promoted by regional cadres. The installation of billboards and billboards is
one form of realizing the decision," said Nurul Arifin.

Indirect Sentences :

 Drone Emprit founder Ismail Fahmi explained that Puan's popularity

regarding the billboard issue not only showed positive sentiment, but was
also influenced by negative sentiment.
 According to Ismail, popularity is a combination of positive, negative, and
neutral conversations.
 Ismail Fahmi in a thread on his twitter account on August 8 stated that the
trend in the past month for Puan's popularity has increased even though it
has a negative tone.
 Ismail explained that the popularity was expected to increase his
favorability and then capitalize it into electability.
 However, said Ismail, the theory also deals with influencing factors in the
reality on the ground.
 According to Adi, in the political arena, billboards are indeed a tool to
increase popularity.
 According to Adi, in politics, popularity cannot be the only reference they
will win the election.
 Hendrawan said that his party had not yet spoken about the political
agenda of the 2024 presidential election.
 He said that PDIP was currently still focused on helping the government
deal with the Covid-19 pandemic.
 According to him, Golkar has designated Airlangga Hartarto as a
presidential candidate in 2024.

New Vocabularies :

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