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7 Congo Crisis, 1960-1964


The Congolese wanted better pay and opportunities for advancement in the military

Mutiny against government

Anger against European residents

Unstable power structure

UN, US and Soviet Intervention

Prime minister appealed for help from the UN

Ordered Belgian forces to retreat


Restore law and order

Prevent other countries from entering conflict

Build their economy

Don’t pick sides

He wanted UN forces to defeat political opposition

UN refused and Lumumba got USSR to give assistance

USSR launched an unsuccessful attack

Government was pressured by US to resign Lumumba

Lumumba created new gov with USSR assistance

Colonel Joseph Motubu overthrew the gov and ordered Soviet forces to be removed gaining US funding

1961 Lumumba was arrested and later murdered under Motubu’s forces

US launches attack on Katanga after several factions agreed to a government under Adoula

Ceasefire ordered after UN secretary general dies in 1961

Control over Katanga was gained after an attack launched by Tshombe in 1962


Showed UN could use force in a civil disturbance

Defined the role of the Secretary General

2.8 Berlin Crisis and the Berlin Wall

Causes (The effects of a divided Germany)

Berlin being open caused many problems for East Germany

Led to a drain of skilled workers

Scarcity of goods and services b/c West Berliners could afford cheaper prices in the East

Khrushchev wanted the western powers to withdraw and leave Berlin to East Germany, US refused

He wanted a buffer sate in Germany (East Berlin)

Western Germans didn’t see the benefit of reunification with the East

East berlin needed to stop the emigration of its people to the West as it was causing economic distress

Impact and Significance

Atlantic Alliance nearly broken

German-American relations suffered as West Germans felt inadequately defended

Berlin wall highlighted the weakness of the Soviet bloc

2.9 Sino-Soviet tensions, the Taiwan Strait and the split

Sino-Soviet relations after the death of Stalin

PCR and the USSR signed a cease-fire

USSR sent PCR military and economic assistance

US started developing preventative measures to limit the growth of communism in Southeast Asia

PCR saw this as an act of aggression and orchestrated the bombing of Quemoy and Matsu in 1954

USSR refused to enter war with Us over Chinese disputes

Started the split and led to tension between Mao and Khrushchev

The effects of peaceful coexistence on Sino-Soviet relations and the Second Taiwan Strait Crisis

Further rift between PCR and USSR after Khrushchev’s speech in 1956, which insulted Mao and led him
to believe the USSR was relaxing on the Communist revolution

Mao felt the Sino-Soviet relationship served its purpose and was time for him to establish his own global

Great Leap Forward 1958: Mao’s attempt to accelerate Chinese economic growth

Second Taiwan Strait Crisis, 1958

Mao wanted to show that PCR was a revolutionary gov using aggression against nationalists
To get nationalists in Taiwan to agree to a peace initiative and see US response time, Mao wanted to
orchestrate an ariel bombing

Eventually came to an agreement that averted the crisis

Shell on odd days and delivery on even days

The Split

1959 Soviets withdrew their assistance to China on nuclear weapons

Mao became angry when USSR denied assistance to PCR in the clash with India

Mao though Khrushchev was too soft on capitalism and deviating from Marxism

PCR found a comrade in Albania

1960, Mao delivered his “Long Live Leninism” speech which denied a peaceful road for socialism

Soviet popularity rose after the U-2 spy incident

Moa lobbied against the USSR’s idea of peaceful coexistence at the World Federation of Trade Unions

Split was confirmed after Khrushchev withdrew Soviet Advisors and financial support

PCR had to repay debt and Khrushchev reduced their debt and shortly after removed military assistance

1962, Mao publicly criticized Khrushchev for back down during the Cuban Missile crisis

1963, Mao publicly criticized Khrushchev signing Test Ban Treaty

After an official statement stating USSR wouldn’t share any nuclear weapons with other countries, the
split finalized

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